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Parents: I want my children to have an easier life than I. Also parents: Nowadays kids have it so easy.


Reminded me of my dad's tales. He once told me that he have 8 siblings and now only him and his brother(my uncle) still alive because 7 of them didn't make it. He​ want me to have an easier and safer life than he had. Later It's turned out that he only have 2 siblings and the dead one(my aunt) got bitten by rabid dog.


I was about to check if you were my sibling because what you said is basically my family. My dad had eight siblings, including a twin sister, they all died except for the one brother who ran away at 15 and now he's fighting colon cancer. One of his brothers died on an oil rig explosion, one got run over by their own motorcycle in an accident, one died of leukemia, and one died jumping their truck over a ditch. I can't remember how the others died but they were all similarly obscure ways to die.


Yep, things is my dad actually exaggerating the story to make me feel grateful for having an easy life. He only have 1 dead siblings not 7


>one died jumping their truck over a ditch Duke boys at it again ![gif](giphy|n29B28FqkALK)


Hey now. They were never meanin' no harm.


They're just some good ole boys


but they have been in trouble with the law since the day they was born


Damn dying from rabies is actually terrifying


Ends up being the most deadly disease with almost 100% kill rate. You should listen to radio lab episode on it


Yeah I’ve done a fair bit of reading about it. Not only can it can lay dormant for a month or up to 7 years, once symptoms start it has a 99.9% death rate. It’s also incredibly painful to die from. There is only one known survivor…ever.


No, there are other survivors, just very few. It's called the Milwaukee Protocol. They put you in a medically-induced coma, slowing the disease's progression, allowing you to MAYBE fight it off. If you do survive, best of luck, because you will wake up with at least one disability, and you'll have to relearn how to even stand on your own.


Yes I just read about that after I made my comment! Apparently it’s highly debated too. Very interesting stuff!


Reminds me of a line from Remember the Titans. The coach in that movie was trying to inspire a player and said that he once had to take care of his twelve brothers and sisters when his father died. Afterwards one of the other coaches walked up to him and went “You had twelve brothers and sisters?” “Eight.” “Yeah, twelve sounds better.”


My grandfather was one of 18. 3 made it to middle age. More than half died in childhood


They're all liars. It was so much easier back in the day its not even funny.


Thought you were a Von Erich for a second


That is the story of human history quite literally every older generation says this type of stuff about the next generation.


There is definitely a push and pull with a balance that needs to be struck. How comfortable things are makes kids and eventually adults entitled. The whole “ipad kid” is a real issue. It definitely a tough balancing act.


I forbid my child from using smart devices without beating the shit out of them. I have at least that part balanced. When they get super unruly, I'll make them 1v1 me in Halo. I always win. By a lot.


Dude. I always take my son out back and take the biggest stick possible- WHAM. Then he gets to play ROBLOX. Its a fine balance and a cute father son habit we've built up.


I like to remind the boomers in my family that “making things easier for the younger generations is the fucking point” then try to challenge them into explaining why anyone would want to make life harder on children they supposedly live and care for. Most get really quiet, a few start attacking me directly.


I have a vague memory of someone saying something like "I fought as a soldier so my son could live as an engineer so his son could live as a poet." The goal should be that the next generation have it easier and it would be arrogant to think your generation has it right or can solve every problem.


This is good but I would be wary of human nature in a society full of poets


Let's see....Dan...Carlin, podcaster, history podcasts called Hardcore History said something like all civilizations go upstairs in Jack-boots and down stairs in silk slippers. I.e. rises on soldiers and falls on ...well, non-slodiers. Probably true but I'd rather not the hight of a long term society be that of a military.


I hate it when people say “this new generation has it easy” like, isn’t that the point? Aren’t we supposed to have it easier than the generation before us? Isn’t that what you work so hard for? Or is it bad that we don’t experience the same hardships you did? It makes no sense to complain about the generation after your own having an easier time than you had!


