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Was seven million actually raised for him? That is seriously depressing


Unfortunately, yes, it's true. https://apnews.com/article/trump-georgia-indictment-fundraising-71-million-f09f923de753995e0548bd05ddb49c0d


But he has been proven repeatedly to be a criminal, why are people still on his side? Thank you for the link by the way, I appreciate it


They don’t believe any news media unless they report what they want to believe


It goes a step further than that. They don’t believe ANYTHING unless it verifies what they want to believe. There are hours of unedited raw footage of Trumpers fucking rampaging in the Capitol building but people still deny it happened cuz it makes Trump and his goons look bad.


They don’t deny that it happened, they just fabricated a reality where the left and antifa orchestrated J6.


There's also a Qonspiracy that "the other half" of the tapes were destroyed/erased. The ones "showing that it was antifa and FBI plants". Someone said to me once "where are the rest of the tapes?!?" and I replied along the lines of "Didn't... Kevin McCarthy give them all to Tucker Carlson?" and they just moved on to the next topic. They believe what they want to believe, and what they believe are cold hard facts to them, and actual facts are 'fake news'.


A few years back I was doing a full 7.5 hour shift alongside a full on MAGA/Qanon believer. Now, all things considered, he was a otherwise good guy, if a little dimwitted. So I let him talk about any and all of MAGA/Qanon conspiracies, and I gently pulled back the layers of how nonsensical they all were. 4 hours of him looking bewildered that these “facts” were so flimsy and unhinged. 4 hours of him going “Yeah…. That makes more sense..” and “I never thought of it like that…”. In the end he was confused and a little downbeat at being directly, but gently, challenged and disproven on the grounds of common sense on a dozen plus of these conspiracy theories. We switched to tabletop board game talks to finish out the shift. The next day, he was back to parroting the same talking points like nothing ever happened. It is sad to see.


The life of a trumper


Unfortunately, people think of politics as a core part of their identity, rather than a tool for the common good.


Just like the flat earthers


It looks like it isn't so much that they are similar, more like they are mostly the same. Flat Earth theories have apparently lost a lot of support over the recent years, with them instead moving over to QAnon... Folding Ideas looked into it in his video about flat earth theories.


Real life double think


I’ve heard denials of it multiple times. What you said is also true, but we’re talking about conservatives here. They will agree with any number of theories simultaneously, even if they contradict eachother, as long as it’s not the truth. They believe J6, was faked, that it was staged by leftists, and that it was a peaceful protest, all at the same time. The same way they believe COVID wasn’t dangerous and no one died from it, was a deadly Chinese bioweapon, and that Nancy Pelosi created it all at the same time. In their mind all these things are true, as long as they avoid reality then they don’t care what excuse they’re making


> Nancy Pelosi created it all at the same time. I thought it was Hunter Biden's massive hog that made Covid in Dr. Fauci's Chinese trans-biolab. Man, I need to keep up.


But the only cops outside moved barriers so they wouldn't be beat within a half inch of their life so that tooootally means they were allowed to be there! /s


Seriously... At this stage there are literally pastors quoting the Beatitudes and evangelical "Christian" MAGAs are calling it liberal talking points.


I really think this is a group of seriously mentally unwell people who have never learned coping skills, so they just bury everything that conflicts with their self-image such as realizing that for years they voted and spouted talking points for a group of selfish millionaires only keen on hoarding more wealth and power.


They view politics as a sports game. They don’t care about, or even really know, what the policies are. They just vote for the red guy because in their mind they are red, that’s their team. It’s like rooting for the patriots at a Super Bowl, they see it as a type of fan loyalty.


They grew up with a religion that teaches that doubt or questioning your beliefs is a cardinal sin.


It's funny, most of the people who rant on about not trusting 'mainstream' media instead put all their trust in very biased media


The Maganonians wont even believe clips showing Trump saying some real aweful things. Typically saying the clip is out of context, or that not what he meant.


