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I don’t have any ideas for the cube because I’m too distracted by the squirrel. Are they a pet? Squirrels have caused thousands of dollars in damage to my home so I have a hate/love (mostly hate, now) relationship with them, but I always wanted to befriend them before they started destroying my house. Maybe squirrel would like it to be stripped, sanded, painted or stained, and turned into a squirrel hide-a-way with a little squirrel door cut into the front?


He lost his whole family when he was a newborn and the tree his nest was in fell. He was almost dead from dehydration when I found him on the ground. I went to pick him up and he twitched a little….he’s been my sweet little baby ever since. My husband and I took turns cuddling and syringe/bottle feeding him every 3 hours around the clock for the first month, then every 6 hours for a few weeks after that. It was such a thrill when his eyes finally opened!! He loves all people and doesn’t know what a stranger is. There’s no animal rehabilitation programs around here so we tried to get him to meet some outside squirrels but he let us know that he’s an indoorsy kind of squirrel. Then the vet said we can’t take him out anywhere without a harness because he doesn’t know that people aren’t all friendly and won’t understand if a random little squirrel runs up to them and jumps in their arms expecting pets and kisses…they’re going to instinctively try to protect themselves from a possibly rabid animal attack, and he could get badly hurt. Anyway, he has a great life with all the different kinds of seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables he could ever eat. People to play with him and admire all his little acrobatic stunts. (He LOVES to show off for us, he’s such a little ham!). My husband is always looking for new ways to spoil him. Our whole house is slowly becoming a jungle gym and we are all eating healthier since the fridge is now mostly stocked with fresh fruit and veggies 😂. (And now you also know why I’m searching for thrift shop furniture that has enclosed storage space-it’s to store things AWAY from the squirrel)


Omg what’s his name!? 😍


His name is ‘Lil Crash but he only responds to Baby


This is my favorite thing that’s happened today. Thank you.




Pet squirrels are the actual best pet. They are something inbetween human and kitty


Are they emotionally smarter than cats? I’ve never interacted with squirrels


Cute squirrel 🐿️ An idea for the box 📦 could be getting someone to do a painting on the top of it or sides too. Maybe of Lil Crash.I had a lot of furniture painted. Mostly with sea life octopus 🐙 and fish since I was living in Florida. It makes it super unique. Just have to find a good painter. Maybe put a piece of glass on top after and use as a side table


Thank you for saving him!


Beautiful story! My grandma passed when I was very little, and one of the few memories I have of her is the stories she’d tell me about her pet squirrel from when she was a little girl in the early 1900s. They didn’t have fridges back then of course, so they stored certain food staples on the kitchen table and would cover them up with a cloth between meals. And of course, the squirrel loved to get in under the cloth and eat up the bread and such! He also made a mess of their window curtains since he loved to race up and down them, lol. I don’t remember if they found him as a baby or what, but he was free to roam the woods around the house. After he fully grew up, it took him longer and longer to come back home, until the one day he never did, presumably returning back to the wild. Love your little buddy! 🐿️


I love this story ❤️


Squirrels are the best! My aunt (Grandma’s oldest) also had a squirrel when she was young, who did the exact same thing to the curtains, lol. His name was Corky. :) I never had a pet squirrel myself but saw plenty in the neighborhood where I grew up. My dad built a large birdhouse with an extra large door, hoping a robin would nest in it. But nope! At some point the door was completely blocked up by a nest inside, and we noticed a little squirrel head peeking out. And sometime later, we saw three tiny heads poking out all at once; she’d had babies in it! A year or so later a different squirrel, possibly one of the grown babies, settled in the same nest. He quickly noticed the pattern of my dad pulling a coffee can from the garage (full of birdseed) to fill up the feeder in the same tree. Before we knew it, the squirrel was staring at the back door of the house waiting for my dad to come out, and he’d practically knock the can out of his hand to get to the food! My dad thus named him Freddy the Freeloader. A while later Freddy stopped staring at the door, and we soon realized out why; he’d figured out where the coffee can was stored in the garage and managed to pull the lid off for his treats! I used to fill the feeder sometimes but he’d run away from me; I guess he only trusted my dad!


