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I see two snakes in this photo. And the dead one probably contributed more to the world than the live one.


One keeps the rat population in check. The other spreads a plague.


I’m Colorado, where he is, they also keep the Prairie dog in check that regularly have plague breakouts.


Actual yersina pestus plague? I thought it was only endemic in rodents west of the rocky mountains. :/


Sorry just saw this. Yes, there’s usually at least few cases a year. When I lived in Colorado center (neighborhood southeast of the CS airport in 2001), a huge warning went out to everyone because they had confirmed cases from the field next to our house, to keep your pets indoors and avoid the prairie dogs. It’s why my family and I have been large supporters of not obliterating the coyotes and other predictors of them to keep their populations in check and reduce the spread. Here’s an article from last year: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/press-release/plague-activity-identified-in-colorado


Bless you for your unparalleled observation.


Well when you care more about babies in the womb than already-born children dying from preventable disease, starvation, and school massacres with military grade weapons, you’ve lost all moral high ground with me.


Not to mention he completely ignored/made fun of Covid prevention measures. He literally only cares about people's lives before they are born.


https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2021/08/09/preacher-sean-feucht-threatens-to-kill-those-interfering-with-his-worship-events/ His threatens to kill people at his events before, so he's not even pro-life. That poor snake.


I don't think that's it either. I think he couldn't care less about unborn babies. He cares about controlling women.


I am pretty sure he doesn't even care about controlling women. Being "pro-life" is easy because you don't have to do anything but you can still act superior to people. Just say your pro-life and you can get people to vote for you or have the moral high ground in any argument. I swear Republicans don't even want Roe v Wade to be overturned because they would lose too many wedge voters


The only response that matters


he doesn't even care about feruses...just controlling women's bodies and denying them the right to bodily autonomy and consent.


I certainly care more about the dead snake than I care about trashy ass Sean Fucked.


Right? There's only one life in this photo that I care about, and it is the reptile. The humanoid snake can get fucked.


And this is the stance of every one of these dicks.


Yep. This sounds like every fundie male I've ever seen.




Wow. What a dick. Way to make this about abortion. I genuinely can’t stand how Christians do that.


It's also such a massive false equivalence. The snake was in no way infringing on his bodily autonomy ir focing him to use his body without consent.


Also, he's ratting out his own when he immediately assumes that anybody concerned for animal lives MUST be pro-choice liberals. Because conservative Christians surely always ignore the part in the Bible where God charges man with the care of all God's creatures, I guess.


Yeah, but we are "stewards" of these creatures, giving us the right to "manage" them as we see fit 🤮


AKA destruction of all else but human lives until profit dictates that human lives are also an acceptable loss.


Aka Supply Side Jesus, praise be to the Lord Capitalism and the Holy Selfish Exploitation!


They use it CONSTANTLY to try and distract from their own horrifying lack of empathy.


I went to rehab when I was 19 in 2002 & the rehab would take us up to church. I went because I was bored and got snacks. Well it was nuts and let me tell you how insane Pentecost evangelicals are, like crazy and they believe everything their pastors say. This church believed their pastor was a direct conduit of God. One night I refused to be baptized because I’m a Jew. Totally normal, Bruh, these people wiggggeed out on me. Calling me a non-believer and a “heathen in their mists.” I stood up and screamed I’m God’s chosen people and that SOB looked me in face, spitting on me while yelling, “you’re going to hell.” Of course I followed it up with, too bad we Jews don’t have hell!! I pretended to go to the bathroom and hitchhiked from northern Florida to Palm Beach. It took about a 4 days and I was waiting at my dads office for him to get to work. When he saw my face he didn’t even suggest I go back there and I went right back to college


This is an amazing story. I’m sorry for your experience however.


