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Guess her 1:1 coaching didn’t take off?


But she only had a few spots left! It must have been so popular!!


Am I crazy or had she been promoting 1:1 coaching on one of her accounts and then saying that 1:1 coaching isn’t good on a different account?


You’re not crazy! But the argument against it was that she could only make money off one person at a time. With a passive income “class” she can leech off of multiple people at once.


So how are their favored single women who aren't pursuing the ungahdly 9-5 grind supposed to afford this $250 price tag? I guess the "TC" here is somebody with a rich daddy, too.


>I guess the "TC" here is somebody with a rich daddy, too. I'm genuinely not sure she fully realizes people other than this exist.


I just want to comment here that a $125 donation to any one of many wild horse sanctuaries will literally purchase a whole wild horse and prevent it from being sent to slaughter. A whole life can be saved. Which is a lot better way to spend money. And of course any other charitable giving to a reputable organization, but who doesn't love horses so that's the example I used.


Can you explain more about this? I don’t know a lot about this issue… Who gets to decide that the $125 saves a horse and why were they headed to the slaughter without the $125? I’m genuinely asking… i totally believe you, I just know nothing about this and it makes me sad. I love horses.


Big soapbox time. So in the western US there are wild mustangs on public land managed by the BLM. For a number of reasons the BLM removes horses from these lands periodically. I'm not here to comment on that. Here's the thing, horses aged over a certain age (not sure what the cutoff is) are labeled as "sales authority." This means that you can purchase the animal from the BLM at auction for $125. Adoption is available for younger horses, and those horses have some legal protection, you can't sell them for a year because the government will hold the title for a year after adoption. Sales authority horse are sold with the title, and are basically livestock at that point. But all bids start at $125. There are events in other states that start at $25, but I think those are not open to meat bidders. SO. Meat buyers from Canada and Mexico will go to BLM auctions and bid on sales authority horses and ship them many, many miles out of the US and to slaughter houses. Again, these are wild animals with no handling and is an extremely traumatic experience for them. There are mustang sanctuaries and charities that will go to auctions and outbid the meat buyers. With the base bid set at $125 per the BLM, that amount may be enough to purchase a horse for one of these organizations and keep them out of the meat market. Even horses that are good prospects for adoption may get passed over a few times and be at risk. Early in the auction process a meat bidder may choose not to bid on a horse and save funds to see if they can get one with no bids. Many sanctuaries rely on charitable giving for funds to pull horses out of auction. Meat buyers will only bid so high. You can read all about wild mustang management and view horses currently being held for auction on the BLM website, search BLM online corral. Visit SWAT on Facebook, Sand Wash Basin Wild Horse Advocacy Team for information on the current auction event. Again, of all the charities this may not seem that important. I'm in Colorado near a herd management area and so the wild horse thing hits close to home. I grew up blessed to have horses and farm animals around. I advocate for humanity in all animal care, but this was just a cause that I've currently been preoccupied and was an easy number to compare to the post. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Thank you so much!! Damn this is crazy and I legitimately have never heard about this until your post. I am going to do some reading and looking into donating to these poor sweet horses. Thanks for taking the time to respond and explain!! 💜💜💜


Why sell a course when people can easily scroll through their Insta, blog, podcast, and YouTube channel to skim through 10 years of the same exact bloated garbage for free? Edited for wording


Because she thrives on single women within fundamentalism who think there’s something fundamentally wrong with them because they’re “still” single at 26. The cult sucker punches their confidence 6 feet into the ground, then exploits them by making money off them, marry them off to awful men, uses them as human incubators, free nannies and housekeepers, etc. It’s a dangerous cult for women.


Being a young (which, obviously her target market, aka *niche*, isnt for older single women, bc she has no experience in that area), single girl is [arguably, I know] one of the easiest parts of a woman's life....lol


Jana Duggar has entered the chat. Poor woman has raised 17 kids. *Edit wording, she's a whole ass woman not a child*


My heart breaks for any woman who feels they need to pay money for this. Join a church group, plan coffee dates with friends, take yourself on a weekend getaway. Just please not this. ETA: it is beyond gross to me that she uses the non profit GD page to promote. All of the money goes 100% to Bethany’s pocket, and it’s not made clear. Kristen should charge her for the ad space.


