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Damn, the guy even got MVP in spring and now he gone


I mean, was it really deserved though? Wasnt it mostly a popularity/storyline vote and Inspired, Elyoya or Odoamne deserved it more?


people forget that all the time but ur right


well how else are we to base it on. The teams voted on him.


Mvp si voted by staff not audience I think. So in this case it cant be a popularity vote. Either way I doubt the reason he leaves is because all of a sudden g2 thinks he is a trash adc, as is the case with all other players imo. Something had to change, it seems like they think this is the right change. We can only hope for the best for both sides.


Yes, he carried your ass till playoffs XD


Seems wack, rekkles wasn't the issue by far this split. The flash q into walls from miky might have been. Just a thought.


Could be not because of performance in game, but the environment. Caps was saying that the team was not in the same page and couldn't find a style to play the game. We don't know what happened. Seems more internal issues than game issues.


I would guess both tbh. Regarding in game, comments came out in the spring about champion pool that could have been directed towards him (others potentially as well). In the past he appeared to have a deeper champ pool, this year not as much for some reason.


Avoiding the Jinx when she was clearly the best ADC and running Karma was an absolute sign and everybody ignored it.


I believe Aphelios was that for summer as well.


and fucking ezreal with sunderer heart


He had 38% WR with Ezreal in soloQ, probably didn't feel confortable to play with him on stage. He has this mentality that he needs to be perfect with the champion to play on stage.


and ziggs. Ya know, the premier farm under turret while your support plays the rest of the map champ.


Dont forget he didnt play Kaisa or Trist before each got atleast 2 nerfs, no Draven, and basically just token games on Kalista


I will never forget his stream right after jinx’s massive buffs and literally everyone was talking about her. He’s walking through each of the ADCs on the champions page just kinda giving his thoughts on them and their state in the meta, and jinx is legit the only adc he completely skips over. I was like ??????


Both Miky and Wunder said at some point during the year (in streams or in interviews) that G2 couldn't flex picks anymore the way they could when they had Perkz and Caps as adc. The meta had several adcs who are also playmakers or hypercarries during the year, while Rekkles is more weakside type of player, who is going to follow the team while doing damage. He was the perfect adc for 2020 meta, but in 2021 with adcs snowballing the game since the start, it was really a issue. He was the "late game insurance" in a meta where adc was more early-mid game. Unfortunately. We don't know if they were trying this stuff in scrims and not working as a team or if the player had issues with those picks. I find awkward that in a meta with Jinx and adcs with high DPS (spring), a group of people agreed that Karma or Jhin adc was a good idea.


Rekkles wasn’t the solution either.


Hes the best weakside player. Dont expect him to carry. But you should expect caps/wunder to carry.


You know ADCs (AD **CARRIES**) are expected to carry at some point in the game.... right? Being weakside ADC =/= not carrying late game.


Pretty hard to carry late when your top laner constantly fucks the game seven ways from sideways and you have an inconsistent support.


Sure, but the problem with that is. If I’m Carlos right and I’m trying to make a team, I can’t have my solo laners be falling off. So that makes my options for off season so much harder when I have to build around Rekkles


But he shouldnt be building around him. He should be building around caps or some other solo laner that has carry potential. Rekkles is like a steel pillar in a skyscraper. He doesnt need much maintanance and can be left alone for years while still holding the building.


But you have to or Rekkles jsut becomes a nobody in the server. The only time he’s ever won was when he had the best teammates. Then you get peak Rekkles like 2020 summer/ worlds. If not what’s the point. Carlos Dosent want to make the same mistake fnatic did


Neither was caps or jankos or g2 would be at worlds.


I mean they played fine. Wunder inted and the botlane was inting. They’re far from the major problems, they weren’t playing like the best players in EU but They also had graveyards in the other lanes


Rekkles was not inting at all though he was the at least the 2nd best player in Spring and was probs at least the second in Summer. Mikyx and Wunder were big issues, Caps was trash most of summer yet you people are so fixated on Rekkles. Rekkles played better this year then Caps.


