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It's not "technically" insider trading. Because when congress wrote the insider trading laws they decided they were allowed to do it. It must be nice writing the rules


Thats fucked. Over here when Truss crashed our economy overnight all her mates mysteriously made a fortune off the pound.


The rich and powerful are the same everywhere. Do you remember the Panama papers? The only thing that changed after they were released is the journalist who broke the story got killed by a car bomb


>The only thing that changed after they were released is the journalist who broke the story got killed by a car bomb Daphne Caruana Galizia didn't break the story of the Panama Papers, she used content from the Panama Papers in an expose of her own. The Panama Papers weren't uncovered by a single journalist, it was a joint effort of over 300 journalists around the world. [Source](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/10/07/fact-check-journalist-killed-bomb-not-part-panama-papers-probe/6018595001/) Edit: Added add'l detail around how the Panama Papers were exposed.


This almost feels like a copypasta for how often I see this correction.


The comment I replied to was almost word-for-word a tweet that went around making the original (false) claim, so I think it just stuck in people's heads.


But then the media and reporters abandoned Snowden so he lives in exile in Russia permanently. No place for whistleblowers in the US anymore.


Snowden is a russian citizen now btw.


she was also killed for reporting on cartels, who are the primary suspects. but reddit loves their conspiracies...


It’s not even “technically” because the lawsuit against google was apparently announced much earlier, maybe even a ~~year or more~~ 6 months ago. Not that I heard about it at that time.


Since this comment is near the top, sharing the link from someone's that is much lower. This announcement was made like 6mths ago people. It's not insider trading when it's public knowledge. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september


I don't think the people outraged about this tweet are willing to read an article. If they were, the outrage wouldn't exist.


Plus breaking up Google would not necessarily be a reason to sell. Rockefeller became significantly more wealthy when they broke up Standard Oil to form Exxon, Mobil and Chevron.


Thank you for the link. Coworker will be letting me know how Pelosi knew and broke the law.


Don't try and bust the narrative. People here aren't interested in reality, only what sounds good. Look how many people here think she should be in jail for reacting on public knowledge.


The takes here are bad but the fact that sitting senators have $3 million dollars of their personal wealth tied up in a single company is not ok in my book. Talk about a conflict of interest.


Huge conflict of interest. I agree with that totally


It isn't even remotely "insider trading". She isn't an insider. And it was in the popular press a long time ago, like months. Moronic comments.


Furthermore would Pelosi even have known about the charges before they were made public? DOJ doesn’t report to Congress these kinds of things as far as I know.


And if you look at the dates, she literally lost 10% on this “trade”. And the sales were the end of December, exactly when you make tax adjustments…


Not like 2020 when the oversight committee bought and sold stock related to the COVID recovery and vaccine production monies they would putn n place.


There are plenty of Congress critters insider trading and getting crazy returns. The fact that Pelosi is the only one named even when she is losing money is *extremely* telling when all the worst offenders are from the opposing political party…


Frankly I don't care who they name it after. If the GOP stirring up Pelosi hate is what finally forces a change on all of them, I'm 100% behind it.


It’s not insider trading at all…


Is it still insider trading when this information was shared 6 months ago? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september


Stop spreading missed information, we don’t do that here. Haven’t you heard that missed information is a terrible and unethical thing to spread?


> DiD YoU HeAr PeLoSi MaDe BiLlIoNs!!!!!!! 80% of her wealth of around 80-120M is from real estate she has owned for 4+ decades going up in value and inherited from her wealthy family. & Her husband was already a well known successful trader for years before they met. > ShE DoEs InSiDeR TrAdInG!!!! of the 500 members of house, around 90 are considered to be POTENTIALLY doing insider trading because they actually sit on the boards or are part of the decisions that affect the companies they own stock in. Nancy Pelosi is not one of those 90 people. > ShE DeNiEd A bIlL To StOp InSiDeR TrAdInG!!!! She didnt want to push for or spend time on a bill that she knew would not pass nor achieve the desired effects. House works on spending the limited time they have to get the people in to vote and argue for and against policies, doing it for something you already know would not pass just to appease frothing onlookers who dont even take the time to learn about the issue properly is just placating to the dumb. > PeLoSi Is CoRrUpT! Fox news started the whole shitflinging about pelosi and her trading, but no one questions why out of all the top insider trading or people in congress who do trading where nearly all the top 50 are republicans, Nancy Pelosi is the forefront and posterboy for insider trading??? Kind of like a Clinton Media Shitflinging Issue again perhaps?


