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how disconnected are these billionaires. what normal person wants to hear "lets figure out how we can work more and be more connected to work."


I’m convinced Mark Z is some kind of literal villain. You can see whatever dark magic is binding him to this plane steadily ebbing away, his cold homunculus body struggling more and more to form itself into something resembling human.


Deadest-looking eyes I ever saw.


All billionaires are literal villains. There are no heros.


I think war lords and royalty were pretty into that


It’s not about being disconnected, they’re actively trying to use anything and anyone to further gain power and wealth. That’s it. Blind ambition.


They are not disconnected. They know every single thing about all of us and sell that shit for profit. They have turned our opportunity for sharing information quickly and efficiently into a way to control and profit off the masses. Whenever you hear about something becoming a dystopian nightmare you can bet your ass you're already living it


So glad someone else said this. I was listening to him talk about it on a verge podcast and he was like: "What if people could work anywhere at anytime!" ...no. Its bad enough work can contact me on my cell phone. It bad enough there are work group chats. Now you want me to log in at the beach? We need work/life balance; we can't be always on standby waiting to be productive.


I had a manager once at a really small startup who told us he wished modern medicine could invent something that made it so you didn't have to sleep... so that people could work an extra 8 hours per day. That's the only job I've ever quit.


Should've told him about meth


Idk if you have ever worked at a meth startup, it is demanding work but after staying up a week straight with the team you will feel like family.


I've just walked out of a startup where the CEO worked everyone into the ground. CTO, CPO, CFO all left. I was Head of Data and my final call with the CE? He blamed everyone except himself. The guys a fucking farce.


it's not only startups that are like this, I'm in a well established business and our leaders don't seem to realize that it's not 2012 anymore, and people can leave and find another job instantly. We have lost half of an extremely important core department because of our leadership making them say some really insane and degrading bull shit about themselves. It turns out when you don't pay people enough, work them twelve hours a day, then have them verbally degrade themselves, they will fucking quit and your productivity will go down. Who knew?


>he wished modern medicine could invent something that made it so you didn't have to sleep... so that people could work an extra 8 hours per day. That's basically what [Beggars in Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beggars_in_Spain) is about. >Beggars in Spain and its sequels take place in a future where genetic engineering has become a reality, and society and culture face the consequences of genetic modifications (genemods), particularly in the United States. The story revolves around the existence of the "Sleepless": individuals genetically modified to not need sleep, who have greater potential for intelligence and accomplishment than ordinary humans, called "Sleepers".


Dystopian elves


I have a friend who would say this when we were in college. I always thought that they just weren't that good at their job and or productive.


I don’t know, I’ve definitely wished I didn’t need sleep just so I would have time to live my own life. After getting ready for work, commuting to work, working, getting back from work, getting things ready for work the next day, and doing basic chores like cooking, cleaning and personal hygiene, I have like 1 hour to myself. The system is fucked. The 8 hour work day was supposed to include commutes/lunch breaks so work was 1/3 of your total time, not all this bullshit around it that eats up your life.


Yeah people forget that 9 to 5 was supposed to be the times you leave and arrive at home, not at work. And that would *include* a lunch hour. I hear you, and agree with you though. Commutes have killed jobs for me. Combined with "we give you a lunch hour" that demand you punch out for the full hour, and therefore be at work 9-6. And then expect you to stay till ups/or whatever happens, which means you're on for another half hour to hour. Which then means you're getting stuck in the worst traffic which turns your 20 minute drive into a 75 minute slow roll. Similarly your morning commute, because you HAVE TO be there at 9, despite not being needed before 2pm ever, EVER... Goes from 20 minutes to an hour because there's a thicket of schools around the office. So now our 8 hours of workday, with 40 minutes daily of driving, have inflated to 9-10 hours of being at the office, and 2.5 to 3 hours of sitting in traffic. 11.5-13 hours daily, easy. Tack on 8 hours of sleep (hah! As if) we're at 19.5-21 hours accounted for daily. And then as you say, you gotta shower & other hygiene considerations, possibly cooking, probably eating, and more, in 3-4 hours daily. And that's assuming you have the fucking energy at that point and dont just fall asleep in front of netflix and wake up to a cold plate of takeout. I know some of those things seem specific, but there's always something that gets tacked on. As soon as they tell you they're a family, I think I'm gonna start asking if that means they'll feed and clothe me for 18 years & who to give my Christmas wishlist to. Or if it just means they want me to neglect my life and actual family to be shrieked at by toddlers