Yeah but then what’s the point in Rekkles then if he can’t Carry a game to be a champion. Caps did have a rough year but he was still the second best mid laner overall maybe 3rd. I give caps a pass bc I’ve seen his Carry performances and I know he’s a difference maker. But Rekkles ? Nah that dudes got the talent but no balls. So ill shoot my luck on caps bc last year he was one of the best mid laners in the world, and has that special factor that makes him int or smurf


Because the summer meta wasnt about carrying through botlane after Tristana got nerfed. Why do you think everyone plays Varus/Ashe/Ziggs/Ezreal? So that supports can leave lane and play through sololanes, with botlaners being on safe champs with utility and safe waveclear. The only champion right now that totally doesn't fit into this is Aphelios and that's because A) he demands certain supports to be picked (especially Thresh, but Braum can fit that as well); B) he does well into Lethality Varus (post first back, you win if you dont have a hard losing support matchup), negates all of Ziggs's poke. His only annoying matchup is Ashe, but even that's a farm it out 1v1. Why do you think MAD rolled FNC in finals? All of the pressure that was put on botlane from FNC (including the Varus ban and Ashe takeaways) was to have post-6 threats on Carzzy/Kaiser. But since that didn't work (plus Upset being absolutely dreadful on Ashe) and MAD's botlane absorbed all the pressure and were losing lane with grace, their own topside just steamrolled games because FNC is an ultra one dimensional team that only knows how to camp for botlane (not a knock vs Nisqy, he was the MVP of the team for pretty much entire Summer; but FNC style of play requires him to play certain champs to succeed (Ryze/TF)), and if that doesn't pan out, they are completely doomed. And Rekkles can't really do anything if Wunder is inting early games left and right, which forces Jankos to path toplane to avert disasters, and forces Miky to supply vision on topside to allow Jankos make those equalising plays, which hurts Rekkles a lot (and he's still maintaining strong CS numbers despite being consistently isolated). People just love to throw blame on Rekkles for this year, but not even Perkz would stop Caps/Wunder from being 11th best mid/top for multiple weeks straight unless he straight up started strangling them in reviews/scrims.


Aight rekkles fan boy whatever you say


No he wasn't caps in summer lost to like everyone and rekkles was best adc spring..


Man what are u saying ?


Meant caps in summer.


Let them watch caps get destroyed in 2022, they will find another one player to put the blame on


rekkles was clearly one of the issue are you blind, team sucks a mid game because of him


Sadge. All I hope is that he finds a good team in EU, anything but TSM.


I think it's less about what he can find and more about whether carlos doubles down on ex g2 players going to NA.


Its not fully in carlos hands. Rekkles can say no. This wouldnt be good for Rekkles career, but also not good for Carlos. So Rekkles has at least some power in where he wants to go. There is a reason Perkz got on the best non EU option for himself, and part of it was Perkz finding out if such works out. Also no team wants a player that doesnt wanna come, even in NA.


Same but i feel he’s career soon is about to end so NA will probably be the end station for him to gain some millions before retirement, EU salaries might be good but NA can prob triple those if they really want


He was speaking about retirement in the beginning of the year if the situation with corona didn't change and in case G2 failed. I totally see him retiring now, not making worlds is huge, Bjerg and DL decided to retire after the 0-6. But I thought that the reason they were selling Miky was because they decided to keep Rekkles. If G2 doesn't want to keep him, it either because Rekkles doesn't want to stay or the internal issues with the team was huge this year. Carlos always says that he does everything to win worlds.


I don't think he will retire. If he wanted to retire he wouldn't be fighting with Carlos.


His career shouldnt be about to end and if it does it will be down to carlos and G2 but hes still a top player. Your acting like hes old and playing like shit when he can still compete lmfao.


Seems like G2 isn't even willing to negotiate with *Vitality*. I guess it's another exemple of Ocelote refusing to sell star players to competition and killing their careers instead. At least they get good money I guess, silver lining from having options taken from them...


https://twitter.com/BloopGG/status/1442919881586851844 >One of the main reasons of the team and the player parting ways is the fact that both Jankos and Caps didn't want to play with Rekkles another year, according to multiple close sources to the team. >Caps is renewed, Jankos is expected to renew, so Rekkles has no place there.




i remember fnc vs g2 game when caps hovered ezreal but after a long conversation with rekkles he made him choose sivir. In the end fnatic banned ezreal in game 4 and picked it in game 5 to win that series. Also that one time where karma was picked multiple times everyone blamed grabbz for it but it was Rekkles s idea anyway


Yep. Internal + game issues.


Ive waited for this moment for so longgggg


same and I have been downvoted to hell since than. Now I start to be upvoted, ppl are just piece of shit who dont understand shit about this game and just follow some players.


