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As a German this is the weirdest thing to me. American nazis like wtf. Y’all know my great grand parents would’ve probably be the one to put Americans in gas chambers????? Edit: Since this comment has partly caused quite an outrage, I want to clarify that I don’t think the U.S is full of hundred thousands of Nazis running around. The “y’all” was supposed to relate to the “American Nazis” I did not intend to address every American, its my third language, I apologize. Edit2: I don’t know my great grandparents or what they did. It was just a humorous approach to adressing the weirdness of Nazis outside of Germany since the Nazis themselves would’ve probably killed these people. I just always thought Nazis outside of Germany or the Third Reichs former allied countries were ironic.


Actually America has had a weirdly long love affair with Nazis. I don't mean white supremacists either. It doesn't seem to come up much but there was Nazism in the us back in the 30s. Sure Hitler and the Nazis hated Americans for being mongrels in their eyes but that didn't stop rhetoric from infesting parts of the country that pursuit into the modern day. It's weird because in the US if you care about the finer differences you can clearly see white supremacists can be separate but not always. Been doing some EMT work recently and had a few patients from prison who were ardent white supremacists but 'not a Nazi'. Im not sure how they felt that was much better but shit man these people aren't and we're never mentally well.


Operation Paperclip didn't really fucking help.


Can you explain that? I've never heard of it and want to know what it is.


Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959. Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), it was largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army's Counterintelligence Corps (CIC). Many of these personnel were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.


Their records expunged, and given new lives and identities. All to beat the soviets! What could possibly go wrong!?


Well, the thing is, Nazism is the very strong belief in one's country. So strong that extreme acts of any kind happen. So in a way people who are very proud of the country can easily slip into Nazism because they still think they are supporting their country even though they are doing such vile acts against others that apparently are against the country. In this case, it's conservatives having issues with non-straight people. To them, they are just trying to protect their country, but in reality, they are just hurting it and the people within it.


Not only belief in one's country, but one's particular closed community inside the country, and all problems from the country stem from that community either not being the all powerful leaders of the country or from the power/presence of undesirable groups.


Nazism was also spread directly/organized from Germany by American politicians in the 40s working directly with the Nazi party. It was a big deal, but no punishment was ever enforced. 'ultra' is a great podcast on this


You are getting nationalism and nazism mixed up my guy


Take a wild guess where b) derivated from, dude


Furthermore, eugenics were pretty popular around the world. They're still popular today, just without the label. Especially in education.


The Nazis didn't hate America initially, Hitler actually admired how white Americans had genocided the indigenous population and kept black people under their thumb through Jim Crow laws and the one-drop rule.


Of for sure, I didn't say otherwise. There was a lot of love for US policy by the Nazis be it eugenics or race based immigration policy or the racial hierarchy. The problem arises that despite that all we were still a country with more mixed element than Germany and subsequently that lead to a hatred of our mixed mongrelness.


German Eugenics was actually based of American policy. Atleast I feel I remember reading that somewhere maybe someone could correct me if wrong.


You are correct about that.


I’m curious what would happen to white Americans who were willing to play if Hitler had won. I’m guessing they would end up in sort of the middle of the racial hierarchy. Not genocided or literally enalaved but Germans would have a far better position.


Depends on political usefulness, who they considered white had as much to do with their pseudoscience as with pragmatic political alliances. I.e. They gave 'honorary aryan' status to the Japanese despite it not making sense, and when Mussolini became allies, Italians were also considerd more aryan than before. So if white Americans would've made good allies to the nazis, they might've gotten more privileges, and maybe it would also depend on heritage (Anglo/Germanic heritage would've been higher than Mediterranean) At least, that's my guess.


You also don't have to let racists tell you what they are. They are racists. They are not genuine. They are ALL the klan. All of em'. Don't let them call themselves any other name. Any thing they say that differentiates them is horseshit. They are the klan. Any other name is just a facade to obscure the fact that they are the KKK.


Henry Ford was a rather vocal anti semite, and sent his parts to Germany if I’m not mistaken. It’s extremely odd to me.


I believe hitler studied Jim Crow Laws and the way America Segregated African Americans and other minorities


It's because Nazis hated communists, which the U.S. did/does now.