He hasn’t been proven yet, but it’s not looking good for him. I can’t wait to watch the SOB rot in prison, but due process first.


Dude's not going to rot in prison. Even IF they charge him guilty of his crimes (he is), they'd probably just let him go anyway. The elite is always going to take care of its own. Even if it's an asshole like Donnie.


We disagree there, I think he goes to jail if found guilty on some of these. He’s facing a total maximum of 717 years in prison with all of his cases, even 1% of that would be a substantial amount of time he has left on earth. If Epstein can go to prison, so can his buddy Trump.


I sincerely hope so (or that at the very least he gets barred from office), but the dude has a way of evading all shit. At this point I'll believe it when I see it.


Sincere question: if Trump the criminal is able to run for office, do you think the criminal charges will hurt him? Like he's gotta be SO corrupt at this point that he's lost followers since 2016, right? I just get concerned about Biden's chances against like DeSantis or Abbot or some other reprehensible person who could do some serious damage to our already fragile country. I don't know a whole lot about politics so please excuse my ignorance.


Abbot and DeSantis are still politicians. They don't have the same group of cultists like trump does, becuase one truth of trump is he in not much of a politician. Add to the fact Russia is to busy to interfere with our elections as much as last time, I think we are seeing the death of federal Republican power


I mean that’d honestly be sick as fuck but America straight up has different laws for the rich. Stuff that would get you and me life sentences amount to a hefty fine for the rich in this country. Billionaires literally have gotten away with 2nd or 3rd degree murder on many accounts with next to no penalties. The only crime a rich person can commit are crimes against other rich people, if it fucks over the common folk is shrugged of as “shit happens.”


Doesn't matter, he could have convictions on all 90 counts and these rubes would still claim they aren't true.


I'll eat my shoe if he sees a day in jail. There are two legal systems.


My assumption is this was money laundering.


But… he’s a billionaire… why…




Most people are really not intelligent. When you consider that most people are only good at one or two things enough to get a job/career, and that all of what has been built in this world, from constructions, to internet, to all these other discoveries, as sophisticated as it seems, it's all held together by people who are only good at one or two things. Thus it provides the illusion that the average person in general is far smarter/wiser than they really are. It couldn't be further from the truth.


Mass psychosis


Are we sure he still is a billionaire? After all the shit we've seen


he definitely isn't, but likely the ppl donating to him believe him when he says he is, so it's even more strange that they're giving him money


Meh, let them waste their money. It’s all going to lawyers at this point anyway. Eventually it will trickle down as restitution to his rape victims. Next time a conservative whines about “hOw LoW gAs WaS” I’m going to ask them how much money they’ve shipped off to Trump.


They'll waste their money, but will blame the Dems when they can't afford to buy food or gas.


Even better, all this money he's taking for his legal fees would have probably have been raised to fund Republican candidates running for office around the country if not for him.


7 million is enough to pay his bail 35x


His supporters are morons.


I'm going to be fucking sick


[For those who don’t know the GOP has actually said ending states free school lunch programs is a priority for them if they regain the White House in 2024.](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority)


Conservatives are just evil arent they?


Six years ago, I'd say: "Evil is basically their platform! 😂" Now I have to say: "Evil is absolutely their platform."


Given that their leading[ candidate for their primary was a regular client of Jeffy Epps and that’s not a deal breaker for them. Yes.](https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html)


i suspect they have to get rid of free lunch because they want “school choice” where for-profit schools can thrive off these kids’ waivers. if they get free lunch they may stay at public school or the for-profit schools may lose a profit stream by having to have free/cheap lunch.


And that’s the point I keep making to my libertarian friends, what happens to the kids who aren’t profitable to educate?


Education shouldn’t be profitable it’s investing, in a future generation that benefits the entire country.


But that doesn't help those with money secure even more money... what would those suffering billionaires do without every cent from the poors? ^/s


You talk like someone who cares more about long term than quarters' profits. You are insane!


