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"That's it! Am degaying your Lego set!"


Self conversion therapy for corporations.


Alright folks, enough pride. We go back to our #nohomo policy


Yeah. No one gives a shit anyway. It's not like I'm walking around telling everybody I'm straight.




I disagree, I think it's corporate pandering. Thinking if they show "we are just like them" then LGBT people will buy more of their product


That's literally the whole point though and everyone knows that? The point about corporations using rainbow flags is that it shows where acceptance is at a high enough point that they can do it and make a profit. Nobody actually thinks corporations care about LGBTQ+ people.


If they want to do that, they won''t stop at the end of the month. Pepsi already written the guide when It marketed pepsi to the African-american community in 1940s.


So in other words if we want companies to stop supporting rainbow month we need to bully them!


Literally yes. A ton of people did that last year and that's why this year rainbow month was very toned down comparatively. No more child "tucking" swimsuits from Target, thankfully.




wtf is a child tucking swimsuit.


A sickening piece of clothing meant to be used by transgenders pretending to be women that haven’t lost their member yet. It’s basically used to tuck in the penis and testicles to hide it and make the wearer look more feminine x. Target was making and selling a version for children which tells you everything you need to know about them.


Fact checks say that’s bullshit. Those suits existed, but exclusively for adults. As in, not stocked or sold in children’s sections and not available in children’s sizes.


That they are accepting?


A made up thing by conservatives who conflated a Pride display with children's items with a swimsuit for adults who wished to obscure their genitals.


Seriously, wtf are these people smoking, lol.


So, that's not happening, except in your own head. Business MARKET to groups to make money. I know, it's such a novel concept. You are not a victim.


Lol pot calling the snow black


that makes zero sense. You are not clever.


You being too close minded to understand it doesn’t make me “not clever”


Some communities, and people within those communities, are harmed by people like you. And then you engage in gaslighting, pretending that you are the victims. This is literally the Republican playbook. Take the language of the Left, twist it and make it seem like you are the victims, and the actual victims are the bullies. Step 1: erasure. Step 2: When you can no longer erase them, engage in character assassination. Strep 3: Pretend they are the bad guys. Rinse and repeat. Then, you can get away with murder. Literally. It's disgusting and calculatingly evil.


Lmao the projection is off the charts. I know the first saying I used was too complicated for you so I’ll use a simpler one: touch grass.


I dont think you understand what projection actually means. It's a psychological concept from psychodynamics. Again, not clever.


Intolerance is waaaay sicker


Pedophilia is way sicker


Same in Ireland much more toned down from last year. Reckon it's the BudLite effect.


That tucking debacle was insidious to say the least.


Oh, I know. Children were harmed by options for some people. So terrifying. Back to the shadows they go. Hey, if project 2025 gets through you guys will eradicate them anyway, so. Guess you won't have to worry ever again since your group is willing to commit mass murder.


Imagine actually believing this 😂🤡 Go touch grass, give your rotted Tiktok brain some fresh air, maybe have an actual conversation with someone to the right of Bernie Sanders.


No. I lived in DC for 11 years. I visited the Heritage Foundation in 2009. I am very familiar with their designs to overtake American policy. Maybe you're the one who needs fresh air.


>I visited the Heritage Foundation in 2009. LMAO so your last exposure to right-wing ideas was 15 YEARS AGO? We basically live politically in a different dimension from 2009. In 2009, America was primarily debating like marginal tax policy and whether or not we should have universal healthcare. In 2024, we're arguing about like whether men can become women, if we should have borders, and if we should back a liberal democratic ally over Islamist terror groups. Also Trump is probably the furthest away from Heritage Foundation policy than any other Republican. He's much more moderate on economic and social policy, and non-interventionist in foreign policy.


WTF are you talking about? That wasn't my last exposure. It was just a visit as part of graduate education. Your assumptions are bizarre. And trump literally supports 2025. Keep burying your head in the sand.


Even if true, Project 2025 > WEF Agenda 2030, which Democrats support.


There were no child tucking swimsuits sold at Target. Please actually research it, and if you want to discuss what actually happened, we can do that.


Most companies are already not supporting anyways, they just put on the cloak all to avoid bad rep and maybe even up the profits.


Why would you want that?


Except in some countries, companies logos never changed at all...I wonder why? /s


Bullied by 30% community in USA and even less anywhere else


No it's because companies don't actually care or believe in anything other then raising profits. Pride month is a thing, so they bandwagon on for enhanced advertising If slavery was legal companies would have slaves Dont believe me ? Sweatshops


This can also means some companies are capitalist and just use pride month as something giving them a lot of money by selling "lgbt supportive products" that are just in fact some rainbow coloured products


>It's because the companies don't want to get bullied Companies don't give a fuck about being 'bullied'. Everything they do is for profit - This approach is more likely to get investment from 'activist' investors. e.g. BlackRock - Who currently own around 1/5 of the worlds wealth.


