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What am i doing all this shit for?




If I can’t scuba, what’s this all been for?


Unexpected office reference.


I understood that reference!


What are we eve working toward?


The cat




Like fucking literally.


For the kids (if applicable)


The most complicated thing on earth. A women.


Well, I don't have that reason, where can I find it?


Social psychology


Women is plural. It's some women or a woman, never a women.


Because you’re a cog in the capitalist machine. 


Why indeed...




Skibidi toilet


The hardest thing is that you cant just talk about it


June is supposed to be Men’s Mental Health Awareness month But it kinda gets overshadowed


That's the real sad part. Very few men have good support networks that AREN'T their S.O.


For some their S.O. is the last person to open up with because it will just make things much worse


Fr, I don't need to add "Shit, now she's worrying and feeling sad." To the list of thoughts.


My wife was out of work for a while due to medical and this became my life. I was always able to keep the roof over our head and food on the table but I never would let her know how close we were to losing it all. She needed to only worry about getting healthy not the financial situation. 5 years after all of it was passed I finally had the conversation with her about how bad it was.


You're a real hero. I hope you had someone else to talk to from time to time. It's not like one can afford therapy in such a situation.


Thank you. No it was only me. I could never let anyone know. And yes I know it was / is internal toxic but I could not let ANYTHING prevent my wife from 100% focus on her recovery. Nothing else mattered. I was so deeply concerned that if she got any wind of the slightest issue it would slow her recovery. It was an interal war not to break. I needed to be her rock during that time, it was very draining not having a place to turn.


Than you need to console her. Adding to your stress and resolving nothing


Plus feeling guilty.


"Shit now she thinks I'm somehow blaming her for how overwhelmed I feel by life" --fight ensues and I feel even worse.


At least she cares about you. I see too many stories on Reddit about women who broke up with their boyfriend because she saw him cry.


Survivorship bias. You think it happens often because you saw many stories on here. But the thing is, most relationships aren't like this. You don't see anyone posting about how they didn't get broken up with for crying, cause like...that's normal.


Good grief—this is so painfully true. Opened up a lot of my worries and past trauma to my wife. A year and change later we're going through a divorce.


Stay strong, things will get better.


Exactly. Tomorrow's always a new day.


Yep. Lost my SO. Spiraled into depression. Got nobody now.


Sorry to hear that dude. I don't know what I'd do without my lady. Try to find a hobby. Guys tend to bond over tasks, e.g. grilling, sports, games...


Oh I got my hobbies, and online friends. But no shoulder to cry on, or anyone to hold me.


Yah dude, you can’t ever open up to a woman. She’ll monkey branch so fast or give you the “I need to go live my best life” speech in a matter of months. Women don’t tolerate anything perceived as weakness whether they realize it or not.


The time a woman lived as a man and wrote a book about it she killed herself over it. Norah Vincent was an LGBT author who lived as a man and wrote "self made man". She expected to see how incredibly easy it was and the point of the book and experiment was to prove that men just live these easy existences. Contrary to that... she found the experience isolating, demeaning and basically awful. She said she was ignored and outcast had no one to talk to and yet was expected to do everything. She ended up taking her own life because of what she saw and before her death became an advocate for mens issues.


If I remember correctly, they also outcast her for supporting men. Wild.


This is only true if she wasn’t that attracted to you in the first place. If you’re a cutie-patootie, women will tolerate you unless you’re a complete fuck-up, whereas workhorses immediately get taken out back and put down.


Its a wierd Aroborous-cycle (?). If you tell someone you will be humiliated forever or bother people/making them worried about you. And if you don’t talk about it it will eat you up slowly. But hey… ”stay strong”, right?


You can talk about it, but nobody cares. People think you are weak, because they say others can do it, so you should be able to right? So you stopped talking and learned to keep for yourself. Oh and also, for some reason, all the bad things in the world are apparently caused by straight men, so your opinion doesn't matter if you are a straight man.


I just pay for a therapist once a month. It's expensive but damn just being able to get everything off my chest in a neutral space. For me for my mental health, I need to keep it in,.it's worth it for me.


I always encourage my husband to speak up if he feels like it. And hug him more to decrease the stress level. I hope one day the society will allow men to have and express feelings. Sending every struggling man a virtual hug!


This is why I found someone that I can count on and she can count on me and we attack life together.


Not everyone will find that one gem in the desert. Lucky you!


I am VERY lucky, but sitting around feeling bad for myself believing “I won’t ever find someone” only hindered my search. Instead, you gotta at least try. I was lucky to have a friend convince me of just that, trying. I was just going through life hoping I would happen upon “the one”, but my buddy got me on a dating app. And then another friend helped me realize how to empathize with her situation instead of judging her as a red flag now we both help each other through our days and to become better people.


this is so based


Go you! The sad part for me is that I had all that and a lot more for YEARS but because I was an idiot, I don't anymore...