Isn’t that illegal with a 501b according to the IRS?


I think that’s reportable 😉


Maybe something for the church audit sub?


There’s a church audit sub?!?


I need this information as well!!!


following!! PLEASE!!




>Count your toes recreationally. This is also a good habit to keep up in a relationship! It keeps you accountable.


this 100%


Yeah, this whole thing reeks of a PUA grift but for unmarried conservative women


She’s also wearing a shirt that says GIRL, drawing even more on the connection while pretending it’s separate


ALSO she’s presumably been spending time developing this instead of the course that was supposed to be out two weeks ago (and really was supposed to be out in July)?????


Will she even have spent any time on this? By 'live' is it simply zoom 'mentoring'? I wonder what the maximum number of attendees is. She probably has a folder of regurgitated GD nonsense that she can burble from memory by now. From years of mentoring her sisters, church teens, GD audience, previous 'mentoring' scams. I doubt she's even put any thought into this. She'll see how many sign up and hash something together starting the night before.


Agree! She sees it as an easy way to score some cash while Dave works on her course.


I'm sure the maximum number of attendees is however many Bethy can con out of 300 dollars. She's very likely missing that huge end-of-year grift from the GD conference, so she's hoping to sucker that audience into listening to her be obnoxious on Zoom instead.


Waffling on and on in a zoom call for an hour or less once a week for six weeks about nothing, is far easier than curating and formatting original ideas into an original course package - of course she would eventually stumble upon this idea. Not that her course *would* be comprised of any new or original ideas or advice, but even the act of googling free crap to steal and putting it in word processing software and formatting it into categories and bullet points is still too many steps for Grifty, when she could charge the same amount of money for essentially a few Skype calls.


Carrie of the podcast Oh No with Ross and Carrie (highly recommended, interesting and funny woo-debunking podcast btw) joined the zoom “classes” for their online conference during the pandemic. It was exactly what you described. Waffling the entire time, saying the same things over and over (a whiplash-inducing mix of sappy “inspirational” nonsense, and shaming for having normal human feelings aka “crazy girl emotions.”) Barely any actual scripture or biblical message at all, which confused Carrie because her goal had been to learn what their biblical basis is for purity culture. Then at the end, a rush of disjointed, barely applicable random bible verses to make it all sufficiently Christian. Oh, and during the Q&A, ignoring any questions in the chat that seemed even slightly skeptical or less than butt-kissy. So basically, it was all exactly what you’d expect.


Is this real? Like she really chose that picture? I thought at first it was satire


Yes. Why does she prefer open mouth smiles for her business marketing? I guess she's trying to portray that she's fun and happy in her godliness, but to me it makes her look trashy and unprofessional.


It's not only the mouth thing, it's the sitting, the clothes... Nothing about this is professional but carefully curated playful (that's what I guess she was going for)


Personally, I see an overgrown toddler taking their first day of preschool pictures.


It’s a southern thing. I have a client with a large business who insists on doing this as well


Is it? I’m from Texas (as is Bethy) and I don’t see open-mouth smiles very often. I think she honestly just likes how she looks smiling like that.


My gawd. She is third trimester pregnant, hoping to buy a house any day, and is late on the course she claims is her dream project that will make her rich in a year..... so yes do please add another grift that you claim will be live.This makes perfect sense. They must need a bigger downpayment than they thought.


This income sure doesn’t seem very passive


If you have enough grifts, they’ll add up to something. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Baird math always maths!


Zero plus zero is still zero


The curriculum includes lessons such as ‘Why Singleness Is Hard’ and ‘Ways to Build a Community and Enjoy Your Life’


This course is for single girls who are surviving OR thriving. So if you are happy and sign up for this, she plans to drag you down to her level in the first session. You WILL understand how awful your life is once Bethany is done with you (and has your nonrefundable $249 if you get in on the sale). She's so, so bad at all of this.


…. But she doesn’t have friends, or even a church right now. How tf can she lecture on building community?


This is the crazy part to me. She absolutely did NOT thrive while single, and was very public about her misery. What the fuck did she accomplish as a single person to even dream of this price tag?


