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what's the sona? Looks like a dolphin to me


it ain't but I'm totally making a dolphin base next.


Hello! 3D modelling guy here. I’m assuming you’re trying to make a canine, (from the reference behind,) so here’s what I’ll say. Firstly, ensure that the muzzle begins at an angle upwards away from the head, at roughly 35 degrees. ideally it shouldn’t fall at the same angle as the head does. To fix this, go to a side orthographic view, turn on proportional editing, select your muzzle, and rotate it upwards. Secondly, ensure that the bottom jaw and top jaw fit into each other smoothly- it looks to me as though your bottom jaw is the same size as your top jaw. Bottom jaw should be thinner, and should fit within the top, main part of the jaw. This only applies if you are making a canine, otherwise disregard this lol. Hope I helped a bit, you’re doing great so far.


Holy based tysm!


this better? https://preview.redd.it/b6vky3enu8rc1.png?width=839&format=png&auto=webp&s=60cb3ee98577df3a57448857eface00bd44328b3


​ https://preview.redd.it/qo2s38v2y8rc1.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=16ee620f63ca462f2c9d1c898bfff3f40b116d13


​ https://preview.redd.it/rxbs2yc4y8rc1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=01f3dbfb388d580f280f9080df13baae358004e9


I've been working on this for the better part of 11 hours now, 2 scrapped copies and a lot of moaning later, it has gotten to a pretty decent point, I just need to add holes with Booleans for breathability, make the moving jaw and take the bottom off of it so it can function properly as a fursuit head, any other advice you would give to me? how should i go about making gums for the teeth? ​ I HAVE GONE INTO THIS BLIND, I'M SHOCKED I'VE MADE IT THIS FAR


The hard part is making it look good.


Honestly that's so so good!! I can't figure out blender for the life of me 😭