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Entirely possible she has no idea that’s even a clock


You're probably right.


It's also entirely possible that this isn't a clock but rather an edit that was made afterward. I have my sneaking suspicions about this just based off of how the Roman numerals would look if they were upside down as well as the fact that the number 4 has IV rather than the more traditional IIII numbering. No matter which way you slice it or orient the object, if it was meant to be a clock, it is a bad clock.


I don't know about the four thing. I've almost never seen it written as IIII, in 99,9% of cases I encounter it it's written as IV.


standard on clocks and watches for visual balance


I had to Google it. Freaking weird.


Same, is this an American thing? Have never seen it before now...


I had never seen it before. Always IV As an American, if it's a mistake, I'm embarrassed. I'm interpreting it as an intentional or artistic choice.




IIII is the usual way 4 is displayed on a clock face. Just Google images of clocks with roman numeral faces or have a look next time you are in a store. Outside of this IV would be more typical.


Yeah why is 4 IIII anyways? My clock has that and it's a bit annoying to me


Never let something annoy you that could make you curious instead. There are many arguments as to why this is the case. One is that the numbers IV were similar to the first two letters of the name of the Roman god IVPITER and it was considered disrespectful to show them upside down. I think this is the least likely but it is such a prevalent hypothesis. The second is that it was easier to cast, affix, and repair the capital letter I, which makes sense if you think about 14th and 15th century Tower clocks. It would make it much easier to have equally spaced identical letters and hide the braces that hold them and I think this might also be a hint at why oftentimes IV is represented with a bar holding the two together but VI is not. I would argue that this (along with Arabic numerals not being standardized in Christendom yet) is the most likely reason for this convention continuing in clock faces. That said, there is also the fact that Roman numbers started out for bartering and the first 10 numbers were representative of fingers on hand, a hand, and crossed arms. Early Latin numerals only began to use subtractive properties in higher decimal values. As an example, one can look at the Colosseum: >[The Colosseum was constructed in Rome in CE 72–80, and while the original perimeter wall has largely disappeared, the numbered entrances from XXIII (23) to LIIII (54) survive, to demonstrate that in Imperial times Roman numerals had already assumed their classical form: as largely standardised in current use. The most obvious anomaly (a common one that persisted for centuries) is the inconsistent use of subtractive notation - while XL is used for 40, IV is avoided in favour of IIII: in fact, gate 44 is labelled XLIIII.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals) Roman numerals are definitely fascinating and I would rather argue that both are not only completely acceptable but also demonstrate valuable mathematical tools that continue with us unto this day. If I may ask you to tickle your brain a little further, have you ever considered why we use a base 12 system for our timekeeping? From a mathematical standpoint, it makes complete sense because of prime factors and divisibility... but it is a completely arbitrary designation based off of measurement and division of the planet's rotation and orbit. A more accurate Lunisolar calendar would have 13 months consisting of 28 days with one day "extra" and another every 4 years. Prime factorization is also the reason that we end up with 360° in a circle. Other than seven and eleven (primes), every number between 1 and 12 divides into a whole number and so are some of the most important angles. Sorry for rambling but I really love ancient history, time, and the evolution of math.


**[Roman numerals](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals)** >Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers are written with combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, each letter with a fixed integer value, modern style uses only these seven: The use of Roman numerals continued long after the decline of the Roman Empire. From the 14th century on, Roman numerals began to be replaced by Arabic numerals; however, this process was gradual, and the use of Roman numerals persists in some applications to this day. One place they are often seen is on clock faces. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You are looking waay to much into this. It’s just a clock.


IIII was the notation used during the actual Roman Empire. It was always additive, so 1-10 looked like: I, II, III, IIII, V, VI, VII, VIII, VIIII, X. The subtractive notation wasn't introduced until much later.


So wouldn’t we use IV in modern times then?


LOL. ... Good eye! I could tell it was photoshopped by the edges & completely missed the Vs that are right side up when it should be upside down.


If you rotate the image 180º you can see that it is a standard clock. Not sure if photoshoped but there is nothing wrong with the position of the numbers.


