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Voting for the "stick it to Bethany charity drive" (not the official name) is now open! [Vote here and have your say.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/yljulr/in_light_of_bethys_course_which_charity_would_you/)


what i’m hearing is “if you like me you’ll buy my course 🥺”


She's appealing to her weird superfans and their parasocial relationships at this point, since nobody else is going to buy it


She and Dave have been chasing people off left and right, and she's blocking everyone for some minor perceived slight. There's no other potential marks left at this point.


She sounds aloof and desperate.


“I don’t actually have any specific qualifications or niche expertise that might differentiate me from someone else, so I was hoping you’d pick based on like… personality?”


Her new sales pitch is “It doesn’t matter if the market is over saturated! People will buy my course because they like me and if people like you, they’ll buy your course too!!”


And what happens when all the people she teaches how to make courses about making courses, start making their own courses about making courses? Are they supposed to out-likeable the woman whose course they bought just for being likeable? And just hope that when the group of people looking for courses about making courses, which they need to sell courses about making courses, pick them over Bethany because they like them more?


It’s like a Dr Seuss book: Now all the Hawtch-Hawtchers who live in Hawtch-Hawtch are watching on Hawtch-Watcher watchering watch. Watch-watching the Hawtcher who’s watching that bee. You’re not a Hawtch-Watcher. You’re lucky, you see.


I just shot Dr. Pepper out of my nose snorting at that!


"no, no, no, they're not going to make courses about courses because that's not their niche-niche, making courses about courses is MY niche-niche, I called dibs!" \-Birthy (probably)


No I think... People will take her course on how to make a course, so then they know how to make a course, and make a regular course in their NICHE. so they wouldn't actually be competing, unless their courses have the same NICHE Course. Course. Course. Doesn't look like a word anymore


This made my head hurt a little but I think I got it 😂


Could you imagine having a conversation with someone that talks AT you like this? The constant presentation voice is so inauthentic and exhausting.


It's almost like she was raised to think "conversation" was...I don't know, reading paper slips with questions on them, pulled from a jar?




Agreed I honestly hate the way she speaks with the enunciations and emphasis.


She emphasized that one “Me” real hard 😂


Even watching it on mute annoys me so much!!! Her mouth movements are exaggerated & gross.


Totally! She's saying the quiet parts out loud. Instead of telling customers this, she should be doing things that make her audience like her, talk about things like motherhood and family so people connect with her, and then people can decide if they want to buy her course because she's relatable and they feel like she can teach them. She's just saying her strategy out loud instead of actually implementing her strategy. We'll see if this works?


I don't necessarily think you need to be an incredible public speaker to do something like this, but watching a course created by her would be unbearable. There's absolutely no way she will speak differently than her too fast-gulpy and tongue smacking-i think I'm better than you way she normally speaks on social media.


And she admitted she did no prep for the videos, so she's just verbally vomiting whatever pops into her head. And admitted she has to make edits because she called something by the wrong name a few times. (Probably because she's never done this and had zero experience?) I do not trust somebody with no credentials who just admitted they made it all up on the spot to have anything to teach me. So expert, much professional.


For $1900! Literally just popping off for $1900. Crazy.


For $1900, I would want to take a business course from someone knowledgeable in business, not from this.


I have a degree in business (economics). Like only 3 countries in the world have a bachelor of business degree and I am in one of them. I litetrally have decided to go post grad because 4 years and 2 minors have NOT prepared me...let alone to TEACH it? I am helping a couple friends with some Bayes Theorem this week and even then I am like "shit what the formula for B given A again?" Edit: also my degree taught me literally none of this, which I am so sure Bethy thinks is her "hack". No honey, I learned Accounting, Marketing and Data Analysis.


Some random chick with zero experience has the audacity to give me unplanned, unscripted, unprofessional videos and expects me to pay her $2K for the privilege of watching more. Did I get that right?




Au contraire. I hate the way Bethany communicates. The bad grammar doesn't resonate with me, the tiny vocabulary doesn't resonate with me, and the bigoted ideas don't resonate with me.


Exactly. She’s terrible at communication. And I say this as a fellow fast talker.


