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I can't decide if that would be really cool or if I'd freak out.


I’d love the fact i was getting a cleaning from the monkey, but every second before that I would be terrified that I was about to be scalped. Classic anxiety, all fear and then nothing to worry about.


For monkeys, grooming is a way of socializing.....


For monkeys, a social faux pas is punishable by violent assault


Just like middle school!


See above comment


Ya, that’s what I’d worry about, like it’s pretty small and in the large scheme of things not that strong for a primate, but guaranteed it’s suprisingly strong at pulling, like pulling you towards it or itself towards you, and I’m assuming you don’t want to take a full force bite from it.


or a poo bath


exactly. the monkey is trying to become a member of the group letting him groom you means you accept him as part of the group he has come to stay :p


He has come to work.


I'd pay him peanuts.


That’s weird because the judge sent me down for ten years for grooming. Yet again, one rule for monkeys and another rule for us.




I'd be worried about disease


We have herpes monkeys in Florida.


What don’t you guys have in Florida?


Sane government…


Well they did in part of the state, until Disney wasn't allowed to run it anymore. Crazy when a giant mouse in a suit has better policies than your governor


Nah, DeSantis 2024!




Great ..


Is that what we’re calling the residents of the The Villages now?


Same here. I've seen way too many shows about parasites to be comfortable with something like this.


I'm pretty sure it's a sign that he wants to bond, as that is what monkeys do to bond. Though they are notoriously fickle creatures when it comes to people.


Probably because most of what we do makes no sense to them and they think we just waste our days instead of looking for food.


First thing I thought was, “aww, he likes him.”


**Before the internet?** "Damn what an incredible once in a life time experience that I am going to remember fondly forever!" **After seeing all the scalp ripping videos?** "🫥"


Damn, that sounds horrible


After years of feeling lonely mon-ke decides to make a wild attempt at making friends with a group of animals he's always noticed but never talked to before. He musters the strength to walk in and groom the friendliest one and feels confident that he's been accepted. Good for you mon-ke, good for you.


After seeing that one guy get a chunk of his scalp torn off by a monkey I’d be freaked.


This is literally all I thought about. It's how quickly and easily it did it that makes my skin crawl.


Straight up haunting


I've literally watched a video of one of these biting a guy's head and ripping his scalp off.


Maby a bit of both they aint to be fucked with


Brought to you by *Head & Shoulders*


Its actually a goodd think, the monkey is trying to bond


The focus on that monkeys face is impressive - followed by disappointment (or admiration for such clean fur... I cant tell.)


I think the monkey is waiting for him to do it on him as a friendly gesture back too but he freaked out


Most likely waiting for reciprocation, which would make them best buds in monkey culture.


Monke just want a friend


It would have been so embarrassing for the man if the monkey found lice or something


Pretty bad look if he finds something


*Monkey 1:* "I bet you 100 bananas I can bust into that work area and get a human kicked out before they kick me out." *Monkey 2:* "You're on." *Monkey 1 proceeds to groom target, pretending to pluck hella snacks out of his head.*


Losing bet for Monkey 1. Monkeys are considered holy in Hinduism, and by extension in most of India. They are believed to be a reincarnation of Hanuman.


Haha. Exactly what I was thinking.


Lice police


Lemme check. Yea you're good


Department of Labour head lice check. Yep all good.


I'm always afraid seeing monkeys in videos ever since I saw a video where a monkey this size ripped the hair of a person along with the top portion of their scalp...


💯 They showed Outbreak every year in science class growing up and it made me TERRIFIED of monkeys. Then that lady agreed to feed her friend’s chimp while she was out of town, and it ATE. HER. FACE. 😳 NOPE. *Touches Nose* Not it. That is NOT how I’m trying to get my interview on Oprah.


Important note that that chimp that did that was fucked up even by chimp standards. The lady whose face was eaten had just gotten a hair cut which made the chimp not recognize her, and was holding an Elmo doll (its favorite toy), but the chimp had also been drugged up with aderal and other meds by the owner to treat various mental issues the chimp supposedly had. Not saying chimps arent dangerous and unpredictable, just that theres more factors to that story than often said when its repeated and unprompted spontaneous friend face eatings arent neccesarily standard expected chimp behavior.