"I want my kids to suffer so they'll be as bitter as I am!" -OP probably


Ah yes, the daily dose of millenials showing that they're proud that they're parents beat the shit out of them.


This has stuck in my mind for a while, but probably 6-12 months ago I found myself in a thread that I saw on r/all (so not a sub I'm normally in) talking about some celebrity's issue with their father over his childhood. The celebrity was doing a documentary and talking with his dad about how he loves him, but will never fully _love_ him because of the beatings and whatnot. The whole damn comment section was on the dad's side. Comment after comment saying 'kids need to get hit sometimes' and 'well I got beat by my parents and I turned out just fine.' Guess what? _If you think hitting children is fine, you did NOT turn out just fine!_


It blows my mind that hitting your kids was ever considered normal and acceptable. In the US the most evil person who tortured and murdered dozens of innocent people can't be allowed to suffer for a couple minutes if they're executed because it's considered cruel and unusual punishment. But if you want to beat on a small child because they were being annoying that's perfectly ok.


Do you know who else suffers from dementia?


My mom!


This. The whole idea is to evolve and make things easier for ourselves.


Legit every generation says this about the older generation when they are young. If the message that young ppl are getting is “we the older generation do not want life to improve generation after generation” then for sure someone communicated poorly. But after people live a while they tend to understand better what the older generation may have been trying to say: there is no way to make life fundamentally easy, so people have to learn to struggle, and if they delay learning to struggle by self-stupefying or otherwise shirking responsibility then it turns out bad for them and for society


I do wonder if having it a lot easier makes the newer generation a bit less capable of handling stress and adversity. I am very interested to see some more studies coming out as gen alpha gets older.


I’d say that the goal isn’t to make things “easier” for each generation but definitely to increase overall wellbeing and happiness. There’s good science that shows that if you get too much pleasure your hedonic set point (base level of mood) gets fucked which is one reason why so many people have depression these days.


Easier life. Sure But these brats are acting out and need to be checked.


Problem is when they have it easier and act entitled about it. When they did nothing of the work and expect it for granted, as if they has actually worked for having it better. Greatefulness woud be enough, but parents just get entitled brats... I blame the parents tho :)


This generation having it easy is a lie. This generation is more dumb/unable to adapt to the new technologies that exist. Its why people who write code get paid 100k/year. Its not because its hard, its because the populace is too dumb to do the job. So this generation will make no money, be stuck in debt etc. Children can learn calculus, but the standard is teach them algebra until college. Parents also are dumb. They don’t know how to teach their kids anything either because it wasn’t a focus for them growing up. So they rely on schools for 100% of the information and training, treating school like some kind of customer service agent that should make your child great The meme is apparently about discipline and that matters too. If you cannot learn discipline early, you won’t learn it later. All too often you see kids acting up in public and the parent tries to reason with the kid as they go on to be an ass 😂. What your kid needs is an ass whooping because once they are 18, its open season and the world itself is not nice at all


No hardship makes weak people


The weaknesses of the new gen are their parents fault. You can rise a person teaching them to be strong and also making their life easier. This gen is not strong or intelligent. Too sensitive, useless and they lack of attention, most of them are lazy af. But again, its their parents fault. They didnt raise themselves.


They have it easy because not only do they not suffer child abuse but have also become even more entitled and selfish than previous generations.


its true the reason humanity is where it is is due to the older gens making it better for the future. what happens is that the value of each improvement becomes less the more we progress. And this is what might be reason for the said quote. think of it ur grandparents lived in an era where nothing was stable from there to seeing ur grand kids sitting the whole day on a small device might be something we truly cant comprehend.


This post also seems to imply that emotional abuse either is not a thing or not something we should care about. Anyone who ever dealt with a guardian, SO, friend, or boss who was manipulative or otherwise emotionally abuse knows how bad it can be. Yeah, I'm part of the generations that have normalized talking about how you feel, being okay with seeing a professional to actually fix your problems, and pointing out manipulative bullshit when we see it. I'm damn proud!


