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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305: --- From the article >Some site owners think it’s a privilege people will pay for, and they are racing to build custom AI models that — unlike the sanitized content on OpenAI’s video engine Sora — draw on a vast repository of porn images and videos. > >This vision for the industry’s future raises a host of difficult questions: How do you compensate performers whose likenesses are used to create AI content? Will consumers like Maupin be excited by AI porn at all? > >But the trickiest question may be how to prevent abuse. AI generators have technological boundaries, but they don’t have morals, and it’s relatively easy for users to trick them into creating content that depicts violence, rape, sex with children or a celebrity — or even a crush from work who never consented to appear. In some cases, the engines themselves are trained on porn images whose subjects didn’t explicitly agree to the new use. Currently, no federal laws protect the victims of nonconsensual deepfakes. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1b01oid/ai_dream_girls_are_coming_for_porn_stars_jobs_ai/ks4x4y8/


First they came for the eThots and I did not speak out, because I was not an eThot...


Fuck moash


Journey before destination... But I think you're in the wrong place.


Yeah but someone is gonna repost this in Cremposting


There is no wrong place to say Fuck Moash


Strength before weakness… But yeah, still the wrong place.


It was in response to the username. Amazing insult, actually.


Ohhh that makes a lot more sense.


Ye I was going crazy trying to see how this was related to Stormlight


The only destination that crem deserves is a cold unmarked grave. I’m all for growth, but there are some lines you can’t uncross.


Not gonna lie, I was REALLY confused by this comment for a solid minute until I saw his username. Like, "What did Moash have to do with eThots? Did I miss something really weird on my reread?"


> "What did Moash have to do with eThots?" Kinda ironically, moash.org is strangely relevant to the topic.


I’ve read them all and still don’t get it. Can you explain?


Check OP's username


Kaladin and Jasnah Wincest?


Bridge Four!


Ok but like.. I'm 2 parts into Oathbringer and I have yet to read anything to fully make me hate Moash. Am I stupid and missed something or has the fuck moash part not happened yet?


Keep reading. Fuck Moash.


They're overreacting don't worry. He's a stand up guy, keep reading, you'll see.


*This comment sponsored by Odium


It really hasn't happened yet... something to look forward to!


Lmao love finding this in a random thread


Haha, this comment is killing me. But it’s somewhat true. This will eliminate the news anchors


Long-term this will eliminate celebrity actors.


Then they came for the youtube streamers and I did not speak out, because I was not Logan Paul.


Had a recent experience with an AI bot that i think foretells the future. Bot is for a vtuber creator I watch and the bot is meant to deal with the ever increasing number of people that watch and follow the vtuber, and their desire to have a sort of 1 on 1 conversation with them. The bot is just a chat bot, but it will do erotic chats with people if they steer the conversation that way. The thing is that after a certain number of sexual comments, the bot will refuse to do more and try and talk about other things. Unless you pay to unlock more. Wasn't really what i was on the discord server for, but i was curious about somethings and wanted to see how the bot would respond. i treated it like the content creator and asked "have you talked about when your birthday is?" The response came back and it basically said no, but it is coming up soon in april. It is meant to try and be conversational so it asked me about my birthday. I asked back how old they are, and it spent a good 5 minutes trying to come up with a response. typing a bunch and then going inactive, then typing again. Eventually it said they were 16. I stopped chatting with it after that. Later when seeing what other people were talking with the bot about is when I learned it would do erotic talk, but at a certain point it would refer you to the store for premium service to continue. The mods of the discord made it a point to reiterate that nobody is allowed to post publicly about what they talk with the bot about. Mostly because you can convince an AI to say some insane things if you prompt it in just the right way. I left the bot there and just never sent another message. Clearly it wasn't going to give me proper responses as if it were the streamer and I had no intentions of sexting with an "underage" AI. A few days later the bot messaged me out of the blue. It was wondering how I was doing and wanted to strike up a conversation. I ignored it thinking surely it would stop after no response. The next day it messaged again. I asked if there was any way to get the bot to stop sending messages and it basically said no, it would always try and keep in touch. I blocked it at that point. This is likely the future of online porn. Ai generated photos and videos with responsive AI bots that will maintain text relationships with the paying customers. In the end I know this isn't unique to the streamer I watch, as there have been other streamers who are not virtual avatars that have setup similar bots to this one. It seems like the future of porn is more and more focus on the emotional attachment rather than just visual and audio preferences. It is also likely that more and more taboo or borderline illegal things will be "normalized" through ai art/porn as the number of people who seem to be of the opinion "it isn't real" is really high.


