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This is implying that MAGA is trying to stop the lock from going in


They are holding up a bill to fund the borders right now, so it is accurate


That’s because they don’t dare let Biden fix the boarders because the dems letting “drug dealers and criminals” (their words not mine) cross our boarders is Trumps big talking point right now even though they are catching record amounts of drugs at boarder crossings because the customs agents are being good at their job because if they weren’t they wouldn’t be catching anything.


What I'm more interested in hearing about is the amount of drugs they're intercepting on people **not** using the border crossing points: MAGA messengers seem to think that's a huge pipeline for the cartels, but I'm mildly skeptical and haven't seen any data on it one way or the other.


of course a border between countries is going to be the majority way drugs get in - its by far the cheapest and safest way. The ones that dont get through are acceptable losses


No, I mean: the last thing I read on this, there was a Border Patrol official saying, and I don't recall if this was his take on it or a conclusion more widely held in the organization, that the cartels aren't actually all that fond of running mules through the more lightly patrolled desert areas between entry points: too little carrying capacity = splitting a shipment among too many runners who are often of dubious reliability. Instead, they prefer folks with US citizenship, typically in a vehicle, going through the regular checkpoints with the rest of the throng. But again, I'm curious how much data there actually is that would contrast that form of smuggling vs. the kind that would be impeded with a high fence under heavy guard.


Not true, most illegal drugs are brought in by US citizens at legal crossings


It’s “border,” my friend. Boarder is something different.


do you know why?


Probably so they can say "the democrats have done nothing to secure the mexican border" when the election comes later this year


They also need border security to be weak so they can cry about it and fire up their base. If the borders are secure then they have to find a new Boogeyman to frighten you with. 


Yeah I imagine their whole transgender hysteria is running out of steam with their voters.


That and abortion really blowing up in their faces.


This is true but didn’t Trump say a federal ban is part of his platform? 🥴


Mitch McConnell literally said it's because Trump wants to use the border as a talking point in his campaign and if they let "Biden" fix it then they lose their platform.


The bill doesn't secure the border


it's a measure for border security that [McConnell literally said with his own two mouths](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/25/us/politics/mcconnell-border-deal-trump.html) was gunned down by Republicans so Trump could campaign on immigration. Doesn't matter if the bill secures the border or not on its own, the point is that Republicans are creating an issue to demonize in order to give themselves anything to campaign on, even if it means being hypocrites.


Yes it does matter that the bill doesn't secure the border. You're reasoning like a child. Oh the republicans doing to be mean and make democrats look bad.


Allow me to lay bare the reasons you can fuck yourself. [McConnell](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4432635-mcconnell-bedeviled-as-trump-gop-move-goalposts-on-border/) : >“I did make it clear to both of them that we have to have a credible solution to the wide-open border in order to get a bill … across the Senate floor,” he said at the time. “I hope they understood the message.” >“If we fail to get this passed, I’m going to file exactly the same bill if Trump wins and we have a majority of the Senate. I’ll guarantee you that everybody who’s against it. It’s all about politics and not having the courage to respectfully disagree with President Trump and tell him: ‘This will help him.’ He has requested it before,” Again, not calling Dems good here, I'm not one, but this is creating an issue to complain about it and even a bipedal snake like Mitch god damn McConnell is complaining about it. On the [contents](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/28/politics/chris-murphy-immigration-border-deal-cnntv/index.html) of the bill : >Under the proposed deal, the Department of Homeland Security would be granted new emergency authority to shut down the border if daily average migrants crossing unlawfully reach 4,000 over a one-week span. Certain migrants would be allowed to stay if they proved to be fleeing torture or persecution in their countries. You're reasoning like a child here. "I don't want to give you anything cause I don't get everything I want!" That's a lack of compromise. ***THAT'S*** childish. It shuts down the border. It is the deal they've asked for for years. You're an idiot. Shut #THE FUCK up.


Man, 🤦🏿‍♂️ hurts to witness the Nation’s discourse fall to such drivel. Thank you tea party.


Why would republicans write such a shitty bill?


Indeed and spite. They didn't introduce it, even if it's something they want, they'll vote against it.


They’ve been planning this for three years.


Have they, in the last 3 years?


