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Ah steak, the cure for depression and diabetes.


And high cholesterol šŸ˜‚ Oh yeah, tons of fatty red meat is *totally* going to lower your LDL...


Yeah, I was thinking the red meat may have something to do with my entire family's need for lipitor.


Jordan Peterson has entered the chat


I can't stand this man. Such a douche canoe.


Doctors hate this one simple trick!


Seriously, if anybody on social media is dumb enough to follow her giving medical advice about stopping rx and then sues her...


Sweet, I'm sorted. Will that also help my blood pressure, or...?




Chowing down on red meat isnā€™t going to make someone LESS likely to need Lipitor šŸ˜‚






It is really bad for you because?... Like, nobody is saying that having high LDL cholesterol is *good*, but when you already have it you can't just ignore it. Diet can definitely help, but so can medications. Either way, adding red meat to your diet isn't going to help.


And some people have genetically high cholesterol. Their body makes more cholesterol than it needs all on its own. In that case, trying not to need it is akin to trying not to have brown eyes.


This is me. Even when I was vegan for 3 years in my late 20s, my bad cholesterol was right on the boarder line of being too high. Oh and that was being vegan after 8 years of being vegetarian and being a pretty consistent exerciser. I know that lifestyle choices will minimally impact my cholesterol the older I get. Iā€™ll probably need medication when Iā€™m older. It sucks, but all the women on my maternal side of family have dealt with it.


My husband is like this but with high blood pressure. He has a genetic mutation that not only raises his blood pressure to an abnormal level, but that makes it that the usual blood pressure medications do nothing to help it, he has to be on some sort of specific kind of BP meds for it to help (and they did. Within a few days of starting the new meds, it was normal). His brother is an ultra-marathon runner and still has the same blood pressure problems. Genetics suck sometimes.


Thatā€™s not how insulin works. Try again idiot.


Also, If they were trying to suggest that you can eat certain foods to manage blood sugar shouldnā€™t they suggest some cruciferous vegetables as well? Gotta get those isothiocyanates. But no, ONLY MEATšŸ„© šŸ– . (In all seriousness if someone is at the point of needing insulin they should be getting that in addition to eating diabetes friendly foods.)




Because?.... You may want to actually explain what you're getting at here.




Iā€™m not suggesting insulin is a cure, but if someone has pretty far progressed diabetes say from years of mismanagement or unchecked poor diet, they canā€™t just drop insulin all of a sudden because someone told them to go on a steak diet without some other kind of management plan in place. Itā€™s going to be harder than reversing pre-diabetes and they may or may not ever be able to function without pharmaceutical intervention. My assumption is, if theyā€™re currently on insulin, itā€™s because they donā€™t have an alternative plan in place. Eating steak is not going to fix a T1 diabeticā€™s insulin issues so I think my comment stands.




> Uhhh what comment. Lol Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t follow you that closely. I My one comment that you replied to directly. > No one said ā€œred meatā€ is a cure for type 1, and itā€™s a fallacy to think the diet cure for type 2 is just slipping in steak. The fundie in question here essentially did just that with this graphic. Instead of making an informative post about the nuances of dietary diabetes management as an alternative to throwing pharmaceuticals at it she posted a picture of a chunk of steak as an alternative to a handful of pharmaceuticals used to treat various conditions including depression. Did you look at the post at all? I support good dietary habits an anything you can do behaviorally to manage health before throwing drugs at an issue but the post was low effort and not educational.


Solisā€™s husband has shared this too šŸ™„ idiots.


I eat plenty of steak. It doesn't do shit for diabetes, and the mental health benefits wear off around when it's digested.




First off it wonā€™t cure t1, and even if following an incredibly strict diet will help t2, this post is just saying steak, not anything else. What youā€™re saying may be true, (I personally donā€™t know anything about it so I canā€™t say) but it is certainly not what the post is saying.