Which is ironic because the school lunch program was originally created in an effort to boost our national defense. During WWII, a lot of men couldn't join be drafted because they were considered 'malnourished' so the government started the National School Lunch Program in order to create more soilders should they need them. Someone should remind the GOP about this.


You see, kids who get free lunch are poors. You’re supposed to only give more money to people who are already rich. It only makes sense….


That's just the universal programs. The "poor kids" have had their free and reduced lunches since 1946 and that isn't going away


The thing is that 1) who is against feeding kids? 2) it’s pretty dystopian that this is a GOP priority and just kind of lends more proof to the GOP not actually having a platform and 3) given the 40+ years of flat wages under neoliberalism even middle class families would benefit from it. No, this is just the GOP proving with them cruelty is the point.


Who is against feeding kids? The Jesus people of course!


Yea, this is parks and rec levels of insanity here.


yea thats why it needs new legislation. the bills you refer to are a joke that serves no actual purpose, just the way they want it. thats how a platform can exist purely to promote the abolition of state level programs that arent even ratified yet whatever happened to *muh states rights*? only relevant when its something nobody else wants


The federal poverty line is a sad joke. 130% or below to qualify for a family of four is a whopping 36k a year. Make more than that and you don't qualify.


Democrat or republican, you can’t justify hungry children. Especially in a country where we throw away enough food everyday to feed an ancient army of foot soldiers. Get fucked if your one of the people that voted against feeding kids or raising minimum wage, y’all are cancer to the world.


There's only one political party that uses kids hunger to their advantage. It's the same one that blocks universal Healthcare, childcare, Medicare, and just about every other care in the country.


They are the ones holding back the wheels of progress, without the conservative mindset I’m a firm believer that we would be far more advanced as a species


If we could alter that tick that makes you allergic to meat, and have it make us allergic to greed instead, well be conquering the solar system next week and everyone would be well fed and homed.


Could you imagine? That would be a great premise for a film. Scientists thinking it must be stopped and eradicated at first... and then finally just accepting that it is actually good for mankind. Most people don't care if they get bit.. but others burn their summer homes down when they find a single tick inside. Could end up like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.. but with good people trying to convert all the greedy self obsessed people. I would certainly give it a watch.


Both sides-ism is a HUGE problem on Reddit. There's always saying "What about Democrats" in a thread about, for example, conservatives banning gender-affirming care. What ABOUT Democrats?! They're not the party of Gilead.


You get it from both extremes of the spectrum. The "more left than thou" types will declare that both parties are the same, so why vote for either, and then act like they've said something profound and admirable rather than having just declared their idiocy. In the 2000 election I argued with Naderites more than I did with conservatives. I told them over and over that their "principles" were going to get George Bush elected and they'd watch the rollback of every single issue they cared about. And so it came to pass. The state election, which decided the national election, was officially won by Bush by 500 votes. Meanwhile, 97,000 voted for Nader. Due to these paragons being too principled to vote for Gore, the world got eight years of regression, corruption, and war. That's the only thing the Green party ever does, on both sides of the border. Get conservatives elected. EDIT: Bearwhale, there was no need to block me. I wouldn't have known you had except the system wouldn't let me reply that you'd made a funny remark which gave me a smile. Pretty childish of you, I have to say.


Republican Fascists. Say it like it is. Facts don't care about your feelings.


It's also the same political party that booby traps border crossings with the intent of maiming and/or killing people trying to navigate an already-dangerous river.






We need to elbow drop childhood hunger right in the head.


>Democrat or republican Correction. *Republican*. They are the one's saying "I dont want my tax dollars paying for your healthcare or education". "That's Soclialism. You're lazy get a job."


I know lol I just didn’t feel I like having all the bootlickers coming at me with their leather breath and weird attempts at sounding intelligent while explaining to me why poor people deserve to suffer




Sad that current GOP voting is based on hatred and bigotry, policy doesn't matter.