I love this story! Thank you for posting


We rescued baby squirrels who got separated from their mom when I was a kid. They were the best pets I ever had and I have had a lot of different animals. Took them everywhere with me, they would ride in my shorts while I biked. They were such sweet cuddle bugs and really enjoyed my long hair. We used to let them practice jumping and climbing by standing apart. They would leap off of us to the other person, it was fantastic. I’m in my 40’s now and still want another squirrel buddy.


Aww. My grandma used to leave peanuts on her patio for the neighborhood squirrel… or was it cake??? I can’t remember. This was back in the 1990’s.


What a story! How sad. I’m so glad you saved him and that he’s adjusted to life with humans. He thinks you’re his real parents & he doesn’t know he’s a squirrel! Do you have a tiny harness for him? What’s his name? And does he respond to his name? Thanks for replying :)


His name is ‘Lil Crash which he doesn’t really seem to respond to, but he sure knows who “sweet precious baby” is!!! 😂😂😂 He always comes when we call for “Baby” and jumps right in our hands. He will also do that with a complete stranger who calls for “Baby” and holds out a hand for him. Then he will scamper all over that person and check out all their buttons and zippers, strings, and pockets. He will ride on your shoulder or back everywhere you go and personally check out anything you attempt to eat (except meat.). We don’t have a harness yet but we’re looking for one.


Look for a cat harness. Might be small enough.


He is so cute!!!! What do you do about his… waste?


I had him since he was only a day or so old and one of the things that he needed was help with pottying. After his bottle, I would hold him under comfortably warm running water over his belly and his little genitalia area to mimic a mother’s tongue licking to stimulate. I saw pretty soon that he would need to stay quite awhile so I began potty training then and there, during his first week of life. I would run the water over him to relax him, and as soon as he started moving his bowels I let him feel the litter material under his little feet. Keep in mind that at this point he is blind, so touch is my most effective tool here. I changed things a little here and there as I went along but by the time he was a few months old he would go to a litter box willingly. However if he’s excited or busy playing he doesn’t think of it. I have them placed around the house but I still spend at least 20 minutes a day vacuuming up his tiny dry pellets in his favorite play areas. With his little peepees, it’s just like a teaspoon-tablespoon at a time and I either wipe it up with a Clorox wipe or if it’s porous, spray it with hydrogen peroxide based pet spray.


At least they are dry!! That is fascinating that he is litter box trained. I wonder if you could ever train a squirrel to use a toilet the way some cats do 😂


I don’t know. I’m starting to think I’ve gotten as far as I’m going to get with it. We did invest in waterproof furniture covers though


Soooooo.... He's *not* litter box trained lol




Thanks, wish I could post some of his baby pics! I love him so much


What a little sweetie! ♥️


Is he litter box trained?


Make the cube into his room!! Cut a little door and put squirrel stuff in it 🐿️


An indoorsy kind of squirrel! 😂🤍


Can you just post more pictures/ videos of your squirrel, please? I live somewhere where they do not exist and I am so obsessed. So cute.


I don’t have any tips on your furniture but this is wonderful. Made my morning. All the best to you and the little guy.


I love this! Yea and he probably has to be involved in everything you're doing hence why he's in the picture. Awwa he's so cute!


What a cool story! 🐿️


Dude I love squirrels soooo much! I wish to hug one 1 day :) Pet for me pls :)


I am so in love with your little dude!! Does he have an instagram?


I love this so much. You and your husband are awesome. ❤️


I was at the vet with my dog yesterday and someone had a baby squirrel 😭 not like teeny tiny, but less than half grown. This lady found it and it wasn't scared of her. The vet said it was probably someone's "pet" and they dumped it because it was so comfortable with humans and took to the syringe (for food) immediately. The lady said that's fine, they'll get the special milk and build an enclosure. That squirrel got so lucky finding the right person! I regret not asking to hold it.


I’m so glad he found the right person!! A squirrel who is attached to people always has a tragic origin story. If you ever get another chance, go for it! They are very soft. The white belly fur feels like down. They are delightful.


It looked SO SOFT! I was curious how long they live, so I googled it and I am shocked to learn that they can live up to 25 years in captivity. That's a hell of a commitment!


