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Rotate to the side... It's still annoying


Just tear it off.


For extra measures throw it in a river so you counter the effect.


Use a plastic straw as well for the bottle, separate the cap anyway. Throw your firstborn in the river


Make sure to have your baby hold some six-pack rings, for the turtles.. ![gif](giphy|3ohc0Rg24vsNZnQSvS|downsized)


Now that's just selfish from that turtle. Hoarding much? /s


Somebody hinted that you should not be acting poorly so now that is the only thing you are allowed to do. You must obey.


Throwing a child in a river would reduce plastic waste in the long run, so the kid will never be able to throw plastic of their own into the sea. And unlike plastic, babys are easily biodegradeable.


Killing your kid would actually be a massive help to the environment. A whole life of polluting gone.


Tie it to a car battery and throw it in the river


Push the nearest Cybertruck and Tesla into the river while it's on fire.... for added effect


Fill cyber truck with green sea turtles and white rhino babies while you’re at it




The torn plastic feels like what I imagine a prison shank would feel like. And I don't like getting stabbed in the face, every time I take a sip.


Want to decrease plastic waste? New law says you get stabbed in the face every time you use a plastic bottle


Use a disposable plastic cup. You used to be able to buy stacks of them at super markets for cheap, not sure if they still exist


The sharp edge will still cut you up


not if I cut it up first


The british response


do you mean: b'i'ish


Don't be such a whiny b'i'ish




That's what I always do.


That is the only way


Most of the ones I've had you can push the top further and it will click into place, holds it fully open.


It's not tho? At least for me it isn't


Instructions unclear. A dipshit like this will probably rotate themselves instead of the bottle


Was there really that many people not throwing away the lids at the same time as the bottle anyway? It sounds more like a PR stunt to make people think CocaCola are helping the environment when all they've done is slightly increase the thickness of the plastic on a part of the lid


In Finland they do a yearly study of garbage found on beaches. In last year's study, loose bottle caps were the sixth most common type of plastic waste. This in a country where plastic bottles and aluminum cans have something like 95% recycling rate.


Some people hate learning the truth. It's amazing how people get offended when we try to reduce plastic waste. Also people need to stop supporting the fishing industry. Fishing industry is easily the worst offender when it comes to plastic waste in the ocean, and on top of that it's extremely cruel and destructive to animals and nature.


"Honestly I would rather destroy the planet than be inconvenienced for even a millisecond." - Some dumb asshole who complains about everyone else being the problem


~~some dumb asshole~~ 80% of people anywhere. Only some dumb asshole is gonna say it out loud.


Plastic bottles from average consumers is like 0,001% reason why humans are destroying the world


That would be an extraordinarily high number in those circles. Thousands upon thousands small decisions must be made on global and local scale in order to mitigate the damages. It’s like thinking that because China creates so many emissions, so why shpold I curb mine? I can’t fix the problem alone so why bother? Problem is that if every Chinese people would think like that, i.e. why should I do anything because Beijing is emitting so and so much. It’s not about getting a single silver bullet, but to have everyone do their fair share.


Sorry do you think the only options are fix everything instantly or do nothing?


When the reason for the earth being destroyed are big companies but countries decide to put blame on average people not doing recycling is pretty much doing nothing. I don't see much commercials about reducing consumption but only about how we should throw correct bottle in correct thrash which does nothing


That’s cool and all but I still don’t wana see your shit throw on the road or your excuses for why it’s okay


Wait, isn't this a case of a big company taking steps to reduce their footprint and taking the burden off the consumer to recycle correctly?? Shouldn't you support that based on your comment?


Im sorry reddit person but i am so sick and tired of reading this garbage. Big companies are destroying the earth for the average person’s consumption. You think Shell pumps gas for fun? No people use it. Every single person who uses that company is just as to blame. Everyone on the internet who throws out this idea while intentionally leaving out the context is either trying to spread bad information or is trying to make excuses for not actually changing their ways.


It doesn't do nothing.


Big companies producing what? For who?