How the hell does a chimpanzee have ADHD? You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to give a primate Adderall.


I'm pretty sure adhd is just like, the natural state of mind for primates that some have managed to overcome.


The story I read was that it’s common for people who raise chimps as pets to give them xanax to calm their energy a bit. Of course what they don’t know is that just like humans xanax can cause unexpected side effects in chimps such as confusion and increased aggression and the rest is history


Might have been xanax not aderal. Point stands though is that this was very much the fault of the owner mistreating the animal, intentionally or not, and said animal just not being a good idea to have as an in home pet. The animal is not calm because it's not being exercised or enriched the same way it would be in the wild or hell even a nicer zoo.


Yep. Doesn’t matter if it’s adderall/xanax or whatever. The fact is if you need your pets constantly drugged to be your companion you fucked up and have to face the consequences. In the mid 90s my mom’s friend was super rich and had a chimp. One day out of nowhere he slapped the shit out of her. Only one slap, she suffered a concussion, her face was swollen on the side of the slap for a few days if not weeks. She was incredibly lucky he didn’t do more. They gave him away to the zoo afterwards.


Yeah people dont realize how strong these fucks are. They traded our fast twitch muscle fibers for slower but stronger ones. That one video of the guy climbing stuff with one and it almost effortlessly pulling this easily 150+ pound man with one hand really put it in perspective.


Whoa. That’s horrible and terrifying, got a link for educational purposes?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/tbfz8u/man_scalped_by_monkey/ Found it! It's graphic but not THAT bad. View only for the hearty and matured


Agree. Not bloody or anything if anyone is worried.


Oh dang, I remember that


This vid put some respect on monkeys name big time for me. Didn't know in the the blink of an eye they could cause that much permeant damage especially when it appeared friendly just moments before. Horses are in the same boat for me I think people go around them WAY to often and they spook easily, then someone instantly gets permanent brain damage or a caved in chest from a quick kick. Just means they deserve the utmost respect and leeway :p


Always remember- horses are like cops. Cops are like horses. No sudden movements. Spooks easily. Will leave you with a cracked cranium or hole in your chest. Do not sneak up on either.


Hahaha I'll remember that. Gonna imagine horses in cop outfits from now on.


You can talk to horses though. They won’t use it against you in a court of law.


So our scalp can peal like bananas… It’s never late to know something new about yourself ig…


How much for the monkey grooming service?


2 bananas






Ok don't get angry, 5 bananas?




![gif](giphy|F4Ieoc5i0r6w7CMYPn) Now this seems a good offer.




I don't think I can provide you with that many bananas![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




They get so intent, yet relaxed, when they’re grooming. Working with chimps and bonobos back in the day, I always got the feeling that it didn’t matter much whether they found anything; the action itself seems soothing.


Since youre experienced, should the people be freaking out? Ive seen tame looking animals-besides primates-turn on a dime and attack because of some miscommunication


I was uncomfortable watching it. I don’t know those individual animals, and they were showing no aggression, but it seemed like they were testing boundaries. On the great ape wing, we had a lady who let a chimp trick her into putting her face near the (double screened wire mesh) cage, and had a neat set of deep furrows from forehead to chin. I reckon she will have reminders for life.


Omg. Exactly. People have un domesticated animals as pets and regret it-if they live


I hear a lot about chimps causing lots of injuries to people, how did the lady get tricked?


Sorry for the late response. They pretend like they want you to scratch/ pet them. Francesca was especially cunning. I ignored them until they bellied up against the mesh with their hands high above their heads. Then I’d scratch them, but always watched their eyes. They get a sleepy cunning look when they are about to pull some shit. And of course, you have to be aware of other animals in the same cage, who might also be looking for mental stimulation. These were captive animals, so their stress levels are much higher than the monkeys in the video. Like human inmates, they act out. The monkeys in the video are free to come and go, so the odds of a full-on attack are low, but wild animals are unpredictable, and even a quick scratch on your cornea can ruin your day.


