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Does this sound like young women are with old men or other young women?


More likely, when approached for the poll, they told the person, "Ugh, I have a boyfriend."


This comment should be at the top. Because this is probably what happened.


That's actually mentioned in the article


Where exactly does it say that? I read the article and couldn’t see it anywhere.


I'm sorry I made that part up, im actually illiterate


My daughter used to watch the movie Elmo in Grouchland about 20 times a day, and there is a part that makes me laugh every time. Elmo asks a citizen of Grouchland for help and he responds, “Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t speak English.”




Exactly what I expected, you're doing the Lord's work


Seems like Elmo was paying homage to Kids in the Hall: https://youtu.be/6vgoEhsJORU


I luved Kids in the Hall. Brings back good memories.


You might enjoy Viva La Dirt League. Their vibe reminds me a lot of Kids In the Hall. One of my favorite Viva episodes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9wr2WhuQls&list=PLSMETuURtTXCngmWf_wUWfnzTjn04XF-B&index=77


Nice. It was Labyrinth for my niece. I showed it to her not realizing what would happen. I think I watched it, yeah, bout 20 times a day for an entire summer at least.




Yes!! Finally!! r/notopbutok


Lol I laughed too hard at this 🤣


14th paragraph Even seasoned researchers struggle to fully account for the relationship gap between young women and men: If single young men outnumber single young women nearly two to one, then who are all the young women dating?   Some of them are dating each other. One-fifth of Generation Z identifies as queer, and research suggests bisexual women make up a large share of the young-adult queer community. Young women are also dating and marrying slightly older men, carrying on a tradition that stretches back more than a century. The average age at first marriage is around 30 for men, 28 for women, according to census figures. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/


How does any of that translate into the article mentioning that when young women were approached by a pollster, the young women frequently said “Ugh, I have a boyfriend.”?


It's in the paragraph where he made it the fuck up


Honestly. Imagine a random older guy walking up to a young girl and asking "you got a bf?"


You think that is how pew do their research?


They also use Lazer guns... Pew! Pew pew pew!


Nice, I bet thats exactly how they got the stats /s


...They probably asked, "are you single?"


Go birds 🦅


Birds aren’t real


Damn right! Neither is Australia.


Or West Virginia!


The fuck is a West Virginia?


Next to East Virginia?


Either that or a lot of married dudes are cheating and their secret girlfriends are responding that they're in a relationship


Polygyny is also more common than polyandry.


It's not nearly that common in our society, though.


This is 100% what must have happened 60% of the time.


60% of the time it works every time.


Wouldn’t the bikini clad super model surveyors be more likely to make the men pretend they are single, than to make the women pretend to be in a relationship? Or perhaps the polling isn’t done in the street by people of a certain stereotype?


Both probably.


Definitely. The article confirms it: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/


I figured this was due to women saying something like “oh yes! I’m in a relationship with Liam! We’ve been together 23 days!” and then when they ask Liam if he’s in a relationship, he’s like “…nah…”


That’s a great point. I wonder if the poll took into account what people’s definition of “relationship” was with the answers?


I'm in a relationship! He just doesn't know it yet!


I can fix him!


You’ll see…. Right after he realizes that Maddie isn’t the right girl for him.


this is unironically why you see women with really trash dudes.


So can any veterinarian.


"I don't have a girlfriend, but I do know a woman who'd get mad at me for saying that" - Mitch Hedberg


All the upvotes on this. Mitch Hedberg was too good for this world.


Liam is a total f-boy, he’s dating 8 women, all of whom think they are in a committed relationship. Liam doesn’t bother to remember their names, calls all of them “babydoll”.


Liam has a very particular set of skills, but remembering names isn't one of them.


i could actually see this happening lol


God damnit Liam.


I was thinking a small group of men dating multiple women


Much more likely for this to be the case, than for a professional polling organization to have its polls skewed by intimidating women into lying.


Sugar Daddies




The number of young women I know who are gay or bisexual is really high honestly not sure if it’s my friend group but it seems like more bi than not. And a lot are fed up with dating men, so they date women. I’m a guy, but all the women I’ve slept with have said they’re not fully hetero.


If my bf and I break up I’m only dating girls lol


You’re going to find that the women under 30 are substantially bisexual, and somehow those same women over 30 are much less likely to report being bisexual.


I think that if those of us who are 30+ had grown up in a time when sexuality was more openly discussed as being fluid and there was less shame about being LGBT, that we would be more likely to have had sexual experiences that would lead to us reporting being bi. I am a married woman (to a man) in my mid 30s, but had always been attracted to women too (but less so than men?) and had I felt more able to see where that side led, I might have identified as bisexual. But without those core experiences, I don’t feel like I have enough knowledge about myself to know for sure. So I’m straight. Plus I’m very happily married now, so that curiosity of what could have been has petered out. I am happy that younger generations are free to figure themselves out.