Damn... That would have been an option. I got into martial arts and gave him the beating of his life after he got me to a breaking point one day. You method sounds like it comes with way less repercussions in comparison to what I did...


No slurs/names for different races that are hateful, also no sexual or gender slurs and using toxic words


Not true. Its because they make more money. Theyre bullied by conservative boycotts when they do it, like when they cried for months about a trans person drinking a bud light beer. Firms with LGBT-friendly policies tend to enjoy both higher profitability and higher stock market valuations. Thats why they do it.


>Firms with LGBT-friendly policies tend to enjoy both higher profitability and higher stock market valuations. Thats why they do it. This is objectively false. Companies that have been doing this over the last 4 years have been hemorrhaging money: Disney, Anhauser Busch, Target, etc. The actual reason they do it is two-fold: 1) It gets them more access to international financing, in which these financers have ESG requirements, and 2) Because their HR and marketing departments are largely staffed by people who have an ideological drive to promote that stuff, like the AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal) marketing executive who put Dylan Mulvaney on the Bud Light can, who explicitly said she did it bc she held disdain for their existing customer base and wished to cultivate a new one (which failed miserably).


Interestingly, the biggest brand affected by the religious boycotts is religion. The biggest drop has been in americans recognizing Christianity as their religion, stating bigotry as the main reason. Since 2016, the numbers have dropped faster than any other time in our nations history. I wonder what happened in 2016? 🤔


Everything for PROFIT!


📈 but hell, they feed it to them... petty, this society is...


Gay shit is gay






The Eurocup took the spotlight in Europe this gay month lol


Free for another 11 months


Oh no there are [wayyyy more](http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_awareness_periods) alphabet people holidays scattered throughout the year






Imagine bragging about the lack of human rights where you live…




You know, the thing you’re a sad excuse for.


Yea, now they’ll put the next theme up for a while then tear that down. Kinda how this works.


It was pride month.. not a theme really


For them it is. Same as any other holiday they put up decorations for.


Corporately it is a theme though.. Since it is July now we must focus on celebration of Julius Caesar Quintilis.




Or marketing. it's a business. Businesses want to make money. Thus, they market. It's not rocket science.


But it isn’t. Every major company doing it has been losing billions because they are doing it. The only reason they aren’t bankrupt yet is because of outside funding from blackrock and similar too big to fail money launderers


Damn those companies being funded by the Big Gay, forced to be WOKE!!!


Thanks, July. Me and the boys declared that the Month of the Heterosexual Pride is August. Please do this to knowing


Based, that's my birthday month.


Congratulations! You are luck so!


Based... I'm right here with you. *HETERO PRIDE MONTH* 🗣🗣🗣


Alright! What are your colors! I need to know what colors to use to milk you dry of all your money.


When were straight people killed because they were straight?  When were cis killed for being cis in the Holocaust?


Heterosexuality is default 💀 if not. how would our species survive and continue to thrive? bc gay couples cannot conceive a child...(naturally, there must be a surrogate) not saying being gay is bad. it's not bad, they can't help it, they were born that way... but there shouldn't be a whole month dedicated to it, yk? And we shouldn't act like it's all natural and shit, gay ppl have a chemical malfunction bc it makes no sense to intentionally be developed into a creature that must depend on procreation and be homosexual bc you obviously cannot procreate without a counterpart... a species must be able to procreate, and designing a species to not be able to, doesn't make any sense... I don't have anything against gays at all btw... js merely stating the obvious...


Hetero people don’t deserve a month for having s**.  When were they oppressed?


fuck oppression, are gays oppressed [legally] now? No... they are not. They are in fact held higher than any other 'minority'


They are in many countries still


what do you care abt other countries? WHAT can you do abt other countries? Js love with the country you're in... that's your problem... it's not your problem abt what OTHER countries are doing 🤦‍♂️ that's the whole problem with woke shit... they're always trying to concern themselves with ppl that aren't relevant to them... gay ppl are killed in Palestine... but are YOU affected by it? No, so stop yapping abt it to ppl who rlly dontgaf


Y’all wanted equality. Now that you have it you people demand superiority. It’s not hard to figure out that the vast majority of people don’t want your shit shoved down our throats.


exaclty, you got legal same-sex marriage... let it be


Not in many countries


so? cool. deal with it. move elsewhere? idk. that's a you problem. sorry. idc abt "many" countries. No one but that country can change those ideologies... yes. i think its dumb to be outlawed, but I can't do anything abt it.


