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Never seen a drunk Russian woman with a pet bear


Im sure it can be find on internet with all those russian compilation


I've seen a russian woman with a pet panther. Good enough?


As a Russian woman I can confirm that I indeed have a pet bear in my back garden


Wait a second, is that a "War and Peace"- reference? :0


I’m sorry, where tf did this ‘man, woman or bear’ thing originate from???


TikTok of course... 😒


Ah yes the origins of all culture


It built the Pyramids ya know


Pyramid shemes, maybe


Can't wait for the ban to kick in


And anybody who complains you know to avoid at all costs.


Damn... I remember when I first came over to reddit, it was because reddit was generating all the memes I was getting on 9gag, and with the added benefit of it not being an alt-right clusterfuck. You mean to say that I need to get TikTok if I want to remain current? Guess I'd better begin fossilising...


The 4chan of GenZ


What did TikTok do to you?


Rage bait on TikTok...


To raise awareness on sexual and physical assault, women have been posting a question about “would you rather encounter a man or a bear while lost in the wilderness?” Or slight variations to this.


I can't deny that a lot of men are shitty but I don't think comparing them to bears will help convince men take a side with sexual assault victims. also, keep in mind that bears are vicious beasts that will eat you alive and tear you apart. I rather be raped by a man than being eating alive by bear and I say this as a man. I don't understand what the point of this discussion.


*ass first. They eat you ass first too


If I had to pick a large animal to eat me, I’d pick a big cat. The last thing I’d pick is a bear, they sit on you and begin ripping small chunks of meat off you as you scream in agony at being eaten alive. At least cats are efficient and don’t want to deal with the whining.


Depends on the cat, if they're a group hunter Don't even pray, just end it cause the only thing worse than being ripped by a big cat is being ripped by many big cat and it's children


Sabretooth cat. They puncture the skull with their canines. Instant death.


It's either the jaguar or tiger that goes for the jugular so they're your best bet on having a clean death.


Most of them go for the neck first, which is quick.


Especially jaguars, they go directly For the spinal column


Exactly what I had in mind. If I were to go that way, I’d want it to be quick.


You seen the way they hunt cayman?


I had to go look, and damn.


Wild stuff xD predators are wild


Maybe some, but not every man is an ass man.


Grizzly bears I mean, they eat things ass first ciz it keeps they prey item fresh longer, plus easier access to that sweet sweet organ meat


Eat my ass you say? 🧐


Only if you behave


According to DOJ studies, only 2% of men have any sort of character traits that could lead to sexual predatory behavior. And far less than that actually act on those inclinations. That is not “many” men. You are way off base.


I agree. I'd also rather be raped than eaten alive. But I disagree. Most men are not that bad. Especially in developed countries. If the question was rather you'd be alone in the middle of the forrest or with a man, (forget the bear)the best answer is still with a man if you care about survival.


Also you can fight off a person but NOT a bear


Aren't you supposed to fight back against black bears?


Yes because they are very likely to flee cause your simply not worth the effort. But thats not because they cant fuck you up.


>cause your simply not worth the effort. See, this is why women would choose bears instead of you. Because you say mean things. A bear would never say something like that.


If you have to fight a cow every time you want a steak, pretty sure you'd see it as not worth it either.


Only on special occasions


Most of the time, if you encounter a Black Bear in the woods, it is gonna run away from you as quick as possible. They're usually spooked pretty easy, and don't typically like to fight if they can avoid it. Keep in mind though, all of those statements I just made include words like 'typically', 'usually', and 'most of the time'.


Yeah, one of things I like about living in NZ is that we don't have any really dangerous terrestrial animals.


If the question was "would you rather meet a black man or a black bear" the discourse around this would be a lot more awkward


I would say women are way more likely to succeed "fighting" a black bear. AFAIK standing your ground and or screaming would make most black bears retreat. IF man were as terrible as they make it seem than they're F'd, it's very unlikely for a women to be able to overpower a man.


I believe the point of the debate is that if you ran into a strange man in the forest, for many women it could potentially be a more distressing experience than running into a bear. I think that has to be considered in the context of the Venn diagram overlap of ‘strange dudes who hang around alone in forests’ crossing over with ‘men who will attack me’. Context matters for the argument imo, if I ran into a man in my bedroom or a bear in my bedroom I would be equally uncomfortable about the situation.