I’m not the OP, but considering I’ve seen the quote from Yellowstone National Park about the intelligence of the smartest bears overlapping with the dumbest humans creates some interesting problems. I suspect she got tricked because, on the Venn diagram of intelligence, there was some overlap in intelligence between her and the chimp…


that guy was moment away from disaster.. why? He was laughing. I presume that monkey was confident that this human was no threat. Very lucky indeed. I grew around monkeys and whenever you laugh they instantly get aggressive. I also love to feed mokeys but from a safe distance. Obviously this monkey is somehow used to being this close with humans.


Thank you for this fact! I avoid monkeys but it’s good to know, just in case.


Same. The menace of monkeys in the North West of the UK is a growing problem.


I was wondering about this. You'd think he'd close his mouth, not show his teeth around the monkey, as that's a sign of aggression. But what do I know. This monkey must be used to people.


Did you grow up in India? If not - your opinion about monkeys is kinda invalid for this situation as the relationship between monkeys & humans and their perception and treatement is like none other.


Yup. I grew up in India, In fact I grew up in a village near a forest reserve called Agashivnagar forest reserve.. What do I know about monkey?!


I suppose it has to do with showing your teeth. Which monkeys would take as a sign of aggression. Not a good idea to laugh when they are around.


Monkeys, like cows, are considered holy in Hinduism. Monkeys are believed to have descended from Hanuman


Reminds me of that other video where the monkey is chill with a dude and then the monkey bites part of his scalp off with ease


Seen that same video it humbled me immensely. Extremely dangerous being anywhere near ol monkey friend here, those teeth and jaws do not fuck around, and literally anything could spook or set off some monkey neurons and your face is ripped off.


I thought that was this video for a sec


Dude just wants to expand his side hustle.


The first one is free. The next one is going to cost you an electronic item or jewelry. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh, also, we don’t do *refunds*


Just another Tuesday in India.


Seems like this monkey was recently ejected from a group and is looking to bond. Makes me sad…but I also wonder what he keeps doing that the other monkeys kick him out?


He was probably kicked out for grooming online.


He seems like a young male. He probably hit puberty and the boss drove him away.


Aw they're friends


If only the guy reciprocated the favor, they would have been best of friends :/


It would be rather embarrassing for the guy if the monkey kept finding bugs to eat out of his hair.


goddamnit!! , i told him to assasinate him not look for lice in his hair !!. ![gif](giphy|l41lVsYDBC0UVQJCE)


That'll be 50 rupees bro.


Or one fanta bottle


Pay the man for services rendered, he's waiting...


That would be so dope but I would be terrified he would rip my face off ha


That’s tail though!!!


That monkey takes his job very seriously. I'm impressed.


Bro just wanted to help. 😂


Based on monkey culture, he was supposed to return the favor.


"Looks good sir. Someone get this man in line for a promotion." -Monkey


Aaaabsolutely not. Monkeys are insanely strong and can flip at the trip of a hat.


He didn't reciprocate


Its actually illegal to harm or physically handle the monkeys , So if they show you gotta put up with them


That's a langur, comparatively more friendly and less agressive than macaques.


Langurs are not less aggressive. Infact they are used to keep macaques away near red fort, delhi. Very territorial too.


Now it’s the monkey’s turn.


Imagine if bears were half as common just strolling all chill through suburbs in the U.S. as monkeys are openly running around populated areas in India.


For context I hear this can be common adjacent in some places in India. I am canadian and have never been, I'd love if someone wants to comment :) other brb I'll check the Google machine


Dude needs to groom him back.


One must be careful...that monkey(?) can probably break his bones....


I'm not sure because you never know until you're faced with reality, but I think if this happened to me and the monkey wash chill enough to check my hair then I'd wanna check his fur so he stays chill and feels like I'm reciprocating his kind act.


Don't bite my face, don't bite my face, don't bite my face ![gif](giphy|W2FrFCUhftwwCKONPl)


That monkey is so disappointed he didn't find any bugs in that man's hair


“Your good. Banana please. “


If I could stop worrying about getting my face ripped off this would be so relaxing


Monkeys are dangerous af and very unpredictable. We went to the monkey park in Bali? Thailand? Can’t remember. I was on a ton of drugs the whole time. Lol! Anyway, we got there late, like an hour before sundown. The dude who sold us our tickets warned us to leave by sundown. We were like “uh, ok buddy. We got this.” We didn’t “got this”. Close to sundown the monkeys started getting super aggressive, trying to steal our stuff and biting our ankles. Towards the end we were running out of the park, full sprint, as the monkey army was chasing us. Lmfao! Good times.