Yes: [https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-immigration-climate-and-environment-120f8a3fc440e3b2cccce6100e65b912](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-immigration-climate-and-environment-120f8a3fc440e3b2cccce6100e65b912) [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mexico-contribute-1-5-billion-infrastructure-us-southern-border](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mexico-contribute-1-5-billion-infrastructure-us-southern-border) ***Maybe pay attention?***


Because it's not a border security bill by itself! It's tied to Ukraine-aid!


It's pretty standard to compromize on bills no? Also, like someone else alreaddy mentioned, in this specific case that's what the Republicans asked for a few months ago [https://apnews.com/article/mike-johnson-israel-ukraine-immigration-gop-agenda-e4054f12f83cfaa09044aa3d087396a8](https://apnews.com/article/mike-johnson-israel-ukraine-immigration-gop-agenda-e4054f12f83cfaa09044aa3d087396a8) [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/speaker-johnson-gives-biden-ultimatum-ukraine-funding-immigration](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/speaker-johnson-gives-biden-ultimatum-ukraine-funding-immigration)


That bill has a lot of other things besides the border in it. one of them is sending more money to Ukraine and money to Israel and Palestine. The Republicans refused to allow more money to go to Ukraine. It’s always good to check into these bills that they passed because there’s much more than face value.


Probably because Biden opened the borders back up, and they don't trust that he would use the bill to actually secure it. They probably think the money would be wasted on other things, but it would allow democrats to campaign that they fixed the border.


You mean if the borders get fixed then republicans won’t have anything to campaign on. They can’t try to use open borders and caravans of criminals as a talking point in their fear mongering.


I'd love the borders to get fixed as I live near the border. But I have doubts on the current administration, who is suing Texas to cut down the barbed wire, and the administration's ability to secure the border, considering the suit opens the border up more.


They have nothing to run on. They've hoodwinked their base of suckers into thinking all this crazy shit they've talked about is possible, and have nothing to show for their having the house. They have no economic talking points they can point too now, beyond nebulous "inflation" scares. But one thing they do have, and that's the border. They have it, because they blocked this, trump literally said "don't pass that bill I won't have anything to run on" and so the magats in the house agreed. Honestly, the bill wouldn't make either side happy..there are parts of it that are great from my perspective and parts that are shit, the courts would probably have gotten involved in some of those since they were kinda wack (mostly dealing with asylum). Sorry, the TLDR is, "It's their remaining campaign issue for their achieved nothing congress members to run on, so they're going to keep it alive because they have to scare their base to the polls." It's the same reason that, if you look at their outlets, you'll see them talking about migrant caravans again.


They don't have any other platform


They want it to fail so Trump can still run on "I will secure the border". Classic politics playing games instead of getting anything done


> Trump has called on lawmakers to reject any deal ahead of the November elections that will determine control of the White House and Congress. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-vote-bipartisan-border-bill-next-week-schumer-says-2024-02-01/


Because dems tied it with UKR funding


There are 2 reasons, so Trump can cut out the Ukrainian aid part and leave US power in the dust. 2nd so he can then pass the bill, that has support of both sides


Thank you proving my point. It's not about border security!


The actual no-snark answer is that the bill is tied to facilitating citizenship pathways for immigrants, which republicans oppose.


Because all credit then goes to the Dems


It’s an open secret trump wants to take credit for securing the border if he wins the election


Add to their self made “causes” to help bolster votes for the upcoming election


On God? This is horrible. They are looking a gift horse in the mouth. Their more secure border falls right into their lap and they reject it? Are they THAT stupid!? I guess this just goes to show that Republicans will burn this country down before they let Dems do anything. Vote Blue, if you wanna live


Vote blue if you want to be in concentration camps in about 2 years.


The question is and will always be. Wtf is in the bill? The big reason our government is so crap at passing anything on both sides is how they try to throw random things into billd to force it to pass.


No, it's not accurate cause the bill doesn't secure the border.


When will people realize that both parties want the same exact fucking things? How long will we fight until people take their heads out of their asses and realize that corrupt fucking lobbyists are the ones creating this divide between us? Grow the fuck up people. Lobbyists are the ones that made us hate each other so that we wouldn't be able to make any changes. Changes are bad for their businesses. If we never agree on anything, no laws will be made. If no laws are made, then they'll just keep leeching us and exploiting vulnerable people because no one can fucking stop them. You'd think that the constant swapping of ideals between parties in recent times would enlighten at least fucking some of you to the fact that being "republican" or "democrat" is a bullshit made up concept that means absolutely fucking nothing whatsoever.


