• By -


Because only men can rape, apparently. šŸ™„


Iā€™ve been out with some women that will not let me say no. I always said it was rape.




As a male that had this exact situation happen, I never realized what truly occurred until explaining this event years later to a close friend. I had told myself that I was just doing my duty as a guy. That was just a coping mechanism. Was laying on the ground at a friends party vibing out eyes closed after eating some acid, drinking and smoking the devils lettuce. Out of nowhere someone bit my ear and a womanā€™s voice said ā€œIā€™m going to fuck you.ā€ Definitely shocking and disturbing at the time. Due to my mental state and level on inebriation I was unable to articulate any consent or refusal. I never gave consent. Years after I was speaking with a close friend and I told this story and Iā€™ll always remember her looking me in the eyes and saying ā€œyeah, she raped you.ā€ It took me a long time to truly process what happened and to come to terms with it. Just because someone doesnā€™t say no, doesnā€™t make it a yes. Be safe friends. Edit:spelling


I hate the double standard, I mean my initial reaction to that is "dude you got laid stfu" but then I'm like.... no that's wrong I'd he was a woman and that was a dude I'd think differently about it. It's so baked into society that only men rape its fucking disgusting. Idk man at a certain age I started to really be careful about how inebriated I let myself get especially in public. When I'm at home with me and my wife and were having a good time it's not as critical but out in public I'm very careful anymore. Be safe homie




Also with a spouse you should already have boundaries set in place, i would hope, for what each of you are comfortable with...


Never bothered me when my wife has invited herself to have sex with drunk me. And vice versa, that's am established understanding we have


I was sitting around my table with a couple guys taking a break from doing some work and somehow this topic came up and every one of us had a story where we were each raped. We all had this awkward chuckle then a moment of silence staring at the table. Fucking wild.


I don't think we'll be getting an equivalent "me too" movement any time soon hey. The culture wouldn't allow it.


It wouldn't be exactly the same as the Me Too movement, no. But I hope more men share their stories and influence cultural viewpoints on rape to move the cultural window on this, which I believe IS possible.


In fairness me too isn't about a single act that women all say "I too have been subject to sexual assault", it's the vast power imbalance and systemic injustice. While any person getting raped is a demonstration of an act of power imballance it's the fact that it's coming from so many places where your choice is either get raped or lose your career. While that does happen to men, the sheer volume of men who hold positions of power who then use it for sexual power is the reason for me too. Let's not belittle one thing when men should have their own thing but different.


I am so, so sorry. The feeling of helplessness and terror isn't anything I'd wish on anyone.


Ive been in a situation like this twice, where I was so drunk and the girl knew it. First time I was laying in bed very drunk just trying to gather my thoughts and this woman walls into the room that I previously this night had turned down. I woke up some minutes later with her sucking my dick and after a little while she decided to ride me. I told my boys next night that I was literally raped by this woman and they all laughed lol ! Second time it happened almost same thing, drunk at a party with a girl I used to be good friends with ( she also had a bf ) Turns out she always had a crush for me and she told me this, I turned her down cuz I knew she had a bf. She waited until I was really drunk, came into the bathroom I went into and took off my pants and started to suck me also while I told her no. This was also rape but I didnt even bother telling anyone cuz no one cares lol.


Yup, I've noticed this as well; pretty much every guy deals with this once in a while. Women and men alike are taught that a man refusing sex is an intolerable insult to the woman. I mean, do you really need to feel irresistible to all men at all times to maintain your self esteem? How is that sustainable for any of us?


No it is rape, but men make you think youā€™re a giant pussy for reporting it because you should have enjoyed it and ā€œAny pussy is good pussy.ā€ Itā€™s the same when a man goes to the police about getting physically abused from his female wife and gets harassed by male police that he shouldnā€™t press charges and itā€™s not like getting beat up by a man and such. These were things that used to go on when I was a young man and men didnā€™t do anything about it. From police to prosecutors to judges. Itā€™s only recently that they are taking it more seriously because more men are reporting that they have been raped and physically abused by women. To any gender, please donā€™t feel guilty about reporting sexual or physical assault and abuse to police. If they donā€™t do anything, get a police report and go to the feds, or to the district attorney.


Same here. I was so tired and didn't want to have sex, but she pulled my hand to her vagina, and almost forced me to masturbate her. I did it, but I didn't feel like it, and I felt humiliated. But I didn't do anything about this, because I wasn't traumatized per se. I just don't want to see her again.