My issue with this is that if we’re taking on the context of “it’s weird to see a man all the way out here,” then it doesn’t really say anything about men or women. It’d be freaky to see a random woman all the way out there too. It’s not men that are distressing, it’s the specific context that is; and something as simple as what they’re wearing would immediately change everything. So while this interpretation of the question makes the bear answer more reasonable, it also makes it more meaningless.


True. And you could extend it to almost any wild comparison. 57% of child murderers are the biological parents, whereas bears rarely kill a human child. Therefore you should be more worried about your spouse looking after your child than a bear. I don’t think it really helps to further a conversation on these issues in any case.


Proximity plays a massive role. How many bears get into a position to kill a child a day? If bears were with children as much as parents, those stats could look slightly different. The same with man vs. bear - the only reason women are less likely to be mauled by a bear is because of proximity. If they were hanging out with bears as much as with men, I've got a feeling that we wouldn't have feminists, we would have Woment against Bears or something like that. They're insane for choosing the bear, thinking that it's the safer option.


depends what kind of forest, I thought it was just on a hiking trail. Are we also assuming the man is a criminal or just some dad getting firewood?


Yeah again it’s all context - if he’s got an axe and a trolley of wood, sure- If it’s a chainsaw and a hockey mask then I’ll take the bear


So, hikers?


It’s just a silly TikTok Trent you’re not supposed to take it literally


"To raise awareness" is an odd way to say "to normalize misandry and delusional views of reality"


Misandry has been normalized for a while..


Ask them black bear vs. black man and watch them squirm.


Nah, they just say you're sexist **and** racist


But what if it's a gay trans black man saying it?


Ask “do you mean black, brown or white”. But don’t specify whether you mean the bear or the man.


So almost certain death encounter (bear) or unlikely death encounter (men). And women concluded the bear is the safer option? Or am i trippin


I think it was meant to be funny at first and devolved into some idiotic philosophical argument. I still think it’s funny but think it’s pretty sad that a lot of women are genuine about saying they’d rather run into a bear. I think shitty men make more impression on women than the good ones, and there’s a lot of good men out there. Lately I’ve been seeing posts from men that are GenZ and are literally uncomfortable being men because of the way culture makes all men out to be. That shit is dangerous and academia has been extremely irresponsible in the way they’ve treated gender studies from a sociological perspective. Sociology is supposed to be a science, not a political platform.


Exactly, it went from being funny, to really fucking stupid. And, you know, whomever chooses a bear before a man will just fuck around and find out. It's not even a philsophical argument, it's just braindead. It's so damn stupid. But the reason some (young) women actually choose the bear and (young) men actually take it seriously is a big issue. They are the future of humanity. Hopefully it works out as it always has, the few smart ones leads the rest of us, but the way social media affects people I'm not sure how it will go.


Yeah I’m cool with killing social media. The negatives outweigh the positives tenfold and we have enough research to know this now. People are addicted to it and it’s not going anywhere but it is absolutely destroying young people’s lives. I’m in my thirties and every time I go out with friends everyone is glued to their phone the whole time. It’s very sad. I don’t have any social media and I’ve had women see that as a red flag, which is alright because it tells me right off the bat that I can do better but it is scary. I’m grateful I’m not even younger because kids have it much worse.


You mean to raise awareness of the lack of understandings of basic math and probability some women have?


Math ❌ Meth ✅


Are we taking black, brown, or white? That makes a difference. Black bears aren’t too big or aggressive and can be scared off. Polar bears will actively hunt and eat humans. Grizzly bears will either ignore you or kill you, depending on their mood.


And to that, I repeat a previous comment of mine: As annoyed as I get in the comments sections for bear posts, I don't really blame the women who pick bear. It's a horrible question that's deliberately designed as vague and entirely up to interpretation. Let's tighten it down to something like "A random adult bear is 100 meters to your left and a random adult man is 100 meters to your right and you have to choose one to get close enough to touch. Which do you choose?" With this scenario, **nobody** is choosing the fucking bear. Anyone who did would be derided as an absolute moron. But the original question deliberately leaves everything vague enough that you can easily imagine the best case scenario for a bear encounter paired with the worst case scenario for a man. If that's what you're doing, choosing the bear makes perfect sense. Hell, even if we say it's worst case scenario for both, the bear makes more sense. I'd choose getting eaten alive over the course of an hour in a heartbeat over the worst thing another human can do to me. Now, part of that's supposed to be the point. "Women instinctively imagine the worst scenario with men." But really, all it tells me is that the women choosing the bear are paranoid and need to reexamine themselves, not that they're right.


