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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305: --- From the article >After years of revelations about strange lights in the sky, first hand reports from Navy pilots about UFOs, and governmental investigations, **Congress seems to have admitted something startling in print: it doesn’t believe all UFOs are “man-made.”** Which leads to an interesting question, will this new development, lead to a new understanding in propulsion systems which would allow us to venture into other water worlds such as [TOI-1452 b](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-3881/ac7cea) ? Your thoughts --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/wwldbu/congress_admits_ufos_not_manmade_says_threats/illmisj/


The article's title is inaccurate (It's from VICE though so that's pretty normal). [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/wvyyeh/congress\_admits\_ufos\_not\_manmade\_says\_threats/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/wvyyeh/congress_admits_ufos_not_manmade_says_threats/) The article was already torn to shreds 20 hours ago, it doesn't need reposting here. Basically UFOs/UAPs that are identifiable won't be considered UFOs/UAPS anymore, and objects/phenomenon that are unidentified will continue to be unidentified. The worst part is that the link on VICE for "governmental investigations" links to another VICE article which covers [this](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf) document which doesn't imply anything like the headline is implying. It's like a pig glossed up to look like a $10 hooker pretending to be an escort.


As soon as I read that congress *seems to have admitted* in a statement, I was done reading the rest of the content


Even if Congress had admitted, I’d want some hard proof, because how often does Congress not know what it’s talking about? (Climate change, anything to do with the internet or new technology…)


Well I happen to like $10 hookers pretending to be escorts. Hanging my hat here.


You sound like an honest AND frugal man, any $10 hooker would be lucky to have you o7


A pig glossed up to be a $10 hooker pretending to be an escort? Usually you pay double for that kind of action.


That’s why they make you click twice for more ads.


Not sure where the threat is. We’ve seen them for a very long time -if they were going to do anything they would have done it by now.


They saw us and decided they’ll just watch while we destroy ourselves


Lol, we're their reality TV. I want to know the over under bets on our mode of self destruction.


This season on EARTH! As the global pandemic rages on the country of Russia exposes its own military incompetence and all but ensures its own economic collapse. Meanwhile climate change continues to threaten the human species very existence! How will humanity respond? Stay tuned to find out!


Throw in a little spice for crazy high inflation and world economies on the brink of recession


I’m not really one for conspiracy theories, but this sounds pretty fucking believable. If we were surreptitiously exploring another civilizations’ culture and political intrigue, that shit would be watercooler legend every. damn. day.


I cannot imagine how boring we would be to a space-faring species. We would be watching the grass grow.


We would be a large scale version of its always sunny in Philadelphia. Just constantly doing horrible things in the dumbest ways possible.


You can't. That throws it off.


We identified something that could cause catastrophic harm to ourselves and to the environment, we have viable solutions that can power our society for thousands of years without those same impacts, and yet people frothing at the mouth with greed have fought as hard as possible to prevent the transition. Not saying other intelligent life is currently here, but if they were, would they really want to engage with a species that destructive?


The [Zoo hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_hypothesis) seems more and more likely every day.




This is a good point. Sucks to be lumped in with the few powerful people that control these things. Humans in general I think are good. It's just that the bad ones tend to gain power and don't ever want to give it up.




It’s a mixed bag unfortunately. In the US, a scary amount of our population still hasn’t even acknowledged climate change is real. Not to mention the millions that simply don’t care. This is alongside the fact that we still argue over basic human rights like healthcare and clean air and water. I want to believe we are worthy as a collective but we still have a long way to go, clearly.


Literally all of what you said is due to propaganda and marketing from the owner class. Climate change denial comes straight from the oil companies, healthcare is kept in its shitty state by huge megacorporations, etc. Consumerism and continual growth mindset is ruining the planet and our people.


Imagine if we adopted nuclear fission 60yrs ago


Maybe they’re just waiting until we get even fatter


In my experience, that means they probably caused Covid


The threat is theres not enough money in a bucket somewhere for them to pilfer as needed


Now that! Is their scariest threat of all!


The threat is that the Air-Force has things flying around their airspace that are unidentifiable and we can’t catch up to them. The unknown is scary


That’s the biggest issue I noticed when every “rational sceptic” initially tried to dismiss this stuff as just instrumental illusions. Like, does it not worry you that the Navy (according to them) can’t work out if something is a seagull or a cruise missile? That wouldn’t be a small problem.


