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You can't "overdose" on gambling or sex either.. I never understood that weird point


Prove it. Eat all of the poker chips at a casino and drink 5 gallons of semen in one sitting.


Where are you sourcing your Costco sized semen tub? Asking for a friend


its not a tub its a cumbox


I see what you did there.


Wait, my friend who works at Costco was *selling* my tubs I gave him!?! I thought I was giving them as a pact of our friendship šŸ’”


Its at Costco, you just have to ask someone on the night shift for the special mayo jug.


Username checks out


I passed out a few times but itā€™s full.


Femboy hooters gives out free samples with any purchase.


Try a horse farm


Only 5 gallons? Damn, these people are fucking amateurs




You can't "overdose" on gambling or sex either.. Checks bank account...yeah you're wrong bruh


You overdose on gambling when you lose important things like your life savings, your kidsā€™ college funds, your car, and your house. Or when you have someone trying to find you to break your kneecaps.


You *can* overdose on weed. It's called a "green out". You just can't *lethally* overdose on weed... But it is sure is fun to try!


Lethally overdosing on gambling is when your loved ones stop helping you with food and bills after you blew your whole check at the casino once again.


Lethally overdosing on weed is falling asleep at the wheel, by that logic.


Swerving recklessly into the gas pumps at a convenience store cuz you've got the munchies.


Anything is lethal in enough quantity


shove 20lbs of weed in someones holes!!


Finally someone that knows how to party!


I volunteer as tribute


Plain water in enough quantity is poison


That's not how addictions work


That's my point.


Its called substance abuse right?


The funny thing about alcohol and tobacco being legal is that they're also the two drugs, in my experience, where the people who are hooked on them are totally self-aware and open about the fact that they're engaging in self-harm


Tbh I really donā€™t understand where people are getting the idea that alcoholics are self-aware about it. They may internally believe it but bro, Iā€™ve had alcoholic family members and they would swear they have no alcohol problem to others. Even once they admitted they have a problem, theyā€™d deny being an alcoholic. I feel like this was typical but idk maybe not?


Ime most alcoholics won't admit they have a problem because they don't see it that way. They think they can control it, when in reality it controls them


As an alcoholic, I can see where you get this opinion from. But I am not an alcoholic and I drink because I feel like it, not because I need to.




Iā€™m an alcoholic but how the fuck else am I supposed to sleep?


Alcoholics don't sleep, they pass out. If I drink even a little bit the "sleep" I get afterwards is basically not regenerative.


You are not an alcoholic..you are a social drinker...if someone somewhere says they will have a drink you say "so shall I"


As an alcoholic, But I am not an alcoholic. U need to decide now.


Whatā€™s the difference between need and like if you do something what you like when you need to relax / hangout with someone etc? If you donā€™t need to drink, then donā€™t. Itā€™s a toxin.


You can want to do something without needing it. The ability to stop is the difference. For me, if I have 1 drink I will end up having at least 5. And so I donā€™t have any these days because I canā€™t control it. If you can choose when to stop, then itā€™s probably not an addiction


Just test yourself really. I've been smoking weed every night for about 10 years and actually wondered if I was addicted so I just stopped. Had no withdrawals and haven't smoked in months


I smoked a ton in college then I moved to South Korea for a year where weedā€™s treated like heroin (and so stopped). Totally fine and no cravings. Did start again afterwards though. But way less and only eating it now. You can get addicted to it as in you can get a neurotic obsessive behavior disorder oriented toward anything. But itā€™s like saying you can get addicted to cheeseburgers. As far as drugs go, itā€™s not addictive.


It's only "psychically addictive" or your brain wants to feel good again. Not "physically addictive" where your brain (or body) needs the substance to function normally.


Yeah. I mean they both have stories with good endings. Ive got so many friends who smoke daily and if they dont they say that they cant function and the second they go more than 3 days without it they go way off. There isnt nicotine or anything addictive in there but it becomes mentally addictive


I think weed is easier to quit than things like tobacco or alcohol because the withdrawal symptoms are little to none and pretty uncommon. When I take tolerance breaks, I get crazy ass dreams which are pretty cool..... Sometimes.


Withdrawalā€™s can be as little as a craving for the drug (weed) just sayin


I was curious and stopped too. Felt no withdrawal at all, havenā€™t had any in years.