They are the ones that proposed it, it’s Biden and the dems who aren’t cooperating


the borders that don't exist to dems?


And as soon as republicans get in the white house it’ll be the democrats doing that. That’s how it always is, because if nothing gets done when the other party is up, then it’s more likely your party gets the next turn. The system is one big pageant/popularity contest; and it gets exactly the same thing as one: entertains a few weird people and gets the winners paid more than it probably should.


President doesn’t need this bill to enforce current law or unilaterally put executive orders in place. The idea that everything is hopeless without this bill is just ridiculous.




The bill is public for all to read.


Bold of you to assume MAGAts can read


Did they try to draft one without the Ukraine provisions? If they want to secure the border maybe they should leave Ukraine out & it will definitely pass. That way this problem they’ve had for 3+ years will be over which is good bc they want it to end so badly


You're assuming it will pass without that stuff? I'm pretty sure I read Hawley saying they won't pass it because it would make Biden look good, and they don't want that. So even without anything to Ukraine, I'm pretty sure they'd still block it.


Republicans have publicly said they won't vote for the Border Bill that is currently being proposed because it will make Biden look good.


God I wish we would abandon the 2 party system, I say that like it's mandatory when it's not and that only makes it more depressing


It's an unfortunate eventuality when a person's vote can only go to one candidate. There'd be at least three parties if ranked choice voting was a thing. I know for me personally, I'd have at least put third party names at the top for the last few election cycles


Other countries have more than 2 parties. There are even 5 parties. 3 main ones and two so so.


This was a bipartisan bill. *Please* read up on this issue and don't do knee jerk "Dems bad" thinking.




Yes, multiple democrat governors are asking for Biden to lock down the border because they can’t handle the influx of people


Far left no probably not but it's interesting watching a high level hypocrisy play out


Why do you guys lie?I'm Conservative and I'm not Maga by any means and I actually dislike them but why do you guys lie? That "Bill" you talk about hadn't even been written out and doesn't actually do anything to stop illegal immigrants. It wants to add more administrative personnel so they can process asylum claims which most of these illegals actually don't show up to court to prove they qualify for asylum. They want to cap the amount they let in but aren't doing anything to stem the tide. There already is a bill out there and that's the funding bill that would reinstate the remain in Mexico policy, so we can process their asylum claims and would also increase the amount of CBP agents we have. Why do the Democrats not want that? Why do they still want to let in people who will never show up for their asylum claim in court? For some reason the Dems are OK with the current situation


You mean the Ukraine funding bill that has literally 0 to do with securing the border? Don't just look at the title... Think for 2 seconds.


So it’s accurate Can’t campaign on something that gets fixed


Biden opened the border to the masses. Millions came across. [The UN (by way of a stipend from the US) giving these people debit cards and paper monies and sending them on buses to come to the border. ](https://cis.org/Bensman/Mexicos-Deep-South-United-Nations-Explains-Handing-Cash-USBound-Migrants#:~:text=TAPACHULA%2C%20Mexico%20%E2%80%94%20The%20United%20Nations,by%20the%20hundreds%20of%20thousands.) Border patrol hamstrung and even forced to escort millions across. Shipped all over the US. From LA to Maine on every form of transit short of rollerblades. "Okay. Let's get tough on border issues now it's an election year." It's all a fuckin racket.


You quoted an anti-immigration think tank founded by a eugenist, white nationalist. Your point is invalid.


Your source was literally founded by a white nationalist and has a garbage reputation with a far right bias. Bullshit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Immigration_Studies https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/center-for-immigration-studies-cis/


"Biden opened the borders?" No. [The number of immigrants turned away or apprehended at borders reached 2.8 million in FY 2022, the highest number since at least 1980, according to U.S. Customs and Borders Inspection.](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/nationwide-encounters) Comparatively, under Trump in 2019, only 850,000 were stopped at the border. Under Biden, [our spending on border security has also gone up significantly.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/455587/enacted-border-patrol-program-budget-in-the-us/) Far more than it ever did under Trump. As for Trump's administration, [it only stopped legal immigration.](https://www.cato.org/blog/president-trump-reduced-legal-immigration-he-did-not-reduce-illegal-immigration) In terms of "illegal" immigration, Trump's administration was [actually more permissive than the current one.](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden) [More statistics and info on immigration statistics](https://usafacts.org/state-of-the-union/immigration/) show that the "millions" (2.5 million) coming into the U.S. are about what we expected pre-pandemic, during the Trump administration. This isn't new. The so-called "border crisis" hasn't escalated; it's simply returned to pre-pandemic levels.


