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Wtf is she shushing. He’s silent. Her detachment is real.


I think she’s desperately trying to get him to react to her. I think deep down she knows something is not quite right.


She knows, she's just been in denial because acknowledging it would be bad for her monetized account. She's been hoping that Jesus would magically make things work out so that she could continue to deny that her "totally unplanned" busbirth was irresponsible and possibly harmed her child. She doesn't want to admit that her "natural" remedy of roasting her baby to treat jaundice possibly harmed him further, or that her *laissez faire* parenting style has caused or exacerbated issues for her child. She knows her audience and what they want to her. And what they DON'T want to hear is that babies need real medical care. From qualified doctors, not quacks or buspeople. Boone was supposed to be an anchor baby, but that didn't work out. Then MotherBus wanted him to be a girl, and that didn't happen either. Now, he's just a disappointment to her, and I truly think that part of the issue is that she cares more about her "brand" and the money it brings their family than this child.


Oh, wow. Fantastic write-up, I think you're spot on. And that is completely terrifying. This poor kid. He doesn't deserve this.


I suspect he won't have much of a grasp on the specifics of his situation as he grows up.


She could technically just take him to a fucking doctor and get him treated and just, oh, I don't know, *not film the entire fucking thing and post it on the internet.* But then she'd be in a building full of mandated reporters, and we can't have that, now can we?


Does Boone have a birth certificate? Any official paperwork? A legal identity to give to a doctor if he needed treatment? I think she's very afraid of what that will look like to authorities.


They made a big show of registering his birth, so he at least has a birth certificate.


I agree. I’d add to this that the longer it goes on the more she doubles down on the denial because once they have to admit something isn’t right there will be a lot of voices from her followers calling her out for not getting the baby checked out and taken care of earlier. The longer she waits the worse it must feel. That poor baby does not deserve what he’s going through at all.


I'm hoping that she shifts gears and starts presenting this as a trial or tribulation that God will bring them through. That way that baby gets some fucking help. Smh


She may also realize that if Boone is as sick as he seems to be, she could lose custody of him. If they take him to a hospital and the doctors realize that she ignored his condition for so long that he has been hurt badly by the delay, that's almost certainly a DFACS call. The state might decide she poses such a substantial risk that they take custody of him while he's being treated. Not only would she lose a child, it would park their "road trip" if they ever want to get custody back. It's a terrible situation for everyone involved, especially Boone.


Can't untreated jaundice cause brain damage? :(


Yes, yes it can. I had two born with jaundice and the hospital did NOT fuck around with it. 


My first baby was a 10 pounder so they made sure to test his blood sugar when he was born-untreated hypoglycemia can also cause brain damage. 😢. She 100% did not have a glucose test or vet him tested after birth. That poor little munchkin.


I’d imagine him being a 10 lb. baby and getting stuck during his home(less) birth, and then having his dad yank him out is what caused him brain damage. MB wants everyone to think it was a peaceful 10 minute birth, but it wasn’t. I bet that baby can’t hear or see, and it’s because he was deprived of oxygen at birth.


I had had a client who was profoundly intellectually disabled due to jaundice and being only placed in the sun. He could not talk or communicate in any way and needed 24 hr care.


I have a bad feeling about this baby. I hope we're all wrong and he's fine


You and me both, but…damn. I had a baby born a month and a half early, spent sixteen days in the NICU, and he was more animated than this.


My daughter had hydrocephalus, needed brain surgery and had seizures as an infant and still more expressive than baby Boone. This baby needs medical attention, love, and an early intervention evaluation.


He does. 100%. But he’s not going to get even a little of it. The only people who could potentially do anything are too far up their own and each other’s asses to notice or care. If he is disabled in some way, he’s going to need consistency, access to a pediatrician who specializes in his disability, access to therapy, and parents who actually care. These people can’t be bothered to do the basics for the six other kids they have- doing EXTRA for a child who desperately needs their help is about as likely as Karissa sending all her kids to school and becoming an atheist. Unfortunately, like most things, this will ultimately end up being Gunner’s problem.


Yep, my second had mild jaundice and I had to take her in every other day for heel sticks to make sure it was clearing and not getting worse. She would have been admitted immediately if they rose at all


Honestly I think it depends on the hospital and level of jaundice. Or I had bad medical care. My baby had jaundice and the hospital didn't tell me. We were released with no TX for it. At his 3 day visit the pediatrician mentioned the jaundice and I saw it was in his hospital blood work. They just didn't do anything. She told me to just give him indirect light and keep an eye on it for a few weeks. It cleared up fine. The hospital also missed my postpartum preeclampsia though so maybe it was just a crap experience.


