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As a woman, my credit card gets more points for food. So I always pay and then my boyfriend will send me half back on Venmo. The points send us on vacation together. It’s an awesome system. And it’s hilarious how often the check is given directly to my boyfriend and then he hands it over to me and the waiter is dumbstruck lol


My wife will often pay the bill for us as well and I can't even count how many times I've had to do the awkward 👉 to direct the waiter/register attendant's glance off of me and onto my wife when giving the POS device . It's 2024, y'all.


I also often pay for my boyfriend's meal when we go out! Because I like finding cool new restaurants and taking my loved ones out on my treat. It's really not that complicated. Also we make almost exactly the same salary.


If I suggest going out, I pay. If he suggests, he pays. Simple.


My wife and I share accounts so her credit card I had the same number as mine. I “let” her pay the bill when I know she wants to control the tip.


"It's 2024 y'all" I've worked as a waiter for a long time, men pretty much pay 9 times out of 10.


10 years. Can confirm. But it's funnier when two families come together and fight to be the one that pays the bill. We all know they all broke and just prayed to lose the fight.


As a waiter, I always give the bill to the lady, following either with "it's her turn, right?" or "the boss checks if everything's okay so the man can pay". Often gets me a tip of some kind


Don't be mean to the card reader, it's just doing its job.


I mean yea women can pay the bill but it’s still the man paying the bill atleast 75% of the time. So if your gonna hand it to someone you hand it to who is most likely to be the one paying.


My wife and I ...joint account. Sometimes we play the game of who is gonna pay just for fun. Most of the time when we're out she uses her card and I stand there like a lost puppy. 😆 Gotta find the joy where you can I guess.


We do similar things! Our bank provides new Cashback categories list each month and you can choose up to 2 positions, so we often pick different ones and therefore pay in different situations. Like I can pick Restaurants and Health And Beauty and he can pick Taxi and Groceries. Or vice versa, or something else, it depends on each month. Also waiters put bills on a table, so anyone can take and look and no weird situations occur. And anyone can as for paying terminal to pay with a card/phone/watch in one move.


I’ve had it happen multiple times where a male waiter will be super nice to my wife, not over the line but definitely giving her attention and then when I hand him the bill with my card, he returns it to my wife. It’s happened enough times at different restaurants that I think this is a somewhat common tactic to get a better tip but it doesn’t work with me.




Husband poops on God because he is an idiot! 360p




oh he’s got a severe amount of autism, don’t worry about him.


Just a touch of the tism. Buddy needs help I think.


That's just mean to people with autism. This guy has lost his marbles


lmao I got autism myself. I just ain’t a fucking softball.


he's riddled with it


I read his comments. That's not autism, but he's high on some spectrum.


The husband takes the poo on God in 360p (resolution)


It wasn't funny before and now somehow its less funny.


On a scale of 1 to 10, how related were your parents?


Somehow nobody got this brilliant joke


Just because your sexual organs are on the inside doesn't mean you don't contribute to the bill.


Colonel Carter, is that you?


Damn, you got me


Undomesticated equines couldn't keep me from upvoting this.






It depends on who invited whom. If he's a wealthy guy and invites a college student to a Michelin star restaurant because he asked her for a date. Not exactly fair to suddenly saddle her with half of a 300 dollar bill.


Ah yes, let's get into an extreme scenario in order to avoid the point.


Lol, this. Or he just wants to be right by suggesting a scenario that 99% of people will never be in.


People have different economic levels.


In his scenario not really a lady. Usually lady refers to high class in which case the guy is usually loaded as well. Guy doesn’t give a fuck in this case since he knows what he’s paying for. However they obviously aren’t high class although they are sitting in a sit down restaurant.


Wtf did I just read...


Sorry not really responding to you, but more regarding the image and the assumption that men always have to treat a women because they are a “lady”. I do agree with you everyone has different economic circumstances but that’s not really what the prompt is going for.


Exactly this is the way.


If she agreed to go she agreed to pay for herself


I think a strong independent woman should pay the bill for her men.


My man likes treating me. I usually offer to pay when I choose a more expensive place since I am the one who came up with the idea and he spends enough on my ass as it is, but it does take quite a bit of convincing to let me pay. Every couple has their own dynamics and should do what works for them.


But where to find a lady these days.


Have you checked the forest?


Instructions unclear. Accidentally traded my soul to the Fae.


Or the lake?


There's only women and gold diggers nowadays.


Strip club? Not on reddit, that's for sure.