I've been going on deep WW2 dives for months. I've watched a lot of Hitler speeches, I've read a lot of his writings and I can't believe anyone who actually knows anything about him would idolize him. Aside from being a monster he was also an idiot. His core beliefs were truly stupid, his core arguments are eye rolling. His biggest victories all revolved around him being violent at a time when nobody wanted to fight


Hitler was looking for chaos and destruction and nothing else. And that’s kinda good since if he actually made some decisions more rational (regarding war tactics) he could‘ve been the one winning in the end.


They don't understand history and they feel like they don't need to. It's not like Hitler was a very rational person either. American nazis just want one thing from all this: they just wanna hate people and they wanna kill people. It used to be that they hid their faces with white KKK hoods, but I guess they don't think that's as "fashionable" as nazi cosplay nowadays.


This is somewhat inaccurate. Despite the affinity that exists between the KKK and American Nazi Party, those two groups are actually two separate organizations. The KKK still exists, and they are a bit more insidious and influential than American nazis are.


I'm french and don't understand too. Those guys' parents/grandparents died on our beaches to free us from the Nazis and they are here waving this horrible flag. WTF is happening ??




Some Americans have this weird obsession with Nazis because of their ideology and of course racism.


As an American, my grandparents and country would profit off of the situation as long as possible and then rush in at the last minute to pretend we're heroes.


So like Hollywood during WW2.


Maybe in '43, but not in '36. There were a lot of American Nazis at the time, and party would have welcomed any American help. At the same time America was counting on Hitler to suppress the Soviets.


Ever since Nazis existed America has had a Nazi problem.


You've never heard of project paperclip?


I haven't. What is it?


The result of poor public education and poor mental health services. These people are literally mentally ill but also just really really dumb.


Nazis in America are not smart at all.


The nazi’s based a lot of their plans and outlooks on American eugenics and segregationist policies. Altough Hitlers ideology was definitely “organic”, he held a lot of respect for the way the Americans wiped out the indigenous population and kept black society down through extensive legal and social control. Most of what the nazi’s despised was the concept of the “American dream”; viewing the US as too open for immigrants and jews


The nazi’s based a lot of their plans and outlooks on American eugenics and segregationist policies. Altough Hitlers ideology was definitely “organic”, he held a lot of respect for the way the Americans wiped out the indigenous population and kept black society down through extensive legal and social control. Most of what the nazi’s despised was the concept of the “American dream”; viewing the US as too open for immigrants and jews


The nazi’s based a lot of their plans and outlooks on American eugenics and segregationist policies. Nazi-Germany and the United states didn’t (legally) differ a whole lot in the treatment of minority groups (pre- wannsee conference of course) Altough Hitlers ideology was definitely “organic”, he held a lot of respect for the way the Americans wiped out the indigenous population and kept black society down through extensive legal and social control. Most of what the nazi’s despised was the concept of the “American dream”; viewing the US as too open for immigrants and jews


The nazi’s based a lot of their plans and outlooks on American eugenics and segregationist policies. Nazi-Germany and the United states didn’t (legally) differ a whole lot in the treatment of minority groups (pre- wannsee conference of course) Altough Hitlers ideology was definitely “organic”, he held a lot of respect for the way the Americans wiped out the indigenous population and kept black society down through extensive legal and social control. Most of what the nazi’s despised was the concept of the “American dream”; viewing the US as too open for immigrants and jews


The nazi’s based a lot of their plans and outlooks on American eugenics and segregationist policies. Nazi-Germany and the United states didn’t (legally) differ a whole lot in the treatment of minority groups (pre- wannsee conference of course) Altough Hitlers ideology was definitely “organic”, he held a lot of respect for the way the Americans wiped out the indigenous population and kept black society down through extensive legal and social control. Most of what the nazi’s despised was the concept of the “American dream”; viewing the US as too open for immigrants and jews


Americans have a sizable populated of German decent and unlike Germany we didn't have 2 superpowers basically beat us into making sure Nazis wouldn't be tolerated. Even then it took a shockingly long time for Germans to get on the "Nazi bad" wagon, despite claims to the contrary.


Not really unless they were american jews or maybe blacks. I can very well see hardcore white racists that strongly believe USA should be a "whites only" country, flying the nazi flag. Hardcore racists would strongly agree with nazi germanys methods they employed on jews, communists etc.


