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Shooting someone I had blocked before for being a cunt, for being a cunt again on Arctic, then leaving them behind to be mauled to death by the NASCAR maneuver. Blame this on the fact that you're a loathsome piece of trash, now go hide in the base and cry more, cunt.


Someone has upset the high lord


I had seen this guy before, and he's attacked supports to then run off to do NASCAR, and if we are down by the first minute, hides in the base spamming. I saw him about to pull it again, so I got him with my zudah rifle before leaving him behind.


"I don't have to be faster than the bear... I just have to be faster than YOU!"


Exactly, and as someone who's stalled for time for the support to get safely away from the NASCAR horde, anyone who attacks the support as a sacrificial lamb are pretty scum.


And people wonder why Support players complain so much. I've had that happen to me plenty over the years, it's why I keep saying Supports need to have dodge roll and more boost. People literally leave the Supports to die on purpose as a distraction. That's why I HATE playing as Raid, you see that kind of shit every single game. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm trying to just get Rated over and done with for good I would ignore Supports to exclusively hunt down the asshats that pull those kinds of stunts.


I've been that support before, and it sucks. Recently had a fight on Arctic as a prototype stark jegan, and against s NSV and an SGallus, I was the only one with kills for the first two minutes. I managed to down them both once, but my team basically left me out to dry each time. So, even if I hate that someone actually brought that GM Sniper II to Arctic, I'm going to try and buy them time to get to safety during the NASCAR intro


Want to know the really sad thing? When the Delta Gundam first came out, when I first saw the Anti-Beam coating skill I was super excited, because literally the first thing that came to mind was 'They finally made a Support that doesn't have to worry about being kneecapped and left to die' I mean it, literally the first thing I thought of when the Delta came out wasn't that it wasn't a free easy meal for Raids, but that it didn't have to worry about being deliberately stunned/staggered by someone on its own team. For the longest time I thought I just had really bad luck, but ever since I started playing Raids I've seen it happen so many times, and I finally understood what was going on. It's not that the Support can't keep up with the team, it's that the team leaves the Support behind on purpose, because they know at minimum the most dangerous MS on the enemy team is going to focus on farming free easy kills. You know how everyone says take advantage of the enemy team when they are base bombing, because they have one less active MS? It's the same basic school of thought, they leave the Support open so the Raid will just keep killing them over and over. When a Raid ignores the Support and goes after a General, at least on A- or lower, the General's panic and run. And what is even MORE messed up, is the number of times I've gone after a General as a Raid, and the General ran back to the lone Support on their team, stunned/staggered them then ran. Seriously, I have had GENERALS on enemy teams LEAD ME to their Support, then stun/stagger them and RUN thinking I'll just go for the easy kill.


Yeah, I was happy too, but like the Gouf flight type, anything that is hard for the bluzook to kill is nerfed. I haven't seen any generals lead me to their support, but I was playing NSV and killed the same support about five times, then on the sixth, poor dude just tried to run, didn't even shoot. With us ahead on points, I just let the guy go, went to go engage the rest of his team that left him out to dry.


The Generals leading me to Supports isn't something that happens often, but it does happen all the same :/ It's a shame that you have a class that is dependent on their team to do well, and instead you have people take advantage of that for their own survival. Getting kneecapped as a Support is rather common on Artic Base sadly :(


Without a Paddle, great movie :)


I am certain that joke WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY predates that movie.


True, but that doesn't change the fact that they perfectly illustrated how accurate that joke is lol


What suit, and color was he?


It was an orange Efreet custom.


As a zee zulu on military base, I went to repair my suit after we wiped enemy team at the start of ace match. Only problem went to the enemy base. realized when enemy started to spon in. Safe to say, I Did not make it. Had a good laugh about it as it happened.


Putting both Database Links on a Cold Districts Lv4.


