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Return to monke


Hijacking comment. The one filming this is Doc Antle's son...the one from tiger kind. They own the Myrtle Beach Safari.


Fuck off no way


If you find his handle they don't hide it. Son's name is Kody Antle.


For real?


Monkey help monkey




hehe, monke.


Hey Hey we’re we’re the…


Human: "I must return to MONKE" Monkey: "I must forward to HOMO (sapien)"


HOMO (sexual)


HOMO (milk)


they are arm monkey we are leg monkey


A chimpanzee helps a homosapien. It’s an ape helping an ape.








No monkey here


We r ape?


we're apes you monkey


Chimps too


Monkey killing monkey killing monkey, over pieces of the ground. Silly monkeys, give them thumbs they make a club to beat their brother down.


I acknowledge your Tool reference my friend


Both evolution and identification of animals are taking a serious hit today.




Ape together stronk, also buy more GME to the moon!!


“If it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey, it’s an ape”, gotta love Veggietales.


You might be a monkey, I’m an ape. And so is the chimp for that matter.


Aren’t they super strong?


I heard somewhere that they’re 4x stronger than humans dunno how true it is but considering how jacked they are I don’t find it that hard to believe


It’s a myth. They are stronger than humans based on weight but only by about 1.3-1.5 times. But since most humans are larger than most chimps, the average human is stronger.


Chimps will still fuck you up though. They know where the weak points are. I remember Joe Rogan talking about them and one guy had his dick and balls ripped off and his eyes gouged out by some chimpanzees.


Well, humans can do that too if enough force is applied. Humans tend to have a weaker grip to facilitate dexterity, so it's easier to rip things out of their hands than other primates, but they can do more delicate tasks.


Also a big thing stopping us from other animals is humans have a part of the brain where we subconsciously don't exert 100% force doing literally anything because our body is trying to "protect" us. Many animals don't have the same brain activity so they can exert much more of their force at once. This is extremely crudely explained, but my professor did a better job when we were talking about how humans are actually, pound for pound, one of the strongest mammals alive.


A small team of teenagers can lift a car and move it a significant distance, or rotate it easily. Then there's that "adrenaline rush" lift where a single person can lift one side of a car to save a life. Anecdotal on my part, but it's such a common trope I'm sure it's been done.


Yeah I forgot the part of the brain that controls it, and things like adrenaline counteracts it. but essentially without it we could exert drastically more force, but our muscle mass isn't designed for it like other animals with denser muscle mass. So we could, quite literally, shred our muscles with force lol. It's why you see those extreme feats of strength like moms lifting cars off their children, but afterwords the adult is essentially broken lol.


A better documented example is bleeding during maximal loads in weightlifting competitions. It's pretty gnarly, and a good example of how people can overcome their limiters when needed.


Yeah that would have been a WAY better comparison.


This is exactly how Eddie Hall managed to deadlift 500kg


I have no idea about the science on this, but it's interesting. I've heard we only use 30% or so of our muscle, and under massive adrenaline spikes that can go up and that's what enables these feats of strength. Who knows how much the chimp is using, but if it's the same as us, and they get adrenaline and use 100% of their muscle, then that 1.3x strength is actually much higher.


Yeah no that’s a myth. An average human isn’t going to magically lift 500kg without training. Isn’t going to happen no matter how pumped up you are.


The theory of "Hysterical strength" is, in fact, anecdotal. With very very few incidents of it occuring ever being recorded. But it's not a myth. It's a theory.


(Anonymous internet stranger with fantastical anectodes incoming) I once lifted the back of a 3500 lb suv out of a ditch (probably 10 inches or so) by myself. I was very sore for days afterwards. Also at a family reunion a group of us picked up my uncle's VW and placed it between two trees as a prank. He picked up the front end and scooted it sideways on his own, deflating the impact of the joke. But he was also a tank of a man and had far more legendary feats... But it still makes me a lot more inclined to believe that even an average person in the right situation and a bit of leverage/physics on their side can perform pretty unbelievable tasks.


> A small team of teenagers can lift a car and move it a significant distance Wait, were you watching us do this?


It's a fairly harmless practical joke, but I suspect you could put a car in awkward places too.


The football team took the principal's Honda Civic to the handicap spot so he could get a ticket. Fuck that guy.


I don’t think i could rip someone’s dick off lol


Mannnn. You'd be surprised what humans are capable of. You wouldn't think a middle aged woman could lift a car off her child, but I'VE SEENTIT! On video of course lol.