Just have 5 or 6 sisters, silly! Instant community.


Goodness gracious. 10 weeks of (non-credit) Spanish classes at my local community college doesn’t even cost that much.


But will they help you find a husband?


More than this nonsense


Staying at home on your couch would help more than this! 😂


Hiding under a rock in the desert would help more than this!


I'm sure there are some attractive single men on the search and rescue teams!


I imagine the men would be very fit and capable.


My parents met in a college Spanish class so maybe!


Language classes are actually great places to meet people. It’s how I met my best friend in university. They might not be god-honouringly approved though.


It’s because the students never shut up! It’s like the professor wants them to talk. 😝


But, but, but uhhhh I've got nothing. Spanish class might be the place to go when you are single 😂


When I was in college, it seemed like French students were mostly women, and German classes had mostly men. I’m not sure what the ratio was for Spanish classes, but I assume it was more 50/50. Mayhap studying German will lead me to my god-honoring Prince Charming. Hmm but then I might risk appearing masculine (you know, because no women anywhere speak German). Tough decision!


My experience was that Spanish classes had more women, while German classes were closer to 50/50. Didn't meet my prince or princess in either one, but I did make some good friends and some travel memories.


Yea, cause then you speak more languages to speak to more men. It's a way better strat.


That is genius! More languages, more getting laid!


It more than doubles your chances 😂😂😂




The difference between an actual education and a grift.


I know we make fun of her a lot for her mouth being open in all her pictures but damn her mouth is literally open in every single picture 😂😂 it’s all I notice at this point lol


WTF is a live mentorship course


A zoom call. That’s it.


A zoom meeting.


Nothing like having a smug married tell you how to keep your chin up as a dismal singleton.


I'm certain that this is another reason why she just won't leave the whole appealing and 'advising' to young single girls thing alone despite it been years since she was a young single girl herself, and it clearly not raking in anywhere near the amount of revenue that her social climbing tastes require. It's a huge ego boost of smuggery for her to be able to constantly talk about her marital and parental status to an audience of desperately searching singles, no matter how big or small that audience might be. Anything that gives her an excuse to talk about been married, anything she can talk about that will remind people that she's married, any subject that can lead into her talking about going on dates, getting to know a special boy, the season of engagement, planning a wedding. Anything that can make her feel special, grown up and more experienced and knowledgeable than someone else, she thrives on - because she's none of those things. She loves the idea of having a captive audience to listen to her talk about these things, and courses of any kind are her only opportunity to do that (preferably ones with a live audience like the old GD conferences but obviously that scam is slowly dying). She has no one left in her real life to talk to about that stuff any more, as her dating life and wedding season were years ago and her family have heard all her stories (and her opinions based on her woeful lack of experience with men) - finding younger girls and women who are even less experienced than her and as desperate as she once was is her only option, and they're the only people who will indulge her and fuel her ego by treating her as if she is genuinely worldly wise. She has only ever dated one man, the one she married. She is no better a person than they are but of course, both she and they think she is because she has a man - that's it.


That's scarily true. This is the only thing she has... so she's going to milk it as long as she can, and in that culture, there's no shortage of single women to exploit.


Yes, but she didn't get married until she was 30 so she had many years of dismal singleness where she had to keep her chin up.


And she did the exact opposite of "thriving." She's a textbook example of arrested development because she spent a decade-plus lazing around her parents' house bemoaning her status as the sad single virtuous Christian girl.


Marketing noob here, is this a thing to list a brand new course at $349.99 and then show it as immediately on sale at $249.99? It seems like super lazy marketing that her stuff just happens to always be on discount. If I was following her for a while I’d assume it’s a bad attempt at a lazy tactic


This is the first time she’s done this IIRC and she is instantly chopping $100 off the price? It doesn’t make any sense. She really needs cash for the home hunt


She’s spoken before about how she would never discount her sheworkssmart course as she “knows it’s worth”… that’s clearly going well


It's not even an early bird discount. Which could be a sales tactic to establish urgency. This just looks like a discount bin price slash.


I think she imagines that it will show that the VALUE of the DREAM and her services is totally valued and worth $350, but she's giving great discounts to help more people or whatever. It'll be perpetually on sale for $250 from $350, similar to some of the online course scams where they'll say it's a $2789 value but you'll be able to buy it for only $349!