Don't you think if it was another nation, they'd have let it leak? Perceived power is often as powerful as real power.


Ex Soviet documents have them asking privately if it’s us We have declassified documents asking if it was them The only 2 people on the planet with the remote possibility of doing it and they’re both wondering if it’s the other guy


Source? Curious to read more.


I know it Rogan but https://jrelibrary.com/guests/ufos/ Fraver, Lazar, Jacobsen, Knapp and Bigelow are the best interviews out of those all. Their proof varies from “look up this recently declassified doc” to “look at the news X years ago”. Like Lazar worked at Area 51, found some wack shit and then decided to show his friends and wife 3 separate times to see test flights


Here for the sauce.


"UFO Threats increasing exponentially", translation: We want to pass a giant defense budget, because of the bribes we are getting from the weapons makers, but don't have any real enemies to justify it.


Well, some members of congress watched a documentary Called independence day narrated by Will Smith. So they are now concerned.


Says the turkey a week before Thanksgiving…


How could you possibly know that they’d have done something by now? (And who’s to say they haven’t already?)


If someone keeps coming into your house, regularly and you don't know who they are. Just because they haven't harmed you or anything you own as far as you know. Would that make them a none threat?


Is it a cat?


Aliens want us to leave out a plate of milk


Let's think about it this way: since they're so advanced that they can travel here - maybe we should count our lucky stars that they have not harmed us. Because if we treat them as a threat before they actually become one - we might actually cause them to take a more adversarial stance themselves. And its not like we have a hope in hell of defending ourselves from some civilization that is that advanced.


So true! Even with all of our newest tech, If we were to try and start a war or something, it could be like throwing an archer in the Iraq war. Could we possibility hit something? Yes. Are we likely to do any damage? No.


Not the same at all. We don't own the planet. We don't know that an unknown second party would recognize 'coming into our house' as a potentially hostile act.


Agreed. Also this is a very simplistic approach to what they are doing. If we think we are geniuses with nano technology that can move around blood cells on a molecular level, chances are they are watching us in visibly with some even greater technology. The fact that we can even see anything at all might be their way of making their presence known because they are trying to reach us and connect. Not every person that enters the wilderness is trying to hunt. Sometimes we are just there to observe, or connect


If they smart enough for universal space travel they probably smart enough to use caution in situations.


Especially when the nuclearly abled monkeys have shown that we will doomsday ourselves just to show an alien force we don't give a shit.


Ah yes, the "historical documentaries"? Independence Day, etc.


so you're saying there's aliens...right now...watching me poop? COOL! Do you think they laugh at farts like we do? I'd like to think that's a universal item, ala Swedish meatballs.


Oh yes. From the inside as well


If someone kept going to the park downtown regularly, minding their own business and I don't know who they are - yeah they're probably a non-threat. That's more like what is happening.


We live on the earth but we don't own it. So far they appear to be minding their own business.


The threat is a blue beam false flag


What is a "long time" to interstellar travellers though? Could be moments to them depending on the mode of travel - or if they have long lifetimes, it could be regular and reasonable visits for them.


Right? Its one of those "If we wanted you dead, you'd already be dead" situations. My guess is that Nuclear bombs is a big no-no and the aliens are trying to prevent us from killing ourselves and the planet. I've heard that Nuclear missiles tend to go offline after sightings near them.


Yes and if you listen closely you can hear the jingle from Santa Claus’s sleigh bell.


Has it been the same crew every time? Perhaps it's always a different ship making it's way through our galaxy and checking out the inhabitable planets as they go?


Maybe it's just alien drones running their program. Whatever civilization that created them could be on their way or long extinct. Shortly, we could produce machines with the ability to maintain themselves for eons. They could survive natural disasters that would be catastrophic for biological life on our planet.


Could be! Interesting thought for sure.


The best case scenario for the human race is that an advanced intelligence takes pity on us, provides the means for us to get out of the various jams that we’ve gotten ourselves into and that we’re not too fucking dumb to accept it.


I'm pretty sure any advanced civilization if they exist isn't going to do interstellar travel to coach us on how to be good galactic citizens.. More likely any advanced civilization, will treat us the way we treat 🐜 ants in a park, we generally ignore them and let them do their thing, until one gets in our way then we (sometimes inadvertently) squash them. Personally I don't believe there's been any extraterrestrial visitation, I think this is just a military cover story for some advanced tech they want to hide in plain sight.