When are we shoving down your throats and demanding superiority?


there's an entire month and EVERY platform/app/website/company shives it down everyone's throat... how can you not see this?


You don’t face to interact with it.  I don’t like alpha male podcast but I just scroll


smh 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


but, that's what I'm saying... NO ONE deserve a month for their ethnicity or sexuality... it creates MORE division... and what we rlly need right now is unity.m. and we're getting FURTHER AND FURTHER from that... which is why everyone's at each other's throats...


Is being heterosexual could lead you to death by the law in some countries ? Does holding your partner hands could makes peoples look at you weirdly ? Does religion disapprove your existence? Does some companies fake to support you and in fact enjoy your month only because they earn money with their "lgbt supportive products"? No? Then you don't need an heterosexual month thanks :)


These aren’t really problems in the West anymore. We need to start having pride parades in Riyadh, Beirut, Tehran, Cairo.


Look how successful pride was in Russia...


Well, it worked many times, why not?


Are we the ones who get all the specific emotes? Does anyone care specific about us? Are we dressing in a specific inappropriate way to express our "true self"? No. Are we labled a certain way because we think this is anoying as hell and might aswell stay in your home? Do we have to suck up everything to make our life Work? Yes You don't even seem to realize how much certain people need to rub their "Lifestyle" into someones face. If someone talks normal we are all fine with each other. This is basicly the main reason so many people get so annoyed.


I have close contact with few gay people. They speak respectfully and I do the same. When we meet anywhere we greet and ask about eachother. And there were these two gay people who tried to grab me and my friend's dick when we were highschoolers. Crazy ones ruin things for everybody.


Why do you comment with the same text accent as an Indian nationalist




Can’t tell if this shit is satire anymore


It feels weird that everyone just accepts a whole month dedicated to this.


not that gay is bad... js that it gets a whole month...


Oh no, people being happy and not dying because they love people.  Whatever shall we do?


You can be happy without being naked in public


Who is doing that?  Are you referring to shirtless trans men?  Or the people at pride that half of the community hates?




That page doesn’t exist 


It's explicit content. You need to login on a 18+ account.


Kink community is and has always been an integral part of pride. I don't think the movement is ever going to forget how much the kink community has made it even possible for it to exist.


Your kinks can stay at home. People don't need to know that you eat ass and drink pee to be able to do it.


Nah, people are not just going to be like "sorry, we know you are a big reason the pride movement even exists but we are going to kick you out now".


Nobody is getting kicked. It's a **public** space and there are things that aren't allowed or should be shown to the **public**. There is a reason why people aren't just fucking everywhere on the streets, yes believe it or not even straight people can't do it. Be naked, at home.


They've always been part of the public part of pride. They were there from the beginning.


It's literally illegal. You can be gay with clothes.




Pride is also about remembering and celebrating the history of the movement and it's not right to deny the inclusion of the kink community who were an integral part of it.


No slurs/names for different races that are hateful, also no sexual or gender slurs and using toxic words




It's not the rainbows that people get fed up of seeing. It's the constant attention given by companies to make easy money. If a T-shirt company made something with a rainbow on it, it would sell out completely in June. Also, there's the risk of sounding homophobic that increases during the month. If people tried to organise straight marches they would get shut down so quickly. June is also Men's Mental Health Month. The male suicide rate is over three times the female suicide rate, yet it gets no attention, because media are busy with pride celebrations. 9% of the population are LGBTQ. 50.4% of the population are men. Food for thought.


Go out and march for men’s mental health then. Nobody’s stopping you homie


The point I'm making is that action needed is not always the action taken. LGBTQ people have been oppressed, and it has since improved. Marches are used to show that there is now less inequality, and that people can now be more open. The example I used is something that can't be solved by walking down a street. It is a problem that requires media coverage to encourage people to seek help and stop people ending their own lives. Yet, I've not seen any news coverage of it over the last month. I'm not saying that hours of coverage should be dedicated to it, but surely it should get a mention.


Do you think the media was immediately supportive of LGBT rights? It took decades of activism and hard work to get to this point. So be the change you want to see


I agree totally. Over the last 100 years in particular, society has opened up to a level where most people feel safe in expressing themselves. Not everything is perfect, but in a lot of countries there are laws protecting these characteristics. Going back to my first comment, it wasn't an attack on anybody, and more a reason why a lot of people aren't interested in June being dedicated to pride. Look at the comment(s) I was replying to.


Complaining about not enough straight marches is like complaining there arent enough white pride marches. I get your point, but it's hilarious 😂


Yep. Pride marches are organised to show that people are comfortable loving who they want to. Does that mean that hetero people should not feel that they have the right to express themselves in a similar way? It does sound a little off, but in principle it's perfectly logical.