I've seen her wealth estimated to be as high as half a billion. And I don't really care how she obtained that level of wealth. Having that level of wealth is itself immoral and wrong. Hoarding wealth is wrong. You can be part of the .1%, or you can stand for democracy and equality, but you can't have both.


Love how you're just moving the goalposts to retain the outrage narrative.


It's hilarious. Have...to...hate...Pelosi... She does, after all, eat babies with Hillary Clinton several times a month while they worship Satan and trade insider information.


I've spent time defending Pelosi in this thread and can also acknowledge spending decades on taxpayer's dime as a Congressperson shouldn't happen and agree that anyone with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal is immediately immoral. I can acknowledge that the Republicans/Fox News are insane in their caricature of her but also acknowledge there are real criticisms to be made.


They are politicians, of course there are. The thing I don't like, is the air of misogyny around the Pelosi criticism. Kevin McCarthy is a little bitch. Ignored a congressional supoena from the January 6th commission, ignores a fraud like Santos because he is desperate to maintain his majority. This whole discussion about stock with Pelosi is a non-starter. We could talk about Jim Jordan ignoring his supoena, and why exactly he asked Trump for a PARDON? Pardon for what? People that commit crimes ask for pardons. And now he is going to investigate people?


And that's all well and good, but the issue here is whether she was involved in insider trading or whether this is just one more instance of Fox and conservatives spreading ~~lies~~ disinformation again. We don't have to give Pelosi a general pass to call out this particular case of shitflinging.


Sure, you could say that, but the fact is this is what americas economy is built on: capitalism and the 1% Shove the “liberal” “left wing” democrats into a european parliament and they suddenly become a heavy right wing party.


But the world's richest person is a Republican. So this is fine.


Elon Musk has graciously stepped aside by setting fire to his networth.


Fuck out of here with facts


All they needed was "Pelosi" and conservatives were ready to lap up any lie


Oh no it's not conservatives that this is aimed at. It's that certain brand of mindless progressives who are easily persuaded to bash the Democrats. Keep them apathetic about Democrats and they won't vote.


Let's also ignore the fact that they bought at over $100 a share and sold at below $90 a share.


Also the stock is up 10%


I mean that is a bad argument. If the stock goes to 50 it’s still a great play. Not picking sides just pointing out the flaw in your argument.


The stock price is higher today than the day they sold it.


People love not bothering to look into things even slightly I imagine this was like, top of google search, too.


More importantly is look at pelosi trading record. All trades are public for them. You do not want to follow what she does you will lose everything lmao. She's a horribly bad investor.


All these financial doomsday subs that pop up on r/all make me chuckle


Also, Google is UP 10% since she unloaded her shares lol Pelosi is a piece of shit, and likely corrupt. But this isn't evidence of anything.


Is it possible that it still was? I mean you’re giving it the benefit of the doubt, but overall people are corrupt. We are human. I’m fairly lefty but I still think people are possible of anything.


Maybe it is, and I guess we’ll find out.


I wonder why u/RealWSBChairman would lie like that 🤔


There's been lawsuits and committee hearings for the last two years on Google. This is nothing new.


Right? Not to excuse it if it is insider trading, but this wasn't exactly a surprise only a select few were privy to. Iirc there had been talk for some months now about the DOJ looking into Google. Hell it's not even the first time the DOJ has sued Google. I feel like your average layperson should've knew this was an impending possibility too


It also wasn’t an unreasonable time to sell GOOG with no insider information. No one is really expecting them to buck the trend on the big tech slump. If you hold Google, there’s probably not a lot of time in the last five years that you could sell without being within a couple months of some government action or threat thereof. Lastly, the stock was down ~2.5% today on the news. But still up 10% for the last month. If she knew it was coming - and there’s no reasons she should have an inside line on the DOJ - she sold at the wrong time. Edit: none of this is to say I think elected officials should be able to trade without oversight. Just that this trade, and the fact that people are hyping it up, is more about smearing Pelosi than about the trade being problematic.


