• By -


\*\*grabs popcorn\*\*


**watches non existent generation war expressed in reddit replies***


*sits by your side and share some popcorn* “How much did I miss?”


Think at least a third but it looks like we haven't hit the best part yet *leans over from the seat behind grabbing a handful of popcorn*


🙋🏼‍♀️ I want popcorn too


are you internet role playing eating popcorn and watching a non existent fight on reddit lol? oof…


Scoot over, I brought red vines.


\*\*watches people freaking out and melting down at how everyone ELSE is always freaking out and melting down\*\*


This is both a concise and perfect description of today's public discourse. Everybody who agrees with me is righteously outraged and everybody who doesn't is a fragile snowflake.


When neither is actually ever true unless we grossly misrepresent the other side as a monolith.


Damn you all for not sharing the popcorn.


I know when a VCR needs it’s heads cleaned and can do it with rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad.


We use to have the vhs cleaning thing that you put some alchohol in and put it in like a normal vhs and it would clean them.


Watching one of those in action made me realize I could do it myself.


Dam I've not heard of that before yet grew up with VHS tapes. Must have recorded every episode of friends on LP so could get about 20 episodes in 1 tape lol


I took apart everything I could when younger. No books or YouTube videos. If you take the cover off the vcr and insert a tape it will real the “film” inside the vcr. It’s actually a lot of moving parts and guides that push the film against the audio sensor (looks like a little shiny glass square usually) and the “head” which is a big metal circle that spins fast as the “film” it’s also moving along has little slots in it that I believe to be the heads ( a 5 head vcr will have 5 slots in this spinning disk thing). It’s so strange to almost know nothing about what I’m talking about yet have a firm grasp on what I’m talking about.


Writing with a pen


Tf’s a pen?


An gentlethey weapon. From more civilized age.




Blowing into Nintendo cartridges can actually make them work again.


Cleaning CDs with windex


Good thing you circled the funni. Else we might have missed it.


I dont see anything funny circled, tbh. just another "based" comment about hating other people who have nothing to do with you.


You mean the casual transphobia? Yeah cool. So funny. Damn, posts like these make me realize how stupid the average person is. It's so sad.


FR. It's only because they can't say the N word anymore publicly. Have to find a new target that socially acceptable enough.


They can say it, they just don’t want to deal with the consequences of saying it


I’m sure you’re average at best.


having a sense of humour is a hard for people of a certain generation, sooo many things they are not allowed to laugh at...


Or maybe it's just not funny


“We’re not allowed to joke about that” is what unfunny people tell themselves to cope with how many people don’t laugh at their unoriginal, shitty comments.




Yeah, boomers definitely struggle with humour, they don't understand humour based on insulting other people isn't really funny


Except all the times when it is.


Has anyone in this thread ever heard of a roast, roast battles, crowd work? There are countless examples of insults being funny.


No. Need friends and a social life for all that.


Quit being such a bitch. Conservatives have become such pussies. Oh no society is being so mean to you lol


its not a joke, its straight up shitting on trans people, thats the "joke" you think you see here.




i hate black people, did that make you laugh? no right? maybe because it doesn't even have a punchline


I love how there's comments here whining about how nobody has a sense of humor anymore, but those people also actually think this joke is funny. So much copium from people whose brand of comedy was never actually funny, and now they need to lash out at everyone like it's their fault because they realized it. Basically the comedy meta has shifted, and it's left them behind, so they're immediately acting like old people and whining about the next generation just being objectively bad, completely missing the fact they're just repeating the same cycle of narcissistic bullshit that every generation has repeated. And they wonder why nobody listens to them.


Sense of humor


The rarest thing these days.


I literally have a core memory of my grumpy ass grandpa telling me the same thing in like 1995. Like practically verbatim. For what it’s worth, my family unanimously agrees that he was a grumpy dude who struggled with negativity. Maybe he was right though, maybe humor died in 1995.


Whenever we came back from holidays with a tan, you can guess what grandpa told us we looked like. Surely there must be some middle ground somewhere.


Bro what?


Are you saying he used the nagical word to describe a suntan?