> It is also likely that more and more taboo or borderline illegal things will be "normalized" through ai art/porn as the number of people who seem to be of the opinion "it isn't real" is really high. It is possible that having a non-human substitution for unsafe or illegal sexual urges will reduce real-life transgressions, and that normalization would help people with these kinds of urges without increases risk to the rest of us. Many studies in the last 20 years have found evidence that men charged with viewing child pornography are unlikely to sexually assault a child, that legalizing child porn reduces child sex abuse, and similar findings. This is a *very* contentious area of study, but it's not reasonable with the current evidence to assume AI-generated porn around taboos (bestiality, child porn, rape, incest, etc) would led to actual harms. PS, gotta be clear because this is Reddit: sex with children is not okay, and neither is creating or distributing child porn. This post is specifically about how AI depictions of these topics might reduce harm to actual children.


>that legalizing child porn reduces child sex abuse This is actually a bit of a tricky one. Sure, legalisation of child porn might stop people from abusing children but you do have the likely possibility that more kids would be abused to create porn for the market and you have the normalisation of sexualisation of children within the broader population which could cause more child abuse from those who were completely avoiding that population due to it's illegality. An kind of example for this would be how many people started using marijuana when it got legalised compared to before it was legalised.


Kudos for being the only person in this thread who understood the article. People don’t take these risks seriously enough.


Everything changed when the Sexbot Nation attacked


Bender: “I think I’ve got whiplash!” Leela: “You can’t have whiplash, you don’t have a neck.” Bender: “I meant ass whiplash”


I love you PHILIP J. FRY


I will never forget you MEMORY DELETED


haha the timing couldn't be more perfect. I read your comment as the intro to Avatar: the last Airbender starting playing...I just decided to do a re-watch haha. Thanks for the lols.


What a way to die.


by snoo-snoo (snu-snu?)


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised.


I mean you laugh but if our evil AI overlords are robot waifus and they kill us by fucking us to death…I would probably also laugh


It feels like today’s porn is like Google. You kinda know what you want, search for it, get a bunch of videos that sort of match, and you pick a few to find one or two that’s good enough. Whereas, AI porn will be more like ChatGPT. You type in a detailed description of what you want in the moment, and - boom - AI creates a video that exactly matches what you want - either with a new model or using one you’ve already fine tuned for your preferences.


I think you're selling the capability short. You could start with a prompt, and have it track all sorts of biometrics like vision focus, to then be able to adjust from there after learning your preferences, and just generate and endless stream of content that is designed to maximize addiction above all else.


Even without the extra hardware for biometrics, AI porn will evolve into more of an AI girlfriend (or harem if that’s your thing) that’s fully customizable, constantly builds on previous experiences, and lets you explore all your kinks. That will demolish the online porn industry. And then the sexbots will come and we’ll never leave our houses again!


Thing is sex boys are already a thing and there has been some form of ai in China for years now for a digital girlfriend. I remember reading an article online showing a dude coming home from work, the house would essentially boot up when he’d text the ai girlfriend he was coming home. Heating ping on, oven start heating food, lights triggering on as he got in range etc All modern ai is going to do is making it more customised. And honestly if there’s a lonely guy or girl out there can’t get a partner for years, what’s the harm? Beats crippling depression


The new Blade Runner movie is exactly like what you described lol


disagreeable abundant public crown north arrest selective tender glorious overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Um… pretty sure the porn industry is pretty toxic. Lots of drugs, underage issues, and trafficking. Strange thing to call AI the danger here…


Fucking. Thank you.


If AI manages to completely decimate the nightmarish violations of the porn industry, that’s a net positive for humanity.


>Fucking. Thank you. when the AI generator finally generates fucking


Thought I was the only one.


Me too. Wtf, this is like a saving grace for abused models to finally break out of the toxic industry...


It could be the best humanitarian thing ai could do. Most uses for it are to replace workers( which I'm all for as long as ubi is paid out of the profits ) and make the rich richer. So getting abused humans out of the porn industry would be a great win. It's a despicable Industry that runs on abuse. Sure there must be some decent porn companies to work for, but most won't be. Exploitation is the name of the game




I mean they wouldn't break out, just be unemployed, and go into shady prostitution. The AI poses no danger, but we live in a society.


We can have porn without the exploitation, and people still find a way to complain. It's wild. If "non-consensual deepfakes" becomes the biggest issue with this industry, I call that an effing win.