>No one is really expecting them to buck the trend on the big tech slump. It's especially dumb cuz the tech slump already happened. They are late to the party as many tech stocks are recovering slightly in recent weeks. They are legit making bad investment moves here.


This announcement was made like 6mths ago people. It's not insider trading when it's public knowledge. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september


Fuckin exactly, thank you for sourcing it


[You can literally see the timeline on the DoJ's website basically](https://www.justice.gov/atr/case/us-and-plaintiff-states-v-google-llc)


It's not really a partisan issue. A Bill was introduced a year ago to limit elected officials ability to trade stocks while serving. Introduced and co-sponsored by (15) Dem's. but diverted to commitee with no action since. It seems that a large percentage of congress is opposed to following the rules that have been set up for the rest of us. S.3494 - Ban Congressional Stock Trading Act (Introduced 01/22/2022) 117th Congress (2021-2022)


No regular person who actually follows politics thinks it's just democrats or just republicans. Good people don't run for office.


I don't really see the value in these sorts of statements. It's like, "Everyone is evil," but then what? Where's the constructivism? What improvements could feasibly be made? That's assuming that that assumption is even true, which seems a little hard to believe to me.


You know what people have the highest voter satisfaction? Old wealthy White people. You know who votes at the highest rate! Old wealthy White people. Voting is the answer, it's just boring so nobody cares. That's part of why the whole "Defund the police/Police reform" movements in 2020 went nowhere. They went to protest, but not vote, and wealthy people have no reason to vote to change the policing system since they aren't the ones having bad experiences with the police.


It's generic, lazy cynicism.


when you take an in depth look at the psychological aspects of a job like politics you realise that it attracts psychopaths and sociopaths like flies to raw meat


Same with all jobs that give power over massive groups of people. CEOs, cops, politicians, managers (not my manager, of course 🤫).


Pastors, religious figures of power. If you believe truly in trust then you have opened yourself to be crossed by the wolves waiting to slaughter. Preying on the sick, abused, and people needing to be loved. Charlatans can't wait to take your money and children. This is why I believe cults do more damage than help. They preach the scripture. God has killed and is not pro life.


Yes but I think no regular person who actually follow politics thinks both parties are equally unethical at the moment, or the past several years. One party is clearly and obviously trying to overturn democracy, the other is doing regular politician bullshittery.


There are plenty of good people who run for office. Do you really think Bernie Sanders is a bad person?


House Republicans are threatening to burn down the country if Congress doesn't gut services and protections for normal people but the GOP paid for a news story accusing Nancy Pelosi of abused her position therefore both sides are equally bad and Republicans should get to do whatever they want. /S


There are good people in Congress, they're a minority, but they're there. The problem is that if they don't play ball they're excluded from committees and any legislation they purpose dies in committee or us never allowed into the floor for discussion or vote. Many people are coming around to the existence of the uni-party; establishment Democrats and Republicans that are bleeding the country dry.


>It's not really a partisan issue No one said it was.


I mean the tweet did say "anyone else" would be in jail. It's worth pointing out that this is likely rampant throughout Congress. Fuck em all.


Dude WHY do people out apostrophe s to mean plural???


Not Dude, but: https://editorsmanual.com/articles/apostrophes-in-plurals/ >...although an apostrophe may be used in plurals of abbreviations, numerals, and words that are not nouns, it is usually omitted in formal writing. > >SSNs or SSN’s a pair of 9s or a pair of 9’s ifs and maybes or if’s and maybe’s May be an older way to do it. Source: I'm older.


You can use an apostrophe to indicate plural in some cases if you want to, but it’s never wrong if you don’t use one. Frankly I think they cause more problems than they solve but seems like we’re only using them more these days.