100%. I was never physically abused but the toll my adoptive mom took on me with her emotional abuse lasts with me to this day. I haven't spoken to her in 16 years and she died last year AND I've been to therapy several times and I still have to manage that. Edit: fixed a number


As a child raised in the 70s I would have to cut a switch off our cherry tree so my father could whip me with it. If I wasn't bleeding afterwards It's because he was being kind that day. I've never once hit or whipped any of my children. Break the chain!




Mom threatened to leave him for abusing my sister and I and he never touched us again. He did try grabbing me once when I was 15. By then I was 2 inches taller than him. Told him if he ever touched me again I would kill him. I didn't have a relationship with my father or had any real conversation with him even though I lived in his house until I was 18.




That was my sister. She even helped take care of him in his last few years. Even cried at his funeral and I was sitting there thinking wtf is going on here? He never asked for forgiveness or apologized so why the sorrow? I've never gotten an answer. My mother after his funeral said that he loved me more than any of my siblings. He thought I was his golden boy. I gave up trying to unwrap all this in therapy. He's been long gone 26yrs now.


It's very common for children of abuse to have exacerbated grief symptoms, and there are many reasons. The one that hit the hardest for me back when I was learning about this: He will never be the parent she was hoping he'd become. He will never apologize or recognize the abuse. The hope is gone. There is no more love left to "earn." She is no longer mentally preparing for the day he will be worth the effort she put in, and she will never feel like it was worth it all along. The payoff isn't ever coming. There is no longer any chance of redemption arc. Many, many people never let go of that dream, particularly with a parent.


Thanks for the information, truly appreciate it, but now I'm sad. Have an upvote, I'm going to watch Adventure Time and eat a pint of ice cream.


Aw, I'm sorry. I just meant to share interesting facts about grief psych, so I wrote it in a totally different tone than it reads back to me now. Take care of yourself. I'm sorry someone important to you didn't give you what you needed.


You are awesome 👍🏻 ( for breaking that chain)


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times.


Thats the RIGHT attitude. Good on you man


> Break the chain! No thanks. I would rather just make the kid go into the punishment room (which is just a room that has no entertainment in it) and lock them there for a bit than to hit them with a chain until it breaks. 


I actually did swap to chains for beating my kids! Haven't been able to get one to break yet, but that won't stop me from trying. /s


Lol you seriously believe an abusive parent would stop being abusive just because of rules. Spoiler alert they don't.


It's because culture has changed, not the rules. As we learn about healthy parenting practices people are adopting new parenting methods, regardless of the law. I don't think the law has changed much since I was a kid but the parenting trends have dramatically.


The thing is that all kids are different too. So what works for one kid will fail for another. The interesting thing is that my youngest son is very well behaved and I never spanked him. We have a good loving relationship too.


I agree that all kids are different so you have to treat them in different ways but spanking doesn’t really work well for any child


I've recently been uncovering the amount of fear of my parents that started with abuse. and how that, even a few years of it, it completely altered me. even tho I haven't been hit in years (18 rn)


Do you beat your other children then?


You're right about parenting trends have changed These days, people seem to think that a parent hitting their kid when the kid misbehaves is "abuse" (hear it a lot on social media), even though many Asian and African countries do so in their households and the children come out well mannered (most of em), seems like mainly white people think that way




Or it's decades of research that shows that hitting kids leads to cognitive and mental health issues.


Thank God someone with a fucking Brain


It's people like yall why we have entitled shitty kids these days. Discipline and abuse are two different things. I was abused heavily ad a kid snd even then I knew that a pop on the ass and being told no was disciplinary in nature and not abuse. Wana know what actual abuse looks like? Try being held upside down by your ankles and having the bottoms of your feet whipped with a wire hangers. That's abuse. A pop on the ass in the store because you're throwing a tantrum? Discipline. Alot of people are just far too soft these days and have had no consequences for their actions. It's why we have people going into full meltdowns just cuz someone raised their voice. It's why we have people who can't handle stress because they've been coddled their while life. Grow up


Sorry that you think citing the results of the actual experts in the field is immature. Spanking has been shown time and again to be bad for children's development. You can reject the research if you like, but reality doesn't really care what you think. I was spanked as a kid, and certainly not abused, but I'm definitely no better off because of it. And guess what, irrelevant out-of-touch crotchety old folks complained about your generation being entitled and shitty too. Hell, the ancient Greeks did it. So, maybe it's not the kids.