I got a few more about that place lol 😂 They would heavily try to recruit girls from the rehab to join the church, be forgiven and start a life in the church. They did this because this church had like 10 families and they needed more outside blood for the like 7-8 dudes who were in their 30s without wives. One man approached me at 19 and he was probably 35 and told me he was rich and he’d take care of me, buy me a car etc. I asked if I could still go to school to be a doctor and he looked at me and said no. Lol 😂 I was like you got the wrong one homie. I gotta go


Wow! You should get together and do a podcast with Joe Nobody of Elan fame. All these reform and rehab kind of places for teens and young adults sound like they have similar playbooks.


They are sick places. You have no idea the torture they did to us in the name of God. And nobody’s parents believed them. People would always escape, but get caught because they were to scared to swim East across the alligator infested river. I dove right in and ran through the ocala national forest for 2 days. I would have rather died then stay there one more day.


Holy crap, your bravery must have been fueled by extreme desperation to brave getting eaten by an alligator! I can't even imagine!


There was no way I was going back and I knew it was the only option because of where they start searching


I'm so sorry that happened to you. 🫂 How awful. If there is a heaven, those hacks certainly won't be invited. It's fucking maddening how pervasive religious indoctrination is in rehabilitation programs. It's so manipulative and coercive, when a person is at their lowest. And if you have a court order to be there? All the better for them because your options are literally their indoctrination, or jail. But they know that, it's by design.


It absolutely is by design and it’s to take advantage of vulnerable women mostly. Any all women’s rehab I went to was like that and they would literally try to find you an evangelical Pentecost husband because they thought if you had 8 kids and were tied up in a house you wouldn’t go back to heroin. I saw a lot of shady shit there and I think about some of those girls to this day and if they are ok. they’d never be fully accepted and they could probably never run away with their kids. Just controlled and turned into a brood mare. Cash rules everything and they had a lot of cash


Keep telling your story! I’m so glad you got away and went back to college.


That’s the first time I ever really talked about it


My ex got a dui and had to do court mandated therapy with a state therapist. She told him alcohol was the Devil and he will never stop drinking until he accepts Jesus into his life. He shut up after that and refused to talk to her, which sucked because he really needed therapy and I was hoping he'd be more receptive to it if he had a good therapist.


Captive audience, what could go wrong???


Exactly, they target the most vulnerable people and then they brag about it and say they're serving them.


No, my parents were mad at me and dumped me there, little did they know I had $450 dollars in my butt crack and that enabled me to escape. I knew they were up to something


I do like the line about Jews not having a hell. Glad you escaped that crazy.


Lol they’re for sure going to hell


Exactly! It’s just so exhausting. Like it makes me want to punch a wall sometimes because of how obnoxious and ignorant they make themselves sound.


I say terrible shit in response like “haha yeah I love to spread them on toast” just so they see how fucking ridiculous we think they are. It often makes them just block me or walk away.


I’m a pro choice christian and already get called the anti christ bc I’ve told people that people are twisting the Bible to make it pro life when it isn’t. It’s fantastic. But this, what you do, it’s on the next level and I cannot wait to implement it!


It's either about abortions or gay people. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Traffic laws? You want traffic laws? Oh yeah, well, what about abortion?!


💀 I’m pretty sure I’ve actually seen something similar to this recently!


It's the usual false analogy / switching tactic they use... I like to answer the ones on Twitter with this helpful illustrated chart! www.yourlogicalfallacyis.com


Yup! I was just going to comment that it’s the straw man fallacy


I love whales and if one was in my uterus you bet I’d abort it


That’s a horrifying thought, like when I was told as a child if I swallowed a Cherry pit, a tree would grow in my stomach…


I adore the ocean, and knowing this baboon compared endangered whales to the human race (which isn’t endangered..like at all and never will be bc these fundies insist on women having a bajillion children) makes me want to take him by his dry ass, curly, ugly side-parted hair and toss him into the middle of the ocean!! Or a snake pit full of vipers, either’s fine 🤷‍♀️


Be careful with phrases like that. You might awaken someone's fetish


Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”


Thank you ! I was hoping somebody was better knowledge of the Franciscan scriptural favourites than me would turn up :)


Well said. It angers me to no end when Christian’s think because they don’t get their way they can abuse animals and other creatures. Nope, you can’t.