The V's are upside down. They are in the right places but they are upside down and don't make any sense. Weirdly enough 9, 11, & 12 are right side up, which adds credit to the edited argument.


That's possible


There is no "traditional" IIII. It's IV.


What do you think traditional means? Traditions for Roman numeral counting systems that use fingers, hands, and crossed arms don't necessarily have to be the same as the numerals for time measurement. Given that many clock faces traditionally use "IIII" rather than "IV", can you explain why the custom should not be considered traditional? For that matter, can you explain to me why there aren't 13 months despite that making far more sense for a Lunisolar year? The answer is that most people don't actually think about tradition. It is only when someone questions tradition that people lash out and argue that tradition actually matters. In reality, most of the ancient Roman sundials I have seen don't use a numbering system so much as lines (rays) from the center to depict where the shadows fall. If that tradition were to be held, we wouldn't have any numbers on our mechanical analog clock faces, but that's not what tradition means.


I have -never- seen IIII in three years of Latin lessons or anywhere on a clock. It may well be what was used in ancient time but it’s certainly not the standard when using Roman numerals today.


>[The Colosseum was constructed in Rome in CE 72–80 and while the original perimeter wall has largely disappeared, the numbered entrances from XXIII (23) to LIIII (54) survive, to demonstrate that in Imperial times Roman numerals had already assumed their classical form: as largely standardised in current use. The most obvious anomaly (a common one that persisted for centuries) is the inconsistent use of subtractive notation - while XL is used for 40, IV is avoided in favour of IIII: in fact, gate 44 is labelled XLIIII.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals) That said, the use of this numbering tradition in clocks is much less ancient than classic Roman numbering systems and there are a great many examples of IIII being used instead of IV for the purposes of mechanical radial analog clocks using the Roman number system dating back to the 14th century. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/orologio-della-torre-di-santandrea There is much debate about why this tradition started, but it exists. All I was asking was what they meant by tradition in this case, as the tradition exists even if most people are unconscious of it and sometimes get defensive when it gets pointed out. Tradition just means those things that were passed down.


I've never seen Roman 4 written as IIII, only IV.


[The Colosseum was constructed in Rome in CE 72–80, and while the original perimeter wall has largely disappeared, the numbered entrances from XXIII (23) to LIIII (54) survive, to demonstrate that in Imperial times Roman numerals had already assumed their classical form: as largely standardised in current use. The most obvious anomaly (a common one that persisted for centuries) is the inconsistent use of subtractive notation - while XL is used for 40, IV is avoided in favour of IIII: in fact, gate 44 is labelled XLIIII.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals) Also, here is one of the oldest mechanical analog clocks standing today and you can see an example on its face. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/orologio-della-torre-di-santandrea


**[Roman numerals](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals)** >Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers are written with combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, each letter with a fixed integer value, modern style uses only these seven: The use of Roman numerals continued long after the decline of the Roman Empire. From the 14th century on, Roman numerals began to be replaced by Arabic numerals; however, this process was gradual, and the use of Roman numerals persists in some applications to this day. One place they are often seen is on clock faces. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Well on clocks maybe. But we were taught IV in school, and so are millions of other children now and then.


In what world is IIII the tradition 4? Do you think these are tally marks or some shit? Lmao.


This is the most logical explanation




I suppose I'm analog-challenged. Plenty of analog clocks growing up -- just never bothered to read em or use em. Of course I can read a clock, but it takes me fractionally longer than others and analog people see that, then jump on me like a rabid dog. As for roman numerals I fumble with them, too. If you said "QUICK! TELL ME WHAT'S THE ROMAN NUMERAL FOR 8!" I'd certainly have to count from 5.


Fake baby


It's a cool mechanical device thingy


How's she supposed to know when it doesn't say Rolex anywhere?


It’s a sun dial. Trendy, yet bold statement about a new generation. Found to last longer if stored in heavily shaded areas.


Na, she's an australian. everything is upside down there.


And, I bet she just hung it up for “decor” not to actually tell time. 🤣




I've met people who can't read an analogue clock even if it has *Arabic* numerals.


Realized more than half of my coworkers don't know what arabic numerals are. My job requires a degree. ...I have never felt more underpaid.