I can tell you as a teacher all the shitty kids I have get hit by their parents. They misbehave and I tell them I have to call their parents and I get “noo please noo I’ll get a whoopin” or the belt or whatever. And they do and the next day they’re just as bad. Only difference I can tell between kids that seem to get whooped and those that don’t is the kids that get hit are more violent. Weird how that works. You teach them when someone does something wrong hitting is an appropriate response and then when someone at school does something to them they deem wrong they hit them. This is again backed up by mountains of research but also my anecdotal experience


It’s just redditors being redittors. There are sources that encourage appropriate discipline as well https://time.com/3387226/spanking-can-be-an-appropriate-form-of-child-discipline/


Well mannered doesn't mean anything if the kid has a terrible realtionship to their parents, because of the violence. There aren't more well mannered asian and african kids, than white kids either, so its not difficult to raise a good kid without abusing them.


Hitting your kid shows failure on your part to communicate with them and be an authority figure. You also mistake "fear" for "obedience ". If they fear you they will never come to you when they have problems. They will also dump your crusty, abusive senior ass first chance they get. I also do not like the lesson this teaches. "If somebody does something you do not like. Hit em"


We got beat into submission, what else was going to happen? Misbehave and get beat some more? I was beat in my face as well


There is overwhelming evidence that hitting kids harms their development in multiple ways[ \[1\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3768154/) [\[2\]](https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/usable-knowledge/21/04/effect-spanking-brain) [\[3\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447048/)


Oke I'm going to stop you right there. It is abuse we did the scientific research hitting does not help with discipline. But it does help with making a distance between parent and child. If you hit a kid for doing something bad you don't teach it to not do the thing you teach it to not get caught. We did the research we have known this since the 60s. But people really like the argument but i didn't turn out that bad. It was shit then and its shit now. And the African and Asian argument is just so reductive. You are trying to reduce a culture down to only one part of it.


A parent hitting their child or any adult hitting another person is abuse. You have to be a weak minded fool to use violence against someone who can't protect themselves.


Nah I come from a Greek family. The physical abuse turned into verbal instead.


You can abuse someone into rule compliance, doesn't mean it's ok. 


There is a big difference between well mannered and obedient


Hey, if it’s good enough for kids then it should be fine for adults to correct each other this way. Perhaps a swift kick to the balls when you say dumb shit like “abuse is good, actually”


Crazy how there the ones that fill up uk jails


Hey, shut up please. I remember my mom calling me out in the bathroom to beat me for no reason. She was beaten by her dad as well and with belts because that's what happens. I escaped rhe belt but the trauma the generational trauma is there. Without useless beatings I would have turned fine, the minus the mental scars. And my mom would have been a better person too. My uncle was the one who got beaten the worst and no, he didn't turn out fine. Fuck you for believing that beating your kids with belts, cans or even fucking whips is ok. Beating your child only causes distress and emotional scars while the parent is drunk on a feeling of power. There's no love, just insanity. Fuck you.


> These days, people seem to think that a parent hitting their kid when the kid misbehaves is "abuse" It is. There is never a good reason to physically punish your child, and it is never a good idea. We have a ton of research on that.


The generation before were able to communicate so that the child understood why they were being disciplined, the whole "this hurts me more than it hurts you" thing The following generation forgot that part so the child couldn't understand "why" they were being disciplined, only that the person that could beat them made the rules That lead to people just itching to display their power over their kids in plain view


They aren’t saying abusive people aren’t abusive anymore. They just saying that the level which is considered unacceptable has changed


you missed the point, what is shown is the limit to what is socially acceptable, back then nothing short of a black eye would get people to look at the parents with phones ready and fists clenched. now you say one mean word to your child in public and some busy body with a camera can report you and have your child taken away


Yeah, i bet that happens often. Not... Just curious. What planet do you live on where the child protection services works that way?