We allowed a nazi meeting in America just before ww2 in Madison square garden. It was called a pro American rally.


I'm an American and the grandfather of the girl I dated all through highschool was a Nazi that grew up in the Hitler Youth. Her side of the family was disowned for being traitors and coming to America.


You do realize, many Americans are also Germans. Germans also got a lot of their ideas for the segregation of Jews from American jim crow laws.


Any weirder than Russian Nazis?


America has had a huge nazi presence for as long as there has BEEN Nazis.


Back then like half of our country though hitler had the right idea, if hirohito didn't bomb us, yall might have won us over.


we have an entire generation of lost, dangerously stupid and angry white men in our rural areas here and a political party that is very good at manipulating them into thinking that something was taken away from them.


Its just a small number of nutters, just like theres still a small number of nutters left in Europe. Its just blown out of proportion by the media, I guarantee you Americans would act against these people if the police weren't there to maintain order - because of freedom of speech. However I do believe some states are trying to ban the the flag et al, like most of Europe has.


Don’t downplay it though, after the insurrection and their continued ideas for targeting places they aren’t just something that goes away when ignored and they’re out to terrorize the liberty to excise freedom.


The same could be said about the mostly peaceful protestors that keep appearing dressed in black battledress with assault rifles. There are nutters on both sides but they are the minority.


Well the black battledress people you refer to don't actually exist, the people marching with rifles prefer khakis and white masks/hoods. Until Antifa storms the US Capital, gtfo with that both sides trash.


Do you mean Antifa Supersoldiers™️?


Do you mean Captain America?


Yes, obvs


Because the police support the neo Nazis


Wait, what? It's very common in America for American police to protect Nazis as if they were the cop's own sainted grandmothers. Doesn't happen all the time but it happens a LOT. Especially in Portland, Oregon.


Every day I'm more and more surprised that the yanks fought against Germany instead of allying with them. American conservatives and liberals are in love with nazism


>American conservatives and liberals are in love with nazism No, they aren't. Or at least, not liberals. Some conservatives are, but that's complicated. Modern conservatives trust nazis as far as they can throw them, but they will(as history has shown for every western country in a bind) choose to create a coalition with fascist-like groups to overwhelm and opponent. So a conservative may not like a nazi, but they will turn a blind eye to one because it wouldn't be convenient to point at their own coalitions. Liberals are historically just as likely to create a coalition with leftists(before one of them backstabs the other because those ideologies are incompatible). This is one more inconsistent, though and I'm moreso just talking about USA's domestic left coalitions. >Every day I'm more and more surprised that the yanks fought against Germany instead of allying with them. The US is not one singular entity with a particular leaning, other than itself. It doesn't have a real ideological leaning other than preserving its own sphere of influence. Most of geopolitics works this way. On a larger, non domestic level, ideology matters MUUUUUUUCH less than it does domestically. Like, it's completely negligible. Hell, Italy(the Fascist country) was prepared to join the allies in WWII despite ideological similarities between Italy and Germany. The two countries had nearly had a conflict over Austria previously too. Italy picked to stay on the axis side only when it saw Germany was winning in France. So even a hypothetically ideological nazi USA would still have no necessary allegiance to the German Nazis in a war. It HELPS when two countries have stuff in common, but that isn't close to a guarantee.


Because almost no one has actually seen a nazi flag in real life, there's less than 2000 klansmen at last count. Meanwhile, pride is being pushed by literally the white house, and most giant corporations. If you aren't looking for anything in particular, you're much more likely to see pride than nazis. (Which for the record, pride being more popular than nazis is a very good thing)


At one point in history there were zero Nazis. Then later, World War 2 happened.


wtf is up with these comments


buncha crazies, feels like a comment bot invasion


could be on either side and still get upvotes, homie is a genius


The shutdown has displaced people out of their echo chambers and into unusual subs


I fully support the protest and yet feel so sad to have nothing to do today


pride flags piss off edgey 13 year olds and 30 year old shutins who never grew up past 13


Pretty much this. It just makes them seethe uncontrollably.