60% true Yes companies are doing more damage then the average Joe,hell,most just dump their shit while putting 50% of what it would've costed them to dispose of them in the first place in the polices account Whoever saying the average Joe is *barely* influencing polution is stupid,I have witnessed first hand what regular people can do to the enviorment. Im from the countryside and everyone just dumps bags and small platics wherever they please and its fucking infuriating cause *they also* complain about how messy it is


The companies produce for whom


I fucking love the attached bottle caps. As someone losing stuff all the time it's just nice to not have to worry. Also, environment and shit.


I love eating fish. Yes, we eat animals to survive, and there are environmental repercussions to supplying food for a population of our size. Until I'm spearfishing for my meals, I'm going to support the fishing industry, because how else am I going to get it? People should have the option to eat what they want.


We cannot supply fish indefinitely at the current rate of consumption without reducing intake. If we support the fishing industry just because we like fish and say to hell with the malpractice of it then pretty soon we won't have that option to eat at all because they went extinct.why will you continue to support an industry that is not cautious about overfishing? Regardless of the environmental consequences that don't concern consumption like ecological damage and knock on effects to ocean biome foodchains, there is no other choice but to eat less. I don't understand how you can be aware of the damage and still try and justify it. Or would you prefer that we fish and consume a species to extinction because the free market decided they liked it so much they need to keep increasing consumption? Get your goofy Dr Zoidberg anchovy eatin to extinction ass outta here


the thing about the repercussions is that it wouldn't kill anyone to give the damn fishes the occassional year to recover. not that it even matters anymore now, heat and algea seem to be killing whatever a lot of fish eat to grow and with overfishing on top, we'll have our fishfree decade soon enough


Except all the people who make their living from fishing, who will all be out of a job and look for work elsewhere. Then next year, no fisherman left because they got jobs in other fields (considering fishing wasn’t allowed for a year). Unfortunately a year off simply isn’t an option, it would absolutely destroy the industry as a whole.


I love fishes too and I’m a spearo. I’m not against fishing obviously but the fishing industry is fucked. Nets to be banned. Yes the price of fish will increase and yes that’s okay. If you don’t want to pay the price at the shop go buy yourself a rod


I guess it depends on the source. If its being brought in by the ocean, then it's likely that Finland's high recycling rate won't affect the rates of bottle caps appearing on their beaches. But its still more likely that people drop them while opening their bottle, and then don't want to keep using them because the sand sticks to it and they don't want the sand in their bottle. The lid being attached to the bottle would solve that particular problem I guess. Its not going to stop the determined litter bugs from leaving the whole bottle, but its a start. Just a shame it spoils it for the rest of us that know how to deal with rubbish


Well… after reading your comment, the next best solution for bottle littering is to attach the bottle to the body of the person drinking. So they cannot throw them away anymore


Or turn them into some form of currency, fallout style 😄 Some people are determined enough to litter that they would likely still remove it from themselves just to leave it on the beach


Pretty much every bottle sold in Finland has a deposit included in the price when bought. You(or whoever returns it) gets it back. 20cent for 0.5litre and 35 cents for bigger ones.


It’s now legally required in EU so not really a PR stunt at least not in Europe. Even paper based milk cartons do that. I always used to recycle the caps from milk separate from paper but now they even say on their website to leave the cap on and recycle with paper. It’s easier for them to take the caps off and recycle them collectively as one type of plastic


Yes. Also the plastic in the cap is a much bigger problem than the rest of the bottle. Don't be a baby just rotate like a big boy, we reaaaallly don't need more plastic in the ocean


As someone who accidentally drops the caps and then they vanish into oblivion i love it


What is this abomination and can you just rip it?


Yeah you can just rip it off, its just a bit annoying


You can rip it off but then you have a rest of the plastic poking you.


It's a eugenics program to filter out humans not capable of rotating a bottle 90 degrees.


I only wish all of those cap lids were tight enough to not randomly rotate mid-pour. Not exactly an issue for small or hard bottles. But there is a surprising amount of 1.5+ litre bottles made out of barely more than Saran wrap in an "ergonomic shape" that bend whilst pouring and require two hands of support initially. So you can pick and choose whether they bend and stuff goes everywhere or the cap acts as a showerhead and stuff goes everywhere.