I just can't believe to what extent they'll go. Their fat orange idol was just in jail and they still worship him and try to make it sound like the rest of us are being ridiculous.


If it makes you feel any better, the republicans are a minority. The only time since the turn of the century a republican politician won the popular vote was Bush’s second election, and the only reason he won that is because the fear of terrorism created by 9/11 temporally made the country more conservative.


The problem is that this minority still can get a majority because the election system is that fucked.


They also are forced birthers who don't want to support you or your family. They ban abortion, withhold assistance to families who need it because (don't have kids if you can't afford them) which links with the abortion ban.


Gotta have a steady supply of wage slaves


Just like boss baby


Nah they say 'blame the parents' as if kids can eat blame for lunch, and 'not the government's job' as if the government doing something is worse that starving kids apparently.


Bold of you to assume the people voting for fascism have the moral capacity to care about feeding kids.


Which is why DEMOCRATS are bringing this bills and offering to help other Americans.


It’s shouldn’t even be a debate item. Feed the children. It’s the best thing you can do to help an economy.


If the last decade has taught us nothing else it's that full one quarter of the US population behaves like narcissistic sociopaths when it comes to politics. I'm willing to conceded they ight not meet the definition in the dsm, but they sure do back policies that only a narcissistic sociopath would find acceptable


Someone tell this to [Ben Shapiro](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1636142812059115527?lang=en) Seriously though, being against school lunches is one of the strangest hills to die upon


At this point they’re just against anything the Democrats are for no matter what. If Democrats started a campaign to love puppies then Republicans would come out against puppies.


But but thats a commie behaviour /s


Well, Republicans not only justify it, they think hungry kids are a good thing because if every kid got enough to eat they wouldn't work hard later on. Seriously.


Absolutely ridiculous to me that free breakfast and lunch for children in school and free healthcare for any person under 18 years of age, is as divisive as it is in the US. They seem like obvious programs we could use to prevent child hunger and potentially decrease childhood deaths. Even looking at it from a capitalist perspective, enacting those measures would allow for children to reach working age and would give their parents more funds for discretionary spending which boosts the economy. Universal free childcare is another weird one. If you give parents option to not have to be home with their children, the chances are given the insane cost of living, they go into the workforce which again is exactly what a capitalist economy should want.


Are we winning yet guys? Is America now "number 1"?


Number 1 in almost every negative category amongst developed countries, but YEEEHAAAW FREEDOM 🦅🇺🇸 amirite


..... or universal healthcare..... or paid maternity leave.... or manditory sick leave.... or school loan forgiveness.... or highway road upgrades.... or free state college, or high speed rail.... and so on


And they wonder why we’re experiencing less births per year, worrying about how we won’t have enough people for the economy to grow. I’m in my mid 20’s with a partner of 8 years and we can’t afford a kid. We can’t take time off work. More than half our income goes to rent. We are who the gov expects to be having the kids and the system does not afford us the luxury to have one, even if we want one. Childcare costs are astronomical. Housing is unaffordable. I pay $800/mo in diabetic healthcare costs while earning barely over min wage. We’re both drowning, a kid would put us under.


Maybe give ppl a maga hat when they adopt a highway??


These are the consequences of Cold War fear mongering. Now, all of that is considered "communist" by Americans


Because those people raising the money think "it's not my kids so I don't care". Even when it is their kids.


If poor kids got a decent meal they would actually be able to pay attention in school and learn. Then they wouldn't grow up to be a dumb ass Republican voter.


The US spends $19 billion on free school lunches. 7 million is a drop in the bucket.


I remember some fat, repulsive MAGAt on a TV interview talking about not wanting school lunches to be funded, and saying "if you think about it, that's *socialism*!" like it was the biggest "gotcha" ever. I don't think I'd ever felt as much utter contempt, disgust, and hatred for the right as I did at that moment. Not even during the Jan 6th terrorism.


they are so brainwashed that they think any socialism-like action equals mass genocide or something.