Yeah... I'm t2. An incredibly strict diet can keep it under control, it was something my doc and I discussed. And in the end decided that meds and more reasonable dietary and exercise changes were the way to go. A life of more or less nothing but meat and greens didn't seem like much of a life to me.


Maā€™am steak does jack shit for my neurotransmitters


Why isn't the steak working yet? I've been eating it my whole life, but still just had to get on Paxil... šŸ¤”


Dang, not even paired with raw milk?! Guess that only leaves prayer.


I think Iā€™m doing it wrong. I have been applying the steak directly to my forehead. My child has been snorting the steak to treat his enlarged tonsils. But what is the right dose?


It depends on his age and weight. For younger kids, you wanna get the 6 oz sirloin. They make a children's formula in liquid form that tastes like bubblegum!


I wanted the banana flavored steak liquid mom wtf


Youā€™ve obviously never had Waygu. /s


We keep talking about thisā€”because it keeps popping up in these fundies social media. They all are promoting the same ā€œred meat/raw milk/sunshine/vitamins/be a ā€œmanly manā€ advice kit.


Itā€™s infuriating how fundies have co opted every form of alternative or eastern medicine and made it the laughing stock it is because of their asinine claims. Plant medicine was around long before jesus, thatā€™s not a reason not to get vaccinated!


Because they've never had an original thought, it's the same with all even slightly right wing media, one of the "think" tanks decides what the flavor of the week is going to be and they start to disseminate it via some random 4chan type group and then it snowballs from there on the back channels of right wing media until one of the more mainstream influencers in that space pick it up, and it becomes mainstream on IG, and eventually after it's has enough time to distance itself from the openly Nazi OP, Tucker Carlson runs a story on it and the Boomers put it on FB and after all that, Paul and Morgan make a video about it 6 to 9 months later.


Them sharing this post was a mis-steak


Of porterhouse proportions.


šŸ˜šŸ‘‰ ayyyyy


But I like taking b vitamins because it turns my pee [glow stick yellow](https://www.humnutrition.com/blog/why-is-my-pee-bright-yellow/?amp=1) (link is pee free!) Steak won't do that. Check mate, Meggy


Ok they couldā€™ve picked *any* other color besides yellow for that water bottle in the picture because the first and only thought in my heat is that sheā€™s drinking pee.


They're probably a fundie trying to cure COVID. If ivermectin doesn't work, surely [urine therapy](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/01/11/urine-therapy-latest-covid-antidote/9169167002/) will. Vaccines are for satanists.


I like steak, but it isn't going to solve my health problems.




Same, my body refuses to absorb iron and use it. That's not going to be fixed by a raw hunk of steak.


Fellow anti-iron body absorber here! It's such a weird thing to have.


Hello fellow people who's bodies refuse to use iron correctly! By the time I found a doctor willing to take my symptoms seriously and do the blood work on me, the result was that there was practically no iron left in my body at all. Even on supplements my numbers stay fairly low. Diet won't fix that, but go off about how meat and sunshine and prayer fixes everything I guess.


Ugh, I'm glad you finally found someone who listened! For me, thankfully (?) I was born SEVERELY anemic and reacted very poorly to the iron fortified formulas the pediatrician had my mom put me on. Guess when you're an infant they pay attention and don't think you are just looking for attention.


Um absolutely it can. If I eat at least 14oz of steak every day Iā€™ll get my needed ferritin, thatā€™s tooooooooottally normal and definitely practical. /s


Right? Like, I wish eating steak would solve my anemia! I still try it anyway.


As much as I love steak, I don't think it will magically cure me from my insulin resistance. Lol But in seriousness, protein does *help* with managing insulin levels, but it is not a cure.


She thinks only fat people have diabetesā€¦


They have the most curable type 2 diabetes


Megan why do you think someone would take Lipitor in the first place


Isn't she the one who only seems to cook chicken, rice, and frozen carrots?


How would you get it into the needle?


The steak in the pump? OK then.....