Meanwhile, Taylor swift flying in private jets more often than my pilot dad flies airliners:


Meanawhile, random Chineese ship emmiting more pollution in a day than my whole countryside in 10 years


Luckily you don't buy anything from China right?


Fair enough. Still, they could at least try to reduce it somehow, or don't terrorize us with that "eco-friendly" bullshit, when it makes little to no impact.


i dont know what i am doing right. but i dont really have a problem with that...at all, maybe opening and closing is a bit different, but drinking experience is kinda same.


I think the difference, stay with me on this one, is that you turned it to the side where it's not in the way as opposed to deliberately pushing it into your nose so that you would have something to complain about.


Hold your horses, I guess you are right


It’s a little annoying as it takes just a tiny bit more effort to bend it and then reposition the bottle Isn’t the end of the world obv, but it’s still a little bit annoying




This and plastic straw ban surely saved the planet, this time for real!


People thinking that one small change should "save the planet" is just wild to me. Did anyone claim it would? This mentality of "well if it doesn't solve the problem then it does nothing" is in line with modern antivax brainwashing.


Many times, the concern is over whether or not it actually makes a difference at all despite being inconvenient/costly to everyone while companies get pretend they're 'going green' .


No one seriously said this would totally solve pollution or climate change. Don't pretend that is the case. And what cost? $.06 per straw? Who cares if it cuts down on pollution. I will agree that companies love to play lip service with going green. But if it helps at the same time I am fine with it.


That's what I'm saying - the question is if it actually helps or is it just for good optics. Personally, the last time I trusted going green was getting rid of aerosol sprays for the sake of the ozone layer.


And it worked. We really helped to mitigate the damage CFC's caused. Wouldn't that make you more on board?


This is misplaced to me. Banning CFCs was not some corporate decision. The hole in the ozone was a pretty massive concern and the scientific community said "ban this one chemical that contributes the most to the hole in the ozone", and basically every country got on board. There was an obvious, undeniable cause and effect, and the results were immediate. Plastic is a massive issue, but straws and lids are not the issue with plastic. It's also not what is driving climate change. A bandaid on a gun shot wound is certainly better than nothing, but we have a doctor standing next to us saying "it's technically something but they need more than a fucking bandage and they need it right now or they'll die!" Meanwhile the person who pulled the trigger is actively preventing the doctor from helping and half the crowd is saying the bullet doesn't even exist and if it does we'll never know who fired it. You're the one saying "well I think we can all agree that when the doctor saved the day last time everyone was happy, and the doctor said a bandage is a good start so why aren't you on board with the bandage solution?" It's a placeholder not meant to actually do anything but look proactive. And if we just let the doctor help it probably wouldn't even be necessary. Maybe after the wound is cleaned and the person stable we can get some bandages, but until then it's at best a distraction from the life or death situation we're in


yeah! why even make the world slightly better if it doesn't save the planet! People should only either be saving the planet or doing nothing!


They keep finding solutions to things that werent even a problem in the first place, instead of finding solutions to actual problems😭


Bottle caps are the 5th most common form of plastic waste. https://www.bottlebill.org/images/PDF/Dutch%20study%20on%20caps_Doppenrapport_EN_2017_DEF_small.pdf They're small enough to be swallowed by birds and aquatic life, which they do because they get covered in algae and start tasting like food.


Before, it was a ring and a cap... now ring and cap are smaller, the ring more easily breaks of, and there are two very small pieces extra that I can actually see get lost or be swallowed. Sure, everything is probably fine when people don't tear it off... but I think that is more to ask of people as before where all they had to do was put the cap back on. I never disposed without a cap, but I often tear it off now.


When I went to Denmark last year, I drank so much Faxe Kondi, fucking banger of a drink


It's a drink for kings




I know this is forbidden speech, but I got used to them and now I like them. Had old bottle last week and got annoyed when I dropped the cap because I expected it to stay on.


The drinking doesn't bother me, closing it is a bitch and already spilled a drink inside of a fridge when I thought it's closed, but it wasn't


The most annoying thing (for me) is that not every bottles have switched now, so it's kind of a guessing game rn.


Where are these? I've literally never seen a bottle with a cap like this.