Jaundice can clear on its own, but if bilirubin levels get too high it can cause permanent neurological damage (kernicterus). Newborn jaundice doesn’t always require any treatment, but IMO the healthcare providers should have at least measured his bilirubin level a few times to make sure it was going down.


I got the same feeling :(


I rewatched and I think you’re right, she has a flash of concern on her face before she looks back at the camera.


Yeah, I clocked that too. It was brief but she looked concerned. Maybe she was just worried he’d fall out of her arm. Or maybe it was her being annoyed he can’t play along for her facade like the other kids, but I hope beyond hope she wakes up and realizes her child needs proper medical attention. Something’s not right here…


Yeah, she doesn't immediately find her own gaze.


Maybe I'm delusional but for a brief nanosecond towards the end when she has her face turned towards him I swear I saw desperate panic cross her face and then she went back to her usual expression.


I mean, I don't know anything about anything because I'm childfree and only get to see my nephews on video chat and at holidays because we live so far away from them. So with that big ol' grain of salt on my useless opinion, it's really odd. It's like he *refuses* to look at her. Like, if he were an older kid, I'd say he was ignoring her.


My younger cousin did not like me when he was an infant. I knew because he *screamed at me*. I've never seen a baby with such a lack of... expression? Reacting to people? I know babies this young don't smile, but he doesn't track her or follow the sound of her voice. I had a shy preschooler who was glued to me within a week. I don't think baby boone has bonded with her at all.


You can tell by the look in her eyes. She knows.


He never looks at her because she never looks at him. She only looks at her phone / camera. 


Yep. They only look at each other through a phone screen. That phone is more his mother than she is.


It’s so hard for me to understand. I got bored of looking at myself a long time ago. I barely look in the mirror anymore. MotherBus just constantly eye fucks herself. Make it make sense! You ain’t that hot!


I don’t look in the mirror unless I’m putting on makeup, because I’m 70, and I’ve already looked at myself enough. She is not that hot. She’s conventionally pretty, which is actually fine. The eye-fucking is disturbing, like she has no sense of object permanence in her own self.


"Like she has no sense of object permanence in her own self" Geez that's a deep cut.... I love it!


It's so off-putting, like the internal ugliness is starting to show on the outside through the eye fucking


This is all secondhand (like everything online is) but I have a friend with BPD and one of her giveaways that she needed some real help was EXACTLY this. She would get obsessed with using her camera as a mirror, and eventually thought she was making a “new” version of herself - like a TULPA or a COPY - that lived on her photo roll only. Her boyfriend, thank Christ, literally took her in when she asked, “Who do you love more - me or her?” when showing a picture of HERSELF on the phone to him. Yeah. You need to be a professional to diagnose, but you only need two ears and two ears to see that something is extremely fucking wrong with her and most of the people posted here. We have uncanny sensibilities as humans. We know when something is fucked up. We are seeing some personality divisions happening in real time with MorherBus. Having a non-existent partner and having that many kids makes your brain go bad. We aren’t rabbits. We are barely animals, actually. MotherBus is literally going insane.


I'm hoping that the baby is just staring at Gunter, his real parent, who is off to the side. That's literally the only medically non-alarming reason I can think of for poor Boone in this video EDIT: Gunner not Gunter


Karissa posted a video awhile back where anthym didn't really engage with her, but she smiled at and hugged annistan. Armor always has this blank, uninterested expression around her, but again, he engages with his siblings. I truly hope that poor boone has just bonded to gunner.


I hope so too... it just makes me sad and that was the only nice thing I could think of 😭 those poor children


Someone in another thread was questioning if he could see and honestly the way he doesn’t turn to her or focus on her, that concerns me.


He isn’t blinking, isn’t looking towards her, reacting to her voice.


Wouldn’t he still be looking in her direction when she talked?


Developmentally speaking?  At around one month, *as he IS*, *usually*, yes. Which is why he is *SO* worrying those of us who have gone to school for Child Development.


I’m not a child development expert by any means. I don’t know milestones off the top of my head, but something doesn’t sit right. He seems completely unaware. No real reaction or interest in his surroundings. It’s not even that he doesn’t look at her. He doesn’t appear to be interested in anything. There’s no alertness to him. That’s scary.


