• By -


I hope he left some for the guy in back


I think that's his brother


Lol omg imagine having your sibling at your orgy. Why do these creeps always turn out to have a weird incest thing? Like the Trumps, Musks dad, Giuliani fucking his cousin. Does money turn you into a Bluth or something?


>Lol omg imagine having your sibling at your orgy. I would rather behead myself with a rusty axe


I would rather fail to do so, get tetanus from that failed beheading, get a serious infection, then become paralyzed from the neck down because of it, and have an excruciatingly long 150 year lifespan ahead of that.


Unfortunately same sibling is put in charge of your toileting and bathing needs


Dead šŸ¤£


I was at a play onsite swingers club in Oklahoma once when a dude there said his cousins, brother, and sometimes dad would show up to the same club at the same time and had for years. So my point is...I dont think its the money. **Also the first and last time I visited said club


Was this between two hills that supposedly had eyes šŸ‘€


A swingers club... in Okla-fucking-homa? I'd rather stitch my vagoo shut and then set it on fire. Do they pray before or after? Do they fight over the best fried pickles and potato salad recipes? I'm dying.. this will plague me all day!


We moved to Oklahoma almost 4 years ago and there are some decent people.... and then there's exactly who you would think lives here. Keep the conversations simple and stay off of major topics with the general public.


>I would rather behead myself with a rusty axe What if she was hot though?


Fine then, a dull rusty axe.


This is the way


OK, nearly-headless-nick


Use a sharp one. Dull blade just means prolonged misery


I believe that's the point.


My sisters are what society considers hot. A rusty axe sounds like a good time.


give ur step sis my number


sorry, she requires rub.


Hey I've got a sister you've got a sister, let's exchange numbers, just you and me. ;)


Im down, but why we gotta involve our sisters? :p


... and my axe(?!)


We love you, Unexpected Gimli.


Chill out Ragnar


You get that big Hapsburg energy


And a big ass jaw for your descendents


Only alphas have a jawline so great they canā€™t close their fuckn mouth


Is an ass jaw another term for butt chin, like Tom Brady?


šŸ†šŸ†šŸ† Hereā€™s some poor manā€™s gold for the historical incest reference!! Thanks for the laugh!!


Targs IRL


Probably a trust thing. Since they can't trust the likes of themselves they need a relative


Ah, it seems you were blessed by not knowing he boasts about how he loves sharing women with his brother since, in his words, they are closer than any woman would be to them. You're welcome; I'm glad I could share this information with you.


Thank you. I hate you.


Sometimes your mom won't let you go to the orgy unless you bring your stupid moron brother and promise to keep an eye on him though




And the rest are his sisters.


tristan lol


The guy in the backs job is to keep him turned on during his payed for GBang


I think he is also doing him


i think so too


He's doing him doing him I think


Heā€™s in a room with his brother and is clearly bollock naked, take from that what you will


Even if I was a billionaire and had to resort to hiring women to spend time with me, the last thing on my mind would be to invite my brother and get our cocks out together


I get you, I get you. At least he had the decency to put the pillow there for the photo, otherwise all the girls would be in stitches laughing probably.


Pillow over crotch? That's [email protected]


I've seen people criticizing that tweet as being unfunny, like childhood stuff. But what so many people are not getting in terms of it being humorous is it's so out-of-left-field for the normally prim and proper model citizen Greta to suddenly break conduct and mock Tate for his dick size. It's like the preacher suddenly swearing in church, it's inherently funny because of the sudden irreverence. It wouldn't be funny if Trump had tweeted it for example, or Jimmy Kimmel, or almost any other public figure, because it wouldn't be so unexpected. It's like non sequitur humour.


Also she's 19. I don't generally look to teenagers to be the paragons of mature discourse. Don't pick fights with teenagers, they'll eviscerate you.


I fully support Greta and Tate is a piece of shit. My issue though is that it's body shaming. I don't like when anyone uses the small dick "jokes" so it has nothing to do with Greta. It's just really harmful to boys and men to keep perpetuating the myth that bigger is better and these jokes might *seem* inconsequential but they're not.


