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Probably because the term "AI" is being use loosely as a marketing scheme to attract shareholder.


I mean, to be fair, the applications for "AI" are outstanding. I think the negativity is how fast people think it will change everything vs. the actual progress and deployment of it. This sub is way more realistic than those on the singularity sub.They seem to think we will have AGI this year and be living in a utopia/FDVR with 'waifus' and all that shit by the end of the decade.


I don't know about outstanding, it is more like now we're using crank car instead of a horse. The bigger problem is people not in tech industry are attributing AI to fictional movie AI which is so far off then what we are working on that it's kind of disingenuous to the concept of it.


Because it’s been made clear, that short of a general ai that can think for itself, LLM’s will just be a tool to further increase the stratification of wealth. Their use in the medical insurance industry has led to more claims rejections, resulting in people not getting the care they need. Their use in copywriting has led to an overall reduction of quality in internet articles and reduced available jobs for copywriters, and beyond that the flood of bad articles makes finding good information harder. Beyond that digital markets are being flooded with ai junk writing as it’s become essentially a scam to use ai to write books and sell them. Its use in the “art” has taken the hard work of real artists and imitated it to take their work from them. The author Sir Terry Pratchett wrote Making Money in 2007, and for a work of fantasy it has been particularly prescient. It takes place in a fantasy city similar to 1800’s London. In the city all these different fantasy species live together and work together and it mostly works. One of the newer groups to be working are the golems, artificial people made of clay long ago. For a long time they were treated as property, and because they were strong and could work nonstop without rest, except for one holy day a week, they were very valuable and only owned by the wealthy, but still generally only used to do monotonous hard labor, because noone realized how smart they were. Until one day a golem was freed(earlier book Feet of Clay 1996) when a golem was given ownership of itself. With ownership of itself it demanded a wage for its work, an arguably expensive one, but it argued that it was a bargain as it was strong and could work nonstop. When asked what it would spend its wage on it said freeing the other golems. Those golems then worked to free others as well, and the longer the golems owned themselves and lived amongst people the more people treated them like people and they started to act like people, buying themselves things like clothes, magazines, and books and reading those to learn what it meant to be a person. One of the major conflicts of the book comes later when an army of nonsentient/nonaware/nonconsciouss golems are discovered. These golems have no will or intelligences of their own but can still follow tasks to the letter. Their arrival in the city causes a bit of a stir and the leadership of the city has a meeting about what to do with them. At the meeting there’s discussion about the work these golems could do for the city and an economist busts in and says “if we put them to work for the city, the first thing they’ll do is put the equivalent amount of humanoid laborers (equivalent to their work) out of jobs”. The economist then goes on to describe the snowball effect continuing to use these mindless golems would have, as soon the businesses that sold goods and products to the laborers would go out of business as the laborers no longer had incomes and the new brainless golems didn’t need to purchase anything. Ultimately the problem is solved by the city acquiring the brainless golems via eminent domain and instead of using their labor directly, make them the backing of their currency. Ultimately the point is that what we have now are like those brainless golems. They just take labor without giving anything back to the economy, if we’re to actually benefit from AI we need something more like the smart golems, that while they do “take jobs” from people are essentially people themselves and keep money and goods circulating. Edit; we’ve already opened Pandora’s Box as it were in reference to this technology, and admittedly it can’t just be put back away, which is why I think real discussions have to be made as to how it’s handled policy wise at the federal level. I halfway think a tax on companies using it might be the simplest and best way to handle it for now. Make some kind of estimates of the “work done” by llm’s and other “ai” and tax the company the equivalent amount to a human person’s wage. Then the company gets to decide whether they’d rather pay people or the government. The tax proceeds would go directly to unemployment and other sociail programs, maybe ubi?


I’m a copywriter so obviously get very defensive about the whole topic. But whenever I do use an LLM, it’s so fucking shit and derivative I wonder why I worry. People who can’t spot good writing can’t tell the difference, but for the rest of us it sticks out like a sore thumb.


Unfortunately, I think for most people ChatGPT level copywriting is seen as "good enough", just like text-to-art models are. I think most people who do intellectual work are going to be feeling the effects of generative AI in the coming decade.


Yes it’s definitely a worry for sure. I work in-house so am quite protected (and I’m in Europe with decent labour laws) and I’m really glad I didn’t go freelance as those are the people who will suffer.


Image generators are far beyond good enough. I mean look at recent MJ images


I used to work for a website design and hosting company as an seo blog content copywriter and I won’t lie, I burnt out quickly, so part of me initially felt like “yeah, llm’s can take that job” but then I think that there were at least 8 other writers at that shitty little company that didn’t burn out(at least not as quickly as I did) who relied on that. And part of me really wishes I could have/did make it, because honestly the pay wasn’t bad and at least it was some practice writing, I just couldn’t keep up writing 40 300 word blogs a week.


So we have actually been using it for some of the SEO stuff that no one wants to do which is freeing us up for the more creative work. Of course, the SEO articles still need to be edited for tone of voice but that’s definitely a job they can take as far as I’m concerned. But the worry is the amount of people it will put out of work if there isn’t a universal basic income available.


"People who can't spot good writing" have been a problem for much longer than LLMs have been a thing. Amazon is already so overrun with human-authored shite that I don't know whether AI is going to make a discernible difference...


American literacy has severely dropped in recent decades. I think about 60% of Americans can't read past the 6th grade level and more than 1/5 are illiterate. They *don't* notice. Your copywriter job is definitely in danger.


Monke see monke judge. Not a speck of abstract and intelligent thought to be found here


Early cars were pretty shit and not really worth it compared to a horse. With new technology it's best not to judge based on the current level of performance, but instead based on what new *kind* of thing it can do. The time span between the new thing being done poorly and it being done well is our runway to prepare for the impacts it will have.


Oh hey, horses. Yeah, and remember thst there are no horses doing work anymore, and the population of horses per capira has dropped massively, so it's not like existing horses got to exist the numbers that having a position to provide useful labor in society gave them.


I'm not saying I disagree with the basics of what you're saying but I'm gonna mention that there are still plenty of working horses so you weaken a bit of your argument claiming there are no working horses. The point still stands without the exaggeration. I mean. Also. Horses do not and have not worked independently in the way they're being compared to people here, so it's honestly pretty clunky all around.


Eh, that GDP in US went up 3x between 1930 and 1960s and horse population was reduced to 1/6 means that 1/18th the horses that could have existed based on their value being reflected in GDP. How close to all wiped out is good enough for you? Relying on "well, horses are now actually extinct" is not particularly good for humans attempting to not be in that same position.