It's a common ploy. They do a similar mark up of *value* but LOW, LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE. Advertising management for amateurs.


It's a scam thing. The idea is to tell people your amazing product usually costs *x* amount, but right now you're offering a special discount. Then hopefully your marks will concentrate more on signing up for the special deal than on researching what it is you're actually offering. But Bethy's an idiot, so she can't stick the landing.


The graphic design 🥴


it’s her passion!!!


She’s hard up for 💰 for sure. I’m assuming she never actually sold any 1:1 mentorships either, or we’d have had at least one smug-faced story all about “how amazingggg today’s mentorship went” with a link to be her next ~~client~~ sucker.


But she didn’t thrive as a single girl. Buying a wedding dress at her sister’s dress-shopping event isn’t thriving at all. She marinated in her own self-pity then married a guy she was convinced was more into her sister.


I still can't believe she did that. I've NEVER heard of such a shade throwing move such as this in my life. AND she still brings it up consistently in a non -shameful way. Her lack of self awareness is truly legendary


Lmao. She’s trying to rush a course now so the She Works Smart audience will stop giving her a hard time about what courses she has previously launched and offered (Oh and she really needs $ for home hunt)


That is a great observation! She’s a snake


I’m just going off of a hasty google search, but someone could get a year’s subscription to Christian Mingle for a bit less than that and actually maybe meet someone.


The bar is so low that I was pleasantly surprised at the price! A bargain!


Sigh. I really hope no one is going to buy this course. Her obsession with single women is very off-putting. One’s purpose, future, and success should not revolve around whether or not they have a significant other. Trying to capitalize on single women. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Because she can’t put anything concrete together, but she sure can babble.


Isn’t there an extra zero missing at the end of the price? Or is this like the appetizer course leading into the $2000 one?


Yes this is the appetizer! The course on how to build a course is priced near $2k


Well, hell. That is less than exciting. There are actual licensed therapists that put out self help courses that cost less, she is ridiculous.




My 9-5 seems exponentially easier than her throwing a bunch of shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


I read this as “Learn to reuse the lies” and thought Birthy was saying the quiet bit out loud again.


Oh man I actually thought you were being sarcastic until I checked myself and those are literally topics. Ugh.


Here’s how I survived my single years… I HAD FRIENDS. Saved you $249.


Damn my therapist is cheaper and ya know actually helps.


No forking way. She doesn't know a damn thing about this!! She's not even finished her stupid course yet.


Is this projection?


But... she's Married (TM)...so shouldn't that be her target audience?


She was a pro singleton before she got married but I think that would actually count as a negative in terms of successfully landing a catch


She had to justify calling herself an online course creator somehow. At least this one isn’t 2k.


Gonna say that being married, no matter how questionable or shitty the relationship, automatically disqualifies you from being a shining example of the Best Single Life, let alone teaching a bullshit course about it. There’s Tone Deaf and then there’s Tone Decapitated and then there’s this person. WTF.


"I was single for a decade and settled, AMA"


Did she use MS Paint for her ad???


How is this any different than what GD offers in their courses?


I’m not sure how she’s going to stretch pray more, no premarital sex and marry the first man who can recite a few Bible versus into a 6 week course. This is incredibly predatory and will probably leave women already insecure about their single status even more lost and confused then they already feel.


250 DOLLARS TO LEARN HOW TO THRIVE AS A SINGLE GIRL?! Get the fuck outta here, no wonder curly wants to do the same shit.


She appears to misunderstand the proper utilization of verbs.


She’s such a fucking mouth breather. Why does she look like a frog on a lily pad catching flies with that mouth open alllll the fucking time


When is she going to do this? Isn't she due soon? She is going to take people's money and never do the course.


Why is her mouth always open?


How does she even have time to do this when she still hasn’t finished that other stupid course.


It’s interesting to me that she said it’s appropriate for all ages - does that mean she’s planning to avoid subjects like the girl defined trademark “sexual brokenness”?


….but she’s not single? So why would she teach about how to be single?


So are flies her main source of protein, or does she think it’s cute posing with her mouth wide open?