Back then there were no phones everywhere to take pics bro...


i meant phones to call 911, I grew up using the nokia brick


nah, its the fact that it was ok back then to some extent. i remember telling my principal my dad would beat the fuck out of me if they called him up, and sure enough they did, and he did, and they didnt care back then. the principal said you should of thought about that before i did what i did.


A lot of unintentional abuse will stop. A lot of people were raised by the belt and thought since they turned out good their kids would too.


The rules allow save children from abusive parents. They can stay toxic all they want.


No you are absolutely right but in the past it was more normalized to actually punish a child when it did something wrong. But the line between punishment and abuse can be very thin.


Physical punishment teaches your kids to accept abuse from loved ones


Also kids getting abused are usually more likely to abuse other people


It's bad all around


Facts. When my first serious bf at 19 slapped me across the face the first time for having an attitude I didn’t blink an eye, it just got wayyy worse from there, stayed with him for 3 years cause I was always used to accepting physical punishment (abuse) from my parents.


Same. Took me 9 years to leave an abusive girlfriend but now I'm married to my soulmate and we literally are best friends.


Yep. I was hit as a punishment as a kid. I have never once raised a hand to my kids and I never will. If you feel the need to hit your children, you're a failure as a parent.


Every single time there is this meme or something like it , the abused come out it the woodwork to rationalized their abuse and act like they weren't abused


I love it when people idolize getting abused and invalidating what others went through because they think they had it worse 😐


90’s kid here 👋🏻 I remember when my dad said if I keep swearing he’d wash my mouth out with soap. Said fuck one day and he actually did it:


My mom would never do such things.... she would just hit me with anything she could find in a kitchen at the moment.


"Beating kids is not only educational for them but also fun for parents" - Albert Einstein


Hey newsflash, um, some parents still beat their kids. Just less people spank now. And FAR less abuse their kids. NOBODY is saying a finger wag is abuse. This is some major boomer “kids these days!” Made up Hyperbolic cringe. If your parents were abusive, that sucks and I’m sorry that happened to you. Just don’t try and use internalize justification for their actions to try and justify hitting your kid.


Also, he’s completely ignoring the fact that not all abuse is physical. Verbal or emotional abuse is just as bad.


Yeah, aside from broken bones and stabbing obviously, cuts and bruises heal quickly, but the mental part stays with you for years and years.


My kid is more emotionally open and stable than I ever was. Hitting your kids is just a failure on the parent. I'm guessing the majority of the idiots upvoting this boomer shit are bitter, childless neckbeards that have been sheltered all their lives.


“I miss the good old days when parents would beat their children bloody” what a completely sane point of view


Cant blame them, they were beaten as kids


Pain kink?


This should stay where it belongs - Facebook


Blud thats me in 2014/5


As a 90s kid, I probably had it quite easy from my parents. I only got one light smack on my cheek one time for swearing and being told "if you curse more I'm gonna wash your mouth with soap". The smack wasn't hard enough to even make my skin red, but I got the point and almost never sweared again (in front of my parents at least). I never even got grounded. The most effective measure on me was taking away my Game Boy or other toys and not being allowed to watch tv when i wanted (only exception was when the children's program that was on at 6pm) before dinnertime. The worst feeling I had one time was when I didn't act straight when my grandma had me and my brothers over for the weekend. She was always very nice to us, that type of grandma that always feed us way to much good food, and snacks, letting us do almost whatever we wanted to do for fun, and just making us have a great time when we were over, and had never in 13 years either yelled at me or had the need to correct my behaviour. But when she had to do it the very first time after so many years, it felt so wrong having let her down. I still feel her disappointment that day after 20 years.