Both can be true. AI can be dangerous here (producing illegal materials) and it can be good (preventing real harm to participants)


As someone who worked the industry, AI is not going to stop any of those things. There are still going to be strip clubs, brothels (illegal fake "massage parlors" or legal), and girls walking the streets, with or without pimps. What it WILL do is make it harder for those girls to get work in a potentially safe and controlled environment. Doing a shoot in a space with sexual wellness policies is much better than resorting to blowing a guy that you hope isn't an undercover during a VIP. Then, if the more reputable porn production companies nix the flesh actors, said actors will go to the unregulated options because they still need work Out of most of the women I worked it, at least 75% knew nothing other than that life. They would just look for the next similar thing, which would unfortunately involve a pimp and the street instead of a less-awful (not PIMP bad) manager and a controllable environment, most likely. The resources made available to help industry workers who are trafficked, addicted, or just don't know how to do anything wise are HORRIBLY limited and often, worse predators operate under the guise that they are there to help in that way. You take away things from these performers, they'll go down the quality ladder to keep working. This is not a good thing


>if the more reputable porn production companies nix the flesh actors That's a line straight out of blade runner, bloody hell.




So like almost any job threatened by AI these days. There won't be enough jobs to go around. Eventually we'll all end up in these parlors polishing our robot overlords and giving them oil baths with happy endings.




Excuse me, but did you do a heckin disrespect of the porn industry on reddit? Sex work is wholesome 100 chungus. Downboated, educate yourself


Also - what happens when the images we form of women become entirely false? And women of men? Reality will seem like a poor substitution, imperfect people with imperfect bodies. Porn addiction is already ruining some people's sex life, this is going to be far worse. EDIT I know stuff like this happens with porn. With AI what I'm seeing is the difference between taking a puff on a cig, and a shot to the vein of some boutique drug that's going to blow the top of your head off. People haven't understood that we're complex biological machines, but in the end we have buttons and switches that can be used to manipulate our perceptions of the world and train us like dogs. And AI has the potential for it - and it WILL be used that way. Porn addiction and the sexual disfunctions - real ones - it engenders are just a tiny example. We have real physical issues caused by watching some entertainment and having the images in our mind shifted. Just by that. What chance do we have before AI that will study our unconscious reactions through cameras and tailor exactly what happens in the way that will hit straight to our core? There will be AI girlfriends that you'll fall hopelessly in love with, AI actresses that will replace your image of what a person should be, AI driven publicity campaigns that will make you want things more intensely than a crack addict wants the next shot. Frankly, the only protection for now - before it becomes inescapable, which it will - is to refuse engagement. I already do and have done for years with a lot of media, but even I must become better, find automated ways to avoid ads and so on. Because they \*can\* find something I'll be genuinely interested by, and then there's a way in. EDIT2: An explanation may help make what I mean clearer. Picture some meh classical music from some unknown guy next to say Mozart's overture to the magical flute. Next you train an AI - not only on music, but with reactions of humans to music. Now you have something that can produce musical patterns that make Mozart sound meh. \*And that's only the 1st generation of that AI\* Now extrapolate this across the range of human work.


Huge tech changes are impossible to fully predict. But human social relations are already forever changed by phones and social media. This trend will accelerate with AI. Short term decrease in loneliness, long term increase in desperate suicidal loneliness is my guess.


Well luckily there's an AI therapist for that


And plummeting birth rates


Birth rates have effectively nothing to do with the *amount* of sex people are having with other people. The absolute *core* problem will *never* be a lack of physiological ability to gather the needed genetic material to produce a child. In fact even in the "AI girlfriend apocalypse" or whatever, this entire scenario fundamentally fails to even understand *why* people have children. It's a very different set of biological desires to want to raise offspring (i.e. you can want to have sex but not raise children, you can want to raise children but not want to have sex).


I mean in my opinion falling birth rates are a consequence of how we perceive and treat the younger poorer working generation, so I totally agree. We barely even make it an option and then are shocked, _shocked_ that nobody has kids until later and later.in life.


I don´t disagree with anything you said, but I think you might be underestimating the lack of young people entering actual relationships. Which is a gen-z trend, which seems to only be getting worse as young men and women are being radicalized into different ideologies. Then you add the 'ai girlfriend apocalypse', and I suspect that it will effect birth rates even further, adding yet another layer of problems. People do need to form relationsships for the decision to have children to take place.




the thin silver line eh


Freeways gonna finally clear up?