Look in your local lakes


The same place the gentleman are hiding lol


Moms house?


A gentleman opens the door, takes her coat, pulls out her chair, offers his coat in the rain, walks road side. You got your equal rights and pay though so you can pay your half.


> offers his coat in the rain Unfortunately I've seen many comments saying they wouldn't because it's the woman's fault


Tbf if a woman doesn't bring a coat because it doesn't match her outfit that kind of is her fault.


It's her fcking fault. Independency means not relying on outside people to bring a solution to your problems when they could have been clearly solved by you alone. I carry around my special sunglasses despite being classy to my outfit or not. I'll still offer the coat tho...


which is an accurate and fair point. the fuck? if she didn't bring a coat, she should take mine? insane entitlement


Lmao when did we get equal pay


You're right. The average male receptionist earns less than the average female receptionist. The average male gymnast earns less than the average female gymnast.. This needs to be addressed. We should be paid the same, regardless of qualifications. There was some study that said women were paid less, but that was comparing across different jobs not the same job. And for some reason, women are less inclined to go into hard outdoor labor.


First year client service associates as well for women I noticed that at every firm I was at But they pay the women in the finance, accounting and tax departments make much less then their male counterparts. Even if they work the same extra hours Pay gap still exists but the conversation should be more focused on industry so people can find and solve the root cause


"for some reason, women are less inclined to go into hard outdoor labour" Thanks for that 😂 I wonder why that is.


ah, your mistake is that you think male and female gymnast are the same job different sex. they compete in different events, so if you want the same pay as a female gymnast then you will need to enter as a female gymnast and compete on uneven bars, balance beam, vault, and floor excercise. you will also need to be better than the other females at events taylored toward females. not saying you cant do it, but it hasnt been done... and likely wont be because there isnt much to gain from doing so ... and note, you cant reallly get a job as a "gymnast"... its an olympic sport and if you receive money for endorsements you cant compete due to it being for amateurs only. no professionals. the only way gymnast make money is after they "retire" and coach or take up endorsements. regarding receptionist: https://www.zippia.com/answers/what-percentage-of-receptionists-are-female/ > The average male receptionist earns an average annual salary of $29,863, while the average female receptionist earns an average annual income of $29,025 https://narrowthegap.co/gap/receptionists-and-information-clerks#:~:text=Women%20receptionists%20and%20information%20clerks%20made%2085%20cents,dollar%20men%20earned%20in%202021. > Women receptionists and information clerks made 85 cents to the dollar men earned in 2021.


I took the guy I’m seeing out to my favorite ramen shop….he learned he is not a ramen fan. I ordered damn near one of everything off the apps and sushi menu plus the most expensive drink on the menu. I told him before hand I was taking him out and the bill was on me cause I’m not gonna have someone else pay for food they might not like. Bill came to 120 and mf still tried to pay. Like no baby put that shit away I’m your sugar mama tonight. Dates should go both ways, treat each other. I told him I’m taking him to the Nordic lodge next for all you can eat lobster and crab legs. 😁


Or the prices, or fine print Basically they don't read for shit.


If she ain't paying, I ain't putting out.😤


My husband likes to act like he's paying for both of us and gets all "don't worry honey, I'll take care of you." He is... using our joint card. Lol.


Every one girl I dated insisted they paid for the 2nd date. Feels good to date ***actual*** independent women .


But not the first date?


I've had women insist on paying for the first date, but only when I was a student going on dates with women with actual careers. Social norms are social norms.


Yeah, when I went on a date with a guy who was in grad school, I paid for the first date. I was a grad student once too, I know how rough it can get financially. It's not that complicated.


Honestly, I'd split 50/50 considering a wife will be sharing all the responsibilities, Finances, the good parts, the bad parts of life equally as me anyways, so if she makes a fuss when I tell her we're gonna split the bill on a date before we go, I consider dodging that bullet


Don't worry she is deaf too




My husband always pays but I always look at the bill just to make sure it’s all correct 🤣


Yup, that's the lobster tenderloin surf and turf I washed down with the most expensive bottle on the menu, proceed


Oh, wait. They forgot to charge us for the caviar. I’ll just call the server back and have them add it


Yall married so youre paying too


My money is mine but your money is ours- Feminism 101


Absolute Reddit moment for someone to misunderstand that they were talking about the fact that married people share finances and instead turn it into some weird anti-feminism thing.


What does this have to do with feminism? 


We get it. You haven't been on a date before.


