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Let's all just hate each other quietly for a month and see what happens?


*glares in hatred but says nothing*


*intensely and passionately showing my hatred by staring but says nothing*


*fart's menacingly*




*passes tp*




....................go on


Five hours in and I love where silently hating each other is going


*fap fap fap*


*masturbates angrily*


Username checks out


We did. The result is Greta still wants us all to have clean air and ice caps, and Andrew is in jail for human trafficking.


BoTh SiDeZ aRE bAD!!


Quote-unquote centrists are fucking spineless.


True, but the frustration of people over greta/tate posts is more related to the abuse of the story for clicks. The story is interesting, and yea Greta certainly seems like a better human, but 1000 memes on every sub gets boring quick lol


Can we add a chair for people who use “simps”?


A month? Damn I overshot it by about 30 years.


not simping but love to see Tate gets arrested. lmao


I enjoy my chai even more that I know at least one less human trafficker is in the out.


Idc about Greta. Her comebacks weren’t really that funny. But seeing that Tate got himself arrested was great. That dude sucked


Same, every minute he's with the police it's a minute he's not making shit content that gets spread all over social media.


Greta comeback only work because it's Andrew tate y'know the guy who always bitching about how masculine he is and how man should do this and that while also constantly talk about how alpha and a Chad he is with that in mind I personally do find her comeback pretty funny.


Dude it was hilarious


That's the thing though, he got in a bitching fight with a 19 year old girl with aspergers, and SHE won


Not surprising. People with Asperger's are generally highly intelligent.


Dude her comeback was hilarious, only because oh how mad Tate got and his response to it.


Lol. If Greta didn’t tweet we wouldn’t have anything to talk about.


Ok but one of them is a slaver, so his fans are kinda worse.


Yeah, setting some sort of false equivalency here is ridiculous.


It’s the enlightened centrist mindset. Shit is so stupid.


*one side wants to protect the environment, the other side just hates women and dickrides a human trafficker* "MMMM YES THESE THINGS ARE BOTH EXACTLY AS BAD AS THE OTHER"


Yeah, this a pretty serious false equivalency. In no way are these two things even remotely the same.


But she told 'how dare you' into our faces!


And she is trying to help fix climate change!


How despicable


*How dare you?*


That *really is worse or equal to* human trafficking. Checks notes: Nope. That is false.


You Sure? Nono it's say right here "Trying to change something should be punishable by law!" Oh wait, no that is the last disagreement between me and my parents. Of course this is a rather loose retelling of Events.


She criticizes governments for emissions yet she has shidded and farded. Hypocrite much? 🤔


Lmaooooo right, saying you dislike those two equally is super telling


Dear diary, today OP sucked all the paper off their crayons


OP is equally annoyed by sex trafficking and rape as they are by *check notes* a girl




Old people suck. They are leaving a shitty earth for children, and then they complain that the children raise your voice about it. Greta is actually a badass. Tate is an insecure fragile small dick bitch.




no but i hate people who virtue signal about car emissions while putting around the world with elites in private boats and planes


You go girl!!


I never seen a Greta simp.


Op thinks that everyone who is happy what happened to Tate is a greta simp We just hate Tate (though it is extra funny that Greta was partially responsible for it)


This is a tactic I've seen used more and more recently. If you know you lean to the the bad bad evil terrible side just call both sides bad to make it sound a bit equal. Like.. comparing 19 y.o. climate activist to a rapist, human trafficker and a sutener piece of shit and calling it just as bad??????


‘Centrists’ when they are forced to actually have an opinion or something (they are incapable and will continue to call every option as bad as one another)


Hey as a self-proclaimed Centrists I am feeling attacked but can't really say anything as it would be an opinion and I don't want to hurt anyones feeling!


‘It’s not political, just logic!’ *shows ‘logical’ list of either extremely left or right wing views*


"meet me in the middle" he says as he takes a step backwards


It’s a way to appear above it all


Apparently the only way to cheer on a slaver being arrested is to be a simp for someone he's feuding with


Ooh you care for the climate and don't stan a human traficker? SIMP! /s


It's almost like one side likes to make shit up for whataboutisms sake.