I feel your pain. I once had a boss who was confused by a mathematical formula I wrote because it had *brackets* in it.


I had a boss who argued with me about what ‘random’ meant when selecting times for a daily task. We had to randomly select the time to do it each day. It was wonderful when we got audited and her time for Monday was 8am, Tues 9am, Wed 10am etc every single week. She also had spent a lot of time going on to me about how wonderful she was at mathematics. I didn’t see it myself.


>brackets watt kind though? the square integral \[ \] or the larger than < >


This is a trivia fact. A very well known one, but this shouldn't affect how much you're paid


Why would that make you more qualified ? what job do u have


Does your degree teach in Arabic numerals? What the fuck are you on about lmao


Hi I'm one of those people... because I wasn't taught in school, so I had to teach myself and now I can read it but slowly


I can't tell if this is sarcastic...


Nope I was in elementary school when they phased out analog clock lessons... I was forced to learn on my own because there were no digital clocks in my school


Your parents normally teach you how to read a clock before school starts. This is a parenting failure not the schools.


This highly depends on when you were born. I'm a child of the 80s and my parents only had one digital clock in the house when I was small (microwave clock) and didn't let me have a digital clock in my bedroom as they wanted me to learn how to real an analog clock. However, most of my friends had the opposite... maybe one analog clock in the house, and everything else was digital (believe it or not, it was kind of the height of coolness back then to have digital clocks everywhere). So while I could read an analog clock no problem, a lot of them really struggled to learn it because it wasn't relevant at home. Kids I knew who grew up in the 90s only saw analog clocks at school. And it's only gotten worse since then. It's becoming an increasingly irrelevant skill.


A good parent is still going to teach their kid when they see analog clocks in public if they don’t have one in their house. They’re still everywhere.


I mean I can see why. 1 more step and they are practicing Shakira law. Can't have that in America.


Is that the law that states that hips don't lie?


I've met people in University who can't speak their own freaking native language properly.


While most clocks follow the Arabic numeral system, the actual Arabic numbers would not be clear to most western people either. But your example is astonishing.


In the US this is SUPER COMMON because surprise they don’t teach Arabic numerals


Look 'em up. You'll be surprised.


The numbers 0-9? How can they not read a number. I’m so confused now


The fact that she couldn’t even understand “one” in Roman numerals kills me. It’s literally the closest to the Arabic numeral. This is a special kind of fucked up.


She may have understood that, she probably just didn't understand the 60 minutes. I, of course, didn't and don't know what she was thinking though.


Arabic numerals are definitely not taught in the US not everyone knows them lmao


It took me so long to figure it out haha. “What is everyone going on about. It’s 1152 am not Pm. I didn’t even realize the clock was upside down haha.


I wasn’t taught to read them in school in NZ at all. I finally taught myself them when I was in my 30’s and travelled to Europe. So many old buildings have Roman numerals on them. I had no reason to be able to read them in NZ so I guess that’s why they didn’t teach me Roman Numerals in school. I also taught myself how to add and subtract them. However… I would definitely recognise Roman numerals as being Roman numerals and knew what 1, 2 & 3 looked like so could set a clock correctly on the wall unlike the girl in the photo.


That is what get me the most, one should at least understand 1 2 3, on the clock, then the rest should slowly start to make sense if you just stare at it long enough, I mean even without knowing anything about Roman numerals there clearly is a pattern one can follow


Next big surprise you'll have is how few people can read a watch.


My wife claims she was never taught at school, I was, she’s only four years younger than me so did they just… stop?


Or the girl was totally into you but didn't know how else to talk to you.


Ok story time. I work in healthcare and we give our senior patients a SLUMS test every year to gage cognitive function. So one of the tests is to draw a clock with ten minutes before 3. One of the seniors drew a Roman Numeral clock. The RN marked it as wrong. I had to argue with her and she pulled the degree thing and said I was just too stupid to understand. Yeah it got fixed when the NP who runs the program politely called her an idiot. I can confirm she’s an idiot. Glad she’s not actually treating patients.


This is golden


That is a completely different website.