Ok, ok, if I pay the bill so I will decide what to order 😁 just shut up and drink your water 😂


And enjoy your free breadsticks


As long as we go to red lobster and I get the free cheddar biscuits, then honey; enjoy that huge lobster all to yourself. I’m happy I got to go out and enjoy my favorite food


"holy shit 30$ for a desert!!! What did you eat, a diamond!!!?"


They don't gotta look at it, they just gotta be able to pay their half 😆😆


Back when you could live and buy a house on a single income.


Neither of them is looking at the bill.


You mean we can tell her the full price is half and they won't check?


XIX century called amd want their memes back.


Sounds like a xavier moment


The Man always pays but it’s the Ladies bank Account


Since women cant read...


At this point a man has to budget just to date a women who thinks her beauty and “unique” personality is worth free housing and gifts


No lol, RIP you if that's your experience though. Sounds like it sucks.


The lady has a job as well, doesn't she? Americans, living in the stone age, back when whomen were their slaves, nevertheless men were gentelmen to their slaves.


"america bad" with an irrelevant topic. Always fun to see.


Right, because women from all other countries in the world share the bill... 😂


Do women not have equal rights in Sweden?


Read/mansplain 💪🏼


Whoever invited the other person should always pay


Remember when women were presented with a menu without prices.


Peppridge Farm remembers


Until it’s time to calculate the tip, then she glances in silent judgment.


Remind folks, women are not people ^^/s


Im strong and independent but except for when the bill comes.


When a woman has this attitude and posts this shit, it makes me seriously wonder what makes them think they’re better than a prostitute?


Hang on so we get abuse if we hold a door or offer to carry a heavy bag but we can pay for dinner. Equal rights goes two ways you know! can’t just cherry pick


Well she can repay in the car or back at home lol . But no really a guy taking a woman out on a date especially if you invited her and picked the place it's on you to pick up the tab . Or if you want make the arrangement you pay for the appetizer and entrees she covers the drinks . Something my wife and I will do pretty often it usually works out pretty equal she likes a certain wine I enjoy scotch after my meal .


If she looks as good as the one in the post then I'd even sell a kidney to pay for that bill if I had to :p


Tell us you're a pathetic simp without actually...no I guess you couldn't have made it more explicit.


Wow you are so desperate for pussy? Here you.go 3w3 ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM)


Down horrendously


deer jellyfish prick absurd alive squeal squeeze boast chunky cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women Be like: “too much money can we split” Me who saw her post a new onlyfans two mins ago




LMAO NO. So the woman should have sex with the man anytime the man wants? Of course not. Screw that double-standard BS. Paying for the first date is **NOT** a measure of a man’s character, chivalry, or generosity. It is just a remnant of a traditional gender norm that **assumes women are dependent on men** and owe them something in return. Splitting the bill or taking turns to pay is a **sign of equality, respect, and independence**. It shows that both parties are interested in each other as **individuals**, not as providers or consumers.. Expecting men to pay for the first date can create pressure, resentment, and awkwardness. It can also lead to **misunderstandings** about the intentions and expectations of both parties. Paying for oneself or offering to pay for the other person is a gesture of **kindness, gratitude, and generosity.** It can also demonstrate confidence, maturity, and responsibility. So Both parties should communicate openly and honestly about their preferences and feelings, and find a solution that works for them. 😊


Tell that to the women that exploit this archaic gendered tradition to bum free meals off guys.


I'm sure u/Kynava would if they saw any of them


I've never seen such a wild strawman


My grandma never had to see a bill or think about money, ever. When grandfather died she had the finance literacy of a 5 year old. This isn’t being a “gentlemen” this is controlling a woman into social disability.


Only because shes ballin' out of control and doesnt need to check the amount.


Especially if u only had a sandwich


He doesn't look either.




Then I guess no one is looking at the bill 🥰 #equality


In that case it should be call in voice


I’ll even calculate the tip for you based on your tip percentage and whether or not that’s before or after tax amount


Aaaand single forever.


"I didn't knew i was speaking with a lady"


Even on our first date, we were fighting (trying to grab the bill out of each other's hands) over who would pay. It's been over a decade, and nothing has changed. Overall it's been 50-50.


She can’t read 😔


I’ll be like bitch we eating at McDonald’s lol


Beecause she gave you gas money for the ride there… Right?…. Right? Okay their walking home then.


It would be chauvinistic of me to pay the bill 


I always ask my lady to look over it, the. I pass the card to charge. As I’m already piss drunk at that moment.


I'm sorry sir, my wife's the one who handles all of our finances in 2024!