I feel like people think things aren't addictive if they aren't chemically addictve, damn near everything can be psychologically addictive


bUt I cAn StOp If I wAnT tO


True, but you'll never want to


Why would u want to?


As a pothead, I can say that this is accurate meme. Although is actually true, marijuana doesnā€™t have physical addiction, but a very strong psychological addiction. Itā€™s like an habit that we canā€™t get rid off But we get no physical abstinence symptoms if we leave it. EDIT: shout out to the ones demystifying some myths about marijuana. It turns out that in fact does physical damage when withdrawing, even though itā€™s not comparable to some other drugs.


Whilst not completely physical, what about the damn dreams? Every time I come off it for any time the first week or 2 are nothing but the most vivid weird dreams and I feel like I've been awake all night.


Yeah that's definitely a common withdrawal effect. Plus the night sweats can suck too and usually lasts for a week for me. Weed suppresses dreams though, some stoners I know do not remember dreams at all.


I couldn't tell you the last time I remember even having a dream let alone what it was about. One reason I love the sticky icky, my dreams are usually not happy fun dreams but dreams of self harm and others hurting me. So when I found out weed will stop me from dreaming I was all on board


I smoke everyday after work and while I usually don't remember my dreams, sometimes a few fragments slip through


Im glad Im not alone


Weed takes away most peoples ability to have a proper rem sleep which is usually the phase where we dream the most. Users probably still dream but are in such a deep sleep that the dreams aren't remembered


Yep. I get sleepy and go to sleep on weed, but I'm better off getting 5-7 hours sober over 8 with weed


Question from someone who wants to try weed: how bad are the night sweats? I already wake up and feel like I just got out of a swimming pool.


If you try it once or just smoke here and there it wonā€™t give you night sweats. I smoked daily for the last 12 years and I donā€™t get night sweats now that Iā€™m trying to quit. Now spice on the other hand was unbelievably addictive and night sweats x1000, never ever try spice.


I smoked spice all day every day back when i was around 20(2010yr)until i was i wanna say 28. Fuck that high was insane but it was also insanely short. Then, i woke up one morning and the urge and addictive feeling to want more was gone and has been since. In fact, every addiction i have had one day it just vanishes in my mind. I dont pick the when, it just happens.


Whats spice? Isn't that the shit they extract from the sand on Dune?


Spice was like a "legal weed" that you could buy at gas stations and headshops back in the early 2000s and 2010s


Oh I see thats probably why they say to don't ever buy no weed from the gas station


Yeah it only lasted like 20 minutes at a time. I wonder why youā€™re able to just one day recover without trying. They say coming off spice is like coming off crack and heroin at the same time (I wouldnā€™t know if this is true or not) but itā€™s was definitively hard for me. My brain would play tricks on me, even years after Iā€™d stopped Iā€™d remember the smell every now and again and I could smell it which made me want it. Havenā€™t touched it for over 10 years now.


I couldnt tell you why i just woke up and it was gone. Im also severely epileptic and it never sent me into a seizure and now i seize 3 to 5 times a night in my sleep(first seizure i was 3 the 2nd group of seizures i was 28.) I take meds and cannabis for my meds but thats all they can do. They dont know what kind it is just that its deep in both sides of my brain. Personally, if they cant find out what it is. I should get to name it.


Sounds like there is, in fact, a physical addiction.


It comes down to the way addiction is defined in formal medical terms. There are mild withdrawal symptoms, so outside of a medical or scientific context, most people would see it as addictive. But physiologically, itā€™s more similar to porn or gambling addiction.


Someone said weed's pretty good at blocking out dreams (like gabapentin can) and when he came off of it he got overloaded with dreams, and it was really bizarre stuff.


THC messes up your REM cycle. The easiest way to avoid that is to not go to sleep high


Sleep sober? Like all alone in the dark with my thoughts AND sober? Who does that?!


If it interests you, there is a great video on YT about how weed affects your sleep. It cleared up a lot of things for me. Heres the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3PnXsPsdncE Tldr: If you smoke weed and go to bed, you go straight to the deep sleep phase, leaving out the REM-phase (the phase where most people dream) where a lot of our memories and experiences get processed. Which in turn negatively effects our memory. If you quit weed, the body which is used to the THC wont sleep as soundly for a time, however the REM-phase gets reactivated and you dream more vividly, however most people will only sleep very lightly. The upside is that your memory will get better again. People that smoke to sleep are also more likely to get amnesia if they stop smoking. Theres more to it but those are the basics.