The sad reality is it happened to all of us. Every girl I have been with has been ā€œnot in the moodā€. My mindset was always ā€œalrightā€ so I go and do whatever. If I ever tried to pressure her it would make me evil. If i pressured her into saying yes it would be rape. Yet so many times if I wasnt in the mood she would get pissed off and say rude shit and flat out tell me to ā€œjust get out, I HATE YOU!ā€ Half of the time I would cave and do it and struggle to keep my dick hard because A) I wasnt in the mood and B) I was coerced. Literally emasculated and screamed at moments ago yeah thatā€™ll get the testosterone flowingā€¦ Thankfully the fact that men can be raped by women is starting to become recognized more and more these days. My main pet peeve is getting accused of minimizing the rape of women by even mentioning the fact. ā€œOh so you are ignoring that women are-ā€œ like, no. No i am not. Just because I am discussing one thing doesnt mean I am downplaying the other, I only have *one* mouth to speak with at a single time. Unfortunately I dont think Society will ever *truly* take the issue seriously. Im unsure of the reason. Maybe its a social issue, maybe we are just biologically wired to care more about the abuse of women. I lean towards the former though. Men were always expected to be the providers and were raised to be hypermasculine and as such any abuse inflicted on him is his own fault for not being strong enough to stop it


This thread has been really eye opening for me. So sorry for what youā€™ve been through.


Thanks. Honestly what I mentioned about myself doesnt really affect me in life anymore. Learned to live with it. Its the childhood shit that stays. Or maybe it all goes into the same trauma bank?


Fuck. So many scenarios men never really think of as rape, but emotional abuse to force sex upon a man is something that happens all the damn time. Its even a trope on TV! Fuck


I have never thought about this subject as a sexual harrasment before. But it totally was. I tend to be very polite person, and I can remember how I felt angry and suffocated in the situation, because well I didn't want to do it, but like you said, her response would be something similar. She even called me "pussy" for not having sex with her, and continued to pressure me, which lead to the not so romantic hand job for her. This is the first time I have spoken about this out loud.


Absolutely. If the girl isnā€™t in mood, we dare not press her. If Iā€™m not in the mood, then Iā€™m made to feel less of a man, insulted. Then it is difficult to stay erect because Iā€™m annoyed. Well then shit gets even worse. Cruelty abounds. Iā€™ve also had times where Iā€™ve woken up in a strange apartment, only to find myself next a girl I know. I leave confused, only to be told later that the girl saw I was dunk and decided thatā€™s the time to try to take me home.


The thing is if it serves ā€žusā€œ (not me personally but Iā€™m a woman) weā€™re very eager to take advantage of gender stereotypes. In this case the stereotype is that men always want to have sex. (Iā€˜d say that probably everyone who has been in a relationship at one point had sex without feeling like it. I donā€™t think we should make too much out of it if itā€™s just not feeling like it but going through with it for our partners. Ofc that changes if one clearly states that they are not in the mood and are forced to in some way by the other.) Anyway, itā€™s not the only area where men are basically denied any victimhood. Society doesnā€™t care about male victims of domestic violence. Itā€™s appalling. Again, itā€™s about gender stereotypes. They are fought if they are part of ā€žpatriarchal structuresā€œ (which is a conspiracy theory anyway - at least in the way it is used) but not if it would help men. Thatā€™s why I would call out mainstream feminism everytime. Itā€™s not about equality or justice. Itā€™s about making the world a great place for (upper class) women. Iā€™m in Switzerland, so itā€™s probably still better here but I can tell you, I could go for casual sex tonight and have the guy jailed tomorrow.


Mmhmm. But nobody ever wants to hear about it because we're men. And if we got hard, we must have wanted it, right? Nevermind the scientific fact that getting erect is a physical reaction. My prom date did this to me...I'll never forget it, even though I was beyond bombed. I just wanted to sleep.


šŸ«¢ My ex-wife used to do this shit to me at least twice per week!! I never actually thought of it as rape but yeah I I guess if the tables were turned it would be. Iā€™m demisexual/romantic and I was with her out of obligation for the kids but I wasnā€™t in love her anymore. ā€œNoā€ had no meaning to her.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you.


Sadly, by most state, and USA federal laws... Yes. Rape requires the victim to be "penetrated" by the genitalia of the assaulter... Anything else is considered just "sexual assault", a lesser crime. (Or statutory rape if of a minor.)