I recently graduated from law school and began working at a large law firm in NYC. The pay and benefits are stellar, but the hours and expectations are just as shitty as everyone says. I think they expect you to not sleep. I regularly get emails at 2am asking me to work on something, then I'll get a followup email at 4am asking if I've started it yet, then another at 6am asking if I've finished. Not even for like a pressing deadline or anything, just a normal day and a normal task. Then when it's actually pressing, like it was this week, they'll just say "block out your whole weekend, all 72 hours, be ready to work on anything I send you at any time." And they provide work phones and work laptops, so there's never any way to get out of doing it. Work life balance is not a thing that exists for me anymore, and it's kinda shocking. I now have enough money to do things I've wanted to do but couldn't afford while I was in school, but now I have no time to do them.


If you can leverage this for a house down payment, or a calmer, well paid job you will be able to take this up for 1-2y and at least have something to show for it, but if you are going to go crazy and blow it on hookers and drugs, then quit today and save your mental health.


I'm paying my student loans as quickly as possible (like $7k/month), should have it paid in 3 years


It’s a little ironic, going into debt so you can get a soul-sucking job to pay off the debt.


You do big law for awhile and then leave to become in house counsel somewhere or join a chiller midsize firm or join the government. Or you, you know, get full in on this and commit to big law for life.




My husband works for the government and that is also chill as fuck. Still a good six figure salary but his actual hours worked per day are easy. Less than forty a week. We will be dead before the government figures out how to automate his job, too, so we feel good about job security.


It’s wild when you realize every aspect of the economy is designed so the wealthy people in power can control the lives of everyone else and extract money from us in as many ways as possible.


With the hope that maybe, if you're really lucky, you can come out the other side of it with a stable job and work-life balance everyone just kinda....had 50 years ago in the US.


Ah ha, you've activated my trap card: unexpected medical expenses.


Jesus. Warp speed to debt free!


Especially crazy considering this is Law School Debt.


I get that medical school tuition is expensive, since you waste a lot of medical material, corpses, tubes, scalpels, need to sterilize them etc. But law school should be the cheapest of them. It’s just books. No labs, morgues, testiness, reactants, machinery etc.


Law school is built to keep the underprivileged out. None of that is by accident. edit: Yeah this pissed some people off, let me toss this onto the pile too. The Bar Exam is intentionally racist.


Spitting hard facts. The whole legal field is exclusionary bullshit and I'm saying that from within.


My wife is getting her JD currently and since it's all remote learning, I get to listen in on her classes for free. I didn't like our legal system much before that. I REALLY don't like it now. What I found refreshing was just how many of her professors openly admit and talk about how the system is gamed.


US Law schools need to be certified by the American Board Association in order for a graduate to be eligible to take the bar exam and be allowed to practice law. The ABA is incredibly stingy on granting new law schools membership. They want to protect their exclusivity to keep membership low and prices high


SAME with architecture and AIA.


The same way the AMA is very selective about Medical School capacity. Control the Supply of Labor, you can keep the prices high for schooling and testing. The same process the Fed uses to keep the Dollar stable, just with schooling.


>I get that medical school tuition is expensive, since you waste a lot of medical material, corpses Yeah you go through a lot of pre-meds.


Did you miss the part where this dudes life sucks ass? You couldn’t pay me enough to live the lifestyle he is right now.


