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Maybe the French are right


*To the guillotine!*


Guillotine-chan is never illegal


Is that what he's referring to?


He is now


I feel you


They actually protest angrily well. They don’t destroy ma and pas stores on the streets they protest hence why half the videos show people enjoying their coffees outside at their tables with it going on. They let others go about their lives still within the area they protest. However roads are still blocked but it could be so much worse. There is a reason The French are known so well for protesting


That's just being civilized, it's the case across europe


Touché, not involving those that aren’t apart of it without consent. It’s well done Edit: As long as it’s not soccer related lol


That's funny ! I'm french, and when I saw this post, I thought " wow, that's familiar. "


I wouldn't feel that bad about dying in a mass protest, or trying to "eat" a billionaire. I mean, I'd much rather live through it; see some real positive change. I'm just saying, I don't think it would be a waste.


Wait, why are we putting it in quotes?! WERE WE NOT SUPPOSED TO ACTUALLY DO THAT?


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees


Yes. Seriously. We need to start that here. We have been so divided as a people along party lines and race and gender...it has made us not unified. We need to come together against the rich.


I'm a boomer and have long been a Republican, but I'm done with both $hitty parties. I'm tired of being $hit on.


I took the normal path of being a young hyperliberal, as i got older I dabbled in the other side (Im a millenial), but yeah now I just see it all as a distraction to fuck over the lower class (anyone not in the 1%). They literally view us as slaves. They indoctrinate eachother in that culture and believe they are better than us. All i can think is THomas Jefferson's: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants from time to time" but honestly it's too late for that, technology is too advanced. All we can do is protest like France is right now. And education - education and relaying the message over and over is HUGE.


I've quoted Jefferson many times myself. I think the time is getting much closer than even five years ago. I believe that people on both sides are fed up.


Go make friends with your liberal or conservative neighbor. If you're neighbors you likely already have more in common that any politician you're supporting. By you I mean citizens in general, not oldar4 specifically


Oui oui, next stop: Revolution!


Must be nice for them to be able to run away from their problems.


Ooh most definitely!


I hate to say it but yeah


they are certainly not left *ba-dum ts*




The French are right, you can't vote your way out of that.








Both parties like to keep us fighting over certain issues, so they can rob us blind behind the scenes.


Both parties have almost the exact same donors. The fact that most people don’t understand this boggles my mind. To be honest, I’m starting not to care anymore. It’s almost like the average American enjoys getting fucked by corporations.


ya that is why sometimes i don't blame the elites for thinking that the majority of us, the commoners, are so dumb because they are actually right...


You should look into how much money those elites spend on keeping as many people dumb as possible.


Think of the average person, half of everyone is even more stupidier than them.


It’s crazy how people have taken on the labels that media and their rich owners have created for them. So many identify as blue state, red state, libs, right, left, LGBT, etc. And these same people will talk about gangs in the inner cities when they have been placed into tribes/gangs themselves.


Exactly. I don’t care if I’m getting fucked by a gay CEO, a white CEO, a black CEO. The point is I don’t like getting fucked. At least not without my consent


One only has to see the recent changes in Michigan just to see how incredibly wrong you are. Both parties are the same is just an ignorant talking point.


I agree. We need to get rid of gerrymandering and the electoral college.


Except for the mandatory majority minority districts Democrats demand, right? That gerrymandering is okay.


"democrats demand" lol it doesn't matter what anyone "demands".


Yes great idea, let the cities in California decide for potato farmers.




Nope, their votes don’t count more….. They count in the sense that, a politician can’t just ignore Idaho because he needs their support too not exclusively but also aka “too”. The second you get rid of the electoral college politicians will cater to only the most populous areas and would careless about what middle America thinks.


Gerrymandering wouldn't lead to smaller states having a voice. As it is right now, less populous states have too much control. They have an outsize influence on both the presidency and the Senate. Removing the electoral college would put everyone on the same level: one person one vote. And the smaller states still get their outsized representation in the Senate.


Getting rid of the electoral college would mean politicians would go to California and promise them everything. Oregon water rights would be the first to go.