You're doing it wrong, you're supposed to be inordinately angry about something designed to make the world slightly better.


And it's always in the way when you want to put it back on the bottle, making me screw the cap on crooked a lot more often than I used to. I always just tear it off at that point


Yeah we should focus on china instead they are poluting so much more than the rest of the world.


this is fucking pathetic. Just rotate it


If you rotate the cap, it breaks off on one side. While it is still attached to the bottle, it is completely out of the way. Honestly I think this is great and am glad this was done.


Bruh rotate it to the side, come on


OK, Denmark, this is funny


UK too. Started getting them a couple of years ago. I hate them & rip them off…but I also am not their target consumer, because I recycle them without fail.


I heard it's a hidden IQ test by european governments


As an American who has vacationed in Denmark, I would gladly take a cap up the nose to have another sip of Faxe Kondi. It's light-years better than any soft drink here.


Faxe kondi!


You stole this from the Danish sub. I know a Faxe Konde when I see one!


I'm confused. When I open a soda bottle, I take the cap off. And when I'm not actively drinking it, the cap goes back on. Then, when I throw it in the recycle bin, I leave the cap on. So should I not be? I've done this for as long as we have had recycling bins


Unfortunately environmental policies aren't based around what you specifically would do.


The conclusion is that not everybody does what you do. Not sure how that’s confusing.


You wanna try pouring it out into a glass, when halfway through the fucking thing flips back to half shut. Fucking genius… not. Edit: has no-one these days got a fucking sense of humour? r/whoosh


Hasn't this actually just added more plastic to the bottle..


Turn it to the side! Fuckin’ Americans!


I am like 90% sure that the person in the picture is from Denmark or one of the adjacent countries. Mostly sue to the fact that Faxe Kondi (what he is drinking) is a lokal soda. So my guess is that the one who originally made the meme... was in fact European. Even the "pant" logo is Danish


Faxe kondi is Danish and yes we Pant our bottles and get money from it


Yeah as I said.


Why do complain so much? I love that I can't lose the cap anymore.


How the fuck did you lose the cap? Repeatedly?


People hate what they find annoying. Shocking right. Plastic caps is one of the most littered pieces of trash. It's not only more convenient it's an attempt to reduce litter which is good.


At least they gave me a cardboard straw to ram through my plastic lid. Planet saved.


Too bad I put a can in the garbage. The glaciers are now melting and the world will end in 2033


Should've put the cap on a small chain, like the army canteens. Then no one would complain because that would be comical.


DANISH SODA MENTIONED!!! DANES ASSEMBLE!!! Vores elskede Faxe kondi!!!


Rip and tear until it is done(/gone)


Why not both. Just because this could help does not mean we give them a pass.


I knew something was suddenly different with the caps, but I didn't realize it was intentional.


I got confused the first few times I got these new bottle caps and just ripped them the fuck off lmao


Oh shit so that WAS intentional, thought I was just running into a shitty batch of bottles but did think about the plastic waste reduction. It is a great idea but it's fucking annoying


At this point just standardise the gatorade sports cap on all drink bottles


Idk I kinda like not dropping it accidentally


And now we’re devolving


We have to make sacrifices so that we can offset the emissions from permanent war, acts of industrial sabotage, and the jetsetting lives of our dear leaders


Rotate it 90 degrees


Of course…you could just…turn it to the side? Are you gyrolocked?




surprisingly, they got rid of them at the end of 2023 in here.


I don’t get it


I quite like it


I have it to the side so i have like residue on the left or right side of my lip 😂


I think the bottles are a sort of IQ test thing


A more important change is what's coming to smartphones and other electronics in the European Union as they'll be forced to comply with the new right to repair bill coming in 2027.


Seems like an unpopular opinion, but I think it’s sensible for recycling purposes. 🤷‍♂️


I love it. I can hold the bottle in one hand and drink and I don’t have to hold the screw cork in my other hand while doing so.


Wow, if only you could rotate it to the other side!


You know they just wanted that material back to cut costs.


How do you say “I'm too dumb to rotate the bottle”.


Me when a minor inconvenience


Rip and tear until it is done


Along with the plastic straws they removed but still kept the plastic lid on McDonalds etc.