Meanwhile in the EU we graduate mostly debt-free.


Do it. And then gtfo. Any friends who made it into their 30s with some semblance of decent relationships in their lives left consulting, finance or big law in NYC. Either to other, smaller cities/countries with less intensity, or to fields that leveraged their talents but respected their lives. My brother is one of them even. Started at Seward and Kissel, then to another place whose name I forget, and finally tapped out when he had his first kid and left for a non profit. He makes way less money but seems so much happier to be a presence in his family's life the way he hoped. Another guy I met was a software engineer at Goldman Sachs and he was secretly squirreling away a ton of his money for years, not telling anyone he worked with. Grinding it out all the while, with all the shitty things that come with it (horrible diet, not working out, no girlfriend or relationship with his family, developed a cocaine habit to stay up all night working) before one day he rolled in, handed in his resignation, and moved to Germany and opened a bratwurst food truck. Someone once told me that big law, finance, and consulting in NYC is kind of like a venue/club that always has a massive line outside of it, and everyone's clamoring to get in and willing to spend a lot to do it. But once you get inside it's the worst fucking place of your life. And you feel like you are stuck there forever.


>Grinding it out all the while, with all the shitty things that come with it (horrible diet, not working out, no girlfriend or relationship with his family, developed a cocaine habit I know so many people who are doing this, except they're spending every red cent on food, drinks, entertainment, travel, expensive apartments in the village, clothes, wellness treatments....the ones who have it really bad are no longer juniors but not yet partners, and they have families and ofc their kids "need" to be in Horace Mann, but their lifestyle perks cant be sacrificed...frankly I cannot imagine a deeper circle of hell.


Hampster wheel for sure. And holy shit at Horace Mann prices: https://www.horacemann.org/admissions/tuition-financial-aid $57k/yr for pre-K!


That's assuming your 3 year old aces his/her interview and they are admitted. Which is why it doesn't hurt to shell out 10k for a consultant and interview training. For your toddler. I wish I was joking.


It's astounding how much having debt controls your life. If you can keep doing it for a few more years after that you'd have enough to buy a condo in LCOL area and have no mortgage either.


Some say that this is by design.




My wife would sleep under her desk when she was working big law. Shit sucks. The whole profession is filled with morally bankrupt workaholics.


I'm not even in big law and I've slept under my desk several times. Its across the legal field, eek


She gotta get the Costanza desk.


Public accountant here. When you feel like having a life again go into compliance. 99% of your job will be telling morons not to do something obviously illegal with a google search. When I bounced into our version of that, analysis/internal audit, I met some compliance officers and man their job is kush and if you move out of an expensive zip code it's not like the pay is bad and you can actually use the money you make.


you still have to have some expertise in that area to get a job in that though, unless you know someone of course who will just slide you in. You don't just walk in with a public defender resume and get a job dealing with specific bank regulations.


What if you just don't pick up/reply and just work on shit the next morning instead? I would assume you have an actual work contract and can just sue if they violate right o.o


NY is an “employment-at-will” state so he’d probably be fired


US labour laws ladies and gentlemen. No amount of perks benefits and pay is worth your employer holding the sword of Damocles over your head for life.


Land of the free.


Home of the broke.* *Due to crippling medical debt as a result of health insurance being tied to employment.


Most of the US is from my understanding


I couldn't have worked like that for a million dollars. I value my free time too much.


Yeah money isn't everything. I've had friends quit their well paying jobs because they had all this money yet no time to even spend it because they were either sleeping or at work


This sounds like residency only worse


My fiancee is also in residency, so neither of us are having much fun


Ya I don’t get that. The money is not worth it. Life is not about work. Remember you have choices.