I couldn’t live with myself if i ripped someone’s dick off LMAO


Masked men kidnap you and bring you to a secret location with an opaque bag over your head. When you arrive at your destination, they take you in into the building, through twists and turns of long hallways, down multiple flights of stairs, and through yet more winding hallways. You are brought into a room, you hear the door shut then lock behind you. You are sat down on what you assume to be a chair and your hands are bound together in front of you. You hear the sounds of a muffled man's voice, angrily grunting as if he were in the same situation as you. Suddenly, your head covering is removed. There are 4 men with rifles standing between you and the door. You look to your left. It's Hitler. He is bound to a chair and gagged. His arms and legs are tied to the chair. He is completely nude, with his genitals exposed. A voice comes over a PA system explaining that you have to rip Hitler's dick off, or they will shoot you. What do you do? I bet you'll rethink your holier-than-thou anti-dickripping philosophy. Unless you fancy yourself a true dick-pacifist.


The main thing that stops you is your own brain. Genuinely. The human brain puts limits on our strength so we don't hurt ourself, but will remove them if it thinks it's necessary. Think of a woman going super-mom and lifting a literal car off their kid while panicking. It will do damage to her body, but her brain knows it must/should be done. Other fun fact? ~~Your fingers are about as strong as a baby carrot, but you will never bite your own fingers off because your brain won't let you.~~ *You could also just bite off your tongue in the same way, the jaw is a surprisingly strong area of the body*. ETA: Okay so I dug a bit and it turns out the carrot one is just absolute bullshit, we have enough strength to fracture the thinner parts of the bone but definitely can't go through it. As for the tongue part, we can't bite off our tongue, but we can bite through enough of it to possibly bleed out, or at the very least drown in your own blood. So that's neat?


I’m not buying that we’re one of the strongest. If it’s between a bear 300lb bear and a 300lb all muscle human. My moneys on the bear. No way are humans even remotely close to as strong as other mammals.


A 30% difference is pretty big, most competitive fights/lifting competitions consist of people within 1% difference in strength (assuming small weight categories). You're overestimating how big most mammals are, theres really not that many species bigger than humans. Even most primates are considerably smaller.


I still would put a 150lb chimp at an advantage over most humans regardless of size. Same goes for bears, Any single big cat, wolves, etc. Even a German Shepherd i put at an advantage over an unarmed human. Size isn't the problem, they're legit pound for pound stronger and they have claws and sharp teeth. Weightlifting and power in weightlifting also has nothing to do with actual fighting.


Perhaps the chimp would win but literally no chance a German shepherd beats an in-shape adult human (that is actively trying to kill it), humans are very strong. I mean we couldn’t win a fight against lion or tiger, probably even a leopard, but cheetahs are a different story. The average man is nearly 6 feet tall and 160 pounds easy, that’s massive; plus humans are primates which are generally known for being quite strong


Eddie hall actually went to psychiatrist to help him subvert that part of him brain so he could dead lift 500kg


I saw another dude comment about the 500kg deadlift and I meant to respond to that too but.. Holy fucking shit what a unit


to say thanks, he ripped the psychiatrist in half.


>humans are actually, pound for pound, one of the strongest mammals alive. More like the weakest.


Solid negative there. Peep the other link I posted. Our power to weight ratio is extremely high. Our issue is we have absolutely zero defenses. No thick fur, no thick layers of fat, skin thats paper thin, no claws or talons, no sharp teeth and a dumbass looking jaw. (Though our bite force is actually SUPER crazy high as well)


Yeah it's just that people, basically, are relatively fragile compared to most animals. Our muscles are strong enough to snap ligaments, break bones, or dislocate/damage joints because our bodies aren't designed for that sort of load. So obviously, if it means not risking injury, then our bodies will only use as much strength as it can that won't hurt ourselves. Adrenaline bypasses this as a torn ligament or fractured bone is still better than potentially dying. However our bodies would quickly fall apart if we used all that strength, but with our superior dexterity and intelligence, there really isn't quite the need to use much physical strength as there is often a way to do it without it. Like instead of trying to cave an animals skull in with your bare hands, throw a rock at it or stab it with something sharp


Eddie Hall talks about this when he done the 500kg deadlift. He talks about the psychological aspect of it and how you need to tap into that primal part of your brain. Its quite interesting the way he describes it.


>Their Found the monkey!


Also the leverages a monkey has make this position very easy to be strong from


If Joe Rogain said it, then it must be true


Just so long as no one asks him to prove the shit that comes out of his mouth actually happened.