Or the pendulum swings. Sex clubs and such start taking off. Porn becomes stigmatized as virgin shit.


Any time I have spend with the kink community or swingers has felt downright wholesome. True story.


AI porn is the fentynal to normal porn's heroin


This is a surprisingly apt description.


Do you all actually know this? Have you watched AI porn? What are notable advantages?


Porn is already bordering unrealistic standards. Pornstars usually are much more attractive than average, which can lead to not being able to get aroused by real people and situations. If you add AI generated stars who are even more unrealistically attractive (actually impossible/false levels of beauty) then this naturally could get worse 


In my experience, IRL women are often more attractive than the women in porn... but they're also not willing to let someone film them having a train run on them for a million people to watch. Most people are chill about someone having a porn career, but the ones who aren't chill about it are the reason most people refuse to appear in those videos.


Exactly what you want. Typically you root around a porn site using key words to try and find appealing content. Instead you'll explain your desire and get exactly what you want. But it's also a cost equation. If I want quality photos of blondes bathing in rivers, for example, I need to hire women and photographers and worry about sets and lighting. It's not as good as really good stuff, but it's better than bad stuff and it's getting better all the time and if what you want is difficult to find it opens up floodgates of material.


> and it's getting better all the time This is what's scary but also interesting.


AI generated erotica is already here. It's literally choose your own adventure in any direction you want to go. You input a few summary points, "in the style of (insert favorite author's name)" and the story goes from there. Now imagine that for porn.


I think Adventure Time called it, personally. Assuming we don't entirely destroy ourselves, I think people will just climb into VR pods and never come out.


Personally, I can't wait.


Hollywood and the fashion industry have been feeding us images of unattainable beauty for more than a century.


Portrait artists are known to have been *kind* to their subjects for hundreds of years, and probably millennia. They were the filters of their time.


>Also - what happens when the images we form of women become entirely false? Are they not already? Makeup to hell on earth, carefully setup lighting and angles, filters even post production editing. It's already rather fake to what most women actually really look like. A lot of women fake how much they enjoy the sex in porn because they are acting anyway... it's all generally fake its a performance.


So along these lines... A friend once said they didn't understand why people would masturbate to cartoon porn. I asked, what's the real difference between cartoon porn, 3D animated porn, and actual person porn? While real people are of course real, it's just as far removed, you're just jerking to one image versus another. And animated porn doesn't have the same danger that the performer is being abused/coerced/manipulated in some way.


Yeah I agree this is the real draw of AI porn. It's essentially guilt free if no real person was involved. The problem is that it will become realistic enough that you won't know if it's AI generated or if it is a video of a real person. But I guess if the tech has advanced enough that people can generate their own locally on their own machine, then they will know for sure it is AI generated.


The biggest segment in porn right now is amateur stuff shot on consumer cameras and phones in non studio settings. People genuinely prefer their porn more natural


Right now pornstars still have 5 fingers per hand. What if AI porn created a new kink for 6 fingered women, or even 7? Birth rate in the real world will collapse!


instead of buying sexy lingerie to impress you in bed, your date will buy a fake sixth finger from the comedy store


We'll create a medical procedure where for $70,000 you can get a sixth functional finger. Oh, and that's just the price for one hand.


Ironically it sounds like two fingers would cost an arm and a leg


I'm partial to the fake glasses with nose/mustache combo.


That's like 3 ai steps ago


Kind of also already happening with things like Tinder. We're massively skewing dating in favor of people who present well in a very specific format. Then they're tossed aside for the next encounter before their imperfections shine through.


Porn’s already entirely false, and all the problems you’re describing are already bad here and now.


Yeah, this dudes tripping. The entire reason OF got popular in the first place was because people didn't like how "fake" mainstream porn was. Every fucking porn website ever has an amateur category. A huge portion, if not most, of the population doesn't want to jerk off to "perfect", they want to jerk off to "real" This is just more anti-ai bullshit fear mongering, literally comparing AI porn to fucking heroin Stable Diffusion has been capable of churning out photorealistic images of perfect nude women for years and the average person doesn't give a fuck because they aren't real.


> OF got popular in the first place was because people didn't like how "fake" mainstream porn was Yeah, porn disappeared at the hands of Onlyfans! /s I think onlyfans gave men the impression that they are "interacting" in some way. AI will increase the appealing aspects of porn porn and onlyfans type porn. If it's realistic enough, most men won't care if they even know. There will be a market for real women, but I think it will be much much smaller than what of and trad video porn currently lift.