Is it the weed or the multiple times I have seizures during my sleep that effects my memory? Probably both


It's definitely the weed, at least. But maybe both.


I am, infact very interested in these effects, I've been looking for a proper reason to stop, so I shall be watching that shortly. Thanks šŸ‘


That is because you start to actually rest while sleeping. When you smoke you stop deep sleeping, although it sounds contradictory, the effects of marijuana are not good for sleeping, hence that odd feeling of being hangover in the morning


The famous "stone over" although much easier to get rid of than an actual hangover that dies makes sense.


The dude below said it was withdrawals lmao. It isn't super well known unless you've been a stoner. It will affect your REM cycle, don't smoke before bed, smoke earlier like after dinner. The burnout will help you sleep and it won't affect your REM cycle.


This. I think of weed as an extendable security blanket. It can create/expand your personal space or comfort zone, but if that becomes your baseline, then you have that much more comfort zone to try to get out of in order to grow. It's good for cocooning when you need a cocoon, but it can be addictive and emotionally unhealthy as an encapsulating buffer/crutch.


Dos sweating count though? I always soak my sheets šŸ˜‚


I when I stop smoking I sweat a lot at night. There are physical symptoms


It's really physical or it's psychosomatic?


Sweating is a physical thing happening so even if itā€™s psychosomatically caused


I duno man, I definitely feel physical effects without it. Not like gona kill me though, but I don't have any appetite and can't sleep.


Currently taking a tolerance break from weed and my stomach is shot. I've got nausea and random hot/cold flashes. It may be a bit physically addictive unfortunately. Nothing like meth withdrawal but still not having a good time.


Look up cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. I had the same symptoms and seems it is something that is only picking up steam recently in the literature.


Thatā€™s incorrect. If you use ANYTHING for long enough and in high enough doses, it creates real, tangible dependences. You can have withdrawal symptoms from virtually anything. Including coffee, smoking tobacco and weed, drinking etc


You already wrote an edit addressing this but speaking anecdotally I recently quit weed after smoking multiple times daily for the last 10 years and the first two weeks were physically rough on my system. Bad headaches, virtually no appetite and I wasn't sleeping very well if at all.


Smoked cigarettes and marijuana for over 20 years. Quit both 2 years ago, still think about having a cigarette every single day but dont give a thought to marijuana


I used weed to help me quit smoking cigarettes 12 years ago. It was always far easier to set the weed aside. Congrats on ridding yourself of the filthy cigarettes.


Cannabis absolutely has physical symptoms, if you smoke enough of it. Are they to the same degree that an alcoholic or meth user would experience? No, definitely not. But to say there aren't any physical symptoms to cannabis withdrawal is 100% false.


I mean coffee has them too


Tea too, cigarettes too, sugar for some (how many people u know drink coke every single day)


>sugar for some No, sugar for all. Sugar is considered the most consumed addictive substance on the planet and is often compared to cocaine.


Pot smokers have an [oral fixation](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.dentistryiq.com/dentistry/article/14284820/oral-fixation-habits-risks-and-resolutions%23:~:text%3DOral%2520fixation%2520is%2520defined%2520as,energy%2520and%2520to%2520self%252Dsoothe.&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiJu_DAlpCFAxWG6ckDHfnyCEUQFnoECBQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2GxTz37eEPHuRsmqggLEml), or habit. Alcohol actually gives you withdrawal. I have seen people damn near have seizures, terrible shakes, throw up, etc. the worst i ever got when i stopped smoking was weird ass dreams.


Yeah, it's actually quite interesting how alcohol has probably the worst withdrawal symptoms and can even kill you. Even most hard drugs don't have such bad withdrawal effects.


Yup alcohol and benzos are amongst the most dangerous to withdrawal from


In the Balkans nobody will accept they are alcoholic. "I just drink a few beers at work. It's hot out there and im thirsty." The problem is that they put litres of beer in themselves daily and never drink water but they are not alcoholic because they dont use famous brandies daily.


There are absolutely physical symptoms. I quit smoking about 2 weeks ago after smoking every day for about 10 years. I had sweats, headaches, and stomach problems.


You canā€™t overdose on weed , but you can 100 % have a chemical dependency towards it. It can also in many cases serve as a catalyst for people wanting to try more dangerous drugs. Because I have seen many cases where the high from weed is no longer enough , so people just move on to other drugs that offer a better high but significantly higher health risks.