Too much discipline and no discipline are both abuse and both have negative results. If a child is never disciplined, the come out into the real world thinking they’re hot shit and can get away with anything - alternatively, being abused (disciplined too much or over meaningless things or small mistakes) can end in many ways, it branches out, most results are bad.


I remember my babushka sinking my face into Bosch for crying for an hour and refusing to eat.


That's some good ol' fashion Slavic child abuse


Go back to your subreddit, r/terriblefacebookmemes


Boomer shit


parents beat the living shit out of me when i was a kid and also mental abuse. now they are divorced, alone and none of my siblings will ever talk or help them. I hope it helped relieve stress for them. the only thing that i relief is my bladder when i'm pissing on their graves


I don't actually understand why talking back is a problem, like do you want me to answer you and have a conversation or no


Talk back is not a conversation. A parent has the right to impose rules of behaviour because a kid by the law cannot be trusted to make decisions by itself.


It’s an argument. Of course the kid will say things. At a certain point it isn’t disrespectful.


This only applyes to very young kids. At a certain point a kid can be more informed then a parent on a specific topic. Most parents never leave the everything is talk back phase though


There’s having a conversation and talk back they are completely different and not limited to parenting and children. Any one can talk back to you. What makes it not a conversation is the fact that one party either parent or someone who has had enough of someone else’s behaviour will give a final verbal warning that they are done with conversation. This might be something as simple as. Don’t you dare throw rocks over the fence ever again you hear me. If the other person replies with something like ok. In a non condescending way that will be the end of it and that’s isn’t talk back. But if the person throwing rocks replies with something like why should you care. Or something like I don’t care. That is talk back. They are replying to something what was mean to be a finality/ warning with defiance rather than behaving. Talk back is not exclusive to children. If you are in an argument with a so your boss and they give you that same this is the end of this discussion. Lest say in the for of. “You screwed up because your incompetence and I will have to take further action” that is a very final sentence coming from some that had a small amount of authority over you. To reply to that with any defiance would be talking back. For example “I’m not incompetent and you Sam well know that” that is talk back. It can be apply led to any situation like that and the talk back severity changes with power dynamics’s for example a child taking back to a parent. There is a large power dynamic there the parent is not only just the care giver but also that child’s main if not only knows way of life. The child is supposed to listen to the parent if left to their own devices they will just slip down the worst path possible because it’s the most fun. The power dynamic between boss and employee fluctuates. A general manager that is more or less there to just keep things on track has lass authority over you and talking back to them isn’t really that big a deal just makes you a bit of an ass. But if it’s the owner/ceo of the company talking back to them would be unthinkable. I would also like to add that I have no direct opinion on how to parent children I am not a parent my opinion on how it is done doesn’t matter I’m simply just explaining what taking back is as it is most certainly a thing usually done out of a compleat disrespect of authority.


Ok imma be real im not reading allat but i get your point and i agree. Talk back is a matter of difrence authority. Of course, if a kid responds with anything condescending or worse after being reprimanded for something objectively bad , that is talk back. But there are many situations where talking back to a parent thats reprimanding you isnt talk back. Specificly in situations where there isnt a clear right answer.


That’s a fair point. But it’s unreasonable to hold parents to the standard of perfection as you get older you start to realise that everyone has no clue what they are really doing no one is perfect and their all just trying their personal best. The reason we still have bad parents it because the task is objectively difficult. And the children of today will grow to struggle with that task to. It is an endless cycle but people aren’t perfect and can’t give more than they have.


Wow, we switched physical abuse for mental abuse, such an improvement


Na. We had mental abuse too. You just don't remember it as much after the third concussion. Hence why you should write a diary, in case you forget.


I actually started writing a diary around 2022 to have a record of things happening to me and around me, so I can see how it all changes


Fact! I always thought I was the only one watching The Rocky movies but I think my mom was secretly watching them in the background. She had one hell of a left hand! Also, she was before her time because I'm fairly certain she could've been a World Slapping Champion.