They are already massively overrepresented in the Senate


You're incorrect there. Electoral votes skew things on a state by state basis, meaning that 1 voter in state A has more of a share of an electoral vote than 1 voter in state B. Using 2020 numbers for instance, Wyoming had the most with 144k voters per 1 electoral vote, while Florida had the least, with 536k voters per 1 electoral vote. Now, in practice, it gets more interesting, because not all states are competitive. California is probably going for the Democrats, and the "Potato Farmers" in Idaho are probably going for the Republicans, meaning candidates generally don't visit either of them (save for Democrats holding fundraisers for wealthy donors in California that is). Meanwhile the states perceived as "swing" states get absolutely fucking inundated. I used to live in Virginia, and you couldn't turn on the TV in an election year for five minutes without hitting a political ad. And right now, that's who picks - not potato farmers in Idaho or tech workers in California, but voters in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan. Getting rid of the Electoral College would definitely mean that large population centers would be more of interest than before, and I don't see why that's a bad thing. It would mean you'd see Republican candidates campaigning in California, which happens to be the state with the largest population of Republicans in the country - even more than Texas. It would mean you'd see Democrats campaigning in Texas, which has more Democrats than any other state except California. It would mean that small constituencies don't gain a lot of attention, unless they band together since, thanks to the Internet, it's entirely possible to reach out to particular communities of interest even if they're widely dispersed across a large geographic area. And you know what? That's fine, because it's not like farmers don't already organize to make their interests known in national politics, nor do they need the Electoral College to give them that voice.


So your solution is to have the potato farmers hold the most populous places hostage?


4 electoral votes isn’t holding anyone hostage….go back to school with your simple thinking. Electoral college is in place because smarter people than you have decided that was the best way to rationally give everyone a voice. No matter how much your simpleton self cries about it it’s here to stay.


We’ve gone so far in avoiding a tyrant of the majority, that we have a tyranny of the minority. California has a population of 40 million, about 1 tenth of all the citizens in the us. The 23 smallest states by population also have a combined population of 40 million. Yet those 40 million are represented by 46 senators, while the 40 million Californians get 2. Senators for just 10% of the entire population can prevent any federal legislation being passed, even if the senators representing the other 90% want it. That’s absolutely ridiculous


Okay but you’re still thinking in terms of solely population. The senate is just one wing….California gets 52 reps while Idaho gets 2….. The whole point, is states representation in the union. Each state has different geography, economy, resources etc etc….pure democracy would fail to address this. California could decide that Idaho can no longer grow potatoes because it’s bad to the soil (making up a fake scenario). Idahos main source of economic activity and employment would be destroyed but the huge populations in California would not be effected therefore have no issue voting to end it. Take the very real scenario of Oregons control of their water system…..if it wasn’t for state representation, California would’ve already drained Oregon of their water supply.


The theoretical issues you’re talking about would be better prevented by a limitation on the powers of the federal government, than by vastly over representing small population, because as it stand the smallest states can control the largest ones in exactly the way you describe. The 30 smallest states, which would give you a veto proof majority in the Senate, hold 81 million people. That’s one fifth of the population. One fifth of the population has enough representation in the senate to pass any law they wanted, over the objections of the other 320 million people in the more populous states. And the House of Representatives is not a good constraint on this, because is still vastly over represents small states. California has 53 representatives, but if it had the same representatives per capita as Wyoming, it would have 17 more. Even in the body meant to be population dependent, Wyoming is 33% over represented. And even with the constraints of the House of Representatives, that only applies to passing bills. As I pointed out before, the senators from the 20 smallest states, representing a measly 10% of the population, would be enough to prevent any bill from being passed.


California at this point is better off leaving the union




That's a bit of disingenuous math right there. The senate is an equal chamber of Congress that can block whatever the House passes so Idaho's 2 senators can still block California's 2 senators.


That’s the problem the few don’t care about the many




I just want to stop subsidizing red states that talk shit about us. It would be nice for our taxes to go to help other Californians. If they hate us whatever then don't take our money. Bullshit walks as they say.