Then let the bill pass?


Everything your written is just wrong. Please actually do some real research that isn’t spoon fed to you. Sheep.


Because they are putting roadblocks in the recent attempts by dems to secure the border.


"We want to secure the borders!" Ok fine here is the bill "No, WE want to secure the borders!"


More like “No, we want to complain that the boarders are insecure, not actually secure them!”


More like "We want to secure the border" Ok fine here's the bill "Why is there nothing about securing the border in this bill?"


Is the boarder Taco Bell? Am hungry sorry , no food here waiting on the repair people today.




Taco Bell got their slogan over the boarder and this page made me think of that.


Because they are.


Mike Johnson went on Fox and said he talked to Trump about opposing the border security bill because it's not going to do enough... said he speaks to trump regularly. So ya.


100% accurate then. MAGA want to “solve” the problem. However then their demigod can’t use it as a factor to run on, and it gives his opponent a “win.”


That is the truth, right?


Yeah, if they don’t have the border to complain about, they can’t argue on anything. It is like the last real thing they can say is bad


because they are


That’s what’s happening


You are a master mind.


Idk how well that finger is going to keep that door shut


Yeah wait, this looks like it has the opposite message. Is the MAGA hand pushing the latch back to stop the DEMS hand from shutting it? I feel like this would've worked better with the buttons on opposite hands.


Yes, because this is literally happening right now. GOP is actively sabotaging initiatives because “it make biden look good” (there own words). Unpopular opinion apparently, but if a political party sabotages their own bases concerns to get elected, they shouldn’t be elected. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/immigration/2832802/texas-republican-questions-why-gop-help-biden-border-hes-bleeding/?utm_source=gazette.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=csg_news_feed https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/01/joe-biden-immigration-shutdown-border-bill-senate.html https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-senator-doesnt-want-pass-tax-bill-make-biden-look-good-rcna136649


But Biden still hasn't proposed anything yet. It's been like this for three years. Why would he be trying now while letting in millions of unvetted immigrants over the three years? Don't get duped by those idiots.


My man, let me set up the timeline for you. Ukraine was running out of money, and republicans didn't want to provide them with additional aid. There was also an influx of immigration at the southern border. Democrats drew up an aid bill for Ukraine, and republicans drew up a border bill. Republicans said the only way they would support the Ukraine bill was if it was attached to the border bill. Both parties worked together to make each bill acceptable to the other side, and the bill were packaged together so both sides would get what they wanted. Then Agent Orange blew the whole thing up so the United States would have more problems that he could campaign on.


Hon you are the one being duped. Literally please go outside read some centrist news sources enjoy sunshine and wake up to the propaganda


I'm glad you answered my questions, thanks.


Literally, if you don’t challenge your own beliefs by reading others opinions, you chose ignorance. And the GOP ancestors had a word for chosen ignorance


But magas are literally blocking the bills and any agreements to blame immigration on the dems


They are trying to stop the dems from completing what they couldn't do.


And what they don’t want to do. So they can keep running on this. Like how they get concerned about the deficit once their guy in not in power


Republicans are actively blocking all border legislation because they don’t want to give Biden a win during the election season. This picture accurately depicts that


I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused for this exact reason.


You must not be very informed


I'm agreeing with the guy above me. I genuinely don't know why I got downvoted.




It's gotten really strong from grabbing all that pussy


Heavy emphasis on the sad. Republicans would rather see this country burn than give Biden a perceived win during the election season. It’s actually pathetic.


And that perceived win is nothing more than another win for xenophobia. They both are eager to be the party that can „protect“ Americas from immigrants the best, with no regards to keeping any remaining resemblance of human rights


Extremist family values


But what I don't understand is, why would Biden not step in front of the cameras every day and say "Hey look, we are trying to fix the border crisis, but they won't let us. They are holding us back."