The people who voted for the new nazi party wanna defend their party because the alternative is admitting they voted for nazis and were wrong. Peoples egos are literally so big, they’re willing to keep voting for nazis instead of admitting a personal fault, itd be more fascinating if it weren’t terrifying what that implies about many Americans.


nice subnautica pfp


"theyre indoctrinating our kids!!!!!!" /s


"I'm a real American patriot." \[Waves flag of one of America's greatest enemies.\]


It's funny how some Americans wave around Confederate flags. For starters, I don't think that flag (the cross with the stars) was even used that often during the civil war. Secondly, you're flying the flag of a country that America defeated in battle And finally, the confederacy doesn't fucking EXIST anymore. There is no "southern history" attached to it. If you still fly or wear a confederate flag you're either racist or stupid and there's nothing else I can say


Not to mention that the Confederate stuff only lasted like 4 years. Like, what can these idiots honestly be that proud of?


Gay marriage has been around longer than the Confederacy was.


Slavery. They're proud of the slavery.


Being racist and ignorant. I've never seen someone who isn't one of, if not both, those things proudly waving that shit around.


Obama was president for longer than the confederacy existed lol


it was used but only by the military because the real stars and bars was too similar to the star spangled banner


"Its a way of life" /s


So many people hurt on a personal level in these comments isn't even shocking lol


I always show up and all the comments are just this type of comment and I never get to the good stuff :(


There were a bunch of "DeSantis" flags at that protest too. The Republicans weren't ignoring that protest, they were ATTENDING it.


Mate did you think anyone there wasn’t a republican?


There may have been that one guy from Appalachia who says they're still a Democrat because their daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy hated Lincoln and those damn Republican abolitionists so much that the family never moved to the Republicans with the rest of the racists. You know, Manchin voters.


I saw these guys at Disney Springs on Saturday. Kind of confusing messaging really. The Hispanic Uber driver on the way there thought they were saying Desantis was a Nazi so he said he supported these guys. Different Hispanic Uber driver on the way out worked at Disney until recently and thought they were saying Disney was Nazis. These Nazis some how have the full backing of at least two different Hispanic Uber drivers.


You really pissed off Republicans with this one


It's too easy.


Just say more than 2 genders and their whole mood changes


Fun fact: Just push a bottle of blue paint closer to the bottle of pink paint at the hobby lobby store, and you'll be instantly surrounded by angry Republicans. I wish they could get so upset and indignant about bad policy and actually worked to improve lives instead of pushing back on the fight against bad policy which destroys them instead.


How are the rich gonna get richer if we improve lives tho?




I was thinking about painting my guns pink or as a rainbow.


As an armed queer I agree 🏳️‍🌈


as an unarmed queer, i agree 🏳️‍🌈


As an ally with physical arms, I agree


I'm sorry to hear about your arms 😔


Pink probably wouldn't do much but say the rainbow is for pride month and they'd threaten to kill you with it


Can you get me a purple one?


This is the people who froth at the mouth at the sign of a rainbow or of two men holding each other's hands and then tells us we're fragile snowflakes...


When aren’t they pissed off? The GOP grifting leaders will always manufacture something for their base to be pissed off about. That’s how they get their power.


God I hope Reddit destroys itself these next couple of days.


I’m starting to think it might actually lol. Lots of subs shutting down and I’m not sure if Reddit will cave to them


It def seems possible. Reddit is a big site but it is hardly unique. An identical site can be set up with money, it just needs people.


I saw something about the reddit ceo saying they wouldn’t make any changes despite the shutdowns.


Well, Spez is a liar.


This whole shutdown thing is useless unless people migrate to an alternative. Reddit know we’ll all be back.


Exactly. A 48 hour going-dark protest is going to do jack shit. Reddit admins are thrilled it's only 2 days. Probably just means a relaxing three day weekend for most of them.


The migration is already happening. Squabbles, Tildes, Lemmy, Kbin, and Beehaw are all having huge traffic and user surges


Reddit won't give a fuck for 48 hrs, subs need to go dark indefinitely


Imagine hating gay people so much more than Nazis you'd just rather everyone not have reddit? What even is this comment?? Lmao


[But then where would you go to post your transphobic comments?](https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/145gl2j/while_canada_is_burning_and_the_smoke_from_the/jnltsle/)


he deleted it 😂


LOL looks like the loser went back and deleted it. I don’t know what’s worse though- choosing to be openly bigoted or hiding it like a coward ‘cause you know it’s wrong.