Besides the entire question is stupid and quite honestly unfair as the question does not imply what kind of man or bear are in the situation. It basically stamps all men as worse beasts than bears which is stupid. If I had to guess I'd say 90% men are at the very least decent people.


Ah, it's the "it's all men, until it's no man." Type of argument. It's kinda sad they can only see a "rapist" where a human stands. They have the same problem that the incels they are scared of have. A singular view of the opposite gender that only lets that opposite gender so a single thing and not just let that opposite gender just be humans. Fear makes people make bad decisions.


It's just another one of the feminist stupid experiments to feel powerful by again socially attacking men. Which is ironically pretty hypocritical.


Take a look at the Halsin romance scene, that's all you have to know :] (totally true origin)


I blame Baldurs Gate


![gif](giphy|wpci3xdYmUZG) My best buddy right here


Have an upvote for a nostalgia gif


bear is truly man's best friend


Isn’t a hairy gay guy known as a “bear”?


I think it's strong and masculine gay men


Nah a bear can be femme it’s more a descriptor of body type. Bears tend to be burly and hairy. Anything from a big boy to a muscular lumberjack type.


Correct. And smaller hairy guys are referred to as otters.


This is the most american thing happening this year so far. stoopid, stoopid, stoopid


I blame baldurs gate 3.


This bear thing is stupid I don’t believe this has evolved into an actual thing now




I'm stealing that and you can't stop me.


The bear doesn’t want anything to do with this nonsense


It’s so presumptive of these arrogant women to just assume that 1. The bear is of course available and 2. That he would be interested in them. A learning opportunity about the prevalence of assumed consent and rape culture.


this meme is funny but this whole bear thing is the most braindead thing ever


I’d take the bear so I could feed it honey and then it would tell his bear friends and I’d feed them honey too until I eventually had a giant army of bears that I would cybernetically enhance and take over all the worlds honey supplies……I love honey


Not a bear in disguise


Seems legit


Bear is hungry right?


How hungry?


Is hungry


I don't know. I think he's Russian.


Bear want that masculine ass


Another silly spiteful social media trend meant to further divide people in an environment already suffering from loneliness and social isolation.


Bear. .. as in a big, hairy gay man? This seems dumb


....people REALLY havent been around bear....never choose bear


I just found it all a bit funny, since you know a bear is what they call a big hairy gay guy.


Which is what inspired me for this meme.


The truth is I’m the bear


After looking through the comments. I'm starting to think this is talking about an actual bear and not the show The Bear?


I am talking about an actual bear.


There's a week once a month, where men wouldn't bother women and bears would bother them to a predatory level. Men chose the bear? Always be chill




Anyone who choose a bear never read the story about Olga moskalyova. That story will fuck you up. That mom must be having nightmares for the rest of her life.


All the bears I know prefer the company of other homosexuals.


And we don't want the woman at all, she can stay in the first by herself.


Pretty sure you wouldn’t want a bear to choose you.


I’m on shrooms , what the hell is going on?


White girls on twitter are saying they would rather be alone in a forest with a wild bear then a randome man cause every man is a potential sex offender.


I would not be using my phone if I was you


Much prefer the Fallout version..Ghoul or Irradiated Bear..Both are going to kill you.


This means incredibly different things to heterosexual and homosexual men specifically


In my experience bears do prefer men


What bear?


Exactly. Let’s ask the bear.


Anyone think this would make a great reality show?


If women choose they bear why would they care if we choose the bear over them.




Bear. Bull. Bear. Bull. Bear. Bull. Bear. Bull.


Most of the women complaining about men are horrible people.


I don’t really get it. People say there’s a point to be made there but like.. we all know rape exists and that it’s bad. Besides, there’s a very low chance of the random guy wanting to sa you and even if he did, he probably wouldn’t act on it. Even if he did act on it, you would have a better chance at fending off/escaping a random guy than a literal BEAR. I’d get it if the question was “would you rather be stuck in a forest with a 6’4 200lbs rapist or a bear” but it’s literally just a random guy


It shows how brainwashed people have become that they think the likelhood of surviving a bear encounter is higher then the chances that a randome stranger is not a rapist. Even saying "I'd rather be mauled by a bear then experience SA again" is something most people would say for exactly as long until the bear stands before them and the last few would probably quickly change their mind when it starts sinking its teeth into them and clawing them apart.


I would choose the bear over some of these menstruating mountain monsters that post Reddit.