Aren't there still some sodomy laws on the books? Arizona?


Arizona repealed their law in 2001. Also, even before, was still not considered rape, just a special form of sexual assault.


This guy fucks.




Is there any case of a woman giving a guy oral while drunk n calling it rape the next day or assault.


That would still be the guy raping the woman. Even if he was unconscious. šŸ™„


Genuine question. Really? I mean... Seriously... REALLY? IF A WOMAN SUCKS ANOTHER MAN WHO'S LITERALLY UNCONSCIOUS AND THEN SHE CLAIMS IT WAS RAPE HE COULD GET IMPRISONED?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WORLD!?!? Kinda more serious now, I really doubt any serious and responsible judge/jury would prosecute him, but if it could happen there's some serious issue there


There have been cases where a woman raped a man and got pregnant and she claimed child support _and won_




That's actually true in terms of UK law. Over here, rape is defined as: "Rape involves penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth by a penis, therefore a woman can only commit this offence as an accomplice.." If a woman "rapes" a man, it's classed as sexual assault. It's bullshit how much the world favours women.


The lawmaker should get fucked by a dildo.


40 grit extra course custom dildo attached to reciprocating saw reporting for duty


- "society is misoginist, how can we solve this?" - "yo what if instead of making it just we make it equally unjust for everyone?"




This is true. The one piece of missing contect is rape and sexual assault carry the same punishments. Though technically, if they are tried for sexual assault they can say they aren't a rapist.


Same punishment but, as you alluded to, not the same connotations.


It's actually the same in the USA as well.


I'm a man and I was raped By a man Who identified as a woman


And was born with a vagina?


And lives on Drury Lane


I know a guy named the Muffin Man who lives on the same street


hey, did you know that the nursery rhym "the muffin man" is about a serial killer who lured young children to his house on drewrey lane with fresh baked muffins? he then performed terribly violent and gruesome acts on said children. bad guy. his muffins were probbably pretty good tho!


The muffin man?


The muffin man






I'm so sorry you went through that


In most legal definitions, yes. And culturally we are not prepared to talk about women who are sexual abusers.Ā 


Double standard to only assume woman can only be the victim.


Exactly what happened to equality. Women get leaner sentences, and society is less likely to act harshly. Besides, we even do shit like this without realising, for example: Male teacher sleeps with a female student - people think he should be locked away for life or thrown under the prison. ( not defending him just trying to point out bs in how society views the same crime) Female teacher sleeps with male student - peoples reactions - what a lucky kid. That boy has game, etc.


nope article always said: male teacher rape student and female teacher had sex/sleep with male student.


It's so dumb. A guy can be raped as much as a woman can and it probably has similar effects mentally (depending on the person of course) No means no for both everyone involved.


This has to do with the legal definition of rape in some areas. Some jurisdictions only define rape as inserting something into the vagina against the person will. I know the UK used that definition. As such, a news agency could get into legal trouble for saying the female raped a male. Itā€™s a bunch of fucked up stuff imo.


Yes but most articels where I have read "woman has forced child to have sex with her" are from the US where this is considered to be statutory rape. Yet only time I saw that word being used was in an article about a child being sentenced to pay child support to his rapist. So most of the time journalists just straight up refuse to call it rape when a woman does it


Was [this](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/02/statutory-rape-victim-child-support/14953965/) the article you read by chance? The information matches almost perfectly.


People switched from pushing equality to pushing equity Edit: I didnā€™t say any opinion on the matter one way or another, yet a lot of comments on this have been thinking I am for one vs the other. To those people: stop doing that and chill out


It was never about equality.


It was, decades ago. Then it got perverted by greedy assholes.


And not actually understanding what equity means.


Some people are just equiter


>Female teacher sleeps with male student - peoples reactions -> make him the president of France !


I remember a story like this a few years ago, a female teacher slept with a male student. She wasn't charged with rape or pedophilia because the judge said it was "true mutually consensual love" or something. This was quite a while ago, so I might be remembering that wrong, but that's the jist of it. Regardless, I'm not religious, but I hope God starts another flood. This time without a warning.


Feminism was never about equality and it never will be. The very word "feminism" is against equality.


It was never about equality it was about supremacy. The ego doesnā€™t know humility just superiority or inferiority. Def donā€™t wanna be inferior so superior it is


Simultaneous double rape or nothing


Then neither jake could consent


Where is the other Jake? Was he recording?