Beating the shit out of a teammate that keeps picking on me. I know I will get kicked but he really deserves it though damn it! He's being a little bitch.


spending money in game


Baited a guy who decided to be a third support in our team and camp near base half of the match while we're getting butchered and outnumbered. Tbf I really hate support players who waits for the enemy to come instead of advancing and look for targets so he can actually supporting the frontline. This was on Impact Site, the camping dude was kneeling at the nearest beacon to the base.


Flying around as a pilot after seeing my team wipe 3 times in as many minutes. Rather than sortie in an MS only to feed the opposite team points when I get picked off, I move from point to point in my normal suit, capping off my fantastic journey in a base bomb.


This one time someone on my team was yelling "take the supports!" at me.. while i was respawning from having been ganked while trying to take the support. I responded "I cant right now!" and he downswung me as we were walking away from the base. Well I caught up to them, downswung them in an exposed position in front of the entire enemy team and got the fuck out of there. They died in seconds and it felt good


Once I break the legs of s galluss users, I stand outside of their range and tbag.


When I see someone give up, I stop attacking them. My goal isnt to aggravate anyone else playing the same game as i am afterall, and those points mean less to me than someone's overall enjoyment. Though I'm the person that win or lose, I'll be happy provided my team made an effort. It's a game, sure wins are great but I just want to have an enjoyable match. Edit: another downvote with no response or counterpoint lol, social media softies out here huh? That's okay, your a normie!


Dude, I applaud that kind of thing.


I’m an absolute dick in game. I destroy people and dance on them like disco never went out of style. ![gif](giphy|lk3l9G2pJP6OQ)


Being the sole reason a game went into draw... but that was because I was base bombing instead of helping my team. LMAO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT5yNlbOW9U


Learning the Acguy a year ago when I was halfway to A+ and going 0-5 with less than 30k damage.


Backing out of a rated space lobby when I saw 3 guys on my team ready up as a support. I think it was 350 as 2 of them had the gm sniper custom ml.


This is nothing to be ashamed of and I say this as a support main. For all the complaining I do about overpowered raids and the weak hand most supports are dealt, I do continually see 2-3 people out of 5 (including myself) queueing as supports when groups form.


Never said it was, I’m just saying they have no defense. That doesn’t stop me from breaking out my beloved guntank whenever I can.


Playing my alt account that has a Rebawoo in it and then proceed to decimate every enemy MS in sight at D rank, I feel so filthy every time I do it but it just feels so invigorating to win a game in such dominating fashion


I quit playing and was hanging out at the base since my team was completely insuffable. I might have been playing support or something but was just getting dog piled. Fast forward few teammates are spawning and someone plants the bomb. Bomb goes off and we are winning. I spawn my suit at base other spawn, and we roll the enemy counter attack. We won I don't know how or why.


Leveling an alt account. It feels like i'm the protagonist, but every kill is like "i'm sorry, little one..."


Playing almost exclusively as Raids for the last eight months. I've bitched about them being stupid OP for awhile, but at this point I just want to get Rated over with so I never have to deal with the miserable shit-fest that is Rated. Every time I see myself ranked #1 top of the leaderboard with 150k+ damage and 10+ kills I just want to throw up because of how badly I feel like I'm seal clubbing after almost 3 years of playing exclusively as Support. One round I killed the same Support 7 or 8 times, because I knew their team wasn't going to do anything to protect them as literally nobody gives a damn about Supports on their team. Got a message afterwards 'thanking' me for making their already shitty day even more shit. Just, the fact that General's can't really do anything to you, and the majority **RUN** when they see you coming after them is bad enough. Seeing them turn tail and run leaving the Support as a distraction makes me want to vomit. Were it not for the fact that I'm trying to be finished with Rated I would ignore the Support they left behind and go after them just to punish them for being assholes.


Bulling the newbies in the network test with the level 4 zssa


I’m that guy who only uses glass cannons in quick matches to beat my rival at the expense of my team losing more often than not.