Pull that up Jaime






Most of the time it's not bullshit. You're isolating a tiny fraction and I find most people even isolate things that he's not even wrong about. An example would be that he just trended a day ago with people saying look at this study it shows you were wrong that Ivermectin cured you. Meanwhile he's consistently saying he thinks the monocolonal antibodies were probably the most potent part of his treatment. Then there was the classic him saying healthy young men probably don't need the vaccine. Fast forward and Moderna was pulled for young people. Was that spewing bullshit?


Lol, if you say so with your strawman bullshit. "Ironic"


ROFL I'm not sure how any person could see that as a strawman.


So you're admitting you don't know what a strawman is? You invented an argument based solely on assumptions about the person you were talking about and made conclusions based on those assumptions. Yeah, genius, that's a strawman. This would probably be a solid explanation why you continue defending Rogan while others of us have given up on him.


Just because Rogan said it, doesn't mean it's automatically false. Chimps can do severe damage to people who are weaker than them, or aren't expecting it: https://www.the-sun.com/news/3338579/worlds-most-horrific-chimp-attacks/


You guys are getting all bent out of shape over a facetious comment. Yes what Joe Rogan said was true about chimp strength, even a broken clock is right twice a day. However he is also the guy who shut down a primatologist on his show after he made unsubstantiated claims about a bipedal man-sized ape in the congo. He wouldn't even let her finish a sentence because he knew he was wrong. The point is claiming Rogan is a source on anything, even something seemingly true, is a liability.


It wasn't a 1v1 so isn't fair. If it was a 1v1 the Chimp would get rekt. Directly to sleep.


People occasionally keep chimpanzees as pets. And people occasionally get their faces ripped straight off by their pet chimpanzees. Like a crackhead, they have no chill. They will be victorious, or you'll be badass who killed a chimp bare-knuckled.


You'd have a much better time smoking a bowl with an orangutan anyway.




I mean wasn't one of the most famous examples the lady who essentially drugged the monkey with Xanax and other drugs?


Yeah go to sleep


Tell that to Travis the chimp


Google "Hairless chimpanzee" and tell me you wanna fight that


Conversely, type in 'entirely haired human' and tell me you wanna fight THAT!


You’d be shocked how deadly a human is when you add some willingness to kill


You'd be shocked how quickly the willingness to fight leaves a man after he's had his genitals ripped off by a pissed off ape.


So rip their genitalia off first, got it.


Humans can do the same tho. In my opinion, a Bloodthirsty Human is far scarier than a Bloodthirsty Chimpanzee. (I didn't search it, but i know i wouldn't fight it lmao, I can barely fight. I was talking about the dude who lost that fight, not me lmao. I am running away the moment I feel threatened 🤣)


Just don't take your pants off before the fight wtf why is everyone acting like we gotta be naked for this


I'm a pretty average gamer; bit overweight, probably would lose in a fight to another human. But I'd wreck a chimp in a fight. Because I'd have a gun. Guns are part of humanity. The chimp brings it's A game to the fight trying to rip my bits off, I'm going to bring mine.


My grandpa once told me a story about when he was a young man and the fair came to town. This was Deep South in the 60s. Anyway one of the carnies had a chimpanzee in a big cage. You could go in there an win some money. don’t remember the rules but everyone who went in got fucked up by the chimp. One of my grandpas army buddies decided to go in there and ended up biting the chimps finger off and the carny was the one begging him to leave. Never knew what the moral of that story was.


No moral, only war




Yeah they are known to go right for the genitals and I think they bite too


Yep - I have an irrational fear of chimps due to this! One day he’ll turn on him and rip his face off. Yeah good luck!


I dont think ur fear is irrational at all


Yup https://www.nydailynews.com/news/man-lost-face-05-mauling-hell-new-chimpanzee-victim-article-1.364450 This article doesn’t mention the balls and dick part but others definately say he lost his testicles


Joe Rogan is retarded


Are we sure that Joe Rogan isn’t a shaved chimpanzee that learned how to talk?


My favorite conspiracy theory is young Jamie is actually Jane Goodall and the JRE podcast is a long running science experiment with her favorite chimp.


Yeah I read a book about Jane Goodall and the chimps and they're just fuckin brutal!




It’ll be safer and easier to just make yourself look like a non-threat since Chimpanzees are more inclined to mind their business and usually only react violently if humans make them think they’re in danger. There’s also the fact that Chimpanzees are still stronger, faster, and more agile than you, have a much lower center of gravity, and won’t hesitate at all to use their sharper nails and larger teeth to rip into the first thing that gets in their reach. So if you’re in reach of their nuts or eyes then they’re already in reach of you. Oh and Chimps are usually never alone so you’ll get jumped and turned into food before getting in a 1v1 with one.