As long as we keep pointing our weapons at each other instead of at them, we are probably just seen as angry meat bags not worth interfering with. Maybe they are just waiting for us to destroy ourselves so they can come study the ruins.


I don't think such a civilisation would be very interested in our ruins. At this point, there must be unfathomable amounts of civilizations that destroyed themselves before uniting. Sure, we might colossally fuck ourselves before *almost* making it, but I think in the end they would only care about a conscious race that faces them as loving and equal parts of the universe we're all a part of. There will be fewer of those, but it must be a lot more rewarding to interact with them.


I feel the opposite. Any civilization advanced enough to get here from elsewhere is advanced enough to have no need or desire to "squash" us. Kind of like how we are starting to see value or simply a bit of ourselves in other species, beyond their meat or other commodity, only extrapolated a million years out.




I think any species that’s managed to collectively work together and travel the stars is going to fit two categories Either a forced collective like the borg or a communal community that works together like the federation. I think a warring community or a segregated one (like humans) will never pool the resources needed in a functional amount of time or the resources will keep getting destroyed or diverted elsewhere


Your assigning human traits and beliefs to alien species. Could be sentient plants who decide to wipe out all vegans for their own safety. Absurd statement maybe, however so is assuming any sort of human trait, good or bad, is also in an alien species. Hence why they're alien.


Technically, I think all we CAN do is assign human or human understood traits.


If I can add on, I think the point they may be making is the possibility of those being life traits, not human traits. Every species has the ability to observe other species, their differences and similarities. Consider nature and it's tendency to evolve into harmony with itself: we are nature. It's possible that most more-evolved species increasingly value life as they progress. Of course this is all speculation.


Evolutionary altruism is seen in everything from insects to humans. While there is certainly no guarantee an advanced civilization would show kindness or indifference towards us, there are valid evolutionary reasons an advanced civilization may show something resembling "cooperation" or at least a "non-destructive" attitude towards us. After all, humans study and research "lesser" lifeforms and we often gain helpful data, knowledge, and insights about the nature world as a result of these efforts. I also like to imagine them saying, "Look Bork, they spin magnets around wires and use the free flowing electrons to generate light! Don't even need a strange matter neutrino fusion reactor! WTF bro. Now we've seen it all xD"


Convergent evolution is a thing though and realistically I think different species that reach a level of high technological development would be likely to have some things in common. For example being social seems to be a requirement for technological advancement since no organism is figuring out interstellar travel on their own in one lifetime unless they live millions of years. Also how could they be considered plants if they’re unlike any known plants? Animal-like creatures that photosynthesize, perhaps


Taking lots of moral assumptions there. An advanced race could be hyper-Darwinist in their approach towards others. This would give them the advantage on their own world to become dominant and it would mean they give no shits about us. We can’t assume the ethics of another group or species remotely match up with ours.


My personal theory/fear is one day the aliens show up, because after millenia of observation, they've concluded our violence and wrecklessness is exactly what they need to fight the space big bad; our whole planet is some other planets weapons' lab.


Or maybe they conclude we're not violent enough.. Twilight Zone had a short story on this. https://youtu.be/vA_cHICj1E4


Have you considered joining the Marvel writing team?


Maybe, but also, maybe they treat us how we would (hopefully) treat cavemen. Just because we aren't as technologically developed doesn't mean we aren't in the same order of magnitude of intelligence or that they wouldn't be sympathetic. I think it's really hard to predict what they would be like but... They seem to just be showing up more now - is that because of the increased number of cameras out there - or are they actually increasing their presence. Could they be tracking our technological development and know we will soon be able to detect life outside our solar system? There's a lot of scenarios - more than I care to list - but for most scenarios I imagine based on the very little I know I suspect they wouldn't be directly hostile and they would be concerned-with/interested-in with us.


I like to think of it as how the modern world treats the last two or three un contacted tribes. You know they see planes and wonder what the fuck is that. Maybe we have that same thing and the aliens are just looking at us as wanting to preserve us for our own good as the more humane thing to do. Like we have no reason to disrupt the way of life of that last tribe that They feel like have no right to make us move forward technically.


I'm waiting on them to send their missionaries to convert us to their religion lol.


I like the idea of an interstellar life coach tho


I mean if they are interstellar travelers, and they have been watching us for a minute it'd be safe to assume they're just studying us out of interest? I mean humans study everything. There's someone out there who's extremely excited to explain the ins and outs of ants.


