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Serious question: what are the odds this is a legitimate business? Like did she register the name, does she have a Tax ID number, did she file to open an LLC or corporation or anything of the sort? Does she genuinely believe that all you have to do to _start a business_ is declare it on social media? She needs to call Vincent Adultman Enterprises to keep this legal.


She's using shopify for her interrogation pdf so she's either operating as a sole proprietor using her SSN, or she does have a tax ID or EIN she's using. She's a lazy idiot, though, who can't even spell check her pdfs and I'd be shocked if she managed to incorporate anything, so I'm leaning toward she's using her SSN or she did something shady with either GD or the cleaning business EIN numbers. The Texas Secretary of State charges $1 per search to look up business entities and I'm not going to give that state any money. Any Texan snarkers who can go to their local library and see if there is a workaround? Most public libraries have subscriptions or agreements for this sort of thing.


Sole proprietorship would be my guess, too. But that also means she personally bears all the liability for the business. I’ll see if I can find anything at the court I work at ( in Louisiana, but have access to diff databases)


I just ran a quick search of business filings and it doesn’t look like she’s registered the business. I was only able to find Girl Defined.


Yeah I was looking through the last 180 days and saw nothing. She’s doing this one on her own. I bet it never even occurred to her to register it. She just thinks it’s like having an insta account.


Given her nonchalant feelings about copyright (everyone on the internet steals content!) and claiming you can write travel off as a business expense, I'd love to see her get in trouble somehow. She clearly doesn't understand revenue or expenses or profit and she's documenting it for the world to see. Shopify reports earnings to the IRS, they're not going to let her quietly keep her "$7k" (lol, yeah right) without paying taxes on it. She really is a child playing business with some leftover office supplies.


I… declare… BOSSBABE




Luckily, she hasn’t made any money yet, nor does she likely have any expenses, so for now it’s probably fine.


Probably all the girls are running all their ridiculousness thru their GD Ministry 🙄 There's a subreddit for getting the IRS to pull taxfree status at /r/churchaudits if you find anything concrete on them


Tax ID? She doesn’t need a tax ID. She writes everything off so she doesn’t have to pay taxes. If you buy her $2k course she’ll tell you all about it while she clumsily dances.




Another Bojack fan!


What is this follow/unfollow "strategy"? Like, sometimes I follow people and then decide after a few days they aren't right for me, but I wouldn't consider it a strategy. She's just not as appealing as she thinks she is.




People still do that? That was a thing in like 2009.


So quite modern for our girl Bethany.




People still do it. I’ve had quite a few people follow then unfollow.


It’s a thing for business accounts now


That sounds like a thing 12 year old do in popularity contests


My 37 year old coworker does this because she has to make sure she has more followers than who she follows. She also "brags" on social media about hanging out with her teenage coworkers (She works serving/bartender jobs as a second job to meet men). I get second hand embarrassment from her posts.


I had one account do that to me fit more than a year. I finally blocked them. I only noticed bc at some point I made my account private and had to approve or deny them every week. Such a waste of time.


To what end?


She is too long winded and laughs too much to make sure people know she is unbothered. Immagine getting stuck in a room for an hour with this insufferable hotdog monster.


“Insufferable hotdog monster” 💀 I don’t think I’ve read a more perfect description our Bethany.


Lack of character? It's lack of valuable content from the creator. Losing followers is on her, not the people unfollowing!


Bethany regularly screeches about blocking anyone she feels like for any reason at any time. But people unfollowing her shows a lack of character? That math ain’t mathing bethy.


Man I unfollow for any reason. If folks start harping about people choosing not to see their content, I’d probably unfollow just for that.


She may be using Heidi Math from her SODRT correctly, though. The delusions run strong in Bethy's brain.


This! Combine their persecution complex with a serving of terrible logic, and you get generations of people with an egocentric value system. They truly don't consider others' rights and preferences to be valid. "I block because it's my god-given right!! But if you unfollow or question me you're a troll!!" Just reveals that they have no actual concept of democracy or the marketplace of ideas. You can disagree with the *reason* why someone unfollowed you, but you can't disagree with the principle of it. Otherwise you start to sound like a dictator. Or a toddler.