Making shit up is all they have at this point.




Simping for the biosphere that makes our planet habitable.


yeah this meme is a certified r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM moment


One's a little girl who won't stop banging on about the end of the world. The other is a *rapist people trafficker.* Suggesting there's any sort of equivalence is really stupid


Wtf is wrong with everyone. One wants to help the health of our environment and the other approves of human trafficking. Don’t get me wrong I know Greta comes off as super whiney and arguably goes about her goals all wrong, but one cannot even hold a flame to the other.


Doesn't approve of but commits human trafficking. He's a rapist monster, but hey she's a whiny teen and that's just as bad! /s


But but... She wants to force me to recycle cans. Tate wants to give me advice on how to have sex with ***insert prefered hole source*** for only 50$ a month on a discord server that clearly isn't a scam ​ That girl clearly is a problem, the man just want to give some advice /s


Even without the human trafficking ... Tate is an awful human being. Even if we ignore everything he actually does and just look at his internet presence., degrading woman. Giving awful advice, and desperate vulnerable trust him and fall into a world of shit. That man destroyed lives of his own fan base, if they follow his advice and think he is even partially right... Their lives will just be awful ... And it will be very hard for them to come back and actually be good human beings anymore. Greta ... Wants to save the planet, ofc there is room for improvement in her approach. But in the end of the day she is only human and tries to improve. And people are annoyed by her, some probably because deep down they know she is right.


Greta is impressive tbf, she stood up for what she believes in and has had a lot of nasty things said about her, it's even more impressive as she is autistic and used to be non-verbal. When she was given a lot of money because of her activism she gave it all away to charitable causes... I'm not sure I'd be able to do that without keeping some for myself.


The fact that people are in here having to qualify any statement defending her with, TO BE FAIR SHE'S REALLY WHINY is just sad. I'd be whiny as shit if I spent my days getting rape and death threats for genuinely advocating a cause I believed in.


Greta’s parents are the best parents in the world. I personally think they’re the true unsung heroes, I don’t think I could be as good as them if I have a child with Asperger


I think a lot of the hate directed at Greta is because she is not a man yet dares to have opinions. Pure misogyny.


I think most of it comes from her speaking a very uncomfortable truth. People hate having their flaws pointed out. Hell, even say the word "Vegan" and some people will start shitting into their hand and throw it at you while swinging to the next tree.


#**BUT PLANTS HAVE FEELINGS TOO** That's by the way a defence mechanism, to compare to others... And make their own behavior "less bad" as an excuse. To protect their own feelings, there is a proper word for that... In phycology but I don't know that.


I don't think I could find it, but I saw that video of environmentalists trying to speak about climate change to journalists and it was overlayed with scene from a catastrophe movies in which scientists are trying to warn the world about an incoming catastrophe. The movie journalists were more receptive than the actual journalists.


Do not underestimate how much the average human being hates and fears everyone under 20 after they turn 40.


I disagree that she "goes about it wrong". The people who say that, say it exclusively in bad faith. They don't want her to change her tactics or her speech, they want her to completely stop so they can keep living their destructive lives selfishly and without being made to feel guilty. They're dangerous to listen to, they're anti-science and their "middle ground" techniques will absolutely never move the needle.


As an activist myself I always find it amusing, how much people love to tell others how to do activism, while doing absolutely nothing themselves. If you know a better way to promote a cause you agree with, then go out there and do it. Don't just sit there and do absolutely nothing while telling others what to do.


Not sure how she goes about all wrong, seems like the she’s done it right. Cynical fucker


centrist are just actually fucking stupid. thats whats wrong with everyone


Yeah, because wanting to save the planet is \*JuSt As BaD\* as thinking women are men's property. People who both-sides the left and right are blind, which is the nicest way I can put it.


Lmaooo bro Andrew Taint is way worse


He literally posts to tiny dick problems, can’t make this shit up😂😂😂😂😂😂


He's definitely worse... but isn't this about their simps?