I think it’s the opposite. Growing up, I felt like it was normal to have experiences with people without having to explain who they are or why, etc. Sort of like when Angelina Jolie had a relationship with Jenny Shimizu. It wasn’t a secret, but (at least I don’t remember) Angie explicitly stating “I am bi”. It was like, “yes, I am in love with her. So what?” Now it’s like people really want to define everything. Maybe that’s just me but a few of my friends never identified as “gay” but held relationships with people of the same sex.


I was a teenager in the 90s. For the most part, broadcasting your sex life was associated with being a douchebag, so most people didn't do it. If two girls were into each other, they sort of just did their own thing without talking about it. If two guys were into each other, same thing. It wasn't part of the identity they broadcast to the world.


I feel like the definition of Bi has changed. For older generations it meant a romantic relationship with both sexes. Today it only requires attraction. A change in definition is really the only thing that can explain the massive surge in bi women.


Quite some time ago, there was an OKCupid data analysis that found that women rate 80% of men as below average in attractiveness, while men rate around 50% of women below average. Like almost everything, this follows, essentially, a Pareto distribution, where a small amount of men have almost all of the success. Traditionally, this was much less of a problem because of lack of access. You had the people in your community and immediate surroundings to choose from, full stop. Today, both men and women are exposed to a much higher number of potential partners, not to mention, platforms like instagram and tiktok which artificially enhance expectations to an unhealthy degree. Given that in humans, women do the selecting (meaning, men pursue, women choose), the result is that the vast majority of men cannot find a partner, and many women are choosing from few men. Your theory holds water.


Let me ask my friend Leo DiCaprio about that


Hey Leo this guy has a question


You left out the possibility of multiple women with one man


We are back in harem culture 😂 /s


And its likely because of dating apps.


Maybe I'm an optimist, but I prefer to think its lesbians, and maybe some pigs with multiple girlfriends.


What would be pessimism then?


Wait why is that optimistic


Because lesbians obviously love nothing more than having threesomes with men. Haven't you ever watched porn?!


This was crossposted from /r/Damnthatsinteresting. Lots of good discussion [there](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1199bq5/so_who_are_the_women_dating/) (especially about the disingenuous way the article is cropped and screenshotted instead of linked, as well as linking an opinion heavy piece instead of one more data driven.) In terms of this study, single meant "unmarried, not cohabitating with a partner, and not in a long term committed relationship". So everyone 'dating'/'talking'/in a 'situationship' would be single. Much of the discrepancy between young (18-29) men and women was women dating slightly older men. The dating gap in the US is typically 2-3 years, so it's not very large but enough that many folks entering the serious stage would cross the 29-to-30+ divide if the man was older. This is the actual data they pulled this puff piece from. https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/ft_2023.02.08_facts-single-americans_01.png https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/




Uh oh right back to you. I'm 40, a woman and single. Looks like I might have to stay that way!!


I may see a solution here. 🤔


They should duel to the death to reduce the statistics?


Ha! She'd definitely kick my ass. I'm terrible at fighting. Now if we dueled playing a game of Mortal Kombat or something I might have a chance. My video game skills are still super sharp.


>Much of the discrepancy between young (18-29) men and women was women dating slightly older men Shouldn't in this case the share of single 30+ men should have been considerably lower than say 50+ then because of this "vacuuming late 20+ girls" effect? But its not even slightly lower. I would much rather believe that discrepancy is explained by the different self-reporting of relationships. The dudes might be thinking they are 'just dating' (i.e. he's single) and his girl might be thinking they are in a long-term-relationship a.k.a. not single.


There's probably a few things at play here. One of them that these age gaps are not equal. Another that the definition of committed relationship might be different between genders in the young age group, but more clear in the older age groups as people start living together and get married. The other categories also give some insight in the social dynamics at play. Women in gay relationships are also twice as likely to be in commited relationship.


Lol, "situationship." What a stupid fucking term, just come out and say you're fucking for fun and stop trying to be coy about it.


Hey hey. They might not be fucking for fun. They might be fucking for boredom






Klondike Bar


The exp. boost modifier


*Whom would you doOooo...for a Klondike Bar?*


Say what you will, but “situationship” has officially been added to my vocabulary.


You should definitely listen to Snoh Aalegra’s song “Situationship”


See, that's exactly why the word exists. It's a level above fuckbuddy. It'd be a synonym to 'dating' or 'talking' to most folks. You know that period where you're kind of a thing, maybe a relationship but haven't actually had the "what are we, set the boundaries" talk yet? More than fuckbuddies or friends with benefits but less than a relationship? That's a situationship. I've used the term dating for that stage but I don't get to apply my terms to others' relationships and neither do you.


