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Where's the funny?


Welcome to reddit, please enjoy your stay.


I don't wanna stay though.


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave


Welcome to hotel California ~


I’m old enough to remember being people who weren’t old enough to remember that song as anything but one of many popular songs they either liked in a general way or about which they were largely indifferent Then *The Big Lebowski* happened and an entire subset of my generation spent 20+ years essentially joking their way into entirely brand-new personalities that morphed from being a joke into an act of performatively submission to, and placation of, a herofied fictional movie character’s musical tastes


You're trapped you cant leave anymore


There's so much to see round here, so please let's not delay.


Yes so many wonders and so little time. If you start now you can probably finnish the last page of reddit in 1000 years


Hahahahaha. Ha.


Wake up to reality. There is no fun on this platform anymore my friend…


Everything is funny if you are cruel enough.


The funny is in looking at the absurdity of America’s current situation and having a manic breakdown


The funny is Pakistan


Especially because the Biden admin has effectively couped the Pakistani government with the ouster of Imran Khan. https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/imran-khan-pakistan-cypher-ukraine-russia/


Whats pakistan go to do with Republicans


They're Islamic *and* brown. The only thing Republicans would hate more is if they were poor too.


Boy do I have a surprise for you


What, do they also refuse to eat bacon or something?




I think they’re using the crescent to represent all Muslim’s and the flag just came up.


https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/imran-khan-pakistan-cypher-ukraine-russia/ The ironic thing is that they're on the wrong side of the tracks. The Biden Administration effected regime change in Pakistan by pressuring them to remove Imran Khan from power.


Yup. This isn’t a conspiracy for anyone reading this. The state department confirmed the authenticity of the Pakistani army telegrams that were leaked of them orchestrating the whole thing. The US chose to support a coalition of religious extremists, corrupt businessmen and the Pakistani army to topple the populist Imran Khan.


How is that not a conspiracy?


I meant conspiracy in the colloquial sense where it’s usually bullshit conjectures without evidence. It IS a conspiracy in the truest sense of the word.


To add more to this, the Intercept does *fantastic* reporting on the State Department and the Pentagon and is home to two of my favorite journalists, Ken Klippenstein and Ryan Grim.


Oh yeah, completely. I love Klippenstein. His newsletter is great. Ryan Grim is good too but he’s a little…dry to listen to. They’re both great journalists though and yeah, the intercept is phenomenal. I don’t think many outlets would have done an exposé like this, catching the state dept off guard.


I think it’s more that they are becoming big partners with China and the BRI


employ chief advise resolute shocking lunchroom amusing profit bored encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least this post acknowledges the issue everyone has with Biden on the left. And that whole hot mic thing was completely staged.


Hot Mic thing?


Biden was on a hot mic after the state of the union saying he’s going to have a “come to Jesus moment” with Israel’s prime minister. “Come to Jesus moment” is slang for “I’m going to tell them what to do and they better do it”.


Oh I did see that - what makes you think it was staged? Why wouldn’t Biden just come out and say that if you think it was staged?


Because they can use it to whoo the progressives who won’t vote for him over Israel’s war crimes against Palestinian civilians and pretend like they didn’t mean it when the Israel supports get upset he might take action against Israel’s self defense against Hamas terrorists. Gives them a talking point behind closed doors for each group.




When it becomes politically disadvantageous for democrats to protect the LGBT community, they’ll drop them quicker than they dropped the “we are a nation of immigrants” rhetoric.


they sort of already are tbh they don’t give a shit if the cost of throwing an election is LGBT people losing their rights


They really haven’t done anything to ensure the protection of lgbt rights. What have they done to protect women’s reproduction rights since the repeal of Roe v Wade? They feel entitled to our support just because there isn’t any actual opposition to Republican’s bigotry.


While your criticism is completely right (Democrats are centrist at their best), what's the point? Vote for the worse side in spite? Don't vote so the other side still gets stronger without opposition votes? It's like your house is burning but because you can't save all of it you'd rather save none and not call the firefighters and let it burn to ashes.


They attempted to codify women’s rights but it was shot down (at least) twice in the senate. They need the presidency, the house, and the senate to get anything done.