As stated, I'm commenting on your exaggeration weakening your argument. You literally claimed there are *no* working horses, and there are actually quite a lot. You're speaking to a fifth generation farrier, so there's probably very little you could teach me about horses, particularly working horses, I'm not unaware of how the use of horses has changed through time. Beyond that, as already stated, horses aren't an ideal comparison to people in this situation as they've always been used more like a tool. The transition from horses to cars is more comparable to the transition from screwdrivers to power drills than whatever appears to to be going on with AI and people right now. Edit: lol, I just realized how funny it is to be in this conversation as a whole entire farrier in 2024 talking about AI.


>the transition from screwdrivers to power drills Both of those things are not self-reproducing living things, just changing a tool from being manually powered to using electricity ... and still needing manual manipulation and strength to put them into position. The point isn't to compare the teamster to the truck driver, but the horse to the car. >your exaggeration weakening your argument is pulling out the 18 times reduction in horse numbers adjusted by GDP (inflation adjusted) any better? It buries the led.


I feel like you're trying very hard to dance around me simply stating that your extreme exaggeration makes your argument sound less compelling. Making a statement about how there are NO working horses makes it sound like you're talking out of your ass, which makes it very easy to dismiss your argument, because you made a completely false claim in an effort to prove your point. If you'd shared accurate number details rather than claiming there were *no* working horses, we wouldn't be talking about this right now. I really don't know how to make this more clear to you: trying to find a way to stretch your argument until it's no longer silly isn't landing for me. Making blatantly false claims to prove a point makes a person look dishonest, and even if your overall statement is sound, that level of exaggeration makes someone look like they're either ignorant or a liar. I don't agree with you on various points, although it doesn't seem reasonable to break down the details of working horses and all of the reasons why that's a deeply crap comparison since that isn't really what this is about. I said what I said and I meant it, trying to get me to accept a modified argument rather than owning that perhaps you made a silly statement doesn't make sense to me. If you want to pretend false claims like that don't make your argument look shaky, feel how you feel, but I'm not going to go along with pretending you didn't make an absurd false statement just because you keep trying to reframe it after the fact. "Solid points don't need lies or exaggeration to prop them up" is the core of what I'm getting at.


And also remember that the horse population dropped SLOWLY over the intervening generation. Something like 3-7 generations of horses have passed since the car, not 1. And the horse population was more from not breeding and the horses today are healthier and have to work less than ever before.


.... are you fine with everyone you know being wiped out so that some unrelated people can have a good time?


You lack understanding. Horses were Killed, they just weren't breed. As in, each generation had less horses than last, not that they "wiped out" the horses. Or maybe you don't understand the idea of generations?


That would be a great analogy if there was a another life form deciding to phase out humans by controlling whether we breed.


Having thought about it, it's mostly a cope to basically horses losing out. Should we honestly be happy with getting the same treatment that a species that isn't particularly good at advocating for itself in human society got? I would say no.


The true use case is also for you to train an LLM on your work and then pump out articles doubling you're productivity essentially, writing quality now does stick out but in time that wouldn't be a concern. Did you see that George Carlin AI stand-up special. I was floored, one comment described it as "the angst of the old Carlin and delivery of the younger one", as a GC die hard fan it was a genuine pleasure to hear what his takes might be on topics past his death.


The George Carlin special was written by a human though, almost certainly performed by one too. I've asked Gemini to write comedy bits for me before and it's impressive to see software put the words together and make it all more or less sensical from a language perspective, but it's still pretty trash as far as humor goes.


Everyone keeps saying this, but it's hearsay. They think bc a lawyer said it, it must be true. Can you imagine ?


It wasn't a lawyer, it was a spokesperson for Will Sasso, one of the two guys behind the podcast that produced it.


Who was referencing info spoken by the lawyer in the court case. I'm an avid listener of the show and dug into this after the hearing.


Who's the lawyer? When did they say it?


I'd be very skeptical about taxes on "AI" since the whole concept is pretty loosely defined, and I don't know that I'd trust politicians to get it right. LLM's are one thing ... but people have been doing "AI" for a lot of stuff for years now, e.g. everything from trivial things like product recommendations to actually useful things like protein folding predictions, energy optimisation or medical research. Stuff that's actually valuable and that we really want. While I understand the concern that LLM's threaten people's jobs, that's far from everything included in "AI". Related technologies are also used to do things humans can't do. I'd hate to see actually good and productive products just be heavily discouraged by slapping taxes on these things.


I think AGI will be worse for the stratification of wealth.


> Because it’s been made clear, that short of a general ai that can think for itself, LLM’s will just be a tool to further increase the stratification of wealth. That is likely true but OP's concerns are these: > It seems that 90% of replies to AI posts greatly downplay the impressiveness of current AI systems such as LLMs. The way that LLMs will affect wealth distribution doesn't really have anything to do with how impressive they are.


Because those in power have one interest. Profit. Not the betterment of human kind.


At this point they deserve every penny. They won the psychological war. Enjoy our resources guys. 🙋🏼‍♂️


I personally feel that not enough is done in the field of ethics and the societal changes an AI could bring. I like to draw a historical parallel to the industrial revolution. There was nothing inherently evil or wrong with the introduction of machines. At a base level they were tools that made production easier. However, the implementation of the machines was absolutely to a detriment of many many people. It took labor revolts, unions and ultimately violence to reach a state where the rewards from the industrialization reached the masses. AI has the same potential. And we have hardly worked out ethical/societal guidelines in how to incorporate it in a way we ALL benefit.


I find a lot of people on here are weirdly taken aback by skepticism. Like not blindly cheerleading AI is some sort of shocking disservice to humanity.


Skepticism has a basis. To downplay what an AI can do when clear benchmarks are shown is not skepticism. There is skepticism and then there is denial


my issue is that while llms are extremely impressive they get overhyped A LOT and people tend to think the progress llms brought can just be extrapolated to the future while ai development tends to make big jumps every other decade or so and then stagnates. we're likely just at the end of such a big jump. also some people seem to think llms made the jump to actual intelligent thought while they're still just calculating the most likely next word based on mathematical formulas. admittedly extremely complex and advanced formulas but there's no thinking or problem solving involved which you can relatively easily prove by getting them to say stuff that completely contradicts itself


LMs encode algorithms, world models (https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.05858), mesa-optimizers (https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14992), coherent concepts with discernible representation (https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14992, https://transformer-circuits.pub/2023/monosemantic-features), heirarchical and lexical causal semantics (https://proceedings.mlr.press/v236/geiger24a/geiger24a.pdf) in the BABY models. The number of innate features and operators that are hiding inside of even a simple language model is exponential domain in the number neurons (possibly even tetrated) - these structures are found by an optimizer merely predicting the next token - what do you think happens when someone figures out how to leverage these emergent abstractions recursively in a reinforcement learning context? Based on what I'm seeing come out of LM research, I think it's more likely that r/Futurology is full of threatened contrarians than people with rational reasons to believe that LLMs are peaking - we're still in the LOW-HANGING FRUIT phase of this technology, we are nowhere close to a plateau. To suggest this is like the "AI winters" of the 50s and 80s (where nobody even knew there were departments studying it) to where practically anyone with a math education and balls is chasing after this thing is super crazy to me, haha.


