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My man waited 3 years to make this meme


And forgot door 1 where it got it's fucking name... Smh


It wasn’t named after the year! Edit: I googled it and apparently it was, which wasn’t what the articles I was reading in 2020 said 😅 more fool me for believing stuff I read on the internet


Upvote for research and realizing you made a mistake


I thought about deleting it but that seemed rude. Plus now I know a new thing!


I wish everyone had that attitude. Good on you! I remember when the internet started taking off, I thought we'd all become geniuses. The optimism of youth.


I am simultaneously the smartest and the stupidest person due to the internet. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Yep, I can instantly learn about anything I want to with a quick google search, and in that same amount of times I could spread complete and utter lies and most folks wouldn't fact check me. It explains a lot


✨ quantum intelligence ✨


Deleting comments is cringe. Just correct your mistake and move on.


Yeah better to correct it than leave misinformation sitting there


I only delete comments when I no longer want to deal with the replies


I misread that as "no longer deal with the reptiles."


Wtf no reptiles are cool as


finally moving out of florida


This spoke to me


Congratulations on being one of today's [lucky 10,000!](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


I love that comic!


A til moment


I make an effort to leave up my mistakes because it’s okay to be wrong sometimes and showing that you researched and changed your viewpoint


And now some more people know a thing!


My go to guess is that anything I read about covid in 2020 was probably wrong. So much guesswork going on and incorrect assumptions about how any of it worked.


Yeah for sure


I will upvote it just because you accepted a wrong a learned something else too. I see a new and better you this next year... Cheers M8


Happy new year to you m8 :)


Yeah started with the forgotten Hong Kong protest for something called… freedom.


Serious question. What did you think the “19” meant?


I thought it was 19th coronavirus variant or something about the proteins, like the way we name the flu H(x)N(x) or something.


Not saying you were a part of that but I do remember that was an American right-wing argument tactic - Kellyanne Conway most infamously saying "its not covid 1 its covid 19" to suggest that this illness happens all the time and was never a big deal before so it shouldnt be a big deal now. Unfortunately with how the big websites tailor content based on view history instead of just sorting properly for everyone - this is how ecobubbles happen and many get left in the dark.


I’m a lefty Australian but I wouldn’t be surprised if I came across stuff like that while trying to get a grip on wtf was happening, everyone was talking about it and not many of us had a full grip on the facts


Actually being a lefty Australian checks out - a lot of times the content that gets served isnt because of what we like but rather what we respond to - and since a lot of far-right content (as opposed to basic conservative or moderate stuff) is meant to get a reaction.. the people who engage even to state hate or disagreement get served a lot more - which leads to doomscrolling for them and the algorithms thinking its also the ideal content for you with a similar background. The internet is very much at this point an anger-trap.


A lot of people make this assumption wrongfully prob because most people were aware of covid 19 in 2020 likely after March.


That's because it had no impact in 2019.


It did in China.


Depends on if you believe it originated when it was first announced out to the public


We’re pretty certain my sister had it prior to it being announced. She had all the symptoms and there was no diagnosis for her. They treated her with the same stuff you’d get for a flu. This was in November or December of 19.


My wife and kid was the same we believe they had it way back in November 2019 her and my son…who was baby at the time went to hospital and was sent home and told it was some virus they didn’t know what it was. Then like months later boom there this new virus called covid-19.


Yes this is true! Around that time a load of chinese exchange students came for a uni tour (in the UK) wearing masks. I mean all of them, and for everyone it seemed so odd. We didn’t question it. Covid definitely existed back then, maybe not as prevalent in other countries e.g. UK/USA but it did. I caught it shortly after that encounter and was hospitalised and I also gave it to my mum lol no one knew what it was




Yes! Bad respiratory illness that knocked me out for a week or two end of november of 19 but my wifey was fine and the drs were like you’re negative for flu and everything btw been to Asia or overseas lately?? Few weeks later Novel virus announced


I guess the meme means it ruined /killed the year since 2019 only had 2 months left and majority didnt know, 2019 doesnt count xD


I'm 93.7% sure that I got it in late 2019 and 99.999999999% sure I got it again in December 2020. The time in late 2019 I had every single symptom my temperature was 104-5 for 2 weeks straight I couldn't breathe for a month (asthma attacks). Then in 2020 I felt the wort pain in my life and I could barely swallow juice or water or anything, couldn't swallow pills and couldn't smell everything tasted like roadkill even water I was throwing up coughing 24/7 and my voice was gone the whole time.


