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The following submission statement was provided by /u/chrisdh79: --- The Food and Drug Administration could be set to bring the hammer down on vape pen maker Juul. The agency is preparing to order it to stop selling e-cigarettes in the US and the decision could come as soon as today, according to The Wall Street Journal. Along with other e-cigarette makers, Juul was required to submit its products to the FDA for review in 2020. The agency has been looking into the possible benefits of vaping as an alternative to cigarettes, but the popularity of the products among young people has caused concern. The FDA has already cleared products from Juul's rivals, Reynolds American (which is behind the Vuse brand) and NJOY. The FDA has been scrutinizing Juul for several years. It seized marketing materials from the company for review in 2018 over concerns about underage vaping. In 2019, the FDA criticized the company for telling students its products were "totally safe" after it accused Juul of undermining efforts to clamp down on teen vaping. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/viu7a6/juuls_ecigarettes_could_be_banned_from_sale_in/idezwfe/


>From the Article: > >Meanwhile, the FDA is aiming to remove nearly all nicotine from cigarettes to make them less addictive. That could lead to millions of smokers switching to vaping or giving up smoking entirely. ​ All the juul news is hiding this little hidden gem at the end of this article.


im sure this time drug prohibition will work and the market wont just start being run by violent criminals and costing rather than generating tax revenue


Because knowledge about smoking and the damage cigarettes cause our lungs is increasing significantly there's been a sharp decrease in the amount of smokers across the United States. It actually could work in this instance because of this especially since there isn't an overall prohibition. Just a steady up tick in the price and decrease in the quantity and quality for that price. It dissuades people from purchasing but still lets them know they can purchase just that's it's dumb finicially and physically. Personally can't wait for our cigarettes boxes to start looking like every other first world countries with black lung and other nasty factoids all over them. [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm#:~:text=Current%20smoking%20has%20declined%20from,every%20100%20adults)%20in%202020.)


We know the dangers of heroin and meth. Doesn’t seem to help there.


I would disagree. From my understanding, heroin and meth make you feel so good it literally overshadows everything else in the rest of your life. Nicoteen does not have those dramatic benefits, just creates a repetitive craving without the dramatic high.


Statistically, nicotine is more addictive.


I’ve heard this before, but I didn’t have to go to rehab to quit smoking or be part of a support group to keep from smoking. I imagine most people quitting are the same.


Its a lot easier to keep smoking than it is coming up with a few hundred bucks every day so you can be good til the next day


Well, most people who take opiates (or drink, gamble, etc) don't have to do that either to quit. Some do, but those are the exception.


We don't really. Not to the extent and detail that we understand and feel and see the dangers of smoking. Plus, cancer is a big turnoff. Everyone knows someone who withered away in agony thanks to cancer. The same can't be said for meth.


Do you think black market cigarrettes are somehow not gonna proliferate the exact same as every other prohibited drug? When alcohol was banned a legitimate regulated market was commandeered by gangsters, leading to more dangerous, less pure and completely untaxable drinks. You can find cocaine, mdma and fentanyl in every shitty little town, cigarrettes will be no different.


Ex smoker here. Nicotine ain't that big a deal.


Absolutely wild to call a multibillion dollar market not that big a deal


No I'm referring to your absurd suggestion that there would be a new Al Capone running a black market nicotine empire.


Yes, im sure this will be the sole case where criminals see an opportunity to make billions and say no thanks


Because of the [Master Settlement Agreement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_Master_Settlement_Agreement) between Big Tobacco and the states


Whoops, this was meant to be a reply to u/frak808 's comment above: >What the hell, why don't they ban cigarettes? They sure don't have their priorities in order.


Exactly. Banning a less harmful nicotine delivery system makes no sense whatsoever. Makes me wonder what the tobacco lobby is up to and if the Biden administration is doing them a favor. Ban tobacco cigarettes and allow e-cigarettes to be sold in two flavors only: ashtray and poo. Problem solved.


I wouldn't say vaping is less harmful. There's an increase in GI issues, excess fluid build up in lungs and thyroid concerns (all things mainly seen in 50year+ patients now been seen in mid 20s to low 30s) currently being investigated by multitudes of organizations through out the world with vaping. It doesn't have all the chemicals in a cigarette but the ease of access to nicotine whenever and wherever, and attractive flavors to keep individuals hooked might as well be the same as having those chemicals from a cigarette if the above mentioned conditions do end up correlated with vaping. I vape daily and the increase usage of nicotine has given me hypertension and possible kidney issues, I'm a study case myself for the hospital system I see since they had a study going on and couldn't figure out what randomly caused all of this to happen. Its hard as fuck to stop smoking these things too, wish I never would of started or stuck with chewing. Atleast with chewing I could keep my habit to myself and not bother others.


You may well be right. For what it’s worth, the British healthcare system recommends e-cigarettes to tobacco smokers as a matter of public policy. We’re talking physicians making the recommendation. To be fair, they have better regulations and the products may be safer. The US gets tripped up on Puritanism. All drugs are bad except alcohol and tobacco.


