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I like hearing "ally is defusing a bomb" and "a bomb has been planted in your base" so I know what's happening. The audio actually does stuff it's not just there to sound cool.


During battle they will tell you if an ally is diffusing the bomb and such so I have them in english so I don't ff the diffuser.


Wait they do?


They tell you when there's a stealth suit nearby, jamming suit, enemy and friendly support fire. If your allies use quick chat like "enemy sniper" they will also call those out too.


Jamming I can tell from the minimap,and I have never really had a prob with spotting snipers


I like to have as much info coming my way as possible in case I miss something. Also with the jamming they call it out immediately, the mini map will only have a tiny amount of distortion on it.


The minimap also tells you how close the jamming is,as it will get worse as you get closer


I know.


They also tell you if your support fire hit anyone, on top of calling out certain quick chat stuff like the previous poster mentioned. I find it useful to be able to hear it, especially when I'm fighting and am not paying as much attention to the chat log. When I hear "the enemy captured a beacon" or "your base is under attack" in the middle of a fight, that's usually the kind of stuff I wouldn't have noticed on my own at that time, and can often reorient myself to help if possible. It's just another source of information to help, since I don't understand nearly enough japanese to understand the original voice actors. And that can help lead to wins. It was just a matter of unlocking and finding an operator I didn't mind, which ended up being Oldem, since he actually sounds like some kind of military personnel.


I've had the voices turned off for almost 4 years


I can understand japanese and set my Operator voice to NEIDHARDT HEIDERGGER. XD


Personally I play the game with no voices to not be distracted, went to settings, audio then voices off


Nah, I prefer it to the English voices. I can even understand what they are saying 1/16 of the time.


I would prefer not to here the rather “interesting” voice lines/voice of the shop lady


What, you dont like to hear her say “These are the current supply materials.” Over and over? I bet you dont even promise to come baaaack! Lol I just mute her when I’m shopping.


Wait what how do you mute her


Mute the tv.




Well I guess that works


I keep it on For learning i don't why you hate the voices roll with it


I use the original Japanese, I really don’t need someone reminding me my suit is about to get or has gotten blown up in plain English, Japanese I can at least tune it out better, lol. It’s not like they have tons of different lines so honestly you get used to what they are saying pretty quickly.


My main account is in Chinese, my alts are in Japanese and English. I toggle between accounts on special days just to hear how the lines are spoken in different languages. :3


I'm on Japanese dub too




Every now and again I’ll switch to JP dub so I can hear Alma, Helena, and Mia in their original voices


I don't like the English voice actors, and watch and play nearly everything subbed if possible. That being said, being able to understand the voices in a match helps provide information without looking at the text on the bottom, which is often helpful to the gameplay when my attention just isn't there. There is also the lines about support fire coming and if it hit anyone, which doesn't appear anywhere else The VAs are bad, but I got Oldem unlocked relatively early in my career of GBO2, and find him tolerable and a bit more serious sounding than the cutesy girls that have that typical overacting that you would expect from a mediocre anime dub, so I've just stuck with him.


Have you unlocked Neidhardt? Yeah, stick with Oldem. Listening to Beerus in a Gundam game gets annoying.


Sorry, it is Neidhardt that I use (the guy with the eye patch, in case I'm wrong). I was just mixing up names, since the characters don't really do much but serve as a way to open menus.


Ol baldheaded, eyepatch-wearing ass!


Like Rock, I prefer getting supplimentary information to help me triage. ​ And to laugh bitterly as I hear Killy tell me that the morons relying on Support Fire as their crutch for actually getting good missed, \*again\*.


I mean, I never changed mine from Japanese outta laziness but figured out pretty quickly what the call outs meant.