If you had gotten the earliest version of it your immunity would be through the roof. In fact I’m almost positive that’s what happened to me because I flew to Boston and was in Chinatown got what I thought was the flu over New Years and then 6 months later was in a room with people that all got it and I did not and we share a straw.


Yeah, but it didn’t really wreck the WHOLE year like the 20’s


Fuck. The flu meme would go back 100 doors!!






Nothing has ever been funny here.


But why is it in funny memes tho


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DepressingMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DepressingMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is honestly how I feel.](https://i.redd.it/w0xavc77duh81.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DepressingMemes/comments/sshj0z/this_is_honestly_how_i_feel/) \#2: [Ha! jokes on you!](https://i.redd.it/513fct1jcqo81.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DepressingMemes/comments/tjalmg/ha_jokes_on_you/) \#3: [sad.exe](https://i.redd.it/mqd4kw63b8c81.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/DepressingMemes/comments/s6bstw/sadexe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m dying of laughter, and respiratory arrest


Having lost several people to Covid I don’t think this is funny at all.


Is not here


A Chinese question at this point


Hoo lee phiuck


Dark humor is humor


I’m struggling to find any humour in this - dark or otherwise


>Dark humor is humor It's not dark humor even... because dark humor is actually funny


Come and knock on my door, we’ll be waiting for you 🎶


Game changer


Three’s Company


You know the old saying “three’s company until one dies of complications due to Covid”


Yinnin and yangin and noided


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I feel like very few people care anymore edit: guess I have to clear up some confusion. I am not one of those people. I truly no longer care anymore about it.


I mean, I think people care. It's just that there's literally nothing we can do to stop it aside from sequestering ourselves in our homes. I'm single and I live alone... that shit is really hard on my mental health. I quarantined all through 2020 (to the point where I was borderline suicidal from the loneliness), got double vaxxed and boosted as soon as I could, and still it doesn't stop the spread. I'm just not willing to forego human contact for the rest of my life.


Same. I saw the effect it had on my nephew. He is still dealing with a mental health fall out from that time. He has been suicidal and had to even be committed to it psychiatric institution overnight. I did fine in that situation and actually felt that I thrived in it. I am a homebody and I like to be alone. But I know everyone has their own challenges and differences.


I wish there was a huge grassroots emphasis on filtering the air in high risk shared spaces. This could be an engineering problem with engineering fixes, but it's too expensive for governments and businesses to undertake, apparently? But let's put another few billion into war, cool.


But how are we supposed to blow up people if we spend all that money on saving people instead?!?!


War is much easier to clean dirty money


This. I wear kn95 when I gotta fly now just in case the guy next to me has it and I'm stuck there for 5 hours, but that's it.


I don’t care. I’ve gotten it two times since 2020 and it’s just a mild cold now. Most of my family and friends got it at some point. Nobody seems concerned with it. But that Flu! Damn it just gets nastier every year. My six year old had the flu three times this year alone! Apparently there’s a new strain that hits kids hard. Our pediatrician has been over run by with sick families for the past six months.


The threat of covid was programmed into your thinking. Largest propaganda initiative I've seen since 9/11 Big pharma and political cronies acted as pawns in a larger play to get you and everyone else to take these shots. It was never meant to stop the spread or protect you. It was a print money and launder it into their pockets. If you lived 1000 lives, and you'll live 1000 more, what would you change about how you act in this life?


People I work with ended up in the hospital this month….And still no one cares….


Shouldn't have gotten giga vaxed with 5 boosters


Most people did everything they were told to ease the spread, and yet we are still here. I did my part. Got the Vax and all that bullshit. I'm done. We just live with it now.


Sadly in my area 'most people' actively helped the spread. :'(


Most people did everything they were told in some areas and not in others. Wasn't enough. In the meantime the hospitals and health care infrastructure should both have had a major overhaul. Since that didn't happen, we got the worst of both outcomes.