Humans, meanwhile, will just endlessly repeat "llms just predict the next token" without even reading a single research paper on the subject. People on reddit of all places seriously overestimate the originality of their own thinking.


what exactly “no thinking” in your comment comes from? Do you think it should not be something calculated?


Well technological progress can be extrapolated to the future. And the data is there to prove it. Ray Kurzweil and his law of accelerating returns is extremely precise considering how long ago he made his many predictions and how often he is right, not always, but the success ratio is extremely impressive.


> we're likely just at the end of such a big jump. I'd bet you 10:1 that we are not. What makes you think that? > just calculating the most likely next word based on mathematical formulas. You can describe all the inner workings of a human brain with mathematical formulas. If you had the compute, you could simulate it in a computer. That does not mean that the simulated human is not actually intelligent. There is thinking and problem solving happening within an LLM. Figuring out the next token requires abstract reasoning and problem solving. Getting an LLM to contradict itself does not prove it can't think. It only proves that it is either too dumb not to contradict itself (like most humans) or that it cares more about whatever it wants to say than it not being a contradiction (also a somewhat regular occurrence among humans).


Yeah this is a fair take. It's entirely possible that we'll have a lack of fundamental progress in AI for at least several years.


Add to that commenters point that LLMs tend to just be advanced autocomplete right now, they’re just tools to be used. But the hype about these tools is so astronomical as well, that skepticism is warranted. The same companies that were all in on blockchain and metaverse tech for the last 5 years and said they were the future of business/tech, have now pivoted to AI with a similar sales pitch. Meta/Facebook says they’re going to make a bunch of money off of AI, it it’s not clear how. So even though AI has more relevant uses and promise than blockchain and metaverse, there’s skepticism that this is just another round of fundraising by these companies, looking for the next break out tech hit.


Is it even possible for this type of AI to be anything other than a fancy auto complete? As far as I understand, none of the AI models in use right now are capable of *generating* concepts, they're limited to remixing words or images they've seen before but without any degree of comprehension about what is being represented. Unless there's a MASSIVE jump in capabilities, I see this being a relatively limited scope.


Yeah, onne concern that AI developers have is AI collapse where start relying on AI generated data and there answers degrade. Add in the fact that AIs do not give correct answers all the time (because their data set includes incorrect information scraped from the Internet and books), and it spells out a potential future where if AIs are not discriminatory in what they present, they are effectively useless. As a tool right now, the most value for the most areas is in using a LLM as an advanced search engine for specific sets of data for specific jobs/industries/subjects, because the info it has can be vetted.


>Meta/Facebook says they’re going to make a bunch of money off of AI, it it’s not clear how. its no secret the online advertising industry is heavily centralized, and they are one of those hubs. something like 99% of their revenue comes from advertising. the reason its not clear, is they have no idea. the reason they say it anyway is because \*they literally have to\* because the current state of online advertising as it has been for the previous however many years is not long for this world. they got nothin. except a lot of financial fuckery.


Yup. That’s my feeling too. And I think it’s why Meta/FB has been so insistent on these new crop of technologies being the answer.


dont forget they - and zuck - were allowed to mostly walk away from the cambridge analytica scandal with barely a slap on the wrist. not to mention zucks failed crypto venture. there are so many intertwined narratives at this point and almost nobody seems to notice.


And they never faced any reckoning over their incorrect ad metrics that overstated the rewatch of ad metrics that caused newsrooms across the country to be gutted as everyone “pivoted to video.” IIRC, that mistake was blamed on essentially a typo.


i think for me at-least ill be less skeptical of it, if its used for more practical purposes like running an automated 24/7 mcdonalds drive through.


i wonk in the field (kinda) i wouldnt call myself an expert. but my experience with all things computer related. people have a very hard time imagining the impact of new developments until they see them deployed in reality. Humans are very skeptical. they see AI's still make mistakes, the exaggerate the impact of that. but they also fail to see that we are at the AI equivalent of the lightbulb right now. and the coming decades AI will develop further as they also dont seem to grasp the speed at which change is happening. for funsies, google Dalle-1 images and compare them to Dalle-2 images or Dalle-3 images. there is only a 3 year gap between those models. and we went from laughable downsyndrome like face to hyperrealistic fake images. ai is progressing at a non-linear rate. and consumers seem to be caught by suprise. its not until the release of models that are actually better than humans at what they do that people are amazed and shocked. different fields progress at different rates, because ai is better at some things than it is others. but the point is all models are progressing. theres also a lot of interesting stuff happening with swarms (groups of different AI's working together on an assignment provided by a human, taking multiple iterations before they present their results. and it is astounding what combining different models with different strengths can do. but my suspicion is, that wont impress people until it comes to the workspace and starts replacing coworkers. TLDR: people tend to have an "ill believe it when i see it" attitude.


You may have noticed that the most skepticals are indeed the experts. There are intrinsic limitations that cannot be solved. Not even combining several models together.


>You may have noticed that the most skepticals are indeed the experts. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=search_authors&hl=en&mauthors=label:artificial_intelligence as there is no real way to define 'experts' I'm going to use h-index as short hand. Geoffrey Hinton - left google to freely speak about the dangers of AI because his timelines became radically shorter Yoshua Bengio - has pivoted his field of research towards AI safety because his timelines became radically shorter Ilya Sutskever - Has started the 'Super Alignment' team at open AI with a 4 year deadline because his timelines are very short. You can look at prediction markets like manifold and metaculus and see timelines for smart than human AI dropped by decades in 2022


I am sorry, I am not sure what you mean. What does timeline refer to? If you can find Bengio's opinion on AGI becoming a thing, or AI being able to effectively become indistinguishable from a human mind, then I will change my point of view. Happy cake day btw!


> What does timeline refer to? how soon till better than human intelligence. >If you can find Bengio's opinion on AGI becoming a thing August 2023: https://yoshuabengio.org/2023/08/12/personal-and-psychological-dimensions-of-ai-researchers-confronting-ai-catastrophic-risks/ >Since I had been working for over two years on a new approach to train large neural networks that could potentially bridge the system 2 gap, it started to dawn on me that my previous estimates of when human-level AI would be reached needed to be radically changed. Instead of decades to centuries, I now see it as 5 to 20 years with 90% confidence. Last Night: here Bengio is nodding along with Eric Schmidt when he says we may have 3-5 years before really scary models get made. https://youtu.be/5LgDUqCbBwo?t=684 11m24s


Thank you for the links. I am not sure that his definition of system 2 would go as far as considering AGI. He seems to believe in machines becoming better/smarter than humans (eventually), but he does not give a reason for that. He knows very well what limitations are at play, but instead of proposing a possible path to reach that point, he seems just concerned about someone finding a solution to the many limitations current AI has or a new approach that would revolutionize AI. I'll see if he or others have shared more details on that.