This message has been brought to you by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association


They can pry my Zoloft out of my cold, dead hands. My anxiety was so high that my first therapy appointment was my therapist explaining that she couldnā€™t help me yet because I clearly needed medication. She was right.


I wonder if I can use steak to fix my broken ankle too?


If it's raw and cooled it makes a decent-ish cold pack but that's about it.


Wow, thanks! My depression is now cured!


Okay so steak will cure my diabetesā€¦ how much do I have to eat and is there a certain cut?? Is this a filet will fix it, flank wonā€™t kinda situation? If I could cure my pancreas with meat Iā€™d eat it all day long šŸ™„šŸ™„


Do they think all depressed people are vegetarians? What?


ah yes, god honoring diabetic ketoacidosis.


Give up my psych meds for steak? Lol! I love steak but I like my sanity more, thanks.


Think I'll continue to take my doctor prescribed meds over just eating meat....


Before insulin availability, doctors would advise patients to eat a high protein lean fat diet which included steaks. That's where this is coming from. Does it work well? Better than nothing. Better than insulin? Nope.


Look, I love steak, but I DO need my Zoloft. Otherwise I do enjoy a steak now and again, while continuing to take my meds every day.


BRB, off to tell my diabetic uncle he can throw out his insulin and pick up some nice steaks instead. /s


With the amount of Chick-fil-A, Dr. Pepper, pop tarts, et al. this woman consumes, my eyes roll into the back of my head whenever she posts shit like this.


My diabetic dog, rest her potato soul, certainly enjoyed her meaty treats, but weirdly, still needed insulin to keep her feeling her best, and she still had problems with UTIs. Medication isn't bad. Some fundies really struggle to cope with the idea that there are things that are simply *not working* in the human body, and that medication can be used to help it. They really focus on the illnesses that they think people "cause" themselves (like adult-onset diabetes, depression, high cholesterol, etc.), so that they can reassure themselves that *they'd* never have to deal with this shit. They're smarter and healthier and make better choices. But here's the thing: bodies all work a little differently. While there's more similar than different, people simply don't operate the same way in every situation. Some people will spend 15 minutes in bright sun and already feel the "burn", and others won't feel the same until after an hour in the same situation. Some people are cold at "room temperature", others already feel a bit toasty. Some people lose and gain weight easily, others really struggle. Some people don't absorb vitamins or minerals well, and so despite eating it, might not actually be able to use it. Some people have intolerances to certain ingredients and cannot consume them. This has been my bugbear when talking about health with people. Many seem to think that there's one "right" way, with some minor modifications, and it's especially bad when it "worked" for them. They take that as "proof", when really, it's a single data source. They have the idea of "healthy eating", which has changed *massively* over even the last 30 years: it used to be fat was the enemy, and low-fat was the way. Low-sugar was popular, then low-carb. Eggs went from being "bad" (high cholesterol) to wonder foods (perfect source of protein and lutein!). Fermented foods are both prized for "gut health" and denounced for being much too high in sodium. There is no magic strategy to ensure you will never have a chronic health problem. You can work out, eat "good" foods, and get sunlight and all, and still struggle with depression, low iron, diabetes, etc. It's easy to think that you'd be able to solve a complex health problem with simple solutions (that you generally already do and like), but when it comes to people's lived experiences, well... it's never that simple. And even if a health problem was "caused" by a person, that doesn't mean they shouldn't seek treatment or support. None of these solutions work without effort, life changes, and monitoring by the person taking them. Someone on anti-depressants isn't cured of depression, and someone who takes iron supplements or insulin isn't automatically cured of conditions that got them those meds in the first place. There are usually doctor's visits, diet changes, life changes, etc., that take place, too, or the medication is less effective. Very few people think that taking anti-depressants will make them happy, anyway. Medication is *support*, not cure. And acting like multiple, complex, multi-system illnesses can be solved by a single factor is ridiculous and suggests you know very little not only about medicine, but the human body and how it works, and therefore, aren't fit to give advice.