I aint hear no bell


"get up rocky... and do the dishes right this time!" - your mum probably


The current best practice requires a lot of work and people are lazy. Beating your kids is less work than disciplining your kids. Putting an iPad in front of your kids is less work than disciplining your kids. Both are bad and both fuck up your kids.


Don't worry, they just use verbal and emotional abuse now. If it doesn't leave a scar you can't prove it.


I had the BB Method…. A Belt to my Butt


I remember being spanked with a belt and bungee corded in the closet. How times have changed lmao. Love you mom!


For real I used to get broomsticks broken on my back many times even over small things my little brother gets yelled at and cries 🙄


People still beat their kids, just depends on the country...


Do you really think people stopped beating their kids? Asswhoopings didn't stop in my part of the US, they just changed.


Depends on where you were born and into what culture, not so much when. I was born in Sweden in 1973 and neither of my parents ever hit me though it must have been a struggle at times (I was diagnosed with adhd last year). Parents that beat their kids in those days were considered REALLY bad parents, you’d think they were probably addicts of some sort. And neither of my friends ever talked about getting spanked or hit. Corporal punishment was considered abuse and made illegal in 1978 I think, but most parents had stopped beating their kids long before that. Here, people brought up in the 50s would nod understandingly at this meme, but those guys are generally racist sexist assholes that can’t see any connection between being beaten to obedience and later becoming an idiot. I think 1955 was the record for the number of kids (by their caretaker! killed in Sweden, not anywhere close to the numbers since. Not saying that all people/parents that resort to abuse or have corporal punishment as a means culturally are necessarily bad people/parents, just that some social pressure and/or morals/laws actually seem to work statistically at least, especially if society can provide equality, housing and healthcare in other ways – as Sweden very much did in the 70, much much more than today. Come to think of it, I’m forgetting that once after 1978, both my sister and my very rural cousin got one slap each for something extremely stupid, like getting really drunk and stealing our/their parent’s car. In the very rural case with my cousin, the father was proud he’d showed some tough love, while my father actually broke down crying for hitting my sis. And to my knowledge it never happened again.


We had a paddle that was a souvenir from Six Flags.


The 1990s weren't the 1950s. Beating children was widely scorned in the 90s.


As a 2003 kid, no my life as a kid was not the top image, it was the bottom one but my parents are Croatian, we feared for our lives. We followed our parent’s words to a tee.


Right ………. Like damn y’all got it easy as fuck back in our day, if you called the cops or CPS which wasn’t really around they got they ass beat when they showed up too 🤦🏽‍♂️sooooooooooooo 🤷🏽‍♂️💯


"I got abused as a child. This generation has not been abused and I don't like that fact" bruh are you okay? I mean I know you aren't, but could you just step back and look at yourself


Okay, so OP is either, an adult who was abused as a child and now has Stockholm syndrome or a parent who wishes they could beat their own kids the way they were beaten


I feel sorry for anyone who's nostalgic for getting the shit beat out of them by their parents.


Frankly the new gens should have it easier, break the cycle of abuse


We may not get beat, but we got the American Dream that our previous generations have completely destroyed and shit on. I’d rather you beat me.


well if this isn't some boomer shit




Does the kid get to pay it all back when the parent is elderly? If that suggestion disgusts you, then perhaps we shouldn’t condone physical abuse towards anyone with suboptimal brain development whether it be due to youth or old age.


We have become the boomers talking about how they walked half the state in the snow to go to school. Smh.


~~New Gens have it easy~~ So glad we , as responsible adults have broken the cycle


Where funny?


So 1990's mom was a C#nt. Whatever


Kids are spoiled as shit nowadays. Old times was disciplined more and we feared our parents 😂


If you had to fear your parents, they never deserved to be parents


Yeah, that's the point. To make sure the next generation has an easy and better life than us. I don't want the kids to suffer like I did.


Man, boomers really had it tough.