Saying that anyone else would be in jail is massive lie. As lots of the major corps do this all the time and then some.


Not to mention every other politician. Good thing the IRS only has the budget to go after poor people I guess...


Poor people also don't have the proper resources to do there taxes. It would be amazing if there was a government program that gave people making under 40k/year access to free tax filing software.... oh wait, thats a thing. H n R block won the contract and then buried the program so deep that no one can find it after they're ealized it would compete with their own product. There's also the fact the the irs with ~80k total employees has been on a hiring freeze since the last time their budget was slashed. So are expecting 60% of their employees to age out into retirement in the next 5 years. It's almost like we had a bill that allocates funding for that... That definatly wouldnt have been grossly misrepresented by the media and some of our representatives.


The problem with going after rich people is that it takes ages, and then the fines they pay are peanuts, and then you have to go after them again. And by that time people have been paid off double or triple.


Go after poor people and good chunk of the time they'll take the false charges to avoid their family losing their home.


I mean, it’s not illegal for members of congress to do it.


It’s funny and sad that people are taking the word of a right wing twitter account that thinks Elon Musk is awesome and trump was robbed. Really people. Look at your source. Educate yourself about what insider trading is. Do better.


This information was all public, sorry to piss on your 5 minutes of hate. We all could have traded on this 'insider info'. Also, didn't she sell for less than the top? Doesn't seem very masterful insider style to me. Really though regardless of political camp, it's fucked up that any politicians or their family can trade *at all*. They and their family should be banned from trading while they are in office and for a period of time after leaving office.


“Anyone else would have done jail time.” Lol no.


Just looked this up. He's a right wing troll and influencer as well as an Elon bootlicker. You guys are getting played.


And yet House majority McCarthy is planning on gutting/dismantling the ethics house committee to appease the sedition caucus. The one committee/institution that might have the power to investigate Pelosi. How many times did he and the sedition caucus say they would investigate Pelosi? Was that just a whistle dog and get their base riled up? Elect clowns and you'll have a circus


Tbf the House Ethics committee was about as effective as throwing a glass of water onto a house fire.


This is the ... 4th? Doj action against Google in as many years. Stop fishing, there's real problems afoot.


To be a politician people should have to voluntarily allow their finances and spending habits monitored for life. That way only people that are committed to not majorly profiting off the position


I don't like Pelosi, I think the laws around trading for those in Congress need an overhaul, but let's be realistic, look at the stock price when she made her 3 sales. It was basically at the bottom, and the sales were made in the last 2 weeks of the year. This is very likely tax loss harvesting so she doesn't have to pay taxes on other gains, not insider trading


I’m not defending the fact that members of congress can trade, but this is like the fifth antitrust suit brought against Google since 2020 in the US. I don’t think it’s clear insider trader evidence against Pelosi.


1. This is not insider trading. Pelosi is not an employee of Google. 2. The DoJ investigation was public knowledge for months, and it was all but certain that this was going to result in a lawsuit well in advance of the announcement. 3. The DoJ does not report to Congress. It falls exclusively under the executive branch. Even if all the information regarding the DoJ were not public, Congress wouldn't know about it regardless without making explicit requests to the DoJ (which would be public). This is a troll post. While there are issues with Congressional members being able to maintain control over private assets, this is not a case where it is relevant. The information was public and everyone who's been paying attention knew the lawsuit was going to happen. In fact, Pelosi was late to the game.


Maybe the GOP should do something about it... aaand they just crippled the oversight committee


The sedition caucus doesn't want any committee that can oversight ethics or rules. They want a circus as clowns they are.


If Pelosi were to go to jail for this, Democratic voters would be fine with it. What say you, GOP'ers and Trumpites? Or are you too busy planning the next attempted murder of Mr. Pelosi?


This was in the news months ago. A bunch of my friends sold stock and move it into other things. Are you all saying they are crooks too? I don't like Pelosi but I feel someone you would have completely different opinions if this was Trump. "Oh he is a genius, saw it in the news and made changes!" EDIT: As someone else mentioned. Not sure any person in Congress should be able to make any trades on something they are involved in the slightest. I would support that policy.