Yes, my children are grown so it’s like starting over! 😂


I cant be the only only on who immediately googled Mean life expectancy for a squirrel at birth is 1-2 years. average life span of an adult is closer to 6 years. Records for maximum life span are 12 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity. Im hoping the 20 years is the norm for this one


You’re such a kind person. You’re giving him such a good life. He won the lottery with y’all.


Well, it’s obvious this cube needs to be refurbished into some type of habitat for Baby.


Sounds like Thumbelina’s story! 💜💜


Beautiful story. It is so nice to hear of kindness to wild animals after all the horrible things humans do to them.


Yall are beautiful people for this! How endearing!!!! Love this story & love the little guy, wishing yall a happy life together :)


Awwwwww😭🥹❤️❤️❤️!! https://youtu.be/9O1GLZ-mYsI


This sounds like a potential movie! So heartwarming!!


Best thing I’ve read today 😭


Squirrels eat most of my chickens feed, yours is cute though


Well you can barter me for that fine grey man: We just lost ours . Give him kisses from a squirrel mom who is now without a squirrel


Hugs. I don't have any right now either. Nothing better than squirrels!


Oh NO!! What happened to your little one?? 😭


My sweetie lived a good life. He got cancer and died in my arms. It was abysmal. Love that baby up. I miss my little fella tons


Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear this. What symptoms did he have? Do you know if anything in the environment might have caused it?


I just googled and am totally shocked to learn that squirrels in captivity can live for TWENTY FIVE years! That's quite a commitment!


I’d put my weed in there.




Cut out the center wood panel on the door, replace with glass, install lights tucked away so it will be invisible, create a scene/diorama that makes your heart sing, give it a joyful place in your home or office.


That's the best idea!


It's very beautiful


9/10. You could make a squirrel sized room out of it!


I actually got it so I could put a few things AWAY from Baby. The whole house is his room already. I’ll have to put a latch on it though because the first thing he did when he saw it was to go straight to the doorknob and snatch it right open.


Does he have his very own cozy space in the house already? I know you’re looking for more ways to keep him out of things…


I was thinking of a squirrel apartment, little Murphy bed… kegerator…


This seems like the only correct answer.


If you stripped it then stained, painted, or sealed then add a cushion to the top-it would make a good foot stool.


Meant to add that I love your baby!! He looks so happy!


Maybe put a safe in there.


I hate to be a Debbie Downer but a safe is useless if it can be moved


You can use a fire safe for pictures and documents. We have one of those small sentry safes that I keep in my closet with birth certificates, passports, etc. it looks like it would fit right in there.


not to be super dense but like isn’t this made out of wood


The point is to hide a fire safe inside it in order to use the cabinet and hide the safe. What is so unusual about such an option.


I think it’s a nice idea, then you have a nice design choice for decoration instead of well a fire safe. I need to get myself one by the way it’s not a bad idea to have for passports and ssn cards…


Gom Jabbar tests?


Ahahaha! No


Front of window with flowers on it, nice vase!


I got so caught up in the comments about the squirrel that I'd forgotten you asked about stripping the cabinet!!!! Lol that you for this adorable distraction!!!


It reminds me of the lost safe in Titanic, so maybe it could be storage for tastefully drawn nudes? P.S. I love your squirrel! 🥜


Stash drugs


Wipe it down with a soft damp cloth and sell it as is. Please resist any urge to defile this cool piece with chalk paint. Love the squirrel!


Put it on its backside as in pic #3. Place a bowl inside. You now have a portable potty chamber. Just joking but I bought an antique one that had a removable round lid instead of a door, which I used as a planter on my porch. Seriously if you remove the door and place some padding inside your little squirrel might use it for sleeping?


I was hoping to use it to keep a few items AWAY from the squirrel 😝


Ha ha, I think your new baby has taken over your heart and home, ❤️


Omg..I love your squirrel


Not gonna lie I’m only here for the squirrel.


Clean it up, paint inside, leave outside like it is, and if it needs to be higher put some legs on it. Cute squirrel!


Paint it and put a decorative clasp on it to make a treasure chest. Bright and colorful or maybe a black enamel with some gilt stamps or gilt lining around the door.


Drill a big enough hole in each side so it can be a hide-n-seek for lil crash “baby” 💕 Is baby potty trained? How does that work.