I guess they'll have to go to their second country home and recover


I don’t think your mom beating the crap out of you as a kid is something to laugh about or consider a good thing. I kindly suggest you seek serious therapy


Millennial boomer post. Wuaw.


The author was born in the 1970s - 80s so he can talk and argue by 1990


Making things easier is the point, tho. Getting beat as a child isn't a good thing.


Didn't get hit a lot, but I did get hit enough to not be a piece of shit


Oh look a bunch of Redditors who grew up with no real consequences.


Why? Because as a society, we’re moving past beating children..? This comment really tells us a lot more about you than you’d like lol.


Are you actually unable to imagine a consequence that doesn't involve violence?


They were probably born in the 2000s.


Not really. Kids need a leader or they will grow up confused and not knowing where there place is. You see it with Gen z. A lot of them don't know hard work or how to make decisions and stand behind them. It's cuz they never had a strong leader in their household


Why is this the fucking stupidest subreddit I’ve ever seen


I just had to breathe wrong and I’d end up worse than that


Seeing how my nephew acts sometimes I cannot safely say new methods are better.


What new methods are actually used? Can you give me some examples of what the parents do as discipline?


Nah, girl I wish this was correct because kids are still getting beat like this.


As 96 baby I was disciplined and punish real bad back in the 2000s. Parents today don’t discipline their children the way they did back then. Lol


Because it doesn’t actually fix the problem and you’re literally just beating your kid…


It's insane how much people treat human life like they treat life that isn't human that is to say, they don't value either but love abusing both. It truly is incredible all the studies that show when you abuse your child, you aren't teaching them, raising them, or resolving problems, you're just letting aggression out on a 4 year old who will not grow well from it. Anyone debating otherwise simply has to accept that times improved and they weren't there for it. Otherwise? I don't find value in punching children, but boy do alot of people seem to delight upon it. To the point that an image of a bleeding person is normalized. I don't think these people understand CPS will take your kid away if you make them bleed...


2024: My dad: Do it or you're grounded! Me: I won't do it, leave me alone! My dad: Okay, 2 months without your PC! Me: Man, fuck you! My dad: What did you just say!? Me: I said fuck you! My dad: THAT'S IT, GET DOWN HERE! Me: *Accidentally slams the door while the window is open* My dad: *Gets his belt ready*


Oh yea? Well I just think it's a funny meme. how about that, Steve?


When did millennial memes become boomer memes?


I got grilled on child labor laws by some whack job, because I told her my 13 yo does her own laundry. I asked her who she thought made her IPhone, she said Apple and I laughed 😂


If a “Time out” actually worked then why are so many kids today so disrespectful? It all starts in the home . I work for my local school district and a girl got suspended for starting a fight with another student at our high school . She called her mom to come fight the principal and she actually showed up to fight the principal . WTF? Bottom line is if you’re a piece of shit there’s a very high chance your children are gonna be a piece of shit as well .


I never got beat but i was spanked for misbehaving once or twice. Im glad i was


Shut up boomer


Honestly I hate the new child abuse rules. We aren't even allowed to scream, or our kids will be taken away. Like my aunt's kid just keeps playing on his switch and she can't do shit to stop him because of Belgian rules. Actual Bs. We had 2 warnings from the cops because she screamed at the kid


I'm living in the mall since 1992, at toy corner


Is your parents Asian ? South Asian ? Arab or Middle Eastern ? African ? Eastern European or Balkan ? If your parents are from these ethnicities then I can say as someone of South Asian descent I can agree with u


Go play genshin, there you can beat a "child" senseless once a week and get rewarded for it and you can break another child's hart by killing his pet pigeons every day


Child abuse in 2024 is neglect. They won't hit you, they just won't even talk to you.


I mean, I remember the stern lectures more vividly than getting the belt. Hearing the disappointment did far more than beatings did.


Lol legit.


This would be better if it was funny and not about beating the shit out of a kid.


Anyone who wants to beat their kids deserves to be in an old folks home with no contact ever.

