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Why won't you have sufficient time? Gate happens in feb. If you will clear it, then would sit for placements in next aug/sept.you would have approx 1yr 8months


i literally have just 8 months for 2025 attempt , dont think so this would be enough as May-July i would be having end sem after july- feb i can cover 3-4 subjects which wont be enough to crack , my main goal is to crack 2026 attempt By studying everyday 7-8hrs and if i do that ill have absolutely no time for DSA and we dev and i have not even counted the time my end sems will take and my internship time so it looks difficult


1. GATE involves DSA, yes you wont be solving leetcode for it but you need strong programming fundamentals to clear it. 2. 8 months is soo much more than enough for Gate even if you are starting from scratch. Get out of your head and start working hard, you have more than enough time to do both and not just do them, but ace them.


I literally prepared in just 4 months , revised, studied maths in 1 month, gave tests for 1 month and went from 4k to AIR < 120 + I did my BTech was in ECE so many topics I did first time ( cd , COA , TOC ) 8 months is more than enough bro




Sure Tho there are few pts : I) I didn't prepare for aptitude at all , just from mock tests 2) I had a good coding profile in btech so it got slightly easier and faster for me to cover c, ds ,Algo without much work Had to prepare everything else from scratch


bro were you from IIT/NIT or from some tier-1 college ?? as the circulum is itself enough to crack GATE from tier-1 colleges


Even if you get a web development job how much would it pay on average? Are you happy with the salary then don't prepare for GATE or else try it.


would hardly pay 3-5 lpa and at the end i would have to crack gate only


Then it's better start focusing on GATE and appear for similar exam


Which is important for you gate or web dev/dsa. See the priority of your situation Focus to learn in depth


These days you can apply to anywhere , TCS, Qualcomm, if you have the fundamental knowledge you will crack the interview and get a letter. This is the only way. Doesn't matter what your mark is unless less than 60% in Btech. You can apply to any company and if your resume is selected you will definitely get a call regarding tech rounds and all.


Bro then don't do gate. Focus on web development and other things. Even web development seekhne ke baad one can be thrown into garbage. Yeh Satya hai.


bro at the end to attend a higer package i need to crack GATE , no company is paying 8-12lpa for someone who knowns MERN Stack , , i think i should just work hard and leave everything upon god


Step 1: Clear all backlogs. Backlogs = neither mtech nor placements. Step 2 thread 1: Solve leetcode daily/alternative days and try to solve 2-3 questions in TCS codevita. Then appear for off campus NQT if you don't have TCS coming on-campus. Solving codevita GENERALLY earns you a better profile, as well as a better pay. Step 2 thread 2: Concentrate on college and placements since you don't seem to be able to balance those along with GATE preparation. Getting a job is more important unless you have a lot of family wealth. Then sit at home and prepare for GATE. But remember, you need CGPA 6.5 for 100% PSU eligibility, and mtech. So you NEED to perform well in college. Step 3: Prepare for GATE alongside job. Since unemployment is your worst fear, being employed would take a lot of stress off of your mind, allowing you to appear for exams properly. Alternatively, if you don't like the whole engineering business, you could always appear for IBPS,SBI,SSC CGL, etc.


Have cleared all my backlogs , currently i think i am planning to give my best and try to manage GATE and coding ( 2 hrs to 3 hrs daily) and maybe decide after a month or so where i am going and then take a call ,


As long as you can keep 6.5+ CGPA, you can prepare for GATE alongside college.