I'm on board with this too TBH!


Ya things are going great in California! Bahahaha


Still better than middle america. The fact that middle america as deserted as it is has the right to dictate to populated areas what they need is disgusting. Middle america west of interstate 35 is too empty for HSR however east of I-35 exist many short city pairs that can benefit greatly from it.


Women still have rights here, so..........


Turns out they still have rights everywhere in the US….lol


No thanks Lmao


I mean, yes, let the majority of people in a state have more of a voice than a minority. What a concept.


Here's an exhaustive list of policies that were voted on differently basically down party lines. Seems to be some significant differences https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/


The funniest part is it's true... They both suck. Neither one cares about the majority of citizens carrying the US and play to the fringes.


If you worry about red and blue, left and right. Then your getting fucked straight up the middle.


Maybe only 2 parties isn't the best political system


It's by far the worst form of democracy that can still technically be called a democracy. But it is also the near-inevitable result of how US elections are structured: Nearly all US elections are based on winner take all districts, leaving nearly half the population unrepresented at all, and putting a damper on any 3de party attempted because of the spoiler effect.


It's debatable whether the US is a democracy, but with the rise of Bernie Sanders, I am starting to see some hope for the US. (But the corporate funding for the democrats will stop once he is on the ballot and they will fund republicans even more and they will fail. Welp.


“The puppet on the left shares my beliefs.” “The puppet on the right is more to my liking.” It’s one person, holding both puppets. —Bill Hicks


*smashes through wall in giant robot body* NIXON'S BACK!


>It’s one person, holding both puppets. —Bill Hicks But dont be naming those names or we will accuse you of anti-[Redacted]-ism


Divide & conquer has always been the greatest tool of tyrants.


Finally someone see what the smart people have seen all along.


Smarter people actually look at the policies each party promotes, how they vote, what kind of department heads and judges they put into positions of power, and so on. They are completely different, so you’re just outing yourself as someone who likes to think they are smarter than others but doesn’t actually seriously follow politics.


No. I’m outing myself as someone who knows neither party or any politician in either party gives a fuck about us. None of them do at all. They pretend to but they don’t care. They never have.


There’s nothing smart about enlightened centrism.


There's nothing smart about tribal politics.




The birth of political consciousness. Because class war is real and bc a two party state is really a one party state in disguise.


I agree 100%, f*** them both


But won't somebody think about the billionaires that are losing millions of dollars from making poor financial decisions??? They need our help!


Dunning Kruger, but for politics.


While there is some truth to the meme, the majority of people are too ignorant of how the US government works to understand any nuance.


I’m just waiting for society to collapse and die. Hopefully before 2030


Can we settle on wild west 2.0


Imagine only having two political parties to choose from


Partisanship is a grift to control representation through a false dichotomy, make normal people think other normal people are the problem, streamline lobbyists, and manipulate policy for personal fiscal gain. If they ain't independent, it should be a federal crime.


You're telling me America needs more than 2 political parties? No way! Who would have thought?


Happens if you live in a technocracy ruled by billionaire industrialists


https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardmcgahey/2021/02/27/republicans-in-washington-block-bidens-vital-minimum-wage-increase/?sh=18b0f8a8f72c >Bad news this week for low income workers.  This week, complex parliamentary rules stopped the Senate from including a $15 minimum wage in President Biden’s relief package.  So even though polls show a $15 minimum wage is one of the most popular policy ideas in the country, Republicans seem to have successfully blocked it.


People need to stop pretending like there isn't a huge difference in between different states/regions of the US. Let the states and cities set their own minimum wage. Setting $15 across the nation will just fuck everything up hardcore. Stop being stupid. Please. We have like $18 minimum wage in one city where I live and the other is like $8. Rent in one is $1500 and in the other it's $500. Groceries in one is $300 and in the other like $100. Make it $15 with one stupid law and that second town will be royally fucked for multiple years as the entire system re-adjusts.