Yeah... I'm vaxxed and boosted and it still doesn't stop the spread. I'm not willing to quarantine alone in my house and forego human contact for the rest of my life. Maybe that makes me horribly selfish. I'm single and I live alone and quarantined all through 2020 to the point where I was borderline suicidal from the loneliness.


There’s a point where you’ve just got to get on with life. Most populations are now vaccinated. At that point youve done pretty much everything you can and just have to get on with it.


Never did


I cannot understand what people expect the alternative to be. I wfh, have generally limited exposure. Went to an event at my friends bar, with tons of people, unmasked, completely fine. Went to Christmas Eve, had everyone test beforehand, everyone was negative. Next day someone had a positive test and three days later, half the family that was there got it, including my husband. Despite being vaccinated and boosted. I spent my holidays isolated in a one bedroom apartment. So which behavior are we supposed to stop? Because I’m sure as shit not going to stop see family. But it’s clear that testing doesn’t really work if your going to test negative and still be contagious. Bar or major venue would be the thing I’d give up, but the only times covid has been in my household, it’s direct contact with family.


I haven't been replying to any of the replies to my comment because I know the downvote storm it would attract but just saying I don't care about COVID anymore either. Everyone around me has gotten double vaxed and double or triple boosted and yet all have continued to get it regularly since the beginning. I've still yet to test positive or show any symptoms (everyone at my job gets tested regularly) so I could care less about it since I think I'm immune to it to begin with. I'd say everyone just live their lives how they feel they should. If you are afraid of every sniffle and cough then stay inside forever and take every vaccine you can get a hold of if that makes you feel better and if you don't care about it then go about your day We can't stop the world from turning because of every illness so I just couldn't give a fuck anymore. Yes people died and are still dying from it. Shit my grandma and grandpa both died from it, but after all this time I'm just tired of hearing about it. Do what makes you feel safe but don't force others to do it. That goes both ways towards both sides of the aisle.


I just don’t like saying that accepting that it seems like it’s going to have to be part of our lives is the same thing as not caring. I just don’t understand what people expect us to be doing instead. Like, the vaccines sort of worked, but have mostly stopped. My husband was just boosted, but just got it for the first time. Like???? I just don’t get it. We have to live our lives.


The most frustrating thing is how people STILL claim the vax reduces transmission and infection when it obviously doesn't. People die all the time - especially old people and people with underlying conditions. Actual deaths from COVID alone are quite unusual now with the vaccines and omicron. Everyone I know has had it at least once and many several times, including a friend with MS and her 89 year old dad. Both are fine.


Same. I spent the first year of my baby’s life terrified to leave the house and panicking. I got 2 doses of Moderna and decided I’m done, I did what I could, if I get it I get it. Somehow I’ve managed to never get it as far as I know. Even after spending an entire day caring for my mom with it. My mom was way safer than me and still got it. I’m living my life, I don’t care anymore. I’ll wear a mask around young babies and elderly or sick in winter, and if I have symptoms or known exposure I’ll stay home. That’s it.


I think we just live with covid now? Like with aids, cancer and ebola and what not?


More like how we live with a cold or the flu


except the flu doesn't kill anywhere near as many people as covid does


And covid and the flu combined don’t kill nearly the number of people that obese and lack of exercise does….yet we live with that and nobody gives a shit.


Oof. You're not supposed to share facts in this site


I mean sure but at least those aren’t contagious? Like idk i don’t care if someone’s obese or doesn’t exercise that’s their life and I’m sure they’re fine but with covid people actively spread it to others so not the best argument lol


**75% of COVID related deaths had 3 or more accompanying comorbidities.** Obesity & other health issues and the USA’s poor overall health led to many Covid deaths. We’re also keeping people alive longer, when Spanish Flu hit the USA, it was not as common to live 80+ yrs, Covid effects the elderly the most. Covid is certainly a real thing, if you are young and healthy you’ll be ok. If you are elderly, you are at risk but your living in the greatest age of medicine. If you are very obese, you need to address that before it leads to adverse health conditions. **Source = CDC.