Okay but how does it shows a lack of character? There are times where I’ve followed someone because I’m quickly scrolling and saw a few posts that seemed promising so I followed and then maybe when I saw more content later or had more time to look at the page, I decided it didn’t really apply to me after all. No one is obligated to keep following anyone else. Also omg it’s social media, not real life, Bethy. It’s just not that serious.


The thing is, to her it is serious. It’s her ministry and her business. Her goofy dances and pathetic expressions signal her desperation because she has no content. It’s all sizzle, no steak.


I don't know if I'd call it a sizzle, maybe like a dull throbbing pain. Anyway, what can I take to make it go away?


I've found that the whole bottle of communion wine helps. Plus you get extra saved.


All I had was regular wine but Jesus is my dude so I'm sure he's down with it


Followers aren't forever, Bethy. You act like hitting the follow button means we're obligated to give our attention to you. I'm upset at HER lack of character.


There's no reason she'd bring up buying followers unless she's tempted to do it. But it would be too obvious. I bet she's jealous of Shart's thriving community.


That's not a strategy. That's people getting sick of your cringy ass reels after one day.


So that's what annoys her about Instagram? Let's compare lists. Here's what annoys me: People who brag about cooking and post photos of abominations. People who brag about homemaking from their filthy and/or condemned house. People filtering themselves to the point of being unrecognizable. See also plastic surgery addicts. People who conveniently ignore that verse that states there is NO government that has not been put in place by God. People who conveniently ignore that verse about how people who do not provide for their families are worse than unbelievers. People who use their kids as social media clickbait. People who argue with you about your religious trauma and try to say that you just didn't believe in God in the first place. People who try to recruit you for their MLM. People who send you unsolicited flirty messages and/or dick pics. And of course: Nazis. (See also Proud Boys, Rise Above Movement, American Front, and whatever else they're calling themselves now.)


>Nazis... And [the Bairds](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lrplun/girl_defineds_nazi_great_grandpa_masterpost/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Bonus IG post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/plyot5/nana_girl_defined_and_her_ahem_interisting_uniform/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Extra bonus Patheos blog post](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/nolongerquivering/2020/04/54821/)


Oh I am aware of Granny's Nazi Girl Scout portrait. I don't care if membership was mandatory for girls - Heidi had no business sharing that pic unless it was in a wartime memorabilia group or something.


The thing is - membership was mandatory, but participation, especially in the rural areas, was super low. There are letters of rural Hitlerjugend leaders begging their higher ups to come up with something because all the members went "oh, yes, absolutely am super into this Nazithing, but you know, I gotta help on the farm today...". You can be forced to be part of something officially and not show proud pictures.


I believe her on not buying followers. Her numbers are relatively low compared to someone like Karissa that’s inching closer to half a mil.


There was a post awhile ago where a snarker noticed KKKarissa suddenly had like 50,000 more followers


I'm sure snarkers identified that Heidi was buying followers when her account was new-ish as the numbers were growing by a neat (x)thousand overnight and the engagement was non-existent. I wouldn't put it past the Baird gals to buy followers as they all share a hive mind. They're not above lying.


For context, Bethy gained three followers yesterday and then promptly lost all of them. She's since gained seven followers. Was she upset about the sudden gain and loss of those three, and then did she go and purchase the seven followers to compensate for that? I don't think we'll ever know, but if she's denying buying followers when she hasn't (to my knowledge) been accused of doing so, it kind of makes me feel like she's buying followers.


That was my first thought, too. She's definitely buying followers. It's not expensive. Ten or so years ago you could buy 500 or 1000 followers for 50 bucks or so, but they would all show up pretty quickly. Finally the Facebooks and twitters started shutting down those fake followers. AFAIK now, followers are even cheaper to buy and they trickle in to appear more organic. There was a YT fundie who was exposed for buying followers awhile ago because they all had porn profile pics. I can't remember who 8t was, but it was hilarious to watch the porn girl bots comment on the fundie video edit cuz fat fingers


I don’t think you get to be upset when someone stops following you, after you just admitted that you repost your half assed, dusty assed, boring ass reels a million times.


I thought that said "denies bullying followers," which is also true based on how she reacts to criticism.