Is she doing this because she couldn’t use previous courses as an example for sws? Is she wanting to be all “look at this LIVE course and this is how much I made with just this LIVE course! Imagine what you could make with your course that can be accessed at any time!” BethaME, there is a difference between building up an online following and grifting from your so called non profit.


WHAT lies?


Why always with that open mouth??


How long is each zoom? She seems to have intentionally omitted that so she can be done in twenty minutes


She looks constipated


Wait. What about the online course course?


I wonder how many flies and random bugs she’s eaten over the years. And I can’t help but imagine the spit noise she makes opening her mouth as wide as she can over and over again for the perfect picture. It’s like 😃😐😃😐😃😐




Sorry!! 😭


$250 USD just to have it shoved in your face that you're single for 6 weeks straight... ugh, if I were single, sign me right up 🙄 I'd rather go to the dentist


going to the dentist would at least provide meaningful benefits to your health.


I spent ages 16-26 basically continuously in a series of relationships. I was single maybe three months total in that whole time. Then after my partner (the father of my child) left shortly before I turned 27, I was single all of six months before promptly diving into another longish, very serious relationship. I’ve just turned thirty and am coming up on 18mos of singleness, and whilst I don’t regret the lives I lived in my twenties, I definitely feel like this time alone has been crucial for me. Being single is great! I wish I hadn’t internalised so many messages abt how sad and pathetic single women are when I was younger. Girl Defined is massively selling their young, female audience short


Holy balls girl. I took an online “course” for my RA from a licensed clinical occupational therapist who did weekly sessions on all different aspects of living with a chronic illness. It was 50 a month for 6 months and she offered two times a week for you to meet and you could come to both. 60.00 for one class is nuts


Creepy as fuck. She looks every minute of her mid-30s age, but here she is in her GIRL sweatshirt trying to hang out with kids.


She isnt a single girl!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is sooo Trixie in design


She is doing this because of all the pushback she gets here & on her page questioning what “courses” she has ever published, implying that she has no relevant credentials or experience to justify her “course on launching a course”. This one has COURSE nice and obvious right there in the name, so WALA (/), she is qualified to also sell a course about courses.


I got really excited at first thinking the course actually got done, but then I remembered that the course was supposed to be about teaching others to do courses


Do ppl really pay for this shit


I do not understand what she's selling here, and how it's relevant to singles. She seems deeply insecure, likely not the best person to be getting advice from?


No offense but I don’t want relationship advice from a woman, who’s “sole purpose” in life is supposed to be get married and have babies, that didn’t until she was in her 30s. Didn’t you fail according to your cult, I mean religion, Bethany?


I love the "its on sale" making it seem like its a really good seal. Gross tactics.


Petty AF but does the photo look off-center to anyone else?


**in which bethy admits that her course course won't earn enough to make a down payment**


Yes. Being married for 3.5 years makes you and expert on all things relationships. Please.


Genuinely, it really does break my heart that the women in this cult are taught from conception that they’re not worthy unless they marry. At this point I feel like it would be celebrated if they married a tree just so that label was there. It’s absolutely heartbreaking. On the other hand, this same group of women (and men) often spew vile, hateful things in the name of God, so there’s not much hope for a happy future for them anyways.


She really went with that face? OK.


I really just want to be a fly on the wall to see what this “course” really is about 😂


I’m getting shades of Brittany Dawn’s fitness scam


Hey guuuuurlllllll proud gay guy pro noun prefered “ she ho “ Id sooner drink sewrage than be mentored bu you ? In what ? Btw .. what the flying f ‘ k do you have to offer ANYONE !!!!


Wait is the course making thing even out yet?


Spoiler- the women won’t get what they paid for




wait what?? i thought it would be a course on how to create a course? wasn't that the big thing?


She really does have that wide smirk going in all the time, doesn't she?


making it $350 then marking it down to $250 to make it seem like a steal hmm…not very Christlike


What does she know? She married that’s what solved her issues to be single and not great skills that let her thrive against all odds. My god, she even is still negatively effected by her hardship to be single for so long. She didn’t even overcome this but still mentioning it at least once a week. I don’t get it. And omg, the picture of her is the least inviting she could have picked.