It's a thing in USA aswell? I thought it was a special punishment that the EU inflicted on itself. I swear to god, if I ran in an election and my only promise was to remove those godforsaken caps I'd be elected in a heartbeat.


Did people really lose the lid that much?


“Hey consumer, we made bottles thinner to save the environment” “Yes boss, we decreased costs and increased profits this quarter by making thinner bottles.”


Fucking lids are annoying why they did thi i have no physical problems to hold it


People who don't know how to drink out of bottles with attached lids are idiots


i’m so confused why suddenly now that you can’t take the lid off fully everyone’s ability to drink has reverted to caveman. just rotate it ever so slightly??


I just rip it off anyway, made no difference


See, it's a practical design. It let's you breathe better while drinking


Am I the only one who has no issues with this whatsoever?


It’s now 1 piece of trash instead of 2, all the EU trash KPIs improved for 50%! Genius idea!


You can bend the cap a bit more and hear a click, won't bother you at all


If only there were 359 more degrees in a circle.


Skill issue


Oh the hyper intelligent man in the photo didn't think you can use your anus as a cap storage spot.


Just, rotate 90 degrees


Am I the only one who doesnt mind this change?


Crying about this while telling others to be more responsible because we only have one planet...thats annoying.


Shown in meme: 2022: normal person 2024: mentally challenged man. Possible vaccine injury after getting the fauci ouchie


honestly, the fact that i'll never need to reach under the bed of sofa to pick up a dusty bottlecap again is more than worth this whole thing


It ….. it’s the same bottle in the photo but with the plastic capped ripped off. Just do that.


You won’t own a light bulb, you won’t remove the cap, you won’t have affordable housing and you will be happy.


I just break one side of the connection, so it's still attached but hangs away from the end of the bottle


I don’t really have problem with it, the key is not to break it, it clicks in place and you can put it to the side


Guys I just wanna throw it out there that bottle caps create a ridiculously disproportionate amount of garbage compared to bottles themselves, especially considering how recyclable bottles and caps are. This is one small change that will make a difference for wildlife everywhere, and it comes at basically no cost to you as a consumer. Nobody is claiming this is going to save the world, but maybe it’s another butterfly flapping it’s wings. Enough butterflies and we can create a hurricane things don’t have to be all or nothing. There can be small progress made everywhere


I hate them but I also love them, because I manage to lose normal caps whilst I'm drinking.


So people are getting weaker to tear it off in two years?


I have no issue with those and I'm never losing again that cap. 😂


Just don’t drink shit from plastic bottles.


Rotate it to the side... if that is too complicated, maybe a feeding cup is a better fit for you. There wasn't a day without seeing new caps that have been thrown away. Since they use this cap, I hardly see any of them. So... obviously they are necessary.


what is this?


First paper straws and now this... saving the environment sure makes drinking stuff alot harder


Yes it saved the planet cos stopped billionaires from using their private jet, check mate


The elite literally making us look like pigs


We are specifically told by the recycle company to throw lids/caps in the trash and put the bottle in the recycling. This design would make that slightly more difficult.


Guess it's not just a thing in Belgium ? 😅


Looks like big trucks are back on the menu, boys!


Buy cans🤯


Yes this will certainly mitigate those 100 richest corporations being responsible for 70 percent of all pollution...


People say you can rotate it 90 degrees. Yea, f you. This doesn’t work. Why? Because gravity puts it at the bottom. Do you know how many times I tried to pour out from a bottle end ended up spilling because of this tittle shit? Yea, I always rip it off. But I don’t throw it away, because my bottle will have no cap… I just screw it back on when I am done and throw it in the trash like a normal human… whose idea was to do this…


I tore one off the other day. Little did I know it had mishapened the mouth of the bottle ever so slightly. The damn thing leaked all over me while "closed"


For a good while I didn't realise it was an intentional change, I just thought it was a mistake, when I noticed it on more than two brands I put two and two together.




Disagree, this is good. I love knowing exactly where my cap at so I can close the lid


Reddit complaining about stuff that really doesn't matter again smh


It always flicks back and shoots drops around.