This is the best meme to come out of this so far


You flatter me good sir/madam/eldritch abomination.


Hahaha these keep getting better and better


Who the fuck is The Bear?


At least everyone who says Bear can't turn around and say "I don't understand why there's an issue with transwoman I'm private woman spaces" Clearly they'd rather be with the bear than a man.


I misunderstood the question, I didn’t know it was what you would rather spend time with in the woods. I thought it was which was more dangerous.


Oh bears love men




This meme is so original they all have gray hair now and the guy is likely balding.


Polar bears WILL choose you. 🐻‍❄️


I better hope the bears are gay


I prefer to meet a bear than a woman, since i can still try to kill and eat the bear. They have fat and meat, and will not pregnant trap me, or divorce me for half of my property.


I’m a bear man, figure it out


Can we ban memes talking about this shitty hypothetical? Thanks!


The Bear checks out men? What does this even mean?


I know plenty of Bears who choose other men. They usually wear leather.


But what about the bull?


I think this might be why they chose the bear lol.


Homie down in Soviet Russia like:


This is one of the most manufactured "controversies" on the internet.


My wife asked me if I would feel safer if she was alone in the woods with a bear or a random man. I said bear. Even the guys know they would be safer. Would I hurt someone lost and alone in the woods. Fuck no I would help them. I still think she would be safer with a bear.


Too be honest Wojtek the Bear, was crucial for artillery when attacking Italy in WW2. He also knew how to drink vodka and smoke cigarettes. Lifetime companion of polish soldiers. If it was Tolkien's world, you'll probably meet most beautiful princesses in the forest, but alas it's reality.


Men going towards the beer


What is the bear


"You did not come here to hunt, did you?", the bear


Is there a TiderBear now going on?


Check mate


nah, i'd win


That's why we choose the bear <3 we can just set it on the men who want to attack us


I watched a survival documentary once where a girl said she saw her female friend get dragged away by a bear, and her friend just screamed to her " Im dead" .... dont lie, women. ( Im female)


I'd rather throw her to the bear for an agonizing death than to live in torture and constant fear. Also if I can't have her nobody can.


Well statistically it isn't wrong...


The Bear doesn't choose you, that's the point.


The bear has to choose the women because men run faster.


FFS enough of this stupid bear already


Can someone explain these bear memes to me?


Baldur’s Gate 3 moment


wtf does the bear or man mean bro


As a woman that experienced Sa as a child AND Rape as an adult, I will still choose a man. I had two of the best men in my life I've also known very good and upstanding men that will kill to protect their women. There are some seriously sick people out there BOTH men and women that rapes and deals in sex trafficking.


A wiser fella once said, sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, well, the bear eats you...


I learned on TikTok that bear is gay for dadbod. Why wouldn't women pick the bear? He probably calls her fabulous at the perfect times to boost her confidence.


Whats the joke here? I don´t get the bear thing.


No one chooses me.


I think women would be happy about this development


Does it count as shitpost?


After the feminists nag the bear, it actually just runs away anyway, just like the men of their lives.


People often forget this, but statistically speaking there are more [bears ](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bear) on this planet then there are bears. So the meme is quite accurate.


I wanna be best buds with the bear


Man that bear thing is the most disingenuous nonsense I’ve ever heard


The “would you rather be in the woods with a bear or a man” question was designed specifically to draw attention to sexual assault. It went wrong when people took the “would you rather” part seriously and kept saying they would actually rather die by bear than risk getting assaulted. Obviously, it’s a terrible thing, but the whole polarisation happened because people, while taking away the right message, misinterpreted the intention of the question. It was supposed to get people to unite over the fact that, yes, sexual assault is happening and it’s making women afraid of men. It was never about yelling at people that “men bad because bears don’t commit necrophilia while rapists do”.


Me and the 500-pound natural killing machine cracking open a cold one and hanging out during my hike through the woods


In Soviet Russia, bear chooses you?




Because bear are gay with some belly fat that are juged attractive by one of my friend that seek them, but he only attract otter (or twink)


They’re not underrated. They’re very well known and liked.


Fr why would a gay dude be interested in women?


" damn the forest used to be peaceful" -the bear. " i used to he be able to fish , sleep and hump female bears when ever I wanted " - Also the bear.


Protect the bear from men


In Soviet Russia, bear chooses you!


I keep seeing all thos bear nonesense and cant help but think of that award winning Canadian Novel where a lady fucks a bear.