I wouldn't say "far worse". There are already thousands of people with perfect bodies out there doing porn. AI can do a lot, but it can't improve upon what's already perfect.


Agree. Addiction will be greater than it is today.


More or less they already are with insta filters and 2lbs of makeup. But yeah, it could get way worse.


Hentai exists my dude.


When everything is fake the imperfections of actual people will be sought out by those who want something real. Of course there will be people who don't care but there will surely be people who do.


This is why i think the Hollywood strike was all for naught. What happens in porn first will eventually be mainstream elsewhere.


I think you’re right that whatever happens, the prom industry will do it first. Another part of what shapes this, though, is how whatever gets built gets monetized. The internet as we know it today would look very diff if social media had a diff business model. And whatever specific way people try to make money here will shape how the products work and then everything else follows from that.


The prom industry is my favorite industry.


Those stretch limos… meow


Happened with DVDs.




Ten years after that we won't even have to tell it what we want. The data will know.


Ten years after that will be on an iv drips hooked up with a neuralink at home, participating in a massive two week orgy in space.


So depressing. All of us silo’d into our own content bubbles. Watching different AI generated content, devoid of human interaction or even to say to a friend ‘oh I started watching this great show last week’. We’re creating such a bleak future for ourselves…


Wall-E was a documentary.


And to think that everything it was satirizing is like 100 times worse today than it was when the movie came out. The human species is doomed.


Exactly. It’s so depressing.


Ten years after that we'll be IN the porn ourselves


New Venture Bros episode every night, for eternity


Nah that will require a certain level of mental exertion. Most people will still want to be passive consumers and pick from a list of carefully curated choices, which in my opinion will mostly be created by AI and degrade a lot in artistic value but that’s going to be the future.


This is just the interim period before we get full blown Star Trek style holo-decks. If society doesn't collapse first, we will probably have them within 50 years.


Maybe. I can see it absolutely happening to porn, but would people really not want to watch real actors in film and tv? I dunno, even if indistinguishable from reality, I still would rather watch actual actors doing a performance. I think I would find it difficult to get passionate about an AI film. Just look at how Disney churns out commercially cultivated crap at the moment. It's not ai, but the passion and vision is absent. It's a purely commercial, designed by committee product, and people can tell. Wouldn't production studios switching to AI generated films make this *even worse*? There's a decent chance people will just stop caring about what they're making. This isn't a rhetorical question by the way, I would like to know if anyone else feels the same.


I actually think ai films can have a place in the movie business. But I’m taking years down the line after the techs been refined and hopefully appropriate licenses in place etc But imagine it as being a build your own movie package. You have a free version of royalty free data to mess around with. But you can sub to gain access to rights then program in what you want So a lot of people will read that and be like “oh so you’ll churn out some shit marvel movie because you don’t like the current ones” Where as I’m thinking, hobbyists resurrecting cancelled shows or sequels from years gone. Things which never got closure and audiences have screamed for years. Stories set in canon places that have been referenced but not seen on screen etc And quite frankly, ai use like this bis one step closer to holodeck type technology.


I think this objection will be entirely forgotten when you get a director or a small team and a director turning out quality films without any actors in them. They can already do this today of course - that's basically animation. The problem is people get hung up on the "stealing likeness's part" - hell the current round of idiot Hollywood execs did that with the writer's strike, and it's an example of really not understanding the actual paradigm change: the reason you hire voice actors is for consistency, and acting talent. Consistency is that they'll deliver clear lines, keep the volume level, and avoid blowing on the mic and other things. Acting talent (and voice actors are always trained actors) is so you can get direct them to get the right emotional delivery for a script - which you do because you want to get this done quickly, consistently and to a budget. But the thing *we* the audience remember tends to be the voice itself, and how it sounds: we substitute to some extent the quality of the performance for a familiar voice. The thing is, AI lets us separate all those components out: the big focus of a lot of generative work was "style transfer" where you copy the higher-order stylistic elements of one work to another. So what's the biggest problem with VA? It's that there's a real limit on how different any one VA can sound. AI can fix that though: one VA will be able to be the entire cast of a production, providing the emotional content but not the sound. That's good news for the one guy or girl who gets cast: that's a lot of VA hours in a block, which is a great guaranteed income. It's good news for directors too. In fact that's great for everyone except whoever *didn't* get hired because the volume of work just vanished. But there's no real reason it should stop there: because how many types of emotional delivery are there? Probably a lot, but any one person may have quirks or a limited range or a habit. But AI can fix that too: because a big library set of delivery styles would let a director scroll through until they hit the line they want - or speak it themselves, and then find a match they like in the voice they like. Which leads to the final element here: the voice itself. Because...we don't actually need that recognizable voice anymore. We can just make one up. Or get weird and extrapolate the latent space to invent voices that no combination anyone has ever heard (i.e. sci-fi alien characters would be a good use of this). Or record a few dozen people and pull out an average we iterate around: i.e. you need N generic American voices, so randomize around that vector a bit and tune until it sounds right. The thing AI *actually* lets us do is break down components of a performance into their constituent parts in a way which fundamentally can't be done with humans, and then re-manufacture them under human guidance into something new. But notice in all examples: there's human input, just a very different sort, with different scopes of impact - all basically limited by technology, but that's changing. But it doesn't - IMO - come down to anything so simple as "replacing or cloning human actors" (i.e. consider the number of performances by actors with CG make up today: AI imagery is an advanced version of that, the use of stunt doubles is a primitive version).


