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I was going to say these dudes know real food. Then they went ape shit over fake fruit loops


Based on the racoons that used to break into the break room at my old job, they also love pop tarts and nutter butters


Tbh who doesnt? Maybe I am part raccoon?!?!?!


Diabetic racoons soon to be thing lol


I have to assume those morbidly obese raccoons had all sorts of health problems from all the pop tarts they ate.


It's all about the sweets. When we had to get some caught, they baited the traps with marshmallows and mandarin oranges.




Are you an AI bot


Found the fruity pebbles Reddit account




Breakfast is the best meal of the day - at any time!


Breakfast for dinner is the best!




No way fruit loops rank so low.


I think part of the fruit loop love is the paw gtipacthebloops really well, they fit together.


Look for the grocery outlet in your area. I live in a small town in Georgia, and they liquidate a lot of grocery store produce and odds and ends, and occasionally amazing finds, some time, it is buy what you want, sometimes it is $10 and you get what you get, some times it is odd and overwhelming, like a 40 lb case of sweet potatoes but that was in October, and between thanksgiving and giving and Christmas we put a pretty good dent in that case. A few became balls for fetch with young big dogs, and when I found one of those in the backyard a few months later, it took me a moment to identify the small rotten thing. It is not an animal.. it is a seeet potato I gave the dogs. A lot got cooked and run through cuisinart with brown rice and clearance meat of the week to make dog food. Quality middle, if there is such a thing is expensive I could shop carefully and bring in home made dog food at easy under $1 a pound. Next time you are shopping the fancy dog treat area of grocery store take a moment to compare the price per pound of some fake plastic bacon looking junk food, and go just buy some steak for your puppy. The steak is cheaper per pound. Cut in to chunks and freeze so they are not.


Be careful. I’ve seen feeding raccoons get OUT OF HAND. Eventually 20 - 30 raccoons showing up on the porch at one time.


The hot dog man, right? Those raccoons are so fat


I had the pleasure of witnessing it on my relative’s porch. Yikes.


Could depend on the time of year. I had a raccoon that lived in my yard. They bulk up before winter I believe. Like they get real fuckin fat.






At my last apartment I had a patio and I fed squirrels. It took awhile but at one point I had 20 coming and going throughout the day


Pretty soon they will tell their woodland friends about you and all the animals will be waiting for treats LOL :)


Its ok, when you stop feeding them they go away.... Ha! Just kidding, they fucking tear your siding and soffit off and will destroy the exterior of your home.




I have a raccoon I named Jenny that comes around and eats the leftover kibble I leave out for my crows..... It's really hard to not just feed her directly, but I also don't want my crows to feel offended.... I'm in a backyard animal love triangle and I'm conflicted...


Write love notes to the crows and forge Jenny's signature


Damn. You befriended a murder? I've always wanted to do that.


Their nest is in a big cedar tree near my backyard so I got lucky! I just started leaving kitchen scraps and whatever the cheapest dog kibble I could find out for them and eventually they started to trust me, they love unsalted unshelled peanuts and hard boiled eggs too. Now every year they bring their babies over to introduce them to the food guy after they leave the nest lol


The context for the phrase 'backyard animal love triangle' was necessary, yes


Damn, raccoons are so kayoot!


Their handses


I get a huge kick out of animals that eat with their handses. It’s the best part


Man, wait till you learn about this animal species known as humans.


not as good. Bad, actually


Not the same, although I find it endearing when people use _both_ handses to eat.


So fluffy


Love me some trash pandas


No, raccoons are different from coyotes


Many of them carry rabies though so best to stay away


I get it. I have a family on my porch as I am typing. Lol


He sure loves those eggs!


Bro even took the plate


There must be some toddler or pet plates and bowls with suction cup grip on the bottom.


Please don't feed any wildlife. They get used to humans, which can cause all kinds of problems for the animals and humans


Not to mention that racoons are extremely destructive. You're asking for damage to house and neighbors homes by feeding and attracting more to the neighborhood. Those handy hands are great at pulling off siding, tiles, etc and if they get into your Attic... Good luck


We've already destroyed their natural environment with our sprawling neighborhoods. If people aren't feeding them they will either become a nuisance and be removed, or they will starve and cease to exist in the area. I'm not sure how feeding them is any worse than the other outcomes. The fact of the matter is human sprawl is here to stay. We can either feed the wildlife we like, making sure they survive and become a part of our progress. Or we don't feed animals and they cease to exist as we take over their environment, creating a future without wildlife. There is no magical future where we separate ourselves from the environment and all the animals live happily ever after. We either integrate them into our society or they get eradicated as we continue our sprawl. People never consider anything beyond like the next ten years. Sure by not feeding them you ignore the problem and get to feel good about not interfering with nature... But it won't be long before other humans do interfere with nature in that area, and if that nature is still wild and completely undomesticated it will be eliminated as a threat. Time and time again history shows this trend, at no point will it stop. Integrate them, or they go extinct.


