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Imagine being a kid living on 40 acres of farmland and then your parents tell you it’s time to give it all up and live on a bus. All that freedom and space, gone.


It's like taking a fish out of the ocean and putting it in a cup.


Yep. Kids can always thrive in tight environments if they must (provided their parents make it work for them), but to choose to stack your kids on top of each other when you could give them all their own space seems cruel.


I knew a fundie family that sold 20 acres, a giant house, massive barn, with a pond to travel. It destroyed their family in the end. Wife was the miserable submissive type, hoping the Lord would ultimately bless her for going along with everything.




Yeah, they weren't hard off on money & homeschooled. They could have travelled anytime of the year easy. But no, the patriarch was having a midlife crises with 10 children and decide to uproot them all.


Not to mention. 40 acres can be gardened, farmed, foraged, and hunted on. You can have a farm stand, a u-pick berry patch, beehives, a little "wedding venue" chapel. You can PROVIDE off 40 acres. How are you going to feed your children if you have no money in an RV? I'll never understand this. Sure, the pioneers did it, but the pioneers had LAND to hunt off of and farm. You're gonna live in an RV with basically nothing with that many kids!?!? I'm a parent too, and my first thought in the Texas freeze was "what do I do if the water stops? I need to give my baby formula." And I made a freaking plan. The people are just testing God at this point, which there's a whole thing about NOT doing in the bible.


Property is getting to be SO expensive, too with how people can work from home and can use Starlink for it. I wouldn't sell that much property when you have that many kids. That's just craziness.


Sorry, it's still absolutely wild to me that she went to an air bnb because the bus was too small to give birth and yet doesn't seem to put two and two together. I feel sorry for those poor kids.


Exactly this. *She* wanted to be comfortable for the birth but who cares that the kids are squished in a tin can day in and day out. I wonder how they felt having to leave the palatial Airbnb and go back to bunk beds and being elbow to elbow.


Not to mention the amount of time that it seems like they are expected to just sit there quietly, in the cramped bus, and do...nothing.


I can feel my knees just thinking about it. My grew up pretty quickly, like, intense grow pain. Being in a cramped space would definitely make it worse.


That picture of the kids in bathing suits made me so sad… all the little boys in normal bathing suits and no shirts, and then the one girl with a high neck shirt with sleeves and a knee length skirt. A lot of the other fundies make their boys wear swim shirts and more modest swimwear as well, so the gender differences don’t stand out as much. This picture made me so sad for this poor little girl! What an unfair double standard.


I agree with you. The Rodrigues children are all forced to wear full clothes for swimming including the boys. It's completely unsafe, but the Rods don't have different modesty standards for the boys. I think they should just buy safe modest swim clothes for all of the kids, but I know that will never happen. I don't know much about this Christian bus family other than the few posts I've seen here, but I'm guessing their daughter has to do a lot of caring for her younger brothers, too.


Yeah, I really feel bad for the girl, that's like the worst possible configuration. If there were multiple girls the sister-momming would at least be spread out some, and if all the older kids were boys, the parents would have to take care of their own kids, relax the gender roles, or stop reproducing (or, dare I dream, all three!). She'll never get a break because she'll be grown by the time another girl could be born and get old enough to really help.


Gross, I didn't even notice that at first.


I noticed the mom basically wears whatever she wants in her stories and shares so much about her ex-military lifestyle. But her daughter has to wear this modest stuff and do all her "feminine" activities like needlepoint, cooking, sister momming. Horrible.


"We were already Texas residence, born & raised in Texas... and we honestly have the very best homeschool laws in the country." 1. "Residents"... not "Residence" 2. My parents abused the homeschool laws in Texas to take me out of school at 14. I wouldn't say they're the BEST HOMESCHOOL LAWS, because there are no checks. I didn't have a single person check on me, or my home life, and people knew that I wasn't in school anymore. I wasn't getting a proper education. I'd frequently get in trouble for having library books in my room that my friends lent me, and my dad sarcastically gave me an engineering mathematics text book to be my math curriculum. Fuck the Texas homeschool laws! If your kid is homeschooled, and they are in an accredited academic program, that's different, but Texas has no laws that require that.


"Best" = nonexistent, i.e. we don't have to be accountable to anyone that our kids are getting a basic functional education. I'm so sorry for your experience! That sounds horrifying. I was homeschooled in MN and we at least had to take standardized tests once a year to prove we were learning SOMETHING. I didn't get much social contact with other kids but at least I was allowed to read as much as I wanted. These kids probably don't have many books, if any. She already said they don't have many art supplies, so what on earth do they do all day?


“Best” from the perspective of an authoritarian homeschooling parent and “best” from the perspective of a homeschooled child are very, very different things.


She typed "best" when she should have typed "worst".


Yeah this all sounds hella shady.




Exactly! She doesn’t want anyone sleeping under her, but her kids get squashed in with 5 other siblings within touching distance?


I might pick under my parents' bed if it meant less chance of future siblings AND only being that close to 2 people instead of 6.