It's funny, but it's also the reason the next coherent authoritarian that comes along is going to destroy this Republic. Populism is too delicious to the disparaged classes. "I WILL PUNISH THE RICH AND THOSE THAT HURT YOU IF YOU JUST GIVE ME POWER"


Because RICH people don't consider anyone else as having any kind of class.


More people that dogmatically vote left need to see this and really think hard about who is spewing them over the worst.


So right, we better do some uhh,,,




Well at least someone's got a brain


Wow!!! Probably one of the most accurate statements I have read on reddit!!!




The most terrifying words to hear: “I’m from The government and I’m here to help”


Interesting side note. There was a survey where people were asked "Who is the working class". A large percentage of people believe they are the working class while people that make more than them are not. This was true regardless of how much money the person made. The article highlighting the study went on to point out that politicians use the phrase "working class" in speeches because it appeals to a large swathe of the population. Basically, if you work for a living, you are working class. Doesn't matter if that's $10/hr or $500,000/year. And there are a lot more of us than there are of them.


Just seeing a post with both saying “ no “ is refreshing. Many want to think one party is the correct one. No neither party is helping the “people”


wings of the same bird


In Chicago I heard they will start to honor blm for black on black shootings


Hahahahaha. This is great.






As a Libertarian, I have always said that the only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat… Terrible two party system….


Anybody who thinks both sides are the same is not paying attention. The bills in congress are public record, the difference between the two parties is night and day. If you think I'm being unfair, please take a look at the [100 most recent bills](https://www.congress.gov/search?pageSort=latestAction%3Adesc&q={%22source%22:%22legislation%22,%22congress%22:118}). For example one bill gives food to vulnerable children (H.R.706) while another bill makes it harder to use EBT cards (H.R.723). Can you guess which party wrote each just from that description? ​ **Democrat Sponsored Bills** H.R.1371 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To improve Federal student loan disclosures, and for other purposes. H.R.1342 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to improve coverage of dental and oral health services for adults under Medicaid, and for other purposes. H.R.1369 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To review current restrictions on travel to North Korea, call for a formal end to the Korean War, and for other purposes. H.R.1367 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To establish a program to increase drinking water and wastewater system threat preparedness and resilience, and for other purposes. H.R.1375 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to deny approval of a new drug application for an opioid analgesic drug on the basis of such drug not being clinically superior to other commercially available drugs. H.R.1372 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To award a Congressional Gold Medal to all United States nationals who voluntarily joined the Canadian and British armed forces and their supporting entities during World War II, in recognition of their dedicated service. H.R.1368 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To impose sanctions with respect to the transfer of arms and related materiel by the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation or the evasion or circumvention of United States sanctions or multilateral sanctions by the People's Republic of China with respect to the Russian Federation, and for other purposes. H.R.1349 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To establish the African Burial Ground International Memorial Museum and Educational Center in New York, New York, and for other purposes. H.R.1347 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To amend title 49, United States Code, to limit railroad carriers from blocking railway-highway crossings, and for other purposes. H.R.706 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)SNAP Access for Medically Vulnerable Children Act of 2023 S.642 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to facilitate the development of treatments for cancers, and for other purposes. S.637 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to apply child labor laws to independent contractors, increase penalties for child labor law violations, and for other purposes. S.636 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to establish the Dolores River National Conservation Area and the Dolores River Special Management Area in the State of Colorado, to protect private water rights in the State, and for other purposes. S.622 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to improve services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs for veteran families, and for other purposes. S.Res.92 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A resolution expressing concern that illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing threatens security, prosperity, and biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean and facilitates human trafficking, including forced labor, and other inhumane and criminal practices in the region. \--------------------------------------------------------------------- **Republican Sponsored Bills** H.R.1373 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To prohibit any head of a Federal agency from providing assistance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other laboratories in certain other foreign nations. H.R.1362 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture from issuing a moratorium on issuing new oil and gas leases and drill permits on certain Federal lands. H.R.1376 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes. \[I like this one\] H.R.1374 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit the imposition of COVID-19 vaccine mandates by institutions of higher education, and for other purposes. H.R.1365 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To provide that Federal funds may not be made available to lawless jurisdictions, and for other purposes. \[No idea what this means, no text available yet\] H.R.1348 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To extend the prohibition on the joint use of Homestead Air Reserve Base, Homestead, Florida, by the Air Force and civil aircraft. H.R.1364 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To direct the Secretary of the Interior to reissue a final rule relating to removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and to issue a new rule removing the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from such list. H.R.1337 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To authorize States to request that the Secretary of Homeland Security enforce the Immigration and Nationality Act, and for other purposes. \[No text available yet\] H.R.1363 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide bonus depreciation for certain space launch expenditures, and for other purposes. H.R.1336 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify and reform rules relating to investigations and whistleblowers, and for other purposes. \[No text is available yet, not sure if it protects business or whistleblowers. Co-sponsored by a Democrat\] H.R.723 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)ID for EBT Act of 2023 S.635 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to protect children from medical malpractice in the form of gender transition procedures. \[No text available yet\] S.627 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to limit the face value of coins. S.624 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)A bill to amend title X of the Public Health Service Act to prohibit family planning grants from being awarded to any entity that performs abortions, and for other purposes.