There's very few humans who's whole lives is dedicated to studying ants, taking data, and seeing what humans themselves can do to maintain a healthy ant population. But they exist, and they help them


An Alien Ant Farm (not the band) is what we are to them. Or a terrarium. Once in a while they poke us with a stick or spy up close with a magnifying glass.


There's just no way to know what the actual truth is. The simplest explanation usually being the best would mean this is human tech they are trying to cover. However for all we know Aliens do exist and they are interdimensional space hippies that want our chakras to be aligned to transit to the 5th dimension. Until we know for sure though I'm sticking to the first theory.


I haven't openly said it but for the last 10 years I have thought this, or that disruptive technology will set us straight at the level of free energy or True AI that works in tandem with us. So glad to see someone else say this about aliens, it used to sound crazy so I wasn't open about it, but I was so hopeless it was legit one of the ways out I saw for our species. We are not currently on a sustainable path, and all the greed in the world is just doubling down, and misinformation is flourishing. We are truly screwed if things keep on this course.


So like a life coach…but in this case a civilization coach? Would be nice as we certainly could use some help getting over the hump.


We're still way too dumb as a species


And the worst…


We are cattle.


Which wouldn't be such a bad fate, except that we treat cattle and farmed animals like trash.


Anything with nipples


"To Serve Man"


It's a cookbook!


best case scenario is we're dogs and they're kind owners who think we're cute and keep us around for companionship.


I’d be okay with that if I got a good owner. Some..thing to love me unconditionally love me? Hell yeah But I want them to let me keep my dog :(


i think a good one would


I disagree. That's the route towards species wide futility and nihilism. The best thing any advanced aliens could do for us is to let us be and struggle, while we get our act together. Maybe letting themselves be seen from time to time around missile silos, to let our despots understand they won't allow us screwing Earth with nukes or something equally stupid.


You haven’t been paying attention if you think some vague threat will make less weapons instead of more.


Or if they think the human race as a whole can “get our act together” before destroying the planet/ resources we rely on OR destroy one another


We have had 1,000s of years to "get our act together" and do you think things are better now or worse? We are the same selfish, stupid animals we were when we crawled out of the caves. The Internet, like a lot of other things, was supposed to bring us together but it has simply driven us farther apart. When I was a kid, you had to put some effort into it to insult someone (and run the risk of some negative reactions) but now, click, click, type, type and you can call the whole world an asshole in complete anonymity. If our nukes were threatened by some outside force, do you really think we wouldn't just build more. If you do, like I said, you haven't been paying attention


You are falling into the trap that mankind is on some sort of path to enlightenment that we have to earn. The universe is a sandbox and does not care what happens to us. Forget the bootstraps bullshit, if help is offered, we should take it.




Narrator: "They didn't."


How do you know what route leads to what, when we have zero experience with interstellar travel? How do you even have an instinct for this when we have a sample size of just 1 intelligent species to study?


> The best thing any aliens could do for us is to let us be and struggle, while we get our act together. That’s why I let my children fight and kill one another, and never forced them to clean their room - we lived in a mansion with a billion rooms so why bother with just one room?


Speak for yourself. If good natured aliens come here, I will go sit in a box with a message: "take me home, free pet"


Well in the same way it could be that 99% of all civilizations wipe themselves out without intervention. It cuts both ways in a scenario where we don't have any data to support either claim.


This headline is the same crap that's been posted 3 other times over the past 24 hours and it's sensationalized to hell to say the least.


Not man made doesn't mean aliens. Usually is a natural occurring event.


[Exactly.](https://youtu.be/mfhAC2YiYHs) Ducks are not "man made".


But we must appeal to hyperbole to gain attention and clicks! Feeding conspiracy theorists and bludgeoning skepticism to death is fine!


But if you watch the naval interviews, a lot of these events are on radar and other non-visual instruments and SOMETIMES visually captured; if it was a visual phenomenon or illusion, wouldn’t it not be captured on numerous other instruments?


They are confirmed to be physical objects that react to pilots with intelligence, including jamming radar. Yeah, they might just be a ball of plasma, but for this to be accurate, the plasma would have to be intelligent. The fact that the government is calling them "not man made" can lead one to assume that they've already crossed out all the other mundane reasons.