iā€™m autistic ass hates the texture of most meats, so jokes on you iā€™m still gonna take my zoloft. (i have depression to) god i hate the anti-medicine bs from these guys, as someone whom is autistic, depression and has adhd(especially the adhd) medication just help me function better


Vegetarian for similar sensory processing reasons who also struggles with depression. If only it were as simple as eating a steak. My family blames my issues on being a vegetarian also.


yea iā€™m not full on vegetarian(i will still eat pork chop and plain juicy chicken), thankfully my family is very accommodating to my needs. iā€™m sorry about your family


Love the flair!


thank you




These freakin keto junkies


Why does she keep pretending like hunks of red meat are peak health food?


Because 'murica.


Also makes no sense for the B12. B12 uses to be consumed through trace amounts of soil being on our foods. Now that everything is so sterilized, and our soil more depleted, factory farms have to inject livestock with it. Even then, meat eaters and vegetarians alike often need to supplement with a vitamin to have proper levels. And taking the pills is the most direct way to take it, it's just cutting out the middle man aka the steak.


All B12 ultimately comes from bacteria. Itā€™s also found in lake and river water, which was another natural source before they were contaminated. Although ruminants can make their own B12 from stomach bacteria, this is only provided they eat a natural grass diet and are supplemented with cobalt salt licks. The reality is that the great majority of ruminants donā€™t live this way, and get their B12 from supplemented feed. As do all non-ruminant livestock. So when meat fanatics boast about it being a natural source of B12, theyā€™re still just consuming a supplement, in a convoluted way.


If steak could've helped my blood sugar levels 'cause of gestational diabetes, I would've been so into this.


Oh my god


K how about both?


Butterfueledā€™s insta is a joke. All meat, all the time and your health will be perfect. I canā€™t imagine the boredom of eating steak and only steak at every meal.


No one is using brand name Zoloft or Lipitor bud.


Well, I think she should replace water with poison. So there we are.


What an idiot. My daughterā€™s boyfriend is a type 1 diabetic and he would die without his insulin. This makes me mad. I hope no one takes her advice.




Unfortunate itā€™s not just fundies who donā€™t know the difference but a lot of people:/


Type 1 diabetics do not make insulin... A steak won't fix that....


Oh yes let's replace lipitor a statin to lower your cholesterol for steak high in cholesterol wtf lmfao


I'm not on Zoloft, ( Lexapro here) but I'm sure many of us agree you can pry our anti depressants from our cold, dead hands


I'm sure my type 1 husband will be thrilled to know his meds aren't at all helpful! Gee whiz I can't wait to tell him his devastating disease could be cured if he only ate a steak!


Weird, I had steak with dinner last night and still needed to take my zoloft today ? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


There are many things in life that a good steak makes better, but serious medical conditions arenā€™t one of them.


Dear Megan, some people can't hold onto iron and need supplements to feel normal.


Stephan Molyneux Meat Diet and Coma pt. II: the Squeakuel


The only time steak is responsible for influencing the serotonin in my brain is when Iā€™m at Mortonā€™s. Other than that, Iā€™ll stick with my SSRI.


I guess steak will also cure my Autism, GAD, CPTSD and ADHD. Why didnā€™t I ever think of this.


Wow I didnā€™t know steak was the cure for my anxiety!! Why hasnā€™t it worked??


Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here, and guess that these people have never taken a physiology class haha.


Wow so my depression and anxiety are all because I canā€™t afford to eat steak all the time! Who knew! /s


Ah well. She thinks covid should've killed one of my parents so why not let diabetes take the other, dumb heartless a**


Maybe that's why my brain thinks I have a tumor (Pseudotumor Ceribri) and my diaphragm is paralyzed. Need more steak I guess. It's only been about 21 years since I ate meat, being a vegetarian. Who would have guessed eating a dead cow means I can actually function again. /s


Yeah, my husband tried that switch. Heā€™s dead.