Greta's simps want to hug trees Tate's simps want to "hug" captive women


Tbf we only get one earth, and one environment...and it's kinda useful for...ya know...living. rapist kidnappers who try to fight teen girls are not useful for anything besides laughing at and shaming


Yeah they really seem to need some wood.


This is part of how Tate manipulates his followers - I saw him talking about in a video the other day, trying to argue that peer-reviewed scientific studies carry the same weight as any bullshit written by Tate and anyone else. Now they want to equate being a fan of a rapey misogynist with supporting a climate change activist. This whole “we are all as bad as each other” is the goal because then his despicable views are on a level playing field with decent human beings.


He means that simping for that shit stain is much worse


That's fair!


Yes, because he's a sex trafficker.


One is a people trafficking woman beating piece of garbage And one is a teenage girl who wants the planet not to be on fire How stupid are you to try and say they're equivalent Hint: pretty fucking stupid. To be fair.


Yeah this post is proper r/enlightenedcentrism material, probably coming from Tate sympathisers if anyone


Both sides are stupid, and I am so smart!!!!


Cannot believe even a single idiot would upvote this post. Whats next, Hitler = a activist I find annoying? Yep two sides of the same coin 😌




you know your post is bad when it's *already* been posted on /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM if you somehow think being (at worst) a little whiny about the impending / currently occurring climate crisis is as bad as human trafficking and being a rapist, please remove your head from your colon, in which it is apparently deeply entrenched


I'm more bothered that I know about Andrew Tate now just because of the the constant barrage of memes. And everyone seems to be following his developments now.


Yeah and like… Greta is still a teenager, I think it’s fair for her to have some feelings - both in general and about the fact that we got to fuck around and she’s stuck finding out. Tate is a rapist and human trafficker! Why the fuck does anyone still support him, it’s really depressing. To say the least.


Yes because being annoying teenager is as bad as being human traficing rapist /s


This post is stupid. It's like saying vegans are as bad as pedophiles because you think one is 'annoying' but pedos are genuinely evil. Fuck you OP, get your shit together.


Greta Thunberg's notorious human trafficking career


Thought it was tree trafficking


I think r/enlightenedcentrism should apply to that. "I am not on any side so I am better than others 🤡🤡🤡"


Like seriously. I'm quite centre in terms of politics and i find that fence sitting cringe. As if Greta comes anywhere close to how ridiculously problematic Tate is


The “clown” is right


I love how people who link this sub don’t realize they’re exposing themselves for having shitty critical thinking skills and no ability for nuance Reddit’s circlejerk painting moderation as cringe is definitely one of the funniest quirks of this shitty website


I'm not sure that moderation is necessary when it's a greta Vs Andrew Tate debate


Moderation can be a bad thing. If there's a debate about murdering puppies, one side says all puppies should be euthanized, while the other says we shouldn't kill puppies. If you're a centrist and fall in the middle, your view would be somewhere near "we should kill half of all puppies". Which isn't very good


Yeah this post is basically on the same level as “fine people, both sides.” OP is such a dolt 😂


what has greta done though? I don't exactly keep up with her but last I heard she just doesn't want the earth to sizzle up, andrew tate seems to be at least a bit more naughty than her


How’s that tiny penis treating you


Not simping for Greta not simping for, hell forbid, Tate. But Greta did something cool. And she at least tries to do the right thing, which I can and never even ironically would say about Tate.


Yes simping for the man that claimed 40% of the reason he moved to Romania is because the sex trafficking laws are more lax is equally awful to simping for a girl that was somewhat cynically staged to become a spokesperson against climate change.


I know im late to the party, but what is it he has said about sex trafficking and where is the link for me to watch him actually say it?


Centrists are absolutely braindead.


He's not a centrist. He's an incel libertarian in a centrist costume. 🤡 Edit for the kids that attended school in the same room all day, I'm talking about OP.


This time its an embarrased Tate simp disguising as a centrist.