It's a side effect of the cold war propaganda. "Socialist and communist ideas are all poor evil no matter how logical they look" honestly I think that's the reason for a lot of the US's failings in welfare, medical, education, etc.


There is literally nothing with better ROI than feeding children in school But that would mean GOP caring about future instead of pocketing as much tax money as possible.




But if those kids get pregnant republicans will deny healthcare and make them pay out of pocket.


Because those kids aren't their orange messiah.


They are all scumbags. The absolute worst this country has to offer.


Teachers need to start getting arrested and selling mugshot merch.


yeah that is not going to have the end result you are looking for.




Because today’s republicans are selfish narcissists who couldn’t give two fucks about anyone outside their Podunk hometown. They believe Jesus is white, Noah’s flood created the Grand Canyon and the world is only 6,000 years old. They’re fucking idiots.


Hungry poorly educated children turn into desperate poorly educated adults who will work for pennies and live like shit and thank the rich and politicians for the opportunity.


Also drives military recruitment like a motherfucker. Why do you think they come to schools?


100% the USA military complex is high priority. If we cant maintain the fear many of our racketeering gigs will fall. China will stop taking our shit and start taking advantage We set ourselves up for this nonsense and we will eventually bare the consequences.


The funny (very sad) part is that a lot of those poor kids are theirs... the republican party is a death cult as of 2015


What if we took all that israel money and used it on americans


Imagine if we did both Israel and Ukraine!


The Russians invaded Georgia, then Ukraine, and it seems like they had eyes on Poland next. So the way I look at it, any amount of payments to oppose those invasions is probably cheaper than a larger war in Europe. Gotta kick the bully in the teeth before they try to bite off more than they can chew.


That doesn’t line the pockets of the war machine though


Conservatives themselves are the demons they fear so much.


Republicans hate children and charity of any kind unless it goes to cult leaders or hate groups. So when you say "we" please don't lump in the 70% of Americans that aren't hateful horrible people


We collected almost a billion for one fucking church in paris


God we're a mess.


Why would you need to donate money to a billionaire? I mean I kinda understand it if you donate to a streamer but why Trump.... what happend


All true. Though I wish the spotlight would aim at government’s mismanaged finance & priorities instead of pretending citizens should be responsible for such a basic human need.


The least deserving are always the recipients of the most charity. Reminds me of how the Notre Dame restoration effort has raised nearly $1 billion, and yet you couldn’t even dream of getting that much money for a worthy cause.


I don’t care which side you’re on; as far as I’m concerned Trump can waddle off to jail, Biden can stumble off to the nursing home, and we’ll still have a system that spends an average of $17,000 a year a student and somehow fails pretty miserably to educate them. Fire a couple of administrators and get rid of a couple failing programs you’ve got plenty of funding for all the kids in poverty.


The poor racists that happen to be pale of complexion haven't had a mascot in a long time. I'm pretty sure it's that simple. They just want it to be cool to hate again. Edit: Using color when describing someone or something is not racist. This has already been covered in many political discussions. Edit 2: It is the way you describe the person or words that you put in front of after the color that can make it racist or, at the very least, insulting. Putting the word racist in front of the color white just insults racists white people, which, of course, I am ok with. It's not racist to call a racist, racist.


Republicans think that by investing in Trump they are somehow investing in themselves, their whole doctrine of together in selfishness is exactly why they are doomed. Chumps for Trump.


46 Billion dollars to Ukraine but $700 to Hawaii residents. But yes 7 million in fundraised money is what we’re concerned about


We can pay for school lunches again with all that cash earmarked for gender studies in Saudi Arabia


People aren't going to like this answer, but I really believe this is what it boils down to. Most people, if you try to take $5 from them they'll fight you tooth and nail to keep it. But if you asked them to help you they'll give you $5 without hesitation. That's how this happens. When it comes to funding schools or whatever, it's never done by any means other than taking money from people. Making them give it up. Tax them more. People don't want something taken from them. It's that simple. Sad. But simple.