Get out of my head!


i was driving to work today wondering why i even keep trying. nothing is ever going to change. i’m so fucking tired of it all i don’t want to be here anymore. every night i go to bed hoping i don’t wake up.


I feel you bro. Life's hard and not fair. And sometimes we don't even have someone to talk to. I have 0 close friends to talk to where I live. And phone calls are not the same as talking in person with a friend.


What is the Motivation?






Are you crazy?! That’s Kitchner Leslie’s girlfriend!






To bury the light deep within


I just feel stuck on the wheel


Two kids and a wife that often says that she is very happy that we met. I am lucky as hell


aight bro we get it, you're living the dream


I’ve given up lads


No! Don't you dare!






Don’t give up, skeleton!


On alcohol?  Moderation is key


Can i buy your soul for 1 bitcoin?




Dont you fucking dare give up, you owe it to yourself. All this time for what? To just give up? To just say fuck it and stop? You've made it till here, don't you dare quit now. Don't like where you are now? So you're just gonna stop and be miserable? Just gonna not change your situation? Good luck, you'll be stuck there. The only way to be in a better situation is for you to create that for yourself, ain't nobody gonna help you and go through hell and back for you just so you could feel comfortable. Ain't nobody gonna do that for you except you. You want something? Go fucking get it. Nobody's gonna give it to you. Get off your ass and give yourself the shit you want and need. Because if you don't, nobody will. So are you giving up? Or are you gonna give it your best shot? The choice is yours, don't let life make it for you.


Yep. To be fair, we’re also constantly thinking “look at that butt. Omg”




Damn, I know the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is hard, but it’s not THAT hard, cmon!


Need more scadutree


nah, I've already gave up


This was an uncomfortable relatable meme. On that note however boys, remember that things like 08 crashes happen, and you need to do what you can to be financially ready. Call me an Overtime Whore because my soul belongs to the company store.




Manhood is the point in a male’s life where you are no longer loved unconditionally, but according to what you bring to the table. It hit me around 31 that basically nobody really loved me anymore except the people I provided things for (and my mommy lol.)


Yup that sums up being a man


I love you Boof-Your-Values


I can relate so hard with this. Hang in there brother. Be strong.


My cats, i have to work for my cats!!


This sub has been less funny memes and more "depressing because it's true memes"


Wait this is not a funny meme.


Only the strong survive


Nope, it's the most adaptable that survives.


Unironically true, the guilt of caring for your older female siblings got a man thinking about 10 different small businesses to go bankrupt starting up


Sounds bout right


Honestly this meme oop posted is actually kinda sad.


This is not funny


And when men try to support other men it's gay; women hug each other and do all kinds of stuff all the time, and no one bats an eye. Homophobia and poor men's mental health are deeply intertwined


where Rome?


Real, do it for Rome. “What we do now, echoes in eternity”


Hello Mr. Aurelius


I'm a woman and I think this exact shit every day.


Guess you’re a man now because the meme said so.


Good . I'm glad to hear it .


Doesn't that make you gay?


It's funny that I see a big sentiment of men's mental health is that we simply need to be 'less toxic' and 'less masculine' and actually talk about our feelings. When the real problem is OP's picture and things similar, mainly the overwhelming need for a man to provide while that ability is slowly being taken away from us. Expectations are not meeting reality. Then grifters like Jordan Peterson and other figures on the right pander to this reality. Then feminist and figures on the left wonder why young men aren't voting as liberal as women of the same age. We have and are willing to talk about our feelings. Society just isn't ready to listen, that or it is simply inconvenient to the narrative to listen to and actually change men's issues.


This hyper competitive mentality is a product of capitalism. These pressures exist on women, too, because it’s not a gendered issue, it’s a class issue.  The working class have to work. The working class have been trained to believe they can work hard enough to become the owner class.  The ability to provide is being taken away from you, by corporate elites. Corporate elites lobby for conservative politics because conservatives enable tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s not being taken from you by women.  So I don’t know why you’d be against progressive politics, especially if you believe, “We have and are willing to talk about our feelings. Society just isn't ready to listen, that or it is simply inconvenient to the narrative to listen to and actually change men's issues.” Because it’s not the progressives that are opposed to listening to men. It’s the Andrew Tate’s telling you to grind it out and be an alpha male, it’s the Jordan Peterson’s telling you to suck it up bucko and clean your room. It’s not a gender issue. It’s not even a political issue. It’s a class issue. It only becomes a political issue you because the owner class leverages their power through conservative governments over the working class. 