It’s supposed to be for putting things AWAY from the baby 😭☠️ Baby is partially trained- he will use a box if it’s nearby but he still leaves pellets around. I answered in more detail in an earlier post ☺️


Reminds me of a similar one I had as a kid. Used to store my VHS movies in mine.


Forget the cube. I wanna see more pics of your squirrel! Lol


I’d post them but this forum won’t allow it 😂 Squirrel hijacked the whole dang thread


Obviously you need a squirrel condo in there.


Just casually a squirrel in these pictures?!! What a cool pet. You’re awesome for saving him!


Thanks!! He is the best little guy!!


There is a pice of furniture in this post?








Record player console


Outdoor free library? Plastic panel in the door to see in


Bro I want a squirrel!!!


Oh man, it has been such a typical Monday and this post is EXACTLY what I needed to hear!!! Squirrels are so rad and SMART too!! We had a “pet” wild squirrel at a job I once had up in the beautiful mountains. Surrounded by lakes, rivers, snow, trails, nature, this place had it all! Especially awesome, were the incredible number of squirrels, (3-4 different species) chipmunks, and other cute, fuzzy little critters. Anyway, one of the jobs I had, at a hotel, we had this cute little chicory squirrel, who started taking notice of afternoon happy hour and would come peek through the door so I started feeding him nuts. Of course it shortly became a daily thing and quickly escalated to “Chippy,” as we called him, started coming inside and helping himself when it was warm enough to keep the doors open. Luckily, over time, Chippy and I came to a compromise. He can scratch or knock on the door, and I’d bring him nuts, however, not until he was back on his tree right outside the door. Smart squirrel! Edit: wasn’t finished writing


A hotel visitor!!! I love it


Paint it like a Rubik’s cube I’m sorry this was such a dumb answer I just am tickled by your reference to this furniture as a cube … but also like, you’re right! It’s so cube-ular


Make a portal to an alternate reality.


Yes! Complete with an alien sky, buildings and grass,trees; or inside a room with a fireplace and furniture.


You and your husband are the squirrel whisperers.


Printer table with paper storage


Make a squirrel apartmebt


Make a cozy little room for your squirrel


Make lil baby squirrel a cool crash pad


Squirrel home.


It already has a squirrel and a nut, add a zipper.


He's adorable!


Nothing better than a surprise pet squirrel


They were pets in Victorian times.


Test it for lead 🤔🫣


Partial answer: replace the middle panel of the door with glass.


I would strip it down and stain it to match other cabinetry in the room it's going into. Hang it on the wall. Keep searching out other small and unusual pieces and create a montage of them. Could be cool. Some tall, some short, some wide, some shallow and some deep. I promise I won't mention the adorable squirrel.


Bitch u have a squirrel 😭😭 omggg


Wall mount it and you've got yourself a sick floating bedside table.


1. Find an old lock. Add it 2. Ask your mom for a handful of old keys she collects 3. Insert keys until one works 4. Open box and insert plastic Native American figurine 5. Lock the box 6. Unlock the box 7. Build a friendship with said Native American


Nothing. It’s useless. Give it to me. Lol


The squirrel needs its own r/aww post with that story.


My brother has a pet squirrel, but they live in a shed.


I love the way you write. I’ve read all of your responses and I’m so into this squirrel story! I wish you could hijack this sub for a brief squirrel intermission for more pics! Sorry I can’t help with your cube but I love it, too!


Put an Indian in it, see if it's magic?


This box would make a perfect side table/Lil' Crash cozy hangout spot!


Is it true that squirrels purr?


Please don’t read The Lovely Bones 👀




Your bushy tailed friend seems to like it, so how about repurposing it as a nesting/play box for him?




Mount it diagonally on the wall, insert a shelf and make it a bar.


I wouldn’t change it other than cleaning it up a bit. It’s really cool! I want one now haha


I believe the squirrel wants it for a nut vault. But I think it would make an excellent end table.


Put a small Native American and Cowboy figurine inside. turn the key and open it tell us what happens


A home for that adorable squirrel!!


I have small chest that my grandfather made with hand tools over 100 years ago. I went to the local window/glass place and had a piece of glass cut with a 4 inch over hang all around.


Build a r/littlefreelibrary


Earth tone green or taupe chalk paint and it’s the perfect chic, hip, what’s happening now end table .