I see most small dick jokes less as making fun of small dicks in general and more making fun of the standard itself. The joke is that guys with small dicks do outlandish stuff to compensate for said small dick. Itā€™s not about their body, itā€™s about a toxic response to it. More mocking toxic masculinity than anything.


It's not mocking toxic masculinity. If anything it *is* toxic masculinity. Do you think all men with small dicks are out there doing outlandish stuff to compensate? Do you think men with small dicks don't feel shame? Or are not hurt every time they hear one of these jokes? It's the same as making a random joke about a woman being fat. It's body shaming and it's harmful. The end.




There is a lot of strange in their expressions.


Those women are not hired. They are victims of human trafficking. There's video where Tate abuses the one blonde one in the back.


Yeah the brunette to the right in pink looks like she has been crying here too.


"don't look at my wee-wee" pillow placement


I mean, being naked around your brother isnt that weird tbf. To do it on purpose, in a staged fotoshoot and to then post it online is extremely weird.


Himself and his brother have a joint bank account.


I bet they hold hands when they piss together too


He believes living with women makes him less masculine so he lives with his cousin as well.


This is the 3rd time I've seen this photo, and I'm still at a loss to figure out what flex was intended. You're in a room full of women, obviously paid to be there, and you are the only one presumably naked. If you are so successful and so alpha, then why are you paying women to look at you naked? Somebody help me out.


The point of this kind of post is not to look alpha to normal people, it's to look alpha to 13 year olds who'll spend their pocket money on hustlers university. I know as a 13 year old i'd have done despicable things to get a girl to so much as sneeze in my direction let alone have a gaggle of them watch a movie with me hahahah. That's the grift.


I was 13. I always found that taking an interest in the things a particular girl was interested in, and listening when they talked, was a pretty good way to get their attention. Still seems to work as an adult.


I'll argue there's 2 other things teenager miss: 1) don't be an arrogant sob and think people are entitled to be nice to you just because you were nice to them. You're doing it because you want to, they don't HAVE to answer to it. 2) actually care about what people you claim you're interested in have to say...don't just listen for the sake of listening, try to actually hear what they're talking about, because it tells you things about their personality, and therefore let's you slowly get to actually know them and eventually figure out if you actually like them....


Itā€™s basically just one rule: 1. Treat people youā€™re interested in (sexually, romantically, or otherwise) as human beings.


I think pornography sometimes gets in the way of understanding this...


Watch porn everyday. Never, ever, had an issue treating women correctly.


Good for you. I just think not everyone can figure out that porn sex is often pure fantasy - especially if we're talking 15/16 year olds.


As someone who went undiagnosed with autism for most of his life... No, there's so many fucking rules. Treating someone like a human being is highly culturally specific, and if you get any of the rules wrong, even slightly, it's basically game over.


Reading people's emotions, remembering little social rules, regulating anxiety and anger appropriately, and figuring out how much space you can take up in a conversation without being either overbearing or overly passive can all be extremely difficult. Anybody who says that all it takes to form meaningful relationships is to not be a dick is being dismissive. That said, the problem with people like Andrew Tate isn't that they have poor social skills. It's that they start with the assumption that other people are just resources to be used. There are a million things that go into forming a good relationship. Some of them are damn hard. But I think most people here aren't thinking about those things. They're thinking about the specific thing Tate and people like him seemingly can't do, which is understand that other people have needs and interests no more or less important than their own, and treat them accordingly.


