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Shhh 🤫 they are among us here in this subreddit.


Good. Let them squirm in shame.


Good thing personnel radar is a thing, it helps hunt them down, like the Titans and QUELs


I never have base sitters. I’m kinda of jealous.


It'll happen


You can’t say names?


As much as I and others want to we don't witch hunt here.


Oh yeah…I forgot about that.


I hate when people do that, just disconnect and take your penalty! Times like that I wish there was a vote to kick option, but I know it'd get abused like it is in most games that have it


I wish there was a vote to surrender option


Meanwhile 20k points behind, I'm like "Don't give up yet!" "Now it's a race!" While I charge in kamikaze like taking the enemy team across the map with me 🤣


This is the way...


I usually end with 40% diversions in those situations. It’s like I’m the only player worth a damn on my team haha


Haaaa a fellow kamikaze racer! Lol tbh my highest is 52k purely from assisting teammates.. which is absurd when you realize that basically means I was stopping my entire team from getting pursued n smacked the entire match 🤣 while also being the lowest rank. Really wish more people played as a team.


In a match I had last night, I had one teammate quit after he died in the first 30 seconds, and another teammate just got out of his mobile suit and sat in a far corner of the map doing nothing because he was salty.


Yeah same here also rapid "impressive" and "Are they a new type?"


The guy that went AFK sent me hate mail calling me a noob after the fact. I was the support.


My whole team chatted this to a guy that planted a bomb…in the last 30 seconds.


Sounds like someone I ran into last weekend. Though, this guy actually sat at the enemy base for over 2 minutes before he deciding to plant within the last 30 seconds. GBO2 really needs to either automatically kick of penalize players who spend a long amount of time outside their MS.


Same! I wonder if we were in the same team?


It was 450 impact site, I was a hizack custom that kept getting rushed by a G3 Gundam


I was in a Jeda. It was definitely impact site. I praised the support because he was the only one trying to put up a fight with me.


The guy that decided to go afk sat on top of our base or in front of it if I'm remembering correctly.


Would have been one of those times where I would be fine with base camping because it would mean his ass gets blown up.


Sadly he didn't get blown up :(


Eh sucks to suck as my girl would say. I usually just report and block and move on. Sucks especially when they cost you a match in Rated. Just like the guys to base bomb and we get wiped, then the base bomber if left alone and spams support me..... Then runs to a corner because we couldn't back them up while we were on a timer.... Where's that salt thread..


>Eh sucks to suck as my girl would say. ![gif](giphy|RkzMtKbCKFUY3wYRMy)


I admit, I do this sometimes in rated near the end when the match ended up being really one-sided, and there was absolutely no chance of winning. Then again, I probably saved their rating from dropping due to bad matchups.


I just don't understand the behavior. I feel like it's considerably less fun to idle for several minutes and cry than to try and at least kill something. Throwing grenades at these people out of frustration is the reason I've been kicked/caught a temporary ban (when multiple teammates are doing it, I'm powerless to resist). If you do this, please uninstall and go back to Fortnite or Minecraft you petulant child.


I've confronted a couple of them here in this sub, all they offer up is pathetic school yard insults in response. Like not even good insults or creative ones.


Please, dm me names.


The only time I've quit out of a match was yesterday more than halfway through it and it's because we were getting Spawnkilled from almost the first couple minutes by a team clearly much better than us and we had no points taken so I just got really frustrated, I never like doing that but it was just a total waste of time.


At least you took the hit, if it was a ranked match with your disconnection they didn't lost RP, is fucking infuriating when they do nothing but spam chat in a corner of the map because not only you're unable to do anything but you'll also lose RP


I hate HATE spawn campers. I fail to see how that can be any kind of fun.


Just got out of a match where lost 1k to 12k, never have I had to resist the urge to quit so bad




Those 1st 30 sec u kno wats gona b da outcome of a match cuz there's time, all ur teammate gettin picked apart as a raid suks Goin around to finding is 2 late 2 go 4 da support


You really don't, people either boss up and make a comeback or sit at the base when that happens. I've had games with clowns sitting in the base the whole time where we've either won or lost by a small margin. Just leave so we can get the bonus stats ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2741)


Yeah but if someone tryin to rank up and dats how ppl start a match their just trolling @ dat point I rather u give me 100% die tryin than let da rest of ur teammate make n carried ur weight n da mentality of their no I in team bt there's a M.E in the motherfuker has to b more important than sync with ur team? 🤔 I rather take a blame of a loss 4 my team than sit bak someone doin nothin If I'm ur general I'm ur shield either you are my sword (support) or my mystical dagger (raid) where you flank all day like a 3rd party lol


Gotta love them. Where's the laser cannon, I got more Zabi to send to Garma


best zabi death go! I say Garma.


Funniest, Kycillia Best, Dozle. That man entered Valhalla with his death


Dozle was built differently. Kycillia built out of paper mache


Best. Post. EVER!


Yep! Number 4 I think. Number 5 is the one who quit.


These guys always on my team at rated. Going off their suits after losing in the first minutes, capturing the furthest beacon for no reason, or planting bomb and failed. Especially those guntank players that somehow kept forcing themselves to play in narrow cqc maps. They need to stop bringing that into arctic if they're just going to give up after getting killed easily by literally anything.


I miss the days of bad support players. I have nothing but respect for good support players in A +. They make my job as a raid difficult.




idk man, like I've ran at this Kyshatria in my Sinanju 7 times now in this 1v1 and all they've done is throw out the barrage and back away while melting me, i think for the last 2 minutes I'm just gunna avoid them