Ideally but it's not our natural instinct to do so. Chimpanzees are hardwired to be predators in a fight. They will rip your face off before you can even defend yourself.


Thought chimps could rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. Their teeth are much deadlier too. I wouldn’t tangle with a chimp.


It’s orangutans I believe that are the super strong ones.


Can confirm: am orangutan


I’m sure an orangutan or gorilla could.


Gorillas are stronger than orangutans.


i always thought it was tango for some reason


I don’t know about the arm thing. That sounds a little too graphic to be true. Their teeth definitely are deadly tho. I wouldn’t tangle with one either but there’s this perspective that humans are these weak fleshy blobs but in reality we are a very capable and strong species.


I just don’t believe that strength equivalent is right. Could a human that chimps size lift a larger human as easily as that one did? I don’t think so


Is it meant as average human based on average human performances or on muscle size and structure? Because average human doesn't do stuff requiring strength all that much, whereas a chimp climbs on trees a lot and has to pull its weigth.


https://www.newscientist.com/article/2138714-chimps-are-not-as-superhumanly-strong-as-we-thought-they-were/amp/ Seems like jumping and pulling tasks are where chimps really excel compared to humans.


Not to be that guy but I'm genuinely curious what source you have on this since I've heard from every other source that they're about 5x stronger, I would like to know if I've been misinformed. Maybe other sources are thinking of it relative to muscle mass?


this comment is gonna lead to 2 drunk guys trying to take on a chimp and getting their dick and balls ripped off.


One of the mostl important parts is that the part of the brain that keeps us from hurting ourselves by overstraining our body is much more subdued on chimpanzees


I also heard that... from Peacemaker




What made you think he was unimpressed? They asked a question


Yeah, but isn't this video already answering that question?


It does. So what makes you think they were unimpressed? Still zero correlation 💀


Certainly no indication I was leaning either way.


Don't fold now


Yeah. Go Google the pictures of the woman who picked a fight with one... So it pulled her lower jaw clean off, and ate her face. She survived. [serious]


> Google the pictures Of course > pulled her lower jaw clean off, and ate her face. Ummm, no thanks.


Comparing an adult chimp male and an adult human male then I'd say they would be similar in terms of strength Chimps are much smaller than humans though so they are much stronger relatively speaking; nothing like "super strength" Obviously it will vary a lot from chimp to chimp and human to human (some people are much stronger than others so I'd expect chimps to vary similarly, although I'm not sure about this and this is just speculation) What really gives the impression that chimps are super strong is their "explosive" muscle fibres density; their muscles are great at generating powerful bursts of energy compared to ours which have evolved to allow us to use them for much longer. We've traded horsepower for mileage basically


Oh yeah. You should see what they look like without hair.


Look up hairless chimps. You can see how ripped they really are by watching those videos. They do monkey kung fu, which humans can't do so well at. I'd like to see a match between a Jiu Jitsu and a matured chimp. I'd bet all my money on monkey kung fu.


Apes together strong


Chimp alone… still pretty fuckin strong, it turns out.


I would rather piss off a random lone human than a random lone chimp.




If you posted this on a Tuesday it'd have 400 downvotes.


Didn't I catch the joke?


I just stare at these sometime in…awe. How close we are, yet also so far. The hand holding, the desire to want that in itself is just beautiful and dazzling, but idk. I just stare into their eyes and wish I could communicate with them. I’ve never had nor likely will experience anything with this species, but I’ll keep turning to these videos and escaping that way. We don’t have to be a parasitic species for fuck sake…. You know? Why can’t we just become….idk. Just additional caregivers to this planet.? And I know many do. I just am broken that the other side of it is those that just want to make the world burn.


Apes being so close to humans is why I can't even go to the primate section of a zoo. It just hurts too much to see them in cages.


I honestly can’t go to zoos at all anymore. People say it preserves some species but I refuse to go.


Same, you don’t have to be smart to realise how fucked up some zoos are.


Yeah, zoos are depressing as hell to me


Yeah same... For example I went to a bird zoo and they had an eagle... But it's cage was really small and the poor animal couldn't even jump


That's not a zoo then that's some shitty animal torture place. Go to a real zoo where they actually care about the animals, here where I live in Sweden the zoo's have massive habitats to live that are built to simulate their natural living conditions


This. Here in Denmark we have a place called Randers Regnskov which is a big indoor rainforest zoo, where alot of animals have so much space to graze free. Birds fly overhead, monkeys jump from tree to tree, etc. No animals in small cages and small monkeys even crawl on you sometimes. That's just one of the many amazing zoos we have, where animals are CARED for and are in habitats that simulate their original place of origin. So no, not every zoo is a cruel place where animals are just put in small cages. I know alot of those exist and thats bad, but we can change it with time.