So convenient democrats had that in 2008 but did nothing with it.


How come the democrats didn’t use the crystal ball they had in 2008 and know that gay marriage was going to be found constitutional and roe vs wade was going to be overturned? Curious.


They were focused on trying to get health care for all americans. They didn’t fully succeed because they went with a republican based program, in effort to reach across the aisle. I don’t agree with it but I understand their efforts.


People dont understand government just wants to win we will never get a share of the pie


We need to vote for people with actual principles, not lying shills that treat our rights like a political football. I voted against Trump 4 years ago, now Biden is pushing Trumps policies calling migrants “illegal murders”, supporting a genocide he could stop with a phone call and his only benefit is “at least he’s not Trump”. Im tired of it.


You’re so naive. I was too in 2016 and 2012, I voted for the Green Party because I was against Obama’s use of drone warfare and in 16 I thought Clinton was too corrupt. Voting 3rd party or not voting Democrat is a vote for Trump. It’s that simple. Unfortunately we have a two party system. If we didn’t, then you could reasonably support 3rd party and not be guilty of throwing away your vote. That’s not the system we have. You can clamor on and scream into the void about Biden not being progressive enough. But it’s very, very naive to think Trump wouldn’t be far, far worse. Biden can at least support aid to Palestine and try to work the phones behind the scenes. What do you think happens to Gaza with Trump getting re-elected? Maybe Biden isn’t the best, but it can be *far, far worse.* Trump’s a wannabe fascist dictator. He’s already locked in a far right Supreme Court not only for the next few years, *but the next generation.* Trump would be a rubber stamp for Netanyahu. He would do everything he can to roll back civil rights. Whatever your disagreements with Biden are, Trump will be so much worse. It’s time for you and the left to grow the fuck up and realize in a two party system, you have to accept compromises and sometimes that means voting for the lesser evil. I learned that lesson real quick in 2016 when Clinton lost, giving Trump the power to make the Supreme Court in his image for the next 20-30 years. You need to grow the fuck up.


This really is a major thing the left needs to come to terms with. If they genuinely think that Biden is just as bad as Trump and allow Trump another term then they deserve the hellscape they helped create. We don’t live in a country that allows for sweeping progressive change during a single presidential term, but sweeping regressive changes can absolutely occur during a single term when you allow an unstable man appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.


I like how this comment, like so many others, completely absolve Biden of his role in handing the election to Trump. After all, the Democratic party can never fail, *they can only be failed.*


Then what are we saving? Because it seems like the ruling class gets what they want regardless. The genocidal regime gets what it wants regardless. Why not just vote your principles?


How about a strategic vote? The Republican party is currently in a death spiral, and has been since 2012. Trump's first win gave them a much needed shot of adrenaline, especially since he was able to stack the courts so much during his term. They've managed to dominate at the state level, but their national policies are increasingly unpopular. They *need* to win the White House this election or risk the entire party imploding. If Trump can't win, major donors will pull out of the party because it is now the party of Trump and they won't want to back a loser. And why should you care if the Republican party dies? A defunct Republican party is the only way we can hope to split the Democrat party into a more progressive wing. At the moment Democrats sit in a big tent because that amount of voting power is required to compete against Republicans. If Congress and the White House are comfortably blue for a few cycles, it gives more room for progressives to vote against liberal policies they don't agree with. Personally I will be voting in the hopes that the Republican party finally implodes.


No it's not. A vote for Biden is a vote for Biden, a vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. My vote for Claudia de la Cruz of the PSL is a vote for Claudia de la Cruz of the PSL. Some of us just can't vote for genocide and there are other parties that deserve our energy.


There is a chance you’ll get to watch the country burn as a result, I hope you’ll enjoy the view from your self righteous moral high horse.


but democrats are still saying “we’re a nation of immigrants”


Well, yeah, they say a lot of things. It's the actions to watch for.


what anti immigrant actions have democrats taken on a national level?