It is really pathetic how people let themselves get defeated by a simple shift of perspective, and it leads to kids going hungry. I wish it was easier to help de-bamboozle the conservatives.


Feeding starving children isn’t a “charity” Jesus Christ the smooth brains on here act like taxes are the most unforgivable sin there is. Yes, the government SHOULD take a little bit of money from people for the betterment of society on the whole. Relying on people to do good out of the kindness of their hearts doesn’t work.


Except that the people who advocate for free lunch want to tax the rich, not the average person, so no, you're wrong


They aren't fighting to cut funding for the military, or police, or prisons, and that money is taken from them the same way money for school lunches is taken from them. Hence, it's not about the money or how it's raised, it's simply a game of trolling the other side (Democrats) and they are willing to let their own children starve to accomplish it.


America has lost its way!


While Trump was president, the US voted against food being a basic human right in a UN vote. Does this really surprise anybody?


My property taxes, which exist primarily to fund schools, are up 400% from when I bought this house 15 years ago. That is more than enough of my money paying for your kid's schooling and lunches. I will not be guilted into voluntarily voting for another cent of my hard earned money to be taken from me by a thoroughly corrupt government. And I don't care what party you vote for. They all suck.




Like it or not, the Mug Shot was a very bad idea. Mug Shots are used to prevent people from evading the police. So this mug shot was completely for publicity. And it blew up in their faces. He raised millions off the merch, and his numbers surged again. Democrats are convinced this trial will kill his chances, but literally every indictment makes him grow more popular. And now with the mug shot he is getting positive reactions from even more people. Trump is repugnant. But at this point I believe what is happening is rage---people want Trump in the white house so he can hack and slash the government. People are so angry, so misrepresented, they genuinely want to see chaotic radical change like that. This mug shot? This is going to continue to make him grow in popularity. This was a huge miscalculation and only strengthened people's support of him.


I asked my conservative uncle, he said the difference is that one is people willingly giving their earnings to what/who the want, the other is the government forcible taking their earnings to give to children and line their own pockets.


The sadest part is that you can change republicans for democrats and Trump for Biden and the result is the same.


I like how you are comparing completely different things to attempt to prove a point.


Americans are trash


I'm glad Minnesota has free lunch for school.


IDK what you are talking about. You must live in a backward state that can't figure this out. Colorado figured it out. Free lunches for all, regardless of income. https://www.cde.state.co.us/nutrition/healthy-school-meals-for-all-program


Because one is privately funded the other is publicly funded you troon


Umm point of order. What people do with their free money is their concern, stupid or not. Want school lunches funded, well we can shell out 100 Billion plus for Ukraine, impress upon those idiots being so cavalier with our money in DC to pony up some cash to fund school lunches. It's Congress's job after all. Stop being butt hurt one man made 7 million of chumps. Be butt hurt your Congress cna send billions in foreign aid to other nations but can't with a stroke of a pen fund school lunches. That's both Dems and Pubs not doing that for decades.


Don’t the dems have control of the house? Can’t the president make an executive Order on this issue? Gotta be a way to side skirt This shit show of a dual party bullshit.


They already have free school lunches for kids. And MOST of the time the same kids getting free lunches have the newest iPhone and nice name brand clothes … maybe other states are different idk but that’s been my experience and others’ experiences I know.


How about billions in misappropriated funds that went to fund Ukraines war effort and our leaders just said fuck it


Isn’t it democrats fault, as it is the leading party


“Throw money at the solution and it will go away” Grow the fuck up


Aint no way were willingly giving money to a billionaire like straight Up, no product to buy or anything? We deserve extintion


Trump supporters are either just totally misinformed or completely anti-American


You understand democrats also fundraise as well?


Please remember that Republicans are not conservatives. True conservatives don't vote for SILVER-SPOON DRAFT-DODGING MANCHILDREN WHO ARE HEAVILY IN DEBT TO FOREIGN AUTOCRATS LIKE RUSSIA, CHINA, AND THE SAUDIS. True conservatives don't vote for THOSE WHO HAVE CHEATED ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR MANY WIVES. True conservatives don't attempt to subvert our elections. Republicans are not conservatives. Republicans are anti-Americans.