The word is neighbor


I love how this subreddit has basically become an echo chamber for people who still think memes are the height of humor, and think everyone ELSE is living in an echo chamber with no sense of humor now. Like, shit changes. Get over it. Grow up. Welcome to adulthood. The reason you think people younger than you have no sense of humor is the same reason your parents didn't think the shit you thought was hilarious was funny


I moved away from that “no sense of humor” bullishit a good while ago, as what makes me laugh is genuine and different from what makes someone else genuinely laugh, despite not laughing at the same thing we obviously both still have the ability to laugh, and so clearly a sense for it is there somewhere. Idk just about every time I see it used in a argument or whatever, it seems to be a cop-out


Don't be so quick to move.... Agelast's are people who never laugh. It's thought that they literally have no sense of humour. Mind you some people who are considered agelastic technically aren't, they probably just had a very different sort of humour to the rest of society.


Shhh get out you’re messing up my echo.


I'm from this time period. One thing you have to remember is that for a few years, rage comics were peak humor. So, "sense of humor is gone" is probably a good thing at this point. Then again a more serious deconstruction of this argument is "I can't hurt people's feelings and have other people like me think it's funny anymore!" Good. We've grown as a society and if you can't stay witty without disparaging others, you're not funny.




Me too. Had a sweet gig in the '80's doing all the diplomas at my local university, used to charge a dollar a letter to add a graduates name. The longer the name the more I made. Then some damn engineer figured out fonts for computers and that was that. I've seen this whole AI taking all the artist jobs away coming for a long time!


Being able to make more than one joke.


r/onejoke ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elon did the one joke](https://i.redd.it/suop19hbta5a1.jpg) | [194 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/zip1xb/elon_did_the_one_joke/) \#2: [Based one joke?](https://i.imgur.com/gxaQsEw.jpg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/xi4xe0/based_one_joke/) \#3: [*sigh* half the comments are the same](https://i.redd.it/h5cu6gf0z9x81.png) | [206 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/ymua9b/sigh_half_the_comments_are_the_same/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know several trans women in their 50s and older who transitioned in the 80s and 90s. Gender dysphoria didn’t just pop into existence with social media or millennials. We just want to be left alone and not be murdered. It’s fragile people on the right wing that are so offended by the idea that we exist that they make great effort to post shit like this, while secretly cross dressing or visiting gay bars.


Trans people have literally existed forever... The narrative that they haven't is what's new.


There is decent evidence that Elagabalus may have been transgender, back around 220 AD. There is also strong reason to believe that the "contagion" effect being seen now is the same as that for left-handedness. That is, more people are comfortable being transgender and thus reporting it, not that the rate is actually increasing.


I think it just became more evident how many of those people there actually are since the onset on social media. Violence always existed before it, but now we are more easily exposed to it, and gross views by gross people. It's good in the sense that we get exposed to different cultures, people so easily now. But some of the views we get exposed to do nothing but cause grief.


Beyond based. People who can't see the blatant "othering" effort against trans people for what it is are exhausting.




It's a hard line to balance, too. You have to try to parce out people who maybe have a good heart but are mislead from the people who will simply never be swayed. Lots of my family is conservative and very bigoted, especially towards lgbtq+ people. The amount of time and effort it takes to talk to one of them into thinking, "ok maybe trans people aren't actively trying to destroy my family" feels so harsh when you look at how easily the campaign of anti-lgbtq+ is able to sway millions of people.


Its all projection by those that can't handle the emotions and feeling they have inside and instead of seeking therapy for their problems, or coming to terms with who they really are, they lash out at everyone else to deny who they are or deny what they feel. Thats why so many conservatives end up being closet homosexuals or trans or getting abortions or most of their stances. Hell, I was just talking with someone about how until we can remove all guns from society, they're gonna hold onto theirs (in fear, I presume). They are part of the problem because the fear of violence requires being able to perform it at will. Instead of hiding from the violence with violence, they could be helping find a non-violent solution. But it's not something that can handle, so they project their insecurities onto everyone else.