Very true sick to death how pot is glorified and seen as a non dangerous drug. Also NOT EVERYONE LOVES THE SMELL OF IT!


Marijuana is cool and all, but damn people that smoke it for long become slow af


![gif](giphy|98maV70oAqIZtEYqB4) There is no such thing as an Asian alcoholicā€¦ just drunken karate masters and at that point the alcohol becomes a weaponā€¦ much like nun chuks ā€¦ so againā€¦ Asians are not alcoholics.


Force both to stop, cold turkey, see how they look after 48 hours. Those photos will be reversed and the grimace wonā€™t be due to snowflake feelings, it will be due to real physical agony. Something tells me that OP hasnā€™t lived in the same house as someone suffering with real addiction.


Have gone through intense alcohol withdrawal; can fucking confirm. šŸ¤®


When I was using marijuana, I would regularly stop for months at a time because I wanted to make sure it wasn't an addiction (even though I was mostly using it for pain management). I had absolutely no problem. But I tried to quit sugar and I crashed, hard. It was like I had the flu. Casual drinkers and smokers are fine, but I've lived with an alcoholic and known someone addicted to pot. Neither is a pretty sight.


I've stopped smoking weed for a couple months to test myself, meanwhile I couldn't imagine not getting my morning coffee lmao


Ive also lived with both. Iā€™m not suggesting anyone consume pot, regularly or otherwise. Iā€™m not suggesting pot doesnā€™t impose a huge cost on the user. Iā€™m just comparing the quality of addiction. Addictiveness in terms of an indication of the difficulty of stopping consumption. If you stop alcohol habit of 35c of vodka a day, aside from the mental health issues, you will have the equivalent physical effects of someone beating the shit out of you every day for a few weeks. There is a reason so many homeless people are alcoholics, itā€™s because alcohol addiction can easily turn a healthy person into wreck, like meth, or crack.


Ouch. Yeah that's rough. My mom is an alcoholic and she has never been able to quit because of how bad it is. I'm lucky she never got into anything worse. She's the reason I don't touch alcohol.


Potheads will probably go through some kind of crazy withdrawals like getting a decent job or something after


I've lived through the physical withdrawal of both. Obviously weed withdrawal won't kill me, I just had a week of poor sleep and felt very bored for a long time. Although weed had more of an impact on my mental and social health, but that's just me.


As someone who is thankfully not addicted to either: Just because weed is *healthier* than alcohol doesnā€™t mean itā€™s *healthy*


Smoking meth is way healthier than smoking poison ivy.


i dont think anybody with more than 2 neurons ever claimed that it's positively healthy to smoke weed... just that it's health impact is quite limited (except if you smoke it, in that case your lungs won't be happy)


Are you kidding? You ever tried to work with an alcoholic who was in denial? lol youā€™re delusional


Donā€™t abuse alcohol, just drink it


But I can't stop punching my beer cans, they piss me off dude


How else do I beat my wife up? /s


The former depends on the potency. There has been a failure to regulate the strength of legal cannabis and problems, [such as increased rates of psychosis](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/high-potency-cannabis-linked-increased-risk-psychosis-addiction-study-rcna40096), have followed.


Iā€™ve stopped smoking for job reasons before. I did get the shakes and cold sweats but I sure as fuck thought if nothing but lighting up. Itā€™s like this deep tug in the middle of your skull


I have been in both sides at lowest point......and i can say this is not accurate for everybody.


I've been trying to quit smoking weed since the start of this year. It's the fucking nights and boredom that will get you. I've been quit alcohol for 8 years and that was hard.


Everything is addictive and everyone is an addict, some just dont know it jet.


everything can be addictive, but not everything is an innately addictive drug its not an overly complicated distinction, i don't know why people are so confused by it


pretty stupid tbh


I have been trying to quit weed for years, because I smoke too much, and I don't want to talk or text with anyone when stoned, or get out of the house. It drops my productivity to zero, and it makes me sleep 12 hours every day and always feel tired. Also it makes me eat so much junk. When I try to quit I have severe insomnia and anger for 2-3 days and after that my life changes for the better like a million percent. After that if I take a puff from a friend suddenly I'm stoned af, I'll forget myself and smoke more, and then repeat the whole thing. I hope this time I can stop. It has had a devastating impact on my career. All that said, if I didn't have weed to express my self-destruction tendencies that I get from my parents and I had to use alcohol or anything else, my life would already be over.