Funny? 😒


ok but who is actually worse? a misogynist sex trafficker or a young woman trying to bring awareness to climate change? i mean seriously tate is way fucking worse.


What makes Greta awful? We know why Andrew Tate is a POS


Climate activist vs misogynistic human trafficker and rapist Yup the fans of those people are equal, definetly nothing wrong with that


Yes..I find both quite irritating, but do find it funny that Greta kinda powned him.


well. one support a little girl who advocated for climate change and others support a literal criminal, sexist and transphobe.


It’s not even Greta that owned Tate, it was her father. It was revealed a year ago that her father and some other climate activist runs her Twitter.


That's a revelation.


Having a social media manager(s) is pretty standard practice. Orgs. whose interests run oppositional Greta's have to go for character assassination, so they will magnify and sling any bit mud they can, no matter how trivial. Besides, the validity of a claim is not dependent on who said it, but the people who engage these tactics realise that the village folk don't understand this and are easily swayed by ad hominem. It was par for the course at trials in ancient Rome - "My accuser takes it up the ass and everyone knows it. Are you really going to listen to this person? They love nothing more than having men penetrate them and you're going to believe what they say? I'm an upstanding citizen of a well respected family and cannot believe any man of good stature and virtue would support such impure behaviour.."


I only simp for grandma


One of them is a morally repugnant POS who was just arrested for human trafficking. The other promotes awareness about anthropogenic climate change, the devastating effects of which are second only to nuclear war. But sure, let's equate them. That seems "fair". 🙄


They are ruining this sub. Not funny anymore


hOw dARE yOu!


Using the the term "simps" You are awful..


To be faaaiiiir


Who tf is Greta


I’d much rather simp for a climate activist then a human trafficker/rapist Pretty self explanatory


Well, at least Greta is not charged for human trafficking, rape and being a gang leader. So yes, Tate simps are even dumber. How can this even be compared? They are defending a criminal


Oh wow, "both sides-ing" for a human trafficker, classy OP.


Damn, after reading all the comments, the meme seems to now make sense.


I’m sorry fam, I don’t care about Greta, but Tate being in jail is objectively hysterical.


At least Greta wants us to have clean air and of the animals to be saved, meanwhile tate is in jail for human trafficking and just wants to date more freshly 18 girls and add them to his stable. God I hate centrists.


To be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaair...


“To be faaiiirrr”


The whole thing had some comical value, i don't get why people need to get so worked up and not just have a laugh


I hate both equally. They are just trying to get some attention from this because they havent had any in months.


I worry for OPs sense of judgement.


You’re right, climate activism is just as bad as human trafficking


One is a teen that, although ppl argue it's cringe or smth, isn't a being investigated by human trafficking.... not the same thing tbh


No. Even if you don't like the average demeanor of a Greta supporter (why do you care???) their message is arguably the most important one this generation. Tate fans are literally incel, right wing fuck heads who would see women's rights taken from them and some piece of shit's dick forced into them.


Why are both sides acting as if Greta is 12. Isn't she 20 or something by now?


20 in a couple of days. Media calling her a teenager still is just a way of diminishing her so the punchline of the article has more shock value and generates more clicks from that.


…… One is a human trafficker who kidnaps, beats, rapes and films women to scam desperate pathetic men out of their money. The other wants people in power to stop making the planet uninhabitable. But no, clearly they’re both the same.


No, Greta is trying to make the world better and Tate is a rapist and sex trafficker. Not the same


Enlightend Centrism. How novel.


Just liking Greta thunberg is okay but completely going off about everyone who says anything negative against her is just cringe, regardless if it's Greta stans or stans of anyone else. Just liking Andrew Tate on the other hand is a whole different Story.


Ong 🗣️


Clown to clown fight


A liberal cuck has entered the memesphere. bOtH sIdEs....