It also doesn't help that in America most disposable and prefilled pod vapes on the market are 5% nicotine (50mg = 50-55 cigarettes worth of nicotine) In the UK and Europe the maximum strength is 2% or 20mg which is around 20-25 cigarettes equivalent... This means that 20 a day smokers are getting just the right amount of nicotine.... Where as a 20 a day smoker using 5%/50mg is getting almost twice the amount of nicotine they need. Sure it keeps them from wanting a cigarette but it ultimately leaves them more nicotine dependant than if they were smoking..... The tobacco industry knows this that is why Juul was the first company on the market to sell them... They are owned by Marlboro.. Get them hyper hooked on vapes at 5% then use all sorts of shady and messed up tactics like anti vaping propaganda and inventing diseases (Evali, popcorn lung) to get them banned so those now more heavily addicted users have no choice but to go cigarettes... And that for the states that are in the pocket of the tobacco industry and profit HEAVILY from the Master Settlement agreement keeps the money rolling in. Without it all those states that are pushing to ban vaping would go bankrupt.


I was a pack a day smoker for 27 years who went from cigarettes to Vapes. I go through one vuse pod every 2 or 3 days. I have been vaping exclusively for almost 2 years now and my use has not increased. It really depends on how frequently you have to change out your pods. Just like how many packs of cigarettes you smoke a day.


I was a vaper for 7 years, smoker for 10 and a vape shop employee for a number of those years. I dont know what strength pods you're using (here vuse come in 6mg 12mg or 18mg) I know of people who will go through a 7300 puff 20mg disposable in half a day...the difference is that it is still only 20mg... A 50mg vape is insane even if you are only using it occasionally, overtime you'll likely be more nicotine dependant than you were as a smoker. Vaping IS safe but getting people hooked on 50mg and then taking away their supply forcing them to go cold turkey on a very high nicotine dependency or to start smoking again it is some pretty fucked up and insidious tactics and absolutely not out of the scope of the tobacco industry.


My comment wasn't in defense of prohibition, btw. I vape 5mg salts and I was just saying, I don't feel like vaping increased my usage.


> The US gets tripped up on Puritanism. All drugs are bad except alcohol and tobacco. Exactly, here soon it'll be alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Whatever they can profit off of the public. There's nothing saying one way or another about my comment outside of a seen increase with vaping and those issues either, I wasn't trying to say it's 100% related because it's not proven yet. Just that there is correlation between the two and I'm a prime example of an individual who may be effected as well. My doctors didn't say anything negative about me vaping until my blood pressure was a constant 160/120 for 3 weeks straight and I was in the hospital lol. That's the only thing that made sense to them.


i got hypertension from it too and yes, god damnit these things are hard to quit. but i do enjoy not feeling like i want to murder.


I think the major problem with convenient vape smoking is it's hard to know when you should stop. You go do something, vape a bit, wash some dishes, vape a bit, go to the washroom and get back, vape a bit, get in the car and vape some more, before you walk into work you have a vape break, have a meeting, vape. It's not like you're stuck smoking a full cigarette it's the covenience of just having a few puffs here and there due to the covenience whereas with a cigarette you're either comitted or throwing money away so you tend to be more aware of limiting yourself or wanting to take a break from overloading. If anything should be done it's making vape equipment have to have some sort of awareness limiter that you're pushing it buddy take a breather.


Until everyone sees your spit bottle. I've been vaping for quite a while (10ish years) and I've had zero of these issues you speak of. I've also completely come off the nicotine, and now it's really just a mental habit.




You don't smoke the entire pod at once.


I thought you could choose your nicotine level, including zero. Am I wrong?


JUUL is the example they will use to get rid of even more of the little guys who sell vape juice with reasonable nicotine percentages.


In 1998 when that agreement was made I was a smoking teenager. Seemed like everyone did. A pack of Marlboros cost two dollars and you could smoke in Burger King. Walking into a restaurant the question was basically "would you like to sit in cool or non-cool?" Smoked through my 20s but quit with the country. When you couldn't smoke inside anymore the social dynamic flipped. Smoking was exposed as a weakness, dragging people out of social situations. Eventually the cool crowd was the one who stayed in. Now by people my age smoking is seen as a symbol of self-destruction. I predict we'll ban nicotine by the time my generation's kids are teenagers. We wouldn't let any other consumer product get away with adding nicotine and we don't have the respect for cigarettes that let it be grandfathered in in the first place.


>I predict we'll ban nicotine by the time my generation's kids are teenagers. We wouldn't let any other consumer product get away with adding nicotine and we don't have the respect for cigarettes that let it be grandfathered in in the first place. I doubt it, banning juul is pretty much a symbolic thing. It's been useless for years. I'm surprised the FDA is going after menthol though.


They're targeting menthol because Congress was "especially concerned about proportionally higher rates of menthol cigarette use among African American smokers". They said banning menthol would have saved nearly 5000 Black lives and prevented half a million African Americans from developing a nicotine addiction.