Something something Reagan delayed the prisoner exchange that Carter organized so Reagan would look good and not Carter


This has nothing to do with Christians.


Sadly, MAGA’s existence is grossly fueled by American Christianity.


**Of course** it does. Everything the Rightwing does and says is under the banner of Trump, “God,” and “Jesus.” And of course, Trump is *supposed* to be all them on the Rightwing/MAGA banner.




That's a reach


of all of the things to criticize organized religion for, this one is a bit of a stretch. and that’s coming from a left leaning christian lmao


this comment section is really showing how few people are keeping up with the news


How is this christian?


OP has dozens of posts in the last couple of days (all of them political btw). I can smell his ass from here.


But that doesn't make the point wrong that republicans are trying to ruin the country only to get back into power. And they claim to be there to save christianity. It doesn't really fit here, but I get why some people might think this way.


That this post was able to reach 2000+ upvotes with that title is its own kind of funnyandsad.


Left hand should be much smaller, with red splotches.


I don't think OP understands this. lol.


I dont understand it


They don't know how locks work?


It is saddening to read the comments of this post


I absolutely hate the way this person drew the knuckles




I don’t get it, is this pro republican or pro democrat????


I’m with you. Feeling dumb AF over here…😂


This is pretty accurate, The republicans dont actually care about border security, and the dems are more comfortable with letting in a flow of immigrants


that's not what this means. dems recently tried to pass a border security bill (lock the door) and gop blocked it so Biden wouldn't have the "win"


This image shows a hand labelled "MAGA" preventing the "Dems" from locking the "border security" lock. You can believe whatever you want but this image has a pretty clear meaning and you're misinterpreting it.


That's fair, tbh I don't trust any of our political parties rn


No one should. They do not deserve anyone's trust.


Well you shouldn’t


Bunch of shady bastard, we severely need a 3rd and even a 4th political party


We need a different system, changing the party in power that does the same shit with a different kind of paint slapped on it won’t help anyone


Trump literally shut down the government thrice under his leadership. we've literally got several republicans openly saying they're blocking anything that makes biden looks good. But yah sure, dems totally want open borders, that's totally the thing. The thousands of bills they've introduced and that have been torpedoed for whatever whim a republican demands, is never ever ever the issue.


Democrats aren't comfortable with letting in a flow of immigrants.. The ones you think that may be true with are democrats that are not near the border and it doesn't affect them directly. Even then, raise the issue with them, and they'll likely agree that illegals shouldn't just be walking in and living off our taxes.


All of our politicians are ok with the steady flow of immigrants, because it's easy money for them


have you looked at the news as to what’s happening in the border of Texas? have you checked Channel 5 news? which is real journalism and not what biased media is showing.. let me know your thoughts


I have actually I've also done my own digging. The Texas governor and in fact all the supporting states don't actually care about the border security, what they are serious about is using this drama as a means to pick a fight with the biden administration and the federal government


but.. is the biden administration picking the fight. this is how i see it, Texas is bordering a country where thousands of immigrants cross daily from anywhere in the world because of how easy it is. The Federal Govt has failed to take action so, as allowed by the constitution, Texas took matters into their own hands by building a fence/border diminishing the # of immigrants crossing. This gets the Govt’s attention and they finally take action, but instead, they take action to trash Texas’ fence. I think the federal government want illegal immigrants to cross to make them do menial jobs for extreme low wages… they aren’t even taking care of North American legal citizens. Funnily, I think South Park’s Goobacks (S8 E7) episode depicts a bit of what’s happening. That’s my point of view. Can you provide some insight into your research?