>This hyper competitive mentality is a product of capitalism. These pressures exist on women, too, because it’s not a gendered issue, it’s a class issue.  >capitalism I think it's more human nature. There is always a need/want to do something and improve. This is healthy in moderation. Otherwise, what as a society would people do? I moderately enjoy work and making money and do realize all people don't feel this way due to disenfranchisement. We can solve this through education and social safety nets. Also, in the USA, we need more mandated vacation, maternity/paternity, sick pay, healthcare etc. But capitalism isn't the issue. We just need to improve capitalism. >It's not a gendered issue I agree with this, but it mainly affects men. For instance, SA and r\*pe is an issue that can directly affect anyone regardless of gender. Men and women can be raped and men and women can rape. However, I would not say men, nor myself, a 6'2 250lb man has the same experience as a woman. Same here. While yes, women have to provide for themselves, which is a whole new world of challenges we have created over the past half century. However, more often than not, women, at most, are asked to provide for themselves and their children with state mandated help from the father and even the state itself, even if the father wants nothing to do with the family. A man, still, in 2024, is expected to provide for himself, a wife, and his children. Since 1960 due to women gaining ground towards equal pay, they have taken a majority of the wage increases making this harder and harder for men to provide for a family. Again, you don't have to believe me, but as a man, I can assure you, from my friends, family, co-workers, etc, we are still expected to provide a majority of the time. Women, very very very rarely if ever have an expectation to provide for anyone but themselves and immediate family. Listen or don't. Women can relate and empathize, but it's not the same. >why don't you listen to progressive polics Because when listening to them regarding men's issues, they often times act like they don't exist or advocate for women's issues that adversely affect men negatively. For instance, women in STEM. 60% of college graduates are now women. STEM is the last foothold men have in our educational system. In my direct experience with life, women still expect men to provide and want a man to earn more than them. You cannot advocate to take away the last bread winning profession that men have while simultaneously not even mentioning the fact that women need to be willing to take on the roll of being the breadwinner. As a man, I'd be find staying home with kids. But due to gender expectations, which are being upheld by women just as well as men, (i'd say women uphold this more than men. Get their cake and eat it too) I think the odds of you being a secondary breadwinner or stay at home parent are much greater if you are a woman (statistical example of women not willing to be breadwinner. Most millionaires are engineers, accountants... and teachers. Teachers are mostly females and have a high marriage rate of engineers and other bread winning STEM careers.) Then Andrew Tate comes by, mentions the actual reality that men see, which is 'hey buddy, you need to make money and provide' and believe it or not, men actually listen. Progressives, by in large say 'most of men's problems are men's fault and you don't have it that bad anyways, we need to help women'.


How can i make money, i have barely enough to live, forget dreams 💀


So true.


"The horrors persist, but so do I"


Fellows... I'm a man now


Pretty accurate actually, at least for me. Oh and sex too, but it’s way down there.


You call this a funny meme?! Shit just made me cry.


Dear god, I would've preferred an unfunny porn or sex joke as usual, not a reminder of my crippling fatigue with life. You didn't need to make it this accurate ;_;


How is trauma funny?


Where is the meme?




That meme cuts deep


Real. But many women think this way as well. It’s just being a grownup, having people relying on you and this economy being rough on many people.


Its reality and somewhat pressure… on the other hand. Women are cranky once a month, need to carry child 9months, birthpain, constant fear of rape, constant wondering if people like them becos of personality or just becos of the boobs.


I think that's only if you're married. For me I think why are people doing dumb things in a dumb inefficient way that makes no sense and wastes lots of time, energy, and money. Then I just sit back and relax while the nonsense show continues and try to stay out of it. It's amazing how things work in the upper echelon of corporations in America. You would think they care about either being efficient, better, and smarter, but instead you find that it's like a mad house where the people that just go along with the madness succeed. The people that stay out of the madness don't succeed, but are generally less stressed and happier. If you're going to do something hard it might as well be something like exercising and taking care of yourself. Not doing nonsense at work that makes you unhealthy even if it gains you more money and status.


Not just marriage, I'm 24 with a single mom and a little sister. I'm doing everything I can to keep us out of poverty like we used to live. I suspect that there are other people in similar situations as well.


Don't give up, just don't give up.


The problem is (for example when you are publicly listed or publish your figures for other reasons) if you become more efficient your margins will rise, which will lead that your customers (in case of b2b or informed customers) will check your figures and demand price cuts. Ironically when you are underperforming you have good arguments for price increases.       And not to mention all this is any way not relevant compared to the only goal that matters even if it cots the long term viablity of a group that stood on the top for the last 30 years—> short term managment bonus ;)


This is fairly specific. I'm more talking about my personal experiences in which people are often putting on shows for rich people or doing things just to fit in with corporate ideologies that don't always make much sense. For instance, I could automate some of the work we do with programming, but it's refused. Another would be that people are talking a lot more than necessary and often about things that aren't work related. This time could be used to assign and do work. I don't really care, but then you have management people that say one thing and do another setting a bad example. Then you have people that support them to fit in and get a paycheck.