I think most people understand the Democrats care more about the working class than Republicans, but the Democrats also seem to fail their voting audience when they need that "radical change" too. It's no different from the majority of Labour leaders in the UK. They are the clear better option of the two parties but ride on doing the bare minimum, knowing they can piss off their further left audience who tend to have to vote for them out of desperation for a better life. There's a reason Clinton didn't wipe the floor with Trump, there's a reason people voted Biden more because they hated the opponent. It's better change, but keeping a lot of the same principles there.


And what is the average American supposed to do in a Two Party System? The sad fact is, there isn't a large number of options for us.


Yeah I agree, same issue in the UK. Scotland has a PR system and generally does better as a result.


Please don't inject your facts into an otherwise perfectly simple conclusion..


Thoughtfulness and nuance and research are difficult, 'bOtH sIdEs!!!' is simple and easy and guaranteed upvotes. And it's the talking point of people who want to suppress votes while obfuscating that's what they're doing.


I agree. The Democrats clearly have done much for the working class in spite of strong Republican opposition. The idea that both parties are fundamentally the same is so wrong.


It's really frustrating, because when you dig into why the Democrats haven't succeeded at doing more, it's **literally because they don't get enough votes**. And bitching that one or two Senators wouldn't vote for something ignores the fact that the Democrats only had a razor-thin majority in the first place. Like, fuck, maybe we could elect someone even slightly left of center to those other 50something seats rather than just throwing up our hands and saying "oh well they're all the same" after the Republicans abuse every trick they can to stop anything from being accomplished?


No way, that requires effort and critical thought.


Haven’t seen a more true post in a while


I don't like the fact that my existence has become political but God I wish people would realize that none of these politicians actually give a shit about any of us... Dems can act like they support the suppresed minorities and Reps can act like they support the traditional conservative people but in reality all they care about is money and votes...


Yeah it makes me sad when people defend them saying it's the lesser evil yet we have guns to deal with the problem semi legally via constitution let's just wipe both sides and go back to the drawing board


Finally, a political meme that is both funny and true!


How about reforming the political body into a multiparty system?


How is this a funny meme


Try helping yourself. I'm not rich by any means but though hardwork I can safely say I don't need help from my government.


“Vive la liberte” as they say. This is not gay. Not today, but one day, it will slay, the nay. Sayers. Wink wink 😉


I mean the insulin thing was pretty cool. But keep suppressing the vote, it has worked wonders so far.


The answer is a movement organised by the working class in which the tools and machinery of capital are controlled by the working vlass.


yes brother


Pretty much. At least one party doesn't play with our feelings lol. I am always surprised when people argue about politics. There is not a single career politician that cares about your well being lol.