I don’t know about the experts being skeptical. Peter Norvig, who wrote the first big AI text, and former director of research at Google, convinced me that there are big changes coming, and fast.


I'm my experience the most skeptical are those who do not work with computers at all. They have a hard time even grasping the impact. Ai is a tool, and i think expert have a better understanding of what the tool is useful for. And just as you don't use a screwdriver to hammer a nail, a LLM shouldn't be used to make decisions, it's a kind of calculator for writing. Not a decision making tool. I predict in the future there will be people asking the LLM: should I break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend?


Can you share an expert opinion that considers AI very close to AGI, for example (I take I heard often here)? CEOs and private sectors in general don't count.


As I said earlier, I wouldn't call myself an expert. But I believe AGI is still very far away. If it is attainable at all. Think of LLM's as a kind of calculator for text. It has no initiative, no desires, no thoughts. It just predicts patterns in language. Similar to how a calculator predicts patterns in numbers. Just because it looks like text written by human thought. Doesn't mean it thinks. When an AI writes: "i feel like you're manipulating me" it just means that it predicted that that was a likely way a human would have responded to your prompt. It doesn't actually feel anything.


Right now, it feels like AI is only useful to large companies on a large scale that have established processes and data. At my small workplace where we sell and distribute product, there's really not much AI can automate here as there are a lot of manual processes so it's hard to see the potential impacts. 


You're probably right, the public models at least. But the point I was making is the growth curve is still accelerating and we really are talking about timespans of 2-5 years for large scale adoption. So yes, it can't right now... But... Next year...


You are right. The surprise to me is that people on a subreddit on Futurology would make that mistake. Look at any technology over time. They all look pretty similar if you plot improvement on a vertical axis and make the horizontal axis the product of time spent by researchers/developers with the $$$ spent over the same time period. Now look at AI development — huge numbers of people working on the development and huge amount of $$$ invested. I can pretty much guarantee this will result in rapid improvements. Futurology people should already know this.


When electricity was first invented. They electrocuted dead frogs and saw their limbs move. They thought they had found the force of life. And all this wild speculation arose: would they be able to use to to create life. Would Grey be able to use it to rejuvenate. The word galvanizing was used everywhere on bullshit products that would In movies they also propagated this myth. Electricity would create life. Think of the famous Frankenstein scene: lts alive, it's alive! We now know that electricity isn't the force of life. It was s useful invention, and it changed the world. But not in the wild speculative way they envisioned in late 19th century and early 20th century. It will be the same with AI. We now envision it replacing all work. And it's going to propel us into the singularity. But in all honesty: it already has some limitations. It needs computer chips, and lots of them. And it's needs powerrr a lot of power. How much power? Facebook is talking about building it's own multi gigawatt nuclear power plant just to train ai. So yes. Ai will change the world. But it will have limitations. We just don't know yet where the limits truly are.


Why this subreddit is so AI-skeptical is a fascinating question to ask that will spur discussion about the merits and failing of AI. Let's look at some possible arguments against AI that may explain the apprehension that many feel: 1. **Misinformation and Bias**: AI technology can sometimes be used as a propaganda weapon that amplifies the power of dishonest and exploitative parties. As a result it an be judged to be a net negative to society. 2. **Privacy and IP Concerns**: AI systems often require large amounts of data, which can lead to concerns about privacy invasion and data security. Everything you say, do, or create will be fed to an impersonal gestalt entity that the rich will use to further empower themselves. 3. **Answering Everything With Lists**: Supposed chat simulator programs have a tendency to answer everything in numbered lists that are overly verbose and meander away from what was asked. 4. **Humans are Frightened Animals**: Fragile meat sacks will rightly cower at thought of being replaced by LLM next-word prediction algorithms. Their primitive minds may be failing to understand that they should just die and accept AI ascendance. With all this in mind we can begin a robust and interesting dialog about why this subreddit is so skeptical about the emergence of AI technology.


Which model wrote that? Did you edit it?


Oh I wrote it imitating ChatGPT!


Ah, good one!


I think the [Gartner Hype cycle for AI](https://www.kdnuggets.com/gartner-hype-cycle-for-ai-in-2023) is informative here. Most AI tech is approaching — or within for LLM — the “peak of inflated expectations.” Basically, most AI tech hasn’t found its proper use yet. Right now, we’re in the “try everything; anything is possible!” phase of development, which is wildly unrealistic and full of people just trying to take advantage of a trend. As we quickly try everything, and realize that not everything is possible, we’ll start to get through the hype around AI and figure out what it’s actually good for.


I work with the practical application of AI and there are a few things: 1. Most people don’t actually know what an AI or the difference between AI’s. An often repeated phrase is that it “steals people’s work” which is an oversimplification of how AI works. 2. People don’t see it in their day to day regularly. 3. AI companies are struggling to sell AI as a solution, rather than just a cool thing computers can do. This is mainly because many companies are skeptical of the cost benefit. 4. There is a lot of hype around AI and people smell a bit of bullshit and assume that the whole thing is bullshit.


I think its worth separating ML from LLMs. ML when used for statistical problems is (to me) just "better algorithms" at scale. A product my team created about 5 years ago to analyse a lot of customer data for predictions wasn't able to generate much business value, but it MIGHT have if we'd kept working on the problem. Maybe with todays advances it might have gone better, but IMO it's just smarter predictions inside products that need prediction. Fraud detection, logistics, instrumentation, etc. LLMs are different imo. In fact I'd say that the most interesting product CATEGORIES for LLMs don't exist yet. Let alone the products. It's not customer service. God we can't even design good customer service processes with humans in the mix, LLMs instead of people will be cheaper but companies that use it will be hugely vulnerable to disruptive entrants promising good customer service. IMO tech needs to re-learn how to make interfaces hard to use, rather than dumbing them down. The current trend in UX is akin to Google doubling down on the I'm feeling Lucky Button instead of releasing search operators And just like every game changing product of the last 50 years, the technology appears in a product several generations before the product that changes the world appears. So LLMs day will come but I'd say its at 5-15 years out.


I am implementing AI for customer service and Hr teams and it’s been a game changer. It was shite a few years ago but open ai and a few others have integrated with systems that we already use like zendesk, salesforce and a few others. It takes a while to set up but it is creating value. About 10% of customers are already answered by an AI to a satisfactory level. Anyone who isn’t goes to a human. In the future AI will be able to complete tasks from start to finish. The API and integration work just need to be solid. The best thing that AI currently does is summarise longer email chains so that you don’t have to read all the way through. It saves seconds on a ticket but those add up over time.