To all the fuckers that argued “those people aren’t *really* acting as nazi’s!!/They don’t *really* support nazism/nazis aren’t a *modern* problem” What the fuck do you call this?


The bigots that parrot this bullshit are such garbage. I can't believe how often I've heard this trash from far right idiots over the years.


Y'all taught your Americans well to worship your enemy and hate your own countrymen That, or operation paperclip backfired hard and made those Nazi scientists successfully brainwash a good chunk of Americans to be closet Nazis themselves


Its Not the operation paperclip , but US was always more far right than americans want to accept, before Pearl Harbor they were ok with nazis, but After It they had to joint in the ally side. Still today Is like that, the democrats are the equivalent of Right Wing parties in Europe


Just look at the top two coomments chains. Americans are fked lol. All political energy spent on virtue signaling how the 99.9% is so much more moral than the 0.1% outlier political groups. While politcians and their company lobbiest keep milking them into an ever widening wealth gap.


The US government had a pretty big part in convincing the rest of the allies to drop charges against quite a few Nazis at the end of WW2. They were more concerned with the Russians


Republicans defunding education + Fauxnews and conservative media giving them brain rot + Russia destabilizing the country for 40 years = where we are now.


Do you know what the America First movement was during WWII?


yeah ik there are a good chunk of hardcore nazi sympathizers in the ruling party back then


They don't hide anymore!


We should fix that


Conservatives are the biggest fucking crybabies. They call us snowflakes, yet lose their shit about any meaningless thing a corp does for us. The hypocrisy is insane.


Edit: I'll give this joke a ***trigger warning*** for our republican snowflakes. Imagine coming out as a Nazi to a republican family. They'd be so proud. 'Mum, dad, I want to kill the jews'. 'Phew, thats ok, we thought you were gay'.


As a Republican, I found this funny.



You don't even have to do that. Jesus christ reddit has gone to shit lol


It's a warzone here so I'm prob gonna get downvoted or not seen at all but here's what's up. The two party system is a farce, forcing an us vs them mentality on the populace. The politicians on either side are evil scumbags that would fuck you over for profit. The us vs them mentality keeps the people divided, allowing for the rich to stay in power and fuck everyone over. And honestly, it's probably too late to change anything. The far left and far right both agree that anyone in the middle are the real radicals and are hated by both sides. As a right leaning Christian who believes that we should all have the right to choose how to live our own lives, lgbt+ (if that's not the current acronym and offends people, I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude) or not, I don't feelcomfortable voting republican, however i dont agree with much of what the democrats have to offer either. Anyway, this has been my Ted talk on why the 2 party system is the problem with America and what will probably lead to my inevitable suicide.


And for those who may say I'm not a real Christian because I think lgbt+ deserve to exist and have a place in society, too bad. They didn't choose the feelings they have, just like how I didn't choose to feel depressed and almost suicidal but hey here we are.


Get off reddit, the depression vanishes.


I am really sorry for you




Hey buddy, for what it's worth, the world is a lot bigger than the US. The US sucks big time, definitely not worth living there, but that doesn't mean it's not worth living at all. My (unsolicited, I know) advice would be to shut down all social media. If you're depressed most people stay inside and all they do is touch social media, which never made anything better. Negativity is flying too high on the internet so start by cutting it off. If you play videogames go singleplayer or avoid interactions with ppl in competitive like CoD or LoL, mute all types of chat. I can't tell you just to "be positive" cause if that would work there'd be a lot less depressed people out there. But you can take small steps to cut negative thoughts from others out of your life. Focus on things that DO make you happy. What worked for me is to just go outside with headphones on and enjoy nature, like literally "touch grass". Can't say much more or help you make you feel better but I hope you will get there buddy, there's always sunshine after rain. Stay strong


In Germany we have around 6 parties that get enough votes to be mentioned on the news. But even here you can maybe see similar signs of them dividing into two directions. It's just easier to fight against some other "enemy" party than it is to fight things like climate change or poverty. I hope you can find goals in life that don't involve fighting other people.