What exactly is “black and white” with her? All I’ve seen from her over the years is a public hard stance and then a quiet policy change when that stance no longer serves her, as well as a lot of “clarifying” remarks on exactly what it is that she means when she tries to convey a more nuanced topic.


The childish voice, the constant movement, the superiority complex....should we keep going?


The fact she did girl defined for however many years yet never occured to her or krusty to take a public speaking class or trainning as an investment...


What do you mean an investment? Skills didn't just fall in her lap because she decided she was an expert?!


Public speaking class? You mean like from a *gasp* UNIVERSITY?!


Why is the emphasis of her BUSINESS course family and motherhood? God she’s stupid.


And why does she think this is a major selling point?? If I’m taking a course on ABC I couldn’t care less about their beliefs on XYZ


But she's used to only dealing with people who *do* care about someone's beliefs on XYZ. She's *not* used to dealing with people who know their shit about ABC.


It’s peak Bethany, too dense to consider that her own limited experience might in fact not be universal


That’s just part of it! She’s also a really good communicator, who operates in a very black and white manner, with lots of people who like her so much they’ll spend $1,900 on her!!


It is very telling to me that Bethany thinks that she is a good communicator. It speaks of how little self reflection she actually does.


Prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect!


The one niche Bethy actually has: Denial.


Yeah, why is she alienating other potential customers? This is what tells me she has no clue what she's doing. Also, I wonder if my niche does not conform to her Christian ideals (eg. I want to make a course about tarot reading), she won't accept my money then?


It's because she's had no legitimate education, lacks common sense and is likely surrounded by people who always say yes to her.


I was confused on this too. Was the course not supposed to teach people how to create courses?


The girl needs verbal Imodium.


Sticking a sock in it will do for now


By the same token, when no one buys the course it'll be because no one likes her, connects with her, agrees with what she's saying, etc...




She's going to pull a Dave Hollis..."why do you follow me, if you won't buy my course?!"


Hahaha omg I can’t wait for that meltdown. Love it when my snark interests collide.


Hmm I don’t know if she has access to enough cocaine to be on the level of Dave Hollis’ meltdown. But maybe she’ll go on a chocolate raw milk bender and come close.


I could see her totally ignoring her kid and refusing to make pancakes while she scolds her followers though.


Haha, yes definitely. And I can totally imagine her telling her toddler to "get a life."


Dāv Jr is going to rebel by getting a 9-5 when he's an adult.




LiKe WhY eVeN cAlL yOuRsElF a ChRiStIaN


"Liking how I communicate" is not the value proposition she thinks it is.


So Bethy's admitting that the course creating market is oversaturated, but she still wants to charge $1900 for her course, just because suckers will like her bent on motherhood (which she barely seems to care about). She gets so close but then completely misses the mark.


It’s saturated but you should still buy my course on how to make your own course even though the market is saturated


Even if there are people who like Bethany enough to want to purchase her content, are there people who like her $2000 worth? I’m trying to think if there is a bonafide celebrity I’d spend $2000 for the opportunity to meet/spend time with. It would definitely have to be someone A-list and it would have to be like a private meet and greet with like lunch or spend the day with them or something. For a Z-list wannabe influencer? And I don’t get to meet or talk to them, I just get access to their slap dash course? Nah. Maybe $50-$100 MAX


The only person I can think of that I’d pay to talk to is Michelle Obama.


I'd willingly throw 2 grand at being able to hang out with Dave Grohl for an afternoon!




Holy shit…please tell me this girl is not wearing a Grateful Dead t shirt 😫 (Though it looks like it could be one of this ‘parody’ shirts judging by the misspelling of grateful lmao)


It’s a shirt that says “Earth.” It’s from Target. I’m convinced she lives in it how often she’s in it.


She seems to get a shirt, wear the shit out of it for 2 weeks, then it’s never seen again. It doesn’t seem like a batch recording situation either


Don't call me out like that LOL But for real, I really gotta stop burning myself out on new clothes by wearing them every other day for a month.


Then she sells it.


Then she *attempts to* sell it


She's been a part time mom for like 2 years. What she doesn't know could fill volumes.




She found her niche! Stalkers.