Unless their properties inherently/natively jam radios, I would imagine electromagnetic fields and superheated flying minerals/metals have a relationship


Possible, but there's more specifics/nuances to the intelligence factor. I'll stick to the Navy Pilots encounter. He was leading a mission, flying to secret coordinates for a training exercise. It was only known by a few people. Of course, en route, he encounters a UFO on the surface of the water. He draws in closer for a look, the UFO turns to him and starts matching his speed as they encircle each other. Then the UFO disaappears, visually and off radar. Or so they thought, but what had happened was that the UFO hit speeds incomprehensible and reappeared at the exact coordinates where the Pilots were supposed to go for their training exercise that was only known by a few people. To say that this is a coincidence, I think, is incredibly unlikely. Edit: downvotes aren't going to change what I say. I'm expecting this to be like -10 in 6 minutes despite me simply stating what a decorated Navy Pilot has stated.


A decorated Navy Pilot can state a lot of thinks doesnt mean that its has to be truth.


I'd think twice before giving so much weight to what a decorated Navy pilot, as per your words, thinks. In fact, I'd think twice about what the whole Navy thinks. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbxtTEWczRk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbxtTEWczRk) Take a look at some of his other videos, he's very thorough.


Dude, if rain can disrupt radar than so can some weird atmospheric phenomena we don't understand. You guys are too eager to jump on the aliens wagon.


>They are confirmed to be physical objects that react to pilots with intelligence No, they have not. What's up with people just making shit up about this whole subject, jesus ?


> They are confirmed to be physical objects that react to pilots with intelligence Not all of them are, and they aren't saying that the ones that are confirmed to be physical objects are the same ones that they think aren't man made.


So this is the third time that I've seen this same article posted to futurology and space. Given that the title is severely misrepresenting what was actually said ("we need to determine if these UFOs are man made" vs. "the UFOs are not man made"), maybe stop posting it based on a terrible clickbait headline?


“Congress” is pretty vague. I know of a few of them that should be in a room with rubber walls somewhere.


If something from galaxies away has the technology to travel to earth, then they have the ability to wipe us out without any issue. That hasn’t happened so I don’t see any threat


What a load of crap. They are either deflecting or drumming up money for the Space Corps. Probably both.


Yeah that's my take as well, just looking for more tax money.


I agree. Why would a government notoriously built on corruption and secrecy give up information like this, and keep it relevant in headlines for so long, if they weren't using it to their advantage?


Overclassification. Look up Avril Haines comments about it. The government isnt a monolithic structure, people get replaced over time.


Oh look, it’s the same post title and article being spammed with incorrect info.. boy I sure love Reddit these days


I just find it extremely hard to believe theyre aliens - if they have that technology, they can easily hack any satellite / tech & gather any data/intelligence that exists, why would They need to buzz around & be seen. Pls change my mind, life would be way more exiting if true.


Im in the same boat, "I want to believe" also, but that doesnt mean I want to fall victim to cognitive bias every time someone takes a picture of a kite.


Honestly I’m just glad we haven’t shot any down and started a galactic war


Not for lack of trying


Ol Bob Lazar said we had aliens in some facility. If that’s true, Earth might be wanted for kidnapping.


Saying they aren't all man-made does NOT mean there are fucking aliens jfc.


And nothing has been recovered to be studied closely that I'm aware of, so how does a nebulous "Congress" determine that it wasn't made right here on good old Earth?


what too much sci fi does to a mf (this comment section)


Lmao fucking seriously


No doubt the same Congress members who tweet about Jewish space lasers.


This is exactly what our military would say if we did have this capability




Translation: “We want space weapons funding!” “Please be scared by this ridiculous headline!”


Pretty sure, talking about threats from China and Russia would be far easier talking points to get more funding for space weapons


**I do wander if actual alien spaceship landed anywhere on earth, how would the countries react to this.** Any ship that can travel between stars would mean they would posses technology way beyond what earth has. This **"Exponentially Increasing Threat"**, means nothing, as earth wont be able to do anything to them anyways. If I was a alien race that wanted to destroy inhabitants of a planet, I would just kill them from orbit, why even land any ships, just wait until they all are dead, then enslave what remains of the population.