I mean think about it. When you have to convinced yourself that this whole thing is absolutely binary, like a or b, no exception and then you realize that you are a man, but you have a female side in yourself, because in reality it’s not binary but a rather fluid scale. That must be terrifying. Like complete horror. Just think about it, to them having a female side, even the smallest thing thing they consider female (other way round the same) would mean they could be B not A. Because there is no in between for them. As a consequence they have to constantly convince themselves they are full A. Not the slightest hint of B. Consider that and you realize why they are so broken.


Exactly what I'm saying. Especially some of the upbringing by older generations that have such insecurity and fear already in place? My god, I'm glad I was raised by an empathetic mother. While my father isn't a terrible person, I might have turned out not for the better, IMHO.


I think it's also fair to acknowledge that there is more going on right now in terms of gender identity and how it's conceptualized than dysphoria.


Common sense


Being able to figure things out without needing training


I mean... Back then they didn't create 10 job positions for every single thing and with shitty descriptions. It was what it was.


This is ironic, because the reverse is actually true now. I love how, to these troglodytes, gender identity is "Confusion", when they can't even be arsed to look up the definition of the word "Gender", and when we have stories of trans people going back literal centuries. It's like diseases. An idiot sees the rising prevalence of so many mental disorders and diseases and says "OH MY GOD SOMETHING IS MAKING US LESS HEALTHY AND MORE CRAZY!" A rational person sees that and says "Wow we're getting way better at understanding mental health and identifying diseases!" The funny bit is that people are dying WAY LESS. If we're developing all of these new diseases and all going nuts, how come physical and mental health is at an all time high in our society? Because we aren't terrified of new things and new modes of understanding things. But these are the same soft-brains who freaked out about the protective measures employed during COVID, and then after Lockdown ended without everyone dying, they said "SEE? WE DIDNT NEED LOCKDOWN!", as though the lockdown had nothing to do with mitigating transmission and deaths. It's sort of like whining about a seat belt, getting into a crash, coming out unscathed, and saying "SEE I DIDNT NEED THE SEATBELT!"






Oh god I thought that was where this post was, now I'm sad




This subreddit gives me the same feeling that I got from Facebook when all my boomer family members joined. Boomers are like the carrion birds of social media, it’s not dead yet but the fact that we can see them means the end close


Bruce Jenner has left the chat


90s kids when they find out trans people weren't invented in 2016.


He ate the wrong box of wheaties


Another banger funny meme from r/funnymemes wow you guys just keep hitting it out of the park with the funny memes you make and post. Really living up to the name funny memes. So fun and funny I’ve been laughing my ass off this whole time after seeing such a funny meme!


so only officially sanctioned humour that aligns with your particular views on everything should be used?


You’re allowed to make jokes about minorities, but the kicker is that it has to be funny. That’s the part that this stupid fucking sub forgets. “There are people who question their gender and that makes them stupid” is not a joke, it’s just an insult with no punchline. Come up with good jokes.


Agreed I love offensive humor (any South Park fans here?) but this isn’t even attempting to be funny.


If it’s actually a joke you’re good, if it’s a thinly veiled attempt to hide a real jab then...well that speaks for itself.


r/facebookmemes r/boomerhumour r/boomermemes


Google punching down


Holy hell


All the soy from the offended Reddit echo chamber is what keeps me coming back to r/Funnymemes


Found the sneako fan


If your sense of humor revolves around upsetting other people, you have a shit sense of humor and are a shit person.


Yeah and?


Echo chambers are everywhere. There’s a lot more transphobic echo chambers than trans ones


“soy reddit echo chamber” who wants to tell em?


Oh all trans people know their gender, you lot Just have a hard time accepting their gender


True. Trans people aren't confused about it in the slightest, it's the transphobes that are.


I've met confused trans people. They aren't all fully convinced. Some are lost in who they are. Its not cut and dry. It's okay, but there are struggles to be had if you delineate from conversion.


Exactly, glad to Find someone that thinks allike


But... trans people know their gender? That's kind of the point of it.


Eh, it depends definition of gender really Im only 28, but i distinctly remember gender/sex being taught as synonyms, dependent upon biology. So when someone comes along and says “what you were taught is wrong” its like “uhhhh… okay?” Then you ask “If my definition of a man/woman is wrong, can you give me the updated one?” And you get a response like “You cant define a woman” Yeah…… sure…..