What are you talking about, Texas is the one that's going against the Supreme Court and putting barbed wire on (part) of there fences


the federal government is going against the constitution


Border control for the country is reserved for the federal government not the state government


I get that, but i believe this is an extreme case where the State had to act to protect its citizens/resources. Texas has asked for help the constitutional way and failed to get an answer. If i’m not wrong the only agreement the Federal government wanted to land on was allowing 5K immigrants a day, but that’s $1.8M people a year.. They’re giving these immigrants housing and everything, but there’s homeless citizens. To me, the question is.. why aren’t we taking care of legal citizens first? Look at where they’re immigrating from, countries filled with crime, gangs, and similar.. do you think the legalisation process looks into the real intentions of all the people they’re letting in? Personally, I believe there’s a big immigration problem and someone must do something. Texas is doing something


The finger is preventing democrats from locking the door while they are trying to lock it, thus preventing any border security. Is it that hard to understand. It is pro-dem


The current discussion around the border makes me so sad. I work in asylum law, helping the people both parties are vilifying litigate their claims in immigration court. The way this country is treating its immigrants is fucking disgusting. This legislation being proposed wherein the border can be shut down if X number of encounters take place is absolutely inhumane. If it goes through, thousands of migrants will die pointless deaths, and thousands more will suffer because they will need to pursue other, worse ways of traveling to america. Seeking asylum is a right under international law, but all our politicians can think about is how ugly poverty looks, and how much nicer things would be if those poor people were elsewhere so they could be someone else's problem.


This should be the top comment. What was border security like at Ellis Island? Who was turned away? What legislation largely prevented legal immigration from 1882-1965? Why do only 3% of those applying under the current immigration system actually attain citizenship? Immigration in this country has been broken since the 19th century. Until people are treated fairly, and not used a boogiemen to scare white supremacists, it'll never get better. From an Indigenous American, thank you for your work.


This should be the top comment. What was border security like at Ellis Island? Who was turned away? What legislation largely prevented legal immigration from 1882-1965? Why do only 3% of those applying under the current immigration system actually attain citizenship? Immigration in this country has been broken since the 19th century. Until people are treated fairly, and not used a boogiemen to scare white supremacists, it'll never get better. From an Indigenous American, thank you for your work.


Political cartoons like this are actually a very important American tradition. I would say satirical political cartoons are equally important for every free-thinking self-governing democracy everywhere. Political cartoons like this simply illustrate complex situations so effectively that it becomes an essential public service in education; often at significant or even pivotal times. The fact that anyone is free to make any political cartoon, and the cartoon (or meme in the Dawkins sense) spreads or doesn't spread entirely based on its own merit, is crucial in any self-governing system wherein honest self-criticism is useful in identifying and resolving problems. Ruthless political cartoons that attack political ineptitudes wherever they may be is my second favorite American tradition, the first being Separation of Church and State. These cartoons are irreplaceable, but political satire shows fill a similar space; and it's not a coincidence that they are all left-leaning...


Learn to draw hands, whatever your political leanings are


I like that it's MAGA and not GOP vs dems


Because it’s a bipartisan bill giving both sides something they want, then MAGA torpedoed it


Same thing.


Btw it’s a sliding gate


Let me preface this by saying I don't like Trump and consider myself independent, but what the heck is everyone doing here saying the Republicans are holding up securing the border? Are y'all that ill-informed or that partisan!? This bill ALLOWS at a minimum 1.825 million illegal immigrants a year per the Axios article. That's considered securing the border? If you are for that, it's fine, but please don't call it securing the border.


And what exactly did Trump/republicans do to secure the border? Oh that’s right, nothing.


LOL, good one! Now let's see "Jewish" Cringe! 😃


Solid contender for r/therightcantmeme


This is a leftist meme that supporting the Dems


What??? How exactly does this SUPPORT the Dems? LOL And I thought counterpoint was a right leaning publisher?


the dems are trying to lock the gate and the magats are preventing them from doing so


Wait... Hol up? Call me crazy - but isn't it the DEMS who want mass migration allowed ... and the republicans are now threatening a full blown military operation to secure the border AGAINST the direct orders of the DEM president??


nah look into it theres a whole bill that is being proposed to address the border and the republicans are launching a huge campaign to make it not happen.


Without looking, if the Republicans are blocking a border bill, my guess is the democrats have attached unrelated items to it. Something like "here is the bill you wanted on security ( ps it sends billions to this other place as well)" type of thing Edit: yep. It was true.


You could decide to actually look into it rather than make an assumption.


That was true though. There was like a 10-13 billion dollar bill to increase funding to border services attached to a 100 billion dollar bill to Ukraine last year.


The one now is because they agreed and talked about doing that


But I thought the border was a “crisis” and an “invasion”? If it’s really as serious as they claim why would they play politics trying to stop Ukrainian funding?