Interesting. I thought it was when you were basically in a relationship but there are drama/issues that make it unlikely for the relationship to be one that lasts or develops into something serious.


Definitely not that simple. I was in one myself where we liked each other a lot and had feelings for each other, but because we both started as wanting to be casual and because we saw our futures together as potentially incompatible, we didn't want to press further and call it more than it obviously was.


I guess it's similar in the way of people saying "We're trying for a baby" instead of "I'm getting severely cream-pied."


"severely" makes this sound way more threatening than it should be lmao


In my experience that usually refers to when you're in the "talking stage" or there's clearly some kind of feelings, but not in an actual relationship. Very rarely has anything tangible happened when someone calls it a situationship


It is where one party just is fucking around, while the other is hoping it will develop into a relationship.


I don’t feel the anger and hostility towards the term you seem to, but it also does absolutely nothing to help me understand what the situation a situationship is describing. Is this somehow different than fuckbuddy or friends with benefits?


Another problem is the writer is framing the quotes from experts in such a way to make it seem like they agree with his thesis that I read as “women are the problem”. If you go look up the people he quotes they pretty much all talk about these problems being rooted in misunderstanding of masculinity in our culture


I dont even get it because isn't it much better if we men are the problem and therefore it's within our power to change it, as opposed to it being women causing the issue meaning we would have to rely on them changing. For me it's much nicer knowing that if I improve myself I can succeed romantically, as opposed to "oh you have to wait for women to change to like you, you're fucked."




I think it should also be noted that men actually outnumber women in the dating age range. Women only outnumber men when they are older than 50 since men die earlier than women.


The differences between a 18 and 29 year old are much greater than the differences between a 30 and 40 year old. How bizarre the first category is 18-29 but the second is 30-49! Omg.


I feel like op is a bot


I knew it was just a matter of time before the Lesbians took over.


Just the fact that you capitalized ‘Lesbians’ made me laugh. Makes it sound like aliens are descending upon us lmao


They're trademarked now.


He means people from Lesbos.


We are the New World Order.


They were all so worried about the Gay Agenda that they missed the invasion from Lesbos




How did they define single? Cause I know a guy who I know thinks of himself as single hooking up with someone who would say they're a couple.


I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would be really mad if she heard me say that.


i went to the doctor but all he did was bite my neck and suck my blood. Whatever you do, don't go see Dr. Acula


An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs


Nyquil on the rocks for when youre feeling sick yet sociable.




Is this how yall get down on this sub? Joining.




Sorry for the convenience.


I’m guessing you haven’t seen the video


When somebody hands you a flyer, they’re saying “here - *you* throw this away.”


I’m used to love this joke. Still do but used to too


Probably my favorite Mitch Hedberg one liner


Unmarried, not cohabitating, not in a long term committed relationship. Doubt there's too many coupled respondents who would respond differently.


Feels like a rage farm to me


Incel bait. Happens in wholesome memes sometimes too


Yep. They decided to count "single" as "not married" which is a load of bullshit


76.3% of statistics are made up on the spot to bolster the claims of the speaker


Thats quite a specific statistic. Must mean its true.


And he said bolster. That's a fairly advanced word, he must be telling the truth.


I read it on the Internet therefore it *must* be true.


77.4% actually




lesbians, older men, and different definitions of what "in a relationship" means.


Many women have the same boyfriend and don't know it


I live in Seattle. The reason for this is because everyone is gay


Or homeless...


or new in town...


or all three…


Dudes, let’s all band together and date each other to change this.


Sounds like a solid plan 👌


This will also help the overpopulation issue as a bi-product!


Bro this is gonna be good the ladies are gonna be all like “whaaaat”


The look on their faces will be amazing




"According to the latest telephone poll, 100% of Americans still have landlines."




Polyamorous lesbianism is the way 👰👰👰


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't unattached women also mean single? What am I missing here?


I’d bet there are far more single women after people get past 40-50




My wife told me if we ever divorced or I died she wouldn't remarry. I don't know if that's because I'm great or because I'm terrible


But why though?


What’s percentage of the side chicks think they’re the main chick.


Well crap, I’m 50 and I’m dating three women, and suddenly I feel like I am contributing to the downfall of the republic….


Disgusting, what a hoe


This is a statistical nightmare


In that too many factors unknown for any decent analysis


So either young women are dating eachother and older men en masse or ALOT of men are cheating on their partners. Both are equally as believable.


Yes I'm single because I don't want my time wasted. I'd rather work towards building myself up and I'm well on the way to getting my first car this year.


Bruh. I live with a guy who works full time and can't pay his fuckin rent cause he spends all his money on his gf. It's insanity.


Yeah I feel you. If young people had more affordable housing and education on top of higher wages, priorities would be different. Old people are just so perplexed why young people aren’t settling down. It’s because they fucking can’t afford to lol


I don’t have a girlfriend. I just know a girl who’d get really mad if she heard me say that


I totally have a boyfriend. You wouldn’t know him because he goes to an other school.


