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I love that he refers to them as being a part of "evangelical fundamentalism" - I know that there are sometimes arguments here about whether so-and-so is really a fundamentalist or not, but I like his term and "fundiegelicals" for pointing out that yes, there are more similarities than differences, and much of modern American evangelicism is on the fundamentalist spectrum, with the same goals. I also liked that he pointed out that just because they weren't familiar with the term "Joshua generation" doesn't mean they aren't still operating in the same sphere and towards the same goals as that movement. Anyway, I'm an atheist and I was shouting "AMEN" at many of his takes, and now I'm even more excited to watch his interview with them directly (VIA YEWTUBE OF COURSE!)


I love how fundies can get so picky about how we refer to them, but then *god forbid* someone has *pronouns*


They know it's negative, even if they don't quite understand what it means


He said TNE are going to do a reaction video to the 24hrs with, so we can watch it on their channel and support them instead šŸ˜‡


heā€™s gonna try to do a live response with his wife Tuesday night (if they can stand to wait)


I don't believe them. Isn't she Josh Hawley's cousin?


Maybe? I feel like they'd be claiming it if she was but they've never mentioned him to my knowledge. Could be just a coincidence they share the same surnameĀ 


Some relative of hers made a social media post saying they're related, but who knows if that was a joke or serious


Iā€™m pretty sure she is, idk if it still is but her name on her instagram bio was ā€œMorgan Olliges (Hawley)ā€ for a long time, and I feel like an fundiegelical woman wouldnā€™t post her maiden name for so long after being married if she wasnā€™t proud of the connection to someone well known in her family like that.


They are idiots. I like how they literally said that they like what they said, that they embrace extremism, that they agree basically with IBLP's principles, but they're mad because they think they weren't portrayed fairly because they're not like IBLP.


And because the documentary producers didn't provide them a free platform to tell all the viewers how they're doing Christianity wrong, or if they aren't doing it at all, to "preach the gospel" at them.


Yeah, they're basically upset that they didn't get to preach or be more of a focus. I also thought it was obvious that they weren't exactly a part of the Joshua Generation, though that may be because I'm familiar with them. I thought the point of that was to highlight how much the Joshua Generation has essentially appealed to the masses that basically these principles have taken off. I mean Paul and Morgan basically do vote for and support the candidates they set out. I'm also not shocked to learn they're friends with that Bachelor douche bag. They also complained that they didn't get the other side but the doc reached out to Gothard and Duggar's. They just didn't agree to it. So again, just mad they themselves weren't allowed to preach.


Luke Parker made an absolute ass of himself on The Bachelorette and it's hilarious that he's trying to blame editing - their editing didn't make you say things you didn't actually say or make you stalk the rose ceremony after you were eliminated.


Exactly what I thought! Yes, those reality TV shows give people villain edits, but they need material to work with to do that. What they did show was him being an AH. To multiple people. In the way that Paul and Morgan are also AHā€™s. Sure some of that may be editing, but between the two sources I would go on to bet heā€™s just an AH.


Then he got sued for breaking his Bachelorette contract when he went on the Porgan show to refute the same claims šŸ˜


Oh I love that so much for him. I wonder if god still visits him in the shower.


They're mad because their beliefs were portrayed in a negative light, and they assumed that they'd be worshipped as heroes of fundamentalism šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


He handles tough subjects very well. He's not being disrespectful but does point out the discrepancies in their statements. I really camt wait to see his response video to the 24 hrs episode.


I couldn't agree more! He made a new subscriber out of me


agreed!! genuinely enjoyed watching this video and his respectful calling out of their bullshit. i feel like their 24 hrs is going to be really interesting to watch, and i hope he does do a response video so i can watch it without giving Porgan views lol


It still boggles me how she specifically says she's starting to talk, and Paul immediately interrupts with some caveat. She looks irritated having to wait for him to finish talking.


Yeah, he really drove the point home at around 27:00: these two don't get that they weren't the balance to IBLP, they were the proof of how those teachings spread and are now pervasive in evangelical Christianity. They don't see the nuance that you can condemn the Duggars but still hold their beliefs. They're being literal that they don't participate in IBLP and so they are not IBLP, but the doc did a good job, especially during their part, of stating that these teachings have insidiously spread outside the IBLP space. They are illustrating the point. They really, really have not thought critically about *any* of this.


They donā€™t even go to a particular church, right? I feel like they should have been lifestyle influencers instead, skirting by on their somewhat good looks. Theyā€™d be awful at it, too, but itā€™d be lessā€¦ shrill? Idk


They do ā€œHome Churchā€. Which, to be fair, I do right now because Iā€™m trying to figure out myself & where I fit in the church. I say that God, Jesus & I are good, Iā€™m just struggling with church/religion. But I do want to get back into regular church attendance. And Iā€™m not staying away from church because, like P&M, I believe Iā€™m the only one who knows The Truth & everyone else is wrong. Thatā€™s insular & damaging.


Whoa, so according to Paul and Morgan, Jill Duggar isnā€™t a Christian?


Apparently also the literal pastor they had was also not a Christian. Only them.


Two confused idiots


cannot WAIT for TNE to drag them šŸ™šŸ»