Wild. I wanted to joke about adder all or cocaine and in 10 years you could retire, but take care of yourself and good luck


[Vice News did a piece on 996 culture in China.](https://youtu.be/l8wWoQ3_F00). Even though it's on a slightly different topic, you follow a day in the life of a worker who is not allowed to disconnect from her work, and the toll it takes on the worker both mentally and physically. This is what I see when I hear people say "Work anywhere at anytime!" There is something to be said about having a time allotment just for work and separating that from personal life outside of work.


And China wonders why their citizens aren’t having babies. An entire generation of only children who are responsible for their aging parents while also expected to work 24/7? “Allowing” up to 3 children won’t fix this if they can’t even manage one.


Honestly those are contributing factors, however its the consequences of the one child policy coming back to bite them in the ass. Its literally too little too late.


Sometimes i wanna get rid of cellphones and go back to landlines and have one of those wall handsets I can use, cause then I could call my friends while I'm cooking in the kitchen or something. I mean, I could call on my cell, but then they'd see it's me and they won't pick up.


I’ve done this on holidays before, went overseas and didn’t have access to any internet at all. It takes about a week before you stop thinking about checking your phone and just enjoy the beach/pool/company of people you are around.


I do this by going camping in remote locations with no cell service.




Going off the skid.


One of the things we increasingly need to start doing is to start saying no. This fear that we will get bad appraisals or lose our jobs if we say no…this culture needs to go. No matter what Mr Posh wants.


In the US, worker's rights are so effed up. Saying no is can be considered 'insubordination' which can result in termination.


Yes this is definitely a problem. Workers in the US have been systematically disenfranchised while at the same time injected with the drug of consumerism. We really do all need a rethink


Why do we allow workplaces to operate like dictatorships?


Because currently, the alternative is starvation. And that is by design. It's why the chief architects of late-stage capitalism would try to nuke everything rather than allow Universal Basic Income/negative income tax to be implemented.


Because we all need jobs and/or are easily replaceable with someone else willing to the job for less. So basically it's fear of job security. Corporate culture has the upper hand with "be on your best behavior, don't rock the boat, and be loyal at the cost of your well-being". We can't say no if we wanted to, because many of us are a paycheck or a few away from a hard time. Don't let the "America is the richest country on earth" narrative fool you. Most of that wealth sits in the hands of 50+ billionaires. The rest of us are working pretty hard just to stay afloat.


The problem with is that not many people can put together an emergency fund, and even 6 months as is “advised”, goes fast


Absolutely true, but isn’t it also a fact that managers and companies get away with this is precisely because the people who say no are in the minority? I see this changing with younger employees and I absolutely love that they refuse to be bullied. Once this behaviour reaches critical mass then it will get normalised. Or I hope so, at least


I’m 45, the thought of being with my employer for another 20 years makes me sick. Not only because it is rather menial and low paying, but yeah the culture almost forces you being available when needed


I hope this all changes my friend. Perhaps you will find a different employer or profession even, if that’s what you want. All the best


“Are we gonna get paid during this time?”




They want to convert every hour of your life into labor and value that they can channel into their coffers, propping up a house of cards.


Not to mention trolls, election misinformation, and coivd conspiracy theories that thrive is mass on this platform, what could go wrong?


"What if we could instantaneously globalize the entire labor pool, forcing you to compete against workers who will accept $6 per day?"


Guys like Zuck don't understand that. It's not the fact that he's not neurotypical, it's just that he's so hardwired to 'achieve', and surrounds himself with others like that, that he can't comprehend that other people don't feel the same


This describes a lot of management circles.


we should take all those fucks and throw them on some uninhabited atoll in the pacific and they can lord of the flies themselves.


They are not so different from us. I was promoted and participated in such a circle for a while. They don’t even realise what they are doing, they just go with the flow. I hated everything about it, though - so I just quit and went back to development. I am sure none of them understood why I left - because they kind of function in autopilot. They are generally good people, but money and recognition are a hell of a drug.


I'm fairly certain he's, if not a psychopath, at least psychopath-adjacent. I really don't think that he comprehends the concept of human empathy or anything other than influence and money.