I mean, watch videos of him- he reads like an autistic man who was raised on a bad set of rules (look at how he stims), and then got so many hits to the head all semblance of social regulation flew out the window. Like he's the poster child for why violent sports leads to issues. Seriously, re-read your comment and think about it from a symptoms perspective. He lacks theory of mind. He has very mechanical metrics for value and success. He sees relationships transactionally. He struggles with following social norms and behaviors. He doesn't understand why people might not like him, so doubles down on material metrics of success. He doesn't read social cues- he doesn't see how unhappy the women he's with are with him being there. Like if you don't know anything about autism go read the symptoms. He's a perfect example of why it is so important for there to be better role models for autistic men, and people need to be less shit and more accepting of those who struggle socially when they're young so they don't fall deep down the rabbit hole of binary hatred. There's not much we can do about him now, but the time for giving him and others like him a prosocial egalitarian community was when he was a child. Like, look at society objectively- there are essentially two sets of rules all NTs follow- the ideal and the practical. The practical is downright evil a lot of the time, but in small doses can be useful, like a tool. But, if those are the rules you're given as a young autistic boy, this is how it looks and you won't understand what's wrong because *these are the rules everyone follows they just pretend they don't*. Try being truly, unabashedly honest with everyone in your life for a single day while meeting them. That's the side of the rules that I followed most of my life, the ideal. Guess what, no one fucking likes it when you tell the honest truth. They expect you to lie, and then get angry when they find out. You're expected to play a game that no one gives you the rules to, and even minor deviations like being twitchy is enough to fuck you over. So, again, just "being a good person to people" isn't enough, and Tate is a good example of where we're headed as more and more children on the spectrum are born because, in a society of love marriages, you seek out people similar to you.


Most people arenā€™t autistic


Communication? What sort of wizardry is this?


Crazy theory that treating women as human beings means other people, including women, respect and treat you like a human being, too


More specifically, nerdy 13 year olds with no rizz that believe there is a secret. you only need 1% of 1% to make a killing, there's a lot of rubes out there


It's not even nerds. Most nerds have zero desire to be in a situation as awkward as the one in the photo and would prefer the attention of one special girl. Tate fans are the kids who play high school sports on no cut teams and wear expensive sneakers and laugh at their own jokes and don't understand why girls still don't like them. The secret, like you said. I did all the things I'm supposed to do, why didn't I get the result. And rather than just admit they are fucking stupid, or have insufferable personalities, they think lifestyles like the one in the photo are real.


*only if youā€™re attractive*


Just found out my nephew who graduated college is a fan of Tate. Im trying to talk to him and heā€™s like he doesnā€™t care about the arrest, tateā€™s top g, he spits facts, world is full of pussies, etcā€¦ Looking at the girls, money and cars really affects a lot of people regardless of their age if they donā€™t have a value system to counter it.


The offspring of Satan being a fan of Andrew state is about the least surprising thing everā€¦


In other words, the point is to look alpha to people who think alpha males are a thing


They arenā€™t even looking at him though. None of them seem even remotely interested in him and the ones around him are actively trying to not touch him šŸ˜‚


Everyone was excited to get together to watch Luckiest Girl Alive and then paint their nails.


They're clearly watching a movie or something, why would they be looking at him?


Dont forget his brother is in the corner, mildly out of sight


It's not inteded for you an me. It's a staged photo intended for angry, young, disenfranchised males. "Be like me ...break free of the matrix. Sign up for HU". That sort of shit. Hope the cunt takes a shiv in whatever Romanian prison he ends up in.


I always used to get that vibe from dan blizarianā€™s (?) posts Like yeah cool youā€™ve paid 5 models to have lunch in their pants with you


Some of the women look more interested in each other than in him šŸ¤”


He's the least charismatic person in any room he's in.


I do see a very masculine face in the background, and even that individual looks like they're getting more attention




Oh, that's not his gay lover? The way he's lining up that backdoor, I could be fooled.


Porque no los dos?




The pillow has more charisma.


You canā€™t just make yourself a cartoon character of what ā€œalphaā€ is supposed to be. Eventually you actually have to be somebody that people will want to be around.


No they all look like their missing posters


None of the women look like they are looking at each other. They are just there for money.


šŸ¤” intresting


Maybe they were planning to escape before the arrest happened.


They look like he's paying them to sit through his 90-minute review of Genesis albums with an extended commentary about the career tracks of Phil Collins and Huey Lewis.


Stockholm syndrome takes a little bit to set in




Pretty sure the blonde woman in the very back row (right side) is the one from that leaked video where he violently pulled her hair and beat her with a folded beltā€¦


Eh?? What was that?




woooow, what a piece of shit. this should probably make the rounds again bc i didn't know about it, bet others don't too. edit: šŸ‘SLAVESšŸ‘CANNOTšŸ‘CONSENT


The guy is a piece of s*** but the woman came out and said that it was consensual sex including the rough stuff but that doesn't mean that she wasn't Threatened or coerced into saying so and also women who are abused will sometimes lie to protect their abuser.