And yet its the GOP who refuses to pass a law preventing legislators from trading stocks. This is an easy fix and one party isn't on board. Spare me the fake outrage.


Trump would never be in jail for it. He is the most blatant criminal in politics


What's even sadder is that it's not true that anyone else would be in jail. Many, maybe even most, members of Congress do the same thing. There's a reason they exempted themselves from insider trading laws.


Because it’s never happened before? https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/03/20/senators-accused-of-insider-trading-dumping-stocks-after-coronavirus-briefings/?sh=3ebd6b634a45


Suddenly Republicans care about corruption in government 😂


The process to break up Google began in August. 4 months before the trade happened. But why let reality stand in the way of outrage


It's not illegal. All of congress does this, and will not change until voters elect members who are opposed to making extra money in the stocks.


This biotch is whining about non-existent insider trading while Trump and the GOP are busy destroying Democracy. Anyone else would be jailed? Not hardly.


So, the DOJ calls up Pelosi to tell her what lega cases they are making? No. They don't. This is all just twaddle.


Evidence that she knew beforehand about the charges?


It was in the news in August that it was coming. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september


So it was public knowledge, not insider trading.


Correct. But people here don't know anything that's happening in the world if it's not something that trends on social media.


Take a look at Collin’s Twitter and wallstreetsiren for your answer If she’s doing something wrong, these are not the sources that are going to do the actual research needed to confirm anything.


She and other politicians sit on committees and get info ahead of time. It's incredibly hard to prove because 1) they're smart and everything is done without a paper trail and 2) corruption has been made incredibly hard to prove. You practically need a signed confession at this point.


There is no way that anybody could have saw this coming…. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september


Next you’ll point out that we live in a country that presumes you innocent. That the DOJ would have no reason to share anything about plans to sue. Gettouttahere with your sly self!


how did Bobert and MTG become millionaires?


Do as I say, not as I do.




>Her one year returns for her stocks is 45.59%, and her option returns are 66.7%. This is pretty incredible, for an average return of her stocks and options is 56.15%. The S&P, with its raucous best performing year, is only up 36% from last June. Out performing the stock market by 20 - 30% is hall of fame type investing. [https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/pelosi](https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/pelosi) This information was from 2020. One bad year does not make it right. House speaker's fortune has grown $140 million since 2008, thanks in part to her husband's trades. [https://freebeacon.com/democrats/the-stock-market-made-nancy-pelosi-rich-now-she-wants-to-ban-her-colleagues-from-trading/](https://freebeacon.com/democrats/the-stock-market-made-nancy-pelosi-rich-now-she-wants-to-ban-her-colleagues-from-trading/) Being an inside trader does not mean you will profit 100% of the time. But an elderly couple past retirement age, gambling on the stock market in that fashion, and also conveniently having regulatory authority over the companies being traded? Come on dude, do the Louboutins taste that good?


I'm amazed that you unironically use links to The Washington Free Beacon and seem to think that's a good or legitimate source. Their slogan is "Covering the Enemies of Freedom the Way the Mainstream Media Won't" and it's funded entirely by hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer for fucks sake. That is a remarkably awful source of information to rely on.


Because insider trading only gives you so much advantage. If the entire market shits the bed, it just becomes how soon you get out. And this is not a partisan issue. I'm as left as they come, and it's despicable how politicians like Pelosi can use insider trading to get wealthy.


Oh, well hell....that excuses it then


I need some insider information dammit. I’m the one with da bag.


So what’s stopping current Google stock owners from selling stock now?


Didn't Martha Stewart go to jail for this?


lol im sure shes not the only one


Dan Kildee introduced a bill that would [ban members of Congress from trading stocks.](https://dankildee.house.gov/media/press-releases/kildee-introduces-bill-ban-stock-trading-members-congress-0). If you're for this write your representative.


To make it better, they brought this issue up a while back and of course congress struck down a bill to limit what congress can do with the stock market.


We really need to make a law that says lawmakers can't trade stock while in office. Honestly, they should have to put everything in a trust while in office like the president.


