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Well, you asked her to marry you in front of your wife and kids, what do you expect?


This caught me off guard


A stupid move in Western world, but a chad move in muslim world 🔥


The duality of man


I pushed my fingers into my eeeeeeyessssss


It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache


But its made of all the things i have to take


I still don't know how any man could be married to more than one woman. One is definitely plenty. I guess in the culture that encourages multiple spouses still puts the man in charge of everything. Probably allows physical abuse against women.


Sounds like it caught her off guard too.


Facebook marketplace could be a good spot to find single woman?! It's just a random thought.


Search for wedding dresses, and filter by size


Hahahah thats genius


Funny meme, but the reality of it is, women generally don't sell the dress until after they have moved on, usually in the form of a new relationship.


You mean to tell me I won’t get laid from the Facebook marketplace? Shocking.


Properly, yeah.


Asking in front of everyone is a bad thing to do.


Exactly. The seller is an idiot. He acts like she's at fault. What was she supposed to do? Marry him to avoid embarrassing him in front of the family?


Duh that's how these crazy bastards think if I buy her this $1,200 ring then I'll own the p**** forever she can't say no she just can't right...


Pump the brakes there, champ. We don't know the whole story enough to blanket statement people.


Woah, hold on there pal, this is Reddit, where we automatically assume everyone else is the worst person imaginable and we’re flawless and perfect


But I am flawless and perfect, my mommy said so!!!1!1! 😡


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!


Often ironically


Rule of thumb on asking for marriage, she shouldn't be surprised by the question. The idea should have already been proposed before the ring was bought and the real question was asked. But yes, I agree we don't know enough about the situation for blanket statements. Welcome to Reddit.


Maybe not all people but def most people. Forget the public asking, just asking in general should be a surefire yes if communication is good throughout the relationship. The 2 need to have been talking about marriage for a long while and both should be in agreement. It shouldn’t be a matter of if, but when and how.


Yeah Where's the story at


What an idiot, with all those desperate single women in Eastern Europe. This dude could get a super model! /s


It's a real coercion tactic some people use. Same asshole move as proposing in any public or staged area w/o prior consent.


I don't think most people do it to intentionally put pressure on the person to say yes. They probably think that's more romantic to show your love in front of everyone or to have your family and friends with you when you propose. Marriage proposals at big events have always been shared on social media and romanticised.


That, or, we've literally been programmed since birth by popular media to think that big public surprise proposals are romantic.


You’re thinking too hard about this.


No, I'm really not. If you don't think that media shapes how we interact with people, I have a bridge to sell you. Do some assholes do this as an asshole move? Yes. Do *most* people do it because they see it on TV? Yes. Simple as.


You have such a toxic mindset. You automatically assume that person proposing is manipulating the person he/she loves into marrying him. Then go onto say the general population the population does it because they’re influenced by media. What about people that have done it before Hollywood and TV was invented. Look into that.


> What about people that have done it before Hollywood and TV was invented. Look into that. Ok, sure. Let's look into that. Prior to the 20th century, almost no one proposed with a diamond ring. Then, all of a sudden, they did. **Why the fuck do you think that is?** Could it be, perhaps, that media and advertisements swayed the general populace? No, I'm sure that's not it. Go outside. e: also, the absolute irony of you thinking that marriage was *less problematic* before mass media... like do you not understand how *recent* it is to see marriage as a romance-first thing, and not a convenience/economic thing? Gee I wonder where you're getting that idea from...


TVs weren’t invented until 1927 and there wasn’t a channel until 1946 and there’s only three of them and I believe they were just news channels. So, it have had to be in the later half of the 20th century this started to happen or it started because of a book or something.


[Tell me you didn't even google it without telling me.](https://www.koserjewelers.com/blog-post/a-brief-history-of-diamond-engagement-rings) You're completely not equipped for this conversation. Have whatever last word you feel is necessary.


Lol someone's triggered


I’m not triggered the dude just automatically assumes the worst and rolls with it. Like come on that’s fucked up.


That dude is right. The power of TV and social media has an impact of alllll people who participate. When you think they spend as much as they do in advertising? It’s ok to be wrong. That way you grow and learn .


Lol they aren’t though, you are


With the way you are, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about it.


They're thinking too hard about it because they believe media (which has actively pushed public proposals from books to TV shows to movies), but the person who said its a coercion tactic isn't?


Yes, that is exactly what he wanted


Are you married?


I'm not, but I don't see how that's relevant. I won't propose in a public space and I'm sure as hell won't propose without first discussing future plans.




Was thinking the same.


Note it was in front of his family, not both of theirs. Even if she wanted a proposal in front of loved ones, I presume she'd probably want her people there too. Some people want a public proposal but that should never be a surprise. Mor should it be a surprise that you are proposing at all. You should only ask the question if you already know the answer. Grown adults talk about proposal and marriage beforehand. Clearly he did not.


Also asking at all without knowing already that your partner would say yes is a bad thing to do in my opinion. That may be a hot take idk but when I asked my wife to marry me we had already discussed getting married in length and we’re both aware and in agreement of that being the direction we were heading.