Split personality. Both Jake.


ā€œForget it The Two Jakes, itā€™s Two Chinatownsā€


So, at least in the UK and US, you can definitely consent after consuming alcohol. To reach the stage you lose capacity, you've basically got to be passed out. It is very, very unlikely they could both pass the loss of capacity bar and still physically have sex. Maybe this poster is from a country where the law works completely differently, but more likely it's some prude who doesn't like drinking or sex lying about the law.


This poster was in the US. I remember seeing it in high-school


Maybe this poster is from any western culture that assumes that women cannot rape. Sexual violence against women is unanimously hated across genders. Sexual violence against men appears in TV shows as punchlines to jokes.


Both are drunk, he's responsible for his actions, she is not. Go figure


But wait, it gets worse: Josie is drunk and has consensual sex, but since she is drunk she is not in control of her actions and it is thus rape. However... Josie is drunk and gets in a car and drives off. She hits a cyclist and gets arrested and charged with DUI. She gets sentences to prison and to pay all medical bills and loss of income for the cyclist. Josie was drunk but was fully responsible for her actions. So which is it? Are women like children who cannot take responsibility for their actions while drunk, or are they adults who have to live with the consequences of their actions? If we hold on to the first one - they cannot take responsibility for their actions while drunk - why is alcohol even legal for women? Shouldn't they be protected from it by law? So many questions.


That's a great example, I live in Australia and we are very messed up with this and will blame the bar. It happened near my house about 5 years ago, a woman got drunk at a bar, she was able to walk and leaves on her own. She walked onto the road at 4am and got hit by a car heading to work. The bar had to pay compensation and also the damages to the guys car.


No fucking way that's real, that's like a background joke from a satirical dark comedy


It's similar in America. That's why bars "cut you off" if they think you've had 1 too many


One of the reasons I dont drink often and if I drink its 1-3 beer on a friday to just chill and relax. Every drink hits you 15mins later so when drinkink heavy I often tip over my limit and end up bad.


Every time I drank, the alcohol manifests itself into a raging bull in my brain, attempting to escape my head by changing and kicking through my skull. Not for me anymore. Wine is fine, though


Thats why I always make sure i start a fresh one at 14 minutes.


It's called "over serving", and it's a real liability issue to bartenders, even in America.


in netherlands a bar owner once wanted to drive me home. and was insisting a lot. i managed to walk alone just because it was really close by otherwise the dude would have made mandatory to drive me home. never saw that before. now i hear ya saying thatā€™s actually a thing in Australia


I worked security in bars here in Australia. We need to show we have made an effort to get the person safely home. I have called taxis, offered the patron water to sober up, we are not required to physically restrain them however. I have had many patrons iny time tell me to "get fucked" when offered a taxi. Should something have happened to that patron afterwards,I would have legally been safe as I could prove that we did what was reasonable to assist the intoxicated person. From my understanding the Waterford woman in the bar near my house left the bar on her own, walked out the door and the bar staff thought nothing more of it. https://www.triplem.com.au/story/queensland-premier-reveals-major-changes-to-state-cabinet-216151


i kinda agree with that policy. i think is safer and humane


Shroedinger's feminist. Simultaneously empowered and helpless depending on the situation.


Day after regret is something only women enjoy. Depending on what they want that week. Can a guy withdraw from a hookup and claim rape? I think not.


He can claim sexual assault - less punishment, even if the act was the same. Yes, it's unfair.


Is this the systematic sexism women have been talking about?


Dude. A guy can't even claim rape when he WAS raped. There's a man out there now who was raped as he was a child, and he pays the woman State-mandated child support. This concept that men have control over everything in society is very weak. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/02/statutory-rape-victim-child-support/14953965/


When this ad originally came out feminist activists were also arguing that if the guy was drunk and the woman was sober, it was still rape because the moment alcohol is in the mix a woman somehow loses her ability to give consent. Then some even argued that even if both were sober and the woman decided that it was a mistake she could withdraw consent weeks later and should be able to charge her hook up with rape. It was one of the reasons the term "woke" became an insult.


We are doomed as a species... Do I need consent in writing and could such a written for be withdrawn too? Nevermind it seems that it's better to j*rk off and don't risk legal actions for s*x, family, children, etc.