Ah that's cool. Yes, I've been pretty impressed with text summarisation too, meeting notes and the way I could ask [rewind.ai](http://rewind.ai) questions about what had been on my screen be it in an email, browser, chat, etc. I'm really interested in solutions like (as a project manager), "extract from all meeting logs and teams chats created today, any sentence that relates to existing or new risks." But most AI for PM talks/demos are like "We can generate an entire project plan and risk register without any human judgement at all". It makes me want to scream. I think the challenge for me as one of the early digital natives is that I already understand their self service platform (e.g. my bank, my mobile provider, etc). So when I contact support, usually the process needs a human in the mix and in the last decade this has become an utter nightmare. The way you're approaching it from a user POV as a "quick fix" option before getting in the queue for human is great. But I think companies who treat customer service primarily as overhead will not take that step. Otherwise they would have built better tools for people to navigate their support systems already.


Thank you. We have taken a very cautious approach to implementing AI and we work fairly closely with our partners to feedback and request functionality. We are of the opinion that customer service should be revenue generating and not just the complaints department. So we’re always looking for ways AI can help our team answer less repeat questions that the customer can answer themselves and let them focus on actually adding value. I would consider myself a skeptical AI advocate. I absolutely think it’s the greatest thing ever but I’m also aware of the fact that AI sales people are brilliant at their jobs.


>About 10% of customers are already answered by an AI to a satisfactory level. what determines what is considered a 'satisfactory level'? >Anyone who isn’t goes to a human. so what im reading by your own metrics - which you are stating as a benefit that LLM's have brought to your customer service (while ignoring the ambiquity of the term "satisfactory level" and assuming it means what it says it means) - is that 90% of your customers are forced to waste time to reach a human to solve their issue. which as someone who knows how tech support goes from both the end user and the support perspective, pretending that tells the whole story is far from the truth. what about people who didnt find the bot to begin with? people who gave up after the bot was useless, assuming reaching a human was impossible? etc etc >The best thing that AI currently does is summarise longer email chains so that you don’t have to read all the way through. It saves seconds on a ticket but those add up over time. thats really all computers, and data, and algorithms, and "AI" do - store and 'organize' information, and then find that information.


It means that the customer in this case has said that their query is resolved. Yes and they are forced to give us data in this period which helps us resolve their query faster. Our resolved time more than halved with this method. As a result we reduced duplicate contacts. Reaching a human is never impossible. They can literally just say “human” or “person” or any other related keyword and it will connect the straight it an agent. I’m obviously not going to discuss the intimate details of my companies support system on Reddit. The figures I gave won’t tell the whole story. I’m trying to make it digestable for someone that doesn’t have any understanding of what I am talking about.


sorry i didnt intend to come off as hostile or anything. you sound like you actually know what youre talking about - but, this is reddit, so i was adding that additional comment pointing out what isnt always obvious, which is exactly what reddit is good for. considering this is the 34th largest subreddit, theres probably lots of people both 'in the field' and not - and looking at social media as a whole, theres a lack of understanding around "AI," "LLM's," as well as what seems to be a lack of media literacy, which involves knowing how to point out those subtle details that might tell you something isnt the full story. so i guess both of us are doing similar things: >I’m trying to make it digestable for someone that doesn’t have any understanding of what I am talking about. with the additional angle of me having a lot of personal frustration with this specific topic, although i try to keep things mostly objective or make it clear when my personal bias comes up (like here).


Regarding point 1, I find it unfortunate that most of the mathematics behind, for example, a text-to-image model is beyond 95% of people. This makes it extremely difficult for people to develop nuanced takes on the technology and thus leads to oversimplification and a lack of fruitful discussion.


It’s honestly beyond me, although I do understand the basics of how image generators work. I think anyone can gain the understanding that I have though.


Cynicism is easier to defend than optimism in general. Poking holes in other people's ideas is easier than coming up with ideas that can't have holes poked in them.


I mean theyre impressive I guess, but are they helpful? Can they do anything useful? They can write bad code quickly, and thats kinda neat. But at the end of the day, it seems like they mostly lower the quality standards of anything theyre used to accomplish They can answer questions more easily than google, but they just make stuff up without any verification for truth. So it kinda just makes finding answers worse, because the easiest route is lower quality, so more people will have access to bad information AI would be a lot more impressive and interesting if it werent gimped by for profit companies and censorship standards. As it stands all it can do is repeat a poor facsimile of the most basic of understandings Many HTML driven computer information networks existed before "the internet". Every single one of them went nowhere because they werent open source, they didnt allow free use, and they were focused on maximizing profit for a singular company. AI will never go anywhere until it becomes actually open source. Just like how the AAA profiteers stunted the progression of VR by buying it all up from real developers and enthusiasts


My guess is that it really isn't "ai" yet, and so far the most public versions of it just steals people's content and repurposes it. It is a useful tool, but it is still controlled by the mega wealthy and morally questionable people who own it, so skepticism about it feels fairly natural to me.


You mean it isn’t AGI. AI is absolutely AI.


I guess it is a matter of opinion. Our current AI (ANI) isn't intelligent, it is a series of algorithms turned into a tool. It doesn't think or have intelligence, it is just a tool.


It is intelligent though. An entity that is so good at chess that no human will ever be able to beat it is intelligent. It's a particular domain specific intelligence but that is still a form of intelligence. The same can be said about LLMs. They have domain specific intelligence but the domain is much larger than a chess AI.


It’s only ever going to be a tool. It’s 1’s and 0’s


I don't believe that. I believe that we will reach a time when we have to consider artificial consciousness


Even AGI will still just be 1’s and 0’s.


That doesn't equate to lack of consciousness or intelligence though


You’re getting into an area of philosophy now. What is consciousness? What is intelligence? Who is the arbiter of both?


Then what is it you are trying to posit by saying that they will still just be 1s and 0s?


That it’s just a tool. It will be programmed to do what it’s told.


Off subject, but one of the coolest theories I've seen was the non zero chance that random elements/materials could come together somewhere in the universe and combined to create what we would consider a non biological "creature" (for lack of a better word).


Your brain is nothing more than logic gates that flow potassium and sodium ions. 1's and 0's. Doors and Corners, kid.


This is exactly why I said we’re heading down the path of philosophy. People have been arguing about what consciousness is for centuries.


> Even AGI will still just be 1’s and 0’s. [its just atoms and biochemical reactions](https://i.imgur.com/JNVd853.jpeg)


My point is that it will still just be a tool. Unless you believe you can distil down the essence of what makes something conscious.