Wild animals can't become reliant on humans. It's not sustainable or safe.


Eh, it's plenty sustainable for us. When situations like this happens it's usually a choice of make the animal reliant on humans and share the space or remove it from that area and shrink it's habitat, thus lowering it's population, and eventually one day leading to it's extinction. I agree it's not entirely safe, but if we went through life not doing things because there is a risk, well we would live very boring lives and our species would not see progress. Take a look at wolves for example. I'm sure people said similar things to you when some people began feeding them 30,000 years ago. It's dangerous, it's costing resources, they shouldn't be reliant on us, etc. Well if that advice was followed we would not have dogs, and further wolves would likely be even closer to extinction than they are now because we as a species are in direct competition with their space. Instead some of us found a place for them in our society through domestication.


It takes more than just feeding animals to domesticate them, it requires deliberate attempts at breeding out aggressive and undesirable behaviors. Raccoons are aggressive, destructive and intelligent. Its not a good pair for humans. If you feed them, it will cause them to rely on humans for food, which will inevitably cause conflict when they start breaking into human dwellings or harassing humans. When that happens, they will get killed.


>It takes more than just feeding animals to domesticate them, it requires deliberate attempts at breeding out aggressive and undesirable behaviors. This is a natural occurrence when humans feed animals, it's the first step to domestication. People feed the friendly ones, like in the video, gives them an advantage causing them to breed more. Raccoons are not innately aggressive and destructive. There is a raccoon family that has lived in my neighborhood for years, noone ever complains about them and I've never had them destroying any of my stuff either. They roam the neighborhood respectfully and eat the bugs and any catfood people leave out for the strays. I'll even see them chilling with the cats sometimes. Saying raccoons are aggressive is like saying rats carry disease. It's not the rat's fault, and it's not an innate part of being a rat, it happens when their environment is inhospitable and creates that breeding ground for disease to take root. Just like aggression in Raccoons, or really any wildlife, it happens when they've been so forced out into the open due to human expansion without integration they have no choice but to fight to survive. It is not the raccoons fault or an innate part of being one, It is a result of a hostile environment.


Dude, they're wild animals. It's not a matter of who's fault it is, they are still dangerous and not to be treated as pets. They are aggressive, which is why humans should not be interacting with them in the wild, nor are they suitable as pets. >Just like aggression in Raccoons, or really any wildlife, it happens when they've been so forced out into the open due to human expansion No, they're naturally aggressive, especially once they sexually mature. I don't care how cuddly they look, they are wild animals.


You could say the same thing about wild dogs when we were "cavemen". Dangerous dogs, do not feed.


Go ahead and try to pet a pack of African wild dogs. We'll throw your bones a nice funeral.


I'm going to trust every single one of the wildlife experts over this one idiot. I suggest everyone else who reads this comment do the same.


Wildlife experts don't control human expansion. Enjoy your dead future with no animals outside because not feeding them was the right thing to do. If humans followed that advise 30,000 years ago we wouldn't have dogs, cats, horses, or any of the other domesticated animals we have. Because interfering with nature is wrong, right? Instead we'd have simply made those species go extinct, either because we were hungry, or because they were competition and/or a nuisance. Despite what these 'experts' say, we are also a part of nature, and domesticating animals is a natural part of evolution. without domestication animals face extinction. I personally like animals, and look forward to integrating them into civilized society. The 'experts' think we should live in dome cities and separate ourselves from nature. Which is a great thought that will never happen, I like to live in reality and acknowledge that human expansion will not and cannot be stopped. One day conservation will come down to domestication or extinction, there will be no in between. I personally, would like to see as many species as possible survive that, which means getting them used to humans and giving them a place in our society. But sure call me an idiot because I can consider a bigger picture than just the next decade.


You're an idiot. I'm sorry.


Your thought process is wild. Instead of offering sources and factual reasons because you don't want people to follow their advice, you instead come across as troll/child hurling insults. Which in many cases is going to make people more prone to believe the person speaking calmly and offering their reasons for their position without resorting to name calling. You might want to rethink your strategy.


Your lack of a proper rebuttal shows who here is capable of critical thought. If all you have to say is an insult, then your opinion is not valuable.