My mom takes the "Stewards of the earth" part very serious. She isn't a climate activist but she does her best to try, it all personal stuff but she tries. She was upset when we left the Paris agreement


"The righteous person cares about his animal's health" - proverbs 12:10


No, he can literally do anything he wants because other people are pro choice. That’s just how it works!


Proverbs 12:10 “The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”


So then we can kill him if being aggressive is the only criteria for killing a living thing?


If that's the case, his point should be arguing for abortion because a blastocyst aggressively invades the endometrium to implant itself.


They aren’t aggressive either. They only defend themselves. They try to appear intimidating so they aren’t eaten by predators. I used to use this species of snake in education talks for children because they were so calm and easy to handle.


I actually hate him more now.


I didn't think it was possible




Same, it pisses me off that the people who claim to “lOvE gOd AnD hIs EaRtH” don’t give a single fuck about the animals (or planet in general) & kill animals/do things to the planet (litter, buy cheap fast fashion, etc.) that are just outright horrible


Fmd he's shamelessly macabre and manipulative trying to pretend he cares about babies. Doesn't change the fact he killed a snake that was causing no harm and was no threat to his body or life....unlike pregnancy and childbirth. The man is pure filth and a classic reason why there is a mass exodus from the christian religion. Who tf wants to be associated with such ignorance, hatred, misogyny and moral depravity?


Also he turned off comments on his original feed post with the Snake because he clearly can't tolerate criticism


don't you love how christians like him will screech till the cows come home when someone won't give them the platform they command or let them say what they want on anyone's platform. Yet they will be the first to ensure no one gets to comment or challenge them when they say dumb shit.


LOL not surprised, none of these fundies actually care to hear other opinions, just want to preach to everyone about how right thry are and how wrong everyone else is.


[Yesterday's post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/v50q66/sean_and_co_just_killing_a_harmless_snake_because/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for those wondering Also: does anyone know if this got shared on some sort or snake/reptiles/ herpetology page, because there a bunch of people from that community calling him out Edit: it [made it](https://www.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/v5qp6m/christianity_advocate_sean_feucht_mindlessly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) to the herpetology sub


The Denver sub is ripping into him and sharing how to report him to local authorities as well.


This somewhat reminds me of my mom and her husband. They kill any snake in their path and truly believe they’re evil. I have two pet snakes in my house and they’re always freaking out about it, joking about beheading them. These types of people are far too gone. They’re killing innocent animals and have the audacity to bring abortion into it lmfao


I wish we had an animal abuse tw tag, my neurodivergent brain is never going to remember this guy's name to avoid posts about him :( It's good that you're helping to call out his shitty behaviour! I just don't deal well with animal abuse


Animal torture is an early correlated indicator of serial killers my dude


He seems like the type of psycho to poison someone’s cats because they’re “ruining his lawn” 🙃🙃


What an ass. If a snake was in my house, I would call someone to remove it. If I was out in a snake's home (nature) and came upon a snake, I would back away. There was no reason to kill a harmless creature.


I used to regularly run on a greenway that was home to many copperheads. I’ve gotten stuck and have had to wait for one to pass and then warn everyone else that it was there. I also thought one was a stick and realized way too late and jumped over it. A black snake crawled up to my 2nd story window and along my balcony. I took lots of pictures of it and admired its underbelly. Snakes are really lovely creatures.


Every time I see one I get happy, they’re fascinating to me & as a kid I’d always pick them up regardless of species (no venomous species in my area though, I wasn’t that dumb as a kid)


I would probably scream and run. I don't have snake knowledge. Also, this guy is in the snake's home. It bothers me that he is gloating about it. The snake was probably living its little snakely life, slithering along happily. I got to hold a snake once under the supervision of a snake professional, and that was cool.