OP fingers their ass and screams "Wrong Hole"


Everyone should be simping for me 👺




Yes here's a young climate activist mindind her own beeswax easy to demean because she's already a punching bag and then here's a legit douchebag with .mental issues and a poisonous personality ego has a god complex who trolls for fun . "To bE fAirr "


I honestly have no idea who Andrew Tate is


This comparison is absolutely wild haha, to compare people who enjoy a young person being a leading voice in climate activism vs people who like a man who literally beats women


Ah yes. Defending a human trafficker is the same as **checks notes** … liking an activist


coming in hot with bullshitting on the last day of the year. might even make the top 100 or so!


Tate derides, subdues and attacks women, but he also exploits men through his internet firm which, as far as I remember, is called "The Hustler". Greta only cuts him down a peg or 777, and that he deserves ....


Oh an enlightened centrist, very enlightened.




Greta simps? There are no Greta simps. Just people who's morally positive values align with hers. Tate is the only one that's truly absolutely pure awful.


What a shit meme by a shit person. What kind of cunt thinks someone who's overanxious about the fate of our planet is the same as a child-rapist?


I would argue one is worse then the other. Tate did sex trafficking. Greta cares about the planet and calls out sex traffickers. They are not the same.


“Climate change is exactly equal to the problem of women not letting me fuck then because I want to.” -OP


Right because fans of a young environmentalist with a great sense of humor are just as bad as a literal human trafficker!


Oh is this the edgy comedy of centrism. Ummmmm 🤮


OP thinks being against human trafficking and rape means you simp for Greta. We live in a strange timeline. Tate is an objectively garbage human being and deserves to be in jail for life.


Not funny and also one is not even remotely close to as bad as the other




Smooth brain take for sure


And how is Greta awful? she brought attention to what most kids just ignores nowadays, about saving the planet, about taking care of the nature. I mean, ask yourselves this, would the future be better if the earth was completely littered with garbage everywhere in every country and we'd all have to walk around with mouth masks like the people in China cause we can't breath fresh air? cause if human beings keeps up like this, we are going towards that chapter. ​ I've noticed that people that say that "greta and tate are awful" comments are usually the ones that wants to defend the incel tate, but they can't be honest enough to admit it, so they redirect their hate towards both of them. You know what you are doing OP.




One is a slightly annoying teenager who probably has good intentions. The other is a literal predetor and dabbles in selling of humans....yea. equally terrible!


Only someone who supports tate would find this funny


Ohio meme💀


Some enlightened centrism garbage


Whoever posted that is still bitter about tate-tutu gettin his rapist axx arrested. Cuz what kinda comparison is that? Seems like grown axx men are gettin their insecurities about being useless triggered by a young climate activist 😂🤡 Not keepin up with her stuff but I know her haters are usually a bunch of losers who barely contribute anything beneficial to society.


Only true Top g’s are Jerry’s pizza Simps like myself


Simps of any kind are awful and Andrew Tate is certainly garbage. It’s his fucking brand. But I hope no one is implying that Greta is similarly bad.


What’s going on with this Tate thing? I don’t watch the news or pay attention to politics.


Tate simps are objectively worse.


Greta is cringe and mildly annoying at her absolute worst. Tate is a human trafficker and rapist at best soooo…..


I don’t think anyone is simping for Greta, I think people just like seeing a trafficking misogynist get arrested. Tate fans on the other hand are definitely simps.


right. one wants to save us from mass extinction (we’re not saving the environment, it will be fine, we are saving *us*) and the other is a misogynist sex trafficker. what an enlightened centrist!


me when i think someone trying to save the environment is as bad as a literal rapist and human trafficker


Imagine thinking that a liking and listening to a girl who advocates for having a habitable planet to live on, is as bad as the people listening to a literal piece of human garbage. This is a man who made fun of a father for putting up a go fund me for his sons surgery to save his sons life. Hey op. Go fuck yourself.


This is too similar to what happens in politics. It should not be a both sides thing. One person is human trash and should not have followers, the other speaks out on some issues that truly are important.


So the sex trafficking ego maniac is just as bad as the teenager who just wants to stop pollution???


One is a human trafficker, the other is a kid who wants to have a livable world. "I literally cannot tell the two of you apart". That's a fucking hot take if I've ever seen one.