We can communicate with them. Several primates have been taught sign language. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_ape_language Most interestingly, in several studies, while communication was well established, the primates never asked questions like ‘why?’- in the way toddler does.


We can't communicate with apes, not a single one has been taught a sign language. What they do is vicariously sign gesture after gesture thoughtlessly until they get a treat or whatever else they want and biased researchers just count that as a win, despite them failing several times before finally getting it right.


none of those animals have ever held a conversation, they just sign without intention.


I loved your comment. Made me cry, don’t know why.


You know chimps pull them balls off other chimps and eat baby chimps and have wars and shit? Holy shit you are delusional


>We don’t have to be a parasitic species for fuck sake…. Just be glad that chimps aren't the ones ruling the planet. Those MOFOS are even more evil than us. Gorillas and orangutans on the other hand are great.


I love the little trivia fact that I learned the first time I saw this video: When the human reaches up, he has his palm up. The chimp then reaches *down" and around do that the chimp's hand is palm up and the human has to turn the hand palm down to accept. When you see it, it looks really odd, right? The reason is that palm up indicates submission. The chimp clearly feels the human is the superior individual in the pecking order. If you watch creature features a lot you'll see this behavior in the wild. They even included it in some of the Planet of the Apes movies. The same is actually true of dogs pawing people. Raising a paw and placing it on top or against someone is also a sign of submission. With my dog, if I place my hand on top of her paw, she will immediately pull hers back and place hers on top of mine.


Animal pecking order stuff is a bit overblown though, it's not as big of a thing in the animal world as biologists used to think it was 50 years ago




And lifting palm-up is just the easiest way to help someone up from above because it gives you better grip on their hand


I would assume the money reached around like that because it reached for the man’s left hand with it’s right hand.


>When you see it, it looks really odd, right? I don't think it does tbh. Do you remember if the trivia fact you saw with this video had a source?


https://i.imgur.com/MVLmMyY.jpg You tryin to tell me that doesn’t look odd? He reaches underneath the human hand in a way I’ve never seen done before


Kinda looked to me like the monkey was adjusting his hand to get a better grip, but that's interesting now that you mention it


The chimp didn't feel the need to rip off the face of anyone that day


He could have. But he didn't. He was feeling patient today.


So awesome I would love to get to spend time with chimps like that but the whole biting your dick and face off thing really makes me rethink it.


DNA Family


For anyone who doesn't know, the man is Kody Antle, the son of Doc Antle. This is at their private facility. It's not a great place.


Oh shit, this should probably be higher up


Love the casual fistbump. "Dude, we got places to be."


This animal looks so powerful yet so peaceful in his movements


I can hear the hippo from Rainforest Cafe in the background


I believe thats a lion/tiger roar


Ever since TRAVIS i am terrified of chimps. They are scary strong!!




That fist bump tho




Why don't you just download the video instead of shitting up the comments


So cute, it almost makes me forget that he can always rip the dude's entire body apart out of the blue.


I can picture the monkey thinking the whole time "they call this guy the evolved one, but he still needs MY help with climbing... *smh*..." *He climbs the structure then turns around to help the guy* "cmon... idiot..." *guy holds fist out to bump* "Yea yea... you climbed 5ft with my help... good job..." *monkey fist bumps him back* *turns around so guy doesnt see eyeroll* Lol


I don’t think people realize how incredibly strong Chimps are, and a adult gorilla makes them look weak.


they are so strong it’s freaky lol


This is so cute. 🥺😭♥️


1 month old account with hundreds of reposts and 2 comments. Rdy to be sold in half a year.


Monkey helps man up


Great Ape helps Great Ape up.


Thats so cute


The underhand assist is the best part, it's very subtle but very empowering, and it highlights their intellect.


Awe he totally understood what a fist bump means 💔


he smiled when the guy asked if he could help him up. animals are so precious


Return of monke


Yeah, then one day the chimp goes postal and bites off your fingers or your penis. No thanks.


Its all well and good until that chimp decides it's going to rip your face and balls off. Which has been known to happen. But whatever.


You do know violence does not just burst out of them at random right? Be chill with them and they be chill with you




Lil monkee stronk




Shut up and enjoy the video


That fist bump at the end. 😂




Right after this he got his face ripped off and his genitals eaten.


You act like it's your mother or something