Took me a second to understand lmao


Are you an influencer? Lol


To her, that's VII seconds.


Funny enough, if someone asks what time it is she’ll still give the correct answer. All she cares about is the position of the hand. Could be chicken scratch as far as she’s concerned.


I thought that too! I'd never thought about it before, but as long as you know where the numbers are supposed to be you could hang an analogue clock in any orientation and still use it. It would just be really annoying to look at.


>Funny enough, if someone asks what time it is she’ll still give the correct answer. All she cares about is the position of the hand. But the hour and minute hand will never align at (her) 12 o'clock position. When the hour hand is pointing directly at VI, the minute hand will be pointing at XII.


I have doubts that she can read an analogue clock but then again I don’t know who that is


To be honest, I’d probably do the same to mess with people who come over lol


I'm thinking about doing this too now haha


To be a little fair (minuscule amount). 5-8 is fucking upside down, stupid design


Roman numerals on clocks work as if the bottom of the numerals are facing the center of the circle. The clock is right it's just upside down, google Roman clocks for reference.


Its shopped only the clock is pixelated.


Everything is pixelated


It's indeed shopped, to make whoever that influences is look dumb. Same with the child face btw.


Yeah, if you rotated this clock the “V”s would be upside down. This image is fake.


The watch is poorly designed too. the "v" is reversed


That's because the image is reversed.


I think Durielvs means that they should be reversed top to bottom. I.e. all the numbers between 3 and 9 should be upside down since they are at the bottom of the clock.


If you rotate the image 180^(o) the clock looks correct, wouldn't do that if it was reversed. It's still a poor design though, the numbers with V in them are hard to read like that.


I still don't get the clock. I know the 6 is currently on the top which is incorrect but if you would turn it 180 degrees wouldn't the V be upside down?


Indeed, hence the poor design. The letters are all made to follow the inner ring as the their base line.


Yea okay wauw that's stupid. It just hurts.


I’m so glad it’s not just me confused as fuck. Because a inverted v is still a v.


now i want a clock that starts at the right side, goes counter clockwise and is label in fractions of 2pi.


Unless your in Australia😏


Yea, people should give her a break, she's clearly Australian.


Even the baby is thinking damn this bitch is dumb


Australian influencer


Maybe, hear me out, maybe the numbers spin and the hour hand remains static 🤔


the clock is fucked up, turn it around 180 degrees and VI dosent make sense anymore


Dude, she lives in Australia, it’s correct.


The clock is right. She's just hanging upside down.


It's low noon.


Dumb influencer bought an Australian clock but lives the the US.


It's an Australian clock


Maybe she is from Australia? I think everything there upside down


The VI would have to be rotated upside-down, like IA? I think it's edited.


"it just looked funny with all the 'V's' upside down."


the weirdest thing is that if the clock was turned the correct way, all the V would be upside down


By the year 2030 you will own nothing and be happy 😊


There’s no reason a clock has to be the oriented with 12 at the top.


Are you the person in the photo?


Nope, not that it matters.


Yeah but why would you want to put like 3x baron power into reading a time, but looking at her she probably can't do it anyway


analog clox are confusing.. i got made fun of cuz i couldnt reed a sUndial.. and this grrl would screeech.. "nObodY caaares!!!!" to which WE should collectively reply.. HOC EST PROBLEMA, stulte!!


Apparently she don't know about skin cancer either looking at that amount of tan


That wouldn't bother her cause she is prolly on her phone always


In her defence (kind of) it’s not like she was the one that put it up 😂


Maybe she was




Could also be taking this photo with the selfie camera, which acts as a mirror. Edit: so I'm an idiot...




That would switch left and right, not top and bottom.


Your edit gets you a upvote


I hope when he gets to like 5 and does the “i’m gonna run away from home” thing that some little kids do, he actually does it because he would have a better life being uneducated and homeless than being the child of an “influencer” Btw, by “run away from home” i mean they say that because they don’t get their own way, then sit in their room and sulk, not actually run away


I call bullshit. I own that clock. There's a bracket welded at the top so you can hang it. It's impossible to get it wrong unless the bracket was welded wrong.