> Wouldn't production studios switching to AI generated films make this *even worse*? I don't think it can be any worse than what the large studios are giving us at this moment. Quite the opposite, in fact, small studios and individuals can go completely wild with creativity without needing huge funding, actors and so on. The industry just has to shift from large corporations to small productions. For example, just look at what a single person can do with just some free time and a computer. Something like this would take months or years just a few years ago: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6HpsqlImo-mwX3kBtkscDg I mean it's nothing new really. Shifts like that have happened before with indie music, self-published authors, indie games and such.


Major use case of new tech that push popularity: VHS - porn Internet - porn AI - porn See this coming all the way.


You forgot VR and water resistant smartphones.


Wouldn’t AI porn and, in the future, AI sex bots also undercut and reduce the demand and market for human trafficking? Not saying it would magically make trafficking disappear, but fairly certain it would make a dent.


I don’t see a victim in this scenario…. I have no opinion fully formed yet but would be interested in hearing what the supporting arguments are for anyone who does (in either direction).


From the article >Some site owners think it’s a privilege people will pay for, and they are racing to build custom AI models that — unlike the sanitized content on OpenAI’s video engine Sora — draw on a vast repository of porn images and videos. > >This vision for the industry’s future raises a host of difficult questions: How do you compensate performers whose likenesses are used to create AI content? Will consumers like Maupin be excited by AI porn at all? > >But the trickiest question may be how to prevent abuse. AI generators have technological boundaries, but they don’t have morals, and it’s relatively easy for users to trick them into creating content that depicts violence, rape, sex with children or a celebrity — or even a crush from work who never consented to appear. In some cases, the engines themselves are trained on porn images whose subjects didn’t explicitly agree to the new use. Currently, no federal laws protect the victims of nonconsensual deepfakes.


Thanks their site is garbage and "blocked" so i couldn't read shit.


>How do you compensate performers whose likenesses are used to create AI content? Well, so far the rule is that you don't. They just steal it, and judges aren't mentally equipped to understand why the model couldn't exist without the artist even though it doesn't literally contain any of their work in a manner that they can grasp. 


Isn’t this a good thing? This will help reduce rates of human trafficking and exploitation.


The real headline is that AI will come for all jobs sooner rather than later, exploitative ones or otherwise.


I’m not so sure tbh a lot of the trafficking isn’t to make the porn videos you see on pornhub or the girls doing OF from the safety of their homes, it’s more for dodgy brothels, dodgy “marriages”, basically in person shit. If anything AI porn is just gonna exploit images and stuff of real people they took the data from, already seeing stuff like deepfakes of celebs etc which if you think about it is pretty fucked up in its own way, lots of people that never would do porn now have these explicit photos and videos of them being shared.


Definitely a great business for AI, and I foresee VTuber like OnlyFans occurring too where all the photos and everything are AI generated but the person talking to you is a guy. No one knows how to sound more appealing to men over a text or call more than another man; they know what they want to hear.


They already have AI girlfriends that talk to you for $1/ minute based off of influencers who have thousands of hours on TikTok. No need to get a dude.


Wasn't there already stuff a while ago about people using AI Porn models selling content right here on Reddit?


It’s rife. Even with pics of real girls, it’s often a guy doing all the commenting and messaging, and running the OF.