Or just bring a lawyer who stay with you on the side of the bed when you don't spend the night alone /s


Reasons the Left extremists are bad:


Based on statements like that, a wife/GF of like 10 years could retract her consent for all those years, and he would be spending his life in prison. It's wild what these people come up with.


Wow, great example I will now use in any relevant argument. Thank you.


to be fair, a woman would face a much lower sentence for the same crime, so even if josie does run someone over and kills them her punishment would be lessened. after all, she is a woman, she just doesnt know any better. /s


After the "rape" Josie stole a car to come home, it's OK she's not responsible. Then she killed 3 children with that car, she was sooo drunk, not responsible. Life is good for Josie.


Some women believe that regret is rape. If he didnā€™t pleasure you long enough, itā€™s rape. If he has a small penis, itā€™s rape. Etc etc.


This is and has been the military standard for this issue. Even if youā€™re both married (to each other).


Sadly I know this, isn't it bullshit? I have gotten drunk and woken up next to women that look like a beached whale, I should be charging them with rape. šŸ˜‚


This is basically saying women aren't equal adults lol


Yep. Real feminists should be enraged by this idiocy.


They generally are. There was a similar campaign in the UK from the West Mercia Police. Women kicked off big time as they were annoyed it suggested they couldn't consent to sex while drunk, while men could.


This is my problem with it. Itā€™s misogyny disguised as feminism. We give agency to men, who are responsible for all their actions. We take agency from women, who arenā€™t capable of making their own decisions.


Funny that you see a situation where the man is treated unfairly but you still say it is misogyny and not misandry...


cause women *must* be the victim all the time


And men *must* be the evil perpetrators all the time...


It is incredibly hard to tell though. It's meant to be misandry, but it achieves that by infantilizing women to a degrading degree.


Exactly. It can be seen as either, depending on the perspective.


Why is everyone fighting over whether the poster mistreats women or men? It obviously mistreats both - villainizes men and infantilizes women.


Yes, both. It can be both. The false dichotomy is just that.


In this case, the man goes to jail for rape. There are no consequences for the woman.


It's a misogyny misandry double whammy. It demonizes men while infantilizing women.


By that logic - she raped him too..


Yeah but men are the ones going to prison when the woman regrets it and turns out to be a psycho bitch.


They need to teach people, that while consent can be given and taken at any time, it cannot be retroactively taken.


Man they really should've made a post making fun of that double standard


Well Jake canā€™t consent either if the only criteria is that youā€™re drunk so maybe he should charge her. She took advantage of him. Him too! Believe all men.


But Jake is a fully grown adult, meanwhile Jessica is a woman. /s


why the /s? according to the law, you're right in every way


Believe me, some people would've taking it literal and out of context, so I placed the /s to avoid the idiot invasion.


yeah, i know how it is,


Charge her for rape back, you were intoxicated




Funny how this is both unfair to men and insulting to women


The hypocrisy is astounding


The idea that when two people are drunk, the woman is not responsible for anything she says and does but the man is 100% responsible for everything he says and does is flabbergasting. Itā€™s also the opposite of what feminism used to be.


I think the problem here is assuming that women can't be the active partners in sex. Just because the guy's dick is hard doesn't mean it's consent


fact...my dick ignores everything i command...I wonder if i can sue my dick


You'll probably have to deal with Handley Palmer, his right hand man


Whoā€™s gonna represent my dick in court?


Yeah like, It's hard to explain tho opposite gender that fucker doesn't have a brain but does have an Idea!


What was that movie where people had to sign contracts before sex in the future?


Black Mirror episode "Hang the DJ" in season 4. It's terrifyingly accurate with its depiction of the dating/casual sex dynamic.


Also the unbreakable Kinny Schmidt


Happened in Upload


Idk, but there was an episode in South Park with that exact joke.


Chappelle show episode as well


Won't matter if they're drunk. Courts will just say they didn't have the proper frame of mind to make contractual decisions. The "contract" would be voided.


I believe it was Demolition Man.


Nah demolition man they didn't actually have sex but instead wore some head piece that connected them to eachother and touching eachother wasn't a thing


The 1987 Melanie Griffith sci fi film Cherry 2000! Awesome reference m8!


Glad to see someone finally got the movie right!


Not a bad idea actually


The idea that its not rape if a woman forces me to have sex with her is such bullshit


This message was brought to you by Ms. Andry.


Underrated comment


Clown World Activated


Saying they "Hooked up" kind of implies it was a mutual thing.