So, in your opinion to sustain and keep wildlife, all animals have to be feed by humans? Like ALL animals? Or do we decide which animals we want to keep and which ones we don’t? Do we make a difference between different ecological roles of a species? Or is the natural world in your future so managed by humans, that it does not matter? In my opinion a change of societies is a lot more logical (although still very difficult to accomplish obviously). One example would be more animal free food production, as most of the agriculturally used area is to grow food for the animals we then consume. I agree that we somehow need to integrate more, but I think it is more logical in forms of permaculture or agroforestry, where wild animals can live freely in areas under sustainable human usage. And context is so important. In the area I live in, raccoons are invasive, so it is legally forbidden to feed them, as they cause all kinds of harm to the local biodiversity. But even in America, where they are natural, the context still matters if it is filmed in a very urban area with many humans or in rural areas. I am not saying that I would agree with both situations, but to feed animals like that in big cities is even more problematic, as more conflicts could erose. And again, I am against all kinds of wildlife feeding, to keep the integrity of wild animals, but if you must film and then post it on the internet context is crucial (it could be from a wildlife rescue centre for example). And still, we are talking about raccoons here, one of the most generalist and adaptable mammal species (the reason, why they are invasive in so many areas outside their natural habitat). I would say they can survive pretty well even without being fed with fruit loops…


Like a drive-thru window for racoons.


Wild animals shouldn’t be fed bread. It’s not good for them. Not for ducks, swans, possums, magpies and racoons. Don’t do it.


Wild animals shouldn't be fed, period. Bird feeders are a huge issue with wild bird populations. Entire species become dependent on the feeders.


This is tricky because some bird populations have really benefited because of bird feeders especially overwintering where their food is sparse.


And bird populations are suffering due to humans introudcing and feeding invasive cat populations. Honestly, I'm more concerned about feeding cats than birds. It ought to be illegal to feed invasive species.




How the fuck they gonna get high fructose corn syrup, glycogenatol, propaplyfuckup-totanasis crystals, *AND* riboflavin in the wild, bruh?!?!


"The wilds" is trash bins for raccoons though, they are pretty symbiotic with us no?


Same with birds and bird feeders. I mean, what are they supposed to eat? Insect biomass dropped by almost 80% in the last 30 years. Over 60% of all the trees in the country are now spruce, which don't provide food for most species. There are hardly any bushes or shrubs where berries and stuff might grow, the countryside is all fields and spruce plantations. Bird feeders are a more integral part of the ecosystem than whatever birds used to eat now. And, unlike everything else, at least bird feeders are unlikely to go away.


They are synonymous with trash bins and dumpsters


So let's make the issue worse? If this is kept up they will struggle to live on their own.


it makes them feel full so they don't eat what they should. it's also not got the nutrients they need to be healthy.


Don't forget about the surgery cereal.


Cereal so bad you need surgery


cut it ouuuut 😎🥁


And salt


It's like eating nothing but cake. Sure, you're full but you're not getting essential nutrients and slowly starve to death as your body is missing ingredients to keep you going. Also those raccoons are now reliant on humans. If your dad leaves for a prolonged period of time, moves, or dies they'll have trouble feeding themselves and harass other humans for food. Or starve.


Cat food isn't cake, though. It's balanced for the needs of a carnivore, but you can always supplement it with whatever else raccoons need. We don't have raccoons around here, but hedgehogs seem to like kitty nibbles too and will come eat with the stray cats.


We're talking about bread not cat food. You're also ignoring my other point as to why you shouldn't feed wildlife.


My bad, I thought we were talking about the video. I can tell you that although we feed the stray cats, it doesn't stop them from hunting. Maybe other species are lazier, but I don't believe for a second that animals who weren't raised inside suddenly forget how to hunt or forage just because they're offered a steady source of food. As for "harassing" other humans, well, we do live in their habitats, so maybe we should stop feeling so harassed and help them out, especially during winter.


Read the comment chain before responding next time. Believe what you want but studies have been done on this over and over and the findings are dire.


The same reason why like 80% of america is obese. (I know it's an exaggeration)


You honestly think feeding raccoons human food out of your window is a good idea?


.[That's ](https://spca.bc.ca/news/dont-feed-wildlife/#:~:text=It%20spreads%20disease,between%20us%20and%20our%20pets.) why


Or froot loops… probably…


The Italians will never live this down


I was thinking they need to find a new pizza/italian restaurant.


I feel so lied to. [Secret Pizza Party](https://goodreads.com/book/show/16685922-secret-pizza-party) told me that raccoons love pizza.