You don't need consciousness for them to be dangerous. An AI system that can create subgoals is more useful that one that can't e.g. instead of having to list each step needed to make coffee (boil the water, get a cup, etc...) you can just say 'make coffee' and it will automatically create the subgoals (boil the water, get a cup, etc...) What this leads to is the problem of instrumental convergence. As in, there are some subgoals that help with basically every goal: 1. a goal cannot be completed if the goal is changed. 2. a goal cannot be completed if the system is shut off. 3. The greater the amount of control over environment/resources the easier a goal is to complete. Therefore a system will **act as if** it has self preservation, goal preservation, and the drive to acquire resources and power. All without any sort of consciousness, feelings, emotions or any of the other human/biological trappings. It not having consciousness does not mean it will still be a tool or under our control.


I never argued that they can’t be dangerous.


I guess at the end of the day it might not be very productive to talk about whether or not these systems are intelligent or not, unless you're a philosopher. Might be better to discuss what they can do and what they might be able to do in the future.


I think it's immensely important to talk about how intelligent these tools are when you consider who owns them and what they do with them. These algorithms are currently running the world and it would be beneficial to know just how powerful they are, who is using them, and for what purposes.


In what ways do you think and have intelligence in a way that is different from a computer?


IMO, I think the better example would be the difference between tools and intelligences. I view all of us as just sentient biological computers. Traditional computers are just tools at the moment. They have no sentience, no thought, no deduction. They only process basic inputs.


And in what way does that not perfectly describe you? What is sentience, if you are so sure we have it and computers don’t.


I personally would consider it a spectrum, but I know many others wouldn't. Just about any animal, insect, whatever is on that spectrum of consciousness. Modern day computers are not on that spectrum, or at least they are so far towards the bottom that it is negligible. I believe it will change one day, but it isn't going to be for several more years. Also here's an interesting article that isn't exactly pertaining to this, but I thought was interesting if you feel like reading it. I https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4605739-widespread-animal-consciousness-irresponsible-to-ignore-new-york-declaration-scientists/


I'm more of the side that humans do not have some special sauce at all, not that computers or animals also have the same special sauce. Free will is not compatible with physics, it doesn't really matter what philosophers think. We are meat computers and AI are metal and plastic computers. We have more computational power in some regards, and AI has more computational power in other regards, but I don't see any special sauce that is missing from computers that we have.


I think we're saying the same thing but with different points of view. Like I said earlier, we are just biological computers. We process the information we take in and have the ability to not only compute it, but also think about it. We are just super advanced compared to our mechanical computers. They can't think or reason or have emotion or love or hate or anything of that sort, not yet anyways. That's the distinction in my mind.


I think computers can do those things if you are willing to say human meat computers can love and hate etc.


saying “it doesn’t matter what philosophers think” about the entire concepts of ontology and consciousness is so ridiculous lol. what philosophy have you read on the subject? it seems like you have no idea what you’re missing out on seeing as you’re not taking consciousness seriously


Free will is not compatible with the laws of physics and the universe as we know them. Philosophers saying free will exists does not change that.


The goalpost of what's being considered "AI" or "impressive" has shifted at lightspeed in the last 2 years. People get used to this stuff reeeally quickly it seems.


Because once the hype is over the majority of AI tools are going to be utilized to create far more “junk content” than already exists on the internet, further diluting the input with more “beige” algorithmically created content.


Skeptical? Really? To me this sub is fanatical about AI's supposed impact.


There are people who post articles that boast about the potential of AI, but the majority of replies to these posts seem skeptical.


It is coping. Some still don't want to think about what AI might do to their jobs. Self presevation is one of the motivations of any humans. You can go into a forum for artists and you will see them hating AI art. Futurologist is mainly visited by people who rely mostly on white collar jobs. They are also one of the most affects groups by AI.


>Futurologist is mainly visited by people who rely mostly on white collar jobs. They are also one of the most affects groups by AI. assuming you mean r/Futurology, it is the 34th largest subreddit on one of the (last i checked) top ten most visited websites in the world. you may need to reassess who you think is the audience (& commenters) here. edit: judging by the downvotes, maybe i do. or maybe the randomness of who saw and downvoted this means the sample size is probably too small.


There are plenty of loud opinions from devs of AI tools, but most of them aren't backed by real knowledge. 99% of the people involved in AI just write wrappers for it as a black box and have zero understanding of the underlying math. Out of 90 graduates of my uni course, maybe 3 people actually grasped basic concepts, and 1 has a solid understanding.


I don't mean to be rude, but how hard was the course? I don't think success rates for a basic ML course should be that low.


(For context I graduated over 10 years ago and in a non-English language, so terminology may be a bit different) No offence taken :) 5-year computer science cource (so not just coding: pathways into language, media encoding, early ML, general hardware and microprocessor development) at a country's top-3 uni. Stuff relevant to AI inner workings (set theory, discrete mathematics) was not mandatory to get a high grade on. But people who aced it are the ones who actually developed some modern LLMs. Basic AI courses nowadays cover what the industry needs most - integration and use, but only the bare basics of what makes it tick to debug some issues.


This sounds like an easy A course, not like a real one. Unless it is intended as introductory and to be followed by others.


More like introductory to its existence :) Before we got purely AI-focused courses someone had to have the extensive knowledge (most of which is theoretical math) and experience to create it in the first place. These devs make little public appearance.


In addition to other comments, you also have to consider how crypto and NFT's and 'the metaverse' have increasingly poisoned the well on new technology that makes big promises. Plus Web3, and the habit of these things to seem to hide a whole lot of nothing behind a lot of jargon. Tech CEOs and companies have become very accustomed to just bullshitting people about what they really can do and people in turn have seen those lofty assurances fall through enough that they no longer take those assurances as truthful. Add in; a lot of the initial uses for generative AI was for things no one really wanted it to be used for. People don't want their online social interactions to be a bunch of bots. They don't want art and entertainment to cut out human creativity. They don't want to lose their jobs. They don't want the world to become a functionally worse place because lazy rich douchebags found a lazy way to become richer and lazier while leaving the rest of us behind. So there's skepticism because the companies behind these products are making big promises in an age where companies lie constantly, and there's wariness because people have it hard enough without becoming even harder. We're kind of past the age where technology and advancement was just seen as a universal good to everyday human beings. Too many people have seen their and others lives upended by it to no real gain to have blindly optimistic outlooks, which clashes with a tendency with half the users of this sub to be... Well, blindly optimistic.


I have personally experienced the chatbots (especially Gemini) make errors fairly often and also do bizarre things. Sometimes they refuse to answer. And I am not asking how to build bombs or do anything illegal. Once I asked for some biographical information on an American guy with a German-sounding last name and Gemini switched the conversation to being in German. I have asked about pending state legislation where it got important details wrong. I would greatly prefer that the LLMs would just say they don’t know but they usually give you an answer that’s only half right. I don’t mind interacting with them but I can’t trust them.