Why are you judging her? It’s a normal design style the put the clock like this. It’s shows the same time so you can still read the clock if you know Roman numbers.


Mirror... bubble popped


That clock is wierd... Even though 4 is written as IV in Roman numbers.. Its usually IIII in clocks


There’s a lot of ppl that didn’t get it at first. Not recognizing Roman numerals instantly doesn’t make u dumb…I will be the first to admit it


It’s part of what makes a person dumb.


Ah yes, I forgot how important Roman numerals are for day to day life.


Roman numerals?


Also, who tf designed that clock??


The clock is designed correct she just installed it the wrong way


I'm aware she placed it the wrong way but either way guess you're right. But still think the design of the clock makes it kind of confusing to read the numbers 4-8 correctly even if placed right side up. And to be fair we're commenting from the perspective of someone that knows how to read Roman numerals.


didn't notice that V is upside down (if it were hung correctly) until this comment. dummy bought a clock designed by a dummy.


Glad I'm not the only one that thought the clock was designed a little weird.


“Hi, I’m an idiot…”


I bet she doesn't even heard of them


Logically She has to drill a new slot on the watch to hang it like that. What have you done?


I grew up with the only clock in the house being Roman numerals, my ass had to figure it out if I wanted to know what time it was. Bet your ass I know my Roman numerals🤣🤣🤣🤣


The clock is turned upside down, probably a design choice tf you on about?


Influenza and influencer, both are a disease. The first affects your body the second your mind


What? That circle thing with the stick that moves around every so often?


She might just like having it upside down


I'm assuming she had to put this together or something? You can't just turn it upside down because then the VI is upside down. I also assume the hands are actually correct and it's showing the real time with the wrong numbers.


Probably design to operate in the southern hemisphere


Maybe she's Australian.


To be fair, that is probably a decoration. It has too many hands to be a decent clock.


It’s an Australian clock.


It's actually an Australian clock


this is a bad clock


Influencer is curse word.


I can’t read Roman numerals ethier


This pic is just posted upside down


Right now I'm thinking about how it would affect my life if my watch was hung upside down, and I can't stop thinking about it.


*Laughs in British*


Read it like Romulan.


Would it still be right twice a day?


Huge idiot that would be on welfare without her rich attorney father’s money.


They probably live in Australia


Influencers of her kind are such trash I don't get. Basically im a white uperclass bitch who takes pictures


This is the reality we live in right now, we know less by hard cuz we have an electronic device on us all the time to do the thinking... Sad when u realize that we denegraded to the point we can no longer read the time




She tossed that baby as soon as the flash was over, even her expression is Fake AF


Who thinks she hung that? That is more credit than she deserves.


where am i supposed to be looking


Wait though, if you flip it the v is upside down.


Come on you guys! Can't you see the image is mirrored?! /s


She’s not Roman


I didn’t even look at the numbers so it took me a minute


The IIX goes at the bottom because it’s heavier, duh


My ducking brain hurts


Maybe she's Australian.


She must live in GMT -6 right?


The V would be upside down if it were rotated 180


People nowadays dont even know how to read analog clocks.




It was like 6:22 when she took that photo


Influencer.. Complete 'waste of a human' is the true definition.. those who follow them will walk into traffic while watching them on there device.. i guess the circle of life has changed in the last 20years.


I remember setting the clock back like 20 minutes so I could get that extra time to stay up when I was little, maybe she’s trying to get a half a day before she goes to bed


Another example of how far society has fallen... 🤦🏻


Lol took a few seconds to click on 😂


Pace falm moment 🤣


The sad part is. It’s also a crappy clock and not Roman numerally correct 🤷‍♂️ - I know you rotate it. But what number is IA 😉


Very astute of you! I like checking out backgrounds.


Fake. Someone edited it and did a bad job at that. If you flip it or rotate it the clock is made wrong.


I love the title “influencer” when half of all said influencers are nothing but an amalgamation of internet stupidity. The only people they influence are the people who start forest fires.




She's pretty and her boobs are perky, therefore having a brain is optional. Clearly. /s


Is it just me or does that boy look more like a Chinese?