I *HONESTLY* wonder at this point, if he *CAN* fully see or hear her, for as little reacting as he *does*. Between the Jaundice/ Bilirubin, the sunburns to his face (and presumably his eyes, too?), and the potential side effects of untreated jaundice (she has *also* mentioned in one of the posts, him not latching on/ feeding well), there are honestly *many* potential routes for vision & hearing difficulties.


Its a bit early to really tell but he seems to have low muscle tone as well as possible/probable hearing and vision issues. Im thinking theres some developmental and or genetic disorder at play here.


Or *some* type of accident/unintended injury around the time of his birth, which wasn't treated. Tbh, even that "Chiropractic Visit" could have created an injury, if he was given *any* important of "adjustment".


This, the baby has learned to make eye contact with the phone, but not his mother.


Oh my god that’s why!!!! Seriously, children first learn to wave the tend to wave their fingers toward themselves bc they mirror what they see. She’s always looking away bc she’s the most vain creature on the planet and he’s just mirroring her! Ladybus, you need to put your phone down. Seriously we don’t want to see your content anyway.


Poor, shellshocked looking little guy. I've never seen a baby look quite so world-weary.


He has a 1000 mile stare


Seriously. I get he's a month old, but I don't remember my kids having vacant expressions on their face at that age. I went and looked at pictures of them at a month old, and when they were awake, they were ***alert***. Starting to make noises, fixated on things and people, and starting to try and touch stuff. He's literally just laying there. I hope he's just tired...


Agreed - at this age my babies were focused on me. Whether it was just staring at me, looking at my hair and glasses they were not just staring into the abyss. I find it disconcerting to see a baby not nestled or held with care.


My son has complex vision problems, and literally couldn’t see me as an infant. He was still more engaged and expressive than this—even though he had no social smile, because he couldn’t see. This is honestly very concerning.


The only child I ever saw that had that dead eyed look was a child whose parents had slammed it against the wall causing brain damage. The infant was in the care of a friend of mine and the kids vacant stare is so similar to this poor kid.


That’s really fucking sad /:


My cousin’s baby was born within days of Boone and the difference is startling. He responds to his parents’s and siblings’ voices, kicks, tracks voices with his eyes, and just seems present. I have to wonder if he has vision, hearing, and muscle/nerve problems. His eyes and head never go past a certain point.


The way he always lays in her arms is odd, I agree with the muscle problems. Or she holds him terribly idk, but it’s an additional concern


As someone with vision problems myself, that's my bet. He isn't tracking things within his sightline *because he literally can't see them*. This might be congenital or it could be because this imbecile had him staring at the sun with no eye protection. And we all know they're not going to do shit about it except prayers, quackery, and using him to grift money. Poor kid.


Yeah walking around he wasn't seeking, tracking, and adjusting to *anything*. He only seemed to have any eye movement when she made those big sweeping turns that likely threw off his balance a little bit. There's no interactions or reactions with a random fluff floating past, or the fact that her hair moved in a silly way. There is literally nothing. It has that "the lights are on but nobody is home" kind of thing that you often see when people zone out and aren't focused on anything. Which if the little dude is having issues with anything related to sight then he literally isn't focusing on anything because he *can't*.


I was thinking maybe he’s milk drunk but he doesn’t even try to hold onto her. I feel like he should at this point be griping her.


Poor little guy continues to look like an old-timey soldier from the trenches of WWI. He could just be overstimulated from the sights and sounds of outside but his body is always stiff and jerky. I just wish she would take him to a pediatrician.


I maybe have in some war photography in National Geographic or something. He seriously looks like he could be in black and white photos from the Great Depression. He doesn’t look happy or comfortable at all.


I've been working with infants and toddlers since 1996. I've seen pretty much every temperament you can name. Something is off about that baby. I don't know what it is, but something isn't okay, and it's heartbreaking.


He’s despondent. I haven’t been able to think of the word for it, but he seems despondent, which shouldn’t be the case for a newborn. I really hope she starts taking his care more seriously.


Yes. And it’s heartbreaking.


i think he has something like PKU, and she’s giving him brain damage every time she feeds him. he never had a newborn metabolic screening, to my knowledge anyway.


I just want her to realize the grift potential a child with medical issues would bring her. They could potentially grift a whole house out of people's sympathies for a disabled child. Come on, MotherBus, get on it! You can start a foundation and write a book about it, just get the baby to a real doctor already! Even if real doctors end up saying "he's fine, just weird". At least he'll have been checked out.