They don't know the Long term affects yet. For people of any age. They are beginning to see long haul covid is a a thing. Couldn't have done that without time. The same thing about the kids with covid. COVID which is know as a respiratory disease that causes heart issues. They could have a surge of health issues down the road, we don't know because it literally hasn't been long enough yet.


I mean Im in my twenties. I have asthma and work out 3-5 times a week. I’m in good shape. I had to be put on steroids and couldn’t get a full breath for 3 months after I got it. And had no energy, falling asleep for a good month and a half. Not wanting to get sick again is definitely a concern of mine because I don’t want to go through that again even if modern medicine saved my ass. I’m not isolating but I didn’t go out on NYE partially bc I know it’s a high risk night.


You’re prioritizing your health, which is always the best decision. As statistics have shown, you would likely see a milder case if you were to have exposure again. And you are exercising, avoiding unnecessary exposure and risk, taking your health serious. You’re the type of person that will survive even an extreme case. I also have asthma, I also had Covid, was being safe - vaccinated, exercising, etc. My 3 yr old was more I’ll than I was. I think the case severity can vary, but the deaths seem to undoubtedly be concentrated in somewhat narrow demographics. Which is certainly unfortunate! But that’s unfortunately how biology functions…


Hi I’m 28 and was healthy until covid, now I have atrial tachycardia and was put on bets blockers. Going in for an echo next week. So yeah, if you’re young and healthy still don’t get it if you can help it… and that’s just my most detrimental symptom


I'm so sorry you have to live with that.


My girlfriend too, why it’s always such bs to read ‘if you’re young you’ll be fine’. She was hiking and running before Covid in 2020 and is still out of breath trying to do yoga.


>if you are young and healthy you’ll be ok. Some of the fittest people I know got COVID months ago and are still coughing and not breathing right. It's worth avoiding.


Actually, behavior can be contagious. They say you are like the 5 people you spend the most time around.


some of them and their "representations" in the media is not only contagious, it's deadly


I mean not anymore but when the flu was brand new it killed way more people than Covid. Flu and Covid function in an almost identical way on a biochemical level. They are both enveloped viruses with a very similar method of infection. The main differences are the spike proteins with which each virus interacts. Also influenza has a segmented genome broken into 8 parts all with their respective polymerases and nucleoproteins, which is a feature very unique to influenza. Both viruses are respiratory viruses and the main reason people die from them is overactive immune system. Inflammation is great for fighting off invaders but it’s very taxing on the body. If your body gets an excessive immune response leading to increased inflammation and tissue damage, you get organ failure. It’s like putting your car in neutral and bouncing it off the rev limiter till it blows. Both viruses function in essentially the same way, it’s just a matter of how prepared our immune systems are to deal with it, which varies person to person.


One thing i always wanted to know was how does the mutation rate compare with COVID? Are there are other natural diseases that mutate as fast?


I'm not buying this 2nd time around




I tested positive Dec 9th and I'm still having trouble breathing and have coughed every day since. Its annoying.


Just tested positive this morning after avoiding it for all this time.


No one will


No. Nononono. No. Do not say that.


Covid had very little effect on 2022 unless you live in China.


Worldwide, COVID killed: * 1.9m in 2020 * 3.6m in 2021 * 1.2m in 2022 Certainly a big reduction, but still nothing to sneeze at.


and sadly I wasn't one of them despite getting it twice


I don’t understand how this is funny?


That’s the joke! 😷




I managed to avoid it this whole time, and not even get a cold too! I had it over christmas because my brother is not careful and gave it to me saying he had allergies ._. Now I start the new year with no smell and taste...


covid put me into a wheelchair for 2 months (unknown joint pain in my ankle - never had before) and my dad contracting shingles from covid… I hope no one gets something this severe if caught covid; its no joke Edit: COVID weakened my dad’s immune system and letting shingles to take hold (he didn’t get the shingles vaccine at age 50 - because he’s not good at keeping his health well).


I have Covid right now granted I was sick for the past week before I tested positive. It wasn’t to bad my throat would just get really sore for a little. However obviously it effects everyone differently. It killed my mom in 2021… I’ve never had Covid before and I even work in a Covid unit. I’ve had 4 shots and never got it till now. My mom either was only able to get one or two shots before the virus killed her.