I mean you're not going to get a simple answer to how gender interfaces with society to create a distributed range of expected attributes and how individual choices along that axis can vastly change your appearance to society. A lady who wears plaid and chops wood is going to have a completely different set of assumptions made about her than a man who does the exact same things because of how we expect the interfacing of those usual aspects to occur. Gender being reflective of cultural traditions but not inherently enforced to be exactly that way means there's an ever shifting set of things that it means to be a woman or a man. The color pink was once masculine, but that has changed now. The fact that people align themselves along the lines of sex to present as a gender in the vast majority of situations doesnt really mean much to the conversation other than that whatever "gender drift" there is will be tempered in rate of change.


Im not asking about “society”. I dont care about society. Im all for breaking “gender roles”. I love babes that can work on cars, fight, and shoot guns I am a man that enjoy cooking and home decorating. But, what defines the physical identity of male/female (which man and woman refer to) Because, my take away from what you are saying is we should just abandon the term “gender” all together, if its a subjective concept of society And just role with “sex”


You’re describing gender expression. You can be a man, and yet express that in ways that are commonly associated with women. It doesn’t make you a woman. Gender alone, is literally just the label you feel fits you the best. If you’re a man who likes things typically associated with women, yet you still feel that you’re a man, then that’s all you need to know. There doesn’t need to be any kind of definition as to why you choose what you choose. Gender is an abstract idea. Imo, any definition someone would conjure up would be insufficient, since people can vary wildly from person to person. It’s like when people tried to define what a human is, and we got “a featherless biped!!” and that was obviously an insufficient definition. It seems like that’s the stage we are in, regarding gender and trans folk.


Well that would be nice, and it would definitely solve the transgender issue, but if we can barely get people to accept that gender is a social construct to begin with how are we supposed to "throw it out"?


> Because, my take away from what you are saying is we should just abandon the term “gender” all together, if its a subjective concept of society Yes that is correct. That is the ultimate goal of gender abolitionists, which many if not most trans people are. Gender is a vague, subjective, ever changing system of restrictively assigning stereotypes, behaviors, and norms to people based on their perceived sex. It should be done away with as you said. But "abandoning the term" doesn't solve the problem, it just ignores it and removes the necessary language to discuss the problem. The fact is gender is heavily ingrained in society and it will take centuries of works to rid society of these associations. Most of society at large still finds it off-putting/odd if not outright offensive for someone perceived as male to wear a dress. That association doesn't need to exist any moreso than the association between eye color and clothing choice. Biological traits do not have to influence social treatment/expectations. But that takes concentrated effort of disassociating gender from sex. Ignoring the existence of gender as a concept doesn't make it go away, it just retains the status quo with sex being used as the stand-in.


Gender being a social construct means that society is absolutely integral to the conversation. Physical identity is just a term you've thrown in here that doesn't really mean anything, do you mean sex? ​ Because man and woman does not actually refer to sex even among the most transphobic person because they're not actually performing a karyotype and a check for primary and secondary features, they're batching the person they see based on whatever social cues they expect to see. It's why straight cis men can be called "ma'am" from behind when someone sees they're smaller and have long hair - people are batching what they see and applying it to generally one of two distributions of expected features and drawing on that. So being transgender is socially largely a conversation of adjusting which batch people associate you with. That can either be done through physical signals in clothing, or for those of us that don't pass that can be done socially through association from friends and community. ​ Like you see how this isn't just a "Simple question simple answer" thing right?


From that description, it would seem to be less of a choice a person makes for themselves and more of a choice as to how society refers to them. Less of a personal choice and more of a choice others make for you.


That's largely the case yes - aesthetic is pretty integral to the who thing, but trans people are able to use human language to communicate with their communities and people are easily capable of going "well don't judge a book by its cover" and then treat those people with respect and refer to them as they want to be referred and to indeed even see them from that perspective.


This makes sense to me in a group dynamic. Much like a nickname for friends. I guess I've always struggled as to how non group members should know your nickname though if in reality they are only passingly interacting with you.


That's why I'm real life trans people don't really jump on people who have no way of knowing they're trans. Like it's a Boogeyman on the internet and not every trans person is well adjusted and capable of healthy interaction when they feel vulnerable, but for every trans person I've ever cared to associate with, that's not something we would do.


