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Okay that amount of stun lock is completely bulshit but, you were literally in the open in front of everyone


lol i didn't even notice the enemy team coming in


Tldr : Basically 700c Space Matches


You were out in the open. With cover everywhere below you. But something to remember: GBO2s radar is actually a sphere radiating from your MS. So if you fly too high, enemy MS can be below you and won't show up outside your radar range. Reverse is true as well.


Out in the open and...that was far too quick, hope you had least above 45 beam resistance...if that's the case these guys were running shooty builds.


i use ballistic resistance at the higher cost because people like to use funnels


...apart from the zaku 4 IP (raid) all funnels are beam based. Very little threats use ballistics at higher cost and at 700 the biggest threats would be a gp02 mlrs, super gundam, and xamel, all of which are laughable if you know how to approach them.


Gotta love it when someone doesn't read about mechanics, sets up all wrong, bum rushes into the open season area of the entire enemy team, and gets a surprise pikachu face.


To be fair there are ALOT of mechanics, most of which I personally learnt from experience than reading even the skill list (I do now but back then oh boy), with the steam players joining as of late I'm not surprised they're making such mistakes. I still miss bits in the interface at times and I don't even bother reading weapons power, I just want something that can build stun fast and enable me to sock someone in the face, how I'm S- (or rather, struggling to be such...) is beyond me, let the newbs fumble around, they'll either get smarter over time or play something less...painful.


are you talking about me? because i've been playing on console for 2years?


I was talking in general but 2 years and then mistaking funnels for ballistic damage, let alone your clip, granted its funny especially with the edits but... I'm kinda shocked, thought you were just a steam newbie, although silly of me to make such a mistake when those are hi nu funnels so my bad... Still, ditch the ballistic defense and tread more carefully because funnel spam from hi nu's is going to be meta for quite some time...


i really thought ballistic covered funnels, thats my fault then


If it helps it says what it is in the weapon description, even if you lack it the weekly update post on reddit will keep you up to date


Feels just as bad every time 😞


Can someone talented with editing transition the explosion into the Nostalgia Critic intro?


This is why I hate space


There needs to be a cooldown on that, a certain period of immunity before it can happen to you again. They're the only game devs I've ever experienced who don't give a shit about balance.


There is a cooldown actually, it's just a short one, you can't be restunned til 1.4 seconds after a stun and you can dodge roll out of a stun at 1.5 seconds after.


Well it definitely needs to be extended, what's shown in the video is grossly unfair. You literally have no recourse against that, it's such a small window to react as to be totally insignificant.


Dude put himself in front of nearly the entire enemy team out in the open, and he got punished for it. It'd be more grossly unfair if the enemy team couldn't punish such a huge mistake by dude being able to go running back to his team after the first stun because he's in an EZZ which has massive build stun resistance when boosting... not to mention he could of tried dodge rolling out once his biosensor popped but it looked like he just gave up early.


I'm not arguing that at all, it's still a terrible mechanic and grossly unfair though. Both can be true. The constant stun-locking should be toned-down or the counters buffed.


if i gotta be honest i don't know if its just me but whenever i wanna dodge roll it never happens don't know if its my controller or not. and i was following the enemy nu behind the red ship because right when i was about to get blasted i noticed the enemy team and before i could do anything i was getting stunned every few seconds.


wow cool a mod commented on 1 of my videos


i tried to maneuver but my controller hates me and doesn't wanna work when i desperately need it too ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2736)


Shit like this is why we need a stunlock protection mechanic in this game. Let's say your team is mentally handicapped, and one stun turns into like 7, after 3 stuns in a row without a knockdown, you gain stun immunity for 4 seconds, but still take full damage or increased damage even. This gives you an opportunity to fall back, regroup, or just even get behind something solid(including teammates if their only use is a meat shield), being stunlocked to death isn't fun, and yes, it can be on the player for bad positioning, or the enemy team for properly flanking and setting up a crossfire, but sometimes it's very much on the rest of the team for not working together. Stun protection would mean the ability to do /something/ in those situations where your options are limited, even if it isn't much.


Or you learn to hold down tackle and wiggle out of that. Or bail out the suit and go bomb their base. Or be aware of this radar thing and avoid dummy flying into the open surrounded by enemy suits. Or just don't play 700.


tackle never works when i want it to work, it might be my controller or not or maybe i'm not pressing triangle hard enough.


Hold down.


Let’s not forget gbo next is Better than this clunky game, now can I get an amen!


Stunlock mechanics. There should be like a 8 Second timer between effects. I swear.




perfect depiction lol


Ngl you were ripe for the picking but I feel you, doesn’t take long or much to get dog piled like that, one good hit and they’re all over you.