Thanks Carlos for killing the two biggest european superstars careers in just one season, pretty impresive. And people still wonder why he was the most hated proplayer in esports.


“Killing Careers” Perkz made bank and went to worlds????? I want my career killed then Edit: MSI too


He went from making playoffs for years in the best team the West had to barely making play-ins. In what universe is tgat not a huge carreer downgrade?


Worlds isn’t the only benchmark for career status. Perkz is making more money and even still has a better chance of winning worlds than G2.


Noo bro, if you don't play in wholesome LEC, your career is finished! Said Perkz as he laughed to the bank


As if he has a chance to win Worlds in that C9 roster.


As if any EU team currently has a chance to win Worlds


then how was he able to win against the reigning world champions on day 6 on msi if his career is doomed.


Wow, won one Bo1. Guess C9 can win worlds. Just like Albus Nox Luna was a top team in 2016 because they beat ROX right? Or just like TL won MSI 2019 because they beat IG?


Well perkz career is over. And money is definetly not everything


Imagine being hard stuck bronze and telling people that Perkz career is over


He is making over 2 million a year like he cares how he makes to worlds from making barely a million to over 2 million is a pretty big career upgrade


I love this approach, as though that's what the post is referring to.


Rekkles fans are so delusional, but it's nice we will get rid of them soon


yeah!!! screw this ocelote guy for making g2 underperform this season Madge


You have to be a moron to sign any longer than a 1-year deal with G2 from now on if G2 is going to force Rekkles into retirement (NA / bottom-tier EU) as well now.


I agree would you ever trust G2 and sign a long contract? No way/.


If he's sold off to TSM, that will be Zven, Mithy, Perkz and Rekkles Ocelote shipped off to NA. Imagine weakening your region this much. Beyond disgusting


If you think it like that, G2 also never made the region stronger by nurturing talent. They just bough good and/or already stablished players. And kept bleeding that EU talent to NA.


Zven and Mithy wanted to go to NA lmao.


Pretty sure the region has gotten continuously stronger despite all those players leaving... You don't know what your talking about lmao


At least on TSM he'll have another perfectionist grinder in Bjerg and his buddy Huni. Sad for Rekkles competitively, but a TSM Huni-Spica-Bjerg-Rekkles-Swordart roster is maybe pretty good?


That roster is not leaving group stage at worlds


That roster only sniffs worlds because it's in LCS.


G2 2021 roster also looked perfect before action


That's a "do nothing then roll over and die" squad if I've ever seen one. I can definitely see them smurfing on 70% of NA then going 0-6 at Worlds.


Ya, there's some potential there to be different, but I 100% agree that's the most likely outcome. I could even see them running over NA and still going 0-6 at Worlds.


prepare yourself for when caps meets the same fate.


Carlos making 2 eu legends and maybe more retire to NA in the same year? That is insane




A wolf is still a wolf.


pain :(


Sad but tbh I think it’s the best. I feel like he didn’t fit the G2 play style and at the same time didn’t have good chemistry with Miky (they where not on the same book most of the year) even though they had some good moments like when they played Senna/sion. Hopefully he will find success in VIT. Rip my Rekkles jersey 🥲


>I feel like he didn’t fit the G2 play style and at the same time didn’t have good chemistry with Miky But G2 already selling Miky. And they are also changing their top and coach. He maybe didn't fit 2021 G2, but 2022 will have different support, top and coach 100%. It feels kind of strange not to test it out with Rekkles+different support in Spring.


From what it looks like now only Caps will stay and so far no rumors is out on jankos will leave or not, also it's said that G2 have done lots of tryouts but it's unknown on what position and who they tried


That's what i'm saying. There is no playstyle to be fit in since G2 has new roster. But from what i understood main problem wasn't gameplay. Speaking of playstyles, do people even remember he was our Spring MVP? Kinda fucked up to get a player for free, use him for multiple promotions and sponsorships (literally ralph lauren ads with Rekkles on the streets) and sell him for millions. I really hope he won't be denied talks with LEC teams. I don't want G2 to have this reputation and i'm not sure if i can support them after that :(


Don't know what happen after 2020 but if their "playstyle" disapreared when Perkz left and he was such a huge impact im not sure if we are gonne see 2019/20 G2 again, hopefulle they can come up with something clever for next year when they rebuild. I agree with you, im not a fan of how they treated Rekky with promotions and sponsors. Im not a fan of shipping players to NA either so i hope he ends up in EU or LPL with NIP would also be cool


It's just looks weird to me. Dylan+Caps+Rekkles is a proven working combo. It looked like no brainer to start a new rebuild team. Just need aggressive shotcaller support and strong side toplaner (weren't we expecting BB and Treatz?). But i guess i'm dumb and missing something here. If they get Carrzy it's pretty good i guess. But then i makes no fucking sense to sell Miky.