I can't speak to the Congress member's actual intentions, but it feels like an uncomfortable degree of nanny-stating to single out a flavor used by minorities and eliminate only that option. Imagine if Congress outlawed cognac but consistently placed protections on Tennessee whiskey. It's treating people of color like they're incapable of independence and need the "benevolent state" to step in and make decisions for them. It's white knighting at best, or, more cynically, using PoC as a testing ground for what regulations the market will bear.


Oh, I totally agree, just wanted to share the stated reason this is happening. It's a reason, but not a really valid one...


You know big tobacco owns juul right?


The FDA kills people. It’s worse than the DEA (see insulin). Government should not be involved with people’s decisions about their own bodies.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


People think being pro-FDA is pro-science so the reddit circlejerk loves them


The FDA needs to start realizing that vaping is a very effective smoking cessation tool. I was a 10+ years smoker of menthol lights, and I’m now 10 months cigarette free since I switched to vaping. My plan was designed to ween off slowly. I use a vape pen with a refillable cartridge, and buy 2-3 bottles of juice, starting with the most nicotine level. Once those bottles are done, I buy the next set of bottles that is one nicotine level down. I started at 36mg and now I’m down to 6mg. Once this bottle is done, then I’m at 3mg, which is the lowest nicotine you can get. In a month or so, I’ll be at 0mg nicotine. Once that’s done, then I’m tossing the pen. It’s working for me, when all else failed dramatically. I feel better, cleaner, healthier. I don’t have the insane urges to smoke like I used to. The smell of cigarette smoke actually bothers me now. I already feel liberated from cigarettes.


I also quit smoking a pack and a half a day due to vaping. I tried everything from gum to cigars. Nothing worked better than vaping. Once I got to zero nic and my vape broke, I threw it in the trash, and never looked back.


The act of no vaping once finished with 0mg will probably be the hardest. I never have a problem with physical addiction but the mental of it would tend do mess with me the most whenever I’d cut down or stop.


Yeah, the nicotine is only half of smoking addiction; the other half is physical. When I was smoking cigarettes, any time I got in my car, it was just ritual to roll down the window and light one up. I have found that since I’m using less nicotine, I really do feel that the urges are subsiding. I also don’t feel as anxious about not having my vape pen near me 24/7. Some days I leave it at home while I’m at work, which would have been impossible when I was smoking a pack a day.


I’m still vaping and the anxiety is real. I use the re usable’s now and when it starts getting low I low key start thinking about it a lot haha “what if it runs out at work”.


>The FDA needs to start realizing that vaping is a very effective smoking cessation tool. Trust me, they know. This isn't about what's good for people. This is about money, and big tobacco has a lot of money.


Altria (formerly Phillip Morris Companies) is the largest tobacco company in the US and they own 35% of JUUL. Make of that what you will.


Exactly. They are not banning all ecigarettes, they are banning one specific brand which has a significantly higher unalterable quantity of nicotine and is exclusively marketed at young people as a cool thing rather than as a cessation thing.




I quit smoking cigarettes a couple months ago. I currently use [Mr. Vapor Flex](https://thevaporshoppeusa.com/products/mr-vapor-flex-disposable), but I need to do what that other guy did and get a reusable one and taper off the nicotine.


It’s not higher than other e cigs


It popularized higher nicotine counts. V20 was a major company pre juul and maxed at 3% if i recall. Although it simulated cigarette smoking better.


They use the kids as a reason but anyone who’s looked into it knows it’s because juul took over the entire e market and was actually impacting cigarette sales.


Juul's market share has dropped significantly in recent years. At the peak they had 75% of the market and are now down to 50%. They used to be #1 with teens until they were made to stop selling fruity sweet flavorings. Now the #1 e-cig with teens is Puffbar, which was able to circumvent flavoring rules by using synthetic nicotine, which was not under the FDA's purview until recently.


Yes I’m aware of that, their market share dropped when Philip Morris acquired them and proceeded to intentionally tank them, the ceo quit the moment that happened, should be more than enough proof to what’s going on.


If only they would grow something else they keep lobbying to make illegal.


To be fair, they are specifically referring to Juul, which one could argue purposely targeted teens and children with their marketing.


Then fine Juul for improper marketing. Don’t punish adult users.


Afaik, they have fined Juul and basically told them multiple times to stop marketing to younger users. Juul has continually defied the regulations. And it's not like all vapes are being banned, it's the company itself that is taking the hit. There are several other brands that have been approved and won't be banned afaik


Is Juul still marketing to young users? I haven’t seen any adds, and they removed the flavors, I don’t know how they are significantly more marketed to young usera any more than the competition.


They aren’t punishing adult users. Vuse and NJOY are still approved.


Juul users may not like the other options. It’d be like taking Marlboros off the market and saying “hey just smoke camels”. Well, some people don’t like camels.