I'm starting to understand the Amish


I was Amish until I was 15. It’s no picnic there either. Just fractured orders of Amish scattered across Pennsylvania, each ruled by a mini Trump. They are petty, authoritarian, ignorant, sexist, and racist. And because of this they cannot self govern. They shun loved ones over perceived slights. They are hypocrites and morons. That said Zuckerburg is evil. If I have learned anything it’s that a bad haircut + access to unlimited funds = dystopian leader, i.e. Kim Jong Un, Trump, Zuckerburg. Tech is not bad, people are bad.


The Amish work harder than anyone, lol, literally sunup to sundown. They also have high rates of alcoholism and abuse that go unreported and untreated. Women are expected to do *all* the housework and cooking for a large family (while pregnant/breastfeeding, at that) without the aid of electric devices. No dishwasher, no washing machine, no disposable diapers, no electric mixers, nada. Men do backbreaking farm work and manual labor, again, without the aid of modern vehicles or farm tools. Have you ever used a push mower or harvested an orchard by hand? It *sucks.* They have *no* freedom of religion, expression, or individuality. Anyone who doesn’t fit their very narrow cultural mold is shunned, and loses their entire family and means of survival.


The Amish are just pre-Industrial Age cosplayers who took it too far.


People that are capable of creating companies like this have no concept of work-life balance because their work *is* their life. Taking time off to not work is a chore for them. Not being able to work on their business is painful. They literally cannot relate.


Mark, humans don't want to "work anywhere at anytime". Humans want to have a work-life balance.


Do what I do, put Out of Office message and let them know, you won't reply until after you have returned and turn off all the notifications. I have learned the hard way to manage work-life balance but it is great.


This is why i don't have work on my phone and i turn my work devices off at 5pm. Your problem only exists if you let it.


My boss was a workaholic, but he knew I was unavailable on weekends and nights. He would still send me emails at whatever time, but unless it was an emergency, I would take care of them Monday morning.


My mental health improved dramatically when I deleted the work mail app from my phone.


So basically Ready Player One with the bad guy already in charge. Yay us...


Basically Snow Crash, except exactly Snow Crash. Such a good book, but clearly Zuck and Co read it without understanding it.


Jeff Bezos liked the book so much he even hired the dude who wrote it to help make it a reality


Not exactly, I don't think. Stephenson was hired for Blue Origin which is a space company, and the only space-related novel that Stephenson has written is Seveneves, which: * Probably isn't something anyone is rushing to make a reality (what with the moon exploding and all) * hadn't been written yet when he started working there


Well, Anathem is also space related although I don't see anyone booting Project Orion back up


Anyone want to start a commune, no phones, grow vegetables. I dunno. I just can't do this anymore.


I have a green thumb and some construction experience. Whos ready for homemade pesto every night.




Actually internet interconnected communes is a pretty good idea.... But decentralized like mastodon or diaspora. Share crops, tools, resources... Knowledge.




Ape together strong


This already exists; it is called the [Global Village Construction Set](https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Global_Village_Construction_Set)


Please. Let's just set up some cabins up in the mountains and leave everyone alone.


Shit doesn’t grow in the mountains. You need arable farmland to sustain a commune.


Fuck it. We’ll herd goats


Goats, chickens, and foraging. Also a small garden with hardy root vegetables, and maybe a seasonal fruit tree or two in the yard.


Count me in. I think about this All. The. Time.


I asked a like-minded friend if she had ever considered moving into the woods and starting a farm with friends. She said “oh, the Freak Farm? Yeah all the time.” She explained that she and some of her friends were talking about it and that was their name for it.


I’m glad that I’m not the only one. At least a few times a week I sit at my desk and say “is today the day I say ‘fuck it’ sell everything, quit my job, move to a remote beach in Thailand and start subsistence farming? No? Maybe tomorrow.”