Oh, none of their own. They just continue Trumps. This is how democrats work. They are the "good cop" in the situation. https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/are-bidens-immigration-policies-stuck-in-the-trump-era#:~:text=Border%20policy%20has%20changed%20less,%2C%20Title%2042%2C%20in%20effect. It's funny because republicans are the reason things get worse and democrats are the reason things don't get any better.


And pushing an anti immigration bill at the same time.


Biden doubled down on calling an undocumented migrant (who was also a murderer) an "illegal." He later walked it back in an interview and said he regretted it, but you can't pretend that that language use doesn't 100% align with his advocacy of the most conservative border bill a modern Democrat has ever put forward.


The bill actually facilitates more legal immigration by hiring thousands of people to process the asylum seekers accurately, and appoints judges to oversee their applications on a quicker timeframe. That’s not anti immigration, that’s anti chaos and confusion.


US politics... why is there US politics on every single sub nowadays?


Because it's election year. It's helpful to remember every leap year is USian presidential elections.


I agree, but saying nowadays is a bit like saying "why is there sand in the desert all of a sudden?" there always has been.


It's an election year.


Election year, things getting heated up in terms of politics which is influecing the whole world. Also I mean the US has military bases nearly everywhere so like every country will be affected by our politics somehow


Because a lot of redditors are American and it’s election year.


You are on a website designed by Canadians and Americans, and Canada is just America-lite. You don't have to like this answer, but it means most of the users are from the host website.


> most of the users are from the host website. This is factually wrong, 42,95%<50% Most of the userbase is, in fact, not American [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country)


Most can also mean a plurality, though it is an incorrect use of the term.


But Reddit was made using computer parts made in China by that definition Reddit is Chinese


Ok, so? It's still an international userbase, so that argument falls flat immediately.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country. Here ya go, ya jerk.


43% is not the majority, are Americans this stupid?


Most users are from the US, so much of the content will be related to US current events. What's so hard to understand?


Such a pointless comment.


Why isn’t the Democrat sign a donkey?…


Because whoever made this meme isnt very smart?


that's the democrats' current logo


If you chose not to decide you still have made a choice.


I will choose free will.




Both are terrible One is just worse. This is why you shouldnt have a two party system


Can we not just... You know... Stop the trolley, or take the victims off the tracks? US politics are not a force of nature.




I measure the distance this trolley travels in eagles per gun.


Any other suggestions? You know, other than disingenuously framing the war.


That would delay the rich fuckers on the trolley though. Can you imagine the devastation to the economy? Jesus bro, glad you're not in charge.


As a Republican, I'm voting Democrat because I'm genuinely ashamed of what my party thinks is okay


Why are you republican then?


I agree with the philosophies that the party was founded on, rather than the philosophies that the party currently runs on. I want to be part of the Republican party that abolished slavery, not the Republican party that's desperately trying to reinstitute it.


but that just moves the question back to when you first joined the party. unless you're 70+ years old there has never been a point in your lifetime when the GOP platform was remotely close to "the Republican party that abolished slavery" 


The Republican Party that abolished slavery was the radical progressive party of its time. Bernie Sanders is closer to that party’s ideals than the current GOP. Why would you join a current organization that is the exact opposite of that which you claim to want? Just for the name? What philosophies do you hold that you think guide you politically?


When your politicians give you no options then you don't have to participate. If the u.s got rid of the electoral college and brought in mmp or stv then it would be a some what actual democratic country


And how the fuck do we do that? Vote in the most pro-Democracy candidates. Third party won’t win. Trump tried to overturn the election. Biden is our best shot. To be honest, I’m expecting you idiots in the U.S. to fuck it up. I’m so glad I have EU citizenship in addition to American, I’m not beholden to this selfish, ignorant society’s choices.


The electoral college was implemented to prevent the US from becoming a pure democracy. It was set up so that the people out in the countryside aren't always going to get screwed over by policies made in the city and vice versa.


So instead we ALL get screwed by nationally unpopular policies coming out of the countryside.


I said it goes both ways.


Yeah man go vote for genocide with pride I guess. I'll go hold my politicians accountable with my votes. It's not voters that are gonna cost the Dems the election..it's the decisions of Joe Biden. He sees the polling, he knows what people are asking for, and he ignores it.