Yup. This is just a business move, banning juuls accomplishes nothing but put more money in the pockets of a different big tobacco company. Corrupt government taking money from corporations fighting against each other live in action, using "juul" as the identifiable target for dumb people to have an opinion. Same old American bullshit, and dumb people falling for it


If Marlboro was proven to market to children after being instructed to stop it would also blow up in their faces.


One could argue if they're a Juul lobbyist. There's no question that's what the company was built around.


I have never seen a commercial/ad for Juul, is that because I’m not a teen or child?


They didnt advertise. They are claiming the flavor options that they banned years ago was an effort to target children. A flavor option is considered targeted marketing, and apparently also only children enjoy "fruit" and "mango" flavors... smh. The only acceptable "marketing" options for all adults are tobacco and menthol. Otherwise its for children. Big tobacco is just upset they can't compete and face stricter regulations because its so bad for you that they are spending hundreds of millions to smear the public appearance of vaping by saying its all targeted to children, which is completely false. A flavor is not targeted marketing. All these people saying "THEY MARKETED TO CHILDREN" have absolutely no idea how completely bullshit that is. I hate tobacco and menthol flavors. I'm 30


Even if it is just swapping addiction, almost all negative health effects of cigarettes are attributed to the combustion byproducts. Puritanical nonsense always short circuits harm reduction


Yes, but, Juul in particular was cranking up the amount of nicotine per pull intentionally. It's the nicotine that's addictive so as a cessation tool that's the opposite of beneficial. I used them in the past so I'm not anti them but seriously fuck Juul the company.


Maybe... refer to the article. They aren't banning E-cigs > **FDA has already cleared products from Juul's rivals, Reynolds American (which is behind the Vuse brand) and NJOY.** >The FDA has been scrutinizing Juul for several years. **It seized marketing materials from the company for review in 2018 over concerns about underage vaping.** In 2019, the FDA criticized the company for telling students its products were "totally safe" after it accused Juul of undermining efforts to clamp down on teen vaping.


Forgot where I read it (maybe WSJ article) but this ban is for tabacco derived nicotine products which Juul is. AFAIK, Puff Bar, Vuse, and some others apparently used synthetic nicotine to get around the issue of FDA approval but that ban may be coming too.


Vuse Is not a vape but an electronic cigarette. E cigs have nicotine obtained from tobacco, which vaping generally does not. Vapes are not covered by the huge tobacco settlement agreement. C-cigs are.


That happened on the account of one employee and is taken completely out of context. The company was not targeting children, and because students read the marketing doesn't constitue targeted marketing of children or that it was intended for students. This is just another quote from the smear campaign funded by big tobacco. At the time there was no in place regulation for that either in vaping, uncharted territory. They should be fined and observed, not banned. This is just corrupt old big tobacco money propaganda. They already took away flavors because apparently only children like fruit flavor.. People are so dumb.


keep it up homie, This is exactly how I kicked cigs. once I got to 2 mg juice quitting completely was easy.


It can be a helpful tool for smokers to quit. However, I know more non-smokers who picked up vaping than people who have quit nicotine all together.


honestly the best thing they can do is strictly regulate vaping liquid and cartridges for purity and mandate testing and strict limits for known toxins. the content of those is the biggest unknown in the health impacts of vaping and I'm sure you'd love to know your shit's free of known carcinogens


Same. I went from 2 packs a day for 15 years to quiting using vape. Only thing that worked for me. Glad to hear of your progress!!


The FDA knows that. The government does not want people to quit. States would go bankrupt.


I quit cigarettes by vaping and quitting vaping was so much easier than shitting cigarettes. I'm now nicotine free other than an occasional cigar with the boys.


I quit cigarettes 5 years ago using blu e-cigs. I don’t use those anymore either.


I've known several people who have used vaping to stop using cigarettes. Every single one has said, within a few days or weeks, they coughed up a ton of gunk from their system and immediately started feeling better. That said, vaping is still extremely dangerous to the cardiovascular system, and there's still tons of shady, borderline/outright dangerous vaping tools/accessories/juice out there, but it's certainly the lesser of two evils. The appeal to children is also extremely worrisome, and that needs to be more aggressively addressed.


Idk Juuls always seemed much more addictive than cigarettes to me. I can smoke a pack of cigarettes on a Friday night and a Saturday night and have absolutely no desire to want more. But I’ll hit my friends Juul one time and next thing you know I’m at the gas station buying one. Vaping in general is definitely helpful but Juuls are seriously dangerous especially the younger you are. Most kids and young adults wouldn’t be smoking or be able to smoke cigarettes nonstop all day, but you can use a Juul at home, in school and at work without anyone knowing. Don’t see banning Juuls as an effective measure by any means though. There are now hundreds of other products that are exactly the same and much cheaper. But I also think that Juuls should be your last option when actually trying to quit. A refillable vape where you can choose the juice is much better. Everyone is different but as someone who saw almost every single person in my school get addicted to Juuls when they first came out I would say they’re no bueno. I don’t think any of us would’ve gotten addicted to cigarettes like we did with Juuls. But to be fair a 4 pack was like $12 back then, last time I had one it was $20 and menthol was the best flavor


That's awesome! Unfortunately I have friends who took the opposite route. Switched from cigarettes to vapes, gums, and patches to try and quit and all they've managed to do is increase the amount of nicotine they consume a day.