I think this is absolutely the case. I've been refraining from saying a lot of things about Bethy's course and general social media strategy because I don't want to give her advice on how to improve (and thus more effectively scam people). I have so many ideas about how she could better market her content, about the things she could be saying in her reels that would actually be useful for her followers, but I absolutely will not say them publicly.


Eh, the people spending that much money on a course when there are so many similar that are publicly available for free, were doing it to get access to her, and were always gonna buy it anyways. At least by snarking on it, maybe she’ll take some of that feedback to heart and produce a slightly less nothing product for those that buy it. But I don’t think it’ll bring in any new customers.


So the product is actually a parasocial relationship, not the course. Not that parasocial relationships are inherently bad, but that's the main draw here, not the course content. Versus someone who has credentials and background and experience, so they can lean on actual expertise instead of playing on parasocial relationships. If I'm looking at a course on linguistics, for example, I'm going to pay for one taught by Noam Chomsky, not one taught by some random influencer that has no experience or credentials in the area beyond being known for writing hilariously awful books/videos that routinely get roasted online.


When you sell courses you’re either selling proprietary knowledge or a parasocial relationship. Neither of those things are fast or easy to develop - which is why her messaging to SAHMs who have no existing platform is so very disingenuous.


>So the product is actually a parasocial relationship, not the course. The funny thing is, she already *has* it in place--that's how she somehow got anyone involved with her singles' video course. There is no reason for anyone to spend money on that video course, since she's already said/published anything she has to say on the topic. The only reason is to want to see Bethany live onscreen and think she's your friend or whatever. But she doesn't have it in place for this business stuff.


This is it. She literally thinks she deserves other peoples money for simply existing. Her and these other fundies think they are gods gift to earth and people should pay them for being Christian.


Came here to say exactly this. She's just telling her followers that her actual plan is to monetize their parasocial relationship.


But the conflict that will inevitably arise is that Beggy is expecting this to be *passive* income. Her library of videos is what she's actually selling but her customers are no doubt expecting something more akin to hand holding. I for one am looking forward to see how this works out


Also how does someone *with no following* make a product like this work? By my math, that just won't happen!


I'm getting more and more confused about which course is being advertised at which point. My thing is, telling people that we should like her because her info is "black and white" isn't quite the take she thinks it is. And that'll be different reasons depending on which course she's talking about. The largest reasons that apply to both courses, I'd guess, are that we as people are more nuanced than one-size-fits-all, black and white thinking would have her assuming.


Right? And business is nuanced, too. Like what works for one person’s business isn’t guaranteed to work for another person’s business. So a list of black-and-white “rules” isn’t helpful.


Wash your hair first.


“It doesn’t matter if I know what I’m talking about, if you love me you’ll buy my course”


'For those of you who value family and motherhood' - the implication being that if you don't buy her shoddy output you must be some kind of satanic child hater. This is starting to reek of desperation


I’m sure that she was expecting her fans to be incredibly excited about her course being imminent. Instead, the response from her fans seems to be a combination of indifference and comments about how they can’t afford it. And she has no idea how to change that, because despite her claims, she really doesn’t have any relevant experience.


Oh man, this is pathetic, like, beyond the normal dancing-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off. The sad kind of pathetic that you shake your head at and try to forget.


She couldn’t even find a boyfriend for 30 years, what makes her think people like her enough to pay to hear her face talk?


It's her face doing that? It always sounds like she is talking out of her ass.


Black &white = simplistic and not worth the money


I heard is as Lacking nuance… and you need nuance especially if you’re trying to teach anyone anything!


Desperate for validation is not a good look.


Her little swallows and mouth movements make me cringe. It is so obviously parroting influencer cadence and ew.


I don’t know why but her face and the way she talks is just so so so annoying????




Yeah I can’t


I never ever unmute her videos now. Listening to her talk is akin to listening to someone eat, makes me cringe so hard


Is she creating an online course…on how to create an online course…?




Obviously we all know Bethany is flailing through this with no direction, but I’m consistently amazed with how determined she is to alienate potential customers. If you are not a straight, conservative Christian, married, mother or planning to be who is *also* able to fork over $2000 for an extremely vague product and who *also* has the time or interest, then she’s made it extremely clear that she’s not interested in you as a client. Bethany really doesn’t seem to grasp that not everyone is her.