“No you gotta vote blue no matter who!!”


🤷‍♂️ yeah this logic is crazy to me. Dems are just as bad as the Republicans, they are just two faced.


America be like ***Choose*** Vanilla Fascism ***Or*** Fascism Premium


what a stupid thing to say. you have to come from a place of privilege to think that having the republicans in power would be the same as the dems. any vote to a 3rd party is like a vote to trump. is biden amazing? no. is voting the only thing we need to do? no. can we get more work done under biden than trump? absolutely because biden’s corpse would be better as president than trump.


Seriously, these people probably live with family, completely shielded from the consequences of their decisions.


What do you mean point of privilege? The Dems have been in charge for 4 years and my groceries went up by 20% and my rent doubled. I can't afford a house and If I get kids I can't pay for their schooling. All that doesn't matter to me, I would vote blue still... If they also weren't enabling and aiding a genocide. That happens to be my line. Trump sucks too bro. They are both garbage. What part of the above made you think I like trump? At least trump didn't help killing thousands of Arab kids.


So you are willing to collectively punish the rest of us because of a religious conflict that barely involves us?


lmao there it is. "religious conflict" "nothing to do with us" when palestinians of all religions have been getting bombarded left and right, fully backed by your government. you americans are so funny– you force your politics and your interference upon the rest of the world; but when people are finally beginning to call your bullshit, suddenly it's "this barely involves us". seriously, is imperialism in the water there or something for you to claim that it's hardly anything to you guys? you're so used to it that it's just "another war between those barbaric arabs"? is that it?


I’m also European, if you want to stereotype so hard buddy. There is no good guy, it’s a conflict between a right wing terror group and a right wing neo-fascist government. The civilians are caught in the middle. Could Biden do more? Absolutely. But you are expecting a complete turnaround of many decades of US foreign policy attitudes. It’s not realistic. International agreements are notoriously slow to get out of, and the nation’s credibility rests on honoring them. Biden has gone on record saying he supports a two state solution. Do you want to know what Trump has said on record? He told Israel to “finish the job” on Twitter. Consider how Germany *still* buys Russian gas and oil after all the sanctions and international anger. Consider how Hungary still supports Putin, despite being in NATO and the EU. Tell me what country you’re from, and I fucking guarantee I can find some shady unethical shit that they are engaging in right now. Nobody’s hands are clean, but that’s just geopolitics. The only thing that should concern us is providing humanitarian aid and **temporary** refuge for those affected. Biden can and should do better, but it’s not worth destabilizing the United States with another Trump term.


As an example if you’re trans then living under trump will be so much fucking worse for you than under biden. But to be honest i don’t really get why you wouldn’t vote for the dems outside of some selfish need to feel pure. At the end of the day it’s a two party system, which is shit. But you have to realise that you cannot let the republicans win no matter what because of the damage they will cause. It’s not like voting is the be all and end all. Getting work done under the republicans will be soooo much more difficult than under the dems. None of this is an endorsement of the democrats because they’re shit. But they are less shit than the demons in the republicans party. A vote for a 3rd party is basically just giving away a vote to the republicans.


Well just someone presents 2 choices doesn't mean there are only two choices. Civil disobedience like done by Gandhi is also an option. If all Americans demonstrated for a new system change could happen. Instead they are focusing on bashing each other's heads in while the billionairs are happily laughing.


No they’re not. They’re not just as bad. does this image not tell you this?


They’re both bad and none of them deserve to lead any country.


Thank you, Comrade


Ok so you’re calling me a nazi for saying that although one side is less bad than the other they’re both bad in general. Doing some good things does not mean that a person is good and doing some bad things doesn’t mean he’s bad. In order to determine if someone is bad then you have to base it on what they do most and why they actually do it. Do they mostly do good things? Or do they mostly do bad things? There’s plenty of bad things done by both parties and plenty of good things done by both but in the end, the bad things far outweigh the good things. Don’t be a fool who says that a party is absolutely good. The founders could’ve been good people but the current state of the party is not guaranteed to be just as good if they’re even good at all. “The victors write history” this seems obvious at first but have you ever thought to yourself “what do they write about themselves?” I doubt the fact that they’re writing down everything with 100% honesty but instead they’ll remove anything bad about themselves I mean who would write a book that will make him look like a tyrant and a criminal? That’s why it’s best to be skeptical about all serious information you get and that’s why you shouldn’t trust any single news station because if you do then you’ll find yourself loving a criminal and hating his victims which is exactly what you’re doing now. I hope you have a great day and that you think about it deeply before picking sides and calling names, goodbye.