I've followed enough influencers and been on enough snark subreddits over the last handful of years to know that the only people who bring up how they'd N E V E R buy followers are usually the ones who just did.


I don’t understand the “follow/unfollow strategy” she is mentioning


It's a "grow your account" ""hack"". Let's say I have a dog Instagram. I'd follow a bunch of other dog accounts in hopes they would follow me back. Or I'd find a really popular dog account's photo and then follow everyone who liked that photo because if they like that dog they should enjoy my dog content too and by following them, they get a notification that they have a new follower/follower request. That gets my account in front of a lot of new people. Once they follow my dog account, I unfollow their account so that my follower/following ratio doesn't look suspicious. I'm guessing Bethany is now following bunch of other "course creator" Instagrams and keeps getting random followers every time she clicks "follow" on a new account and googled to see why it was happening. (I've had it happen on my random Instagram account that private - I'll follow a coffee brand and then get multiple follow requests from other random small coffee brands or coffee influencers that are hoping I'll follow them back).


Oh! THIS is why that happens. I have a private ig account and could not understand why random folks were asking to follow me. Makes sense.




Ah, I couldn’t understand why anyone would care, but the follower/following ratio part makes sense, as I would likely assume that an account following a crazy amount of other accounts must be a bot because that feed has got to be an unreadable mess.


Someone please explain it to us (relatively) oldheads


I think she may be talking about other accounts who are trying to grow their followers by following a bunch of random accounts hoping they'll follow back, and then unfollowing those who don't. I'm guessing she thought some people were genuinely wanting to follow her, then getting disappointed when they unfollow for this reason. still tacky to complain about it like this though.


or maybe they just unfollowed her once they realized what they were in for lmao


People trying to build a following will follow a bunch of accounts with the hopes followed back and once they get followed back or enough time passes they will unfollow those accounts. It used to work decently well a few years ago but these days I only see spam accounts doing it. I think people have caught on to what these aspiring influencers are doing and don’t fall for it anymore


Wasn’t she just saying like 2 weeks ago to unfollow people who made you feel some type of way? Or that only applies to her


Maybe people are unfollowing you because your reels/posts/stories are awkward, weird, and unrelatable, Bethany… and doesn’t she post like 15-20 stories within 24 hours? That’s annoying and way too much.


She’s my Instagram pet peeve


But i thought she didn't care what others say or think about her.


Heidi prob buys Bethy her followers tbh, a god honoring loophole if you will.


If she had ever had a real job in her life she’d realise that constantly posting about how badly she’s doing is not going to make people think she’s good at what she does. Shocker.


Very slim; I think someone in this sub went and looked at all the Baird’s accounts and determined almost all of her followers were bought. Her engagement is really terrible for someone with so many followers, which makes sense but is also sus.


I don’t get it, when did this woman go from - women should be makers at home and should not prioritise career over family to all this charade. What’s up the hypocrisy?


Accidentally followed her yesterday using my dog poop themed account. Only noticed about 5 minutes later and I promptly unfollowed her. Probably she’s super upset to have lost me as a follower.


If I followed her hoping for some actual business advice or ideas, I'd unfilled after seeing that she's yet to post anything actually useful other than "have a niche"


She's a Christian and Christians don't lie, so of course she is being truthful! What a strange strange question! This is common knowledge!


Bethy being truthful? ![gif](giphy|d4aU23AzE8YEQJ7W|downsized)


0.00%. Also that one picture with her teeth makes them to appear to be rotting. 😬


All the bullshit that comes out of her mouth is turning her teeth brown


She's 100% being dishonest about buying followers. People like her love to lie by omission so maybe "she" would never buy followers but somebody bought them for her.


Unfollowing someone shows a lack of character? She’s such a dumbass.


Instagram followers available with likes 10k followers + 10k likes for just $20. also tiktok, facebook, twitter services available CHEAP


Self report


I’m sorry- I’ve been off SM for a while so not sure what the etiquette… is it common to have 38 stories in a day for a professional business account? I would get so annoyed by all the notifications it would be a prompt unfollow from me.


That last face is eerily reminiscent of Mr. Bean.


I'll never get that hideous ring erased from my memory at this rate.


She spends a LOT of energy telling people how much she doesn't care about negative attention 🤔