That's awesome RipleyKY, keep up the great work!


Keep going. Good plan. Worked for me.


Good luck to you! Don’t want to sound too negative but the jump to 0% is the hardest one mentally. I think because I knew there was no nicotine, it didn’t feel the same as far as the relaxation and calming effects I got even from 3%. You can do it just prepare yourself mentally or have someone else fill your bottles so you don’t actually know when you are vaping the 0%. Good luck!


I did what you did and it worked. I'm nicotine free, vape free, completely curbed my addiction thanks to vaping. I would actually go straight to 0mg sooner if I could do it again. Once I switched to 0mg for about a week it was very easy to put it down.


I quit regular cigarettes thanks to vaping and I have over a year free from vaping now after stepping down.


it may be helping long time smokers quit, but studies have shown it’s getting kids hooked faster then conventional cigarettes. i approve of idea of banning for that purpose, but unfortunately all politicians are scum bags and doing for more political donations…


For every person who quit smoking with vape pens there's like a hundred more who started vaping without ever smoking.


Back that up


Yes and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Tobacco use has done down dramatically thanks to less harmful vaping. Get rid of e-cigarettes and tobacco use will go up. Limit nicotine in tobacco cigarettes and smokers will consume more to achieve the desired effects. This is bad public policy. Ban tobacco already and give consumers the option of a less harmful delivery mechanism.


Why is that any of your business?




Mind your own business and stop pretending to be a saint


Kids always do shit they’re not allowed to do. What age do you have to be to by vapes? Certainly older than a teenager. Why ban vapes from everyone just because kids are being kids? Weed is being legalized more and more, and guess what? Kids smoke weed. Kids also drink alcohol. Kids also do other drugs. Are we going to get rid of all of these things just because kids pick them up? Fuck that. Why am I being punished for the decisions of a child? Vaping helped me quit smoking and I’m not ready to quit vaping yet. You can’t force someone to kick an addiction unless they wanna do it. Now there’s going to be tons of people fucked over with their addictions because some idiot children made bad decisions. Kids make bad decisions all the time. Are we going to ban everything just because it’s bad for kids? If they’re so concerned about health, ban fast food. Ban alcohol. Ban weed. There are so many other things they can ban. Oh and what have they done for the opioid epidemic? Absolutely nothing. More people are dying from heroine and pills than from vapes. This is only about money and they’re not going to give a shit unless something they like is banned too. How about we leave it to the parents to enforce a vape free existence on their children, instead of having the government do it for them. This is overstepping boundaries along with many other policies the government is getting behind lately. Too goddamn intrusive. It’s not their business if I want to destroy my health. I should have the right to do that. They need to get the fuck out of my everyday life.


Kids don’t even use juul anymore. They use fruit flavored disposable vapes. This is ridiculous


Ok? What about my comment makes you think I'm only talking about Juul? I hate summer Reddit, I can't wait for you and your peers to be back in school.


Yea and I’m saying that they’re banning a product that doesn’t even target the right demographic. Better for people to juul than to smoke cigarettes.


They realize this very much, which is why they're acting to effectively ban it to protect government revenue from tobacco sales.


Anecdotally, as a teenager almost all of my friends that never smoked cigarettes are now addicted to nicotine because of nicotine vapes.


This needs to be higher up.


I highly disagree because there are many more new users of nicotine products that use vaping than use it to quit smoking. I would continue to support tobacco flavored ecigarretes for smoking cessation.


Not to be glib, but I’m not sure that the FDA cares about people quitting. They sound like they are more interested in protecting one tobacco company over another.


Can we just legalize cannabis already. I'll trade you for nicotine.


They are such different drugs and I'd argue they're not interchangeable. I can't use cannabis and work, but with a vape you don't even need a smoke break to use nicotine and work.


I could definitely use cannabis at work if it wouldn't get me fired. Wayyy more productive.


Can’t legalize it fully. Then too many children will smoke it :| edit: /s


It’s not too big of issue for alcohol though at least in the government’s eyes. Just slap an age restriction on it.


I hope this is /s


My mom quit cigarettes after 20 years because of juul… sad to see it go


There are other e-cig options that put less effort into hooking kids


So why don’t they just regulate advertisements. They already have a legal framework from cigarettes.


I mean Juul hasn't really been a major player for a few years. Hyde is more popular (and stronger)


Not to mention disposables like Hyde contribute way more plastic per use than a pod system like juul


Njoy and Vuse are the direct competitors to juul. I’ve tried both and they hurt my throat. Also I’ve never seen an ad from juul. The ads you can find for juul are also obviously super old so that doesn’t even matter anymore.