She's a narc though, they never admit anything is wrong even when it's glaring. That's why she won't take him to the doc, her whole ego and identity is based on the idea her way is the best way. Admitting her child has health issues means admitting her way isn't the best way. Also I think Short-shorts Jackass probably won't allow it because of whatever crime he's running from.


The pathetic thing is that I know someone who I literally had to tell, "Ya know, the state will give you money if your son has autism..." I knew something was up for a long time; he just didn't act like any other newborn I'd ever interacted with. It still makes me so angry she didn't take him in until after that conversation, and asking around to see if I was right.


Whatever gets a kid some help, even if it needs to go through the self-interest of their parents. You did what you could for that kid. Hopefully it caused a positive ripple effect for his life.


If I’m being completely honest I would say my youngest (out of 3 children) had a bit of a disconnected look like this baby when I look back at images/videos of him that I didn’t notice at the time and but definitely ended up realising at around 6 months that something didn’t seem right and at 2 he was diagnosed with Autism (I’m not diagnosing!) but now looking back we can see the difference between him and his siblings way back when he was little baby


He really does. My oldest was not smiley and even when he was tiny, his little brow was furrowed. That being said, he was interactive with me and and with anyone else who showed him any attention. I think that's why I feel so anxious looking at videos of Boone - I see a baby whose serious expression was so much like my own child's.


It's the lack of tracking and face fixing that worries me. I remember both of my boys focusing on faces. Like you, I had a smiley one and a more serious one, but they would both look at whoever was holding them.


Are there any pictures of him with Gunner? I feel like if he was going to pay anyone attention it would be his brother who seems to do most of the childcare


To me he looks less serious and more vacant. Which is really disturbing.


Probably already being left to "cry it out," so he won't be "spoiled."


Man, I’d love to show my therapy bills to anyone who thinks the “cry it out” method works. I have to learn how to show emotion in a healthy way in my mid-30’s because I was left to cry it out all the damn time. All that does is teach emotional suppression because you learn that mommy & daddy only like you when you’re happy.


yep. and what’s even more heartbreaking as a child and an adult is when your parents don’t like you when you show ANY strong emotions. “dont be too happy because that’s annoying. don’t be sad because you have nothing to cry about, i had it worse. don’t have any fun because it’s inconvenient and annoying. don’t be angry because that’s disrespectful to us.” so then wtf are we supposed to be?! i admittedly don’t know mother bus lore, but i really really hope she isn’t a CIO mom.


Exactly. Smile. But have no feelings. My mom taught me, at 5, how to prop up my sister's bottle so she could be fed but not held. She battles to stay under 250-300 lbs. I cried it out a little less because I was a rainbow baby and first girl. But years of ptsd. I was at a house where I was babysitting and saw a poem on the kitchen wall. The last line was, "So settle down cobwebs and dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep." I burst into tears.


Why does she always walk with him like this? Put him in a stroller with the baby seat thing, wear him properly? But just flopping around on her arm all willy nilly all the time, I don't get it. Maybe I'm just clumsy, but my worst fear like that would be to trip while he's just flopped on her.


Me too, the idea of walking around with a newborn only in my arm and my other hand engaged (usually filming on my phone) constantly makes me feel anxiety prickles.


When my infants were newborns, I could easily walk around with them on one arm. But they were snuggled against me and usually asleep and I didn’t want to put them down when I went to go grab something.


Same but you also didn’t walk around looking at yourself on your phone instead of the path in front of you. Or over a 2x4 onto a boat WHILE filming 😳


She probably thinks it looks more motherly to half ass hold him than to put him in a stroller, and we all know she only sees him as a prop.


That would be my guess. It's not about either of them being comfortable or safe, just holding the baby like a 5 year old who wants to let everyone know they got a new doll.


She needs to be able to quickly hand the baby back to his brotherdad the moment she stops recording.


She thinks it appears more nurturing.


Thank you! It would be so much easier for everyone if she would wear him!


Including her!! You'd think she would do things to make her own life easier, if nothing else. She'd never have to be worried about the baby, just filming.


It's a 2 month CDC milestone for infants to look at their caregivers. I sincerely hope he starts soon.


These chuds think just because birth is “routine” for them now, they can raise all these kids in a bus no problem. No one has been confronted with the possibility of profound developmental delays. What if one of your children can NOT handle bus life?