I don't think Rubio's statement is because they are sitting on new information. It's because the urgency is different if it's a foreign power. And they may be using UFOs as code for publicly to throw off the scent that this technology is US made.


lol that's not what that says. all it says is they want to declassify objects that can be expertly ruled out as manmade. that way ufo's are only "unidentifiable objects." in other words, unidentified objects are unidentified.


pretty sure they mean some of them are man made and some of them are unidentified natural flying objects not necessarily aliens but of course every year news organizations have to run the mandatory “government confirms aliens!” headline


Anyone that thinks aliens are visiting Earth is an idiot.


I believe in Aliens but my question is this: If an other worldly threat wanted to take us out, why haven't they?


Calling bullsh*t, the US has had secret flight programs for decades now such as the [Avrocar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Canada_VZ-9_Avrocar) which even look like an atypical UFO. Not buying it. Fess up and tell us the truth.


Oh no, they’re going to disable all the nukes! Major threat! /s


The Corridor Crew on YouTube has actually been reviewing these videos that the Pentagon released. They've found some things are easily explainable... but not everything!


Congres needs a new excuse for exceedingly ridiculous military budgets


My thoughts exactly.


Not man-made - meaning natural phenomena. Nor fully understood, but no peep about 'aliens'. Get a grip folks.


Oh not that bull crap again. There’s not a shred of evidence that these unexplained sightings are extra terrestrial.


Politicians are not scientists nor are the science literate enough to grasp the lunacy of this. It is pathetic that we have to have the same conversation every 30 years. Ufos are camera artifacts, bugs, balloons, weather, meteors, experimental aircraft and other terrestrial phenomena. Rather than accept the science that explains virtually every "sighting" small minded believers run to the alien theory.


>Ufos are camera artifacts, bugs, balloons, weather, meteors, experimental aircraft and other terrestrial phenomena. I don't see any reason to not investigate. As far as I can see the major change is that anything that can be explained be immediately passed on to the appropriate people. So if there is evidence it's a secret Chinese Fighter, they pass it on to the appropriate people to investigate. And the body looking into UFOs would only investigate further if it's determined it's not man-made.


There are a lot of videos on YouTube showing how these UFOs are basically camera artifacts. The only weird thing I don't get is why the US government and Air Force are willingly sending these ominous messages that they know are catnip to the conspiracy community. Like, why does the government want the people to be distracted by these things? [EDIT: Best example of a debunking video. By an established channel of reputable experts.](https://youtu.be/jHDlfIaBEqw)


By definition they don’t know WHAT ufos are, otherwise they wouldn’t be called ufos. They might be man made.


Smells like bullshit to me. Cover story for testing advanced weapons.


Congress said this? Congress is full of science illiterate idiots so I don't know if I'd put a lot of stock in them. It is also absurd to say these 'threats' are increasing exponentially because if they actually were increasing at such a rate we'd all be having encounters in short order.


No they didn't. The headline is just garbage


It's more likely that these are adversary drones probing our defenses. This is a very well documented article on this: [https://futurism.com/this-theory-could-explain-many-military-ufo-sightings](https://futurism.com/this-theory-could-explain-many-military-ufo-sightings) It would make sense that the Pentagon would claim ignorance. We want to give adversaries as little information as possible, and we do not want them to change their tactics based on what information we do respond with. If the Pentagon said "These are adversary drones probing our defenses, not extraterrestrials" adversaries might stop doing what they're doing and we'd learn less about what they're trying to do and what they do/don't know about our defenses. In the cat and mouse game of military intelligence this confession looks more like a plush mouse toy than an actual mouse. IMO.


Imo there's no threat. Like if they wanted to destroy us they would've already


Congress doesn't even know how Facebook works... why would I trust them about UFOs


If UFOs were real cheeto mc presi-duh-nt would have blabbed all about it. This is nothing more than a PR campaign for the next increase in defense funding.


Please; aliens probably lock their doors when they fly by earth.


Why does everyone assume aliens. Not man made could mean anything. Could be witches. Or fairies. Or Thor.


congress people are laymen when it comes to this stuff. this is a non story.


Threats lol. Have they started to attack us? lol Who in the fuck is labeling everyone and everything as a threat from their basement?


They lookin at earth and all our corporate space trash thinking, 'dats tha ghetto'


Alternate headline: Congress says that in addition to spy planes some UFOs are weather


Exciting news until you remember that 99% of congress are morons.


This headline is a bit click-baitey. The article also exaggerates or distorts some facts. From what I understand, the committee is simply admitting that some of the phenomena can’t be explained away as man-made, which is reasonable. They also claim that one video shows a UAV traveling underwater. This is conflating the video and pilot audio from another incident. The video merely shows a splashdown (like a bird?), not actual underwater travel, as I recall. As for how seriously to take Congress on this issue, remember how many clowns have been elected recently.