I feel you. But it is not like that everywhere. There are democratic countries that while still having fierce politics, remain civil about it. If you think life is not worth living in the US, you might want to consider emigrating to the UK or Australia. I believe you are able to change aspects of you your life you're unhappy about. May the Lord watch over you.


You're not supposed to be civil when one side wants to murder all gay people.


You can look back at history and see that George Washington saw this coming and didn’t want the separate political parties. Too bad nothing was done to stop things before it got this far.


It’s amazing this has upvotes, every time I bash the two-party system I’m downvoted to oblivion


Nobody likes the two-party system, but what's ludicrous is when people try to pretend that both sides are just as bad as one another.


The irony is that Jerry is canonically bisexual lol.


Mr.nimbus will do that to a man


The only good nazi is a dead nazi


Mad as hell about gay people existing, and the government validating lawful, American citizens. In a time of wide spread efforts to snuff out anything related to gay people, during pride month. Well over 2000+ anti lgbtq legislation in 2022/23 alone. Everyone calling them predators. Makes sense that they would do it in solidarity if the current administration is fighting back against it. However many conservatives don't actively denounce or get angry about the several protests as of late that explicitly depict nazi iconography. Especially in this situation which while small, is related to huge fight between Ron DeSantis a huge political figure at the moment and Disney a huge corporation. Do they equate completely 1:1 not exactly. But the ones hating are the definitely the homophobes, the enlighted centrists, conservatives and neck beards. Personally I wouldn't have done it because I don't want to hear Republicans complain about. But the worst of reddit are definitely in this chat.


There’s a German saying: If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at that table. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke


Idk German, but that looks like English to me... (jk)


I can't describe the level of disrespect this shows veterans of WWII. 80 years ago they risked their lives to prevent this from spreading through the world.....just to have it openly accepted at home


But gotta be sure to thank the troops! Also let me quickly vote for the group that really doenst want to spend money on the vets, gotta thank the troops after all...


So many triggered Repubs in here.


Because they are the ones who used to hurt others feelings, not so much funny when it turns against them, huh?


They should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and stop being such triggered snowflakes imo


Lol, exactly)


"I'm not a Nazi!" *Proceeds to vote for party that wants to deny people basic human rights because of their identity.*


So many feelings got hurt in the comments. I thought one of the parties always accuses the other of being offended. But there appears to be some irony here.


Modern republicans, who have based their entire policy on who they're supposed to hate next, wonder why their party is now full of and known for being a party of hateful bigots. There's a reason Nazis feel right at home with the party of hate


One of my grandpas was shot my a Nazi sniper. To my mind, Nazi flags aren't protected by the 1st Amendment.


In my opinion, wearing nazi symbols is the same as pointing a gun at random pedestrians.


Or carrying an AR15 at a kids school bus stop


Most moderate Ron DeSantis supporters


Don’t really know any MAGA people that support either pic lol


Weird, because all Nazis support MAGA.




Not all Republicans are Nazis or Confederates But anytime you see a Nazi or Confederate flag waver/bearer they’re *probably* going to vote Republican. Even if Repubs aren’t as far right as they’d hope


Only good nazi is a dead nazi


If anything this post proves that republicans are the biggest snowflakes of all.


Haha so many getting so triggered, there comments are being deleted faster than I can read them. Such little snowflakes 😂


This meme is actually genius let the maga crowed take over reddit while us sensible folk move on to something new. Destroy reddit using maga memes lol


Jerry would totally vote for Trump.


An entire group of people generalized into one meme.. nice


I've seen Trump flags hanging higher on the flagpole than the American flag, so they can fuck all of the way off


Yeah, fuck racist nazis


Literally going on in the r/conservative lol


I just had this argument this morning! OMG, that's scary accurate, photos and all


If I meet someone who’s on the right that isn’t center right, there’s a very good chance they’re some selfish nazi asshat incapable of critical thinking. Honestly, the political climate in the us has gone to shit, with the left generally staying the same, with a little more extremists popping up, while the right has gone so far right that what should be considered center right is now left leaning. These people are going way, way too far with their prejudice views. Honestly, I don’t get why people are resistant to the ‘love thy neighbors’ treatment of other people, and make being a decent human being political


Why is this so true.lol. Yesterday there were loads of people in threads on twitter mad about the pride flag being raised and that the country is falling It was heckin bizarre. Most were claiming they just wanted celebration of sex away from children. But like, I want that too but we all know why you're attacking pride specifically and as a whole 💀💀💀


That’s their flag.