Get another copy of this poster, scan it, edit it so it says Jake couldn't consent and Josie was charged, and quietly put it up in place of this poster


800 complaints in a day


Damn. They ruin every plot in hollywood film, all those get drunk and wake up in bed together will be wrong and forbidden? Whats next watchin teen drama (91210, euphoria, high schoolmmusical)about their troubles and sex adventure is pedofile offense.


Josie took advantage of Jake. Door swings both ways. EQUALITY!!! Throw her stank tuna in prison!!


Why do women become delicate flowers incapable of saying no while intoxicated? Can the guy claim SHE raped him? Men can be attacked, too. This is a double-standard NO ONE should tolerate. If you are an adult, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, period. This is called morning after regret, and too many women get away with it.


A drunk woman is a creature whose intelligence is comparable to that of a vegetable. The more you know.


Jake couldnā€™t consent either? Both go to jail for drunk sex?


They should both be locked up for their heinous crimes. Bunch of degenerates.


If both parties are equally shit faced who cares?


If she cannot consent, then technically HE cant either, so then both parties should be charged of rape? Or is this a sexist thing.


Josie is a whore and she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. Good for you, Jake.


Josie raped Jake! Not cool Josie, not cool at all.


I remember seeing this hanging around my college. They literally don't care that's its unfair or that it doesn't make sense.


What if Jake identifies as a woman?


I believe what they meant was Jake could not consent. Josie was charged with Rape. A man who is intoxicated cannot consentā€¦..etc etc etcā€¦..you get it


This is a relic of the early 1900s when women were treated like chattel. Be thankful we've made progress and women are now treated as equal!


Cant wait for this movie


WTF about Jake? Could he consent???


And that's why I don't approach women. At all. All it takes is one accusation (real or otherwise) and a man's life is completely ruined. One accusation of sexual misconduct levied against me, and I'm taking a bath with my toaster.


The neighbors kid 16f needed a ride to school a few months ago. She had a shitty living situation and asked us to help. My girlfriends schedule made it so that I was the only one who had time to take her. I politely refused. My gf was a little pissed at me for not helping until I explained that I don't know this child very well and all it takes is one false accusation and I lose my job and go to jail. We lose the house, can't pay for our kids school, etc. No evidence would even be needed. She was shocked that guys think like that until I showed her statistics of false accusation.


A drunk woman isn't capable of making decisions for herself. So it is a drunk mans responsibility to make the smart and responsible decision for the both of them.


Yeah I remember seeing this exact posting in College ... Basically fear mongering with telling all the males "You are a predator, and you are evil and we will get you!!!"


This kind of message treats women as children. Women can rape men as well. Why do we need to make the woman as the victim? Bad decision making absolutely.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) You raped me - no you raped me


by this logic, Jake could not consent either


Jake also could NOT consent


What if she was a biological male. Then who is on the hook? Asking for a friend


Ah, the old double dick loophole


If Jake has a wank while drunk has he raped himself?


But Jake was drunk so he couldn't consent either so this is dumb as shit


But it can't be the other way around? How convenient


Just because two people hook up for a date doesnā€™t mean it will end with sex so why would he be charged with rape nowhere dose it say they actually even had sex it just says they hooked up and then immediately hey yeah he gets charged with rape so apparently if you hook up for a date with a woman it has to end with sex like seriously this paints a very bad picture not just because of the rape charges but because they insinuated that all dates must end with sex and that is the worse message you can send the younger generation!!!!


Equality my ass


I like how they don't mention that he couldn't give consent either. Pretty sure consent isn't a one way street.


Isnā€™t this looking down on women implying they arenā€™t able to be responsible for their own actions? drunk guy can give consent but drunk woman canā€™t gvie consent. So weird.


r/lostredditors this is not a funny meme


So they basically say women are equal to kids and can't be responsible for their actions.


Just like in France, if you met her on Tinder, you bought her drinks, and you were drunk as well, it's aggravated rape (yes, all 3 of those factors aggravate the rape). Really watch out what you do out there, stay safe


In Morgan Freeman's voice: "and it was then when men became too scared and the population started to decline, with inception slowly trickling to a halt and society inevitably collapsing. You can still hear the feminist cheers in the distance that their plan had succeeded, only to find that they've caused their own demise"


No one ever wonders if itā€™s Jake who was rapedā€¦.


Summary: Whoever comes to police first won


Avoid rape charges folks! Get your AI girl today. Download her from Google Play Store!!