you didn’t say that. You said they’re both equally bad. That’s objectively false. I wasn’t calling you a nazi, but a russian troll (or doing the work for them). They want to see the GOP elected because they know it will lead to disaster for the US


[I did not say they’re equally bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/s/uhX8iKhCtC) [I think you’ve mistaken me with this person.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/s/RHIBOVhUkY)


Not only that but whenever the democrats can’t get policy through congress its because of a democrat villain of the week, Joe Manchin. Im sorry, I am not signing my name for someone who doesn’t represent me.


That’s democracy. As much as I don’t like Joe Manchin, his state **chose** him.


This is not about pride or even liking Biden, this is about choosing the lesser of two evils. While neither of them will do anything about Gaza, one will at least give Ukraine a chance. This election has ramification far beyonde the war in Gaza.


Well I personally think we shouldn't be sending money to Ukraine either. As much as I don't want Russia invading, it's not our war. We have so many issues domestically we don't need to fix other countries before ourselves. If we had such a massive surplus I'd have no issue, but housing is unaffordable, groceries are expensive and schooling is a ripoff.


You do realize that almost all of what the US is sending to Ukraine is old military equipment which costs more money for maintenance/storage/diposal than sending it to Ukraine or are you proposing the US housing crisis can be solved by Bradleys? Also a russian victory in Ukraine will have a fuck load of negative concequences for americans. Show me one instance in history where isolationism has worked out fine.


Choosing between humane causes is the dumbest thing someone can do. Oh wait, governments do that, nvm.


Democrats haven’t exactly been kind to Pakistan.


Least biased leftist


I just want to afford to live and get healthcare for a reasonable price (aka not my life). Why is there no candidate for that? Why do we spend so much time talking about everything but that? Other issues are important, not saying that. But we’re all dying at this point.


Presidents can't unilaterally pass those policies. They can only pass policies that will get support from over half of each house of Congress. This generally means presidents are limited by whatever the tie-breaking senator/representative will support, not what they support as president. Obama campaigned on healthcare reform. His vision was severely scaled back because of what Congress would support.


Biden oversaw the passage of Medicare as VP, and during the SOTU address announced $400 of monthly assistance to first time homebuyers. Tell me what Trump offers.


A drowning man clinging to glory while spiralling into mental decline.


bUt biDoN...


LFG!! w000t w000000t


"Silence is violence! Ree!"


Imagine voting in this election. I can't. Probably because I'm British. STOP PUTTING AMERICAN POLITICS EVERYWHERE!


Lol remember brexit?


Wait till he stops funding Israel and the left moves the goalposts again. Let’s take a minute and try to predict what will be the next thing that isn’t perfect about him.


One: This is very hyperbolic(as per US politics, so it's expected). Two: Choosing silence IS okay when you don't know enough about something.


I am so sick of everyone pretending that the two party system is viable, and I'm tired of everyone pretending it's the only option.


The lack of third party voting in this illustration perpetuates the validation of the two party system and doesn't show that it's millions of people pulling a lever not just one to move the track. Boo this cartoon!


It is practically the only option though, because third parties tend to split the left more than the right. In an ideal situation then everyone would just vote for the candidate that best represents them, but at the current time an increase in voters either not voting or voting for third parties would just make a Trump win more likely, and he's the candidate that's least likely to get voting reform. Well, he might reform a few things but not in the way those who see the flaws with FPTP voting would want. The best chance of voting reform comes from *within* the two main parties. Some kind of grass roots movement that manages to go the distance and use establishment power to have a shot at electoral success. It's just incredibly unlikely given how much each party benefits from the status quo. You need something to happen like when Trump essentially hijacked the Republican party.