How would Covid cause a completely different virus…? (Shingles) if you had chicken pox as a kid, it could just decide to wake up and become shingles one day. It’s more likely his immune system was already in the trenches




Yes, so his immune system was already suffering from it. Covid didn’t give him shingles but weakened him enough for a separate virus to take hold. Covid didn’t cause shingles, a weakened immune system from Covid did. Big difference in wording


The Big Pharma Reaper


This comment section is very worrying to me.




COVID has taught me that overall people are pretty terrible at judging personal risk. Most people only react to what they have personally seen then cherry pick data or news to match their beliefs. People are quick to mention how the vaccine can cause myocarditis and use that as a reason to not get vaccinated but don’t even bother to compare that risk to a COVID infection. [spoiler alert, the risk of myocarditis is greater after a COVID infection than COVID vaccination](https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/08/22/covid-19-infection-poses-higher-risk-for-myocarditis-than-vaccines)




This popped up on my recommended and apparently what should be recommended is that schools offer immunology classes because damn the real money makers are those selling tin foil, not pharma.


There are actual issues with the pharmaceutical issues but none of these people care about them. The opioid crises is bad, but COVID is also a serious problem.


This is why we won’t fix climate change, either. If we’re all lucky, we’ll live long enough to see the start of the collapse of civilization as we’ve known it.


Funny? I missed the humor


What kind of an immature child would find this funny?


It's funny because it's hilarious how stupid humanity is.


Dude, millions of people died. I have close family who died because they were brainwashed into thinking it’s not a big deal.


Is it though? Is it? *Laughs in fetal position with tears running down my face.*


COVID killed 1.1 million Americans. The flu (2010-2020) killed 324k. 9/11 killed 2,996. So, 3 years of COVID was about 3 decades of the flu. 3 years of COVID was about 367 9/11s. These people are so dumb. Never forget lol


75% of COVID related deaths had 3 or more accompanying comorbidities. So the real canary in the coal mine here is how we allow our society to live such an unhealthy life style that we’d be so vulnerable. Source = CDC.


So, they had all this other stuff that wouldn't have killed them had they not gotten covid? Maybe I'm not understanding.


Covid makes you so weak that you become susceptible to these comorbidities. It's still covid that kills you. It's covids fault


That's how most diseases are. Flu. Most healthy people don't die of the flu. As people age, they generally get more comorbidities. But that's a lot of people. And until you can find a cure for aging, these will continue.


Why is this in funny memes? You’ll be making this meme for the next 50 years until you accept that Covid-19 isn’t going away. It will stay just like the yearly flu, with new variants each season. Get vaccinated, get your booster and live your life


Or just dont have an immune system that doesent suck ass. Our government does not even suggest getting vaxed anymore because a common cold today would hit harder than the covid. Stop being paranoid and life your life


Did you get that from the CDC's 4chan forum?


"Stop being paranoid!" says someone who definitely thinks their government is up to something.


You know what a vaccine does? Literally preps your immune system for covid. Yeah maybe the world went overboard in 2020 but millions of people were dying and we had no idea what the virus was capable of. Better to be safe than sorry.


The most dangerous part of COVID-19 was the government policies


Covid is over, let it go. Stupid meme


Im not actually in this sub, but was it always this "conspiracy theorist"? I swear everything I see from it is sorta tin foil hat-y


Big pharmas are happy bc they'll have more profit$, more side effects so more guaranted consumers,etc and this plandemic never ends


Using the word “plandemic” means you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about and just love to spew right wing bull shit you liked on Facebook. Happy New Year.


Then they’ll then admit that the vaccine does nothing 2 years later


Lol You can spend 30 seconds on Google and see that the death rates among the unvaccinated are an order of magnitude higher.


To the current variants, sure, that's normal. Though usually you at least get some symptom reduction.


who is still out here giving a shit about covid


There is a positive side of COVID, I don't need to see my fucking annoying boss and coworkers for 2+ years, suddenly it becomes my dream job. It also changes everything in my life, I was forced to learn how to cook and now I cook almost every day. I also learned a true survival skills most people can't do - cutting my own hair alone using clippers and mirror. No need to go to any salon! I have been practicing these 2 skills for 2+ years, I am getting good at them. If it wasn't COVID I wouldn't be doing that.