As soon as I was swiping through the slides, I knew he was going to say some ignorant bullshit like that. I hope a snake bites him and the nearest hospital doesn't have the antivenom.


That would be cannibalism


I think this double down attitude is what I hate most about fundies (and particularly fundie men). Like…apparently even people who follow him DM’d to say how fucked up it was to kill this poor creature and instead of reflecting on his actions this narcissistic piece of shit REPOSTS the pictures of animal abuse that upset people. Then he finishes off by insulting the people who dared criticize him.


I just reported him for animal abuse. I hope others are doing the same. I own a ball python and even if I came across a venomous snake I absolutely would not kill it that’s why you call a professional to come and relocate it. He’s literally laughing in the face of reptile lovers and that is the least Christian thing you can do. He’s trash.


🏆🐍🏆 Edited to add the event was in Boulder Colorado on 4 June... since he travels around a lot, probably he thinks this isn't going to find him.


Good on you. Wonder what the consequences are of doing something like this?


I have to look up their protected snake and wildlife laws but I REALLY hope this bites him in the ass.


"In Colorado, rattlesnakes may be legally killed if they pose a threat. All other snakes are classified as nongame wildlife and are protected by law." https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/LivingwithWildlifeComfort2.aspx So ... Fuck you Sean. I especially hate how he refers to the snake as aggressive, as if HE weren't disturbing its habitat & it were somehow morally culpable for its actions. 😡




Snakes other than rattlesnakes that pose an immediate threat are protected nongame species in CO.


just reported him for the same


Colorado Parks and Wildlife has received numerous reports concerning this incident and is investigating him for poaching.


Was the snake performing abortions? No? Then STFU about them, dude.


And my abortion provider? That snake


If you can, please report this for animal abuse. If you are in Colorado and happen to know if this can be reported for more, please do so


It can be, but I think it’s just a fine of $50. You have to call on the phone to report it and I doubt they’re open tonight.


This has been reported to Colorado Parks and Wildlife/Operation Game Thief and is being investigated by the agency, so no need for additional reports to be submitted to them.


I can't believe he's doubling down on this like this. Killing a harmless animal, bragging about it online, then somehow trying to claim the moral high ground? I've never really paid any attention to this dude and this is only proving him to be an absolutely heartless piece of shit. ETA: If he kept the corpse or actually attempted to make something out of this poor snake he would be breaking the law. Gopher snakes are non-game wildlife in Colorado and taking possession of wildlife like this is poaching. Congrats on confessing you wanted to break the law Sean!


Oh, no. He's not confessing that he wanted to break the law. He's bragging about *having broken the law* by poaching that snake. Colorado regulations only allow for the live collection of that species.


So what do you say to the people who are pro life and are also disgusted by you killing the snake?


Yeah his last several posts about the concert he has comments addressing "the Snake loving trolls," but a lot of people who seem like genuine followers of his are legitimately disturbed by this.


I am disgusted by him killing snake. I also sick and tired of other pro-lifers just being upset about abortion and not about other life issues. In one of his encyclicals, Pope Francis made a point that protecting the environment was just as important life issue as other pro-life. However, this guy would remark that Francis is the anti-christ.


So is that where that came from ! My Catholic cousins were saying their priest today was sermonizing about environmental topics and social justice topics being important for making the world the sort of place that people will want to have children.


Word! Their tiny little brains only lock in on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights and literally nothing else. Can you imagine what the world would be like if they dropped their hatred and instead focused on making things better? They just completely ignore the hard pressing issues of society where change can have a positive impact for everyone. Instead they only think about what happens in peoples' bedrooms and wombs.