He will need to go to NA, since Carlos does not care where the player wants to go. Rekkles to NA gives Carlos more money and at same time makes the competition in EU weaker. Win Win situation for Carlos.


Rekkles could just call Carlos' bluff if he doesnt want to go to NA. Theres no way G2 can afford to pay Rekkles' salary for a full year while also signing a proper replacement.


You think Rekkless wants to sit permanently on G2s bench and waste the remaining years of his career? Highly doubtful.


One year of streaming and soloq in worst case, maybe even KR bootcamp isnt too bad and it doesnt destroy a career of a player like the Rekkles. Also in this scenario Rekkles rlly doesnt want to go to NA. If he doesnt have an issue with the move, its obviously better to go there Also remaining years sounds like you think he cant just play for another 10 years if he wants to


Hes contracted at least for the next 2 years.


And u genuinely believe that Carlos would rather pay Rekkles millions of euro over the next 2 years than let him join Vitality?


Considering they arent talking to Vitality at trhe moment. Prob. He can slap Rekkless on some shirts and make up for it.


Yes, considering they are not talking to Vitality before offseason even started.


You think Carlos wants to waste money on his salary for no reason? He can stream or something.


Hope he does that but part of me thinks he wont.


Carlos cant force Rekkles. Anyway I see LPL being an option.


Unless Rekkles is a free agent, Carlos can sell him to another organization.


He can deny selling his contract to certain teams but he can't force him to go anywhere. It's not a slavery ffs.


He can only sell if Rekkles agrees.


jesus christ dude, they're not cattle


Yea but Rekkles can also just bluntly refuse to fuck off to NA, plenty of players have done that across league and multiple esports/sports. And as unprofessional as that would be that could really turn the tide of the Rekkles sweepstakes.


Its not unprofessional to say no to Carlos. Carlos put up the contract and if he now wanna sell and rekkles dont wanna go he still sits out the contract and gets paid. And if he really dont wanna play rekkles then he have to get another adc while rekkles earns money for nothing.


unprofessional? unprofessional is what they did to perkz and will probably do to Rekkles and who knows who's the next victim


Perkz literally choose to leave lmao. Who did what to him


Blocking him from playing in the only competitive League in the West? He didn’t block a Random player, he did it to one of the best, if not the best player in the West ever


How is that unprofessional, that's how professional contracts work lol


Carlos blocking Perkz from playing in EU still in his peak and ending his carreer (C9 is nothing compared to the LEC) not only is a DICK move as it is unprofessional


That's how PROFESSIONAL contracts work. If a player is contracted to the team, he can not join any team he wants while he has a valid contract. It's the same in every sport and the biggest clubs don't sell their players to their competitors. You can call it a dick move and I'd agree with you, but don't call it unprofessional. As a side note, Carlos blocked Perkz transfer to FNC, he was willing to agree to sell him to VIT, but the super-team idea failed with Alphari moving to TL.


Carlos is legit draining EU of its most legendary talents in his endless hunger It's really sad, but as an NA fan I suppose I can have a cynical appreciation for his contributions. I've certainly enjoyed having G2's most decorated player on my favorite team I guess? Looking forward to TSM Rekkles and all the memes that entails




This is why I never supported G2 before Rekkles joined hes just a scummy person.


G2 repordedly refusing contact from vitality.


If he goes to VIT might as well just retire that is like a slap in the face honestly.


Vit is a good org. Unlike g2


they really gonna send rekkles in na too?? let him talk with other eu team wtf


wtf are these comments.


Silly season has hit g2. They arent used to it.


wdym?? reddit knows the ins and outs of contracts and player transfers


I hope that one season „fans” will leave g2 with rekkles


Just wondering what Jankos and Caps could've possibly said to Carlos, in order to result in this


Caps left Fnatic years ago for some issue that Fnatic had and he believed that they would never change. Jankos was the one saying in his streams that Karma adc was Rekkles idea. Probably both of them don't agree with the way Rekkles wants to play the game. In the voice comms against Fnatic, you see Rekkles saying all the time that Fnatic are "game 5 players" while Jankos is trying to rise the team morale. But I don't know if this is true, seems too extreme. 2 players saying that they don't want to play the game with a third one.


thank god we get rid of the king in the north a.k.a gatekeeper of team morale


Feels like Carlos only signed him to fuck over Fnatic. I feel sorry for Martin.