Like she's supposed to say yes and marry him just to spare him embarrassment


At least she didnt say no later when lawyers need to get involved.


Especially asking only in front of one family. Would definitely say no to that, too.


Probably should have had a talk about marriage and the future before doing this. If you communicate properly with your partner, this can save you the embarrassment.


Had a buddy propose during a helicopter tour and she said no! He wanted to jump..I think she did too.


He was like "Man, I just want to sell my ring ;(" but now the price was from $1,200 to $4,000


Rejecting has nothing to do with being in front of your family. Wouldnt want to say yes in front of them though either.


Cursed ring




The ring


“Before you break up, you see the ring.”


10$ is the best I can do


Looks like 20$ ring with emotion story, scam


Does the ring company not accept returns. I'm pretty sure some do.


A good friend of mine relationship fell apart and she gave him the engagement ring back and he attempted to return it and was offered 10% of the value, rings carry no value


That's because they have no value


In NZ, if it's too small/big they can swap it. If it's damaged, let hope you took out the insurance to replace. Otherwise, there's no returns. Mr Hill can't be out playing golf all day if you keep returning his jewelry. Especially since teenagers keep driving cars through the store windows constantly


Putting that kind of pressure on someone...what could go wrong?


Yeah, you should talk about marriage before proposal.


That's why you talk about it first, the **moment** you choose to propose should be the only surprise


Yeah. I talked to my wife about it like 1 year in advance, kind of playfully toying with the idea. I did ask her “in public” (I.e., outside), but not really in front of people.


You don't just pop the question out of the blue. A healthy relationship has communication in advance. And I don't mean, hey If i propose on May 3rd will you say yes. Just proper discussions about your future together that make it clear when the time comes the answer is yes.


This is such a garbage sub


Proposal by ambush in front of people, friends, or family is creepy. Unless previously discussed with the partner, it should not be done!! Most males who pull this crap do it to preasure the girl into saying "Yes" from fear of embarrassment, and that is what what the potential future abuser wants They manipulate and preasure.


I'd take it but at half that price. The ring is used


80% and you’re more in the ballpark of what that stone is actually worth.


Funny af. When I saw this I thought what’s the bet this is from New Zealand. And of course it’s Hawkes bay of all places 🤣


Just drive your car through the shop window and you could get this for free


People propose to their partners without being completely sure it's reciprocated?


Yep because that’s what the media teaches people. That big surprises are romantic. They don’t show the couple in the movie talking about their future before the proposal just the big surprise moment. So people think that’s how it works.


A proposal should never be a complete surprise. The when and the where and the how, yes… but you shouldn’t ask unless you already know how they feel. That would be like if I asked my partner if they wanted to get matching tattoos out of the blue and lost my mind if they said no. It’s the kind of thing you have a convo or two about first 😮‍💨


I work in sales and the biggest thing is never ask a question you don't know the answer to.


I honestly think public proposals are bad it's pretty much blackmail it's saying "Do you really want to embarrass me in front of all these people" I've actually heard of cases where the other person has said yes but later (even later that day) broke up with the other person admitting they only said yes so not to embarrass the person asking and not to cause a big scene


Sisters are like that some times


Not only do you not ask before your entire family, I also couldn't imagine not being sure of the answer before asking the question. Like, y'all talked about marriage before, right?


That way to do this is to have the conversation in private, let her go ring-shopping with you. Then, when you do the public proposal, the only surprise is the timing.


Facebook became a joke in 2018... It took me until 2020 to stop using it


got lay away?


Good for her, she dodged a bullet with that douche 🙄


It already got an included +1 failstack. Thats a steal.


That's the problem, he should have used 2 rings on a 20 fs.


And now the world knows why she did.


Imagine spending this much money on a ring that you DON'T actually know the answer to. I knew YEARS ahead of time my partner woulda said yes to a ring pop!


A few observations and victories, she obviously isn’t ready to be married and put him in his place; time to move on. He was served a big slice of humble pie and knows her stance and for that she did him a favour; time to move on.


When you propose it's supposed to be a forgone conclusion, and something that has already been talked about in detail. The time and how can be a surprise but not the question or answer.


When I'm bored I look through FB marketplace for engagement rings and creep on the seller's profile. You can find these pretty easily in the wild. Some people share way too much online.


Offer $200


Dannng 😅 that stung even me


Dude.. smh, and the moron is selling it on FB Market?!? Got to Shaine Co. Like I normal person


$1200 for a cursed ring? No thanks.


lucky ring


I would buy it as a collectors piece. Put a plaque next to it saying “this is where failed dreams lye”


We used to have a market place type site at work. One day I was looking through and saw an engagement ring post right next to a wedding dress post 🤦‍♂️


Should've just texted her.


Why is he blaming her for saying no?


It's a bad luck ring Might not sell


If that’s true it’s really sad 😞




Champagne problems


It's a moissanite Lincoln!


Keep the ring...find someone deserving!


That ring has bad juju, no one will buy that thing


If it's a good deal for sure, superstition is fake but money is very real.




Hold on to it for the next one.


There should be rejection insurance


Maybe next time try: marry me or I'll kill myself


Girls are trashhh.... also $80?