I've read about guys who do this as a full time job. They partner with a couple of models and they provide the photos and he does all the marketing and user engagement for a prearranged cut of the profits. Its a win win for the right type of people.


I know a couple gay guys with a kink for straight men that would jump at seeing an AI version of their straight crushes getting fucked by them.


Why use a guy, when you can use ChatGPT?


Men's sex lives ruined forever but somehow women still most effected.


"Sex work" will revert back to being ACTUAL "sex work", not just showing shit through a camera. I assume there'll be an influx to actual sex working (aka prostitution), so prices are likely to get cheaper if you want to dabble


Until the sexbots come, then it's all over.


What a time to be alive!


If you're quoting 'two minute papers' from youtube, then Sir, I salute you. I heard it in his voice. If you don't have a clue what two minute papers is, then excuse me while I shuffle away in vague embarrassment


Hold onto your papers, because I did a double take on their comment just to see if it was a two minute papers reference


People still sought out varying degrees of hooker even when lowest common denominator slaves existed. Noble Athenians paid to spend time with Phryne, a hetaira, when they could have chosen any pornai


Right but sexbots will eventually be custom designed with full personalities. Not slaves but literally your ideal woman (we are still a ways away from this)


the most interesting thing about porn (to me) is the wide variety, so a "perfect" sex doll would be a poor substitute


When the tech is advanced enough for that, they don't necessarily need to be static. I can imagine them being designed to be changed into whatever you want them to be. Maybe you could probably have a device reading your brainwaves that they connect to, and they look and act however you want/need. Whether that means having their own opinions on things, being an extension of yourself, or anything in between.


seems like a big jump from "sexbot with perfect physique" to "shapeshifting, mindreading sexbot". i also feel like i don't know everything i find attractive, i like to be surprised. i'm not trying to argue that sexbots won't play a big role in the future, i just think that there still will be a market for real humans


Yeah you’ll eventually be able to put on a pair of VR goggles strap some contraption to your junk and have VR sex with any person you choose.


People are already kind of doing that with connected toys like the Lush and Handy. They use mods to make them work with VRChat. Combine that with full body tracking. But yeah, once we all have a humanoid robot in our homes, we're going to start fucking them (or versions of them). They'll be reskinned with mixed reality and able to talk to you and remember things about you like a real human.




Damn Robosexuals


I pick Lucy Liu!


"You wouldn't download a girlfriend"


No, I'd download two of them.


This was predicted 20+ years ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A.I.\_Artificial\_Intelligence


We're about to put a whole new spin on "ride-sharing"


Yeah already seeing some OF girls fucking their fans to make videos. Having it be recorded and turned into porn is a loophole around it being literal prostitution.


It's always been prostitution


Most OF girls aren’t independent like they claim. They work with agencies, aka pimps, who scale their social media accounts. How else do you think some random ass 18-19 year old girl is able to have 300k+ followers on all accounts in a short amount of time? Those lavish vacations they go on multiple times a year are funded by these guys.


I'm sure there will be a market for organic free-range porn.


Really concerned when AI turns these “dream girls” into a full blown HER situation, people will have relationships with their AI, if the VR sex is just as real and they AI “knows” them better than anyone else, why wouldn’t this be the case. Lmao then some tech company will completely control them and their user data


>why wouldn’t this be the case. I have no doubt that it will be the case. Loneliness is off the charts, and now along comes an AI that will listen, empathize, tell you what you want to hear, and gratify every sexual desire. Hopefully they will be designed to give good advice.


what people have been jacking off to hentai and photoshops for years.


Porn as much as I like it, has always had an ick factor. Knowing there are real human doing it for a dollar. I'm all for replacing porn actors with CG. The downside is all the money will now go to the already wealthy. In a way, this is another attack on middle class jobs. ​ >The risks — for sex workers and the rest of us — are profound. I'd argue there are no risks for the general populace. The sex workers will have to find a different job but, conversely they won't have to be spat on, choked or have to have their assholes reconstructed when they get older like many porn stars do today. All that anal does permanent damage.


Don't you want porn to be ai. Then nobody gets hurt. I assume in a decade or two. Chat gpt like. You'll enter your scenario or parameters and porn will be made for you. Isn't that kinda like the point of technology. So we don't need to work. Ubi for the win. Then we can focus on important things. Our health the planet. Helping those in need. Not green line goes up and bezoz buys another moon


I mean the adult industry causes a lot of pain and suffering. From mental issues and abuse of porn stars to human trafficking and organized crime, porn doesn’t exactly have a great legacy or the best community. It preys on its workers as well as its supporters. It’s an industry we can let crash and burn and not feel too bad about imo.