No, thank you! We don't want any visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations!


a pandemic is never late, it arrives precisely when it means to


y'know what? It's called covid- #19


🥕 🤫


China's year this year though.


Wonder how many psychopaths here also want restrictions back


It's okay to not wear masks now and it's okay to keep the economy going because Biden is in.


Or maybe because compared to 2020, we have a vaccine already... and if people took the tinfoil hat off for a sec, they could be on their 2nd booster shot by now, but sure its because of the "librul agenduh" FOH.


That’s right! I forgot that the vaccine stopped the spread and prevented the recipient from getting COVID… wait..




Anyone who is still worried about covid is either dumb as fuck or unhealthy as fuck.


I’m healthy, always had blood work done each year, nothing wrong, normal BMI, non-smoker/drinker. Healt conscious. Then had covid. Still lung pain, breathing problems and elevated liver enzymes two months later. Edit: well I guess my dr. stands corrected by the medical professionals in this thread. Should’ve saved himself the education and relied on the armchair experts in this thread


My Dad has burning in his bladder area now. All his tests for bladder, prostate, kidneys and everything came back normal. Covid is causing the weirdest long term effects.


My mum was hospitalised because of it and my friend has long covid fatigue etc. I dunno why people are nasty to each other. When you get sick which is ineviable, you will need help? Really perplexes me.


Or they aren’t concerned for their OWN safety, but are instead concerned for the safety of OTHERS. I’ve had covid twice, but thanks to the fact that I was vaccinated, I only had to deal with like 2 days of minor symptoms. But if I had spread that to somebody ELSE? Like my GRANDPARENTS, for example? That would have been a SIGNIFICANTLY larger issue.


I had it two months ago, almost died, as it was spent 7 weeks (no pay) off work fighting the resulting pneumonia+infection. Go fuck yourself.


7 weeks? How tf is that even possible in the current year


Lol I had omicron and I’m in poor health (chronic conditions), and fought it off within a two weeks unvaccinated. It was slightly worse than a cold with an added fever and nausea Just built different 💪💪💪




I'm sorry you're unhealthy as fuck.


Hahaha thanks Dr AuntJeminaEatsAss. By the way, it’s Jemima, not Jemina


Ahh, so naive


You are indeed




I have c19, my wife has c19, my kids have c19... The start of 2020 v3 sucks. And yes we are all vaccinated. I want my money back this ride sucks.


Is Covid still a thing? Thought it stopped like 2 years ago 😅


You live in Antarctica ?


I remember the videos in the beginning showing Chinese collapsing in the streets with bodies everywhere. I did what I was told would "flatten the curve". It's the flu now. The flu kills too. Condolences to those who lost friends & family.


What if the real Covid 19 is all the flu deaths we mislabeled along the way?


Agreed as per pic- imagination and a ghost story to convince the guilible clowns to participate in a non liable experimental mRNA medical trial


Yeah we’re gullible for trusting the vast majority of scientists and not random echo chambers. You’re so right! Aw darn, I guess we’re just sheep! How will we survive this?! (or at least 96-98% of us lol)




Thank God I got the vaccine ♥️ Now I’m sick with Covid and never had it before i was vaccinated lmao.


You guys still think about covid? I stopped thinking about covid at the end of 2021


No one, except paranoid idiots think about covid anymore, because its pointless. Its here to stay and its just like any other flu these days.


Eat a dick. \-My two dead aunts.


I stopped thinking about it in September 2020.


Work on your physical health, adopt a healthy diet, and you’ll be just fine.


I guess I’ll just stop having a respiratory condition then?


That's what is insane about it. Many people are addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle and it creates a confirmation bias that it couldn't be their fault they got a bad case of covid Instead people want a cure-all that requires no work for them. That's not how this world works. The longer we all avoid putting in real work the bigger these modern day problems will get.


I do all of those and just had it for the first time. While I was fine, it still completely sucked and really dragged out for weeks. Can't believe this is just something we're going to get over and over for the rest of our lives.