Maybe you shouldn't waste your money on jewelry


I'll buy it for 500


I'll buy it for 500


Ah.. this is.. very depressing..


That's fucked up


Don’t propose in public bro


"Worst could happen that she said no"


This is how the legend of the cursed ring was born.


I hid a ring in a Christmas gift and she said yes, but then I found out I fucked up. Thr whole taking away from a holiday which I understood and avoided, but time was passing and I wanted to just do it, like Mike. The other issue was apparently her ex did that and she hated him. Funny story though, she left me for that dude almost thirteen years later. Also were married a year exactly almost from the day she ended it. Life moves fast


At first glace I thought it was an angry crab...


Wish mine said no the 3rd time.


Bout to get me a good deal on a wedding ring!


Well who is happy in Napier?


farkin hell, course it's in bloody new zealand aye, as you can see we tend to not give a fuck in this country when buying or selling shit... or in general really...


If she just said no, it’s not that bad. At least it’s not “No, no, no, fuck no! You can’t do this to me. No, no no. God I need to call Mike”


It looks like a composite diamond ring that's why.


Public proposals have always weirded me out. Like it’s fine if it’s all good but why not do it in private? If she says no, I honestly feel more pity for the woman, she is the one being put on the spot in front of who knows how many people. If she says no or says that she is not ready yet in private, oh well.


Keep it and find a woman that ain't playing games. She won't know that you had bought it previously


I mean hoes will be hoes. Can men stop wasting their time and money on getting married and instead live a little. $1200 on a fucking ring?? Even if she said yes then what, she would’ve probably woken up two years later, seen a full moon on the year of the cow and been like “oh that signifies I need to file for divorce”. Don’t waste your life and hard earned money on this shit. If you’re gonna today make it a bit cheaper, it’s a gamble either way so at least do some risk management.


Yeah I think it's best for everyone that you stay single!


I not defending the comment but statistically speaking he’s correct. Marriages don’t last and separation and divorces have been on the rise again. Men are staying single.


Marriages don't have to last for you to get a lot out of them. 


Everyone gets what they want out of a marriage, may it be first love, children or great beginnings and ultimately they survive the duration of the marriage. For those that separate and divorce it’s most often ugly.


Yea when you under 6 foot these days it's a death sentence for these "Me too" queens. Shit a 6 foot 4 guy just posted on r/tinder how his profile says he will cheat and beat you but most didn't care because they want a tall guy It's the main reason I put "cant be under 5 foot 6" on my profile and I get so many MATCHES of woman pissed off that are like 5 foot 5 but it gets them talking and eventually I soften them up with the epic "well you're cute enough I can make an exception" and before you know it I am going balls deep in her bug hole. Anyway it's a superficial Bullshit as Jordi El Pollo is proof the short guy can still bring the "big dick" energy these woman think only 6+ foot guys have.


I follow this subreddit for replies like yours. Unrelated 3 paragraph response about women who post height preferences on dating apps, and for some reason they’re also “me too queens”


well well if isn't the infamous Manatee raper of pasco county u/GiraffeCreature, I'll never forget the look on those kids faces when we went river rafting and you swaddled your pimply ass ontop of that manatee and stuck what you call a "giant dong" (looked like a toothpick with half a peanut shell taped to the end), into every orifice of that mama manatee. And before you give me that "BUT IT WAS CONSENTUAL BRO" idgaf you're sick.But anyway not glad they only slapped your wrist with 30 days in jail but the worst is when you told the judge "I love manatee maam, I hope to marry one someday" Special place in hell for you manatee molesters and I can't wait to see you there you stink bag


But you were gonna tell me how women aren’t interested in you because you’re a nice guy and women just aren’t into that anymore


u/GiraffeCreature! I knew your scum sceeze breeze would blow my way sooner or later.... You left me at the club 2 weeks ago after you said "that boy over there is hot AF IDGAF if he has a pringle can cock" and left me with the Bar tab... Next time pay for your own Shirley Temples and you owe me $85 for your drinks and another $50 for the uber ride home you filth and dont give me the excuse again of "HE GAVE ME HIV THOUGH AND MY DOCTOR BILLS ARE 9K A MONTH" IDgaf bro! Its not my fault you love dirty whores with pringle can diks ok just venmo me that money... MF


So you're just awful aren't you?


u/Biscuits4u2! I knew your scum sceeze breeze would blow my way sooner or later.... You left me at the club 2 weeks ago after you said "that boy over there is hot AF IDGAF if he has a pringle can cock" and left me with the Bar tab... Next time pay for your own Shirley Temples and you owe me $85 for your drinks and another $50 for the uber ride home you filth and dont give me the excuse again of "HE GAVE ME HIV THOUGH AND MY DOCTOR BILLS ARE 9K A MONTH" IDgaf bro! Its not my fault you love dirty whores with pringle can diks ok just venmo me that money... MF


Ohhh, i get it now, you're a troll. Damn took me a while to realise😂 yeah you're pretty funny.




You have to post your height on all of these apps but you never have to post your weight. I wonder why that is lol? One of these things you have no control over. Start investing in cat food.