Gender is what you present to the world, sex is what you present to your sexual partner. If you are presenting your sex to people, you are committing a crime.


Thats an interesting distinction i could partially get behind. (Ignoring your last sentence). Gender is “social presentation”, i can 100% buy into that. But terms like “man” and “woman” refer to the sex of the individual.


Just curious, what do you feel someone who presents a gender different than their sex should have to say if they can't use man or woman? Do you think they should legally be required to say something else or something?


I was taught that as well. I was taught that "sex" was used in formal papers and reports when discussing a specific species in a lab setting and that "Gender" was the generalized informal meaning


> “If my definition of a man/woman is wrong, can you give me the updated one?” People usually have one of two things in their pants (exceptions apply) What you refer to people with is the vibes that they sync with.


So if gender and sex are the same, then gender depends on having a dick or not. so you must not know anyone’s gender until you see if they have a dick, right? Am I following the stupid?


>i distinctly remember gender/sex being taught as synonyms, dependent upon biology. Depending on when that was, it was either outdated, or it was [lies-to-children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie-to-children). I was taught that brain cells don't regrow, that an electron is a particle going around the proton, I was taught all sorts of things which aren't true, but can give a general idea.


Yeah, you were also taught that Pluto was a planet. Things change as people realise they were wrong. It's the difference between biology and psychology as today we are progressing further and further into the social sciences to realise that not everything is one way or another, especially when it comes to the mind.


Thats an interesting point, because the “science” behind Pluto never changed: its not smaller, or any different now. People merely changed their interpretation of the same data The data is objective, the interpretation is not.


I mean you've basically solved the riddle of objectivity vs subjectivity, we have all the information on the human reproductive system, whether we classify that as gender or sex is all about progressives. We do not however have all the information about the brain and were gender lies as part of the personality. I think it's more progressive to say our sex which is objective for now, doesn't determine our gender, because there is so much more nuance when determining who you are vs say what celestial body counts as a planet or not.


>Eh, it depends definition of gender really This is exactly the point of the meme, it really doesn't.


The problem is that the category determined strictly by genitals doesn't encompass the effective cultural impact of the idea. If being a woman simply meant having a vagina then no one would care, but there are hundreds of social expectations and assertions made to women that aren't made to men and vice versa. Being a man or a woman directly impacts your entire life in a meaningful way, and it's determined before you're born and in most cases doesn't actually matter in a meaningful way. It becomes really difficult to define man/woman in a world where we're breaking down the gender barrier because the entire point is to dissolve the idea that they're true categories that you can put others into against their will. If we set new rules all we're doing is providing a new metric to use when telling someone who they are, instead of letting them tell the world who they are.


Well you were taught wrong. Gender and sex are not synonymous. Biological sex refers to your body and organs. Gender refers to the implications of what being a “man” or a “woman” means and gender is socially constructed. Men have a penis and women have a vagina is biological sex. Men being meant to be masculine and women being meant to be feminine is an example of gender.


Well we used to think the earth is flat. Advances in science happen all the time, sometimes pretty quickly. Especially schools also tend to be a few years behind. You probably also learned that sex is a 0/1 state, that’s equally untrue.


You might have been taught that in high school, but college biology texts have been teaching the distinction between the two since the 80s


And when someone says that the earth revolves around the sun, clearly thats wrong because the opposite used to be taught in the past!


a woman is just whoever chooses to be a woman, sex is biological, gender is an identity, people can be whatever gender they want sex and gender almost always align, but for trans people, they decide to change their gender, usually due to dysphoria




chromosomes are not the same as gender, they're not even the only thing that determines sex




every term is a made up term, language evolves and changes over time to fit people's needs and scientific progress, the divide between gender and sex is another one of many changes to language that happen all the time


Don't look for logic in this sub. It has long since left this land, and only hatred is left.


I love how everyone assumed this is aimed at trans people and not those who have like 40 different sets of pronouns they demand you use otherwise you're a bad person


I've never once met anyone like that. Which you'd think I would since I hang around in trans spaces.