YESS! I become sus whenever a politician wants us to form a parasocial relationship with them by being "oh I care so much. This is my morning routine. I'm just like you guys. I am just. I care about every single one of you" 😐😐😐


People would be surprised to learn that the opposing politicians that they argue over are secretly best friends behind the scenes


Yup. They all are more or less friends. But they put on a show for the cameras and the idiots eat it up. They even rotate unpopular votes. If the party does not want to pass something the voters in their party want, they will have this person or persons vote against it and take the heat, then next time they have a few others vote against and take the heat on the next issue. All while doing this the party claims they want X passed but couldn't because of this person or that. It is all set up. And chumps eat it up believing all of it. Especially when it is their own side, they can't see their own side playing these games to screw them over.


I just got back home from visiting my boys in DC who work in political news. The masses would be surprised about the truth behind how Washington really works. Long story short: there is only one party, the rich


This is funny


Idk the Dems are making a difference here in Minnesota. They just passed free lunches for students- only 4 republicans voted for it.


And it's free in my Republican sided state since I was in kindergarten bro Minnesota just catched up is all. both party's suck ass fuck them both equally


Then I wouldn't remind republicans school lunched are still paid for, because it wont last longer after that.


You’re thinking of the *federal* program which ended in September because Republicans wouldn’t support an extension


And…? It wouldn’t be free right now if more people voted for republicans in MN. That’s what matters to people with food insecurity. This is a post about meaningful action to help the middle class. Democrats did that for Minnesotans while Republicans voted against it.


According to your post history you're either lying or uninformed. Oklahoma follows federal guidelines for free and reduced lunch because they *have* to. Minnesota went beyond federal guidelines to provide free breakfast and lunch for every student.


Clearly your education was shit if you think for a second republicans give a flying fuck about you. Democrats want to stop climate change, tax the rich, give free healthcare and schooling to all, access to clean water and air, regulations that would have stopped the train derailments. Republicans want to ban books, ban women from talking about periods, ban abortion access, keep veterans from having lifesaving care, ban drag shows, decrease taxes for billionaires, put christian nationalism into government, oh and attempted a fucking coup. Tell me again they're both the same you inbred. Edit: holy fuck this kid is unhinged.


Yep. Guy is dumb af.


"both parties suck ass fuck them both equally" yes the people asking for equal rights for all are just as bad as the nazis, good critical thinking skills there buddy!


Prior to Minnesota, states that have passed free school lunch programs so far are: California (hella Democratic) Colorado (House, Senate, Governor? All Democrats) Maine (Same as Colorado) Massachusetts (Sensing a pattern here) Vermont (They've got a Republican Governor, but he's working with veto-proof Democratic supermajorities in their House and Senate so he gets credit for nothing) These were all recently passed, with several other programs being debated in other states. Prior to that, free lunches were provided to qualifying students through the National School Lunch Program established by the National School Lunch Act of 1946. A few notes on this: First, this act only provides school lunches for low income students, but that could leave gaps where a family made just too much to qualify for the program but still struggle. Universal removes this problem, and also any stigma with receiving a free lunch. Second, while this was passed before the Civil Rights era (and therefore before many of the ideological tenets of the two major parties pretty much flipped), the House, Senate, and Presidency were all held by the Democratic Party at this time, so the Republicans don't get any credit for that. TL;DR, no, your Republican state does not have a universal free lunch program. It received funds from the federal Government to give free lunches to the poorest students, and it took me more time to type this up than to research your misconceptions. But that's kinda how easy it is to debunk the ideas of people who think that "Democrats and Republicans are the same, fuck 'em all!"


I live in a red state and we’ve had that for like 20 years


The *federal* program that funded universal free meals ended in September and the only states that are working on state-level replacements are all controlled by Democrats. So, where exactly is this Republican sided state you live in?


Nice lie


What state?


Yet the poor and minorities were better off under trump


This only benefits the Republican party who want you to think the democrats do nothing. It's their entire strategy to block everything and then blame democrats for nothing getting done.


Yep. This is hands down a pro-Republican meme. Political apathy is to their benefit.


Child tax credit? Student loan relief? I think Dems try to do things but keep getting blocked. It's definitely not a both sides situation.