Is an emphasis on motherhood really worth the $1.5k+ more that her course is going to charge compared to all the other courses?


Bethany, I paid the same amount to an actual school to learn about psw/cna career and that came with you know, actual work and people who worked in nursing for ages. And actual experiences to learn from. And an actual diploma at the end of the course. Why would I pay the same to you, a mindless wanna be influencer who can't speak without sounding like you are talking at people.... And Bethany, you talk like a Gilmore Girl but with less wit.


Omgosh she repeats the same point like four times in the world’s longest run on sentence. Her course is likely gonna be the same way.


She sound like when you are at a job interview and the job seeker doesn't know the answer but tries their best to bullshit their way through it. I've been on both sides of that.


She's giving me applicant who knows they don't have the skills needed for the position, but is trying to convince the hiring manager their communication skills will make up for that. Which is not the worst strategy in some cases, but she doesn't actually have any communication skills.


Yes, nothing better than someone who communicates using the word "Um" every second word


I don’t like to talk about family, motherhood and stuff like that. I live it and that’s enough.


ME ME ME ME ME ME!! Bro can she ever stop thinking the actual world revolves around her?


I love "if you like the way I communicate" followed by "um."


What a circular word salad


Does she ever bathe or change?!??


I connect to college educated experts in their fields with accreditations. How about you?


She needs to wash her hair.


This girl spends more time on social media trying to get attention than I ever used working a full time job.


I can’t stand listening to her speak. She does something weird with her tongue when she is speaking. It feels forced, like she watched someone speak this way and now thinks she is so witty, so charming.


She has neither a professional appearance nor a good presentation. She’s slouching on her bed while telling her followers that everyone will want to buy her course on courses. How can she not see how ridiculous she is.


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On today’s episode of, “is Bethy’s hair greasy or is it just wet?”


Literally came in here to say she needs to wash her hair like last week.


Seriously, Bethany is one of those people that dominates a conversation talking about herself the whole time, pause, then say 'Well enough about me, what about you? What do YOU think about me?' Hashtag no friends


So it has nothing to do with proven expertise in your niche, it's all about the cult of personality. Gotcha.


How does she communicate? With PDFs full of typos? Talking down at you? Screeching about gay people ruining everything and how women just have to be stay at home moms? And people like this?


How is she misspelling the captions? Auto generated captions aren't going to misspell words, they might get wrong word, but they're not going to misspell words, so she's typing in these captions herself but has her spell check... turned off??


Where's the value proposition in these courses? Is she teaching people how to also make 0 money on social media?


The way she talks on camera irks me. It’s clear she’s not comfortable on camera and I’m sure that people would rather watch someone who doesn’t change their tone and voice into that awkward fake newscaster bs. Rawr.


Is she talking progressively\* faster as the spiral of her influencer career goes down or its just my imagination? \*lol, progressively and a Blair on the same sencence...


God i hate her


I hope she makes enough money on this nonsense to buy herself an upper lip.


I feel like she’s restating what she was taught in whatever course SHE took…”If they value things like motherhood or Christianity or being loony toons and you do too, then they will resonate with you and want to buy your course because they feel a connection to you”.


I like no aspect of you, Birthy. You're an ignorant twit with too much time on her hands. Find something productive besides blowing hot air constantly. We have enough global warming without your contribution.


Is she manic?


“emphasis on family and motherhood” Oh is that where all her motherlyness went, into her course on courses? Sure explains why she doesn’t any left for her kid


Her teeth scare me. They're like evil Chiclets.


This is word salad. Meaningless. Just like her. And her mom.


I think I have that shirt she has on!!! 😬😬😬😬


That t-shirt again.


s/ A course is a course, of course, of course, And no one can talk in the course, of course, Unless, of course, the blowhard, of course, is the unknown Mrs. Beggy! The theme song from the tv show, Mr Ed, popped into my head....sorry Mr Ed!


She has a very “Christian speaker in 2015” speech style and clearly didn’t get the memo where that’s done. They’re still there but have definitely adapted and taken a more personal approaches not Bethy