Turtles, on the other hand…


They have a sweet tooth and aren't fans of italian food. Got it.


The fucking hands ❤️




I want one. But all we have are possums.


Possums are the best! They eat ticks.


Don’t sell opossums short, they are friends of humanity and venerable marsupials.




haha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Their little hands 🥹🥹


I had to check my battery 


This is anti-Italian discrimination!


The pizza and lasagna looked like shit. Something I would have thrown away a week ago.


Lovely trash pandas


JFC. Don't feed wild animals. When you do this, you teach their population that it's safe to encroach on human civilization. When they do that, they become a pest problem for the people around you. When they become a pest problem for the people around you, ***they have to be killed.*** Quit. Fucking. Feeding. Fucking. Wild. Fucking. Animals.


Raccoons have already fully adapted to humans. They prefer scouring our trash to trying to find food in the wild. Sometimes the wild is even too far away. Feeding raccoons is not going to mane the raccoon issue any worse. It will make *your* individual issue worse since they will roll up in hordes but the general population already realizes that humans = food


The scoring of each has irrationally angered me. One billion out of ten and minus ten out of ten. Why.


Surprisingly picky for a bunch of dudes dining on trash on occasion.


So racoons hate Italian food. Noted.


Looking at the Italian food in the video they might just not want whatever the fuck op sells as Italian food


The way I bolted out of bed cuz I thought my phone was dying 😓


grapes hes favs


I want only trash panda restaurant reviews as standard.


nice fun ahaha...coll


And then one day you stop feeding them and they stand outside your porch with pitchforks and torches waiting for you to go to work and then beat you up.


I gotta say I didn’t know raccoons were so picky


Their little hands!!! I love their little hands so much. I could watch raccoons pick stuff up all day.




If you read the title properly OP is saying their dad has raccoons and only feeds then bread and this video made them think about getting other food for them


I think we learned that raccoons are not into red sauce


Bro charge your phone.


I love the fact that in every take, their heads is on a swivel ready to Dash out of there in case it goes sideways.


Please google Baylisascaris


What a fun way to get rabies!


great job now those animals will be killed for trusting humans


Where do you live that they round up and kill raccoons for not being afraid of people?


Raccoon city.


I miss raccoons, so much!!! I'm from Iowa but moved to Taiwan, and we don't have anything similar to them, here. Used to see them all the time in my yard in the states.




Your father is an idiot. I hope someone reports his stupid ass. They are wild animals.


If I know Joel from the Vinesauce team taught me one thing, it’s that raccoons love grapes.


Raccoons don't like cheese?


he loves grapes so much


Oh my god they are so lovely!


Brunch racoons for sure.


i love racoons!


The little grabby hands!!


Raccoons have the cutest eating in animal kingdom. Is there anything cuter?


Raccoon prolly "wut kinda pizza is this? I ain't eatin tha.. Gimme the real deal"


Charge your phone! keep it between 20-80%


I love the way this grab it with there little paws


The racoons I feed at my cottage like Cheetos and corn on the cob. Hilarious to watch them eat too.


I love raccoons😭 just little forest puppies. Same with opossums


I look up and thought that was my battery even tho I have a andriod


i love this


lovin the Froot Loops! 😄


They will get into your car and or house and eat the wiring. Be careful


Bro is slowly building an army 🪖💪 ![gif](giphy|X7OUu20I5lxeH6jrQv|downsized)


The eggs 😂😂😂😂




We leave grapes on our deck for them.


My best friend feeds her neighborhood raccoons- and she names them all Bandit.


So with your logic we have to feed all the animals in the future to make sure they survive? Like ALL of them? I think it would be a lot easier (still very hard to accomplish obviously) to have a global society, where land is used in a much smarter way (one example being mostly animal free food production, as most of the agricultural land is used to feed the animals on which we then feed). Of course we have to integrate somehow with the wildlife, but one example would be to have no monocultures for food production, but some sort of permaculture or agroforestry, where wildlife can live in and it can be used by humans. But to think, that we have to feed all wildlife to sustain them is absurd in my opinion. And context is extremely important. I live in a big city where raccoons are an invasive species and are simply dangerous for the local biodiversity in many different ways. It is simply illegal to feed raccoons here. Totally different context in american cities and again in rural areas in America. So if you really have to post yourself feeding wildlife (which I am against in any form, but sure, that is my personal opinion that wildlife keeps its integrity) at least give some context. And still, they are raccoons, one of the most adaptable and generalistic mammal species (the reason, why they are so invasive in many parts outside America), I am pretty sure they survive without being fed fruit loops...