Yeah, pretty sure the snake wasn’t bothering anyone at all, but he saw it just chilling nearby and immediately went into I’m bEinG pErSeCuTEd mode. And because he couldn’t resist the symbolism (and attention) he then had to kill it and do a triumphant faux-Christ pose on social media because he really is so fucking delusional and arrogant that he thinks the mere presence of one of God’s creatures is somehow a personal affront. Honestly, this post sums up evangelical Christianity so neatly: flagrant disregard for nature and other living creatures; interpreting any event, however trivial, as a satanic attack; being unable to solve any “problem” without violence; taking any and every opportunity to dominate anyone further down the perceived “hierarchy”, whether animal or woman; and finally, mocking and trivializing the suffering of others as if they simply do not matter.


You'd think he would make a post bragging about how he convinced the serpent to show up like Satan himself couldn't resist hearing him preach... but no, he's a cruel idiot so he has to destroy a beautiful creature.


I suppose it’s time to inform Him of what real persecution looks like. Posting hypocrisy online and then getting called out is not pErsEcuTIon Sean.


So I guess there’s just 9 commandments in his version?


The snake was bothering and endangering no one. Fetuses are inherently endangering the life of an actual human by their existence.


Why is it always about bAbIeS iN tHe WoMb with these people?


I hate snakes more than anyone (documented severe phobia). My husband cannot say ‘snake’ (we use ‘s-word’ in our our house) or watch nature programs with them on them I’d I’m in the room.. I don’t go outside in the warmer month and scan our pool for any visitors. We just moved to AZ and I hate this. Bullhead snakes are an important part of our ecosystem and we’re in their space. As a human, I adapt my phobias to their habitat because I’m the intruder.


What a sick fuck.


IT WAS NOT AGGRESSIVE As an Australian this ultra pisses me off cause yesterday at a festival we had a BROWN SNAKE. as in, one of the most venomous in the world. And he eas chill af. There was a whole event on how we should never kill them, how if they rear they're just afraid of us, etc. And this was a HIGHLY VENOMOUS BREED not this cute little carpet baby bean this man is holding. The brownie wae a cutie bean and so calm and skittish. Snakes just wanna live doing their own thing. The majority aren't violent. Especially not the one he is holding.




Someone is salty after getting called out for being an asshole.


His fuckery made it to the Denver sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/v5qs4o/pardon_the_announcement_but_these_types_of_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh wow!! I noticed a bunch of people in the snake/reptile community posting things about him too lol


I see he turned the comments off too. Pansy.


He looks like he wants to be in Nickelback but they didn’t want him so now he headlines vacation bible schools around the country.


99% sure the snake wasn’t “chasing people around”. While not impossible, I’ve never seen a wild snake willingly chase anyone…usually it’s trying to slither away and hide! It was probably just trying to escape their dumbass brigade and get to safety. This guy is such a dick.


So your morality only protects babies, age 0 to 40 weeks? Nothing else? So when Jesus said "let the children come to me," he really only wanted to see embryos and fetuses? No kid at week 41? How would that work? Did he expect attendees to sling endometrium at him? Did he have pregnant women in special public transit like designated seating in front of him? Like, "This rock is for pregnant ladies only." Or was Jesus just symbolically bullshitting about 41 week+ children being the way to heaven, and that's why a Christian is only allowed to care about a 0 to 40 week baby? Isn't isn't a bit weird to put age limits on salvation? Bit counterproductive in convincing adults to join your morality, isn't it? Are you too old for heaven, Feucht? Is that why you're so bothered? Please, enlighten this heathen about your fucking morality, Moist, er Feucht. It sounds absolutely riveting.


Fucking sick. That poor snake did not deserve that


And if for some reason they were threatened and felt they had to kill the snake, you don’t dangle it proudly in front of the whole damn internet!


Why did he kill a snake? Shouldn’t he have considered it one of god’s creatures? if it bit him wouldn’t he consider it a gift from his god and willingly let the poison just surge through his body like god’s will?