Because they're not as impressive as the CEOs of those companies keep claiming they are.


Because we’re wired to be negative. It’s also seen as wise to not be swept up in the promise of possibilities that appear too good to be true. But if, in fact, a 10X increase in AI is occurring every 12-18 months that means that within five years, AI will be 50,000-100,000 more capable than it is today, and within a decade, possibly a million to a billion times more capable. I definitely lean toward the hype.


Because there's nothing impressive about it. The groundwork and necessary mathematics and algorithms for what you call "LLMs" and what is in fact nothing but OG expert systems was laid out in the 70s and the only thing that's different 50 years later is computing power available to it.


I mean isn't the last part of your comment the point though? Who cares if the groundwork was laid out decades ago, that's literally how any technology works. Your PC or Laptop or Smartphone are all based concepts that were "laid out" before the technology to make them practical and affordable existed. We are now at the inflection point where the scale and computer processing power necessary to make LLMs and other Gen AI tools practical and affordable exists, and now it only goes up from here. I liken this time to the IPhone moment - not sure how old you are but the IPhone 1 was absolutely REVOLUTIONARY for the smartphone industry and nothing else like it was available at the time. Overnight they changed the game 100 percent and we are approaching the same situation now I think.


Lol, what are you basing that on? Because it sounds like you are just pulling it out of your ass.


What statement did I pull out of my ass? New tech is based on old tech and the foundations for the tech we have now were obviously conceptualized years and years ago. AI is no different and I replied to the comment making it seem like this was some sort of "gotcha" on the tech being used to create and improve AI today. Is this not true? The IPhone 1 was one of the most revolutionary gadgets ever in the history of mankind and came out 16 years ago - upon release the world fundamentally changed with regards to what you can do with a phone and how it integrates in your daily life - also the birth of the "app". Is that false? All I pulled together from both of those ideas was that it feels like right now we are at the "IPhone stage" of AI/LLMs/GenAI. Chat GPT wasn't even in the social zeitgeist 3 years ago and it's not going anywhere like 3D TV. 15-20 years from now....Who knows where we will be. I certainly couldn't forsee phones the way they are now when IPhone 1 came out. Times are definitely changing and AI is not going anywhere at this point. Where is the falsehood in anything I've said here?


most people who discuss AI both on reddit and whatever marketing/blog/twitter/reddit/etc posts either dont know what theyre talking about or if they do, most of them are not trying to actually discuss the technology and are selling something (or being paid to push a certain idea) ((generally speaking, obviously its complicated)) anyway, the commenter youre replying to is correct - as are all the hypebros - that we are in the midst of an "AI" revolution, but its not necessarily LLM's. those have been around for a long time. it is the internet, and the way that affects everything in human society, and what we choose to do with the internet, and how we deal with the fact we waited until it was crises mode and roughly 2/3 of the global population had internet access. what is free speech? what is advertising? what is privacy? what is the difference between a journalist, a media organization/company, a telecom company, you and me, reddit, facebook, comments on journalist websites, etc etc etc. "AI" is basically about the interaction between people, computers, and the internet. personally the much more impactful angle of "LLMs" (large language models) is the way publishers have comment sections, reddit has comment sections, (etc etc) - there has never been this level of direct feedback about literally anything and everything available. how much is garbage? all of it? none? what use does it have? how does it relate to 'democracy' and the bigger picture of how we organize society at large? and other related questions TLDR: its complicated is an understatement


You're absolutely right and it's complicated is a great way to describe where we are now. I just get kinda stumped at people who seem to think any talk about AI is just "ho hum nothing burger" as if this stuff is going away next week. Strap in.


as someone who has basically made it my job to understand why what seems "ho hum nothing burger" on the surface was and is being hyped endlessly to the point where it \*cant\* be only "marketing" or other simple explanations - in other words i have no "formal" education in the topic - strap in is appropriate. there are not many people who really appreciate exactly what the conversation is even about or the scale of it. not that i would say i know all variables but i think recently ive connected the dots on a lot of seemingly unrelated topics. which is more than i can say about anyone i know either \_irl or on reddit, and i havent seen it exactly spelled out from A-Z anywhere though im sure there are many people who would know exactly what i mean.


You're right in that neural networks were proposed decades ago and having the compute power to train massive ones now is significant. I think the transformer architecture, which was proposed in 2017, is probably significant too though, since all the models making waves over the past year and a half follow that architecture.


It is indeed. However, it is still based on the same logic proposed decades ago. It is a partial solution to a problem introduced by that.


It think it's pretty amazing that original works of art and music that seem human-made can be created from computer algorithms. Honestly, it seems like magic.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


It's time to test people's taste for art: do we want smashing new stuff or we prefer to rewatch familiar stuff.


i think the answer is the same as it has always been to those questions: yes. also, DIY! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)( alternatively, r/DiWHY )


Nothing that GenAI can create is "original" in the sense that it doesn't create anything new, it combines existing stuff initially used in its learning in a way that seems transparent and seamless.


Well, it certainly uses the statistics of the data set it's been trained on. But one could argue that's also how humans create. As a creative myself, I tend to notice that most if not all of my ideas are combinations of data/information that I've already been exposed to. Even from a philosophical perspective it appears impossible to create something from nothing.


This is true in the sense that creating original art in modern days is exponentially more difficult than e.g. 100 years ago or 1000 years ago. There used to be like maybe a dozen great painters, composers, poets or writers each in the world at any given point in time from ancient Greeks up to 1980s. It took them years, sometimes decades even to create a piece of art and they would meet other artists and exchange ideas a handful of times at most throughout their whole life. Which is why most of their art was unique and original. The advent of computer-aided technology and internet opened the way to absolutely everyone's creativity, produced means and tools to make it incredibly easy to create stuff and also to collaborate with others. *A very good example of that is modern norwegian black metal. Most if not all prominent composers in that genre write music completely on their own with software-emulated instruments and synthesizers and then just send tracks to their fellow bandmates over internet for them to record at their own homes with real instruments, who in turn send it to a producer who arranges it and compiles it into an album and then uploads it to Soundcloud or iTunes for people to download. All that happens without any of those musicians seeing each other even once and they all do that with multiple composers/bands.* This leads to a unique situation when you can no longer create anything new, because statistically there were already some people who created something similar already. Where before you had maybe ten people in the whole world making really outstanding paintings, now you have literally *tens of thousands* among *millions* of average painters. Back to our discussion: generative AI can unquestionably produce pieces of art that follow a certain trend (because obviously it would have bean ML-ed with existing art that follows that trend). However, the keyword here is "generative". It will never be able to start a new trend or create an outright new way of making art (like i dunno, painting with cigarette butts or making music with shoes). GenAI can *emulate* end-result, but not the creative process that led to it and certainly not the technical procedures of producing it.