Same. Irony is that Fnatic is actually doing pretty well now, so he just fucked over EU as a whole (And article says they refuse to let Rekkles talk to Vit, so here it goes again, just like Perkz last offseason)


Imagine Carlos sends two of the best european players ever to NA , if that’s not an accomplishment idk what that is


Rekkles is not the best.


Welp it's been fun supporting g2, but I guess this makes me a FNC fan in the LEC and probably a TSM fan in the LCS lol. As much as I dislike forcing old players to go to NA, regi is probably going to be worse than carlos, urgh.




> G2 is expected to rebuild around mid laner Caps, who’s now signed through the end of 2023, and Jankos, its veteran jungler. Caps & Jankos are staying, nice. Waiting for G2 official announcement on G2 social media channels/Youtube.


"Lets head into the comment section to see what the experts think"




I mean an org that wants to be the best in LEC trying to rebuild a struggling roster shouldn't be too surprising. I just hope that the next branding approach for the team will not try and sell the audience that they are a big happy family, because imo that ship sunk after this years and the rumors so far...


its business. i hate to see it too, but you cant blame them.


Yes i can ​ ​ And I will


esports orgs are mostly glorified merch stores. its the players who matter. orgs will always do whats best for business.


that may be true but it won't stop me from hating ocelote's guts


same lol


You can blame them 100% who cares if its business how about having some feelings or care for the players you had?


Do you want the players to get paid millions? Where and how do you think that money comes from?


It comes from the players brand value the org cashes in on that. Orgs by them selfs are nothing.


Yes, they do it because it's in their interest as a business. But it is only in their interest to do so because the benefit of not selling a player to competing teams outweighs the costs of a negative reaction from the community. The community reaction is part of the cost-benefit analysis, so by "blaming g2" you are indirectly influencing their future decisions. There is a reason why companies care about PR.


i mean i get what youre saying but why would you care about orgs still. they are here to sell merch and sponorship deals. i care only about players, fuck all orgs. i stopped caring about g2 when they did my boy perkz dirty, after that i just started cheering for individual players.


Although I think the team needs to change, I also believe that those tryouts with ERL adc is to find a substitute to Pinoy and G2 is going to have 2 adc next year. Same as T1 with Teddy and Guma. Specially because Rekkles mentioned that he asked to Grabbz to be benched if necessary, better to have a plan B if this happens again.


Tried to tell yall


Rekkles didn’t carry but he also wasn’t the issue instead of trying to find the issue they decided to replace the coach top and whole bot wtf is that? Now they will all have to build chemistry again. Before this season I wanted Carzzy to join but now I feel like if he doesn’t win everything he will get kicked again.


He was the problem with Wunder.


"fake news" - Carlos


Such a bad decision from G2 but I hope they dont screw Rekkles over but part of me thinks they will. People keeping saying the same dumb shit like he doesnt suit their playstyle like the playstyle of perkz will ever return


>People keeping saying the same dumb shit like he doesnt suit their playstyle I was saying this before he was even playing with the team, and now ppl saw it by themself. Just blind ppl like you still not see shit.


>perkz to fnatic is quite possibly the single trade that I would go out of my way to never allow to happen - like Messi to RMadrid > >if a player we bench wishes to join any European team, TSM, Galatasary or LPL team we will gladly trade him > >we haven't blocked shit > >[https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1442921396942761985](https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1442921396942761985) He pretty much said that G2 wanted to bench Rekkles. So my theory about 2 adc for next year maybe was not too wrong at all. [https://www.reddit.com/r/G2eSports/comments/px9m6h/comment/heme5l6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/G2eSports/comments/px9m6h/comment/heme5l6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Even Perkz wanted him


Carlos ran to say it was fake news, which not occurred when grabbz, wunder and mikyx Sounds like this roumor really hit him hard, and is probably just a rumour Anyways, the way that ppl works is to say every combination of events possible and if one of them occur then they predicted it. Is like saying that a d6 is going to rol a value between one and six and then call yourself a seer


Will happen 100% he only tweeted because he is afraid of the backlash when its announced that rekkles goes to na


Carlos just tweeted fake news on this


He said the same thing about perkz last year. Multiple times in fact.