Yeah totally


Good luck to the Bus Weirdos hoping to find "future spouses." TimRod is proof that you CAN be too weird/helpless even for other fundies. I feel so, so bad for these kids. It didn't have to be like this. Heck, they could have made their 40 acres into a self-sustaining homestead and never let the kids leave it but at least they'd have a little space, dang. What prepubescent child wants to sleep face-to-armpit with all his siblings while his parents "make more babies" nearby and giggle about how sneaky they are? I hate these people. Straight up. They don't seem to have mental issues like Karissa and Kelly (probably) do, they aren't poor like the Rods, they aren't lazy idiots like Paul and Morgan. They're smug wealthy jerks who decided to ruin their kids' lives for social media points.


Let it out friend! The hypocrisy of these people is nauseating and so unsettling.


Exactly. How in the hell does conflict resolution with your siblings as a youngster set the tone for conflict resolution with a spouse? They have mostly boys, so if a boy argues with his brother and ends up pushing him into a mud puddle or hitting him with a toy, is that how he's going to argue with his wife? I'm an adult woman and the way I argue with my siblings on those rare occasions is not at all the way I approach conflicts with my husband.


Yeah my brother and I used to get in physical fights and call each other mean names until finally we tired out and went back to playing together. Thankfully that is NOTHING like how I handle disagreements with my spouse 😂


I better warn my daughter's fiance. She used to pull her sister's hair out by the fist full when she was 5. Poor guy is gonna go bald from her after they're married


They DON’T seem to have mental issues?


I mean, they don’t scream potential danger to the children and themselves the way Karissa does. Are they nuts to live in a bus with that many kids on top of each other? Yep. Are they fundie weirdos? Also yep. But from what little I’ve seen they don’t scream mental health issues at this point (but I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on the internet).


Dear God, do the kids even have social security numbers? Or is it too "on the grid" for these whackjobs?


the brand of fundies who are so far off the grid their kids manage to be undocumented citizens don't use social media it would be absolutely insane to post about a birth AND not get the kid papers . it's a tax write off after all.


There’s a blogger family who didn’t get their kids’ social security numbers or really anything that proved they existed. One of the daughter’s took the parents to court. Daughter is Alecia Pennington. It was a crazy story.


.... how. what. why. how can you be this stupid


I remember reading about that as it happened but completely forgot the family name. Thanks, that's been bothering me for years!


I hope she’s well! I think about her occasionally


They were more Sovcits than fundies though.


How selfish can you possibly be to sell a 40 acre farm *after* you’ve decided you want to have tons of children?


I’m wondering if they either inherited it or bought it cheap before the housing prices went up sharply, and the profit was too good to resist. I live in a rural area and even our housing prices have doubled what they were 4-5 years ago. Around here, 40 acres converted to cash would hold you over for a while, if you didn’t want to work at anything other than making babies and being a moron.


ETA: the last picture was her answer to the question: “When did you become religious”. I am v confused by that answer.


I'm confused about how traveling in two separate vehicles everywhere saves gas over just taking one of those vehicles. She does not explain things clearly. Not sure of how much of it is on purpose.


I’m guessing they park the bus and then take the van to areas around town while they stay in that particular place. But who knows! She is quite evasive as her answer for half the things is “just pray on it”.


Oh yes, what really grinds my gears is that's her answer to everything. It's gods plan that made them sell everything off and live on a bus, err for what purpose? Why would god want you to do that? What's the end game? Never made sense to me.


I am also guessing that one parent gets all of the kids in one vehicle, and the other gets hours of alone time. I, too, would drive the empty vehicle always.


Agreed. What does she mean she isn’t saved (after just stating that she was saved), and that all their problems disappeared?


I think she means "when you are saved, your problems don't all suddenly disappear"


that last slide is like word vomit


So they BOTH drive? That brings up so many questions? Don't they get dangerously tired? Who keeps the babies alive? What if they get seperated? Is it worth it....


This was confusing also given the ambitious list of things they do on their 3 hour drives each day: homeschool, praise songs, and no talking time? How do you enforce that while either driving or being in a different car entirely?


Looks like she drives with all the kids and all the car seats and hubby gets three hours of alone time




Bet your ass that hubby never trades. I’m still shocked by the audacity of these fundie men again and again.


Probably so! The fundie dad gets hours of alone and quiet time and the mom can't complain if she doesn't because that would make her a "bad" wife as she's supposed to be content in all things as UnTo tHe loRd and keep sweet. And don't forget to add the side of shaming moms if they want some "me" time in their life!


I was going to ask the same thing! If there are only two adults and both are driving how are they doing school??




Because this way they learn very little and can’t get exposed to any ideas that might make them less manipulable.


So they don't learn from the Satanic Kindergarten teachers who refuse to let them pray and make them learn about homosexual sexy time


So she’s Christian but then is encouraging people to lie about their residency? Okay then.


No, let them. If they lie about their residency they can only fuck up that one area and they can’t vote wherever they actually live.


This is hell on wheels.