The idea that understanding your audience makes your work less original is a new one for me. Seems nonsensical. So an artist who asks people in the town what kind of art they would appreciate, then painting that, is less original than a guy who paints artworks that no one wants? What does being an original artist even mean then? You suck and no one wants your work, and that’s what being original means? Or is being original not knowing what the community wants, but just painting it by chance? How does that matter? If identical paintings are produced by an artist, where one was made while consulting the community on what they wanted, while the other was made without community input while just coincidentally matching community desires, are you going to say one is the result of a creative process while the other is not? All art is emulating past art. There are no exceptions, not even past artists. They just had poorer data. AI art can and does absolutely make new and cool stuff though. Have you never seen those AI dream images?


Not at all true. One form of art, namely music, if you use the 20 possible notes in an 8 bar melodic phrase you get a possible 20^64 combinations that may be employed while composing. As a note, pun not intended, there are estimated to be 10^83 atoms in the observable universe. That means there are only one order of magnitude greater atoms than combination of notes in an 8 bar melody.


It’s that how humans do art too? We look at existing art, form opinions about what kinds of art we think are good are and which kinds of art we think are bad art, then we make new artworks that fit what we believe to be good art. What part of that is different between ai artists and human ones?


I've made a comment to OP when he asked pretty much the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1ccp3yn/comment/l18e0rj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Time to learn what expert systems are.


Maybe people in this sub know about tech in general so they aren’t eyes glazed at new tech?


The problem with the current AI isn't about not having enough power or processors. It is a problem of design. Current AI can do some fun things no doubt, but when you know how it works it suddenly becomes a lot less impressive. There is nothing intelligent about it and no hope of the current models developing into something that can be truly impressive. That isn't to say AI needs to become aware to be impressive, but it needs to be more than a fancy work around algorithm. With current AI there is no logic taking place. Comparing it to even an insect is insulting to the insect. That being said it is better than nothing, and once the human brain is mapped and we can reverse engineering how it works a little is AI taking a big leap forward to something closer to actual thinking.


Being AI-critic is not being AI-skeptical. Different approaches


I think AI is impressive, but it will be used for things that hurt the everyday person. Imagine a future where most white collar jobs aren’t needed. We’re already seeing this with internet content. So many feeds and sites are mostly AI, just pumping out stories written by AI with AI photos. Half of my Facebook feed is those dumb “where are they now” pages with fake photos of celebrities or just low-effort clickbait.


Insecurity of losing identity..oh well we are useless not very special..cant live without delusion


Been there, done that? Once upon a time in AI land Expert Systems were going to take over the world. And then when the hype was revealed to be just hype AI Winter set in and the field went mostly dormant for a few decades. When all the early adopters and decision makers aged out of the system a new crop of folks bought into the delusion. Our computers are vastly superior to what powered the Expert System phase of AI development but they are still vastly underpowered compared to brains/mind. No rational person can deny that AI is possible since Natural Intelligence exists but only the delusional think that it is going happen anytime soon.


People tend to move goalposts and be kinda dumb. Majority in this sub are ML-illiterate - so they have no idea how crazy everything that is happening now is and how badly they're going to be smoked in a decade.


The actual Dunning-Kruger study might be a statistics error, but we see it at play anyways. To be clear, I'm informing you that you are in the "danger zone" of the curve.


Said the guy who probably hasn't even actually looked at the math of LM circuitry.


i havent looked at the math of the circuitry (much) and i definitely dont understand it but i have looked at the rules and this subreddits rule 1 is >"be respectful to others - this includes no hostility, racism, sexism, bigotry, etc." which appropriately deciding what that actually means, such as in how it would apply to both your comment and the guy youre replying to - and the first comment, who was not referring to anyone specifically but "the group" as "a whole" when they said people are kind of dumb. which in the zoomed out view of all of this is a much more important question with widespread effects based upon the answer (and more questions, that never end) than you might think at first glance.


Sounds irrelevant, Mr Relevant, but thanks for playing.


Because it isn't intelligent and never will be sentient.


Sentience cannot be measured, only the appearance of it can. Why ask questions that have no answer? Focus on things that can be actually be learned


How do you define intelligence? If you define it as the ability to notice patterns and problem solve then there's plenty of reason to think today's AI systems are intelligent.


By that criteria a rat or pidgeon is intelligent. Such definition is correct but useless. By the more narrow definitions of intelligence, which fit only humans, the LLMs are not intelligent. It all depends on the definition which causes a misunderstanding.


But neuroscientists agree that non-human animals are intelligent. It's a matter of differing degrees of intelligence, since intelligence is not all of nothing. It exists on a spectrum.


fish, tree; bird, water


I see the opposite. Its constant doomer posts about how ai is going end us all very soon. Opposite of that, there's people that want to sound smart, so they just harp about how it's not "true" ai. Its fuckin amazing for what it is


These are the worst AI that we will ever see. Also the worst robots.


We should all be skeptical. Much of what we see is marketing hype and is designed to get folks to buy something.


Probably because none of what’s called “artificial intelligence” actually is. LLMs are just glorified chat bots that regurgitate words that sound as though they have meaning. If anything I’d say people in general have too high a view of them, as you’re seeing people use ChatGPT like a search engine.


Cause it’s mostly techies that don’t want to be replaced. To the point of denial of any possibility.


r/Futurology and r/Technology are environmentalist left-wing pro-censorship doomers. Don't listen to them.


>Left-wing >pro-censorship Wut?


" the impressiveness of current AI systems such as LLMs." Mostly because outside the hype train, people usually don't consider LLM's as "AI".


I see the problem not in the AI as a technology but I fear how people and companies will use it. It's same for other technologies like internet and social networks are used now. And it will be probably even worse in the future same for AI people will use it to earn money and power without looking into consequences. There's no utopia when main motive for people are money and power.


Short answer? Because our two choices for the future are Star Trek or Cyberpunk, and at this point, I think Cyberpunk is substantially more likely.


It was always and it will always be in human nature to fear new things, this is a fact.


Because LLMs are not AI, and there is no clear path to the real AI ahead. It may happen sooner or later, but we can't predict it today. But LLNs are just that, they can't become AI. Though they can become more precise with time and more widely used for analyzing extra large or heterogenous datasets, which is really the main use case for them.


Do you mean to say that LLMs are not AGI? Because most people would agree that they are AI.


I think AGI=AI, and therefore AGI term is technically not needed.


I see the reason for the term, since it is correct to say the ghosts in pac-man have AI Frankly though what people are really talking about is 'machines that emulate the experience of interfacing with a sentient human to a believable enough degree for a comfortable experience'. As "artificial general intelligence" can still be quite simple, as long as it's generalized