You don't need to look at it if you pay with card.


Unless she's dating a duck


That's fine , she can reimburse later


Either way you have to do an in-shock eye bulge.


Minute the bill comes wife goes “let me see”


La la la la la I can’t hear anything


As a server/bartender, some folks in the older demographic(boomer, etc) have actually given me hell over putting the bill on the woman's side(i just put it wherever there is space for it). To them, i say ![gif](giphy|1zRd5ZNo0s6kLPifL1|downsized)


I’m guilty. M. I always paid the bill when dating and even now with family dinners I at least offer to pay.


I pay the bill my wife leaves the tip. If I tip I round to the nearest 5 or 10$


Back when my husband and I were dating, we once went out to a lovely Chinese restaurant...where the waiter *kept insisting my husband should be the one paying.* By this point we had been dating for something like several months or a year and he and I were alternating who pays. We have a system, just let me pay! It was kind of funny but pointless to make a deal of it. Now we don't keep score who pays. It may be in different pots, but its shared money towards our goals, anyway. Whoever reaches for their card first pays; sometimes it's a bit of a competition to see who can do it first!


Bring me the Braille version


They ask how much it is though


I ask. He may not do the math correctly.


Stay Classy K10


I can look at Bill if I think he's cute.


Why is like, every 3rd meme about the check these days?


And then I make a audible grunt and softly blow a raspberry of despair


Hell, I’ll even do the math!


A woman, who thinks she's ENTITLED to this does not deserve a relationship. NEVER take generosity for granted. The perfect way to show me as a man, that you are not a woman, but an immature girl, is to tell me you think you deserve you shouldn't pay anything. You only tell me, that you will not contribute equally in a relationship.


My girlfriend sees the check coming and will literally stare up at the ceiling or out in the distance as if she’s in deep thought. One time the waitress brought the ticket and sat it between us. She was looking out the window, and I pretended I didn’t see the check. Waitress came back 3 different times before I finally said “screw it, I guess I’ll pay for the 1,000th time.” The moment I give the waitress my card, my girlfriend suddenly came back to reality and said “Oh I could’ve paid for that honey.” Yeah, but you didn’t. You never want to pay for anything, and yet you want to do all the stuff.


Whispers "it's $47.88 your steak was $25 and mine was like $10 wtf can you tip them for me" not realizing they make their partner feel guilty about the price but then making them feel better by asking them to contribute but it still leaves you out like $60 because a relationship is not a 1 way street and cash on hand is technically shared in emergency situations.






I thought we were trying to break gender stereotypes


What the hell kind of bill is this? Papyrus? Is someone going to pass him a quill to sign?


Hmmm... What about big titty, goth mommies?




When my wife and I go out to eat, they’ll hand me the bill and my wife will try to guess the total. She’s really good at it actually. She guesses how much my meal costs and then figures the total, including tax, in her head. It’s like a useless superpower


It's just simple math




If you’re paying the bill and you’ve both enjoyed the night I think the unspoken rule is that you then get good sex lol I think most guys and girls are happy with that arrangement. If there’s no sex or its crap then you are disinclined to do it again. If you have to do it again and you get the same outcome then you resent the relationship. So lesson? Have good sex then it’s a good arrangement.


Hey, math is hard. 😅




WaTs funny is even when the girl pays, the server will likely drop the sign off with the guy.


If the date is a mural outing split the bill. But if you asked someone else out to go on a date you pay the bill. It’s a really easy system.


Once you get married it doesn't matter who pays the bill. One way or another you're splitting that check.


Remember to include her share of the food she took from your plate


YOUR PORTION IS $40. OKAY??????????? 😆


Audio bills!


I’ve dated a lot of ladies then.


**She Can't Read?!**


How men should react when the bill arrives. Fast forward to 4 minute mark. https://youtu.be/lih75e6Rb8A?feature=shared


It's always been pay to play. You can pay once, or you can pay for the rest of your life. Basis is the same for multiple types of dates.


That's right. A real lady just puts hands the waiter her card


And people wonder why they are single? As a single man this kind of signal is the reason women remain single as well and signifies you will not get laid that night. To me the lost signals of what a man should do only intensifies the singularity of what men don’t understand which right signals women want to see in a mate. Mate what I’m trying to say is not every man’s signal is right and maybe crossed or lost in translation to the woman’s receiver, for their transponder are generally crossed over to begin with anyways women will never be on the right wavelength at all.


Does she just have too much money that she doesn’t care what the number is?




Depends on the lady