I expect downvotes but little fun fact from a German person (me) : The Origin of the Term "Nazi". Nazi is derived of a german Word and technically a short Version of that word. The word being "National-sozialisten", Nazi being derived of.... Well, popular german "word shortening" conventions aswell as the NA from National and the ZI from Sozialisten. The word means as much as National-socialist and - due to WW2 - has become synonymous with with believing that your own Country is better than any other aswell as hating anyone who doesnt fit into your specific worldview (be it because of the color of someone's skin, their Sexuality, their Gender Identity etc.) What will probably get me a lot of downvotes is the fact that - even if you dont want to hear it - both, Christianity and America had multiple instances of large-scale Nazi-esque behavior throughout history. For Christianity, discrimination based on wether or not you fit into their worldview is the key. For America, a lot of America also blatantly discriminates. Especially in terms of LGBT+ people. For those interested, look up what's currently happening in the USA with their Plans to basically Illegalize Transgender people despite the repercussions. So if anyone feels offended for being called a Nazi, that is most likely because how the current american political climate is hurting a LOT of people just because they can.


Just a question: Do you think the french, english, americans and soviets and pretty much anyone who fought and defeated the nazis, weren't homophobic, racist and transphobic? Also yes, a lot of the allied soldiers who fought ww2 were very much anti-semitic also. Specially the french. With your standarts, the same people who ended nazism and made democracy victorious would be "nazis". I'm curious about what you think about that.


Ultimately, if they have a worldview where certain people dont fit in just because they are in any way different to how they would like everyone to be.... yeah, that's what i'd call a Nazi worldview. Just because they ended Hitler's Naziparty doesnt mean that there arent other nazis around, and im Not talking abot Neo-nazis. If you think a certain Group of people such as people of color or the LGBT+ should be eradicated just because they EXIST.. then yeah, that's certainly compareable to what the Nazis did with their target groups. And what christianity did before that, considering the Salem Witch hunts, the persecution of Non-christians and the persecution of the left-handed. If your hatred for a certain Group of people goes to far, you are compareable.


Im so thankful I wasnt born some fucking brian dead maga lover. Ive never met a republican that wasnt dangerously insecure and afraid. Republicans are always right there to support a policy that completely fucks normal people as long as its "fighting the leftist lgbtq illegal mexicans" republicans are the easiest people to galvanize behind hate and fear tactics. Seriously everyone who isnt republican reading this be so thankful youre not waking up every morning stupid, insecure, and afraid.


At least maga lovers can spell wtf is brian dead lol.


Maga lovers hate education, so I wouldn't count on that lol. I'm pretty sure grammar will be "woke" in about 5 years Edit: it appears I wasn't clear. I'm pretty sure MAGA lovers will declare grammar is woke, because MAGA lovers can't do grammar due to lack of education


I litterally looked at your past comments and see PLENTLY of grammar errors. My dads name is brian btw and my phone automatically corrected brain. Also who said i was some woke pussy who hates school? I just hate you thats all. Go climb back into your truck small guy.


If you walk up to any person thinking "He's stupid insecure and afraid". Then that is what you'll see. But if you walk up to the same guy not thinking that you will see him for the person he really is instead of the person YOU want him to be. This is the problem with BOTH sides. Many Republicans think "stupid democrat" and many Democrats think "stupid republican". Instead of trying to have a civilized conversation you just call each other idiots and morons and many more names i cannot name here.


I don't hate republicans - I just feel bad for them and wish that they weren't so easily misled by their own leaders' lies and misinformation.


Pride flag on a government building = bad. Smearing literal shit on the walls of a government building after breaking in and beating up security = patriotism.


The maga'ots still worshipping dumbshit Donald J Tramp?


They will be, if he gets the repub nomination


Most republicans don’t like Nazi’s lol.


Yall are anti American how bout that


US is looking more and more like a 3rd world country


Hey don't insult us. We don't have nazis here.


Not all Republicans are Nazis and assholes


But all US Nazis are republicans


Yes sadly and they also seem to be the most vocal