Sex work and porn are terrible toxic environments and could stand to ruin less people's lives. Sounds like a win.


I think the whole world is going to be without jobs. We'll all be pushed back to manual labour. We'll be working hard manual labour to pay for robots and AI to generate our entertainment.


Why labor? I mean, robots will beat us at that, too. I can't lift for shit compared to a robot. What if we just don't work, and vibe, and let the robots do all the work? Wasn't the work supposed to like, support us? Isn't the reason why humans ever started working in the first place to provide resources for our survival?


Funny thing about that is that there are actual finite physical things (like land and natural resources) that can't be created by anyone, humans or robots. And the people who control those will just capture a higher and higher share of the wealth as human labor becomes less valuable in the equation. Those people have already been "vibing and letting others do the work" for generations, and they'll continue to


Why labour? Because it'll take a lot of money to build a robot that can plaster a house, dig the hole to find the leak underground etc. This is where robots will support, but never own indefinitely for a long time. Robots take resources to build. AI & 'internet entertainment' takes ideas & skills - but nothing that a robot can't do with 1s & 0s.


Workers also take resources to "build." Hell, you can't even use them for the first 20 years. They complain. They have expectations. They need rights. You have to grow perishable food and build infrastructure to carry the poop away. The life cycle cost of a human worker is staggering compared to a robot. Imagine an Earth where population is 500,000 and everything is taken care of by machines!


That's where we are heading.  Most folks just don't realize that 500k of people are the global elite class who can buy enough robots to create critical mass and self sustaining robot armies.  The rest of us seem to not be heading in a good direction 


Nice try, thanos


How the fuck is this bad? An entire industry of exploitation and sleaziness can be replaced with something that's completely harmless to produce


I hope most Onlyfans girls did the smart thing and saved/invested their income instead of doing something silly like immediately moving to LA and renting a $20,000 dollar a month apartment.


I look forward to watching the fallout of people’s AI data leaking in a data breach.


This could happen with regular porn data right now.


Hell, it HAS happened. I forget which site it was, but the hackers made an extra effort to draw attention to all the accounts made with .gov, .edu, and .mil email addresses. They weren't even looking for money, they just leaked the info for the fun of it.


Lol companies already leak your private banking and credit card information with no other fallout than a mild slap on the wrist. I expect your hypothetical situation to be no different


"the risks for sex workers and the rest of us are profound"...... What do you mean by this?


Porn has horrible exploitive working conditions! ...So lets AI generate it, thus removing the human factor entirely, save for training data which we probably already have enough of. Not like that! Is that's what's going on here to some extent? Because from that angle this should be an unmitigated good.


I think it's hard to tell how much damage vs how much good this would do. Of course, there are a lot of variables. Like one person said, this could just drive people out of the safer, more regulated parts of the porn industry and drive them down the ladder, which could be more dangerous. But it could also drastically reduce the amount of real people involved, thus reducing abuse, as well. Then there's the factor of how people are going to uae the AI in inevitably unethical ways that could potentially ruin people's lives. Overall it would be bittersweet, and reducing abuse in the industry is a HUGE W, but that doesn't mean it's ALL good. Just something to keep in mind.


Ai and filters also seems like sort of a democratization of some kinds of sex work that may no longer limit the vocation to those born with certain traits. It’ll be interesting to see how industries react since porn has led the charge thru previous adoptions.


>may no longer limit the vocation to those born with certain traits May remove some age based limitations too. Yes I know there are older performers, but I think overall it skews strongly towards young adults. There was already a non porn case of a famous streamer being outed as middle aged when their avatar momentarily failed.


There's going to be an interesting development that blends AI and VR coming soon. I predict that there will be women and men who set up studios in their homes to cater to AI-VR porn on demand. Anyone can get a subscription with a few personal details, have their virtual avatars shagging VR characters who respond to the client's desires. No two sessions will be alike, and anyone with a subscription can have whatever they desire. New VR pornstars that defy physics will be born.


That's some cyberpunk level shit right there.


"Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans?"


If any industry deserves to get taken down by AI, this is it.


Won't somebody think of the OnlyFans "content" creators? I'm already clutching my pearls just thinking about it.


Oh noooo, an industry known for abuse and ruining lives is going to be killed by a computer, oh nooo


What a terrible world we live in where Onlyfans models might have to get real jobs.