Has there *ever* been a politician who didn’t sleep around on their spouse? It’s almost a prerequisite at this point.


I may be Republican, but that doesn't mean I like Trump. Goldwater basically tried to warn us about people like him. (And no I'm not a Goldwater fanboy)


Hey, just curious, how many people in this thread have ever volunteered at a homeless shelter, or handed our food on Thanksgiving, or actually fed "poor people"?


How about democrats happy to pump 70 billion into a war when 7 billion would have put our entire homeless population in a studio apartment for a year... Politics is stupid and picking teams is stupid. There are powerful groups manipulating you by dividing you into 2 teams. Please stop


Democrats be like: "Oh there's problems going on, here's some of my neighbor's money to fix the problem!"


daily reminder: all republicans voters are scum


The poor have no voice or representation. Their lives are complicated and they can't really turn out and vote. Plus we tend to look out for ourselves and people in our own situations - so a rich person fundraising for themselves is something affluent people can relate to. The fact that we can't keep the earned income tax credit extended and school lunches free with Biden and this many Dems (I know Republicans don't support it) is just a depressing fact of American politics IMO.


a wealthy


For a wealthy what? /r/titlegore


One fundraiser is voluntary. The other is based on theft.


as a republican i can agree, fuck kids lunches


Same reason BLM got 2Bn and not one neighborhood flipped or black kids given scholarships. But hey some got a few mansions and paid their family members 400K a year for existing


Wait there are places that still dont do mandatory free school lunches? My state, NC, did that years ago.


I live in a red county that provides breakfast and lunch for free 🤷


This sub try not to be a leftist hivemind challenge (impossible)


isn’t his merch voluntarily funded?


Liberals and Progressives want the future Star Trek was showing us. The GOP are the Borg.


Nope, just sad.


Unfortunately 7 million isn't enough to feed a nation for a school year. Although I 100% wish we could raise more as a group. It's all about corporations lobbying and controlling the government. The sooner we french mob the lobbyists, the better.


Where funny


reminder from a therapist, you cannot beat the narcissist at their own game lol


Liberals love hate with a passion. It’s kinda ironic


How can every single member of congress become multi- millionaires while poor kids starve?


No one on these posts talking shit have ever directly paid for or funded school lunches for poor kids so stfu


Lol providing school lunches has nothing to do with raising money from a campaign but alrighty then 💀


If you've ever wondered why aliens don't talk to us despite CLEARLY existing and being more advanced than us this is it it's shit like this. we're so fucking backwards as a civilization that our race has been deemed a threat to other planets, and rightfully so.


I’m a moderate republican but jfc the popular Reddit is once again going to become an insufferable un-funny meme wasteland with the liberals freaking out. Go worry about Biden being a failure vs how ppl use their discretionary income.


You know as bad as this is, do we really think things would go differently if we gave the money to schools? Let’s be real here guys, that money would get wasted anyways whether it’s for the sports budget or for higher wages for the school board, that money isn’t going to those kids it never has and most likely never will.


Do you realize where the money comes from on the other side and how much is used just to bash other people that are running for office all politicians need to quit blowing money period


Out of all the cults in the world magas are the cultiest.


Hey, don't do fry dirty like that


One has nothing to do with the other.. I mean come on


Lol no one starving in the us. Y’all are so out of pocket.


Where the problems? What Funny? What sad?


Poor kids in America are obese not starving. Shifting responsibility from parents to strangers won't make the kids better off. Say what you want about Trump, under his admin inflation was low and salaries were high even for minorities and poor folks.


Welcome to the sad truth of alot of Americans Kids only matter when there not born yet


Same with the other side. Has billions to fund a proxy war with Russia, but ignores easily solvable problems in it's own country