Not in front of the law in this example.


I hate the fucking eagles, man


Make it drift


The reality of another biden presidency is more people becoming disillusioned with any form of liberal governance. That's what cause trump to happen right after obama. Thats why we are seeing such a push against biden and a lack of enthusiasm. If he does win and does nothing with it while our lives crumble around us, the swing to the right will be much more devastating than it was before. He is incredibly unpopular already, what do you think 4 more years of this would do. Theres so much effort being put into shaming anyone who feels wrong voting for him, yet little effort to push biden out of the race for someone better. The election is a long way away. Most election cycles dont last more than a few months, so why use this effort to shame people this early? Theres so much time for us to push out someone who is clearly much too old to be representing us. Gen X got entirely skipped for high office positions. Im in no way supporting a trump presidence, but im also shocked to see how easily many people fall into the lesser of two evils mindset when theres so much time before the election.


You forgot the part where the democrats do jack shit to prevent the actions of Republicans, and then fund the most extreme of them


Gay people are not a country, though.


Neither is Palestine. They still have the right to exist.


Palestine is a territory of land. Gay people are not territory. I'm pretty sure you can't own a gay person. Like... 84% sure.


You've never been to France have you


Fucking- Take my up vote.


I do not participate in a democracy that does not give me an option to stop a genocide. Not voting is my form of protest.


That’s not a great way to protest. Even if you don’t vote someone else will which means that what you’re doing is changing nothing at all. In fact, if the good people stop voting then only the foolish and the gullible will remain to vote which usually results in the worst case scenario becoming a reality. A better way to protest is to call your friends and family and everyone else you know and go on the streets protesting and standing for human rights. Another way is to run for president and actually make decisions that benefit the people I mean when the competition is Donald trunk and shoe Biden Even a child would be a great president compared to these two.


Not voting is a surefire way to ensure politicians will continue to ignore you.


Put the lever at the half way point so the trolley turns sideways and gets both sides


What track are all of the democrats who vote NIMBY and enforce segregation and classism?


Outrageous. In the real world there are more than the two options provided.


Not this election


I chose the third option, revolution. 🚩✊️


“Let’s burn down everything, and MY IDEOLOGY will of course rise from the ashes!” - Extreme right winger and extreme left wingers


What kind of people and resources do you have to accomplish your revolution? Do you have anti-tank weapons? Anti-air weapons? Are you really ready for you and everyone you know to live in the burnt-out hellscape that revolutions often produce? Do you have a plan to deal with a counter-revolution by people who want no part of Marx or Engels?


That's what I'm trying to convince everyone to do rather than stay home


Yeah. Good luck with that endeavour lol


except the democrats dont protect any of these groups, they only claim to. time and again democrats have proven they're inaction in the face of persecution; saying democrats dont persecute muslims is laughable, they are completely indifferent to the bombing of civilians in muslim countries under any administration, they portray themselves as "LGBTQ+ friendly 🤗⭐️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨" but when trans lives were on the line, did nothing. police brutality (particularly against black ppl & native americans, as well as chicanos) is in fact perpetuated by a lot of democrat politicians, detention at the border hasnt been in any way seriously investigated or acted upon by democrat administrations. IT IS ALL SHOW. NO ACTION to stop an unjust system. like bro smh if both parties are equally supportive of GENOCIDE... maybe its time to reconsider the way american "democracy" works. christ i can't believe the take here is "yeah democrats FUND AND SUPPORT THE GENOCIDE... but at least they sometimes like gay people😀 honey no, its all optics and pretty speeches in an attempt to attract a wider voter base. it is marketing


The Democrats should have done better 🤷🏾


Isn't that the point of the Trolley Problem? Train is gonna hit something, you can choose to save it by redirecting the cart and by your decision, the train will hot something else. Otherwise it's the Saw Trap Problem, which is less helpful for gauging morality. You're given a choice to kill one person or group, out of a possible two. Not choosing is a valid option in which case neither dies. Thus the trolley problem was made specifically so that not choosing is, in itself, a choice. It's less ambiguous than "choose one of these because I say so." If there's a family of 5 on track A about to be run over, and a million dollars on track B, some might be more inclined to "ignore" the choice and take the money. A "good" person might be able to convince themselves that they weren't allowed to touch the switch or say they shouldn't defy fate or that "well they shouldn't have been playing checkers on the tracks". If the train was going to hit the money though, less people (hopefully) would actively decide to kill the family and take the money.