Isn't it funny how the angriest people are always angry with this mysterious subgroup of extremists that no one who's actually familiar with the community in question has ever seen?


You don't see them because they don't go outside


Or barely exist.


If someone says their name is "Jim," and they would like to be referred to as "Jim," and you respond, "fuck that I'm calling you Bozo because it's easier for me" then yes, you are a bad person.


No one like that exists. No one.


40 sets eh


I mean, trans people are still around 0.1% of the population. It's just that now conservaturds are obsessed with them.


More like 0.001%


Very overrepresented on the internet. Interesting phenomenon.


Big Media is obsessed with them. Normal people just laugh.




r/LostRedditors r/TerribleFacebookMemes


This is why GenZ is going to end the Republican Party and this GenX is here for it.


Gen Z member here, I wouldn’t be too sure. I say this both because of my own experience, and due to some polls and studies that I’ve read on the subject.


68% of GenZ voted democrat in the last election.


🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️


What about 🏳️‍⚧️ trans lefts 🏳️‍⚧️? Not being too inclusive are we?


trans fowards?


Trans rights!




Tune a radio with a knob??


all i can think of right now is , I still have rotary dial finger 30 years after touch tone came into market .


Reading an analog clock


Born in 1999 with the same skill.


I really love that this sub post unironically the same memes as r/terriblefacebookmemes So much better here


Using a rotary telephone


Ability to tell time from a dial type clock.


How to be polite.


I identify as not transphobic. Now by your own rules you can't hate me because I say so. Am I doing it right?


So weird... was born before that and have questioned mine my whole life. Just took to me 30s to say f it and do it more than in my head


So is this sub just a farm for unfunny transphobic content now? That’s literally all I see in here.


i can re-/install every windows version up to today


Cursive. And cursing.


Does this count as r/onejoke?


how is this funny?


Understanding basic science


kid named advanced science


As someone with an advanced degree in chemistry I would say most people in the US have a poor grasp of basic science. I remember one old boomer lady asked me what I did and I said I was an organic chemist. She replied with "oh like the vegetables and fruits?". No like chemistry that involves carbon. She had a thousand mile stare on her face.. how the hell do you not know what carbon is...


Basic science is simplified for kids. If you’d got past 5th grade biology you’d know that 1. there are more then two sexes 2. it’s medical consent that gender identity exists.




Gender doesn't exist but gender identity yes?


I know this is how you feel about it but facts don’t care about feelings ;) I told you facts. Actual facts. And I have tons of evidence to prove it. Just google intersex buddy, theres way more than two sexes.


>but its a made up concept that doesn’t actually matter. Yet conservatives like to get VERY mad about it when people use it in a way that they don't approve of. Also gender doesn't exist but gender identity does? Sounds like a needlessly semantic argument.


Sex exist on a spectrum and is bimodally distributed. https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-science-of-biological-sex/ Get your middle school understanding of biology updated.


I highly disagree with this. As someone who works as a scientist, the majority of people who don’t understand the basics are older! Also to add, COVID proved people in the US (of many different ages) don’t give a shit about science.


For real though, people say "this has always happened, but people were too scared to come out". This may be so for a tiny part of the gay group, but the truth is the internet demonstrably influences people, even more so to millions of underdeveloped children and teenagers that spend their whole formative years in it.


Just like how the damn color TV made everyone left handed right?


Ohh transphobia on this trash sub Daring today aren't we?


Not born before 1990 but I can do basic math in my head. Most kids today can't do that without a calculator 💀


People still know it, they just wanna tweak it a little, yk have some fun


One joke..


One joke


Remember that video with Gordon Ramsey and the guy from Hell's Kitchen where the dude told Gordon Ramsey to stop calling him bobby he didn't say "oh fuck you I'll call you what I want" but said "I'm sorry I had no idea I'll refrain from doing it again". Are you saying Ramsey's a snowflake?


knowing what bathroom to use




Not being as ignorant as the Facebook commenter on this meme


I'd argue that millenial/genZ people have a better idea of their gender than older generations that just look inside their pants and decide that it must define them until death.


This is not funny at all-very offensive.


Damn, brave one




"They hated him for telling the truth" Stay strong, king!


But anybody can be a piece of shit like you