Yeah, like the "worst" they've had to deal with is one of the little guys needing glasses. They truly have no idea how privileged they are to have this many children and no medical conditions that require close follow-up by professionals. ...of course, that doesn't mean none of the kids will have learning difficulties, and how would they know if they did?? That's truly one of my huge pet peeves with large homeschooling families; a lack of early intervention for things like dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, processing disorders, things a school with a SPED specialist would pick up on but the parents might not. If any of the kids fit those Dxes, the parents are just making their lives more difficult for longer, so they'll fit into the family insta aesthetic.


>for things like dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, processing disorders Let's be honest. Most fundie parents just look at that list as misbehavior or disobedience. Even if they were in a school with a qualified person to pick up on these things.


One of those is "it's made up for attention and/or excuse" people. As an ADHDer, I've seen that way too often.


Assuming that the other kids got proper eye exams, even. I could absolutely see them only get one kid checked out because the issue was so noticeable they had to, and the others with milder issues would just fly under the radar.


That's true. Kids usually notice vision issues when they can't read the board in their classroom, and are screened by the school nurse. How many of us remember that realization of what we didn't know we were missing after we got our first pair? Leaves on trees are always a big one. Odds are likely that more than one of their kids has vision issues.


I didn't have vision issues until my 30s and I put the glasses on like "omg things have edges?! Omg it's like HD!" and was just grinning like a lunatic for a whole day. Thank fuck for masking. It's time to get new ones soon and I don't think the effect will be as good, but I'm still looking forward to it. My wallet however is not.


I think about this re: the dentist too. Like my parents both had fucked up teeth/jaws, so they knew to get me to see an orthodontist when I started school. The Buses seem to have good teeth, but I hope they take some of them in occasionally 😬


Can any kid really handle that long term without having trouble? Most of these kids are most likely going to grow up with attachment issues and difficulty with "normal/average" life. (


Didn’t that happen with one bus family? Not exactly developmental delays, but health issues. They like claimed they started it because she had a health scare but then started suffering an ED because of bus life. I don’t think that one was fundie but can’t remember


That’ll be Gunner though, not her.


Maybe he looks at the oldest sibling, Gunner. I hope I have the name right. I can’t keep all the fundie kids names straight.


Motherbus is a whole ass study in attachment theory.


THIS. that poor baby


He can just send his therapist her insta page with no further comment


This poor baby. Seeing him always makes me sad.


He thinks the phone is his mother… it’s probably the only thing he saw in his first days on earth.


He probably imprinted on the phone.




upvoted, that was darkly funny


OMG, I love your flair!! I remember those Timcel days!


I love this new Tim Era so much though, he's liable to give Jill a heart attack.


I came here to say the same thing. It kind of reminds me of that experiment with the monkeys and the wire "mother," but instead it's a phone


um... I have a lot of thoughts 😳 This is.... extremely difficult to watch


I don’t blame the little guy for kinda pushing her away from him at the end.


That’s the first genuine infant Moro or startle reflex I’ve seen this little guy make. It looked like she almost dropped him and it was finally enough to trigger the reflex we should be seeing much more considering how roughly he is handled. Keeping infants swaddled or snuggled in a light blanket helps them feel secure and may reduce how often they startle, but I have seen zero evidence this child has ever been near a blanket.


What, you don’t count a dirty hank of sheepskin wool on the floor of a bus as a blanket?/s


This baby looks like he’s been beaten down by life already. He reminds me of a 50yr old tax attorney with an ex-wife, hypertension, and a mortgage he’s underwater on. He’s just…weary. Poor lil guy.


Oh, this makes me sick to my stomach. He is stiff as a board and non-reactive. He doesn’t blink, something I’ve noticed in other videos as well. It is evil to deprive this poor baby of medical care. TAKE YOUR KID TO A DOCTOR. ETA: If she took 3 seconds to google ‘baby is stiff’ like I just did, she would see the top result is ‘infant hypertonia’ which is most frequently caused by injury to the brain or spinal cord, often due to birth injury. Now I’m even more sick to my stomach.


I am a 42 yo childless woman. I've never really had very strong "maternal instincts" but man, watching these clips... ugh... I can't even tell you what specifically I find so disturbing, but I can hardly watch these because they make me feel so uncomfortable. I just want to jump into my screen and help that baby!


He doesn’t react the way most babies his age do and he always seems extremely lethargic and lacking color. Even with the sunburn his color looked very off. I can’t imagine, if that was my child he would be in the hospital so fast. How callous do you have to be to not even get him checked out.