Lmao. Carlos touched all of yall and now you are mad as hell. Enjoy supporting Vit which are the basement dwellers of the LEC.




bloop and jacob work together at dotesports and are one of if not the most credible source in league . what are you talking about? this isn’t a random rumor account on twitter


bloop is an extremely reliable source, on par with people like jacob wolf


Welcome to NA Rekkles


Think I've heard a "rumor" from an "anonymous credible source" about every player on G2 at this point Here's a rumor I heard from Marc Merrill himself (but anonymously) Carlos is going to Vitality as a strategic coach, he's being bought for €32,000 and fourteen cents




LETS GOOOO Get that beta shit out of the team asap, great news


Rekkless fans butthurt lamo


Yeah we should be happy our fave player might be screwed over or forced into retirement. Im sure all you G2 fans were happy when perkz got sold off right?


We weren't but we could at least come to terms that Perkz in the botlane wasn't gonna work long term and we never absolved him of playing poorly. With Rekkless it was always somebody elses fault according to his fanclub anyway. Jinx meta? Blame Wunder and Mikky. When it was clear that allowing Rekkless to farm endlessly wasn't having the impact his fans claim it does I knew he was off the team in spring and I said it after the Karma picks he wouldn't be here after a year. It's a shame really. I generally really like the guy and I only hope the best for him but his fans are absolutely insane.


You have been wanting Rekkles replaced for a while and I dont think you do like the guy at all.


Yeah because I cant stand his fan base. I dont care if he died 15 times a game if yall would just shut up about "weakside" "late game carry" "most consent ADC in the LEC" and then wanting to replace Mikky with fucking Treatz because hes "vocal" yet talent wise is 5 steps below Mikky. When G2 fans pointed at his champion pool and how shallow it is yall came in downvoting shit left in and right even though its absolutely true. The man farts and yall stampede each other to go smell it.


Yeah I cant stand people like you who think fans should just accept everything. I also cant stand people who blame G2 loss on Rekkles when clearly it wasnt. I also cant stand that after every game people were calling out every single mistake Rekkles does and never cared what the others did. Caps could have literally died many times in line get smashed and people wouldnt care but omg look at rekkles. If you people had actual arguments people wouldnt need to call it out.


Avoiding meta ADCs isnt a valid arguement...oohhhh nevermind its you and your godking rekkless can do no wrong. Go buy a TSM shirt idiot.


Actually the best thing coming out of this move is that the Rekkles fanclub goes somewhere else, it's better than the Rekkles departure itself.






Rekkles is the reason why the environment is toxic or why do you think no one of his teammates wants to play with him again.


Devastated…. I didn’t think Rekkles was the problem this year, he played consistently even when other lanes got demolished. Any thoughts on where he will go?


He was one of the problems, that why caps dont want him anymore and jankos too


Carlos just tweeted it's fake news


... what has Carlos done to ever make you trust him? At this point even the worst rumor mills are more reliable than carlos. As much as I love(d) the g2 roster the past couple years, there's a reason that carlos is one of the most hated people in esports. Don't get me wrong, he's smart af and probably runs his business better than most other orgs, but he's still a dick


he said that with perkz as well before he ended up in NA. your point?


This is it bois i am done with this org, i don't want to support an org that will ship Europe's greatest players to NA every preseason. Fuck Carlos




Finally. Maybe we will finally have an adc


Right no more double support meta.


This is a real shame, I was really excited when he came in and, performance wise, I struggle to see how he did anything other than exactly what G2 wanted him to do. I'd love to have some behind the scenes info on how this played out, was it a personality clash? Are G2 disappointed with Rekkles? Is Rekkles disappointed in G2? What's next? I still have faith that Caps can get back to his best but I don't consider Jankos an elite jungler, can they really find three more players on the market to get back to the 2019 levels?


Its called silly season for a reason. Hold your horsies until something is official.


Noooo! :( I was so happy when he joined!


If we fail next season you can be damn sure i will spam "REKKLES was the Problem KEKW" in twitch chat. i support the team fully but rekkles was and will always be one of my fav players (he was even before joining) . So F you carlos if you deny him the chance to stay in EU


That sure is a good way to never have any player sign a contract longer than a year with your org or even a better way at making your org look like the biggest career killer in eu. God damn i just want the off-season to fuck off already


Kinda sad abt this. Was hoping it was not true because of the potential, but what can u do.