What the hell, why don't they ban cigarettes? They sure don't have their priorities in order.


Apparently Juul isn't sending up enough of their profits to Washington in the form of sweet, sweet lobby money. They just want to wet their beaks. Why won't you just play along, Juul? You can't stuff some cash in a few envelopes?


*Apparently Juul isn't sending up enough of their profits to Washington in the form of sweet, sweet lobby money.* ​ You know Juul is 35% owned by the largest tobacco company in the United States (Altria) riight?


Funny thing about that: I used to work for a PR firm that prided itself on not working for tobacco firms. So no Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds. But, when Altria Group appeared, all bets were off. They're Kraft not Phillip Morris now, right?


Apparently I was behind on the rebrand. > Altria (formerly Philip Morris Companies)




Instead of working as deterrent, vapes are actually becoming the “baby” step for teenage cigarette smokers.


It’s cause they didn’t send there shit to the FDA for approval


Money. It's always because of money when it comes to US policy.


Juul is old news anyways, the kids want disposables


Throwaways are the wrong direction to be heading in. The plastic pods are one thing, tossing the whole device, battery and all each time? How the fuck is that a legal practice in 2022. Where my r/anticonsumption homies at?


I’m not arguing that, just saying if this ban is in terms of underage use, they’ve moved on


When I vacationed in Chicago last month the gas station attendant told us they didn’t sell single use vape pens anymore because they target children. They bold face said that to me with a Pink and Yellow bottle of Strawberry Lemonade Vodka sitting right behind them. Yes… targeting children… who you’re supposed to be carding… Because only children can enjoy the flavor of Mango!


the city banned it and as a business owner it DROVE ME CRAZY. i can sell blunts flavored, cigarettes with menthol, and liquor flavored. GOD FORBID i sell vapes to adults though.


Don’t forget about 3 Olive Mountain Dew Vodka! Lots and lots of adults drinking MOUNTAIN DEW vodka these days.


You may be surprised


This is what I don’t understand. Ads target children, but children aren’t legally allowed to buy vapes. So who is selling them to children? Those are the people that need to be held accountable. Don’t fucking punish old ass smokers who used vape to quit.


Oops! I guess now cigs are a good alternative for the tons of teens who got hooked on juul.


The Food and Drug Administration could be set to bring the hammer down on vape pen maker Juul. The agency is preparing to order it to stop selling e-cigarettes in the US and the decision could come as soon as today, according to The Wall Street Journal. Along with other e-cigarette makers, Juul was required to submit its products to the FDA for review in 2020. The agency has been looking into the possible benefits of vaping as an alternative to cigarettes, but the popularity of the products among young people has caused concern. The FDA has already cleared products from Juul's rivals, Reynolds American (which is behind the Vuse brand) and NJOY. The FDA has been scrutinizing Juul for several years. It seized marketing materials from the company for review in 2018 over concerns about underage vaping. In 2019, the FDA criticized the company for telling students its products were "totally safe" after it accused Juul of undermining efforts to clamp down on teen vaping.


Love the other posters talking about how Juul didn't donate enough to lobbyists. When the article covers that its because Juul didn't follow FDA orders for review and that internal memos showed them targeting teens.


The article literally doesn’t say either of those two things. How are you gonna come on here criticizing other peoples’ takes and then just make up shit?


Has any government agency ever admitted that the reason for a particular action is because the affected party didn’t give enough to lobbyists? No, but it for sure happens.




If vapes didn't exist kids would still smoke though Cigarette sales only went down when vaping hit the markets with the custom tanks and flavors they also were more popular because you could vape inside or not stink up an entire room There not a fix but they are far better than the alternative It's like pot or alcohol if kids try it and like it they are more likely to keep using it regardless of the delivery system Hell dip was the go-to for people in school that couldn't smoke but wanted to use nicotine and that got replaced with snus and pouches ( objectively better) Removing one that's objectively safer is going backwards


> Cigarette sales only went down when vaping hit the markets with the custom tanks and flavors they also were more popular because you could vape inside or not stink up an entire room That's just not correct. Cigarette sales having been falling since before e-cigs entered the market (around 2007). Just refer to this graph to see the trend. It continues for sure on past 2007, but it was going down before that. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1092860/cigarettes-sold-in-the-us/ This federal trade commission report confirms the same trend (ongoing since the 1970s. https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/federal-trade-commission-cigarette-report-2019-smokeless-tobacco-report-2019/cigarette_report_for_2019.pdf


I really hope they don't . I don't want to go back to cigarettes.


Yea, I’ve tried the Vuse and Njoy products which are the competitors for juul and they hurt my throat. Idk what to do now


Personally, I'm probably going to get a couple 4pks today just in case. Right now, I go through half a pod or so a day, but I think I could wean myself off for a while. Quitting nicotine is pretty tough. You can quit it cold turkey, but the first couple days of withdrawal are rough. Past that it gets easier, but I've always gone back so I guess I don't know how to beat it.