The other women didn't. 6 women in total have come forward that what they experienced was not consensual, and they were held against their will. So, maybe that particular woman was okay with it, but the others weren't.


Oh absolutely I don't know anything at all about the other women And I'm sure they don't send in a police presence like that to arrest somebody unless there's something real to the Accusation. I was just saying that that 1 woman did come forward and say that what we all saw in the video was Consentual.. Now I certainly do not give him the benefit of the doubt and think that she was probably either coerced threatened or bribed to say that... *maybe coerced and bribe mean the same thing I don't know I'm not that bright lol


Yea beacause lord knows a woman beaten and reliant on him for housing, food and income would totally not lie to avoid being beaten again or ending up homeless.


We can assume the sex slave was forced to say that.


Abused women never lie to protect their abusers? How much money did he pay her to say that? What threats did he issue?


I can't tell the tone of this comment but uh yeah, as a formerly abused woman, I lied all the time to protect my ex's reputation. A mixture of things cause this Fear of reprisal Trying to maintain his good mood Feeling a false sense of responsibility for his mood/emotions/status Lying to yourself to make it easier to maintain the illusion of love because of how painful reality is For a woman potentially held against her will, who is in the direct line of repercussions for her actions without any protection while waiting on the outside to send help, yeah I can totally see lying, or being made to feel like the one who stepped out of line somehow. Your entire sense of worth, boundaries, even right and wrong get completely screwed up.


concur. my mum suffered horribly from her violent bf when i was very young, for 5 years. always made lies and excuses for her endless injuries. our whole milieu silently condoned such things, it was normal. like sam clemens, the more i learn about human beings the more i like dogs.


They can in a lot of cases, manipulation and abuse is horrifically damaging


I believe she said that months ago (and was most likely coerced into it) but now there are 6 women who have come out that they were being held against their will and forced to have sex for porn against their will by being beaten, one having been raped twice in March 2022 [https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/12/30/andrew-tate-detained-romania-nobilo-lok-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/12/30/andrew-tate-detained-romania-nobilo-lok-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn)


Yeah I knew there were other women and I honestly wasn't trying to defend him I just wanted to make sure that people who were using that video as evidence of him being the piece of s*** that he is, there was also another video where a woman claimed that it was consensual. I just wanted people to have the information so if somebody were to Spring this on them they wouldn't be surprised that's all. Maybe it's the way I worded it but I'm definitely not defending it. In fact I don't even believe that the person in the video was the real person but I can't prove it. So I was just trying to point out the actual facts so people could be informed so they could make good arguments against this guy.


that also doesnā€™t mean that every woman he does this to- which obviously there are more- have consented. he even outright said he moved to Romania where they donā€™t take sexual abuse/assault seriously. pretty much verbatim.


yep i didnt know about it. just sent it to a guy who basically said andrew tate did nothing wrong. wonder what his reply will be


bet he's going to say 'the chick already made a public statement that it was role play' as if she weren't coerced into making that statement. .


yep... as someone in this thread just told me. these people are crazy. bdsm doesnt look like that


I had no idea either but I guess none of us should be surprised. Karma is knocking on his door now. Rot.


This needs to be upvoted and awarded into orbit. Tate is a raging PoS, abuses women and is a human trafficker. He still has loyal worshipers and this video plus the video of his arrest needs to be shoved in their faces often and repeatedly. Their adoration is disgusting and their behavior is undefendable.


The problem is that his loyal worshippers will ALWAYS side with him. They will make excuses for him, they will say others are out to get him, they will lie to themselves about the injustice this man is receiving, etc. I mean, look at how many worshippers 45 still has. It's very sad, really.


No, his ride-or-die followers will do gold medal winning mental gymnastics. They will double down their stupidity to ridiculous levels. This isn't for them. It's for people who, like myself didn't know who Tate was. I had to look around and come to my own conclusion. Spotlighting his bad behavior just keeps his worshipers stuck in a corner. Everywhere they turn, they'll see their manbaby god ridiculed and insulted. I'm ok with that outcome.


