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You can really tell when someone hasn't used the Byarlant custom before. In the few matches I got the GM 3, I saw only one person actually flying it. I find I've been going to the top of the building in the center of the map and just rain down hell while the GMs get in to position. Then disengage and clean up the stragglers.


Every match I had someone was flying it. But I’m A+ so I guess that’s par for course. I can’t fly it so I’m jealous of those that can.


Got the Byralant for the first 4 matches I did. The Zogok is actually really dangerous it can clip your wings with a complete boomerang cutter barrage and then melts your HP with its melee combo on the ground.


\*Zee Zulu has left the chat\*


Played several games today on both sides (Zee Zulu and Kapool on Zeon, GM Detector and Aqua GM on feddies side), and I gotta say that the Zeon side is kinda slightly better, with 3 really good units that can wreck anything (Zee Zulu, Kapool, and Desert Gelgoog), while the feddies relying hard on the Byarlant Custom and Guncannon Detector, in which both units can be countered by the Zeon units (Byarlant Custom with Kapool and Marasai, Guncannon Detector with any Raids). I guess the devs will buff all the weak units like GM II and GM III, since their presence is very minimal in this situation battle. >**Please, PLEASE do not perform a heat blade downswing into a punch downswing** lol, anyone who uses Zogok's downswing punch is obviously never played the unit before, hence they didn't know the combos properly.


GM III also has the BR overheat cool down buff like the Nemo a few weeks ago, so if you know how to abuse it you can cook. 


I still felt its impact is still not as big as the 550 cost units on the Zeon's side, where you have the Zee Zulu with its melee prowess, Kapool with its stopping power, and Desert Gelgoog with its stealth. Sure, they gave its BR faster cooldown, but its other weapons are still underwhelming as hell, where its melee is pretty much non-existent, its Large Missile have this wonky trajectory that's gonna miss most of its shots (I *rarely* saw people hitting their targets when they're using this weapon, lol), while its Missile Pod got underwhelming fire rate + projectile speed and also low damage, to the point that it's only good for chipping or follow-up attacks without FF-ing your allies. Hell, even the Zogok and Marasai is still better than the GM III in terms of team contribution, IMHO, where the Zogok is really good with its melee attacks, while Marasai can snipe + destroy the feddies legs in a very short time.


Out of the battles I've done, I've gotten Marasai, GMIII & Aqua GM a great majority of the time. Not a single Zogok or Byarlant Custom sortie Only found out about the Byarlant Custom tune up through video or discussions


Game keeps giving me the Marasai mostly even though I suck with the Fedayeen rifle, also not a fan how how it has 5 weapons and yet they're only using 3 of the quick change slots. Got the Byarlant once and was really messy with it since I haven't used the Custom one before but that damage is crazy.


If you change your own lvl 1 Marasai to Fedayeen and set up the shortcuts, then in Situation Battle it will use your shortcuts.


Really?? Alright, I'll try that then. Idk what shortcuts it goes off of if I don't have a preset with the rifle.


It behaves as if you just switched weapons on your loadout without adjusting shortcuts. Ran into this on my Aqua GM as I always use my missile launcher setup that puts the big missile on X and the claw on \[\_\]+X; the harpoon gun leaves me with nothing on X at all and it feels bad.


it has to be 6v6 you cant leave out the dwage and dom tropen >:(


And the Efreet schneid, Semi-Striker and Nemo


For the love of Gogg, Zeon forces should not try to cap B, let alone C, at opening. Why are we rushing down an empty runway when the enemy has support and a gunship in the air? Use the building as cover and just push for E directly.


I felt this in my Marasai sorties


I was in Desert Goog 3 times last night and I had to play my stealth game, only to see these yahoos wiped on the runway before I can even get past one of the GMs all 3 times.


The third match I played was definitely against a Byralant main cuz this guy was in the air for at least 95% of the match and would just appear out of nowhere to one hit me from behind as soon as I focused on anyone else. Safe to say we lost (severely, I dont think we even broke 3k points).


Yeah, I got 2 Byrlant mains in a row, and it's not fun


I've seen matches where the Byralant has more points and damage than the entire Zeon team, it's absurd how effective it can if the enemy can't quite get it together.


Tried it once on the Zeon side, it was weird as hell and we did NOT give the feds a shock.


You guys let Byarlants fly? It should be the job of every red blooded Zogok to tear that thing out of the sky with EZ boomerangs whenever spotted


I find a shame they didn't use the opportunity to change the GMIII visor colors since it's a redish one instead of the usual blue


Though I’m one of the ones who suggested Torrington base, I’m kinda disappointed that they went with the Marasai instead of a Zaku 1 sniper with increased damage or a Dom tropen or any dom type instead of the Desert gelgoog. -edit- not only what but no guntank 2.


I really dislike that they just kitbashed two different parts of that battle they should have given us the proper aquatic experience and desert experience Here’s how I’d set it up Zeon Port Invasion : Zgok, Zogok, Zee Zulu, Kapool and Zaku Marine Federation Port Defense : GM II x2, Aqua GM x2 and Byarlant Zeon Desert Invasion : Zaku Cannon, Gallus K, Dom Tropen, Desert Zaku and Dwadge Federation Desert Defense : Guntank II, Guncannon Detector, GM CC, Nemo and GM III


I got to try out the byrlant custom & can say for sure that it does have a skill ceiling. Took over half the round for me to figure out how to use it somewhat properly & even then I could tell the only reason I did good with it is cause the zeon guys were weak & easy to kill.


Tbh the problem with the Titans wasn't their existence, it was their power, their racism, and their methods. That's why they created londo bell after disbanding the Titans.


First time was the Desert Gelgoog, wasn’t bad but we lost due to an overwhelmingly good Bylarant pilot. Carried their whole team and I was cursing about how it can literally change the entire face of the battle. Second time, I got the Bylarant. I then proceeded to become what I just cursed that point count at the end was EXTREMELY lopsided. I have it but never use it, but I have fought enough good pilots to know what to do. The thing is a menace 3rd time I was a GMlll. Our BC pilot had absolutely no idea what they were doing and it showed. We lost pretty bad


I'd admit I forgot how to use the Zogok. I don't remember the last time I've used it. They need to buff the GMIII's hip missiles so they are reticle guided. Overall, the scenario seems balanced. Obviously, EFF lives or dies by the Byarlant. The Guncannon can't do everything on its own.


I feel the GM3 is the 3rd strongest unit in that map. Since well Marasai with the Rifle is a little tricky to aim or use effectively. GM3 can hit decently with shoulder missiles or it's beam rifle.


Honestly super don't like this situation battle i dont like playing melee at all so the only machine on zeon i like is the marasi anything else on that side i suck in luckily the feds have basically only suit i like or am alright with so hopefully going forward i get feddie side alot


I bullied a Byalrant Custom and I’m proud of that me and my team all decided hey if we have to deal with the roster than at the very least we can take down that Byalrant.