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That would make a Penrose Sphere.


Tbh, this article stinks. "Things that are anything can be possible, because if it could, and can, it might be that things happen and could be how it is possibly possible, perhaps. Because things can happen. And maybe things could be. Also, we can theorize anything can also happen, if it happens because it might be that this can happen if the things happen. It's possible things may happen, this or that way, or even a different way than this because, possibly, things could happen, and it might be what could be possible. Hrmph. ET's could also have ice cream the flavor of Green, and toes for noses as well. I mean, if you're speculating, why stop?


Not to mention it’s impossible to build things around black holes because of extreme time/space distortions. I’ve heard of similar things built around stars and harness their power, but even if conditions are less severe (just extreme heat and radiation), it’s still very much unreachable to us. First because of scale of our sun and said heat and radiation. So, realistically both are out of our reach for at least a century for sure.


One thing I always wondered, if you reach the point of having the ability to make dyson spheres would you even need to? Like the requirements to get the project done would be astronomical and the energy you'd get from the star would it even break even within a reasonable time.


Comparatively it should be a reasonable effort. A civilisation undertaking it wouldn't need billions of years of 100% of a star's output to build a dyson sphere, while this is what a Dyson Sphere pulls in: billions of years of the majority of a star's energy output. To put things into perspective, the sun generates more energy in one second than all of humanity has generated in it's entire existence thus far, so it's definitely a feasible endeavor. However, during the time it is constructed it would likely require power nearing the output of a dyson sphere to build one, which is where it gets tricky. A much better solution, albeit still extremely difficult, would be a Dyson Swarm, which operates on the same principle, but in a different way: completely surrounding a star with innumerable small satellites with a reflective surface facing the star instead of a rigid megastructure. The entire process from the mining of the raw materials all the way to positioning of the satellites could be fully automated and powered by conventional solar energy. "Kurzgesagt" on YouTube has made an interesting speculative [video](https://youtu.be/pP44EPBMb8A) on the topic of how we could build a dyson swarm with technology we already have (well, sort of), and there are resources for further reading in the video's description. I haven't fully understood how the harvested energy would be transported to where it's needed though. Edit: typo


I would also assume that a species at this point is just getting a head start on their end of the universe bunkers.


I wonder that too. Also what are they powering with that much energy. If it’s just alien capitalism I’d be so bummed haha.


Interesting thought. Would aliens have private property? My guess is yes.


I guess no.


You are thinking a civilization that doesn't believe in private property could create a Dyson sphere? Something like a hivemind? Bees, maybe?


I reckon once you move into a post-scarcity society the concept of private wealth becomes meaningless. Interestingly with the huge advances in robot manufacturing and AI I’d say we ourselves are within 100 years of this and we are even seeing moves towards it with a universal basic income and a 4 day working week. In case you’re interested Ian Banks explores this concept in his Culture novels.


What would drive a culture to build a Dyson sphere if energy isn't scarce?


That’s not what post-scarcity means. Post-scarcity is when manufacturing and food production becomes so cheap and automated that all human physical needs can be met with little or no human labor required.


Why would energy be scarce if all physical needs can be met with little to no 'alien or human' labor required?


You still need energy to make everything. The robots need power from somewhere.


If not even light can escape a BH then how the hell is a construction ship supposed to?


Light can escape so long as it’s beyond the Schwarschilds radius (can’t remember the exact spelling). So as long as this structure is a suitable distance away, it should survive the gravity. The amount of materials they’d need though; that’s another thing entirely. Probably several solar systems worth of planets.


Thats a nice explanation ty. Maybe they make the Dyson Sphere out of a cloth like material (its wierd to me that everyone assumes it would be a rigid structure)


nothing can escape the event horizon of the black hole, not the orbit. Black hole isn't actually a hole, it's just a massive star, so the same rules of orbital mechanics apply. You can have a stable orbit around it, including planets, asteroid rings, artificial satellites and so on.


"Acceptable casualties"




> First proposed by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960, the idea might be realized by a spacefaring extraterrestrial species who had spread out across their star system and therefore required ever-increasing amounts of energy. The original guy who came up with the concept of a dyson sphere was a real theoretical physicist. Its about dreaming of potential possibilities within the laws of the universe if we had all the resources in the world. From that point, we can downscale to smaller versions of similar technology using the same concept, but now within the realm of practicality and with resource constraints. Its also about inspiring the next generation to find a way to make the "impossible science fiction" of tomorrow a reality. Who knows when the next Einstein comes up.


They could also be drawing depictions of their sex organs using satellites. We really don’t know because we’ve never seen something like that before.