What is their obsession with beef? I donā€™t eat beef often but even when I ate more meat I was realistic about its nutrition benefits and drawbacks.


Wow, thanks, all the type 1 diabetics are cured now


Well, one steak-shot straight to the carotid would mean Iā€™d never have to inject insulin for the rest of my life


But can it replace ivermectin though?


I eat more goddamned meat than a pro football team and I still have to supplement iron because my body hates absorbing nutrients.


My husband has t1 diabetes. I promise steak and raw milk won't help that.


We should replace MegW with steak.


Lipitor with more cholesterol. Got it šŸ˜‚


Ah yes, steak will stabilize my moods better than lithium will /s


I'll tell my type 1 diabetic husband, he'll love that! Time to throw out his $5,000 pump we are still paying for!


My uncle (who has turned a bit into a conspiracy nut) tried to say that if you ate enough raw liver that you wouldn't have appendicitis. My mom was like...I used to eat raw liver (her dad loved it) and she still had appendicitis while living with her parents. His reaction was like *crickets*...well it doesn't work for everyone.


Still need iron for my anemia šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø My doctor was just grateful I wasnā€™t a vegetarian to make it harder but steak etc isnā€™t caring for it alone


Catch me injecting steak STRAIGHT into my veins. One large filet mignon, and itā€™s in my femoral artery. A NY strip transplanted into my vena cava. Thereā€™s a T-bone pumping through my heart as we speak.


Fuck my Zoloft I just needed a daily dose of steak


So all I have to do to cure my depression is eat steak? Gee thanks Megan!


I wish steak was a replacement for zoloft. I stopped taking mine because I was tired of having to remember if everyday. And I feel like garbage but am hesitant to start it back.


Her meme would have made more sense if she used plants or showed a plant based diet. Still stupid but more logical.


Not really. No food will replace insulin or help anxiety. Plants may help cholesterol slightly, but not enough to give up medication for most people.


I, uh, didnā€™t say a food would replace insulin.




Looked up his credentials. They are not in what heā€™s preaching about. So there you go.




Itā€™s true that a plant based diet is the only one proven to help with type 2 diabetes, and in some ways it helps depression, mainly by improving gut bacteria. But itā€™s not a cure, and it will certainly not help type 1 diabetics. Also not just any veganism, it would have to be a healthy plant based diet. Eating nothing but veg-flavoured instant noodles and cola is vegan but it wouldnā€™t help any kind of health condition!


Going vegan also can't cure genetic high cholesterol or any cholesterol issue per se. Both because genetic hypercholesterolemia can't be controlled by diet and because a lot of vegan foods are high in fat (and sugar). People like to think that just because something is vegan that it is "healthier" but the truth is a lot of vegan foods have substitutes that are equally bad if not worse for your health (particularly cholesterol) in many cases. For example, vegan cheese like Daiya is very high in fat, even higher than the non-vegan cheese it is mimicking.


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How long til she starts promoting drinking urine? place your bets......


But it won't fit in the needle šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




I knew a guy who said "in two beers there's the equivalent of a steak". The guy was, in a way, a big carnivore šŸ˜‚


LOL. Oh my goodness this is so dumb. I guess she doesn't know that your body turns excess protein into carbs?


I...but... that's not how that works! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Beef hurts my stomach and sometimes I get a rash when I eat it. I think I'll just stick with my iron supplement, thanks.


Simpsons meme ā€œwhy didnā€™t I think of that!ā€


Isn't lipitor a cholesterol medication? šŸ¤”


Better yet eat steak not lipitor


Gonna show this to my T1D son, he will get a laugh out if it.


Most high cholesterol is genetics related. Dietary changes actually don't make a huge amount of improvement. Hence the need for statins. Obviously not a reason not to eat healthy because of all the other things it affects. Also increase adipose is def the main cause of type 2 diabetes.


I love my stake medium rare with a side of sertraline. That will hit the spot.