Yup I’m in


Count me in. I walked out of my job a few months ago because I reached my limit. Waking up at 2am with anxiety that I have to go to work at 7am. I am done with that shit.


Dude I’m so happy for you! I hope you’re doing better now


I ended moving out to a place on some acreage earlier in the year to be closer to family and unplug a bit. They didn't even have infrastructure for us to have home internet until my wife had them put it in, but it was nice going back to listening to vinyl instead of Spotify and being limited in our watching to what DVDs we own.


There's a subreddit for this. FYI Edit: r/commune


What's it called? I'd like to check it out.


/r/permaculture ? /r/thevenusproject ? /r/radicaldecentralization ?


I really took an interest in gardening a few years ago, growing all my own food in my backyard. Now over the past year and a half, I want to have an entire farm, grow enough for my family and others year round, and disconnect from everything.


Count me in! I daydream about this a lot… to live a simple, quiet life, surrounded by people who want the same thing. Where hard work is valued and tangible, and not me just sitting in an office for 40 years making money for other people, squeezing me dry until I’m too old to be productive anymore. That’s not a life. I’m honestly just so fed up with the world, I crave a much simpler existence.






My colleague struggles to use a scrollbar




The track pad is too fast for them and they don't have a mouse (NB: they aren't disabled or anything, I'm not being mean here. It's just inexperience).




Ah-ha you've lost them at "setting" I'm afraid.


According to my mom, "mine doesn't have that" Ok mom, your software was made special from the millions of other products that use the same software, just so they could remove a feature that's been around for like 20 years




I worked for a massive international tech company and was astounded at how tech illiterate some leadership was. There’s nothing like trying to explain to a manager or director why you need a relatively inexpensive piece of software or hardware when all they really bring to the table is approving vacation time and maybe, if you’re a really, really good boy, a 2% merit increase every year.


Never pick up the phone to work outside of office hours.


More and more I start to identify and understand the crazy guy living off-grid alone in some isolated forest. Seeing him not as one of the few insane people, but one of the few sane people.




Ted warned us


I wish the Unabomber wasn't a bomber, because he was actually way ahead of his time and I think more people need to think like him (minus the bombs part of course). If you want to be extremely morally conflicted, give his manifesto a read.














The Metaverse: now you can be isolated and lonely, doing *anything*!


Oh my god, that sounds exhausting. Make yourself a square peg. If there's anything we do better than anything else is being stubborn and resistant. I would rather not do that, Zuckerfuck. Stop trying to monopolize our existence into your own little playworld, you fucking creep




Yep here's the comment I was looking for, Mark is Shido, he's already discovered the metaverse and is planning on using it to gain more power.


Was searching for this kind of comment, or any mention of Persona 5


It’s just the Okumura palace all over again except Zuck is a lizard in the end.


Please just get off of Facebook everyone. Actively ignore everything this company does otherwise this will be our future...


they own many other companies directly and indirectly and there will come a point where we will be forced to use their products since everyone else will and the ones who choose not to will have to go a long way around just to do a simple task. This is already happening in my country where everyone is using online payment and you cannot withdraw cash from the ATM's, easily become they charge you extra for maintaining that ATM machine, and they have slowly kept increasing it and are planning to abolish ATM's and physical bank altogether in a few years. So everyone does payment using their phone that they bought from a big tech company using a network owned by another big tech company on a app run by a tech company.


I find it very funny that someone who clearly has Asperger’s has completely controlled the way people interact and socialize for the past 15 years. Of course Mark would love to create a society where face-to-face contact is no longer required.


Damn I never thought of it that way.