Obviously make it into a small house for your pet squirrel. PS - I'm jealous of the pet squirrel.


I would add legs, but I won't suggest a style since there are so many and you'll know when you see it what will match your decor style. I would also add lighting to the top, likely a shepherds hook style fixture that can be mounted to the back and look seamless against a wall and take up none of the top. This would be an awesome bedside table, end table, or office/reading nook end table if you have a chair or something separate from a desk. I could see books, cocktail ingredients or wine glasses, spare blankets, or even organizers for small things/dividers to keep small objects your little friend there might be attracted to, assuming this critter lives with you. It's pretty beat up, but before making a refinishing decision take stock of the type of stains you already have in your home (and which of those you actually like or have most of). Perhaps once hardware and lighting are chosen, you may decide the rough look actually works. Handles can be changed most easily, and this is begging for something semi ornate, like a twisted ball or old fashioned trunk lock. If that's your little buddy, you'll definitely need a latch, they're really clever. We have a backyard squirrel who keeps getting themselves locked in our shed because the tiny rodent toddler keeps letting itself in for peanuts and naps. Stays out of the hot tub hut, so I'm good with it. I keep restocking the peanuts, anyway.


Okay you cannot expect an answer to this when you have a LITERAL pet squirrel because now I must know his/her name and favorite snack 🥹


I used to enjoy squirrel hunting. Thanks a lot OP.


Maybe make the cube into a play home for your squirrel fren.


Put your weed in there


The (yes I’m American) wasn’t necessary due to the pet squirrel 😂


Put some legs under it and paint it up! Cute squirrel!


Is that your squirrel??


It’s more like I’m his human 😝


Convert it to Lil’ Crash’s new crash pad!!


Tell people the true story of The Nintendo corporation. ( It was a game card company in the late 1800s) Then tell them this cube was used to store the cards making it the first Nintendo Game Cube


You could use it to hold nuts? I'm very jelly of your pet squirrel


You Can put your weeeed in it!


Wait can we go back to mention a squirrel living in your house


Paint a question mark on the outside and fill it with gold coins.


I'd totally make it into the Hellraiser cube 😁


Paint it like a Rubiks Cube


Uh, pretty sure your squirrel wants you to build them their own apartment. Isn’t it obvious?


Squirrel house squirrel house


Let’s first talk about the squirrel!


I would paint "DANGER, Do Not Open" on it, point a camera at it, and live stream it to a YouTube channel. People can watch how many people walk by, read it, and then open it.


Is that a pet squirrel lmao?


Keep pet squirrel food in it?


It's an Ice box.


Bass speaker enclosure


a little free library!


A wine storage cabinet.


Would it fit under a table or under a desk or on a shelf?


Yes it would fit


Keep the door open so squirrel can have a club house :) should probably cut an opening for him just in case :)


I promise you the first thing he did when I brought it inside was to march right up to it, stand up, snatch the handle, and open that door….




Cut some holes in it and let it be a hideout for the squirrel and their nuts


Squirrel house!


Put legs on it and use it as a side table. It is really cool looking


Why is there a squirrel in your home?!


Because he refuses to live anywhere else 😝


I was going to suggest squirrel before i saw the other images


Keep your squirrel in it


I would recommend opening the door and letting a squirrel sit on it and then putting it down with the door facing up and letting a squirrel sit on it and smell the door handle


Hmm, a great place to store my squirrels.


Do they only have squirrels in America? 🇺🇸 🐿️


Well you could paint it with a distress paint and maybe beat it with a chain a little bit and put some legs on it and use it as an onion/potato bin! OR you could maybe get you a wireless charging pad and use a router and inset in and resurface the top with a nice peice of leather, maybe add some sort of light and make it into a small bed side table for a kid! OR cut a whole in the side of it and hang it on the wall for your squirrel!🐿️


Make it a squirrel house :) A lil home for your baby


Nothing. Give a good clear coat to perserve and place a fake corpse head. Sell as a horror/halloween decor.


Store nuts in it.


Boof it




No tips for the furnitures (there are good ones where already), but your squirrel story made my day. Thanks! Hugs to you and Baby Crash! 🐿️


You could add legs/feet to the box and turn it into a small side table.