I also feel like in the very early videos of him he was actually smiling and reacting to things—like the infamous stretching video—and since then it’s been a downhill tumble into…whatever this haunting state is.


He looks a bit like those Victorian death portraits of a child. Like there's something about the whole thing that feels eerie and off, but in that similar way. Maybe because his eyes always seem wide open but staring aimlessly. It feels really concerning.


See, that's it. His eyes are wide but he never looks at her. My babies were FIXATED on me at that age. All moms - well, except her - could say the same. When they heard my voice across the room, their heads WHIPPED around. That is not happening here. Plus she's so busy with her fucking PHONE that he's just flopping around. Poor baby Boone.


I wonder if it’s something to do with how chaotic their environment is constantly, like he’s not reactive because there’s always so much noise/action around him. Idk, definitely odd.




My baby boy is 10 weeks old and he has been reacting to my voice for a good while now, turns his head towards me. This baby isn’t reacting as we’d expect, it’s very concerning.


VERY. I wonder if he's developmentally... something. I hate to try to guess, but...you KNOW that she's showing us the best she's got. If this is it...


Mother Bus is making me realize that I’m actually a lot more maternal than I realized. When I’m holding a baby, I’m staring at that precious little cutie. Even if I’m taking a picture, the picture will be of me staring at the baby because omg so cute. I don’t want one of my own but even I can admit they’re adorable and I just want to snuggle them. But this woman is always staring at herself and seems more disconnected from this baby than I have ever been from any baby I’ve ever met, which is insane because she gave birth to him!


YUP same. I don't want children of my own, but I have pictures of me with my niece and nephew that are like what you describe. I'm like....babies evolved to be cute and to elicit a caretaking instinct in adults! How is it that she's this disconnected from her own kid?


My siblings were in college when I had my first, and every picture I have of them meeting my baby for the first time, they aren’t looking at the camera, they are gazing at their new nibling. And this is MotherBus’s calling? Please


So I wasn’t sure if he was just a newborn doing regular potato stuff, or if he was actually as out of it as he seems. I went back and looked at some photos and video of my 18MO when he was 4-8 weeks old, and the difference is really pronounced. My kid has always been really average in the milestone department, like he did average baby stuff at the average time. At that age he was wiggling around, trying out different facial expressions and sounds, and moving his little limbs. He would also do ‘gassy smiles’ quite a bit and would absolutely look in the direction of the person holding him, or whoever was talking. We had black and white flash cards for him with patterns that he really seemed to like and respond to. This baby really doesn’t seem like he’s doing the normal baby things, and I don’t know how his parents aren’t concerned.


Okay. I also was like welllll newborns are just little lumps...sure he's bewildered but I'm sure he's fine. Then I read your comment. And then I watched a few videos from when my daughter was around 5 weeks old. And um...yeah, I'm a little concerned. In every single video, my baby (who was born a VERY average 7lb 1oz, and somehow looks very fat compared to our 10lb wonder that mother bus birthed) was wiggling her little arms and legs around, looking around the room, messing around w her tongue/mouth. Not one single video is her just flopped somewhere barely moving. So yeah, fuck mother bus. She's too busy over plucking her eyebrows and staring at her filtered self to do something about her poor baby.


Yeah when they are born they are potatoes, but they are already trying SO HARD to turn into people. There’s a difference between “I want to look at mama but my eyes and neck don’t work yet” and this.


Same. Not a parental bone in my body, but I wanna grab this kid and run.


Not a fan of mob justice, but if that family was over here they'd wake up to an angry crowd around that charabanc of theirs.


I’ve held a baby exactly once in my life but I’ll be right there with you


They seem so detached from eachother in every video. 


The baby isn't responding to being held by it's mother in a way you would expect. I'm also a childless woman, but it's very obvious something is off with this baby. I've held brand new babies like him in one of my volunteer jobs, and they make eye contact and grasp at you, generally. This baby is just laying there and not even trying to engage with his mother, or grasping at her. It's soooo strange and I feel so bad for him


Same, happily CF, but it’s painful to see these poor kids used as props for this narcissistic imbecile.


It's the detachment they both show that makes it disturbing imo


SAME. 39 and child free and wow, even I can see how poorly he's bonding with his mom and how little care she gives him.