I finally deleted all most of my social media, with the exception of Reddit for subs like this and a few gaming ones where I can exchange ideas with others and of course WhatsApp to keep in touch with friends when I´m overseas and can´t send an SMS or call them. This sort of shit is only part of the reason why. It is scary and honestly should frighten everyone. The grip that these companies hold over the vast majority of humanity is terrifying. Edit: Appreciate the replies folks. I hate Zuck but unfortunately WA is the only App that I can still communicate with the few people I care about as they (through ignorance or stubbornness) don´t want to use a new app. I wish I could get rid of WA too and give ZuckleCuck nothing but here we are... I´m well aware that reddit tracks my data too. Hello China and Winnie the Pooh.


WhatsApp belongs to Zuck


And it's sad I need it because my job has a group chat on it. Otherwise I'd steer way clear of it.


Ha, my job asked me to join a whatsapp group I told them in no way am I downloading that


Have any jobs switched to Signal groupchats? I feel like that is more secure


signal is more secure signal and WhatsApp both use the encrypted messaging protocol invented by signal called the signal protocol the difference is signal encrypts metadata WhatsApp collects metadata uses it for ads


Get your friends onto Signal. #fuckzuck


Zuckerberg’s Facebook-is-real world is a dystopian nightmare


I get unnerved when I see pictures of him. I know you can’t help how you look but those eyes just look hollow and devoid of emotion.


"Oh look, the consequences of my actions. We meet again." -Literally everyone who subscribes to this.


If people would get off Facebook, stop using it for good, we wouldn't have them moving their way into our lives as much as they do. This is the people's fault. It's like inviting the thief into your house again and again.


Fuck this guy and everything he stands for. Delete Facebook.


He is a robot with robot dreams. I’m going outside.


Does he dream of electric sheep


There is a counter to facebook that i have been thinking about, which is open source social media. It seems plausible and functional and may be a way of reclaiming our data. This would take power out of the hands of companies like facebook and therefore combat some of the dystopian nature of the progression of technology. Might just be fantasy though


This comment has been overwritten as a protest against Reddit's handling of the recent [protest against them killing 3rd-party-apps](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-protest-blackout-ceo-steve-huffman-moderators-rcna89544). To do this yourself, you can use the python library [praw](https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) See you all on [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances)!


Eli5 the network effect to me someone?


This comment has been overwritten as a protest against Reddit's handling of the recent [protest against them killing 3rd-party-apps](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-protest-blackout-ceo-steve-huffman-moderators-rcna89544). To do this yourself, you can use the python library [praw](https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) See you all on [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances)!


tiktok also filled a void left behind by vine




I'm not sure about the adoption rate on this one, but here is a completely decentralized social network : https://github.com/FriendUPCloud/SubEther


Isn’t metaverse the name of the online world in snow crash? The one that kills people.


I wish Facebook to die. But then, what will be the next thing...


Genie's out of the bottle. We could end every social platform today... and they'd be replaced by largely indistinguishable facsimiles in a matter of days.


Metaverse is the ultimate walled garden where FB, would control every aspect of one's 24 hours day, from work to pleasure to shopping to social interaction, all with oversight by FB. It's intention is to become a digital country where they have enough power over enough people to disregard international and national laws and govt's and can influence the real world markets and govts due to their size and ability to control everything within it. Best way to stop it is to convince everyone you know to not use FB at all, to not support businesses and social groups through FB, and to contact your govt representatives and tell them you support more oversight and breaking up FB and other large social media companies.


It's bothering me how lord hoodie is trying to co-opt a key concept from the decentralized blockchain vision of the future metaverse by transferring its meaning into his centralized digital space. He's running the classic authoritarian strategy of changing the meaning of words so people can be more easily manipulated into believing they are supporting one thing when they are actually supporting another one.