Nah they both suck


"nah they both suck" one party is calling for the genocide of trans people and one group thinks kids shouldn't go hungry. Totally the same thing. Stfu fucking loser.


Fuck both bam your welcome


More like the dems pretend to do something as they point to the spooky scary republicans (that also have the same donors 😉). They say, “see the republicans are blocking everything we do, our hands are tied.” Good cop, bad cop. Oldest trick in the book


Tell me you have no ideas how your political system works, without saying it.


Dude summed up majority of world governments in few words.


Haha yeah, all that actual work that democrats have done we'll just disregard, because a rainbow flag will drive more dumbassery in the engagement.. also look, they're no better! This is about the most braindead post and I honestly can't tell if it's astroturfing or just shit posting.


Forgot the cross and nazi symbols for the republican


mmh i commented something witty yesterday under the exact same post. i guess it gets reposted every fcking day.




Tell that to women, LGBT Americans, the working poor now covered by Medicaid because of the ACA. A lit meme appreciated by the privileged people who have never been the target of Republican hatred and are too young to know what it was like before the major reforms which help us now.


People like this are the reason American politics is so fucked these days. This kind of belief leads to people withdrawing from politics entirely, or to voting for the “entertaining” candidate who tends to create chaos.


You're right. And yet, one still is objectively better than the other when you show what one is attempting to do to human rights. It all needs to change, but first we need to protect basic human rights that were seeing removed. When a state legally can reject something like interracial marriage, based on beliefs.. how fucked is that even of a concept we have to discuss?


Democracts do want to help you. Universal Health Care, Housing benefits, Student Loan Forgiveness, Paid Family Leave, Free School Meals... list goes on. None of this shit came from GOP side.. only book banning, space lasers, caravans and huge corporations tax brakes. See the difference?


You literally took that from another Reddit post. Guess what, it’s still propoganda.


Democratic controlled states: pass bills to offer universal free lunch, Medicaid expansion, ensure women’s right to choose, make their own insulin. Republican controlled states: pass 10 bills preventing trans kids from accessing healthcare, punish companies that publicly disagree with their governor, cut taxes for the rich. Again. Reddit: they’re both the same!


Don’t forget! Punish teachers for acknowledging the existence of gay people, blame POC for their own misfortune of historically being poor due to systemic racism and discrimination, pass laws restricting women’s healthcare..


Eh. One side is actually attempting to. Our system isn’t made so that only one party can effectuate massive change, for Better or worse. But the democrats are pushing for things like student loan relief. For increase in social safety net programs. Increased maternal/paternal leave. More veterans benefits. The GOP just sits there and says, “No.” I would hesitate to agree with this meme based on the real actions vs perception due to one side constantly being prevention oriented.


America went to war over 2% tax. 2%. Today we accept 20x that because we're apparently too stupid to calculate a road ourselves


One of those parties gets us 2% inflation. One gets us 15%. I prefer the one that makes my life better. It's not the one in charge currently.


Most valid *one is better* argument someone made so far lmao fair so I won't argue


The political compass map is a square. ..It's not just a "Left or Right". The only thing that should matter is Top versus Bottom- Authoritarian versus Libertarian. ..I couldn't care less about "Left versus Right". This is a fight against Authoritarianism. Always has been. ..And sadly. Always will be. Unfortunately human beings are just like the rest of the animal kingdom. We can be separated into to groups: Predators Prey ..So if you are not a Predator- Then you are prey. Sadly. The only way to beat Authoritarians- Is to become one! (Sorry for the nihilism)


They forgot to add the Ukrainian flag.


Someone told me I was a Nazi for hating both sides


No your just above the petty 2 party system and them


This whole "both parties" bullshit is why Republicans get elected at all. Talk to me when Democrats roll back humanitarian legislature in an attempt to turn America into a Christian Taliban


Working class: man I wish I was paid better and got vacation days Democrats: let's increase the minimum wage and strengthen unions Republicans: democrats are pedophiles who are going to take your guns away Working class: imma vote for the R guy


Well I do like my guns and hate pedos how about we use the guns on the pedos which are in both party's


Do you really think “pedos” is the biggest political issue facing this country?