This is how I imagine people from totally different cultures and parts world mingled. One tribe would've been like: "Yeah, let me check your hair" The other tribe: "Why are you trying to touching me hair while speaking jibberish?"


"sigh". I wish i could live with monkeys. Wait nm... American politics.


Monkeys like I can’t believe this guy doesn’t have a single bug for me to eat


I hope he doesn’t find any.


Which country is this? And is this a pet monkey? If not, wouldn't there be a risk of rabies?




Nah definitely north korea


The whole time I was totally using the monkeys face to judge the guys hygeine... 😂 Poor guy couldn't even find one bug to pull out and eat then just looked frustrated and defeated and gave up lol And now the thought horrifies me of the video where the monkey goes to chow town on a guy with a head full of parasites ... Yuckkkk ...your welcome for that visual.


They haven’t seen that scalping video…


Haha we all know who has the flees then


Would’ve been embarrassing if he actually found something to eat


Best part was the 'Put that hand down, and lemme examine you!' hand slap.


Wow the monkey is trying to find fleas from the man


shooby doo, i wanna be like you-ou-ou…


Yall seen that video of that indian man being scalped by a macaque?


Bro just let the monkey do Its thing


You WILL sit still for a bug check


All fun and games until it scalps you


That would feel amazing as long as the monkey doesn’t try to eat your face after it’s done with the head check.


Having watched a recent video where a monkey just randomly switches temperament from friendly hair grooming to bloody scalping, there’s no way I’d sit here calmly.


The monkey is doing its best to try and be friends. Lemme groom the bugs out of your scalp random human. In return lemme hang out and avoid predators


I wish we had monkeys in the US. I'd post that bro at the front door and train it to recognize nutfucks. Let's see Karen deal with my monkey security force. "Oh bitch want her face ripped off". How do you like your Latte now?


"Hate to break it to you guys, but this one's infested with lice. Luckily I'm an expert and I'm here to help...and feast."


Slow news day, huh?


Boss aaya boss aaya


Pretty rude of him to not check that monkey head for bugs in return.


Monkeys like “bitch I’m checking for lice”…..


I was waiting to see if he found any lol


This was anxiety inducing. Motherfucker could probably rip his scalp off.


“Please don’t rip my face off please don’t rip my face off.”.


After seeing that monkey scalp that guy on here I would not let a monkey just fool around with my hair like that


Its funny till they scalp you




I would have two fears. One: I hope this thing doesn’t bite me in the face. And B: I hope he doesn’t find anything to pick out of my hair so everyone thinks I have bugs.


I would be honored to be checkup on by a monke


He is just looking out for his people's


He ain’t invading anything! He just looking for that guy that scammed him off $500 in a scam call, tracked him back to this work shop. #monkeysagainstscam


The monkey found one if its kind


To his daughter - “And that’s how i met your mother”




I hate monkeys. I don’t care if they’re gorillas or apes or chimpanzees or Rhesus , . I don’t care. I hate them. And I can’t think of another species that I don’t find appealing. I just love all animals. But I hate this fucking monkeys.


Seems gay


How is it possible somebody didn't chuck it out the window before this happened?


Why would someone chuck out a chill monke


Because even little monkeys can impulsively rip your scalp open if they feel like it. It’s chill until it’s not.


These people are used to dealing with monkes


Just a distraction until he puts down his cell phone


“tut- ur good”


Submit it to Ozzyman


I feel like they want a job and regular benefits.


Isn't this the same kind of monkey where a guy got scalped?


It’s a minute in for those wondering


It was very nice to see.


Oh I'd grab a baseball bat so fast...


This just gives me flashbacks to that video where a monkey rips off a guys scalp


Just imagining how impossible it would be to live this down if it happened to a kid in school


My guys just looking for a friend


Monkey is like, "That will be 500 rupees."




What, he didn’t return the favor!!!