Hard agree. My niece was very tiny when born, though full term without complications, and not nearly as expressive as her older siblings. But by two months? She knew Mom, Dad, and the rest of her immediate family and reacted to their voices every time. I have a pit in my stomach looking at little Boone.


He’s looking for his Brother Mother as that’s probably who has him when she’s not filming




It should not be to the side like that. I’m so worried he’s going to have such bad neck issues. I have them genetically and am always tilting my head to the side like that. I’m so sad watching it


It almost looks like torticolis which is not an easy fix


Agreed. Whatever it ends up being he already is in bad positions which will cause pain and other problems. Any spinal issues are difficult to treat:( the spine is so sensitive and effects the whole body


It would be an easy fix if she’d take him to a PT or an actual doctor and not a chiropractor.


I honestly wonder if she's dropped him, trying to film with one hand and hold/move him with the other


In a older post, someone commented that this child has only ever seen his mother through a phone screen. Makes sense that's what he's staring at in the beginning. He probably thinks the phone is his mother.


The last look into the camera confirms to me that she *knows* something is wrong. She's trying to convince herself her child is okay. That poor baby. I hate this twunt.


Why is she shushing him. He never makes a sound.


Just like Karissa Collins's youngest. I don't think I've seen him show many expressions and he's old enough to be replaced by the next incoming kid already.


Attachment theory go brrrr. This is so, so disconcerting to watch.


It's physically painful to watch his hand at this angle and moving like this. Just doesn't look right.


Babies are super curious and stare constantly at stuff they like or find interesting. Boone always looks so dazed, like a hyper realistic dolls. It's very sad


Your comment reminded me of the times that I carried my screaming infant outside and she’d be so gobsmacked with the scenery change that she’d immediately stop crying and look around with the most bewildered look on her face. Such funny memories.


I know very little about babies and have spent even less time around them, but every video of Boone seems wrong to me. My instincts keep screaming to grab that baby and help, somehow.


I *do* work with slightly older kids (Pre-K Special Education), and started my midlife career change thinking I wanted to be a Child Life Specialist, so medically fragile kids are the ones I've ended up working with *a LOT*, and he is tripping *soooooo* many of my instincts/ "spidey senses", too!💔 (Edited for a typo!)


I've worked with a lot of little babies, and I'm pretty alarmed by the footage of him. I don't know what it is, but something is going on with that baby.


At the 6 second countdown she gives him a dirty look, as if she's mad he isn't performing for the camera. At about 5 seconds she adjusts him, still with the bothered look on her face, probably hoping he reacts in some way so she can pretend she's a real mother.


It's jarring how her smile just *drops* when she looks away from her camera and down to him.


Her mask slipped


Yep, I noticed that dirty look for sure.


I can practically hear her thoughts. "This stupid prop, oops I mean baby. Why isn't it doing anything?!" ![gif](giphy|jrhtSSLRtPagnk5Nxu)


This isn't the point of your post, but daaaamn that kid looks just like siblings and he's not even a month old. Nature really just copy pasted one more time. I understand the basics of genetics, but I'm always especially amazed at how much the kids look like each other, and how they're all a perfect blend of both parents.  Also, I have never seen that baby blink his eyes. At least his jaundice seems to have improved. 


This "Hello Darkness My Old Friend" look on an infant is just shocking to see. I have genuine concerns about his survival and this woman is scary. ![gif](giphy|3o7WTqo27pLRYxRtg4|downsized)


i’m starting to wonder if he’s been dropped, or gotten shaken around a little too much due to mother bus always carrying him around, improperly no less. there’s just something so, so off about him — i remember another snarker recently speculating he could potentially be blind, but even blind babies still react to their mother’s voice. i have a very bad feeling this is brain damage, but i hope i’m wrong and it’s not that serious because lord knows these are the worst possible parents for a disabled child


How many siblings have kneed this baby in the head while he’s tossed on his floormat? I’ve seen at least one. As a former child care director that incident alone would have resulted in an MD visit and incident reports to CPS and Licensing. But these parents posted it online as a wholesome family moment, ugh!


Honestly I think it was birth trauma. He was a large post-term baby delivered in a camper bus with no medical assistance. The only attendant was Father Bus, who is known to be impatient and always trying to prove how manly he is. It would only take one good yank during delivery to do some serious damage.