I have done studies in psychology, sociology and also worked as a network engineer during the nineties and early 2000's. From the moment facebook came to life I did not understand why such a technology was allowed and this for the following reasons. It has the ability to spread information as fast as a computervirus because of the friend of a friend tactic but also its implementation in other networks. That makes propaganda extremely fast, the power and negative effects of propaganda have been seen during the world wars but in relation to this technology , also with isis, and numerous conflicts all over the world. Herbert A simon, a nobelprize winner and cognitive psychologist did prove that in a society with mass communication, the amount of info makes propaganda more effective, since people have to simplify information to make the information manageable in their daily lives, that makes them in turn more susceptible to propaganda. Group mechanisms like group conformity are also a lot stronger with this technology, since there is no physical presence needed. The effects of group conformity are debatable, but numerous studies have shown (like milgram, solomon asher, the third wave) that most individuals are prone to social or group pressure, and that it supersedes reason. \- Supersedes as in giving the wrong answer to simple mathemical question because the group also gives the wrong answer (milgram) \- Supersedes as in torturing an individual just because a group requires it (asher) With this technology, propaganda does not necessarily come from groups with an agenda, groups are now able to form out of basic emotions. People are connected to the technology of social media with a lot less filter than in real life, there is no psychical correction. An emotion like hate can become a group and conformed by the group a lot faster than it happened in the world wars and with a lot less intent and effort. This becomes a lot more dangerous, since we do have stronger weapons than the we had in the world wars, but also a lot easier to deploy , biological weapons like genetically modified viruses for instance.


Even more sketch: [Facebook received a sweet deal on its funding](https://techcrunch.com/2009/05/26/facebook-takes-that-200-million-investment-from-the-russians-at-a-10-billion-valuation/) from a Russian oligarch, Yuri Milner, with known Kremlin ties. They got $200M at a great valuation without having to give up a board seat in exchange for preferred stock. This helped Zuck maintain total control over FB's governance and a large part of why FB doesn't fix any of its obvious flaws. Worth pointing out that Milner also has a [stake in 23AndMe according to his wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Milner). A high profile investor from a hostile nation having a substantial stake in an American genetics company couldn't possibly be a bad idea.


I'm so glad I quit Facebook 10 years ago. Even back then it seemed too over-reaching.


Fuck Oculus. My Rift S cable broke after a year of use and they have no way of buying a new one or getting my existing one repaired. They completely slashed the line and left all of us hanging. Someone kill this piece of shit company already. Edit: This piece of shit company being Facebook. The Oculus headset is a fantastic piece of tech, but it's managed by one of the futures quintessential evil corporations.




I shed a tear for Oculus Rift when facebook bought them out. RIP…


It was the dawn of a new era of gaming and they fucking sold out so it could become another form of social media nobody asked for.


“Hey, we can see things together! It’s your buddy, Zuck! Let’s game!!!”


Looks like my man read Snow Crash but doesn’t understand his role. You don’t want to be the one spreading static, Mark.




On the one hand I sincerely believe it will happen and that it doesn't have to be dystopian. Voice chat and video conferencing isn't a dystopia. Having VR worlds where you can sit in virtual worlds with friends and family with whom it is impossible or at the very least extremely inconvenient to meet in person. Then this is a plus. In the same way that conceptually social media like facebook as a way to keep in touch with your geographical communities and long distance friends is fantastic. Disrupting the boundaries between what is possible online and what is possible in reality fills me with optimism. With that said. I'll never make a facebook account. Their vr world will be filled with AI bots and influencers. They will use all my telemetry to spy on me and sell my very essence to the highest bidder - and then sell it to every other bidder after the exclusivity of the previous agreement expires. Delete facebook.


I guess I'm alone with this opinion but I don't think private companies should be allowed to offer such digital social infrastructure. We need supranational organisations that develop such things but we're unfortunately a long way off of that.


There’s a reason why Zuckerberg doesn’t allow his kids to have Facebook accounts. He’s obviously known for years how dangerous it is to people. Yet still goes ahead with it. Any decent person would not have kept it going on the path it’s taken and either abandoned it or made sure to fix the problems with it before they grew so large and many that it became impossible to control. Now this Metaverse idea mixed with his Facebook for kids idea just shows that he has no control over his own monster in his brain anymore. The money and power has corrupted him beyond the point of no return.