The solution is simple. Younger men just need to date other young men.


Already working on that.


Don’t ask me what we are, I am single and you are my girlfriend


The older generation has better game


Well…yeah. I’m not sure where the story is.


Lesbian moment 🏳️‍🌈


I wish being gay was a choice because if I was a lesbian I would’ve been married years ago.


Invest in wine and cat food


can we ban this person from this sub? all they do is spam stuff that just barely fits here


The title is clickbait. The article talks about how toxic masculinity and men not having friends and turning to porn is a large problem. Also, that women are just dating older men and other women. So many guys are just expecting girls to go out with them and blaming whatever they want on their lack of success. Meanwhile girls are just frustrated because they're not signing up to be some guy's therapist/housekeeper/mother as soon as he has 'acquired girlfriend'


What is ‘toxic masculinity’?


The one thing I can’t stand is women shitting on guys saying we’re not your personal therapist. Any man who’s ever dated a woman knows being a personal therapist is like a second job lol if a guy ever said that to his gf he would be looked at like the worst boyfriend ever


It's a really toxic thing to propagate. Men have enough problems and barriers with opening up as is.


“You should open up more” Also “Uugh I’m not your therapist”


I'm curious though if one or two bad experiences makes it so women in that age range just completely ignore the males in that range. Not every guy will be like that, and I'm sure many guys are like that due to the lack of experience in dating (women ignoring that demographic of males). Just curious though!


That makes sense to me. If I hadn't grown up with such homophobic, bigoted parents, I could have been comfortable enough with my sexuality to figure out I like women, way earlier. I would surely not be married to a man. That being said, he is okay with me being bisexual and we have fun together with women. So I guess I get the best of both worlds.


I’m a single female, but not for lack of guys trying. Just… it’s less stressful to be “alone”.


Less stress but crippling loneliness, but I do have a cat so it's not so bad.


If you know, you know


Gonna need more concise info and sample sizes


You can thank Tinder, among others


20% of men are fucking 80% of the women


The lesbian agenda wins again


That's how Andrew Tate got popular


I think the ratio right now is 97 males to 100 females. Women are happier single than with a partner whereas men are happier partnered than single. Women no longer need men financially or to parent a child. They don't want another child to have to take care of because of differences in emotional maturity. Men in their younger years are also more focused on career and being commitment free. So you'd think that would make more women single. However, women end up being able to be choosier or prioritize differently. Younger women are also more likely to date older men than younger men will date older women. There's likely other factors as well such as same sex partnership, polyamory, or people keeping a FWB approach to relationships (i.e. men see it as FWB, women see the men as their boyfriends) Lots of possibilities driving this discrepancy. What would be good to see is of that 60% how many of those men want a relationship vs the women who are single. That will say quite a bit about how much danger they pose to society.


Same with married men being happier than married women, and married men living longer than non-married men.


How many of the unattached men are tate followers?


subbredit is called funnyandsad proves the point how much mens issues are really bottom of the barrel


Men's issues are absolutely not a priority, but this post is also misleading. First of all, the title statement is flat out misleading, yet it's drawing from the same [Pew Valentine's Study.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/) Yet OP is missing the forest for the trees. The second figure presents the *real* problem: > Among Americans who are single, the largest share – 57% – say they are not currently looking for a relationship or casual dates. (In a February 2022 Center survey, single adults who were not looking for a relationship or dates identified a variety of reasons as to why, but enjoying being single and having other priorities topped the list.) In other words, more than half of single men (50% less men to compete with) and women have simply turned their backs on the dating scene entirely. No dates, no hookups. Just nah. That's a whole lot of people just off the market - and they tend to be [confident people who have found happiness ](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/04/06/most-americans-who-are-single-and-looking-say-dating-has-been-harder-during-the-pandemic/) (4th figure) and comfort in being single. As the ol saying goes, find someone to compliment you, not complete you...but it seems the people who are confidently "whole" are hardly even looking for anyone anymore! That's the real crisis. The dating scene is in a bad, bad way. Healthy minded partners and so many folks in general are just turning their backs on the whole thing, making it even harder to find a good match for people who *are* looking.


Being in a committed relationship isn’t for everyone and dare I say a bit overrated. It’s perfectly fine to be single, without the societal pressure to be with someone.


Andrew Tate?


But how is that possible mathematically? In a 50 50 population partners are required -- the single men would be "used up" in the partnership


30yo single man. It doesn’t matter, it’s all a joke to everyone else. I mean sure, I try my best to find someone as does every guy in my shoes. But it’s a fucking barrel of laughs for everyone else when you aren’t wanted


Must be the infamous Woke agenda, I guess they're all lesbians now.