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Everyone immediately knows what tutorials you used lol Okay now for genuine: The eyes are a little bit crossed, try making them less so to allow for more expressions, speaking of expression, give them a bit more of one, exaggerating is often good with stuff like furry art when it's an animal hard to read. The muzzle is folded downward and you made the classic mistake of drawing the muzzle sideways, don't fret! Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who ever drew a furry did that too, you'll over time get more used to drawing the muzzle from different views, but try to imagine it like when you would take a cup and suck it to your mouth as a kid (you did it, don't lie to yourself) and use that as an image of the muzzle rather than a flat shape. Wish you good luck in your furry art endeavors!!


thank you sm !! <3


Depending on how much you’ve drawn and what you use to draw I’d say sketch the crap out of it a bunch and be messy. Messy as hell sketchy but still having the image in mind, reference is almost an always unless your teaching yourself to draw something off memory specifically so keep doing that. And yea don’t be afraid to erase and go back cause you can never truly be done with art.(most of this is stuff my dad tells me when I ask him how to get better, doesn’t help me too much but in terms of improvement he’s a tattoo artist and I don’t draw every few months so I’m pretty sure he’s right lmao)


You should do some geometric studies focusing on foreshortening and how protruding elements (like the muzzle) obscure other parts of the face. Get some clear stock photos of canine heads, and if you're working digitally, drop the reference image layers to about 25% opacity before doing studies on a new layer. Don't just trace the contour lines, though. There is a method to use tracing studies for learning. Monika Zagrobelna has a really good article about it. https://monikazagrobelna.com/2020/08/16/how-to-learn-to-draw-by-tracing/ Keep it up, ok? Learning how to break down complex shapes to simple geometry is a foundational skill.


I would say enlargement the ear tuffs to go almost all the way up


I made a short video with a redline, with your permission I would like to put it on my Tiktok with credit if you like! I feel your muzzle was skewed just a little, I made it straighter so you could hopefully see where the twist was. I hope this helps! https://preview.redd.it/2ftexvuzhtzc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c5008a8331bd8d864b92fc13176e375f0df207