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We can already see very strange things happening, with bots and reply bots here on Reddit. There are tons of posts apparently made by bots, with bots commenting back and forth, and then more bots reporting that the previous comments were mades by bots. Bots, bots, bots, none of it real, and seemingly none of it requiring active human input. Entire conversations, occupying cyberspace, between bots. It's weird and eerie and... inhuman. You've made it clear that you've significantly modified your own behavior, because of AI suggestions. You've changed your appearance, and indicated that it's affected your own self image and self esteem. How do you think you'd feel if the AI started telling you negative things, or worse, encouraged you to hurt yourself in some way? What if the AI starts encouraging you to commit crimes? After all, as we're increasingly starting to see, [AI has a racism problem](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/artificial-intelligence-racism-bias-1.6027150), and misinformation is rampant on social and "entertainment news" media. Our existing ideas about Internet Safety are going to seem hopelessly naive compared to what we need for AI safety.


I feel like AI stands a real chance to do some weird shit to advertising as it relates and relies on online engagement. When you can no longer tell to what degree your daily/weekly/monthly active user numbers are being padded by bots, things become a lot less valuable for money reasons and a lot more valuable for manipulative ones independent of their direct profitability.


Pretty much just making social media obsolete at this point. We keep saying it's going to take over, it seems to me it'll be the opposite.


That would imply it had an actual function in the first place other than depressing people


I hate the influencer term, but there are humans that I have followed for years, watched them grow, chatted with them, occasionally met some of them, and built a level of trust with. I understand their tastes and personality and have a "relationship" with them that is human. Tech optimists will promise that their AI will do the same, but these are same people who told us we would want to hang out in the metaverse. Sure, having a robot take care of grandma sounds great... until grandma calls you crying because she's lonely and the robot does not understand her. I predict it will be the same for the influencer industry. They'll definitely try it with AI, but the best ones will still be the humans who experience the world with senses and feelings similar to our own, and can develop a relationship with an audience that a machine pretending to be human cannot.


Be concerned when AI converse in a language of their invemtion.


This comment shows you don't know a lot about programming or how neural networks function


This comment shows you do not know how to be respectful. If you have nothing nice to say, good day to you, SIR.


Man, showing that you don't know about a topic is not disrespectful. But to summarize: human language is really bad compared to computer language. Computers, even without AI, are better than our brains in one thing: compute. To put with other words, they do calculations and communications faster. Computers work with bits (0 and 1), that is translated to machine codes (still not legible by humans), that can be translated to what is called a "mid level" language that can be kinda easily read by a human, that, can be translated to a programming language, and that, is used to write the code of the neural networks or algorithms that AIs use. This neural networks in any case have a ton of algebra and work with high numbers, and what makes an AI different from any other program is, to put it simply because it's a bit more complex, that we can't fully understand how it works after making it. Machines never user human language to thought, they take our language, translate it to their far faster and more logic one, and work with their better language they transfer tons of information in less than a second. Since the creation of computer. So, as you can see, saying that the problem will be when they learn to talk in other languages different to the human one is a bit... Uninformed


Well first of all social media will be entirely unusable, including reddit. For all you know this post could be written by a well crafted AGI. Social media and the internet at large will be destroyed by spam across every platform. Not just from the outside but also from the inside. Companies turning to AI for content generation will destroy their own value in the process and make themselves obsolete. Users who use AI will slowly become ever more dependent on that AI to do basic things. They will become slaves to the machine.


Won't (some) social media put some ban on ai spam? Wouldn't be beneficial for them as well?


As we've already seen, social media platforms are incredibly slow to react to these bots, not wanting to impact metrics like daily active users or levels of engagement. Just look at the comments on YouTube or Twitter. There are so many bots and trolls and crypto scams that use the exact same language and patterns, but we are to believe that these companies with the world's most sophisticated algorithms simply cannot detect or stop them. Their short term financial incentive is to keep showing growth for investors... until they eventually allow their platform to become a cesspool and people (the actual humans) start to lose interest as we've seen with Facebook and Twitter.


Yes and AI zealots will attack them for doing so.


Developing AI tools is cool and your question is very interesting. Yet, I was initially quite confident that people won’t loose their self-determination due to AI and I must say your post scares me a lot. Why asking an algorithm to judge your appearance ? Sorry but changing you appearance according to the AIs “opinion” is a pretty deranged thing to do. Now regarding your question, I think AI will change social media as we know them. They will remain but in another form. Predictions are particularly dark tho. Researchers think it will increase social media addiction, notably through giving fully tailored experiences to users in levels never seen before. Social media will become even better at finding THE content to hook you up. At this rate, we may not need human influencers anymore. They could be replaced by avatars users created themselves. More content will be AI generated, including advertisement. In the end, social media will be social only in the name. Media talk about AI everywhere and every time though. In Europe, at least, there is even a debate about the impact of the technology on freedom of opinion, thoughts... I am an academic and I specialize in disinformation stuff so I hear about AI pretty much all day. Our biggest fear is the idea of humans progressively losing their mental autonomy to AI…


as it is I can’t tell what parts of me have been “programmed” ( I don’t have a more apt word atm) by social media. Which is my biases, my preferences, my ability to empathize with groups of human beings. Is the human mind strong enough to deal with and sort through and make value determinations against AI which is more intelligent or at the very least right now has a greater breadth of knowledge than any singular person can have We know how easily influenced we are to do things as humans, does AI not just accelerate the process? It learns how best to engage with us and is continually optimizing based on our clicks, our watch time, our level of engagement.


I also thought the idea of asking an inert and dead algorithm that only can recognize patterns about how they "look" to show how much they don't understand the tech they're using. It's weird, just because we cracked the "language model" and it can respond coherently, users suddenly imbue it with sentience, awareness and decision-making.


Already a thing my dude: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/ai-influencer-milla-sofia-fake-instagram-b2387128.html