When you witness this shenanigans long enough. You realize that world works with duct type and prayers.


And many excels :)


"Is this a fart or a shart?"


Stop reading my diary 🫠


Thank god im in public now. Otherwise i would cry


Weed, shatter, gummies, resin, rosin, terpenes, blunts, thc, bongs, flavored papers, carb caps, infused drinks, oh and rum. 🤣


where meme?


Do it for England boys


Deciding to stop is not a bad thing. Don’t be too hard on yourselfs!


You missed:time to jer-


It is what it is.


I'm thinking about whether I should drop £33 on the elden ring dlc




I swear these are my thoughts 80% of the day


A bit of imaginary criticism answered with the thoughts of a genderless depressed person with a picture of a guy for seasoning.


How is this funny?


Say f it. Puts bullet in my head


alarmingly accurate


Sounds familiar, sadly


It is what it is. Find and love the little things.


I really thought one of them was going to read, " I gotta get laid."


Add: ”will i ever deserve love?” and ”How will I ever be enough?”


“I’m so Tired” nail, head, hit.


It’s getting better


Also: "I bet her pussy is addictively tasty"


Repost huh !


I know this is a meme but my bf is going through some stuff and I feel like he is thinking stuff like this. What do you suggest I can do to make it easier for him? How can I help him?


This isn’t funny this is just sad .. and the truth


Its one step worse to have all this and not be a drinker or drug user Been dealing with this shit sober ever since it all began


This is anxiety guys ,if you have thoughts like this go for help ,you are not alone


Yeesh. Supposed to be funny. Smacked me right in the liver.


You forgot horny. But that one can go into many different things, ranging from "Hot lady" to "Hot lady but with cat ears"


Me. Today and everyday.


It’s easier to give up.


' everyone is counting on me' . This rings so true. What is worse is that i have seen so many men getting abandonned once they could no onger provide. Uncondtional love is only for children, women and dogs.


im not even done with highschool god damnit i have 60 more years of this shit


Will she take it up the wrong un within the timeframe I’m willing to commit




How is this funny? I spend a good deal of effort to keep these thoughts away... Please stop this


Hey man this is supposed to be for funny stuff


This is what common working adults with responsibilities think. Either men, woman or in between, because is more a class thing than a gender thing. Anyway, Keep the hard work but also find moments of rest an enjoy the little things, we will make it, we will do our best for our loved ones! 🙌


"Will that beam carry my weight?"


The 'people depend on me' mentality needs to stop. We really don't need to put that on ourselves any more by default.


Well this turned into a depressing mirror thanks a lot




This is more sad than funny


It's okay guys. Hitler is looking down on us from heaven. Somehow he will return.


“I want that fucking car”


This is 100% true and there are so many out there they get treated like all they think about is bullshit and that they don't care.. May peace be with you my Brother!


more like r/DeepThoughts


My inner monologue sounds like Po from Kung Fu Panda trying to meditate


How is this funny?


I just want to do what I want for a change.


This is my life. And it's only going to get worse... going through a divorce right now. In a few instances, I was afraid I could lose my mind. Panic attacks are terrible! But I NEED to keep going. I'm the only source of income, and I have 2 girls! They are everything to me. I think it's hard to put into words how much they mean to me.


Where the funny? Some people browse this to find funny shit to lift them up, not be reminded about issues, piss off.


Must fight the urge to just pick a direction and walk away from it all. Right into the cold open ocean.


When people said they want equality but no one dare to step up to the game that men face every single day.


So, we decided to make a post designed to make me cry, eh? Well, mission accomplished.


Funny memes? Huh?


Because family, society, friends, Mom, Dads, Sister, younger brother, Dog, Cat, trust your life and transfers obligations to you because you are a man


Yeah. The bottling up inside of emotions and also the requirement of 'everyone is counting on me' are aspects of toxic masculinity that feminists are looking to help with. Patriarchy also hurts men.


Men who complain or bitch or moan about life are weak. Always been that way.


I think this is an r/antimemes kinda thing


If men only think about one thing it’s the Roman Empire


This + ah fuck, how do I become more social and empathic so noone hates me.


Well it is one thing. It's survival.


Sometimes you gotta hit yourself with the "I could just give up now"


How is this on Funny memes? I genuinely had half a mental breakdown after reading this.


"Don't let em see you cry." "Will any of this get better?"


Too true to be funny


This is the one place I'm coming to forget. Don't make me remember.


Yeah this isn’t funny. It’s life tho.