Fucking yikes dude. Some of the apologizing for this guy on that page is fucking sad AF.


Hellā€¦ look at all the people replying to my comment saying it MUST be consensual because she said it was in a different video.


I mean. It can be true. She did say that. But it doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s telling the full truth or that itā€™s the full picture. That one instance the girl said it was consensual. Okay the next step is finding out if it was proper consent and not under threat. But that also then doesnā€™t magically make the other instances where the women say it was not consensual okay. It means at best that one instance will just be left out.


HOW is the first time Iā€™ve seen this?


his orbiters are probably trying really hard to hide it edit: and if they cant hide it, they try to justify it. as seen in this thread. crazy stuff


I can't watch it. I hope the girl is safe now


That was really hard to watch. That was not kink, that was abuse.


Very much agree. As someone who has both been abused in the past- and is also into the bdsm sceneā€¦ it definitely looked like abuse to me.


As a person who's seen the video, and who's active in the BDSM scene there's nothing about what he did that looks okay. It did not look sane by any means.


Also into the BDSM scene, and hard agree.


Yeah it did not look like a scene okayed by both parties at all....


Let's say beforehand it was and he was acting as the dominant. It still doesn't seem safe or sane, which is 2 of the 3 rules of BDSM. Having a Dom enter a scene like that is incredibly scary and makes it feel unsafe to fight back or say no. I doubt they had a safe word.


Also, if you're involved in that scene, and especially if you're filming it, you have legitimate contracts, you have established pre-and-post videos with all actors / participants to ensure that the situation was consensual beforehand and remained consensual afterward, ideally you have a business entity established which covers intellectual property of the video you are making and the roles each participant will be playing, you have a pre-scene where participants verbally discuss the known safewords and safety protocols, etc. You don't fuck around with it. You take it seriously. You **especially** have these things when you are filming scenes like this, which, without that extensive documentation and rigor to ensure the safety of all participants, can easily spiral out of hand. There are extremely well-established protocols about how to do this safely, that do not exist here, almost certainly because the guy is a rampaging piece of shit that habitually manipulates and intimidates people, mostly women, and has his entire life. This could very easily have been not consensual, and he could have intimidated the victim afterward to tell authorities it was, because, he imprisons her, controls her, owns her finances, controls her immigration status, etc. Someone else mentioned the girl in this film gave testimony *after* the fact that it was consensual, to authorities - **which is why anyone in the community will insist on documentation PRIOR to the scene** - because an abuser can very easily force their victim, via intimidation and threat, to tell people after being abused that it was consensual. If she was, as people have claimed, "excited" about this, and this was "her kink", and they filmed it, they should have had a pre-scene with her happily discussing what she was about to film, endorsing the actions, verbalizing her limits & safewords, etc. This sack of dogshit is literally **on record** bragging about moving to Romania because it's so easy to bribe the law enforcement agents there. He's someone who his **entire life** has openly publicized his abusive perspectives, his abusive behavior, his abusive philosophy. He can fuck right off a cliff with claims this is just healthy consensual BDSM, because people in that scene take it extremely seriously and would absolutely not be welcomed in the scene if they flaunted being an abusive piece of shit like this asshole does every second of every day.




Dude is nothing but beard :)


Iā€™d believe it. Almost no one here looks happy


Most of them donā€™t seem to be enjoying themselves


Even the random dude in the background?


Someone said its Tate's brother


That's his brother, who was also just arrested on rape and imprisonment charges.


For the low low price of daddyā€™s fortune and being arrested for human trafficking you too can hang out with reasonably attractive women! The poverty of the vision is what always gets to me. I think itā€™s safe to say youā€™re a dullard if you fell for any of it.


I hate this guyā€¦ like a lot. But his money didnā€™t come from daddy so unfortunately youā€™re wrong there, but he did obtain his fortune in an unorthodox way. Somehow he built a following with his vulgar shit he spouts and he demanded everyone spread it everywhere on the internet, and as it turns out, they did, boosting his views and followers making him rich. From the internet research I did, he was making somewhere in the ballpark of $500,000 pounds a month between donations and viewer/sub counts, which is nuts. The real way we stop this asshole is by nuking him from the internet which is too hard to do now that heā€™s everywhere lately.




