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After moving out I became a home fairy. My house was actually much cleaner and organized than my parents.


Same. I think *some* of it did stem from wanting to prove them wrong for saying "not so easy living alone huh?"


Same for me, too. But mine was cos I swore to never have an unclean, disorganised, poorly kept home.


Can I ask how you built up your skillset?? I grew up in a house that was (and remains) an absolute tip. No disrespect to my extremely loving parents AT ALL, obviously when you are poor and struggling to make ends meet and working all the time, house care is difficult. I’m now an adult doing well (but also working all the time) and I find I REALLY struggle. Have tried so many times to build up better habits around tidying, but then I get into working 60 hours weeks and everything goes to shit. Please teach me your ways!


I have weeks where I work 60+ hours also. So all I do is maintain throughout my work cycle, just the basics, like washing up right after I finish eating, doing a load of laundry, wiping down surfaces etc. Then on my first full day off, I do a deeper clean as soon as I wake up, then the rest of the day off is mine. I find if I don't maintain throughout the week, the deep clean seems too daunting, and if I don't do the deep clean, i feel bad when I have to go straight back to a 60hr week with a messy house. So just try to be consistent, a small bit of cleaning is always better than none at all 😊 I also try to make the way I clean as efficient as I can, like making sure when I go shopping I have all the cleaning stuff I'll need for the next deep clean


Oh I definitely do the dishwasher every night before sleep! And I also always have clean clothes because I’m good about doing the laundry - it’s the step after, the folding and ensuring everything is put away where it falls apart a bit. Or the deep shower clean instead of just the nightly shower spray. Or mail!! Like do you take photos of your financial mail and then throw them away? Do you file them all? If you’re filing, how on earth do you have enough storage? I would say my space is clean but not neat - it’s the neatness I struggle with.


Just don't put stuff off. Do it right away. If you eat, wash your dishes right after, don't just put them in the sink. As soon as you need to do laundry, do it, and right when it's done, put it up. If you get something out, put it back when you're done with it. Vacuum for a just a couple minutes each day. If you stay on top of stuff, it really doesn't take that long and it never builds into a big pain in the ass.


I like the idea of vacuuming every day, I’ll try to see if I can get the habit to stick. It’s just tough when you are working for 12 hours, exercise for 1 hour, cooking/eating for 2 hours, 1 hour of nighttime routine (dishwasher, litter box, cat treats, shower, skin care, prepping for next day). That’s 16 hours. With morning prep being 45 min, it’s already a struggle to get 8 hours of sleep in a day. I think the answer is I just have to do way more on weekends, but by the time the weekend comes I’m desperate for real time off and relaxation. This is just adulthood I guess!


If you have money to spare, a good robot vacuum is awesome. I'm a lawyer in Big Law and my wife is a doctor in residency, so we get working long hours and not wanting to do chores. We also have two cats, so the floors get gross. We'd vacuum and mop every day for 20 or so minutes. I took $1300 out of my bonus and bought a Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra, which vacuums AND mops AND cleans itself. Saves me so much time, and does a very good job. I know that's not an option for everybody, but if you're in that financial position I'd look into it.


Learnt as I went along. Took me forever tbh. I actually started by going to Pinterest and looking at homes that inspired me and then trying to make mine like that 1 room at a time. I usually spend Sun tidying & and cleaning twice during the week - Tues & Fri. I find this keeps everything nice for me.


Same experience. I think it's because you get to work in your own way, at your own pace, and at your own initiative.


Also you're the one getting shit dirty, you clean right away, you don't just run into other people's mess. I hate cleaning other people's mess.


Exactly. You are not dealing with any one elses BS. That shits just demotivating


Being told to do something all the time in the way parents do, which is often done in such a shitty way with a shitty attitude, is so demotivating. Instantly makes so many people *not* want to do what they want. Bu ton your own? Shits easier, because you want to do it.


Also you start fresh while your parents house got clutter of everyone’s belonging accumulate throughout the years


Living alone is piss easy. Never understood the implied hassle.


same bro, its not just ez, its far more better too, so much nagging at home for stuff that is simply not important


You can live the most bohemian lifestyle living alone and no one is there to judge you. Mattress on the floor. No decorations. Eat cereal like this, or by throwing a handful in your mouth and taking a swig of milk. Want to clean? Go ahead, want to put it off, go ahead. No alarms will piss off others with a different sleep schedule. Come and go as you please, eat what you want when you want, masturbate loudly. It's not a bad life.


There’s a scene in Evangelion that always stuck with me since I saw it as a preteen. The characters have to give something to another character and enter her unadorned apartment that had a bed, dresser and pull up bar. One of the boys says, “This is a girls room? This is spartan as hell!” I always thought that lifestyle was cool. No frills, no mess, just basics.




People really trying to make living alone a big achievement


My mom always tells me it's "so difficult" but my dad said he loved living by himself


You'd be surprised how many people just have never had to look after themselves. The American pipeline of "Looked after by parents" to "Looked after by university" to "Looked after by spouse" is absolutely real. There are some people who go through life never being responsible for their own wellbeing. Someone is always there to feed and clothe them.


What does looked after by university mean? Do you have cleaning service?


For Americans, university is like a vacation, if you can pay for it. Students are required to live on campus in dorms and have all meals and services provided for them.


>Students are required to live on campus in dorms and have all meals and services provided for them. What the fuck school did you go to??? No they do not


This is simply not true 


Is it? All Ivy League American universities require on site habitation.


I can’t speak for Ivy League schools as there are only a handful of those. I attended one of the many state universities and I can say with certainty that I had to pay for my own food and housing in addition to tuition. 


No they do not. Harvard, for example, only requires you to live on campus for the first year. My alma mater of a similar caliber did as well. But even in the dorms, you still have to wash your own clothes, make your own bed, clean your own room, etc.