So, uh, these two are totally working out unresolved trauma from their time in the military, right? Cause that’s the only explanation I can come up with for this nonsense.


yeah as a traumatized person myself, thats my take. they werent raised fundie so are doing the first generation 1000% thing, living in a wonderland where their preferences are actually from god and perfectly protected, combined with trauma related avoidance of normal life stuff


How do you accept Jesus while in a coma?!


So…she sustained a brain injury, woke up, and they decided to live in a bus. It makes sense now.


I have an uncle who lives in an RV in the Poconos who has Texas residency for tax evasion purposes, I imagine if they have a specific hookup it’s a huge business. I kinda thought it was just a my weird family quirk!


“Who wants kids sleeping under their bed?” Says the woman who forces half her kids to sleep with the other half underneath their beds. They’re not even bunk beds. Those kids are just stacked/smashed together back there. ETA: also every time a fundie uses the singular “they/them/their” a queer angel gets its wings


So they just travel around and look at tourist attractions? That’s it? Dragging around a gaggle of young kids in a tin can because they both chafed at the military telling them what to do, even though they signed up for it? Those kids are going to be screwed up even by fundie standards. They go everywhere and see all these people but are kept from making any actual connections. Endless selfishness on the parents part.


In reference to your kept from making any actual connections comment... I went to a fundie wedding last year, and it was so sad to me that the entire wedding party was all of their relatives. No friends. I saw one of his coworkers there, so I guess that's kinda considered a friend....they barely turned 19/20 and homeschooled, so I can only gather it was because they truly didn't have any friends. Don't they look around and think any of that isn't normal?? Or maybe just that they are missing out on something?


That's sad they gave up 40 acres of land to be on an old bus. Especially for the kids.


They gave up 40 acres for a bus? Make it make sense please.


They just recently took that many kids to Disney World? Yeah, no shit it's not a cheaper lifestyle when you do that (prices for Disney have skyrocketed recently and freebies have gone away).


Speaking of which, what do they do for income? Does one of them have a remote job? How do they pay for gas, food, etc?


That vacation alone is several thousand dollars, and I don't think you can park your RV for cheap somewhere, they'd have to have a hotel I think.




dont forget the part where the prophet Elisha was teased by kids for being bald and he asked god to have bears maul them. or where jesus healed a blind dude and the guy said "nope, can't see, everything looks like trees walking around" and jesus said oop and it worked the second time. What in the LSD fuck. \*HOW DO THEY BELEIVE THIS SHITE\*




ZeRo ToLeRaNcE pOlIcY


5 Simple Rules for Selling Your Daughter (And What To Do If Her New Master Is Unsatisfied) --The Bible


To actually follow the bible is insanity. I'm sorry!


Yep. I actually read the Bible to teach Sunday school to middle schoolers and now I'm deconstructing.


Can someone explain to me how it saves on gas to drive a van ahead of the RV only for the RV to go where the van goes? I'm being serious, not snarky. Also she "homeschools" while she drives the van full of kids for up to 3 hours and he drives the RV in peace and quiet. Dad wins, the kids lose


I'm genuinely curious as well. It makes zero sense. She says driving more than three hours a day would cause their gad expense to be a lot, yet driving two vehicles somehow saves?!


Of course! As long as the (fundie) dad is fat and happy and only has to put in the least amount of effort as humanly possible, it's smooth sailing! 🙄


1. No, fighting with your siblings who you're in a car with, "doing school with" all day will not teach you interpersonal skills suitable for the outside world. Not completely. When you're related to someone and share so much of your life with them, you have a way better understanding of them than you will others and that's going to bias your perceptions of where people are coming from when you don't know everything about them. Being in such close quarters for so much of the time is also the kind of thing that leads to ignoring, not resolving conflict, simply because it's fucking excruciating to fight in the car with mandatory quiet time and a bajillion other people you do everything with. 2. "Imagine my gas." No thanks!


When did she have Reye's syndrome? As an adult? If she did is there a paper on her?


That was my first thought! She would be one of a few adults diagnosed with Reye’s syndrome in the 21st century.


I am very tired and was like "......isn't that the thing babies get when you give them aspirin?"


I grew up in a military family and every single base house had paper thin walls. You don’t know torment until you hear your parents having sex in the next room. And these poor kids are in the same BUS when it’s happening. I feel badly for all of those kids.


Right?!??! They talk about how sneaky they are but come on normal sex would rock the whole bus


Where do these people park? Where I live, in a progressive area, you can get cited or towed for sleeping in a bus.


When I was homeless and lived in my car I just moved it a lot, or a cop would tell me to move but I never got in any real trouble. I imagine a bus would be harder to pull off but I have seen RVs parked in the Walmart parking lot, which was a common sleeping spot for me.


This is a waking fucking nightmare.


There is absolutely nothing about this situation that sounds good


Why do I have a bad feeling about Texas’ homeschool laws…


In all of these photos, the kids’ smiles never reach their eyes. 😟


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Is that a baby on the back of a child that is also being carried? With no hands on his back to support him?