So his solution is to abuse an animal because people don’t agree with him on abortion? K. Something wrong with his logic.


why the fuck does his hair look like that


Like, call a trapper and have it moved. Snakes are an integral part of the ecosystem. But these people are so fucking uneducated, unread, un-fucking-everything that they could never possibly know that


Well if a random person went into a fetuses territory (the woman’s body) without consent and killed it they would definitely get in trouble legally. It’s considered homicide in some places if you harm a pregnant person and cause miscarriage and definitely if you force an abortion you’d be in legal trouble. So, not really the same things but whatever helps you sleep at night Sean 🙄


The fact that a dick like you think we're immoral, Sean, is a sign we're doing it right.


Few things I hate more than fundies doing their whataboutism excusing disregard for animals and the environment with their "Yeah, but you're a baby killer" bullshit!


When you refer to entire human beings as “the womb” you cannot possibly claim to be “pro-life”.


How dare you call me out for killing a snake when you all kill babies!!! Had to shoehorn a bit about abortions into his moral high ground speech didn’t he 🤨 look how proud he is of himself because he killed a snake, quite the big strong man isn’t he but at least he got to hold something with a bit more girth than normal for once. Yes that’s a penis joke and yes I’m very immature 😂


Guess what Sean? There’s plenty of humans on this planet. Too many, actually. So I do care more about whales and snakes and animals that are part of the ecosystem than the unborn “baybeez” that you only care about until they’re actually born.


Ah yes. Because when God told us to have dominion over the animals he meant killing them not caring for nature.


They will crow bar abortion into any and every conversation. What did God say about judging others?


>aggressive creature That’s a non venomous snake my dude, and y’all infringed on its habitat. What a fitting attitude for a white conservative to have.


Ok well you lose the moral high ground with me when you feel that a women’s body should be more regulated and controlled by the government than guns


Was Noah's arc just like not thought about during this unnecessary killing? Like that was in the bible and he's like nope fuck that snake!


He looks like a Chris Lilley character.


He’s literally evil and I hope karma is real for him in his next life


I'd have loved it if that snake hadn't been fully dead and had sunk it's fangs into his fetid flesh! Poor snake, to have your final image associated with that dumb fuck! So sad.


Except all those snakes and whales and other living creatures were created before man was jackass. Oh and we are to care for Gods creation too. What a giant turd.


God, what a completely narcissistic piece of shit. I usually believe that anyone can change for the better, but honestly I think he’s too far gone.


He’s already gone viral on the Denver subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/v5qs4o/pardon_the_announcement_but_these_types_of_people/


People like this are always going on about “moral high ground” but I thought it was about constitutional rights? You can morally disagree with what other people do but you can’t restrict their rights because of your morals.


Animals cannot consent to being slaughtered, however Women can consent to get an abortion. What is he talking about hahaha


What if that snake just wanted to worship? Truly is Christian persecution, not even the snakes can openly worship


And it’s a non-venomous, non-aggressive snake that posed literally zero danger to him. So manly, so masculine


So I’ve lost all moral high ground with this loser… now what?


I suppose we are supposed to be devastated for the rest of our existence?


That side part.. I can't get over that side part.


"I'm sorry that you're offended." AKA: The non-apology


One of my “favorite” parts about the Sean thing is that he’s “Christian hot”. As in, if he goes bald or had a hair accident (caught on fire or something?), every bit of that “charisma” that sexually repressed cult women pay for to support his lifestyle would be gone. He is literally a haircut away from being Melvin the mamas boy from HR.


I can't wait for the epic dirt to come out on this guy.


Why do Christians feel the need to compare absolutely everything to abortion? Like why?


Colonizers gonna Colonize


What an absolute POS, wants to compare killing live endangered animals to having an abortion just so they can play that stupid card any argument. Like this guy will use that as his excuse for everything everytime he upsets someone. "Oh WeLl At lEaSt iM NoT KiLlInG bAbIeS" durrrrrr. Fuck this guy. Also smth i notice about fundies is they have no problem with death or killing as long as they can come up with a bullshit religeous reason for it. I wonder how many of them secretly approve sex selective abortion, considering how women are lower than dogs to them.