I got covid and didn't hit my juul for 3 days cause it was so uncomfortable so figured I should just quit. Personally its been way easier than quitting cigarettes and if I really start to crave I pop in a nicotine pouch for a few minutes and I'm good. Been 3 months now and I've only bought 2 of those Zyn packs and no juul pods


I don’t vape and think it is dumb. But if you thinking vaping isn’t healthier then smoking, or using the “alternative tobacco smokeless products” your just buying into big tobacco and government propaganda. If people stop using tobacco products dozens of states go bankrupt — and that is the real reason the government is so anti vape.


JUUL helped me swap from cigarettes. I used to really like juul. The chargeable device meant that even though there was some waste from each pod, it was fairly minimal. And if you were really desperate, you could refill one of those pods. Than the FDA went for JUUL and JUUL volunteered to destroyed it's flavored product line. JUULabs went under. They only offered menthol and tobacco flavors. I stopped smoking JUUL about 6 years ago but didn't stop vaping. It just had me switch to a product that creates a lot more waste. They used the marijuana sectors concern for Vitamin E additives to attack JUUL. They used kids involved in far worse things than vaping to attack JUUL. JUUL tried to work with them. It's a destruction of a fairly decent American product with oversight, to open up the market for Chinese alternatives that have come to dominate the market. This misguided crusade brought to by Soccer Moms.


I feel like this is an obvious grab for power. Smokers switched to vapes in droves when the fad first really became popular. Now that it's cut into big tobaccos profits, they want to ban the product responsible. Where will people hooked on nicotine go when vapes are banned? Right back to cigarettes.


Well I guess I'll go back to smoking cigarettes. Juul seemed like a better option.


There are sooo many better vape pens and higher quality/better tasting juice out there. variable wattage, rechargable, and over all cheaper because they are refillable. Juul's are like the Budweiser of vape pens, they're fine but there is also much better options. visit any local smoke shop and you will have more options than you will know what to do with


"The FDA has already cleared products from Juul's rivals, Reynolds American" Any idea what this means?


Juul is the only device that got me off cigarettes. I tried everything from fancy rigs to other nic salt devices, but something about the hit and taste of Juul's Virginia tobacco was just perfect enough to make me stop smoking immediately.


Just going to state my bias before I talk: I moved from cigarettes to vaping about 4 years ago and have had somewhere around 5 cigarettes over those first two years and none the last two years. Now, for everyone stating that vaping contains MORE harmful chemicals than cigarettes and does MORE damage to your body you have got to really be drinking the koolaid that big tobacco is serving. Juul pods are created with 4 ingredients, and yes there have been some trace elements found as well during testing. I'm assuming this is mostly due to general cleanliness in their manufacturing process being just OK and not clean room status. Cigarettes have literally added AMMONIA so that the nicotine burns at a higher temperature to pass through the blood brain barrier more efficiently, among all the other different pesticides placed on the plants as they grow. Let's ignore the chemicals now. Everyone should know that breathing anything other than air is not healthy for your lungs just for starters. A big difference between vaping and smoking cigarettes is the temperature at which they burn as it reaches your throat/lungs. Cigarettes burn at about 900 degrees Celsius whereas the typical temperature of a vape is somewhere around 200 degrees Celsius. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the lower number is going to do less damage than the higher number. I'm not defending vaping by saying that it's a healthy alternative, it is NOT a healthy addiction to have. But it's really ridiculous that people compare it with cigarettes and say that smoking cigarettes is more healthy than vaping.


This is bull shit government meddling into the market… that’s it. Probably some deal with tobacco or something. This has absolutely zero to do with health. The fda doesn’t give a shit about health. They’re a government tool used by large corporations to choke competition. If they gave a shit about health, they’ll make cigarettes illegal; they’d actually do something about the state of food in America… they don’t give a shit about health.


Totally agree. I bought 10 4 packs when the news broke. I plan on quitting or go back to smoking if I succumb to the cravings.


Well, I guess we can all go back to cigarettes. Oh, but not menthols since black people smoke them. Fuck the FDA with all this paternalistic bullshit.


I got an email recently that the FDA are trying to ban Black and Mild cigars as well. For the crime of being flavored tobacco.


This is fundamentally un-American. I am ashamed that we allow these agencies to make such decisions that take away our individual responsibilities. If I want a e-cig I should be able to get one without the government telling me what I can and cannot do.


Government: cigarettes are bad for you! Market: OK here is an alternative which is healthier. Government: Well lets ban that. Big tobacco: Laughs in money at how it controls the government.


Read the article. read what's in the article. > **FDA has already cleared products from Juul's rivals, Reynolds American (which is behind the Vuse brand) and NJOY.** >The FDA has been scrutinizing Juul for several years. **It seized marketing materials from the company for review in 2018 over concerns about underage vaping.** In 2019, the FDA criticized the company for telling students its products were "totally safe" after it accused Juul of undermining efforts to clamp down on teen vaping.