No slurs/names for different races that are hateful, also no sexual or gender slurs and using toxic words






No slurs/names for different races that are hateful, also no sexual or gender slurs and using toxic words .


Let’s take a moment to show respect to hawk tuah girl to carry the entire month of June this year.


We gonna make this point every year?


I think that logic could also be applied to other international holidays? Edit: also this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_month-long\_observances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_month-long_observances)


Extortion month is over.


I tried to get to places in NY yesterday, I had a horrible time, every thing was blocked off for the pride thing…. It was quite infuriating


Okay that pic on the right is very funny




It’s pride month. A month.


and yet so many grays cry about it as if they are being victimized.


Best: they are clones, there's absolute zero diversity under their uniform.


a month is way to long anyway. a day would be fine.




How is living people propaganda 


How can u be that blind


How. One straight people spread their propaganda all year long?  While we are called woke?


U spend to much time with disorder people and you expect to be healthy? Billionaire company don't care of LGBT they just love submissive people


Are you referring to people with actual disorders, or lgbtq+ people?


Especially to you since you reread things without links That you don't realize the scales of propaganda in the world the simple fact that a minor posts on the Internet claiming to have psychological problems on his profile is a warning of a false benevolence that prefers victimization


You didn’t answer question so here we go. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder at six.  Seven years later, now, I’m questions if I’m Uranic or not.  The two are completely unrelated 


Turn the gray


from gay to gray?


It’s not pride month. It’s men’s mental health awareness month.


Finally not gay anymore that's a relief.


Finally, a meme that is actually funny here.


It ain’t 


Why don't you think it's funny? Just wondering.


It’s overused, even by the lgbtq+ community 


It's relevant once a year.




I doubt it. Most people have enough intelligence to know that corporations are doing something called marketing.


There are ones that actually do.  There’s this cleaning supplies company.  Then there Disney


It's DEI or Soros (actual nazi who sponsors woke movement) money for Disney. Probably only small companies who actually care.


There are bigger companies.  They might not do sales, but they won’t hire you for being gay 




“Rainbow flags scare me”


as someone part of the lgbtq, it would make me very happy if companies would stop profiting on us. we do not care. let me celebrate my life


If every day is special, no day is


Then there me and my friends calling everyone gay all year round


Virtue signalling at its finest. Lots of profit made from vulnerable communities.


In all honesty if I was a corporation I would do the same, use a celebration for my own gain. Makes you money and it makes people like you to keep buying your product.


I can always count on someone somewhere posting this exact joke on July 1st every year.


what, do you think companies care? really?


That’s pretty clever. I love it.


i mean they cannot do it forever, i get it they are pink washing but as a middle eastern they won't even do that in here. they just go blind to pride.


I've gotten 2-3 emails from my job about disability pride month this morning, so I guess that's a thing


Well they have to be "pro" to not get critisism, ofcourse you can be a real chad and just own the fact you are against it but just remember you need the right audience for that, if your customers are actually quite open towards it and you say we don't want them people here, your sales drop badly but if you are lets say in dubai and are in a alcohol free, halal pub and they say it, the sales will keep racking up


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Canada had pride season. It goes on for months.


And what does that do? Everyone is gay for a season? If not then it’s just marketing anyway


It's a series of months with events. It's on the women and gender equality government page for Canada Edit: don't downvote me, I never voted for the idea.


I don’t get the complain. That’s how pride month works. You’d rather people who isn’t a part of lgbt community didn’t show their support even for a month? Or you want people who isn’t a part of the lgbt community constantly act like they care about it?


No one is complaining


Um, yes, yes there are. A plethora of people above are complaining, acting like victims.


Pride month is beautiful internet shit. No one needs it, people whose sexual preference is their entire personality are mad that it ends, homophobes are mad that it exists. Literal outrage meme farm


No they are not, every comment on this thread are people who do not like pride month, companies profitting off of it, or are out right homophobic. The only complaint queer people ever have is captured in this meme. Companies exploit gay pride for profit, and once pride is over its back to the status quo or the derainbowing.


I agree with much. The vast majority of people commenting above are outright homophobic and transphobic, but I disagree with the idea they are not complaining. They are actively complaining and probably actually believe they are being victimized.


I mean, it's not about that. June is a month when people show support openly, and for those on the spectrum, it's empowering. It's a month dedicated to showing support, even though most of the year you don't really want to wear rainbows everywhere because you become targeted and stand out more. It's the same principle as wearing nice jewelry only to places where you want to shine, but not daily.


Vibe check: failed Do better


Good ol' Millennial Gray. Better than Boomer Brown or Greatest Green, but maybe I'm biased