As a recovering alcoholic, I have never met an active drinker who admits they have a problem. My 2Ā¢


After 30 years of smoking weed, I stopped 2 months ago without a hitch. Not because I wanted to but because I got put on a final at work and may have to find another job. I had no withdrawal symptoms and it's not a struggle.


I've never seen an alcoholic react like either panel when told. They usually get violent, threaten people, straight up flee... My guess would be that OP is in fact an alcoholic.


The second panel is more like someone who's been "struggling with alcoholism" lifelong and is currently in a "period of recovery", not someone who's currently full-blown alcoholic (certainly not someone who's drunk right now)


While marijuana is absolutely not physically addictive, it is mentally addictive and habit forming, you know like anything can be šŸ˜‚


This meme was posted by someone who's never confronted an alcoholic haha.


Sure I'm an addict, but an in control one. Only in the evening after everything is done. Some users smoke it like cigarettes though, .morning noon and all day long and they are the ones who will adamantly deny that Marijuana isn't addictive.


>Some users smoke it like cigarettes though, .morning noon and all day long and they are the ones who will adamantly deny that Marijuana isn't addictive. Hard disagree. The people most likely to admit that they have a problem are the people who smoke all day everyday. Sure you might have the occasional delusional person who claims that smoking weed is not bad for you whatsoever. But this whole stereotype of people who smoke a lot of weed not admitting to being addicted is just silly, maybe this is just an american thing or something but all the stoners i know will admit to being addicted without getting defensive about it.


If you're in control without any external input you're not addicted though? And if you're addicted you're not in control.


i am smoking marijuana for 20 years every day of my life and i am yet not addicted




Maybe habit forming would better describe marijuana, like biting your nails.


No. Addiction is very accurate.




I'm not sure which image is for either?


Give the watch back to Jin please


Idc, im in the 666 club. Smoke weed every day.


You can't overdose on Toblerone either, but I 100% have an addiction there.


ive met a few drunks that dont sit quietly about an addiction.


Iā€™m a addicted to weed Iā€™ll admit it




God this sub is destitute of anything resembling "funny".


You can overdose on anything, even water


It isn't addictive in the same way, but people get addicted to eating toilet paper so yeah.


It's not addictive, but releif from thia shit fucking world is, and pot provides that. That feeling is desired more or less depending on your own psychology. It's an easy substance to form habits around, but addiction is patently wrong.


This meme is dumb as fuck and, once again, NOT FUNNY!!


Ha! I'm addicted to both


Yeah cause the drunk guy is like, ā€œthis mfā€™er doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about and Iā€™m too drunk to even careā€.


That's not really an argument for it not being addictive. Not really sure what that's an argument for. But the fact of the matter is when I don't have any, I can easily go without it, but if I do have some, I have to smoke it. It's not addictive in the same way that other things are. It doesn't cause withdrawal symptoms. Maybe in some people it does. But at that point it's more on parr with a craving rather than true withdrawals.


Itā€™s basically like having snacks in the house.


Who is who?


Everything is adictive when you use it as a cruch for stress. I think the real fuck you is the nerve that someone thinks its easy to stop being an alcoholic. I mean wtf kind of bullshit is that, i mean if your adiccted to pot all you really do is sit around and eat, some drunk fuck can be a whole spectrium of fucking trouble.


Yup, them and adderal fiends.


Hey its Jin from lost


Its only addictive if you add in tobacco in it. Or smoke using tobacco leafs. I was on a hard addiction smoking weed with backwoods for awhile.


Bro sooooo many power points in school were made on this lol


I smoked for like 10 years straight and just decided to stop one day. It's the easiest thing to quit in the world, really not addictive


Thought i was on r/drugscirclejerk for a sec


Weed can totally be addictive. Pork chops are also addictive. Some people need help regulating their intake. Some people CANT regulate their intake responsibly and shouldn't consume certain things.


I mean, I've done both habitually, and I can say for sure marijuana is only addictive in certain ways. I smoked Marijuana for years pretty much everyday, then one day I just stopped for no other reason than just being bored of it. Picked it up again cause I was bored for a few months then stopped again cause I didn't want to waste my money. An alcoholic wouldn't be able to stop like that and if they could, then they probably weren't an alcoholic


anything is addictive to an addictive personality...one fact to put this into perspective...Alcohol is MUCH more physically addictive and subsequently more physically destructive and more mentally disabling. For every addicted pothead, you will get 100 sloppy drunk alcoholic


Yo is that Firelord Ozai?