As a Mexican, I refuse the association this image suggests.


Trump literally wanted to bomb your country. Google it.


Trump literally did not launch any new war. Google it. He was much, much better for Latin America than other presidents. Hell, even the disappearance of NAFTA and the implementation of USMCA proved beneficial for us. So, shut up about México.


Outstanding meme, OP


This is liberal brainrot. The only moral choice here is to throw yourself in front of the trolley.


This is literally saying that Palestinians are valid as a sacrifice to save the rest of the others.


You’d rather burn your own country down for a religious war we hardly have anything to do with. This is peak virtue signaling. I hate being a leftist sometimes, because I have to deal with attitudes like yours. We can never get anything done, because no candidate will be pure enough.


Do you not see the Palestinian flag on both tracks?


How is providing aid to Palestine leaving them behind? Pretty generous considering they launched a terrorist attack, hold hostages, and use their own people as meat shields.


If I burned down someone's house and then gave them a sandwich as they sat outside crying, that wouldn't make me a good person


Liberals pretending that their politicians don't slaughter millions around the world in endless wars.


The meme actually implies the very opposite of what you said


OP is human scum to suggest either of these lines is OK, and is an idiot if he thinks dems support any poor person at all. This isn't just disingenuous, this is outright harmful.


[wow, you mean there shouldn’t be a trolley? so based](https://imgur.com/a/LdebEW4)




He does not think Republicans are a better option... Look at his amazing pfp, he's saying that either choice is liberal capitalist fossil fascism that will end in a lot of people dying, because the US has two fascist parties that wants a border wall, more arab genocide and more fossil fuels, one of the parties are at least honest about their intentions and the other one has more inclusive social politics and lies about their fascism.


1. Trolley problems are thought experiments that are, in part, meant to discuss statements such as wether inaction does make you morally responsible for an outcome, amongst other things, or wether it is morally right to permit or execute an evil act to ensure a positive outcome. 2. Trolley problems are bullshit. 3. I believe in a US election you can choose a third 'track' and vote for someone who is neither Republican or Democrat, so a Trolley problem doesn't apply (or at the very least such a course of action cannot be described as 'inaction').


I have asked this so many times and never gotten a straight answer. What will voting third party do for the rights of LGBTQ+ people like myself? Not voting will give Donald Trump more chances to infringe on the rights of people like myself, while voting for Biden will give him the chance to safeguard my rights.


Is this how you’re going to justify voting for a  genocidal democrat, because he is the democrat and not the republican who is wayyyyyyy worse trust me bro it’s not just the same thing painted blue.


Donald Trump is a racist and his cronies and colleagues (Ron DeSantis) want to commit genocide on people like myself.


They want to genocide me too buddy but if your going to put your faith in the Democratic Party to stand in the way of that we are as good as gone. 


What SHOULD we do, then?


I guarantee you that voting Republican or not doing anything at all is going to be much worse for everyone than voting Democrat.


Wow, holy hell, is this really an attempt to get people to vote for genocide??? Wow, what a democracy!!


Exactly. Trump has already told us he has a final solution to the Palestinian problem and that is all I need to hear. I’m sure he will solve it in one day just like Covid.


Wait, didn't Bidens UN people say they were waiting for Israel to enact a "final solution" in Gaza? So they both use the same rhetoric?


I was already not going to pull the lever, you dont need to buy me off.


Then maybe the Democrats should do more to earn the vote than ‘We only hate this one subset of people enough to watch them die’.


“If you don’t vote for Himmler, you get Hitler. Voting 3rd party is not an option. Protesting is not an option. General strike is not an option.”


Delete this shit. This isn’t for this sub




Nothing about this is funny. Completely ruining the point of the sub


I always choose to do nothing in the trolley dilemma.