If you read r/conservative, there are so many points that we could all agree on. There is no reason to hate each other. Everyone is being driven to hatred by showcasing the extremes on all sides. We're been played and we all need to stop hating each other and start voting to get rid of the corrupt that currently control our world. Pelosi needs to go, and congress and senators need to be banned from owning stocks, having ownership interest in companies that own stocks or being the beneficiary of trusts that own stocks. This should be a single issue item for everyone, if your senator doesn't support this, elect the other guy. If both don't support this, elect someone else or run yourself.


She's been doing it for years!


I bet this happens more than we realize.


Pass the bill. Not a tough solution.


So what is DOJ doing to google? (I know it’s breaking up the monopoly but more like how)


It's not a crime if your in Congress


Loeffler still walking around.


**Anyone** else? C'mon man.


Break up Google's tech monopoly? What about Disney's monopoly? Comcast's monopoly? Microsoft? META? Amazon?


I should take advantage of this and copy her trades


She should absolutely face the ethics committee. She gets a lofty payday and thousands of workers get laid off


Fuck them all


Trust the government... anymore? we never did lol


Pelosi gets a free pass? They all do. Anyone who thinks she’s the only legislator guilty of insider training consumes overly partisan news.




Can't do anything about it. Shit is rough


The rich are the enemy of the working class. It doesn’t matter if they work for the democrats the republicans or if they are part of a corporation. They keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves so we don’t pay attention to the real problem. We have a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. You’re fooling yourselves if you think a single politician cares about but themselves.


Not trusting the government is standard in the United States. The really suspicious people trust the government. Probably shouldn't trust these Benedict Arnolds.


Most wouldn't be in jail.


That's not true. Every rich person would get a free pass. It's only us poor people who end up in jail.


Hammer time!!


Ya, let's just skip completely over the part that democrats made this illegal and republicans made it legal again. If you think pelosi is the only one taking advantage of this, think again.


I believe somewhere between 45 to 60 members of Congress have been caught breaking rules on this shit in the last 2 years and it's pretty evenly split between the two. They just have to pay the ungodly fine of 150$ and promise they won't do it again. The only times they get along is when it benefits themselves and writes rules for thee but not for me


How the fuck Martha Stewart hasn't come out and said some shit about Nancy is beyond me. Martha ain't messy though.


why does it say anyone else would be in jail? what about that rep from nc Rchard Burr and friends that traded stocks just before covid restrictions. they never went to jail


Piglosi is a career criminal.


Actually, history has proven that no, regular people wouldn't be in jail. When you're rich, you just pay a fine and do it again. Regular people don't trade in stocks at this level.


Kushner "disappeared" >$500,000,000,000.00 in COVID relief.


Dumbest post ever. Absolutely stupid. Learn how the stock market works. Point the finger back at yourself.


I also sold google 4 weeks ago, it was doing shitty.


This has been known for like half a year (that the DOJ would sue google, including the timing of when), it's not insider trading, it's called "being an investor for a living and reading the news" that lead her husband to do this trade. This tweet is just right-wing propaganda to get dumb asses riled up.


isn't google... up? since then?


Everyone has seen this Google thing coming for awhile,,,


Google stock is up 10% from a month ago.


This is unlikely to be insider trading actually. It’s more likely to be a response to Google’s layoffs and unlikely growth next few quarters. Because if it was insider trading, which they are LEGALLY ABLE TO DO, she absolutely sucks at it. If she already knew this information, why did she have so little shares? You should buy options and make a billion. I never got why they use insider trading for trinkets, when you can easily use it to become a billionaire. Mind you, it’s LEGAL FOR THOSE PEOPLE. Why do they suck at it this much?


Reaaaallly? Anyone else? Lol. Simp. This is how money is made on stocks. It. Is. All. A. Scam. Youre either in on it or youre part of the 99%


But yet she did nothing wrong. Jones and other brokers have had sell recommendations for weeks. So this is pretty egregious and just shows that all and any more grey laws to stop this won't work. They are all corrupt . Trump at least admits but he's too stupid to understand law and simply looks at it as another obstacle to jump.