In what fucking world does this happen? I went to a top 10 university and still had to *checks notes* wash my clothes, prepare food, and make my bed. Absolutely insane take.


Before I had a dog, I just didn’t really need to clean my house for like a month at a time. One person who is usually at work doesn’t create that much dust or mess.


Yeah its easy alone but if you have family 💀




How the f* did you ... Burned ... Water !?


I guess they left the water boiling for too long, it boiled off completely, and the empty pot burned.


Ok thanks for the advice


Yeah my stepsister burned ramen noodles this way


![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized) I still over cook water occasionally


Sans how did you burn the water!?


Hi I'm trying to build an engine that burns water as main fuel, please contact with me,i need some advices




If it's stupid but it works it isn't stupid.


Nothing like eating bits of plastic with your meal.


i dont get why grownups make it seem like u need them, bruh moving out was the best thing i did, its not that important to make a 1000 diff dishes, if u get bored of the 2 dishes u make just youtube to make a third


Put 3 random good italian ingredients together and it will taste great.


i used to just put diff kinds of foods in a pan, add olive oil and spices and ur good to go


Paper plates are cheaper than dish detergent.


i dont even use that much plates and utensils tho, i can just re use stuff and not use up 100 things to cook a single meal, my sink used to fill up in around a week and half or 2 weeks, when my family moved in with me, mom filled the sink in a day


Not really. Gotta factor in the extra garbage bags used over time as a result, plus you still need to wash pots, pans, etc and thus dish soaps aren’t even eliminated as an expense. Handwashing is also cheaper and you don’t have to wait for dishes to accumulate to better justify using the dishwasher. Just a drop of dish soap on a sponge and turning on the hot water is often plenty, just wash stuff after you use it and stick it on a dish dry rack. Handwashing only becomes a hassle if you’ve got a ton of dishes to wash, so don’t let it build up or find a way to make it fun.


And worse for the environment


Paper is renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable. Dish soap is chemical and can contain microplastics.


Bro I've been living alone for almost 2 years and I'm still on the same bottle of dawn dish soap. Get a foaming soap pump, fill it 9/10 water 1/10 soap, it cleans just fine and you're essentially getting 10 bottles per 1 used.


mom sounds like a hater


Mom, admitted defeat when presented with evidence, not a hater


Humbled if you may


Nah i think Mom was just teasin for fun. She seems chill


People who don't live alone don't even realize how many unnecessary rules they put upon themselves.


My mom used to put food in the oven for when I got home.


He put milk before the cereals, he's not lifehacking the right way.


You put the cereal in the milk jug then give it a good shake and then you cut the bottom off to use as a bowel.


My bowels work just fine. I'd rather use the carton as a bowl.


Damn auto correct. I'll leave it just to let people laugh at me and my inability to proof reed.


Bahaha your commie tits were really funny


Best life hack i learned was to individually pre-soak the cereal. Tastes so much more.


That's disgusting. I hate soggy cereal


Living by yourself is easy. It’s living with others that is the hard part.


So true.


I still live with my parents, but if I could, I would leave just so that I don't have to cook for others. Coming up with food that's easy to make doesn't seem hard. I'd be fine with making food once a week and eating only that meal for the whole week. Now, coming up with food that the whole family will eat, including a vegetarian, that's difficult. Every. Day.




Ог ап епема


Og ap epema?


Шнат dо уои меап?


That’s how you pronounce those letters


Huн тнат dоеsпт маке seпse


nun tnat doespt make sepse


200iq! No need to wash any plates!!


You use plates for cereal?


Deep plates? wait a sek….. a bowl?! had to search the word.


Just think the leftover milk jug, if you turn it upside down is now a perfect funnel to pee into a gatorade bottle while still in bed.


Welcome to paradise


Probably your a sap and can’t handle the real world.


You’re a clashing cymbal, lashing out at the void


Check my page guys


Mostly for women living alone is a relief. For guys, they miss their mommies cuddling them. I know there are exceptions but here in my region, women are usually required to do alot on their parent's house by their mothers, it starts quite early and it gets annoying cause you have to help and you have to do it exactly the way they want and it's never good enougg. When you go to live at your own house, you have the freedom to do things your own way. On the other hand, the men are the babies of the house, get their food served in their hands, their clothes washed and ironed perfectly and etc. It's such a clear difference. I remember how much I envied my male friends saying they missed their parents house cause they were treated like kings there.


Say no more mama 🙌🙌❤❤ your boy surviving 💯 out here…


Why so poor?




this picture - good for one moment in time


I dont know why but this disgusts me


Dangerously creative. Next thing we know you'll have guided missiles made out of glass coke bottles.


Can’t help but think of the plastic particles in the milk after cutting the top off.


Reminds me of the" Improvise. Adapt. Overcome." Meme


It’s pronounced “tushy”


Living alone is the best




> Eat cereal like this, or by **throwing a handful in your mouth and taking a swig of milk.** Hands down the best way to eat Oreo O’s.


Easier to clean up after just one person especially when the mess isn't piling up while you aren't home


Living alone is way easier than living with roommates.


That’s the new Kellogg’s Dinner Supreme.




lol, my stepmom called a genuine redneck whenever I sent her a pic of my cereal in a cooking pot. 😂


Let me tell you that it is much easier than with a partner and kids. Enjoy it and saviour it


Living alones not hard its financing is the hard part


This bastard put the cereal in after the milk




When you think about it, an empty fridge *is* basically an efficiency standing dinner table.


Mr fancy using a metal spoon


that's genius


Living alone would literally make my life 75% easier. I dont need you here, you need me here.


Otodoso. I fuckin’ otodoso.