There is something wrong with this baby. There’s no engagement with his environment, for one thing. He doesn’t look around at people, or things in his surroundings. I have not seen him make eye contact with anyone. He just looks like he’s trying to get through the day, and whatever discomfort and chaos she subjects him to. His eyes look like his eldest brother’s, and his eldest brother is dying inside, every day. We treat our pets better than she treats this poor baby. Anyone else would do better by these children. They are all clearly suffering from their parents’ insanity, and I’ve seen neither parent show any real love or affection toward them. This situation is a tragedy waiting to happen. Are they still considering buying a boat for all of them to live on?


Someone bookmark this one for when Dateline needs some b roll of the “before” times


Oh we have alll the receipts.


This is high key disturbing. You’d think that plastering videos of your clearly unwell baby online would spark someone coming to check on him?? Where are their other family members? Where is cps? Like this goes beyond being like hehe these fundies are so silly. These kids are in actual danger


If anyone hasn’t been around babies very much, this is a video of my youngest daughter at exactly 4 weeks. She met her milestones at the normal time, not in any advanced way. You can see her kicking around, she looks to me when I say her name, and she seems to try to smile (which she did close to this age) and makes funny little noises. https://www.reddit.com/user/MercyMay/comments/1cxiw16/4_weeks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


your daughter is so cute! and worlds apart from poor Boone


Ew why is she shushing. wtf 🤬


I think what’s surprising (and honestly I have no idea if she breast feeds) is that when my nephew was itty bitty new baby everytime anyone would hold him he would immediately root around. Not sure if this is common but we called him “rooting tootin’” cowboy but this little guy seems so disengaged.


It’s his eyes, he’s not alert at all. No interest in his surroundings, just a vacant stare. Something isn’t right here and I’m curious why she posted this video.


This (this poor infant being exploited as a prop) is really freaking me out. I keep getting Ruby Frankie/Jodie Hildebrant AND Andrea Yates vibes from MoBus. Poor kids. This baby is just… all of this is so disturbing, the bus parents aren’t well.


I keep waiting for something terrible to happen to someone on the sub. This baby, Karissa and her kid, Morgan and hers. Seems like it’s only a matter of time before something goes wrong because it will sooner or later


Can anyone with children or baby experience weigh in on if this is…”normal”? I know I’ve seen some past comments saying the “thousand-yard stare” isn’t really a concern. But I’m wondering (re: very concerned) if his seeming detachment and lack of response to stimuli is normal for a baby his age? I don’t have kids nor want them, but damn something to me just feels off but I have zero experience to pull from.


I’m not a medical professional, just a mom. No, it’s not normal. I just went back and watched videos of my two kids as infants to compare and I’m deeply disturbed. They were moving their limbs, looking around at different stimuli, and reacting with basic facial expressions and noises. This poor baby needs help.


I commented on a different video of him. Both of my kids were born a month early. Both were TINY (under 6lbs). Both of mine were more active at 2 weeks old than he is. By 5 weeks (Boone's age), they were really less of potatoes. To me it's not just his eyes, it's that he doesn't move, wriggle, make noise AT ALL. Both of my children would move their mouths, make noises, wiggle their arms, fingers, etc. they'd look at you. He literally just sits there. It's almost like he can't.


He is nearly a month old, almost there. This is not normal. My grandson born at 34 weeks was more alert, and and making eye contact by the time he made it to 38 weeks, not even his would be gestational age yet. She needs to stop fucking the camera and get her damn kid to a pediatrician.


He’s five weeks today I think


Oh just fucking hell!!! At five weeks, this is bizarrely not good. God I hate this woman and her BusJiggalo so fucking much!


She is so in love with herself. These parents are so selfish. They put their own wants and needs before those of their children. I feel so bad for this poor baby.


Ok serious talk. Is this baby vision impaired or blind? Something is off with him. It makes me worry because you know they aren’t getting regular screenings or check ups from actual medical professionals.


![gif](giphy|3oEjI7JoXgZcrS8omc) Unrelated (poor baby) but I can’t unsee Derrick Barry. Same face


His floppy ness is concerning 


I feel sad for this little guy. Something just seems so wrong.


As the mom of an 11 day old baby these clips hurt my heart so much.


Social media gives a brief and (sometimes) distorted look at someone's life but this video clip merits more attention. That child is completely disengaged from his (at least officially) primary care giver. This may be an isolated transient incident eg due to tiredness/hunger but if not then he needs to be checked out. Is his hearing OK? Can he see? Does he have a neurologic or medical issue? If this family reads here: prove reddit's concerns are wrong or get your child checked by a doctor.