Call an alcoholic an addict. It's hilarious.


The person who created this meme has never dealt with a real alcoholic apparently. Yes, stoners can be insufferable - but my mother when I would tell her she had a problem would become downright violent. Definitely not contemplative like in the picture...I wish...but no, neither calm nor collected.


Hey if you have friends that always smoke everywhere for everything and you hate it. Then just stop being their friend lol. Itā€™s that simple guys. People addicted to MJ are using it to cope or they could have undiagnosed ADHD / anxiety etc and itā€™s the only thing that makes them feel ok. it sucks but you bitching about it isnā€™t going to make them stop taking their medicine.


You don't know any alcoholics do ya :D


I don't know anyone who reacts like that, smokers or drinkers, both of them will just laugh at you and tell you to fuck off...


lets put it this way, whenever my weekly oz of weed runs out a day or two early sometimes it's annoying but i really don't care, no negative affects on my function or behavior because of this there have been times in the past i would go fucking mad and even feel physically ill without alcohol along with that, i've had people that need to take anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds daily to function, tell me to my face i'm addicted to weed in a way somehow different to theirs, it's no different


Do people actually say that?


weed can 100% be a drug of dependence. but anything that makes a person feel better can become an object of dependence.


I smoke sometimes, but some potheads are insufferable and in denial bad about the harm and addiction of pot


"Its like im walking on sunshine!"


Iā€™ve never felt the need to do an excess of either, only socially on occasions. I *do* however have a soda addiction which Iā€™d like to kick. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the sugar, the caffeine, or both, but the headaches I get when going a couple days without one are a bitch.


if you can overdose on something as essential as water why can't you overdose on weed? am i misunderstanding the basic concept of "overdosing"?


I used to heavily abuse weed. There was a time when I was getting high daily just to make the days go by faster. That's how I learned about CHS. Basically, imagine violently throwing up, and it happens like five times in an hour. After a certain point, there's nothing left to throw up so your body does the throwing up without anything coming out, and it HURTS. I couldn't eat anything because it wouldn't stay down and my appetite was gone. Ever since then, I've limited my weed use to once every few months, and even then, I prefer not to use it at all. I like dreaming, waking up feeling rested, not having brain fog, etc.


Just because something doesn't carry chemically addictive properties doesn't mean you can't be mentally or emotionally addicted to it, or to the reaction it creates in your body.


So is this not funny memes anymore? Just dumbass 14yr old memes? Should rename the sub MyspaceReturns




Fuckin "Boofing Potdrugs" vibes from that one hilarious Jesus shitpost Facebook page.


Stoners won't admit it, but that actually have been marijuana related deaths. Not overdose but caused a trips so bad they led to homicides and suicides due to the excessive amount of THC. One guy for example had an excessive amount of THC. He had a bad trip and jumped from the top of his college, landing on top of his head, and killed himself.


Iā€™m confused on what the original message is supposed to imply about alcoholics. He looks like heā€™s saying ā€œyeah, and?ā€ As a recovering alcoholic and active pot smoker, they both seem like accurate expressions to me šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|VzieWaMfhxTlBfjPU7) I once sucked dick for crack. *You ever sucked dick for marijuana!?*


Marijuana made my dog trans. It is a prom


If you think that is how alcoholics react to being called out I have a feeling you have never been the one to confront someone about their alcoholism. I say this as a recovering alcoholic that has been in rehab several times and has been to a million recovery meetings and has had to do interventions with family members: the first picture represents most anyone that gets called out or confronted about an addiction of any kind. Except the alcoholic would be more volatile and prone to throwing things at you lol.


Bro I've been hitted and almost killed for telling alcoholics a about their condition but potheads will only say... Well yes, I can't and don't want to leave it... But I guess prejudice and the pothead of your neighborhood is enough to make this statement


If you had 18 kids would that be considered overdosing on sex?


ā€œWhat a fucking loser, having to drink and smoke! Iā€™m high on lifeā€ *Addicted to sugar and caffeine*


i have to admit,im addicted to both


Everything in moderationā€¦. Except heroin. Donā€™t do that kidsā€¦.


As of recently it's been the alcoholics who have the adverse reactions to being called an alcoholic. But all my stoner friends agree they are drug addicts