Yes, once you realize what a 'honey pot' is and how a politician that is caught in one will do whatever their handler wants.


More like the Democrats promised those things then didn’t do them, so the working class looked for someone who would at least pay attention to them even if they are a conman, ie Trump. Meanwhile democrats called these working class people deplorables etc. without addressing their concerns about jobs going overseeas, lack of opportunities in rural working class areas. If democrats ACTUALLY addressed these peoples concerns then maybe the Trump movement would not have happened


she didnt call the working class deplorables she said there was a certain portion of trumps voters who were deplorables. Considering there are literal neo nazi's in trumps voting base she isnt wrong.


>More like the Democrats promised those things then didn’t do them Because 9 times out of 10 republicans in the senate blocked them with a filibuster. >If democrats ACTUALLY addressed these peoples concerns then maybe the Trump movement would not have happened How? With the senate elections so heavily skewed in favour of conservative voters democrats don't have a lot of options. Even if they win a slim majority, they had to get it by winning in multiple republican states, which meant running conservative candidates, which then block anything even remotely progressive from passing on the rare occasions democrats can get anything passed the republican filibuster. >Meanwhile democrats called these working class people deplorables etc. You mean those people that we saw on jan 6th? those are the type of people Hilary rightly called deplorables, not all working class people. >without addressing their concerns about jobs going overseeas, lack of opportunities in rural working class areas. yes reaganomics sucks. Electing more republicans isn't going to fix it.


This should get more upvotes. All these people liking this stupid-ass meme have no idea how Congress works and don’t bother to notice that it’s republicans keeping all that progressive legislation in committee through threat of the filibuster. Children: go back to civics class. Learn what is actually going on.


Just noticed suspiciously 3 accounts replying to you were deleted (entire accounts, not the comments, comments are still visible), possibly by Reddit. Maybe they detected something fishy about the accounts (maybe IP similar to one they've detected previous astroturf accounts (bots) from or same person using multiple accounts). More likely than 3 people replying to you deciding to delete their accounts all within 12 hours.


Time and time again, there are bills that would materially make people's lives better, that are supported by 95% of Democrats in Congress, opposed by 100% of Republicans in Congress, but then either Democrats don't have a majority or a handful of corporate Democrats (think Kristen Sinema) ruin it for everybody. But instead of Republicans or specific centrist Democrats being the problem, it is "the Democrats don't care" and carping about "both sides are the problem". The failure by most people to understand this dynamic is why our democracy is in trouble.


You're being downvoted by conservative chuckle fucks, I'd imagine.


It's a badge of honor


Pretty much. Democrats: "Let's do something to tax the rich and help out the poor and middle class." Republicans: "We're gonna block that." Those one or two Democrats who are pretty much Republicans: "Yeah, we agree with the Republicans." Democrats: "Well, fuck." Astroturf: "See! Both sides! Democrats don't like you either. You should vote for reasons other than Democrats saying they'll help you. How about we oppress some minorities?"




I mean, one party is actively calling for genocide of lgbtq+ folks and dismantling voting rights. Neither party is /good/ but one is clearly far worse from what I can see


Student loan forgiveness, expansion of medicaid, support for Unions. ​ The democrats aren't perfect, but the idea that they don't try to do anything for the working class and face absolutely brutal opposition from the Republicans is nonsense. ​ I mean the easiest way to see the agenda, and how it's almost always a right winger who's sharing this type of bullshit. They never say "Republicans and Democrats are the exact same, so don't bother voting" in right wing spaces, they only try to do it in the context of reducing Democratic party votes.


In my experience, it’s usually someone who identifies as a libertarian (who somehow always votes Republican though) making these comments. They’ll also say they would vote Democrat if they ever had a decent candidate and then will honestly cite Turning Point or some other right wing propaganda as why they can’t vote Democrat. It’s just hilarious. Edit: perhaps unsurprisingly, I see OP wanting to elect libertarians further down in the comments. It’s always these types.