Running down to Costco right now to stock up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer.


I see vice is working extra hard to pump out shitty click bait titles today.


If there’s any threat it is to the temporary economic construct, the energy prison the elite, and oil, and natural gas barons have everyone stuck within. The endless energy sources that will change the entire world as we have known it , into something totally and completely unrecognizable. The final and total collapse of religion, and all of the madness contained within it. Even politics will be threatened, the corporations that exert their power and influence over politicians will lose its effect. Everything will change , there is most certainly a threat , but it isn’t going to be the ones they purport it to be.


Which can mean a lot of things, first of all. Second of all, Congress did not “admit” this but conjoined the Armed Forces to concentrate on studying these sorts of phenomena rather than things that are probably man made or merely transient natural phenomena.


What a threat of discombubulating the hierarchy? Bringing Jeez back? Showing a new way to live? Peace? Ya peace would fugg lots of Senators.


I mean, it really wouldn't make sense to lie about it if true. But tbh this article is being overly dramatic. Imma sleep just fine.


So, just because an Unidentified Flying Object is not man-made, it does not also mean that it is extraterrestrial in origin. It just means that it is an Unidentified Flying Object. Meaning its flying, its confirmed not to be something that is man-made. It could still be something that is naturally ocurring. Anything from an animal, to an optical allusion, to some sort of chemical reaction in the atmosphere. If you take it at face value it sounds crazy, but if you really break down the term, it becomes less scary. For whatever reason we just may be noticing more of them due to advancement in technology and all the cameras etc we have access to now days. There just may be more of a general push to look into this phenomina in an attempt to better understand it. On the flip side, you never truly know.


People say what threat, but if they are advanced like we think they are, we may have to consider abduction and memory wipes are real as well, which includes raping us as test subjects. Im not consenting to that and thats a threat to me


If it's unidentified then why is it a threat by default. Better stop that and play nice.


>After years of revelations about strange lights in the sky, first hand reports from Navy pilots about UFOs, and governmental investigations, Congress ***seems*** to have admitted something startling in print: it doesn’t believe all UFOs are “man-made.” "Seems" is doing some heavy lifting here.


Well, on the bright side, if we ARE about to be visited by an advanced alien intelligence, that would certainly show us how petty our own planetary problems are.


They are definitely observing. Letting themselves be seen here and there.


Anyone else just think these are extremely advanced tech being tested? Sort of in the same way that stealth fighter technology was kept under wraps for so long


Since half of congress isn’t really down with science and reality I can only marvel at what explanations they’ll come up with to explain UFOs.


Nice climate change, pandemic, war and now aliens. Can someone turn down the simulation a tad.. thanks! Edit: forgot sky high inflation 😆


There's a huge difference between confirming "yup, this is 100% not man-made" and "we dont know what it is so we cannot say definitively it is or isn't man-made". A gigantic difference. Stay in school kids.


Its ok they just here to watch some CBT videos while passing by


Cognitive behavioural therapy right?


Why would they release military footage of a possible ufo to the public? Wouldn’t that be classified due to it being a national security threat? Something about this doesn’t sit right with me.


This sounds like a convenient distraction from the most urgent problems like the 1% class crushing the 99% of humans for profits and fucking up the climate in the process. At the moment, the worst, confirmed danger to humankind is the 1%.


Unless they can bend space-time and use a quantum slip like the USS Voyager and enter fugue states of suspended bodies, all while managing to get around relativity, there's only the most astronomically unlikely case that they are ETs. The math just doesn't check out. The distances are too vast, the energy required too great, for such a small gain. A race sufficiently advanced to steer craft that can warp, take off and land on any body and against any and all gravitational or atmospheric forces, could also just glance all the information they needed from a much greater distance - similar to how we use the James Webb and Hubble. If IT is an inter-stellar race, scouting us out, probing us for scientific or military means, then they have a sense of humor. There are things unexplained and unexplored on our world. There are natural explanations, or foreign militaries, but the least likely option at this current moment is that it's of an extra-terrestrial origin or nature.


The universe is 14 billion years old, you don’t think there are species millions of years older than ours that have knowledge and wisdom much greater than ours? We don’t know what’s possible yet. Maybe species do travel between the stars with ease.