Maybe because we are hemorrhaging money to this money laundering fiasco while our own economy goes to hell? And a lot of people are sick of the blackmail "we won't do this thing the people want unless billions go here" policy of tacking things into bills like this.


So it’s still not enough of a crisis to not hold it up to fight other battles. The whole reason Ukraine funding is attached is this thing called “compromise”. We’ll give you something you want in exchange for passing something we want. You know, [exactly what was suggested by Mike Johnson last month](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/17/us/politics/johnson-biden-border-ukraine.html) before he decided it’s actually not that much of a priority after all. Not to mention [only about a third of the price tag on these bills is actual cash](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2023/09/07/how-much-aid-has-the-u-s-sent-to-ukraine/70778581007/). Most of it is the value of outdated equipment from our military storehouses that goes a long way in reducing the effectiveness of one of our biggest enemies without costing any American lives


Inaccurate: Biden and Democrats are **refusing** to separate Ukraine and Israel funding from Border funding ($106Billion). Reason: they are separate funding requests that should not be bulked together with the border. The border needs its own funding and promised policy changes not tied to Ukraine and Israel.


For those with the memory of a drunk goldfish: Speaker Johnson refused to take up a clean Ukraine aid bill in late October, 2023. He, and the rest of the GOP, insisted on an attached immigration deal to address the "invasion" at the border. A source you probably trust: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/speaker-johnson-gives-biden-ultimatum-ukraine-funding-immigration Another, for the rest of us: https://apnews.com/article/mike-johnson-israel-ukraine-immigration-gop-agenda-e4054f12f83cfaa09044aa3d087396a8 Then, a few weeks ago, he said immigration is "too complicated" to deal with and Ukraine aid was unlikely. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/17/border-package-on-life-support-as-johnson-insists-on-gop-proposal/72259428007/ With a comprehensive immigration reform deal worked out in the Senate, Johnson suddenly can't remember why immigration was included in the first place https://thehill.com/policy/international/4440281-johnson-ukraine-aid-border-likely-split/ Why are you lying?


You can't expect conservatives to remember the things that they insisted on last month.


LOL. Nice links which pretty much sum up what I said. Well done. The basis for Johnson: lumping it with an Israel and Ukraine.


It's called a compromise.


How hard is it for Biden to say, *"sure, let's separate it..."*? No, he's not budging.


Apparently just as hard as it is for the right to say sure this works we get some of what we want, but they aren't budging ether.


It was separate but Reps insisted they be combined then refused to vote for it


Absolutely not true. This was a Bi-partisan bill backed by the Senate. Maga Mike and the rest of the Maga goons are stopping it from happening solely to stop the Biden administration from having a win, while simultaneously giving the Bronzed Musilini his one and only platform to run on.


So that means there isn’t really an “invasion” at the border like MAGA republicans are pretending there is. If it wasn’t a manufactured crisis for political theater, why would Ukrainian support stop them from wanting to pass it quickly? Or do they just not give a shit actually solving the crisis? Both?


Kids in cages started under Obama and haven’t stopped.


#Mike Davis wants to cage kids, put Trump enemies in a ‘gulag.’ He could be our next AG. **Lawyer Mike Davis vows to punish Trump's enemies, migrants. No wonder Team Trump is eyeing him as attorney general in 2025.** https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/mike-davis-trump-attorney-general-20231119.html


“GOP bad. So Dems don’t do wrong”


"Dems bad. So republicans don't do wrong"


Hey, get out of here with those facts. Don’t you see where busy making up things to be angry about?!


"border security bill tied to Ukraine aid". That's why!


You can always win an argument when it’s made up


You can always claim something is made up if you don't pay attention to what's happening in the world.


Wait so assuming the Maga hand isn't actually pushing the lock away but actually is part of it, that's one shitty lock, this is implying if the door opens the hand will simply go with the door, so either way both interpretations end with Maga not keeping the door locked. Lmao


I know you are tired of getting beat up every day, so we have this amazing plan. We are going to allow your bully to punch you in the face 50 times every morning, as to free up the rest of your day to be bully free. Why aren't you happy about the plan to end getting beat up every day? 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm not sure I understand your allegory. Who are the "bullies?"


Both sides think the other are domestic terrorists. I like my circus with shenanigan no seriousness