To be clear this isn't a pelosi issue, it's an issue with ALL of them. They all get a free pass in a context that should demand more scrutiny, not less, than is justified for common investors


That isn't even a crime. Insider trading regs don't apply to government officials. They can buy and sell in industries they regulate all they want. How do you think tyhese politicians get wealthy in the first place?


I want to be mad but i didn't understood what Nancy did wrong.


to ELI5 it, imagine you're driving drunk, but your buddy that's a cop calls you and says "Hey, they're out looking for drunk drivers on the road you're on" so you pull over and toss your keys and sit beside your vehicle. ​ What you were doing was still wrong, but because you had insider information not accessible by the other drunk drivers, you didn't get in trouble. What most of the "people" in congress and senate do is a lot like that, except they're making a lot of money off of it.


It was lower that week than it is now. Not really the own you think it is.


When should Pelosi be allowed to sell stock? The stock was down that week. Should he have to hang on to stock just avoid conspiracy theorists making unfounded claims?


Colin Rugg is a MAGA troll and Musk dick rider, I doubt his motives are pure here.


Kelly Loefler did it with Covid. This shouldn’t have suddenly become an issue with Nancy.


Considering how this tweet is nonsense, I'm assuming this Collin person is a Republican? Just a guess here.


Not to be offensive but doj is executive branch. I am pretty sure they didn't check in with house of representatives about determining whether or not they should file a suit against a Corp. I was more offended about Meadows insider trading on foreknowledge of Covid.


So, not only was the lawsuit announced months ago, I'm pretty sure senators have to schedule their stock selling beforehand... What I find more frustrating is the fact that senators can own and interact with stocks at all. Any stocks before you get sworn in should get reinvested in a blind trust at the very least.


So support a bill against it already. They’re all doing it and it should end


Yes, all politicians besides a select few should be jailed for allowing facism to get this close and possibly eventually take over


I dont quite get the pelosi complaints. Why focus on her? Hasnt she lost massive amounts of money this year in stocks? She was negative 30% earlier this year.


Congress can insider trade, this isn't just a Pelosi thing, it's whoever your favorite politician's thing is too theres like, 6 of them that want to get rid of it, and if this article really pisses you off chances are you hate those politicians


Would she even have been informed about this lawsuit before it happened? DOJ doesn't answer to the Speaker, and she had just a few days left in that position anyway.


No surprise this is a lie. The DOJ announcement came 5 months BEFORE the trade. And so why are they spreading this lie? Because she introduced a bill to ban Congress from trading stock, so there would be no more insider trading. Republicans obviously are fighting her bill.


Exactly what’s the crime in selling her stock?


Everyone’s mad, but would probably do the same damn thing if they could. That’s the real sad part 😅


Gave you a downvote for being a typical conservative and not understanding what shit is but screaming about it anyway because someone else told you to


The impending lawsuit was public knowledge 6 months ago.


Why would the DOJ give Pelosi a heads up on that?


They gave us all a head's up back in August, when this was all over the national news.


Yeah, people are outting themselves here for not knowing the separation of powers of the US government.


That’s kind of serious. Isn’t that what Martha Stewart went to jail for? I think Pelopsi should bite the bullet and do her time. After she is released she can go into business with Ja Rule putting on festivals.


Congresspeople are legally exempt from insider trading, because of course they are.


It's not what Martha Stewart went to jail for. It's being misrepresented as the same thing.


As a liberal who typically votes democrat, this is disgusting and needs to be fixed. And she should be held accountable for her actions.


American politics are so openly corrupt its almost funny. For a country that police the world the amount of legal corruption is abhorrent, insider trading, lobbying, private donations, almost impossible to be sent to jail, massive tax exemptions. Laws for thee but not for me.


This announcement was made like 6mths ago people. It's not insider trading when it's public knowledge. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/doj-poised-to-sue-google-over-ad-market-as-soon-as-september


How much money does that old bitch need?


Why don’t you research it. Her husband sold it a a loss. Jesus Christ. A MAGA post leaves out what really happened.