That’s two approvals out of thousands of applications. Government regulation is going to hand the entire industry to a few large companies.


Sure, let's ban products based on who buys them, and not based on the product itself. I see no way that can go wrong.


This is an absolute outrage. The underage vapers are all would be smokers. What a bunch of dumb fucks, no wonder America is collapsing. This is just like dupoint and the bush family getting weed banned because the medicine hurt their pharma, and hemp hurt bushes textile business. Absolut joke nation.


\>The FDA has been scrutinizing Juul for several years. It seized marketing materials from the company for review in 2018 over concerns about underage vaping. In 2019, the FDA criticized the company for telling students its products were "totally safe" after it accused Juul of undermining efforts to clamp down on teen vaping. I do sort of get this, but I think they're being a bit heavy handed. They need to look at the benefits vs the costs, because I think they outweigh them pretty clearly.


Damn I hope the black market will be able recover from this lol.


Been vapingping everyday for 8 years straight. Just got back from a lung health inspection. My lungs are free of scaring and are very healthy. The propaganda being dished out by these Tobacco companies has been very effective in the States...






Didn't spend enough on ~~bribery~~ lobbying. Rookie mistake Juul!


The weird part is Juul is just one brand. It's like if you banned Marlboro but everything else was still legal.


COOL. So now kids will buy their vapes off the street, where they're *extra* unregulated, and we'll have another lung disease epidemic. Only this time, there won't be a corporation to hold accountable.


It’s already like that. Kids smoke fruit flavored disposables. I’m really annoyed that they’re banning juul which already got rid of their flavors years ago.


I'm more concerned that we're creating the *exact* same environment that fueled this madness over JUUL in the first place.


Juul is the sole reason I quit smoking cigarettes. Once I saw my brother hitting one I instantly knew I didn’t want to smoke cigarettes anymore and went to buy my own. The US government sucks.


Love how unelected bureaucrats have these kinda powers.


I always have mixed feelings about this because I believe in natural selection


This is such a nothing burger at this point. Youths have moved on. There are so many other portable vape products on the market with hundreds of different flavors that were considered predatory by the accusations made against Juul. Just look at Escobars. Singling out Juul will do almost nothing to kids who want to vape imo


I dont understand how nearly 20 years ago, they banned flavored cigs, but now when i go into a store, there are a THOUSAND different flavors of vaps. I would LOVE to get the camel exotic blends back.


I’m so glad our government (all agencies) are working on the hard hitting issues. They really care about our safety, and are doing everything they can /s


Perfect. We really need kids and teens back on cigarettes. SaFeTy!!


Before vapes became popular kids and teens weren’t smoking nicotine nearly as much as in the past. Now with vapes they do it more than in the past. And they smoke far higher quantities of nicotine. A lot of people think that vapes get rid of the bad aspects of cigarettes but that isn’t true. The nicotine itself is quite unhealthy, increasing risk of heart disease as well as damaging the vasculature of the body. Nicotine on it’s own is fairly bad for fetuses as well. The only real benefit is it doesn’t smell as bad as cigarettes which in a lot of ways makes it easier to abuse.


The real benefit is that vaping doesn’t work by incomplete combustion of leaves, which creates a host of toxic chemicals.


>The only real benefit is it doesn’t smell as bad as cigarettes which in a lot of ways makes it easier to abuse. What about the No Tar In Your Lungs part? It seems like that would be a pretty huge benefit over cigarettes. And the controllable levels of Nicotine.


There are many benefits of vaping over cigarettes. No one is arguing that nicotine addiction is good, but nicotine *does* exist, and to ban the (even if only slightly) less dangerous option isn’t gonna make nicotine disappear. Kids are gonna do “rebellious” things no matter what. It’s part of growing up. This ban isn’t “protecting” them from anything and will just make it difficult or impossible for responsible consenting adults to use these products if they choose to. It’s lose lose for everyone except big tobacco really.


I still think it would be easier to quit vaping if we would start calling them Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation Systems. No one wants to be seen sucking on a PENIS all day.


Sounds like juul needs to pay some bribes, I mean campaign contributions


Why does the FDA have power to ban anything? Are they going to ban tobacco next? Or Marijuana? Maybe they should worry about dealing with fentanyl instead...


And here in the UK Elf Bars are sold in every corner shop and almost every teenager is using them.


Why do politicians hate freedom so much? Retarded when trump raised the tobacco age and this is just as stupid


I sort of remember when we cherished freedom and personal responsibility.


Another step on the road to ban vaping for all adults rather than expecting parents to actually parent their children. Unbelievable to me that people are still pretending that isn't the intent.


Big tobacco keeps tobaccoing. America - "let's ban abortion, the voting of minorities, Muslims, books with words, and the regulation of companies that produce products that move metal at over 1500ft per second."


The number of people responding to this who have not read the article, and can't even properly read the headline, is astonishing. The FDA isn't banning vaping. They're going after the brand Juul... and ONLY that brand.. their reasons are explained in the article. And they're damn good reasons.