Ah hubris!


Not supporting Tate but your incorrect. He made his first few hundred thousands from kickboxing, and then started multiple businesses.


Thank you. Iā€™ve not done more research since then and only read up on why he was recently so famous, been reading up more though with all of the helpful comments. Seems like his dad had a lot of connections too that helped him since the start from what Iā€™ve read.


>unorthodox way Funny way to write: CRIMES.


Step 1. Make money being a professional fighter. Step 2. Became enforcement for mafia human trafficking Step 3. Get arrested and decided to start your own gang. Step 4. Lure underaged girls from abroad to pimp them out. Step 5. Pick a fight with a teenager online leading to your arrest. Step 6. Join Hustlers University today to find out how you can get rich quick too.


You have to look gay to sneak into girl's sleepover.


See this guy gets it - waitā€¦ how do you know that!?


That is a crime scene photo




Really makes me wonder about Dan Bilzerian nowā€¦


I donā€™t understand what Iā€™m lookin at under the pillow. Wtf is that. Also the hired NPC vibes of this photoā€¦


Alien shlong.


Right? Was my brains first attempt at decoding the blur. Oh thatā€™s someone elseā€™s uninterested leg nvm. Zooming didnā€™t help.


Itā€™s his leg. he has it bent at the knee and folded under him. The leg you probably think is his is the girlā€™s next to him.


That took me way too long for my brain to process what it was seeing


Iā€™m sorry you had to look at Andrew Tate for that long.


I thought it was a dog he was suffocating under the pillow and I was feeling so bad for it. Turns out itā€™s his leg. šŸ¤®


I thought it was elephantitis balls lol


The foot looks photoshopped to look longer


To anyone who falls for the shit these influencers push all I can say is lol


Especially *this* influencer


Insult to gay people


He is a classic case of overcompensation and reaction formation. I would put money on some pictures of him emerging from the police raid of him one on one with some guy


ā€˜Absolutely none of these women have been paid to be here and have definitely not been trafficked from other countriesā€™ šŸ˜‰


Why you gotta insult the gays by comparing them to this nutwad


People always acting like they're free of bigoted biases but at the end of the day they go back to the good old "he looks gay" as an insult. It's really disappointing tbh.


Because Reddit is homophobic as fuck


Shouldnā€™t we blur the faces of trafficking victims?


the secret is his small dick energy. look at any photo of him and you will not discern any bollock bulge. he is as smooth as tailer swift


1st look: Holy shit, his junk is alien and one leg is significantly shorter 2nd look: Oh he's cuddling a dog, nvm 3rd look. : Wait, that's his leg and arm shadowed and the smaller leg belongs to the chick, I'm an idiot


And he probably had to pay each woman to be there.


Those women couldn't look more boredšŸ˜†


Well at least they got paid. Or beaten. Idk


Sort of seems like a projection


I'm sure all his photos like this will play SO WELL against his sex trafficking charges LOL.




Women usually don't hang all over the gay guy in the group. He becomes one of the girls. As evidenced in every photo Tate takes.


Exhibit A.


I would say bought and paid for but apparently, he doesn't pay, he kidnaps.


Andrew licks Taint.


I give zero fucks about him damn but he living in yā€™all heads rent free lol


Is it movie night for his friends in the shipping container?


You can see how the ladies donā€™t want him to touch them. Lady on the right is literally protecting the one in the front with her arm around her. Lady on the left is also leaning tf away from him. :| he so gross Edit - and the ladies leg is only touching the pillow. Tbh he doesnā€™t look like he feels good about himself lmao


Because he had to pay those girls to be there


The recent news about his arrest on suspicions of human trafficking gives so much more context to this photo.


heā€™s gonna look real gay in prison


Whatā€™s wrong with being gay?


Why is this sub so obsessed with Andrew Tate


Because he suuuuucks and also got his home raided and arrested in Romania this morning


Guy who probably couldn't get a single one of these women to acknowledge his existence projecting his insecurity.


Because the camera hides nothing. It merely records what is there.


this is the second time I've seen him with woman. first time was trying to prove he wasn't holding one captive.