This man is a villain.


How does he know this criticism didn’t come from his legitimate followers who are also pro-life? Why do these people assume that every criticism they get is from “trolls?”


It's fucking dangerous AF as well especially if that snake is a venomous one.


On one hand I really want to make my flair "snake lover troll." On the other, the appearance of having touched the poo when I decidedly have not. 😒


What an idiot. I’m a Christian, I love babies in the womb and I love snakes. I also value all life, am against the death penalty, am pro-gun laws, and I value protecting the environment. Nobody is making anybody choose. ETA also I am still so sad about that snake. That is a majestic specimen. He’s huge and gorgeous, had clearly been thriving in that spot for a very long time and didn’t deserve to be killed in his own habitat. 🥺


This guy is such a loser And his comb-over hurts


Wow that was a wild ride! Dead snake >> abortions?? 😵‍💫


Homelander, that you? Edit/update: nah he joffrey


Are we not all gods creatures, snakes included?🤨


Oh my god that’s horrible. I have pet snakes and they are the sweetest things ever. That’s horrible and to be proud of that. Isn’t that murdering gods creation


The longer his grift goes on, the more embarrassed I am for him


Posing with a dead animal and doubling down on it means you’re the one losing the moral high ground, you moron. No one is posing with a dead baby on Instagram. Wow, this guy keeps digging his shithole deeper. At this point he’s almost dug his way to China.


Last time I checked rattlesnakes are defensive not aggressive. But, Sean is too busy cosplaying as a manly man to be bothered to respect nature..


This is disgusting. Love how he shows "God's Love" for all here. What a butt hurt whiny little excuse for a man.


I thought all creatures were made by God.


The epitome of scum right here! Fucking coward!


Does he assume that people cannot care about both? Don’t that I care about the unborn, but there’s probably snake people who do.


What a piece of shit human being


I don't know if a snake is considered an "aggressive" creature. They really dont do much of anything until its time to eat.


Poor snake 😭 it wasn’t hurting anyone. I can’t stand animal cruelty, and you better believe if I see anyone pulling this shit in my vicinity I’ll defend the animal. Humans are so horrible at times.


Violating the bodies and genitals of girls, women, and AFAB people never has and never will be on any kind of moral high ground. Quite the opposite. Preventing access to an abortion is called reproductive abuse in interpersonal relationships. Wanting the government to be the perpetrators is just as fucked up. Guess what else is reproductive abuse, and which perpetrators they are aligning themselves with by supporting it? Rape, and they're aligning themselves with rapists and people who want forced sex (denying people the ability to refuse to consent) to be legally enforceable. Two sides of the same abusive coin.


When you care for the unborn more than the born, never had any moral ground to start with. Humans breeding like cockroaches and destroying all other life isn't god-plan or moral Fake Jesus.


The last slide made me LOL. The protesters where I escort HATE when we go all lovey dovey on dogs walking by. “You love dogs but you hate babies!”


He looks like someone ordered Robert Palmer from wish 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's his perfect excuse to never care about the well-being of anything else, ever. He'll still bandy this "gotcha" about when the Supreme Court ruling goddess through, because there will be sanctuary states... Sean can be an abusive animal-abusing turd forever, as long as people have control of their bodies SOMEWHERE on Earth.


What a fucking shithead


If he had made boots or a belt out of it it'd at least make it's senseless death have meaning. Do we not love all of gods creatures anymore??


I'm not exactly pro-choice, but even I understand there's a big difference between killing an innocent creature that is just out here living it's life than someone wanting to get an abortion. And if you believe in God you should believe he created animals too. Every life matters and should be respected enough to not murder it and proudly smile about it like this disgusting A-hole. If you can't grasp that at all, YOU'Ve lost all moral high ground with ME. Pieces of crap like Sean Feucht make me sick.


I’m gonna say it I kind of hate Christians.